Fibers crossing the white/gray matter boundary: a semi-global, histology-informed dMRI model
Michiel Cottaar1, Matteo Bastiani1, Charles Chen2, Krikor Dikranian2, David C. Van Essen2, Timothy E. Behrens1, Stamatios N. Sotiropoulos1, and Saad Jbabdi1

1FMRIB, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO, United States


Close to the cortical white/gray matter boundary surface fiber orientations sharply transition from being nearly tangential to the surface in the white matter to mostly radial in the gray matter. We propose a geometric model that describes this transition at sub-voxel resolution based on high-resolution histology data and fit this model to lower resolution diffusion MRI data. We assess its performance using qualitative comparisons with histology and test the reproducibility of the estimated parameters across multiple diffusion MRI resolutions. This model allows the in-vivo estimation of fiber orientations across the white/gray matter boundary, which may improve tracking to the cortex.


When exploring long-range cortical connectivities using tractography, streamlines are biased to terminate in the gyral crowns rather than walls or sulci1,2. This is partly due to the often sharp curves fibers make when crossing the white/gray matter (WM/GM) boundary1,3, which is unresolved at typical diffusion MRI (dMRI) resolutions. We propose a geometric model of the fiber orientations across the WM/GM boundary based on histology data, which is able to describe this sharp curvature and show that we can estimate the model parameters from lower resolution dMRI data.


To model the transition in fiber orientations from WM to cortical GM, we define a radial orientation in every voxel by linearly interpolating the surface normals between the gyral walls (in the WM) and between the WM/GM boundary and pial surface (in the cortex). The gyral walls were identified as the vertices closest in Euclidean space, where the connecting line passes through the center of the voxel (Figure 1).

We model the angle $$$\theta$$$ between the radial orientation and the fiber orientation to smoothly transition across the WM/GM boundary using a sigmoid function:

$$\theta(d) = \pi / 2 - \frac{\pi / 2}{1 - \exp([d - o] / w)}, \tag{1}$$

where $$$d$$$ is the signed distance from the WM/GM boundary (taken as negative within the white matter), $$$o$$$ is the offset of the transition from the WM/GM matter boundary and $$$w$$$ is the width of the transition band. Figure 2 illustrates the tangential-to-radial transition of equation 1 in 2D. To define the fiber orientation in 3D we add a free parameter $$$\phi$$$, which determines the fiber orientation within the tangential plane.

We model the attenuation of the dMRI signal continuously at every point in space as a multi-tensor model with one isotropic and one or more anisotropic tensors. Each anisotropic tensor can have a different tangential orientation $$$\phi$$$, but the deviation from the tangential plane is determined by its distance from the transition band (Eq. 1). This continuous attenuation function is convolved with a Gaussian point spread function to obtain the discrete voxelwise attenuation.

We parcellate the cortical surface into random patches using k-means and the model variables are simultaneously fitted to all voxels corresponding to a single surface patch (in both the cortex and the superficial white matter). Therefore, given a set of dMRI measurements and a WM/GM boundary surface, we can for every surface patch estimate features of the transition band (w and o) and therefore the orientations within this band (Eq.1).

To assess the model's ability to resolve sub-voxel features of the WM/GM transition, we use in-vivo dMRI data acquired with HCP-like5 acquisition parameters of a human subject at three different resolutions (1.35, 2, and 2.5 mm). The dMRI data were pre-processed and the WM/GM boundary was extracted using the HCP pipeline6.


The fibers approximate a radial orientation to the WM/GM boundary throughout the cortex and a tangential orientation in the superficial white matter for both high-resolution 2D histology data (Figure 3)7 and lower resolution 3D dMRI data (Figure 4). Because radial orientations are defined relative to the gyral walls and not to the nearest surface element, this holds true even for voxels close to the gyral crown. Thus, our assumption in equation 1 of tangential orientations in the white matter and radial orientations in the cortex is well founded.

The model fitted to the dMRI data shows that consistently across all three spatial resolutions for the gyral walls and crowns the transition from tangential orientations starts at the WM/GM boundary (Figure 5a) and only become fully radial about 1.5 mm into the cortex (Figure 5b). This is in rough agreement with the histology data (i.e. Figures 2, 3), where the fibers remain tangential until the edge of the heavily myelinated region (white line in Figure 3) and then smoothly transition to radial orientations in the lower cortical layers. Figure 5c, d shows high reproducibility of the estimated parameters across different resolutions for the gyral walls and crowns, despite the sub-voxel width of the transition band and the small patch sizes used in the fit (covering only 0.15% of the surface). This reproducibility suggests that the transition band estimates capture the sub-voxel orientation patterns instead of being driven by voxel size.


We have proposed a geometric model to represent the transition of fiber orientations across the WM/GM boundary. This model is able to consistently reproduce the transition location and width from dMRI data acquired at different spatial resolutions and shows qualitative agreement with the high-resolution fiber orientations estimated from histology.


We would like to acknowledge funding from the UK Wellcome Trust (098369/Z/12/Z), EPSRC (EP/L023067/1), and the NIH (R01 MH 60974).


1. Van Essen et al, “Mapping Connections in Humans and Non-Human Primates: Aspirations and Challenges for Diffusion Imaging”, Diffusion MRI (2nd Edition), Elsevier, 337, 2013

2. Reveley et al, “Superficial white matter fiber systems impede detection of long-range cortical connections in diffusion MR tractography”, PNAS, 112, 2820, 2015

3. Jbabdi & Johansen-Berg, “Tractography: where do we go from here?”, Brain Connectivity, 1, 169, 2011

4. Budde & Frank, “Examining brain microstructure using structure tensor analysis of histological sections.”, Neuroimage, 63, 1-10, 2012

5. Sotiropoulos et al., “Advances in diffusion MRI acquisition and processing in the Human Connectome Project.”, Neuroimage, 80, 125, 2013

6. Glasser et al., “The minimal preprocessing pipelines for the Human Connectome Project.”, Neuroimage, 80, 105, 2013

7. Cottaar et al., “A generative model of white matter axonal orientations near the cortex”, ISMRM, 212, 2015


Figure 1 For every point (examples in cyan) the shortest line (black), which connects the WM/GM boundary with itself or with the pial surface, is identified. The surface normal is linearly interpolated along this line to estimate the radial orientation (red) with perpendicular to that the tangential orientation (green).

Figure 2: Streamlines illustrating the fiber orientations estimated from structural tensor analysis4 of a myelin-stained image (left, data as in [7]) and the best-fit fiber orientations from equation 1 (right). The transition from tangential to radial occurs at the black line with the transition width given by the dashed lines.

Figure 3: In-plane fiber orientations from a structural tensor analysis4 of a myelin-stained image as in Figure 2. The fiber orientations have been color-coded based on the color wheel in the upper right (a) or based on whether they are radial or tangential relative to the local gyral walls (b).

Figure 4: a) primary DTI orientation for the 1.35 mm resolution dMRI data with the traditional RGB color-coding (left) and the inner product between the observed and the radial orientations (right). b) Heat map of this inner product versus the signed distance from the WM/GM boundary (negative in white matter).

Figure 5: Top: Histograms of the signed distance from the WM/GM boundary where fibers start deviating from tangential plane (a) and where they become radial (b). Bottom: Agreement in the location (c) and width (d) of the transition band estimated from dMRI data acquired at 1.35 and 2 mm resolution

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)