We show benefits of image quality transfer to
tractography. Diffusion MRI super-resolution through image quality transfer enables
recovery of thin tracts in a dataset with low spatial resolution (2.5mm
isotropic). Specifically, we reconstruct four pathways arising from the motor
area that have been distinguished before when using high (1.25mm) resolution
HCP data. Quantitative results confirm that image quality transfer enhances
tractography more than standard interpolation. The results highlight the major
potential of image quality transfer in learning information from bespoke high
quality data sets to enhance the specificity of information derived from more
modest but readily available data.Introduction
The image-quality transfer framework [1,2] transfers
information from high quality to lower quality data sets. Preliminary work
demonstrates its utility in two separate tasks.
The first is super-resolution of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), where [1,2] show major
improvements over interpolation in predicting high-resolution images. The
second is parameter mapping, where IQT predicts NODDI maps, which require multiple
b-value shells, from DTIs fitted to single-shell data.
Here we demonstrate the benefits of IQT within
the downstream application of tractography. We show that, through IQT, we can
recover thin, nearby tracts from a data set acquired at relatively low (2.5mm
isotropic) spatial resolution. Specifically, we focus on projections arising
from the hand motor area in the cortex [3], that have been distinguished before
using high resolution data from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) [4] (see
figure 4 of [4],
which shows that FSL tractography [5] can separate four pathways at 1.25mm resolution more readily than
with 1.5mm or 2mm). We also show
quantitatively that tractography on IQT super-resolved data via random-forest
regression matches “ground truth” (tractography run at full resolution) better
than global-linear IQT or interpolated data.
IQT super-resolution uses patch-regression to
learn a mapping from patches, e.g. a 5x5x5 voxel neighbourhood, in low
resolution images to the high-resolution patch, e.g. 2x2x2 neighbourhood,
corresponding to the central voxel of the low-resolution patch (figure 1). The original work
uses random-forest [6]
regression of matched patch-pairs from downsampled high-resolution images.
Previous work [1,2] operates on patches of diffusion
tensors, estimated from single b-value data. Here, to represent multi-shell
data, we fit the Mean Apparent Propagator (MAP)-MRI [7] basis up to fourth order in each voxel
and learn a mapping from high-resolution to low-resolution patches of MAP
We use 8 diffusion MRI data sets from the HCP
to train an IQT random-forest model. The specialist HCP scanner and imaging
protocols provide data of uniquely high quality with 1.25mm isotropic
resolution and 270 diffusion weighted images (DWIs) in three b-shells (1000,
2000, and 3000 s/mm2) of 90 directions [4]. Input patches are 5x5x5
neighbourhoods of voxels downsampled by block averaging to 2.5mm resolution.
Output patches are 2x2x2 neighbourhoods at 1.25mm resolution. Thus IQT learns a
mapping that doubles the resolution in each dimension. The random forest
contains 8 trees, each trained on ~750K patch pairs randomly sampled from the
training images.
For testing, the input to IQT is a low-resolution
3D image of 22 MAP coefficients; the output is a high-resolution image of the
same coefficients. Those coefficients predict the set of DWIs, which we input
to the multi-fibre multi-shell probabilistic tractography algorithm in [5,8]. For comparison, we also generate
high-resolution data sets by interpolation of each low-resolution DWI.
First, we test how well the learned IQT mapping
works for 8 test subjects of the same HCP population (distinct from the
training set). We seed tractography in the hand area of the motor cortex to
obtain streamline probability maps at full 1.25mm resolution. For comparison, we
downsample the original data to 2.5mm resolution and repeat the tractography on
super-resolved 1.25mm data sets generated from IQT. Second, we assess the
learned IQT mapping for datasets acquired on a different clinical scanner. We acquire
two datasets from a Siemens Prisma 3T scanner, with 1.35mm and 2.5mm resolution
and b-values and gradient directions matching the HCP protocol. We use IQT to super-resolve
the 2.5mm data to 1.25mm and compare tractography on the original 2.5mm, 1.35mm,
and IQT super-resolved 1.25mm data sets.
Figure 2 demonstrates that super-resolution via IQT with
random-forest regression enables tractography to identify four separate
pathways from the hand area to the thalamus, brainstem, spinal cord and
putamen, whereas standard interpolation does not. Quantitative results (figure
3) show that the random-forest IQT leads to tractography results that best
match those from full-resolution data consistently over 8 test subjects.
Figure 4 shows recovery of the four pathways in the
Prisma data after IQT super-resolution to 1.25mm. These pathways are not all present
in the raw 2.5mm data. The tractography maps from the IQT data set closely match
those from the original 1.35mm data.
We show how to use IQT for super-resolution
of diffusion MRI data sets that enable multi-shell, multi-fibre tractography.
The method extends previous work by using the higher-order MAP signal-representation
in place of the diffusion tensor model. Results show that IQT super-resolution benefits
tractography more than standard interpolation. This demonstrates the potential
for IQT to provide for standard data sets the specificity of tractography
previously only available from highly specialized data.
Microsoft Research and EPSRC grants E007748,
I027084, L022680, L023067 and M020533 supported this work. Data were provided
[in part] by the
Human Connectome
Project, WU-Minn Consortium (Principal Investigators: David Van Essen and Kamil
Ugurbil; 1U54MH091657) funded by the 16 NIH Institutes and Centers that support
the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research; and by the McDonnell Center for
Systems Neuroscience at Washington University.[1]
Full HCP
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