Elise Vinckenbosch1, Mor Mishkovsky1, Arnaud Comment2, and Rolf Gruetter1,3
1Laboratory of functional and metabolic imaging, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Institute of Physics of Biological Systems, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Department of Radiology, University of Lausanne and Geneva, Lausanne, Switzerland
Hyperpolarized [1-13C] acetate enables for in vivo detection
of 2-oxoglutarate, a tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediate, in intact
brain at high field. The aim of this study is to examine saturation substrate
dose conditions and to compare it with a partially inhibited TCA cycle model. We conclude that
2-oxoglutarate production rate can be calculated as a function of varying
substrate concentrations and is affected as well as the cerebral acetate kinetics by TCA cycle activity modulations.PURPOSE:
It has been demonstrated 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) a
cerebral TCA cycle intermediate can be observed using hyperpolarized
labelled acetate (Ace) [1]. This observation provided a more direct analysis of
glial TCA cycle activity than thermally polarized experiments reporting
oxidative pathway activity trough glutamate measurements. The aim of this study
is to examine saturation substrate dose conditions, calculate the production rate
of 2OG from plasma acetate and measure it in a partially inhibited TCA cycle
Beads of 3M [1-
13C]Ace dissolved in H
and glycerol with 58mM TEMPOL radical were
hyperpolarized using a custom-designed DNP polarizer operating at 7 T/1±0.05 K for
180 min [2]. Following solid-state polarization, samples were rapidly dissolved
in 5-6 ml of super-heated D
2O (170°C). A variable substrate volume was injected into the femoral vein of male
Sprague-Dawley rats (n=14, 250-275g, fasted 12h) 3 s after dissolution using an
automated protocol [3], leading to several blood Ace concentrations. Animals
were anesthetized using a gas containing 1.5% isoflurane and their physiology
was monitored. Light TCA cycle inhibition was induced in 4 additional rats by
administrating one hour before dissolution, by the aconitase inhibitor
fluoroacete (9µg/kg, i.v) [4]. MR measurements were carried out on a 9.4 T/ 31
cm actively shielded animal scanner (Varian/Magnex) using a home-built single
1H quadrature surface coils. Field inhomogeneity
was corrected using the FASTMAP protocol. Neurochemical profile was tracked before
and after Ace injection, using SPECIAL [5] sequence (TR/TE = 4000/2.8ms in
20 blocks of 16 scans).
13C MRS spectra were
acquired every 1.5 s using the SIRENE scheme [6] starting 5 s after the
beginning of the [1-
13C]Ace injection. Ace concentrations were confirmed
by high resolution NMR.
After Ace injection, no
significant changes were observed in the physiology and the neurochemical
profile. For
all substrate concentrations, hyperpolarized [1-13C]Ace (182.2ppm)
and [5-13C]2-OG (182.05ppm) were detected. (Fig1) The conversion rate (KOG) between Ace and 2OG were
calculated as following KOG=1T1,OG∫AUCOG∫AUCAce [7] and were found dependent on
the substrate dose. (Fig2) We estimate 2OG
production rate (vOG) from Ace plasma by multiplying KOG
by the dose. We observed an asymptotic behavior at high doses supporting the
assignment to a saturation state. (Fig3) When partially inhibition TCA cycle, a
reduction in the production rate of 2OG of a quarter was observed for Ace dose of
8.3±1.8mM. (Fig4) Time course of Ace
and OG in both intact and inhibited TCA cycle shown a delay of 1.5s between
their maximum signals. Ace and OG maximum signals were delayed of 4.5 seconds
compare to wild animal group (Fig5).
The different kinetics of
the resonance observed at 182.05 ppm as compared to Ace and its dependence on substrate
concentration supports its assignment to the downstream metabolite 2OG. Short
delay between maximal signal of Ace and 2OG reports
a fast turnover of 2OG
13C enrichment explained by its small pool
size. Below 4mM, conversion rate distribution is scattered.
In contrast, K
OG values followed closely the decay trend for higher
substrate doses reporting a probable saturation of the system. It may result
from the normalization by Ace and its cerebral accumulation. We conclude then to
a saturation state for plasma concentrations upper to 4mM that is consistent with v
OG asymptotic
behavior and coherent with
previous studies [8]. v
OG reduction due to oxidative pathway impair
matches with percentage of inhibition that we expected [9]. Because of unknown
cerebral Ace concentration, production rate of 2OG is calculated directly from
plasma Ace and englobes acetate transport rate, its consumption metabolic rate
Ace) and TCA cycle activity. Therefore, v
sensitivity to a general reduction of oxidative pathway activity reflects
cerebral TCA activity but also cardiac inhibition changing the maximal signals
timing and the potential Ace flow of signal in and out of the volume of
interest. Fitting metabolites kinetics to a more detailed mathematical model
and measuring the arterial input functions could help to dissociate both
We conclude
that 2-oxoglutarate production rate can be calculated as a function of varying
substrate concentrations and is affected by TCA cycle activity modulations.
Thank you to Hikari Yoshihara, Emine Can, Masoumeh Dehgahani and Cristina Cudalbu
Support by Centre d’Imagerie Biomédicale (CIBM) of UNIL, UNIGE, HUG, CHUV,
EPFL, the Leenaards and Louis-Jeantet Foundations.
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2014, ISMRM 2958