Amide proton signals as pH indicator for in vivo MRS and MRI of the brain – Responses to hypercapnia and hypothermia
Takashi Watanabe1, Jens Frahm1, and Thomas Michaelis1

1Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH, Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie, Göttingen, Germany


Using proton MRS/MRI of mouse brain at 9.4 T, this work provides the first in vivo evidence of concurrent pH-dependent changes of amide signals and related metabolic responses to hypercapnia and hypothermia. During hypercapnia, amide MRS signals of glutamine and of unspecific compounds increase by ≥50% at 37°C and 22°C. They are strongly correlated with intracellular pH determined from a shift in creatine phosphokinase equilibrium. In MRI, saturation transfer to water protons alters signal intensities in dependence on pH and temperature. Irradiation of aliphatic compounds at -3.5 ppm frequency offset from water predominantly saturates lipids and water associated with myelin.


To examine whether common MRS techniques at 9.4 T yield a significant increase of amide signals, i.e. reduced amide-water proton exchange, in response to hypercapnia and hypothermia.


Eleven mice were studied under isoflurane anaesthesia. After adjusting the rectal temperature at 37±1ºC, 27±1ºC, or 22±1ºC, the respective chemical shifts of the NAA amide signal at 7.83-7.84, 7.91-7.92, and 7.95-7.96 ppm confirmed the brain temperature to be within the target range. MRS (STEAM, TR/TE/TM = 6000/10/10 ms) with CHESS (90°-90°-180°, 350 Hz bandwidth) was performed. A (40 mm)3/(20 mm)3 VOI was centered on the forebrain/striatum, respectively. Metabolite concentrations were quantified by LCModel. Amide signal intensities of different compounds were normalized to those of NAA. Intracellular pH was estimated from the creatine phosphokinase equilibrium [H+] = ([ATP]×[Cr]×K´) / ([ADP]×[PCr]). [ATP]/[ADP] is calculated to 11.47 with K´ = 7.09×10-9 at 37°C. For Ssat/S0 and MTRasym measurements [1], an off-resonance pulse (12 ms, 180°) was incorporated into 3D-FLASH (TR/TE=24/4.5 ms, α 5°, 250×250×500 µm3).


Addition of 15% CO2 to the inspiratory gas significantly lowered lactate and glutamate (Fig. 1a) and increased the amide signal intensity of glutamine HZ [2,3] (relative to NAA amide) and of unspecific origin [1,4] (-NHX). Their intensities are strongly correlated with each other (Fig. 1b). At 22°C, the signals of urea, HZ, NAA amide, and -NHX increased and a further amide signal of glutamine (HE: 7.6 ppm) was identified. CO2 increased the intensities of HZ, HE, and -NHX, whereas interruption reduced these values (Fig. 1c). The intensities of HZ and -NHX as well as of HE and -NHX are strongly correlated with each other (Fig. 1d). CO2 increased creatine and decreased phosphocreatine (Fig. 2a, b). pH decreased from 7.13±0.06 to 6.75±0.10. Interruption of CO2 decreased creatine and increased phosphocreatine, while pH increased to 7.06±0.06. Glucose, lactate and glutamate concentrations changed significantly (Fig. 2c). The intensities of HZ, HE, and -NHX were significantly correlated with pH (Figs. 3a, b). Figure 4a shows that CO2 slightly altered Ssat/S0. MTRasym (Fig. 4b) decreased by 0.014±0.007 (2-5 ppm). Figures 4c,d show that a 10ºC reduction lowered the off-resonance saturation. The MTR decreased between 1-5 ppm by 0.032±0.02 and between -1 and -5 ppm by 0.030±0.01. MTRasym (Fig. 4e) shows a slight drop. In other words, the increase of MTR with temperature can be ascribed to increased proton exchange and smaller proton relaxation rates R1. Figures 4a,b,c,e also show that Ssat/S0 is constantly higher in the aromatic range, i.e., MTRasym is negative. This indicates that non-water protons in the brain in vivo are largely those of aliphatic compounds between -3.9 and -0.1 ppm, e.g., methyl (CH3-) and methylene bridge (-CH2-) protons. Accordingly, irradiation at -3.5 ppm saturates the water signal of the myelinated structures, rich in lipids and proteolipids, more than at +3.5 ppm (Fig. 5). MTR in the corpus callosum is 0.44±0.01 for -3.5 ppm and 0.26±0.04 for +3.5 ppm. The -3.5 ppm irradiation results in a significant white/gray matter contrast yielding MTR = 0.27±0.05 in the cerebral cortex, whereas the +3.5 ppm irradiation of aromatic/amide protons provides only a weak difference in the cerebral cortex with MTR =0.24±0.05. This observation is in agreement with the fact that neither the nucleic acid nor the protein content is significantly different between white and gray matter.


This study confirms earlier observations of 8.3 ppm signals [4] and CEST-MRI [1] and further demonstrates that the 8.3 ppm signal intensities strongly correlate with both glutamine amide signals as well as with pH. The amide-water proton exchange in brain in vivo is best observable by MRS because (1) a number of short-T2 protons around 6.8-8.3 ppm do not interfere with these resonances and (2) water protons can much more effectively be saturated than amide protons. This work also shows (3) the influence of temperature on the in vivo brain MRS signals of exchangeable protons as well as on Ssat/S0 and MTRasym and (4) that irradiation at -3.5 ppm (H2O) provides a much better white/gray matter contrast than at +3.5 ppm (H2O), which may be exploited for MRI studies of myelinated tissue. Given that CEST-MRI finds increasing applications and that the amide signal changes can be observed by commonly available MRS sequences, it is foreseeable that MRS of amide-water proton exchange as well as CEST-MRI will lead to new research applications of preclinical and clinical interest.


This work identifies the effects of reduced pH and temperature on saturation transfer in MRS/MRI of mouse brain in vivo. Significant increases of amide signals, i.e. reduced amide-water proton exchanges, were observed.


No acknowledgement found.


[1] Zhou J, van Zijl PCM. Chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging and spectroscopy. Prog Nucl Magn Res Spectrosc. 2006;48:109-136.

[2] Kanamori K, Ross BD. Glial alkalinization detected in vivo by 1H-15N heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence-transfer NMR in severely hyperammonemic rat. J Neurochem. 1997;68:1209-1220.

[3] Vermathen P, Capizzano AA, Maudsley AA. Administration and 1H MRS detection of histidine in human brain: application to in vivo pH measurement. Magn Reson Med. 2000;43:665-675.

[4] Mori S, Eleff SM, Pilatus U, et al. Proton NMR spectroscopy of solvent-saturable resonances: A new approach to study pH effects in situ. Magn Reson Med. 1998;40:36-42.


Figure 1 (a) MRS before, during, and/or after hypercapnia at 37°C or 22°C averaged across 5 animals (for abbreviations see [2,3]) . (b) Signal intensities of HZ from 5 animals before/during hypercapnia plotted versus those of -NHX. (c) Signal intensities before/during/after hypercapnia (mean±SD, n=5). (d) Correlation between the signal intensities.

Figure 2 Metabolite concentrations in the striatum. (a) (22°C, Pre) MRS before, (22°C, CO2↑) during, or (22°C, Post) after hypercapnia. (b) Phosphocreatine and creatine concentrations as well as their ratio plotted versus time (mean±SD, n=5). (c) Glutamate, glutamine, glucose, and lactate concentrations plotted versus time (mean±SD, n=5).

Figure 3 Correlations between MRS amide proton signal intensities and pH. (a) Signal intensities of HZ, HE, and (b) -NHX amide protons taken from 5 animals before and during hypercapnia at 22°C plotted versus brain pH estimated from the ratio of the concentrations of phosphocreatine/creatine.

Figure 4 (a) (Ssat/S0 Pre) before and (Ssat/S0 CO2↑) during hypercapnia and (∆Ssat/S0) their differences (mean±SD, n=5). (b) (Pre) MTRasym before and (CO2↑) during hypercapnia. (c) Ssat/S0 at 37°C or 27°C and (∆) their differences, (d) P values of paired t-test for the differences. (e) MTRasym at 37°C or 27°C.

Figure 5 MTR maps showing (-3.5 ppm (H2O)) aliphatic and (+3.5 ppm (H2O)) aromatic/amide compounds. 3D FLASH (TR/TE = 30/7.6 ms, α 5°, off-resonance pulse 180°/12 ms, 1202×600 µm3) in mid-sagittal sections. White arrows = the fornix, anterior commissure, corpus callosum and cerebellar white matter (from left to right).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)