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Prospective Motion Correction With NMR Markers Using Only Native Sequence Elements
Alexander Aranovitch1, Maximilian Haeberlin1, Simon Gross1, Thomas Schmid1, and Klaas Paul Pruessmann1

1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland


A field-detection based method for prospective motion correction is proposed which uses the sequence itself for localizing NMR field probes. No additional gradients or increase of the sequence duration are required to apply this method to various MR sequences, such as clinically relevant spin-warp sequences. The proposed method collects high-frequency information present due to gradient switching from multiple short, temporally separated snippets within one TR. A precision on the order of 10µm and 0.01° (RMS) for translational and rotational degrees of freedom is obtained. The method is demonstrated in-vivo with high-resolution T2*-weighted gradient echo scans.


Prospective motion correction (PMC) is an effective method to correct for head motion in MRI1. PMC performs real-time updates of the sequence geometry in accordance with tracking data of the head. Several methods exist to track head motion2-5. In [3] a dedicated gradient sequence was used to track NMR markers. Another type of NMR markers was tracked by superimposing gradient tones5. These two methods come at the expense of either scan-time prolongation or alteration of the sequence. For the special case of EPI sequences with moderate spatial resolution, NMR field probes6 were used to implement PMC without sequence alteration7, relying on intrinsic high-frequency content within the gradient waveforms. However, the large class of higher-resolved and clinically relevant standard spin-warp sequences cannot be treated by that approach due to probe dephasing, caused by large gradient moments.

In this work we propose a novel strategy for addressing this issue. To achieve this, sufficiently diverse gradient time-courses measured by the probe are needed for spatial encoding. The problem of probe dephasing due to large gradient moments needs to be solved and probe relaxation prior to re-excitation has to be considered. Moreover, low frequency content of the gradient waveforms is unreliable for probe tracking4 and should be avoided. The proposed method employs short-lived NMR field probes, which can be re-excited quickly. This provides a means to acquire several short within-TR snippets. These snippets are chosen such that their combination delivers three linearly independent gradient time-courses. As a result, the probe position can be inferred. Fig.1 exemplifies such snippets. A sequence contains high frequencies due to gradient switching, which is mathematically a ramp-function. Hence, a robust position determination is possible. The proposed method is demonstrated in-vivo with high-resolution T2*-weighted gradient echo scans.


Four snippets were chosen as depicted in Fig.1. The snippets are concatenated and the resulting phase-signal time-course is denoted by ϕ(t). The Fourier transform of its temporal derivative at frequency f reads FT[˙ϕ(t)]f=γ(g0,f+xgx,f+ygy,f+zgz,f), where the g[x,y,z],f denote the Fourier coefficients of the respective gradient signals at frequency f. g0,f reflects coupling to the B0-field. To determine the gi,f, a calibration was performed by rigidly placing four probes inside the scanner at known positions4. Calibration coefficients were obtained for every phase-step of the spin-warp sequence. To compute {x,y,z}, the calibration is required for at least three frequencies. Seven frequencies were chosen in the range of 300-700Hz and 1700-3000Hz. Precision was identified with the RMSE of reconstructed probe positions in a static experiment. By per-TR computing of probe positions, rigid-body transformation estimates were obtained and sent to the scanner.

All scans were performed on a 7T Philips Achieva system (Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH) with a 32-channel receive array (Nova Medical, Wilmington, MA). Four 19F NMR field probes (diameter=1.3mm, T1=1.5ms) were used, run with a dedicated acquisition system8. For in-vivo PMC they were attached to the head using a setup as shown in Fig.2. With a T2*-weighted gradient echo sequence (parameters: voxel-size =0.5x0.5x2mm³, TR/TE=340/26ms, flip-angle=30°, 8 slices, duration=2:17min) the following scans were performed: a fixed spherical phantom (Agar/NiCl2) with attached probes was scanned with and without PMC to verify identical image quality. In-vivo, for scans without deliberate motion of the subject and with instructed head motion PMC was turned on and off respectively. To further assess the method’s ability to address subtle involuntary motion, a longer T2*-weighted higher-resolution scan was additionally performed with and without PMC (sequence parameters: voxel-size=0.3x0.3x2mm³, TR/TE=720/25ms, flip-angle=45°, 15 slices, duration=9:14min).


The precision with respect to translational and rotational degrees of freedom was assessed to be 10-25µm and 0.008-0.014° (RMS), respectively. This is sufficient to apply PMC to the targeted sequences. Fig.3 shows images of the phantom. The detailed structure of the air-bubbles is reproduced with high fidelity in the corrected scan. Fig.4 displays the motion parameters for the case of instructed motion. In-vivo images are presented in Fig.5. Strong motion artifacts are visible in Fig.5b/c in the uncorrected case, that do not occur in the corrected one. The higher-resolution case in Fig.5d also demonstrates the improved image quality with PMC.

Discussion and Conclusion

Without the need to increase sequence duration or adding gradients, a field-detection based motion correction has successfully been implemented on high-resolution spin-warp sequences. A caveat is that sequences may have short time periods when there is neither phase encoding nor phase spoiling, e.g. at ky=0. To avoid temporary loss of information along the corresponding coordinate, the spoiler gradient can be off-set. This was done in this work and is applicable unless gradient moments have to be fully balanced (e.g. balanced-SSFP).


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[1] Maclaren et al, MRM 69(3):621-36 (2013) [2] Zaitsev et al, Neuroimage 31:1038–1050 (2006) [3] Ooi et al, MRM 62: 943–954 (2009) [4] Haeberlin et al, MRM 74: 647–660 (2015) [5] van der Kouwe et al, MRM 56: 1019–1032 (2006) [6] De Zanche et al, MRM 60: 176–186 (2008) [7] Haeberlin et al, Procs. ISMRM 2014, #0883 [8] Dietrich et al, MRM, DOI:10.1002/mrm.25770 (2015)


Fig.1: The schematic of a spin-warp sequence is shown. NMR field probes acquire the snippets during the orange-shaded areas. Concatenating the marked snippets yields three linearly independent gradient wave forms. Each snippet was acquired over a period of 1.3 ms.

Fig.2: The head-setup used for attaching NMR field probes to the head. It consists of a 3D printed plastic frame that holds the probes.

Fig.3: Images of the spherical phantom are shown. The close-up view clearly shows the detailed texture of the air bubbles which is reproduced with very high fidelity in the corrected case.

Fig.4: This figure displays the rigid-body motion parameters for the case of instructed motion. The subject turned the head to the side and back. The movement was reproduced well and was slightly more intense in the corrected case.

Fig.5: a) Image quality is maintained in the corrected case. b/c) Subject movement has strongly corrupted the resulting image. The close-up view demonstrates the improved image quality in the corrected image. d) Involuntary motion over a longer time interval causes image artifacts, that do not occur in the corrected case.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)