We developed a nonlinear encoding method with
multiple RF coils based on the Bloch-Siegert shift. Simulated reconstructions
showed that higher B1 fields and lower off-resonance frequency shift improves
reconstruction quality. This approach is potentially promising as a replacement
for conventional gradient encoding providing excellent spatial encoding with
essentially silent imaging.Purpose
Gradient-free spatial encoding is attractive for
completely silent scanning, simplified MR system design, reduced heat
generation and power consumption, and elimination of interference induced by
eddy currents. A number of studies have focused on spatial encoding using radio
frequency (RF) coils instead of gradient coils (
e.g. rotating framing imaging
etc). Recently, a novel RF
encoding method based on Bloch-Siegert shift was developed by Kartasch
et al3.
They demonstrated the feasibility of 1D linear encoding with a specially designed
1 field. In this study we show that with various independent B
1 fields from
multiple RF coils, the spaces can be encoded nonlinearly and images can be
reconstructed with such nonlinear encoding.
Bloch-Siegert shift can be described as follows: for a spin at location r,
when an RF pulse is applied with a frequency shift ωRF from the
Larmor frequency, the spin’s precession frequency in the rotating frame is ωBS=(γB1)22ωRF, if ωRF>>γB14. Because the RF transmit field B1(r) varies spatially, the precession
frequency changes accordingly, which is used for spatial encoding. Due to the
inherent nonlinearity of the B1 field, this approach is well suited to
nonlinear encoding strategies (similar to O-space5, Null space6, single echo7, and PatLoc8 imaging) combined with parallel imaging
methods9 and iterative arithmetic reconstruction
technique (ART)10 to accelerate image acquisition.
measured signal is the sum of all spins modulated by encoding phasors: S(t)=∫m(r)e−j∫ωBS(r)dtdV, where m(r)
is the spin density (image contrast) at location r (all the relaxation terms are neglected). In a matrix form: S=E⋅I, S is a vector of all the signals in time
series and E is the encoding matrix. I is a vector of spin density in the
imaging space6, which can be solved to obtain the image.
A single
RF coil cannot provide sufficient information to distinguish voxels at iso-B1
regions. Therefore, multiple transmit channels are used to increase the
encoding variations. Specifically, the B1 field at location r is the linear combination of
contributions from all the transmit channels: B1(r)=∑Ac⋅B1c(r), where Ac is a complex number depicting the amplitude
and phase of the transmit voltage on coil c, and B1c is the unit B1 field from
coil c. Numerous configurations of transmit voltages can be applied on the
transmit coils, resulting in many B1 patterns to ensure that voxels will have
unique frequency encodings throughout all patterns.
illustrate the encoding, we modeled an 8-channel microstrip RF array in Comsol
(Burlington, MA) (Fig.1a). The unit B1 fields from individual channels were
simulated (Fig.1b). Figure 1c demonstrates that in-phase and out-of-phase
voltages were applied to channel 1 and 5, resulting in completely different B1
encoding fields. Additionally, two voxels in the imaging space (m and n) had an
identical encoding frequency when channel 1 was excited, but during other encoding
patterns, the two voxels experienced entirely different encoding frequencies.
Therefore, they can be correctly distinguished in image reconstruction.
simulated signal measurements using a numerical phantom11 with a pulse sequence depicted in Fig.2. A prephasing
RF pulse with frequency −ωRF was
applied prior to the encoding RF to ensure the peak occurs at the center for
each echo. Each TR represented one encoding pattern. The simulation used 36
encoding patterns. We tested image reconstruction with averaged B1 fields
ranging from 30 to
120 μT, and off-resonance frequencies being 4 and 8 kHz. The image (128×128)
was reconstructed with 512 simulated readout points from individual receive
channels (8 total), with a dwelt time of 0.1ms for each pattern. The simulated scan time is approximately 3 s for a 2D slice. The Kaczmarz algorithm
was used for the image reconstruction.
Results and Discussion
Fig.3 shows the reconstructed images under
different simulation conditions. The mean square error (MSE) indicated that
with a higher B
1 field, the reconstructed image was more accurate due to
improved encoding (Fig.3a-c). Another factor affecting the encoding is the
off-resonance frequency; since ω
RF is in the denominator, the encoding
efficacy is reduced with a higher frequency offset (Fig.3d-e). One
limitation of the Bloch-Siegert shift is the specific absorption rate (SAR) due
to prolonged RF pulses, but it can be potentially reduced with an increased TR at the cost of
longer scanning time.
In this
study, we demonstrate that with multiple RF coils, it is feasible to nonlinearly
encode the imaging space using the Bloch-Siegert shift. Simulated
reconstructions showed that higher B
1 fields and lower off-resonance frequency
shift improves reconstruction quality. This approach is potentially promising
as a replacement for conventional gradient encoding providing excellent spatial
encoding with essentially silent imaging.
No acknowledgement found.References
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