Zhengguo Tan1, Volkert Roeloffs1, Dirk Voit1, Arun Joseph1, Markus Untenberger1, Klaus-Dietmar Merboldt1, and Jens Frahm1
1Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH, Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Goettingen, Germany
The proposed model-based reconstruction technique jointly computes a magnitude
image, a phase-contrast map, and a set of coil sensitivities from every pair of
flow-compensated and flow-encoded datasets obtained by highly undersampled radial
FLASH. Real-time acquisitions with 5 and 7 radial spokes per image resulted in 25.6
and 35.7 ms measuring time per phase-contrast map, respectively. It yields quantitatively
accurate phase-contrast maps with improved spatial
acuity, reduced phase noise, reduced partial volume effects, and reduced streaking artifacts.Purpose
To develop a model-based reconstruction
technique for real-time phase-contrast flow MRI with improved spatiotemporal
accuracy in comparison to methods using phase differences of two separately
reconstructed images with differential flow encodings.
The signal model assumes the same magnitude image
and the same coil sensitivities for each pair of flow-compensated and
flow-encoded datasets, and thus the forward model of the jth coil in the lth acquisition is Fj,l(x)=Pl⋅F{ρ⋅ez⋅Sl⋅cj}, where ρ is the magnitude image, z denotes a complex map which contains the phase
differences Δϕ in the imaginary part, while its real part is
constrained to be zero, cj is the sensitivity map of the jth coil. The indices S1=0 and S2=1 represent the flow-compensated and the flow-encoded acquisition, respectively. Pl is the orthogonal projection onto the lth trajectory1. The unknowns ρ, z, and cj in this nonlinear signal model can be solved
by the iteratively regularized Gauss-Newton method as introduced for nonlinear inversion (NLINV)1. Moreover, a L2-norm regularization on z is used with the initial guess of zero, and the temporal regularization1 is adopted on z as well. The partial derivatives and regularization among unknowns are balanced via an automatic scaling on Sl. The scaling value can be derived via the definition of the complex-difference (CD) image2: CD=|ρ1−ρ2|=M⋅√2[1−cos(Δϕ)]. It can be proven to hold that ||√2[1−cos(Δϕ)]||2∝||Δϕ||2, and thus the scaled index is ˆSl=||M||2/||CD||2. M and CD can be calculated by the mean and complex-difference of the gridded multi-channel k-space data from the flow-compensated and the flow-encoded acquisition, respectively. In
fact, based on the linearity of the Fourier transformation, the norm of an image is equivalent to that in k-space.
flow MRI was based on extremely undersampled radial FLASH (5 or 7 spokes per
image) using two sequential acquisitions of a dataset with velocity-compensated
gradients in all gradient axes and with velocity-encoding of through-plane flow,
respectively. All measurements (TE = 1.70 ms, flip angle
10 degree) had 1.5 mm in-plane resolution, 320 mm field-of-view,
6 mm slice thickness, and 35.7 ms (7 spokes, TR = 2.55 ms) or 25.6 ms (5 spokes, TR = 2.56 ms) temporal resolution corresponding
to 28 or 39 frames per second, respectively. This work presents real-time flow MRI of the aorta acquired from
10 healthy subjects and 2 patients with combined aortic valve insufficiency and
partial stenosis3.
Results & Discussion
Qualitative comparisons of NLINV and model-based
phase-contrast MRI are depicted in Fig. 1 for a normal subject and in Fig. 2 for a patient with aortic valve insufficiency and partial stenosis, respectively. The systolic phase-contrast maps obtained by the model-based
reconstruction yield a much better spatial definition in regions with non-zero
flow (i.e., vessels). Here, this particularly applies to the descending aorta whose
phase-difference presentation is in close agreement with the vessel lumen in
the magnitude image. In addition, the implicit a priori knowledge of zero phase
in pixels without flowing spins precludes the iterative optimization process to
generate residual streaking artifacts in areas around vessels with maximum
systolic flow, i.e. for signals with high temporal and spatial
frequencies that are most severely affected by k-space undersampling. Moreover, as shown in the phase-contrast map from NLINV in Fig. 2, the pixels in the top-left border of the ascending aorta suffer from partial volume effects. This is unavoidable in the phase-difference reconstruction2 when both stationary and flowing magnetizations are present within a single voxel, and usually appears for patients with thicker vessels. However, because of improved spatial acuity, such problems are largely avoided in
the model-based reconstruction.
The spatiotemporal improvement achievable by model-based phase-contrast flow MRI may be invested into even faster acquisitions. Fig. 3 advances real-time phase-contrast flow MRI from 7 spokes per image and 35.7 ms total acquisition time to 5 spokes and 25.6 ms temporal resoltuion. This clearly supports the notion that the use of 5 spokes represents an extreme but feasible approach to real-time flow MRI.
Quantitative results are summarized in Tables 1
3 and 2 (new healthy volunteers) and found to be in general agreement.
Under all conditions, and compared to a previously
developed real-time flow MRI method, the proposed method yields quantitatively
accurate phase-contrast maps (i.e. flow velocities) with improved spatial
acuity, reduced phase noise, reduced partial volume effects, and reduced streaking artifacts. This novel model-based reconstruction technique may
become a new tool for clinical flow MRI in real time.
The authors thank Drs. Anja Hennemuth, Teodora Chitiboi,
and Markus Hüllebrandt of the Fraunhofer MEVIS Institute for Medical Image
Computing, Bremen, Germany, for developing specialized CAIPI software for
real-time MRI. We also thank Prof. Dr. Christina Unterberg-Buchwald of the
Clinic for Cardiology and Pneumology, University Medical Center Göttingen,
Germany, for letting us study her patients. Finally, we are grateful to Dr.
Oleksandr Kalentev for numerous discussions and Christian Holme for help with Compute
Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) C programming.References
1. Uecker M, Hohage T, Block KT, et al. Image reconstruction by regularized nonlinear inversion - Joint estimation of coil sensitivities and image content. Mag Reson Med 2008;60:674-682.
2. Bernstein MA, King FK, Zhou XJ. Handbook of MRI pulse sequences. Burlington, MA: Elsevier Academic Press; 2004.
3. Untenberger M, Tan Z, Voit D, et al. Advances in real-time phase-contrast flow MRI
using asymmetric radial gradient echoes. Magn Reson Med 2015; doi: 10.1002/mrm.25696.