John Stuart Haberl Baxter1, Zahra Hosseini1, Junmin Liu2, Maria Drangova3, and Terry M Peters1
1Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 2Imaging Laboratories, Robarts Research Institute, London, ON, Canada, 3Department of Medical Biophysics, Western University, London, ON, Canada
susceptibility differences manifest in MR phase images as high-frequency
changes in an otherwise smooth phase background. Two paradigms currently exist
for isolating these changes: one involves phase unwrapping followed by
filtering; the other involves filtering the complex signal. Both rely on a
linear topology, which can result in artifacts such as phase wraps and
shadowing, as phase is inherently cyclic. This paper introduces the cyclic
continuous max-flow (CCMF) method, which uses optimization over a cyclic
topology to process phase information. More robust field maps are generated
using this approach compared to the traditional paradigms.INTRODUCTION
phase data provides useful information both alone and in combination with the magnitude
1 In terms of post processing, current state-of-the-art
phase processing methods fall into two paradigms: phase-unwrapping-based
methods first convert the phase information from a wrapped cyclic field to an
unwrapped linear field on which traditional image processing operations are applied; homodyne filtering techniques,
2 on the other hand, use
linear filtering operations on the complex signal first, later extracting the phase. The commonality between these two paradigms is that filtering is always performed on a linear or Euclidean topology, either on the unwrapped
phase or the complex signal, which is not optimal as phase is inherently cyclic. This work presents a novel non-linear phase
filtering approach based on continuous max-flow theory,
3 which processes phase using a cyclic topology, rather than as linearly unwrapped or complex
number. We apply this novel phase processing technique to channel phase data
prior to channel combination and compare the results with optimized homodyne
high-pass filtered images (HHPF), and a robust technique called phase unwrapping using recursive orthogonal referring (PUROR).
Healthy volunteers were imaged at 7T using a 16-channel head coil.
Three-dimensional whole-brain multi-echo gradient echo images were acquired (6
echoes, TR/TE/Echo spacing: 40/3.77/4.1 ms, matrix: 380x340x102, FOV: 190x170x127.5 mm). The channel data were saved for later processing.
Optimization: The
phase processing framework proposed is called cyclic continuous max-flow (CCMF)
in that the phase gradient is determined over a cylindrical manifold, which removes the necessity of unwrapping while representing
the phase explicitly. This maintains the inherent topology of the phase,
avoiding artifacts that result from linearizing said topology. Given the raw
image phase, θ_0(x),
the optimization problem used to reconstruct a smoothly varying version of the
phase, θ(x), is:
is the smoothness term, and D_{θ(x)}(x) is the data term. The CCMF functional is addressed using
primal-dual optimization and augmented Lagrangian multipliers3 and is
given in Fig 1. A more detailed explanation of this algorithm is provided in an
associated technical report.5 In the proposed framework, S_{\theta(x)}(x) is a constant. D_{θ(x)}(x)
is defined using a truncated Gaussian likelihood model:
where P(θ_0(x)=θ) is
the probability of the complex image having a phase of θ before the addition
of circularly symmetric independent complex Gaussian noise. The truncation
ensures that does not have any singularities that are not already present
in the original phase. The original, low-pass (θ(x)) and high-pass (θ_0(x)-θ(x))
images are given in Figure 2. \theta(x) is interpolated from 40 indicator
functions, u_\theta(x), to ensure sufficient intensity resolution. The time required for a single slice was under 5 s for CCMF compared to 150 ms for HHPF, both of which are faster than phase unwrapping. The benefit of this framework over ones based on Euclidean
topologies is that it is robust to unwrapping errors while allowing for more
complex data terms, such as those involving truncation, which limit
the effect of singularities and wrapping artifacts.
Combination: The
individual channel phase data were processed with both CCMF and HHPF (filter size equal to 30% of FOV). An unwrapped4, high-pass filtered7 dataset was generated on a channel-by-channel basis as well. All processed phase images were combined
using the inter-echo variance channel combination technique.6
work presents the application of a novel non-linear phase filtering approach
to generating accurate phase images from multi-channel MR phase data. The
results from the CCMF algorithm were comparable to HHPF results, with
superior performance in challenging regions of the brain (near air/tissue
interface). Figure 3 illustrates a representative slice from one set of
volunteer data. The CCMF results show more robust performance in terms of vessel
conspicuity (arrows in Fig. 3). The raw channel-combined phase data (complex
sum) are presented in Figure 4 to illustrate the extent of phase wrapping
resolved by the CCMF and HHPF algorithms. It is evident that CCMF resulting
phase images address the phase wraps more effectively at short (Fig. 4 row 1) and
especially at long echo times (Fig. 4 rows 2 and 3).
The arrows in Fig. 4 highlight areas where veins are obscured in the
HHPF, but are clearly seen in the CCMF-processed images.
By processing phase information
using its inherent topology, higher quality high-pass phase maps can be
reconstructed in a relatively short amount of time. This improves the visualization of structures such as veins
in channel-combined phase images at the periphery and around the sinuses where
additional phase artifacts are often present as a result of linearizing the
phase topology.
The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Ravi Menon's lab at the Robarts Research Institute Imaging Laboratories for assisting with image acquisition. The authors would also like to acknowledge Jonathan McLeod for his editing and discussion. J.B. is funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Z.H. is supported in part by an Ontario Graduate Scholarship.References
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