Matthew F. Koff1, Hongsheng Wang2, Suzanne Maher2, Scott Rodeo3, and Hollis G Potter1
1Department of Radiology and Imaging - MRI, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, United States, 2Department of Biomechanics, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, United States, 3Sports Medicine and Shoulder Service, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, United States
The relationship between
calculated articular cartilage deformation when using an MR compatible loading
device and actual contact mechanics has not been assessed. This study evaluated
the accuracy of in vivo cartilage deformation as a surrogate for in vivo
contact mechanics. Meniscal allograft transplantation patients underwent loaded
MR pre-operatively and direct stress measurement intra-operatively.
Good correlation, 0.72 (range: 0.56 to 0.85), between cartilage deformation and
contact stress measurements was found. In vivo cartilage deformation may be a surrogate for
in vivo contact mechanics.Purpose
vivo knee joint contact mechanics may provide insight into the initiation and
progression of knee osteoarthritis following sports injuries. Acquiring these data
in vivo are difficult to obtain in the clinic. In vivo cartilage deformation
patterns have been widely investigated using MRI to assess contact mechanics
1,2, but the
relationship between cartilage deformation and the actual contact mechanics,
specifically the contact stress and contact area, has not been studied. The
objective of this study was to evaluate in vivo cartilage deformation as a
surrogate for in vivo contact mechanics. To achieve our objective, we developed
an MRI compatible loading device and an intra-operative loading protocol to
measure in vivo cartilage deformation and contact stresses and areas, respectively.
Five patients (2M/3F,
age: 21±4 years) undergoing meniscal allograft transplantation (MAT) surgery
were enrolled following IRB approval with informed consent. One patient had a
concomitant anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, one had
ACL-revision, and two had osteochondral allograft transplantation in the
femoral condyle. At the time of this study, all patients had undergone prior
total meniscectomy. All patients showed no osteoarthritic findings on radiographs.
Pre-operative MRI scans were acquired with the knee in unloaded
and loaded configurations to quantify contact deformation (Fig. 1A) using an
MRI compatible loading device
3. Patients were placed in a wheelchair for 30
minutes prior to scan to unload the limb. All scanning was performed on a
clinical 3T scanner (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI) using an 8 channel phased
array knee coil (Invivo, Gainesville, FL): 3D SPGR with frequency selective fat
suppression, TE/TE = 3.2/15.4 ms, FOV = 14 cm, matrix = 512 ×
512, voxel dimensions = 0.27 × 0.27 × 1.5 mm. Following the
unloaded scan, a load of 50% of body weight was applied and held for 12 minutes
before starting the loaded scan
During the subsequent MAT surgery, contact stress on the tibial
plateau surface was measured using a thin-electronic sensor (Tekscan Inc.,
Boston, MA). The sensor was calibrated and trimmed to accommodate to the shape
of the tibial plateau, then sterilized. The sensor was passed through a small
arthrotomy from anterior to posterior, and its position was adjusted
arthroscopically to cover the whole tibial plateau (Fig. 1B). The anterior
edge of the sensor was flush with the contour of the tibial plateau, which was
used for registration of the sensor position. A custom designed boot augmented with a load cell was used to
manually apply an axial force of 50% body weight to the foot with the knee in
extension, while the joint contact stresses were synchronously recorded.
Contact stress and contact area were evaluated before allograft placement.
Cartilage thickness was calculated from segmented MR images as the
shortest distance between the subchondral and articular surfaces. Cartilage
deformation within the contact region, determined by loaded/unloaded cartilage overlap,
was calculated as the difference in thickness at the same location before and
after joint loading.
3 To compare the corresponding patterns of
calculated cartilage deformation with measured contact stress, the 3-D
cartilage surface mesh was projected to the transverse plane and resampled to
mesh density similar to the sensing element of the electronic sensor (1.9x
2). Custom software (Mathworks, Natic, MA) was used to assess
the similarity between the two maps by normalized 2-D cross correlation. The
range of the correlation was 0 to 1, indicating none or complete correlation.
Cartilage deformation maps
varied among patients (Fig. 2), with peak compressive strains from 17% to 24% and contact areas from 89 mm
2 to 214 mm
2. The peak
contact stresses ranged from 1.7 MPa to 2.6 MPa and the contact areas were
from 120 mm
2 to 225 mm
2. The calculated contact area from
loaded-MRI was similar to that from direct measurement (paired t-test). The
contact stress exhibited a pattern similar to the cartilage deformation map
within each patient, with an average normalized cross correlation value of 0.72
(range: 0.56 to 0.85).
study compared indirect measurements of in vivo cartilage deformation with
corresponding direct measurements of contact stresses. Good correlations were
found between these measurements, indicating that a loaded MRI examination may
be considered a surrogate for in vivo contact mechanics. A limitation of the
study is that patients were evaluated in the loaded configuration with the knee
fully extended, and this position may not be representative of a common
activity of daily living.
Cartilage deformation
assessed by loaded MRI may be used as a surrogate measurement of in vivo knee
joint contact mechanics and may be used to assess the potential chondro-protective
effect of MAT.
Research reported in
this publication was supported by American Orthopaedic Society for Sports
Medicine (AOSSM). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and
does not necessarily represent the official views of AOSSM.References
1.Sutter EG,
Widmyer MR, Utturkar GM, Spritzer CE, Garrett WE, Jr., DeFrate LE. In vivo
measurement of localized tibiofemoral cartilage strains in response to dynamic
activity. Am J Sports Med 2015;43:370-6. 2.Van de Velde
SK, Bingham JT, Hosseini A, et al. Increased tibiofemoral cartilage contact
deformation in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency. Arthritis
Rheum 2009;60:3693-702. 3.Wang H, Koff
MF, Potter HG, Warren RF, Rodeo SA, Maher SA. An MRI-compatible loading device
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repeatability. J Biomech 2015;48:2934-40.