We propose a hidden Markov Random
Field (MRF) model to parcellate the cerebral cortex of individual subjects
using resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI). Our MRF model imposes a smoothness prior on
the individual-specific parcellation, while imposing group-level population
priors that capture inter-subject variability in both functional connectivity
profiles and spatial distribution of functional brain networks. Experiments on
a test-retest dataset suggest that the resulting parcellation estimates are better
than alternative approaches at capturing stable properties of individual
subjects’ intrinsic brain organization, instead of transient noise or
session-dependent variations.Purpose
There has been significant amount of
4,12-16 on parcellating the human brain with
resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI). Given the large inter-subject variability in
brain organization
2,3,10, estimating individual-specific brain parcellation is an important step
for biomarker development
5-7,9. We propose a hidden Markov Random Field
(hMRF) model to parcellate the cerebral cortex of individual subjects with rs-fMRI.
The MRF likelihood captures inter-subject variability in functional
connectivity profiles, while the MRF prior consists of a smoothness prior and a
prior that captures inter-subject variability in the spatial distribution of
brain networks. We evaluated the individual-level parcellations on a
test-retest dataset
17 to assess whether the parcellations were
able to capture stable properties of individual subjects’ intrinsic cortical
We considered rs-fMRI data from 744 GSP
subjects ( and 30 HNU subjects each scanned on
ten different days ( The GSP and HNU data underwent
rs-fMRI preprocessing previously reported in Holmes et al.8 and Zuo et
al.17 respectively, and was projected to the FreeSurfer fsaverage5 surface
space. Following the approach of Yeo et al.16, for each subject,
we computed the connectivity profile of each vertex by correlating
the vertex’s fMRI timecourse with 1175 uniformly-distributed cortical ROIs. Each 1175-length connectivity
profile was normalized to unit length. Let Xsn denote the normalized
functional connectivity profile of subject s and vertex n.
The normalized
connectivity profiles were averaged across the GSP subjects resulting in a
group-level connectivity profiles Xg1:N at vertices 1 to N.
The profiles Xg1:N were modeled as a von Mises-Fisher (vMF) mixture model:
where lgn was the parcellation label
at vertex n, μg1:L were the mean directions for cluster 1
to L, and κg was the concentration parameter.
Expectation-Maximization (EM) was employed to estimate the group-level vMF
parameters {μg1:L,κg} and parcellation labels Lg={lg1,…,lgN}. Note that the resulting parcellation
corresponded to that of Yeo et al.16.
To estimate the cerebral cortex parcellation
of subject s, we considered a hMRF model. The MRF likelihood followed a
vMF mixture model:
where μs1:L were the mean
directions and κs was the concentration parameters of the subject-specific
vMF mixture model. The conjugate prior on μsl was a vMF distribution
whose mean direction corresponded to the group-level mean direction
where ϵ controls how much
the subject-specific mean direction μsl can deviate from the group-level
mean direction μgl. The MRF prior on the parcellation labels ls1:N
was given by
where the unary potential U encoded the likelihood of a
label occurring at a vertex and was obtained by the LogOdds representation11 of the group-level parcellation Lg. The pairwise potential encouraged neighboring
vertices to have the same parcellation labels: V(lsn,lsm) is equal to c if lsn=lsm and equal
to 1 otherwise.
Conditioned on the group-level vMF parameters {μg1:L,κg}
and parcellation labels Lg from the GSP dataset, we performed
leave-one-out cross-validation where we estimated ϵ and c from
the first session of 29 HNU subjects and utilized variational EM to estimate the vMF
parameters {μs1:L,κs} and parcellation labels Ls={ls1,…,lsN}
the first session of the remaining subject.
We compared our approach (K-MRF) with three
alternative approaches: (1) group-level parcellation (GP) computed from the GSP
subjects, and (2&3) vMF mixture model16 applied to individual subjects by
initialization with the GP and running E-step once (GP-E) or running EM till
convergence (GP-EM). All four approaches are evaluated by computing the
parcellation homogeneity (defined as pairwise correlations among vertices of
the same cluster) in the remaining nine sessions of the leave-out subject.
Figure 1 shows the group-level
parcellation (GP) and parcellations of three individual subjects with our
approach (K-MRF). Figure 2 shows the parcellation homogeneity of the four
approaches in the unseen sessions of the leave-out subjects. Our approach
achieves the highest homogeneity (p < 1e-9). The improvements are modest but
highly consistent across subjects, which is why the p-values are very small.
Inter-subject functional connectivity differences
arise from both intra-subject (inter-session) and true inter-subject variability10. It is worth noting that GP-EM achieved the highest
homogeneity in the first session of the leave-out subjects (used to estimate
the parcellation), while K-MRF achieved the highest homogeneity in unseen
sessions of the leave-out subjects. This suggests that K-MRF’s group-level
priors were effective in removing intra-subject (inter-session), rather than true inter-subject variability.
Discussion and Conclusion
We proposed a hMRF model to
parcellate the cerebral cortex of individual subjects with rs-fMRI. We demonstrated
improved parcellation homogeneity in new
unseen sessions of the individual
subjects suggesting that the individual-specific parcellations are capturing stable
properties of individual subjects’ intrinsic brain organization, instead of transient noise or session-dependent variations.
This work was supported by NUS Tier 1, Singapore MOE Tier 2(MOE2014-T2-2-016), NUS Strategic Research (DPRT/944/09/14), NUS SOM Aspiration Fund (R185000271720), Singapore NMRC (CBRG14nov007, NMRC/CG/013/2013), NUS YIA and a fellowship within the Postdoc-Program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The research also utilized resourcesprovided by the Center for Functional Neuroimaging Technologies,P41EB015896 and instruments supported by 1S10RR023401, 1S10RR019307, and 1S10RR023043 from the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for BiomedicalImaging at the Massachusetts General Hospital.
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