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Bayesian correction of bias field and Venetian blind for high resolution ex vivo MRI with clinical scanners
Juan Eugenio Iglesias1, Pedro Manuel Paz-Alonso1, Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga1, Ricardo Insausti2, Karla Miller3, and César Caballero-Gaudes1

1Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (BCBL), Donostia - San Sebastián, Spain, 2Human Neuroanatomy Laboratory, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain, 3Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom


Multi-slab MRI enables the acquisition of ultra-high resolution ex vivo MRI of the whole human brain with clinical scanners, by overcoming their hardware limitations (e.g., memory size). However, multi-slab MRI produces slab boundary artifacts (SBA) that degrade the image quality and bias subsequent image analyses. Here we propose a Bayesian method that corrects for SBA and intensity inhomogeneities / bias field (BF) simultaneously. The method, which combines a probabilistic brain atlas and the Expectation Maximization algorithm, takes advantage of the interplay between the two artifacts to outperform state-of-the-art SBA and BF correction algorithms (even when used in combination).


Ex vivo MRI is increasingly popular in human brain atlasing. The absence of motion artifacts allows for long acquisitions that yield ultra-high resolution images [1]. Most of these studies rely on animal scanners and specialized coils that 1) are not widely available; and 2) cannot accommodate whole human brains, which is desirable to study human-specific disorders. Achieving ultra-high resolution with clinical scanners is feasible, but requires 3D acquisition sequences whose requirements quickly exceed the hardware capabilities of the scanner (e.g., RAM memory). Such limitations can be circumvented with multi-slab MRI, but imperfections in RF pulse profiles and flip angles across the slab thickness create slab boundary artifacts (SBA) (a.k.a. the Venetian Blind artifact), which bias subsequent analyses of the scans. Even though SBA can be mitigated during acquisition with slice oversampling [2], software post-processing is desirable in order to decrease the amount of required slab overlap and to remove effects that could not be corrected in the acquisition.


We propose a method for correction of SBA and bias field (BF); since both artifacts cause signal loss, simultaneous correction produces better results. A generative model of brain anatomy [3] is proposed based on the linear alignment of a voxelwise probabilistic atlas (prior) to the image. Given a voxelwise segmentation produced by the atlas, the observed log-transformed image intensities are assumed to be conditionally independent samples of different Gaussian mixture models, as indexed by the segmentation, and further corrupted by SBA and BF. These artifacts are modeled as a linear combination of basis functions that is added to the signal (the effect is thus multiplicative in the natural domain). Within this framework, estimating the SBA and BF is equivalent to finding the most likely linear coefficients, given the observed image and the probabilistic atlas. Using Bayes’ rule, this problem can be written:


where c are the SBA/BF coefficients and \theta are the Gaussian parameters. This objective function is optimized with a Generalized Expectation Maximization algorithm [3]. An independent set of 2D, fourth order polynomials for each slice in the volume is used to model the SBA and BF artifacts. The number of components of the Gaussian mixtures was set to 2 for all tissue types.


We acquired MRI data from two postmortem cases on a 3T Siemens Trio with a multi-slab bSSFP sequence (TE/TR=5.3/10.6ms, flip angle 35^\circ, 4 axial slabs with 112 slices each, 57% slice oversampling, 0.25 mm isotropic voxels). Four RF increments (0,90,180, 270 degrees) were averaged to reduce banding artifacts. The protocol was repeated 10 times to increase the SNR (total acquisition time: 60 hours). For the evaluation, the cerebral white matter was manually delineated in 10 equispaced coronal slices of each scan.

We compared our method with a combination of Kholmovski's SBA correction algorithm [4] and N4 BF correction [5] using two metrics: the coefficient of variation (CV=\sigma/\mu) of the white matter intensities, which measures the success of the BF correction, and the Hellinger distance between the distributions of white matter intensities at the slab boundaries and in the center of the slabs, which is a proxy for the quality of the SBA correction.

Results and conclusion

Figure 1 shows the mean CV and H for the different approaches. The baseline approach successfully reduces both metrics compared with the baseline, and the proposed method further improves both metrics. Even though the gain might seem modest at first in quantitative terms, the qualitative results in Figures 2-4 illustrate the superiority of our approach.

These results show that the proposed technique can produce high quality, ultra-high resolution MRI images using a clinical scanner. The method is efficient and runs in less than 5 minutes. Future work will include testing on a larger sample, combination with reconstruction-based SBA correction, and application to other modalities such as MR angiography and diffusion MRI.


JEI is funded by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship (grant number 654911) and by the Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia (Fellows Gipuzkoa Program)


[1] PA Yushkevich, et al., “A high-resolution computational atlas of the human hippocampus from postmortem magnetic resonance imaging at 9.4 T,” Neuroimage, 44, pp. 385-398, 2009.

[2] DL Parker, et al., “MR angiography by multiple thin slab 3D acquisition,” Magn Reson Med, 17, pp. 434–451, 1991.

[3] K Van Leemput, et al., “Automated model-based bias field correction of MR images of the brain,”, IEEE T Med Imaging, 18, pp. 885-896, 1999.

[4] EG Kholmovski, et al., “Correction of slab boundary artifact using histogram matching,” J Magn Reson Imaging, 15, pp. 610-617, 2002.

[5] NJ Tustison, et al., “N4ITK: improved N3 bias correction,” IEEE T Med Imaging, 29, pp. 1310-1320, 2010.


Figure 1: Means across the test cases for the CV of the white matter and the Hellinger distance between the intensity distributions at the boundaries and in the centers of the slabs (in both cases, lower is better).

Figure 2: Coronal slice of a sample scan, corrected with the two competing methods; note the bright temporal regions and dark subthalamic regions that N4 cannot correct.

Figure 3: Close-up of Figure 2 around the cingulate gyrus, in order to illustrate the effect of the SBA. The proposed method restores the image more successfully than the competing method, which leaves a fuzzy, bright horizontal band across the image.

Figure 4: Close-up of the hippocampal head and amygdala in a sagittal slice of a sample scan. The proposed algorithm eliminates the SBA almost completely, while the competing algorithm leaves a sharp, bright horizontal band.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)