MRI in Multiple Sclerosis: The curiosity of apparent susceptibility increases at simultaneous iron loss
Vanessa Wiggermann1,2, Simon Hametner3, Enedino Hernandez-Torres2,4, Verena Endmayr3, Christian Kames5, and Alexander Rauscher2

1Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Pediatrics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3Neuroimmunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4UBC MRI Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 5Engineering Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada


Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping has shown great potential to be used for clinical diagnoses due to its high sensitivity to change and high spatial resolution. Notably, the ability to quantify damage has been appealing. However, attributing susceptibility increases or decreases to certain mechanisms has been challenging. In particular, interpretation of MR signal changes during multiple sclerosis lesion formation is lacking consistency and histological validation. Here, we investigated the hypothesis that apparent changes of the lesion tissue may be in fact due to changes in the lesions vicinity and caution is required when interpreting the quantitative susceptibility signal in multiple sclerosis lesions.


Susceptibility-weighted imaging has become an important tool for the detection of hemorrhages and iron accumulation in the brain1,2. In its quantitative form, R2*, MR frequency shift imaging and quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) have been used for the assessment of tissue damage in multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions3,4,5. Increases in the frequency and susceptibility signal have been attributed to iron accumulation5,6,7, with demyelination as a potential confounder and not always supported by corresponding histology8. A recent study utilized non-local magnetic field changes around bulk susceptibility inclusions as a measure of iron content in MS lesions9 and concluded that iron is a rare source of contrast in agreement with histological studies10. While these results are in qualitative agreement, MR-histology correlations showed little overlap between non-local effects and actual iron content11. We hypothesize that this discrepancy may be resolved by considering susceptibility changes in the surrounding normal appearing white matter (NAWM).


Single Gradient-echo MR images of 4 fixed post-mortem samples were acquired at 3T at TR/TE=40/20ms, flip angle=30 and acquisition voxel size=0.5x0.5x1mm3, reconstructed to 0.42x0.42x0.5mm3. Subsequently, the tissue blocks were embedded in paraffin and cut according to MRI planes. Luxol-fast blue-periodic-acid Schiff myelin and turnbull blue iron staining was performed on adjacent slices. We estimated average iron and myelin densities in the center of MS lesions and their vicinity on the digitalized histological sections. Additionally, we performed simulations of MR frequency shifts using a simple spherical model in a box with changes in the tissue's magnetic susceptibility affecting independently only the sphere ('lesion' , upper row in each part of the simulation ) or only the surrounding box (NAWM , bottom row of each simulation ). All susceptibility maps were forward field calculated with independent addition of gaussian noise to the real and imaginary parts of the signal. All MR images and simulated field maps were unwrapped using a Laplacian unwrapping algorithm12, followed by background field removal using PDF13. Susceptibility maps were computed by solving of the inversion problem using an LSQR approach12.


Our simulations demonstrated that with changes in the surrounding NAWM alone (Fig. 1, susceptibility model), the lesional tissue will appear more paramagnetic, creating the same dipolar field modification as observed for actual iron accumulation (Fig. 1, PDF frequency), which is in turn reflected as falsely elevated magnetic susceptibility on QSM. Such a diamagnetic shift of the surrounding tissue can occur through strong demyelination of the lesion and maintained myelin of the WM (Δmyelin↑=MyelinWM-MyelinLesion). Accounting for iron, the lesion will appear less paramagnetic the more iron is lost (Δiron↑=IronWM-IronLesion), while iron loss of the NAWM will strengthen the dipolar appearance (Δiron↓). However, demyelination of the NAWM is expected to a certain degree. Our post mortem study showed little correlation between frequency shifts observed in MS lesions with either diffuse or cellular iron content (R= -0.17 & R= 0.37). In contrast, 13/15 lesions demonstrated iron loss compared to the surrounding NAWM. Figure 2 shows two lesions with comparable iron and myelin densities in their centers, but in different scenarios regarding their NAWM state. The upper row (A/B) corresponds to a lesions that showed dipolar field modifications, while the lesion in the bottom row (C/D) did not show any non-local features. Lesion 1 (A/B) shows high Δmyelin, while Δiron is low compared to most other lesions. In contrast, Lesion 2 (C/D) shows complete demyelination and iron loss, with partial myelin and iron loss of the NAWM causing Δmyelin to be lower than in Lesion 1, while Δiron was approximately the double compared to Lesion 1.


While increases in resonance frequency within MS lesions are also concordant with the theory of microstructural changes during myelin debris formation and during the presence of myelin debris3,14, debris formation is mainly expected in younger, more active lesions. Local frequency shifts due to iron-rich marcophages can occur, however we observed that local accumulation of such macrophages causes the MR signal to change in only parts of the lesions, rather than throughout.


MR frequency shift data and QSM of MS lesions need to be interpreted with caution. Apparent increases in the MR susceptibility signal in MS lesions rarely relate to actual increases in magnetic susceptibility, and may in fact be the result of changes of non-local origin, such as demyelination of NAWM tissue.


No acknowledgement found.


[1] Deistung et al., Z Med Phys 16; 2006 [2] Langkammer et al., NeuroImage 62; 2012 [3] Wiggermann et al., Neurology 81; 2013 [4] Sati et al., NeuroImage 51; 2010 [5]Chen et al., Radiology 271; 2014 [6] Wisnieff et al., Magn Res Med 74; 2015 [7] Rudko et al., Future Neurology 9; 2014 [8] Walsh et al., Radiology 267; 2013 [9] Wiggermann et al., Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 0894; 2014 [10] Hametner et al., Annals of Neurology 74; 2013 [11] Elkady et al., Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 0281; 2015 [12] Li et al., NeuroImage 55; 2011 [13] Liu et al., NMR in Biomed 24; 2011 [14] Yablonskiy et al., PNAS 109; 2012



post mortem

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)