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Preconditioned QSM to Determine a Large Range of Susceptibility Over The Entire Field Of View from Total Field
Zhe Liu1, Youngwook Kee2, Dong Zhou2, Pascal Spincemaille2, and Yi Wang1,2

1Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States, 2Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, United States


We propose a Preconditioned QSM calculating susceptibility over the entire field of view (FOV), which eliminates the errors associated with background field removal. The background is regarded as part of the region with large susceptibilities, which is determined by a preconditioned conjugate gradient solver with enhanced convergence. Our data demonstrate that our preconditioned QSM provides a susceptibility map of the entire head accurately depicting skin, bone, air filled sinuses and hemorrhages.


Currently, QSM methods suffer from errors in the regularization assumptions and tissue boundary erosion [1] used for background field removal and from errors of shadow artifact caused by slow convergence to large local susceptibilities, such as brain hemorrhage [2]. Here we propose a novel approach to address these problems by incorporating background as a region of large susceptibility and by introducing preconditioning to accelerate convergence. Accordingly, the QSM over the entire field of view with a large range of susceptibilities is determined directly from the total field estimated from MRI data.


The proposed total field inversion problem is:


with \chi the susceptibility map (both inside and outside the region of interest-ROI), \star the convolution with the dipole kernel d, M the mask for ROI, f the total field estimated from multi-echo GRE images, w the noise weighting, \triangledown the gradient operator and M_G the binary edge mask derived from magnitude image [3]. This is the combination of projection onto dipole field (PDF) [4] which is a background field removal method, and MEDI [3] which is for dipole inversion. The problem (1) is solved using Gauss Newton Conjugate Gradient [3]. In order to improve its convergence, we introduce preconditioner P for (1):

y^*=arg\min_{y}\frac{1}{2}\parallel w\left(Mf-Md\star(P\cdot y)\right) \parallel_2^2 + \lambda \parallel M_G \triangledown(P\cdot y)\parallel_1(2)

and susceptibility is recovered with element-wise multiplication \chi^*=P\cdot y^*. P is constructed as:

P_i=\begin{cases}1 & (i\in M\ \ and\ \ i\notin M_{HL}) \\30 & (i\in M_{HL}\ \ or\ \ i\notin M)\end{cases}(3)

The mask M_{HL} is chosen by thresholding R2^* map (M_{HL}:=R2^*>50s^{-1}), carving out large susceptibility regions (such as hemorrhage). The weight is constructed to reflect the difference in magnitude of susceptibility between regions, and values (30 and 1) are empirically chosen to improve convergence for brain QSM.

We applied the proposed method on a numerical brain phantom. True susceptibility \chi_T was set to 9ppm outside ROI M, and 0 inside except for a single point source 0.1 ppm (Fig. 1). Both current QSM (PDF+MEDI) and unpreconditioned total field inversion (1) were applied on the total field f generated by \chi_T, and the estimated susceptibility for the single point was compared with truth (0.1 ppm). This experiment was repeated with different point source locations, generating an error map indicating susceptibility accuracy for each method. We also performed total field inversion on human brains of 5 healthy subjects and 19 patients with brain hemorrhage. The in vivo data were scanned at 3T (16.0 GE, Waukesha, WI) with FA=15, FOV=24cm, 1\times1\times1 mm3 and echo spaceing 3.5 ms. For healthy subjects, both (1) and (2) were applied to show the effect of preconditioning. For all in vivo experiments, our current QSM routine, PDF+MEDI, was performed for comparison. Additionally, we applied the preconditioning scheme (3) without skull stripping, thereby generating whole head QSM.


In the numerical phantom simulations (Fig. 1), the proposed total field inversion produced less errors in susceptibility estimation than current method. For healthy subject (Fig. 2), preconditioning (2) accelerated convergence, reducing the required number of CG iterations in order to converge to reference QSM map (MEDI result) from 300 to 50. In hemorrhage patients (Fig. 3), preconditioned total field inversion (2) suppressed the large hemorrhagic shadow artifact appearing on PDF+MEDI. Fig. 4 showed that our preconditioned method (2) generated susceptibility maps for skull, air-filled sinuses, subcutaneous fat and skin in the head, as well as brain QSM comparable with MEDI.


The proposed preconditioned method (2) reduced susceptibility inaccuracy/indeterminacy along tissue boundaries in standard QSM methods [1] by directly fitting the total field without partitioning the FOV into background and tissue. The preconditioner P is consistent with the disparity between different tissue susceptibility levels and accelerated the CG convergence to a QSM solution free of shadow artifact in brain hemorrhage patients. Moreover, since the total field preserves the field generated by tissue outside the brain, we are able to render bone, air and all soft tissues in the head, including brain parenchyma using total field inversion.


Our proposed preconditioned QSM method (2) handles background and local susceptibility in a single total field inversion, eliminating errors associated with background field removal and slow inversion convergence. This preconditioned QSM method (2) enables high quality susceptibility maps for challenging cases, e.g. intracerebral hemorrhage, and for the whole head rendering including skin, skull and air-filled sinuses.


We acknowledge support from NIH grants RO1 EB013443 and RO1 NS090464


[1]. Wang, Yi, and Tian Liu. "Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM): decoding MRI data for a tissue magnetic biomarker." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine73.1 (2015): 82-101.

[2]. Li, Wei, et al. "A method for estimating and removing streaking artifacts in quantitative susceptibility mapping." NeuroImage 108 (2015): 111-122.

[3]. Liu, Tian, et al. "Nonlinear formulation of the magnetic field to source relationship for robust quantitative susceptibility mapping." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 69.2 (2013): 467-476.

[4]. Liu, Tian, et al. "A novel background field removal method for MRI using projection onto dipole fields (PDF)." NMR in Biomedicine 24.9 (2011): 1129-1136.


Figure 1. Flowchart for generating error map in the simulation experiment. The error maps for a 0.1 ppm point susceptibility source at different location using current PDF+MEDI (Left) and proposed total field inversion (Right) are shown. Note that, in the proposed method, the reconstruction error at the brain boundary is sharply reduced.

Figure 2. In vivo healthy brain result shows comparison of unpreconditioned (without P) and preconditioned (with P) total field inversion. Preconditioning makes the objective function decrease faster. Brain QSMs at 50th and 300th CG iteration are shown for both, and preconditioned version converges faster to the reference map (MEDI result).

Figure 3. Comparison of brain QSM with hemorrhage using current (PDF+MEDI) and proposed total field inversion method. Preconditioner P is shown in which the hemorrhage region are determined by thresholding R2* map. The shadow artifact is markedly reduced with total inversion method.

Figure 4. Whole head QSM with total field inversion. Brain QSM is comparable with current method. Besides, since no skull-stripping is needed, the skull (blue), nasal cavity (red) and subcutaneous fat (yellow arrow) susceptibilities are also clear seen in the whole head QSM.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)