Zhe Wu1,2, Hongjian He1,2, Ying Chen1,2, Song Chen1,2, Hui Liu3, Yiping P. Du2, and Jianhui Zhong1,2
1Center for Brain Imaging Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, People's Republic of, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, People's Republic of, 3NEA MR Collaboration, Siemens Ltd., China, Shanghai, China, People's Republic of
A three-step method for high resolution myelin
water fraction (MWF) and frequency shift mapping of white matter components using tissue susceptibility is presented in this study. Tissue susceptibility induced phase was calculated by the simultaneously acquired QSM from the same multi-echo GRE (mGRE) dataset, and was used as the phase part of complex data for a subsequent fitting to a three-pool white matter model. Benefit from the background phase removal and magnetic dipole deconvolution procedures during QSM calculation, the result reveals much less misfitting when comparing with direct fitting to original mGRE data. These generated quantitative maps can be potentially used for quantitative studies
of demyelinated diseases.Target Audience
Researchers and clinicians who are interested in
multi-component white matter analysis and demyelination diseases.
echo GRE (mGRE) preserves information for both T2* and phase evolution, which
offers opportunity for white matter (WM) components analysis[1]
together with their frequency shifts[2]. The feasibility of WM
components analysis using direct complex fitting to the following model was recently validated on low
spatial resolution (2×2×2mm3) mono-polar readout mGRE data[3]:
S(t)=[Amye−(1/T∗2,my+j2πfmy)+Aaxe−(1/T∗2,ax+j2πfax)+Aexe−(1/T∗2,ex+j2πfex)]ejϕ0 [1]
Here, my=myelin water, ax=axonal water, ex=extracellular water; A and f respectively represent signal magnitudes and frequency offsets of each WM component; ϕ0 is the initial phase offset.
In this study, with the mGRE acquisition and the
above WM three-pool complex
model, we present a three-step method for high resolution myelin water
fraction and frequency shift mapping, using tissue susceptibility from
simultaneously acquired quantitative susceptibility maps (QSM) by the same mGRE
Acquisition: Data were acquired on a 3T scanner (MAGNETOM Prisma, Siemens Healthcare
A.G., Erlangen, Germany) with informed consent letters for all three healthy
volunteers. A 3D mGRE data acquisition was used for whole cerebral myelin water fraction and frequency shift mapping: 32-echo bi-polar readout
train, TE of 1st echo = 2.7 ms, echo spacing = 1.5 ms, TR = 62 ms, readout
bandwidth = 930 Hz/pixel, voxel size = 0.94×0.94×2mm3, acquisition matrix = 256×256×64. DTI data were also acquired to obtain WM fiber orientation map.
Processing: The mapping for myelin water fraction and
frequency shift was done in three steps.
Step 1: Calculating QSM from the odd echoes of mGRE data. iHARPERELLA
method[4] was used for background field removal, and iLSQR method[5]
was used for QSM calculation.
Step 2: Pre-processing of the magnitude and phase of the complex mGRE
data. The magnitude part was filtered with a 3D anisotropic diffusion filter
(ADF), and the phase part was replaced by ϕi=ftissueTEi, with i being
the echo number. The tissue induced local frequency ftissue is represented
by Lorentzian sphere approximation ftissue=43πχf0, where f0 is the MR center frequency, and χ is the susceptibility value of QSM calculated in
Step 1.
Step 3: Complex fitting was performed using the
same model as Eq. [1] where the magnitude and phase of S(t) are replaced by those
generated from Step 2. The myelin water fraction (MWF) was calculated as MWF=AmyAmy+Aax+Aex.
Fig. 1 demonstrates the quantitative maps of MWF,
fex from three methods: direct fitting of original complex
[3] (upper row), fitting of complex data with only magnitude part filtered
by ADF (middle row), and the proposed three-step method (bottom row). Fig. 2 demonstrates the
relationships of
fmy versus
fiber orientation, and of
fax versus
fiber orientation.
As shown in Fig. 1, the proposed method
outperforms the direct fitting: the direct fitting without phase processing failed in fax and fex mapping (upper
and middle rows in Fig. 1), possibly due to a much lower SNR and a higher
sensitivity to inhomogeneous B0 field in smaller voxels. This problem is resolved by using tissue
susceptibility induced phase from
simultaneously acquired QSM in Step 2, which benefits from the background
phase removal and magnetic dipole deconvolution procedures during QSM
calculation. MWF map with a higher homogeneity (zoomed in sub
images), and a higher sensitivity for fmy estimation (black circles) are also observed.
Fig. 2 shows a relatively large positive fmy on fibers perpendicular to B0 (solid circles), and a small positive fmy on fibers parallel to B0 (dashed circles). Slight negative frequency shifts for axonal water were also observed in fibers perpendicular to B0, with much smaller values than that in B0 parallel fibers. These results correspond well with previous
literature.[3, 6]
We present a novel method for high spatial
resolution WM multi-component imaging by using tissue susceptibility induced phase
with no requirement for additional QSM data acquisition. Comparing with
direct fitting, this method take the advantage of the background
phase removal and magnetic dipole deconvolution procedures during QSM
calculation to avoid the misfitting possibly caused by a smaller voxel size. The generated high-resolution MWF
and frequency shift maps can be potentially used for quantitative studies of
demyelinated diseases.
This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 81371518.References
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