Improvement of 2-hydroxyglutarate detectability using optimized triple-refocusing difference editing at 7T in vivo
Sandeep K Ganji1, Zhongxu An1, Vivek Tiwari1, Marco Pinho2, Edward Pan3, Bruce Mickey4, Elizabeth Maher5, and Changho Choi1

1Advanced Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States, 2Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States, 3Neurology and Neurotherapeutic, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States, 4Neurological Surgery, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States, 5Internal Medicine, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States


2-hydroxyglutarate (2HG) has become an important biomarker in the diagnosis and management of glioma patients as well as in the workup of an undiagnosed mass. The 1H MRS signals of 2HG are extensively overlapped with other metabolite signals. Specifically, uncertainty in 2HG evaluation arising from the spectral overlap of the 2HG 2.25-ppm signal with the GABA 2.29-ppm resonance may be a major obstacle when the 2HG level is relatively low. Here we report a novel triple-refocusing difference editing that provides complete differentiation between 2HG and GABA signals at 7T.


Mutations in isocitrate-dehyrogenase (IDH1 and IDH2) are present in the majority of low grade gliomas and secondary glioblastomas (~60-90%)1 and are associated with longer patient survival when compared to IDH wild-type tumors2. The mutations impart a functional gain and convert α-ketoglutarate to 2HG, resulting in substantial elevation in 2HG levels. Precise measurement of 2HG is challenging largely due to the interferences from the overlapping multiplets of glutamate (Glu), glutamine (Gln), γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and macromolecule signals. The purpose of the study was to develop a new 1H-MRS method that overcomes the spectral challenges at 7T in vivo.


Numerical simulations of triple-refocusing difference/summing editing for separation between the strongly-coupled 2.25-ppm resonance of 2HG and the weakly-coupled 2.29-ppm resonance of GABA at 7T were performed incorporating the volume-localizing RF and gradient pulses. A non-slice selective 180° pulse (E180) was implemented between the two 180° pulses of PRESS (Fig. 1). A pair of subecho time-sets was searched for, with numerical analyses, using the following criteria: 1) large 2HG 2.25-ppm signal via subtraction, 2) small GABA, Glu, and Gln signals via subtraction, and 3) small 2HG signal via summing. Two subecho time sets were obtained at a total TE of 90 ms; (t1,t2,t3,t4)=(20,17,25,28) and (12,36,33,09)ms, both with a 12 ms long E180 tuned to 2.5 ppm (Fig. 1). Following phantom validation, the editing method was tested in 5 patients with gliomas and 5 healthy volunteers. Data were acquired with 32-channel head coil in a 7T whole-body scanner (Philips Medical Systems). Voxel size was 4 – 8 mL depending on the tumor volume identified with T2w-FLAIR. In healthy brain the voxel size was 14mL in gray-matter and 9mL in white-matter region. Data acquisition parameters included TR=2.5s, sweep-width=5kHz, number of sampling points=4096, and signal-averages = 64–256 for each subecho time set. Unsuppressed water data was acquired for eddy current compensation and multi-channel combination. Spectral fitting was performed with LCModel3, using basis spectra calculated incorporating the volume localizing RF and gradient pulses with published chemical shift and J-coupling constants4,5. Metabolite quantification was performed using water as a reference at 42 M.


Figure-2 shows the performance of the triple-refocusing difference editing. The 2HG signal at 2.25 ppm exhibited a positive signal at subspectrum-A and an inverted signal in subspectrum-B, thereby leading to a positive edited signal following subtraction and null signal following summing. In contrast, the weakly-coupled GABA 2.29 ppm resonance was a positive signal with similar amplitude in the subspectra, giving null and edited signal following subtraction and summing, respectively. The Glu 2.35 pm resonance was substantially attenuated in the difference spectrum, enhancing the 2HG detection. Also at the optimized subecho times, the 2HG, GABA and Glu signals were much narrower than at short TE, offering improved separation of the metabolite signals. Figure-3 presents the 2HG signals from simulation and phantom (2HG 10mM and Gly 20mM), and in-vivo edited data from a glioma patient. In consistent with simulation and phantom data, a signal was clearly discernible at 2.25 ppm in the difference spectra, while the sum spectra showed null 2HG signal. Figure-4(a) shows an in-vivo editing result from a glioma patient. 2HG was measured at 4.4 mM, while Glu and GABA where not measurable. Gln was estimated at 1.8 mM. Figure-4(b,c) shows in vivo difference- and summing-edited spectra from five glioma patients. 2HG was measurable in 4 tumors, with CRLBs < 15%, including a low 2HG concentration case (0.6 mM, 13% CRLB). The performance of the summing editing, which was designed for GABA detection, was test in healthy volunteers (Figure-5). In the summing spectra from gray-matter dominant regions the GABA signal at 2.29 ppm was clearly discernible. GABA was estimated to be 0.9 mM (CRLB 9%) and 0.4 mM (CRLB 11%) for gray- and white-matter regions, respectively, in good agreement with prior studies6.


We report a new triple-refocusing difference-editing method for in-vivo detection of 2HG in brain tumors at 7T, which was designed for edited 2HG signal at 2.25 ppm and suppressed GABA signal at 2.29 ppm, thereby leading to 2HG measurement with minimal GABA interference. With additional benefits from macromolecule attenuation at the long TEs, the editing method offers excellent detectability of 2HG when 2HG concentrations are low. Further study will be required to evaluate the capability of the editing for detection of both 2HG and GABA, which may be important for evaluating the tumor malignancy and neuronal disruption such as seizures in brain tumors.


This study was supported by NIH CA184584 and CPRIT RP140021.


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Figure 1. Triple-refocusing sequence scheme used for difference/summing editing of 2HG. The inter-RF pulse time delays satisfied the refocusing condition, t1 + t3 = t2 + t4.

Figure 2. (a,b) Numerically-calculated subspectra of 2HG, Glu, Gln and GABA at the optimized subecho time pair (total TE = 90 ms). The E180 was 12 ms long, tuned to 2.5 ppm. (c,d) Difference editing, (A-B)/2, leads to edited 2HG and null GABA, while summing editing, (A+B)/2, gives null 2HG and edited GABA. Spectra were calculated for equal concentrations and broadened to glycine FWHM of 10 Hz. A vertical line is drawn at 2.25 ppm.

Figure 3. Comparison between simulated, phantom, and in-vivo 2HG signals; (a) subspectra-A, (b) subspectra-B, (c) difference editing, (A−B)/2, and (d) summing editing, (A+B)/2. Phantom data were obtained from a spherical phantom containing glycine (20mM) and 2HG (10mM). Simulated and phantom spectra were broadened to the in-vivo linewidth (14Hz). Vertical dotted lines are drawn at the 2HG C4-proton resonance (2.25ppm).

Figure 4. (a) LCModel analysis of an in-vivo difference-edited spectrum from a brain tumor patient (voxel size 4.3 mL and 160 averages in each of the subscans). (b,c) Difference- and summing-edited spectra from 5 brain-tumor patients. The difference spectra are shown with 2x scaling. The metabolite concentration estimates are shown with CRLBs in brackets.

Figure 5. Illustration of GABA detection by summing editing for the occipital gray-matter (GM) and white-matter (WM) regions in a healthy brain. The voxel size was 14 and 9 mL for GM and WM regions, respectively. The number of signal averages was 128 for each subscan in both GM and WM scans. The metabolite concentration estimates are shown with CRLBs in brackets.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)