Evidence for regional and spectral differences of macromolecule signals in human brain using a crusher coil at 7 Tesla
Nicolas Geades1, Carrie Wismans2, Mariska Damen2, Penny Gowland1, Hans Hoogduin2, Vincent Boer2, Dennis Klomp2, and Jannie Wijnen2

1Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2Department of Radiology, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands


The regional, spectral and relaxation differences of macromolecules (MM) in the human brain were investigated using T1 mapping, metabolite nulling and high resolution MRSI with a crusher coil at 7T. Differences between macromolecular signal of GM and WM were observed by all three methods. The T1 mapping showed different T1 relaxation time of MM in GM and WM. Metabolic maps created by fitting an averaged WM spectrum showed differences in M1 and M2. The macromolecules in the metabolite nulled data showed a different M4 in GM and WM. Some of these differences can be explained by differences in T1 relaxation.

Target audience

clinicians and scientists interested in macromolecules in healthy and diseased brain tissue


Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) at short TE and short TR allows enhanced detection of macromolecules (MM), particularly at high fields (i.e. 7T). Using either high spatial resolution [1] or a crusher coil [2], these MM signals can be obtained at short TR and TE in the human brain without contamination of lipid signals. In this study we investigate the regional, spectral and relaxation differences of macromolecular spins in the human brain using T1 mapping, metabolite nulling and high resolution MRSI with a crusher coil at 7T.


Data Acquisition:

High resolution MRSI data of the brain was acquired at 7 Tesla using a 32 channel head coil (Nova) and a crusher coil (MR Coils) inserted into the head coil as preciously described [2]. For T1 mapping of MM a single slice high resolution MRSI was obtained using different flip angles in 8 healthy volunteers. The flip angles used were 15°, 30°, 50°, 60°, 70° and 90° and a short TR of 160-190 ms was used. Other measurement parameters were: TE 2.5ms, matrix size 34x38, voxel size 5x5x10mm3, scan time: 2:42min. To create metabolic maps of individual metabolites a different single slice MRSI measurement was performed using the following parameters in a pulse-acquire experiment: TR 820ms, TE 2.5ms , flip angle of 50°, matrix size 17x19, voxel size 10x10x10mm3, acquisition time 3:28min, one average and water suppression was obtained by using frequency selective spokes pulses [3]. Furthermore, metabolite nulled MRSI data was acquired using the same setup and a double inversion recovery experiment and VAPOR water suppression. The following scan parameters were used: TR 1500ms, TE 2.5ms, excitation flip angle 30°, TI1 570ms, TI2 20ms, matrix size 23x23, voxel size 7.8x7.8x 10mm3, 3 averages, acquisition time 19:36min. For inversion an adiabatic full passage pulse was used with duration of 20ms and 95% inversion bandwidth of 1.2kHz, centered at 0ppm. In all experiments a separate non-water-suppressed acquisition at lower resolution and one average was acquired for eddy current correction and residual water removal.

Data processing:

Water unsuppressed data was interpolated to the same matrix size as the water-suppressed data. To subtract the residual water and water sidebands, in every voxel a fit of the water data to the metabolite data was subtracted from the metabolite data. Eddy current correction was performed and the data was saved for fitting purposes. In the data of the high resolution flip angle series, voxels from white matter and from gray matter were fitted with a linear combination of model signals using NMRWizard [R. de Graaf, MRRC, Yale University]. The macromolecules were fitted as one profile. The signal intensity of the MM versus the true local flip angle as assessed from a B1 map was used to obtain an estimate of the T1 relaxation time of macromolecules in white matter (WM) and gray matter (GM) (Figure 1). To create difference maps of the signal intensity of individual metabolites a WM ROI was averaged and subtracted from all individual spectra. The residual was used to create macromolecule and metabolite maps. The process is explained in Figure 2.Voxels from mainly gray and mainly white matter in the metabolite nulled data were averaged to obtain a measured MM profile at short TE and long TR (Figure 4b).

Results and Discussion

When fitting a full MM baseline to the multi angle experiments, a difference in macromolecule T1 (255 ± 40ms vs. 386 ± 82ms) between GM and WM could be observed (Figure 1). Maps created using the method shown in Figure 2 provide an insight into which macromolecules show a contrast between WM and GM (Figure 3). As can be seen from Figure 4, M1 M2, M3 and M4 show differences between GM and WM, which particularly for M4 is even more clear in the metabolite nulled spectra. Both Figure 4a and 4b show that we observe differences in MM between WM and GM, note however that the spectra in Figure 4a were obtained at a shorter TR than in Figure 4b (850ms compared to 1500ms). When combining all MM signals the apparent T1 as assessed from multi angle experiments is different. However, as observed in Figure 4, the individual MM signals seem to have different T1 contributions as well, similar as recently observed in animals at 17.2T [4].


Using high sensitivity measurements, we could clearly observe differences in macromolecular signal between GM and WM. Some of these differences can be explained by differences in T1 relaxation of specific macromolecules.


No acknowledgement found.


[1] - W. Bogner, S. Gruber, S. Trattnig, and M. Chmelik, “High-resolution mapping of human brain metabolites by free induction decay (1)H MRSI at 7 T.,” NMR Biomed., vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 873–82, 2012.

[2] - V. O. Boer, T. van de Lindt, P. R. Luijten, and D. W. J. Klomp, “Lipid suppression for brain MRI and MRSI by means of a dedicated crusher coil,” Magn. Reson. Med., vol. 2068, pp. 2062–2068, 2014.

[3] - T. van de Lindt, R. Mooiweer, P. R. Luijten, D. W. J. Klomp, and V. O. Boer, “Fast water suppression for high resolution MRSI by frequency selective spokes pulses at 7 T.,” Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 22, 3766, 2014

[4] - A. L. Lopez-Kolkovsky, S. Mériaux, and F. Boumezbeur, “Metabolite and macromolecule T1 and T2 relaxation times in the rat brain in vivo at 17.2T,” Magn. Reson. Med., vol. 00, pp. 1–12, 2015.


T1 function fitted to macromolecular baseline AUC (signal intensity) vs. flip angle (from B1 map), showing a difference between WM and GM. In each data set (n=8) ROIs were drawn containing several voxels of GM and WM . One data point in the figure resembles the MM intensity in one voxel.

Method used to create metabolic maps, using an averaged WM spectrum as a basis set

Metabolite and macromolecule maps created using the method described in Figure 2. The maps only show the difference between WM and GM, not their values, because they are computed as the intensity of the absolute difference (black line in spectrum) between an averaged WM spectrum (blue line) and individual spectra (red line).

a) Water removed averaged spectra (including metabolites) vs. b) Metabolite nulled averaged spectra for WM (blue) and GM (red). In the metabolite nulled spectrum, complete inversion was not reached beyond 2 ppm.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)