Ioannis Angelos Giapitzakis1,2, Roland Kreis 3, and Anke Henning 1,4
1Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 2IMPRS for Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany, 3Depts. Radiology and Clinical Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 4Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH, Zürich, Switzerland
resonances (MM) overlap with metabolites resulting in inaccurate quantification
of the metabolites due to baseline distortion. This effect becomes even more
severe in case of short echo times (TE). The purpose of this study was the
development of an adiabatic pulse for double inversion recovery and
investigation of impact to include MM into quantification of 9.4T MRS data of
human brain. This is the first study where MC-STEAM is combined with a double
inversion technique. The results showed the advantages of UHF and MC as well as
the necessity of the inclusion of MM baseline in the basis set.
1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), macromolecular resonances
(MM) overlap with metabolites resulting in inaccurate quantification of the
metabolites due to baseline distortion. This effect becomes even more severe in
case of short echo times (TE). Previously, single and double inversion recovery
1-3 have been developed in order to address this problem.
The main idea is the utilization of the large difference of the T
1 relaxation
times between the MM and the metabolites. At ultra-high-field (UHF) frequency and
phase alignment based on metabolite cycling (MC) have been shown to be
beneficial for the spectral quality of metabolite spectra
4-5. Thus,
the purpose of this study was to develop
a metabolite-cycled adiabatic double-inversion recovery sequence applicable at
9.4T and to investigate the impact of including MM into quantification of metabolite-cycled
9.4T spectra of the human brain.
inversion pulse for metabolite nulling (InvP) is required to fulfill two criteria: 1st) the bandwidth of the InvP is large enough for
inversion of the metabolite signals 2nd) the InvP is robust
against B1+ inhomogeneity. For this purpose, a novel type
of adiabatic full passage pulse (AFP) was designed. Its amplitude modulation
(AM; normalized) was constructed using three Gaussian pulses and its frequency modulation
(FM) using a hyperbolic tangent (Fig.1). In particular, the nith
sample-point of the pulse amplitude and frequency are given by the following
AM(n_i) =α_1\cdot e^{-(\frac{n_i-β_1}{γ_1})^2}+ α_2\cdot e^{-(\frac{n_i-β_2}{γ_2})^2}+ α_3\cdot e^{-(\frac{n_i-β_3}{γ_3})^2}
α1=0.590, α2=0.515, α3=-0.207, β1=0.304, β2=-0.004, β3=1.050, γ1=1.420, γ2= 0.615. γ3=1.099
FM(n_i) =κ_1\cdot tanh(λ_1\cdot n_i)
κ1= 1017 Hz, λ1= -1.89
n_1=-π,n_2= n_1+δn,…,n_{N-1}=n_{N-2}+ δn,n_N=π
δn=\frac{2π}{N}, N
is the number of sample-points.
behavior of the InvP was simulated for different durations and B1+
inhomogeneity levels. In order to compensate for the different T1
relaxation times of distinct metabolites at 9.4T ranging from 1000ms to 2000ms6
a double-inversion recovery scheme was used. The inversion scheme was
implemented along with an MC-STEAM4 sequence (Fig 2) enabling correct frequency
and phase alignment of all individual spectral averages for spectra with and without
metabolite-nulling. The optimum values for the recovery times TI1
and TI2 were calculated using Bloch simulations and ensured
sufficient suppression of the metabolites.
scheme was tested on three healthy volunteers on a 9.4 Tesla scanner (SIEMENS,
Germany). MM (metabolite nulled) and metabolite spectra were acquired from a
voxel placed in the occipital lobe (TE/TM/TR: 8/50/5000ms. B1+
of InvP=22μΤ, freq. offset of InvP=-850Hz). The individual measured metabolite-nulled
spectra were averaged to calculate a MM baseline "template"(Fig. 3).
Post-processing was performed using MATLAB (The MathWorks,Inc.) scripts and
included the following steps: 1)zero filling, 2)frequency and phase alignment
based on unsuppressed water, 3)averaging 4)eddy current correction and 5)coil
combination. Only for the MM spectra, the data were apodized with an
exponential function (14Hz) for noise reduction. Metabolite spectra acquired without
double-inversion were analysed with LCModel7 using a simulated basis
set8-10 consisting of 19 metabolites either with or without the MM
‘template’. In the
case that MM baseline was introduced in the basis-set, the hidden control paramater of LCmodel dkntmn was set to 0.3. Moreover, an additional singlet was included at 1.73ppm to compensate for a peak systematically appearing at this
frequency in our data.
resulting MM baselines were consistent among the three healthy volunteers
except of amplitude differences of M4 resonance (Fig.3). The MM
baseline was free of metabolite contamination demonstrating the insensitivity
of this method and pulse against a range of T1 relaxation times and
B1+ inhomogeneity. The MM template is similar to other published studies
but the high spectral resolution reveals a splitting of the M5 resonance (Fig
3). Moreover, one additional MM double peak (MX1) was detected (~2.55-2.75ppm).
MX1 appears also in other studies
12 but hasn't been reported. These findings
were realizable due to UHF and frequency alignment based on
MC spectra. The LCModel calculations demonstrate that inclusion of
MM template leads to quite flat spline baseline correction without
significant residuals (Fig. 4). Contrarily, the baseline calculated
by LCModel without prior-knowledge of the MM baseline is quite arbitrary
introducing potentials for quantification errors. Furthermore, LCModel
quantification without measured MM results in altered metabolite concentrations
(in line with Ref.13) with over- or underestimation of certain metabolites
being due to the spline baseline's high degree of freedom (Fig. 5).
this study we demonstrated an optimised AFP and double-inversion
scheme for metabolite nulling at 9.4T. This is the first study where
MC-STEAM is combined with a double-inversion technique. The results showed the
advantages of UHF and MC as well as the necessity of the inclusion of MM
baseline in the basis-set.
No acknowledgement found.References
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