Fiber bundles can cross or kiss, bend or fan
within a single diffusion MRI (dMRI) voxel. Given the limited dMRI resolution and
the inherent central symmetry in the measurements, these sub-voxel patterns cannot
be distinguished by only using the voxel-wise signal. These asymmetric fibre
patterns can be distinguished once information from neighbouring voxels is
pooled together. We propose a direct estimation of asymmetric fiber orientation
distributions (aFODs) based on neighbourhood-wise
constrained spherical
deconvolution that is capable of inferring sub-voxel patterns. We also propose
a tractography algorithm based on the estimated aFODs and we assess performance
using real histological fibre patterns.Purpose
Due to the limited diffusion MRI (dMRI) resolution
and the inherent central symmetry in the measurements, sub-voxel fibre patterns
(e.g., fanning/bending/crossing) cannot be distinguished using voxel-wise symmetric
FODs (sFODs), leading to tractography errors
1,2,3,4. We present a
flexible framework that uses the relative spatial arrangement of such patterns
to perform
neighbourhood-wise constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD). We estimate
sub-voxel asymmetric fibre patterns and propose an improvement in current tractography
approaches. We assess performance using real histological fibre patterns and in vivo dMRI data.
Asymmetric FOD
We augment the previous CSD framework5
by incorporating information from neighbouring voxels, allowing asymmetry in
the estimates. We represent FODs using a linear spherical harmonics (SH) basis,
but contrary to previous approaches we use SHs of both even and odd orders. The
former are axially symmetric and allow voxel-wise features to be represented.
The latter are axially antisymmetric and allow capturing asymmetry, inferred
from the spatial arrangements. The unknown SH coefficients ^fall for a
voxel V are estimated by minimizing a cost function comprised of a voxel-wise
and a neighborhood-wise term:
^fall=argminfall{∥Cfeven−y∥2+λ2∥Bfall−z∥2}with Bfall≥0
where fall contains both the odd and even order SH
coefficients of the asymmetric FOD (aFOD) and feven contains only the even order
coefficients. The first term minimizes the sum of squared residuals between the
signal predicted by voxel-wise symmetric CSD5 (Cfeven) and
the acquired dMRI signal at V (y). The
second term minimizes the difference between the FOD at V (Bfall) and FODs
in a 3x3x3 neighbourhood of V (z). Specifically, we evaluate FODs
at N points on the sphere. For each point i
and respective orientation ui (Fig.1A), we select the
neighbour X with a vector wx
(connecting its centre to the centre of V) being closest to ui, and set zi=FODx(-ui). This is based on a
fiber continuity assumption6: a fiber leaving one voxel with
direction ui should
enter the next one following the opposite direction -ui (Fig. 1A). The above function can be minimized
iteratively, across all voxels, until convergence. The regularisation parameter
λ was determined using cross-validation.
Our proposed deterministic and probabilistic approaches take into
account the current tracking position to decide which side of the current aFOD
to use. A plane perpendicular to the vector connecting the current tracking
position to the center of the current voxel divides the local aFOD in two parts
(Fig. 1B). The aFOD part on the side of the current tracking position is
considered and flipped to obtain an sFOD. To propagate the streamline, the direction
of least curvature is selected in the deterministic approach (after trilinear
interpolation of the vector field). In the probabilistic approach, the aFOD is
sampled using a rejection sampling approach. In this work we have set the
step-size to 0.25 (0.2 for deterministic) of the voxel size, a 45° angular threshold (80° for
deterministic) and a 0.1 amplitude threshold on the aFOD.
Histological sections of a macaque brain, stained for myelin, were processed
using structure tensor analysis (STA)7. DMRI signal was then simulated
using the ball and stick model8 and the orientations estimated by
STA. B-value was set to 2000 s/mm2 (SNR=20). Voxels at histology
resolution (50 μm) were then pooled
together to simulate voxels at lower MRI resolution (1 mm isotropic) with
sub-voxel patterns.
In vivo data
Diffusion MRI data were obtained from the Human Connectome Project9,10.
Fig. 2 shows reconstructed aFODs obtained from simulated and in-vivo data. Sharp bending, splitting and fanning can be seen in regions where sFODs
suggest fibre crossings. Fig. 3 shows a comparison between a “ground-truth” histological
FOD (histFOD), sFOD and aFOD for three different configurations. AFODs improve
the sub-voxel geometry estimation. The correlations with the histFODs are 0.4–0.78–0.84 for the sFODs and 0.87–0.9–0.95 for the aFODs, for the three
different configurations. Fig. 4 shows the benefit in our deterministic
tractography approach when using aFODs vs sFODs. When comparing to tractography
ran on histology-extracted orientations, it can be seen that aFOD-based
tractography improves the accuracy of the reconstructed connections. Fig. 5 shows
the advantage of being able to distinguish fanning polarity (spreading vs
converging) with our estimates. An improved characterization of sharp bending
and fanning fibers can be obtained using aFODs (Fig.5A). Moreover, topological
profiles are better preserved when using aFOD-based probabilistic tractography
as more cortical end-points correctly project back to the original seed ROI (Fig.5B).
The proposed aFODs can reliably represent sub-voxel
fiber patterns such as sharp bending and fanning. This added information
increases both the accuracy and the precision of fibre tractography.
We would like to acknowledge funding from the EPSRC
(grants L023067 and L022680) and from the ERC (grant 319456).References
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