Quantitative Assessment of Microstructure Properties of Human Corpus Callosum and Distinct Connectivity to Projected Cortices using Parametric T1 Imaging and Diffusion Tractography
Byeong-Yeul Lee1, Xiao-Hong Zhu1, and Wei Chen1

1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Radiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States


Imaging of callosal microstructures is of importance to understand its functional and anatomical connectivity to the projected cortical areas across two hemispheres. In this work, we tested our hypothesis that the parametric T1 measure could be sensitive to the corpus callosum (CC) microstructure and the fiber size within CC, and it may reflect the underlying functionality. In comparison with histology reports, our T1 maps indicate high inhomogeneity in CC and a positive trend between the T1 value and CC fiber size. In addition, diffusion tractograpy analysis shows that regional differentiation of CC T1 value or fiber size is indicative of unique connection to the cortical areas with distinct brain function. We found that the large callosal fibers likely connect to sensory and visual cortices; in contrast, small callosal fibers connect higher functional brain regions. The overall results show the new utility of parametric T1 imaging for quantitatively assessment of the fiber microstructure of human corpus callosum and its connections to functionally relevant cortices. This imaging approach could provide a robust and useful tool for detection of fiber abnormality in the human white matter and dysfunction.


Accurate information of the microstructure properties of the corpus callosum (CC) is of upmost importance to understand its anatomical and functional connectivity to the cortical areas. Due to the complexity of the structure, it is extremely challenging for quantitatively assessing and identifying the distinct microstructures and functional subdivisions within CC in vivo using neuroimaging approaches. In this work, we hypothesized that parametric MR T1 relaxation times could reflect the callosal microstructure properties such as the various fiber sizes with unique anatomical connectivity to the functionally relevant cortical areas. To test this hypothesis, we studied healthy subjects at ultrahigh field of 7T, which provides high-resolution parametric T1 images with sufficient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In addition, DTI data were acquired to verify the anatomical connectivity between CC and projected cortical regions.


Eighteen subjects (12 M / 6 F, 32.4±13.1 years ) participated in this study. All MRI studies were performed at 7.0T/90cm MRI scanner (Siemens) with a 32-channel head coil (Nova).
T1 mapping: The parametric T1 image across the mid-sagittal CC slice was measured using the single-shot fast spin-echo sequence [1] with seven inversion recovery times. A high in-plane resolution (500x500 μm2) was applied to reduce the partial volume effect from surrounding tissues. The optimal RF power was applied with actual flip angle method [2]. Callosal Parcellation: Parcellation method was described in detail previously [3]. Briefly, after segmentation of mid-sagittal region of CC on the T1-weighted images, equidistant surface points making up the surface boundaries were calculated and 7 regions were parcellated according to Witelson’s model [4]. T1 Normalization and Spatial Registration: To account for the T1 variations of individual subjects, all measured T1 values were normalized by dividing their mean T1 values . Each normalized T1 maps were then spatially registered into the T1 image of a representative subject using linear transformation [5]. Diffusion Tractography: For the confirmation of anatomical connectivity of CC to the cortical areas, DTI data were acquired (7s repetition time, b0 = 2100 s/mm2 with 110 diffusion gradient directions), and were processed according to HCP pipeline [6] with FDT diffusion toolbox including BEDPOSTX, which allows to model crossing fibers within each voxel.

Results and Discussion

Figure 1 shows the averaged T1 map of the human CC displays a distinct distribution of T1 values across different CC subdivision; highest T1s in the inferior splenium, and lowest in rostrum. Furthermore, it is worthy to note that T1s within the same subdivision shows highly inhomogeneous distribution (Fig. 2); for instance, the inferior part of splenium shows significantly higher T1 compared to the posterior one, thus, high-resolution T1 image is critical to identify such differentiation within a small subdivision. So far, post-mortem histology studies [7] have well defined the microstructural properties of callosal fibers such as size and density. The reported ex vivo regional differentiation of callosal microstructure are strikingly consistent with the T1 distribution as imaged in this study (comparison result in Fig. 3). The high similarities between the MR T1 relaxometry and histological analysis strongly support that callosal T1 values may reflect the fiber diameters. Thus, two regions of interest (ROIs) was selected: one with high T1 value (large fibers) and low T1 (small fibers), then identifying their projected cortices using tractography method. Figure 4 illustrates the connections between the selected CC ROIs and cortical lobes. Interestingly, the inferior part of splenium with large fiber size is connected to the visual sensory cortex, in contrast, the posterior part of splenium with small fiber size is connected to the parietal-temporal lobes with higher functionality. This observation is also consistent with the facts that the medium size fibers in the CC are connected to somatosensory and motor cortices, in contrast, the smallest size fibers in genu are connected to the front lobe with much complex functionality. These CC-cortical connections are in good agreement with previous diffusion tensor MRI study [8-9]. Our results suggest that the large CC fibers could facilitate fast communication of electrical signals between CC and sensory cortices, and in contrast, small CC fibers could facilitate complex signal but with relatively slow speed with higher functionality. Therefore, spatial distribution of T1 relaxometry of the CC provides unique microstructural and functional specialization in the human brain.


The results show the utility of complementary parametric T1 approaches to quantitatively assess the fiber microstructure of the corpus callosum and unique functional connectivity to cortical regions. Therefore, this imaging approach could provide a robust and useful biomarker for delineation of the axonal fiber abnormality, and clinically potential for the white matter diseases.


NIH grants of R24 MH106049, RO1 NS070839, S10 RR029672, P41 EB015894 and P30 NS076408


[1] de Bazelaire et al., Radiology, 230:625-659 (2004); [2] Yarhykh et al., MRM, 57:192-200 (2007); [3] Sigalovsky et al., NueroImage 32:1524-1537 (2006); [4] Witelson et al., Brain, 112:799-835 (1989); [5] Rueckert et al., IEEE 18:712-21 (1999); [6] Glasser et al., NueroImage, 80:105-124 (2013); [7] Aboititz et al., Brain Research, 598:143-153 (1992); [8] Gooijers et al., HBM, 34:241-252 (2013); [9] Park et al., HBM, 29:503-516 (2008)


Figure 1 Normalized average T1 map of the corpus callosum overlapped on the T2-weighted image.

Figure 2 Histograms showing regional T1 distributions cross different CC subdivision from anterior to posterior order; [1] rostrum, [2] genu, [3] rostral body, [4] anterior midbody, [5] posterior midbody, [6] isthmus, and [7] splenium.

Figure 3 In vivo T1 maps (top) and simulated map of fiber diameters (middle) that are proportional to the T1 values (shown in top), and fiber diameter estimated from ex vivo [7] (bottom), showing high similarities of fiber diameter between in vivo and ex vivo measurements.

Figure 4 A representative diffusion tractography estimated using FDT method. Callosal fibers from each seeding points of interest project to distinct cortical regions: Yellow to frontal lobe, green to somatosensory, pink to motor cortex, blue to parietal-temporal lobe, and red to occipital lobe.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)