Samira Bouyagoub1, Nicholas G. Dowell1, Samuel A. Hurley2, Tobias C. Wood3, and Mara Cercignani1
1Clinical Imaging Sciences Centre, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Brighton, United Kingdom, 2FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Neuroimaging, IoPPN, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom
NODDI is a diffusion
MRI technique based on combining a 3 compartment tissue model with a (HARDI)
protocol. NODDI overestimates CSF volume fractions (fiso), particularly in
white matter regions. This is possibly due to the single T2 assumption for all
compartments. High fiso could lead to inaccurate measure of neurite density
(ficvf) and orientation dispersion (odi). We propose a method to correct these
errors by scaling fiso with voxel-based T2 maps from DESPOT. We acquired NODDI
data for 5 healthy subjects, and we run original NODDI analysis and another NODDI
analysis using rescaled fiso. Results showed rescaling fiso generated low fiso
measures consistent with those reported in literature. It also generated more
physiologically acceptable measures of ficvf, whereas odi was not sensitive to
the change.Aim
To improve the NODDI estimates of CSF volume fractions by accounting for tissue-specific T2.
Neurite orientation dispersion and
density imaging (NODDI) has become a popular diffusion MRI technique to provide
microstructural information of axons and dendrites. The technique is based on
combining a three-compartment tissue model with a multi-shell high-angular-resolution
diffusion imaging (HARDI) protocol. NODDI estimates the intra-cellular volume
fraction (neurite density, ficvf), orientation dispersion of the neurites
(odi), fibre orientation and CSF volume fractions (fiso) [1]. MR signal is
modelled using the 3-compartment model as:
S=(1−fiso)(ficvfSic+(1−ficvf)Sec)+fisoSiso(1) Where: S is the full normalised signal. S
ic, S
ec and S
iso are the normalised signals for intra-cellular,
extra-cellular and CSF compartments, respectively.
However, NODDI assumes a common T2 for
all compartments; while this is acceptable for intra-cellular and
extra-cellular compartments, the CSF compartment has a much higher T2,
resulting in a significant overestimation of fiso, especially in white matter. We have studied the extent to
which this overestimation affects the important parameters of odi and ficvf.
Furthermore, we have explored the possibility of improving the NODDI parameters
estimation by combining DESPOT [2] and NODDI. We propose using the acquired T2
maps for the isotropic component and the intra and extra-cellular component from DESPOT to account for the longer T2 times in the CSF and scale
fiso to compensate for the CSF overestimation.
We acquired NODDI
diffusion data for 5 male subjects (between 25 and 30 years old, median age 27) using a
Siemens 1.5T Avanto scanner (maximum gradient strength=44mT/m). One of the subjects was rescanned on a Siemens Prisma 3T scanner
(maximum gradient strength=80mT/m) for comparison. Images were acquired using
echo-planar imaging, TE/TR=95/8200ms, fov=192x192mm
2, matrix size 96x96,
slices=60, thickness=2.5mm. Two diffusion shells were used, b=800 and 2000s/mm
with 30 and 60 non-collinear directions, respectively. We acquired T2 maps for
the isotropic component and the intra and extra-cellular component using multi-component driven equilibrium single pulse observation (mcDESPOT)[2].
First, we run full NODDI
analysis on the data to generate fiso, ficvf and odi parameter maps. Then, we
generated corrected fiso values (fiso
corr) that account for the longer T2 times
in the CSF, as follows:
fisocorr=fiso⋅e−TE/T2anisofiso⋅e−TE/T2aniso+(1−fiso)⋅e−TE/T2iso(2) Rescaling fiso was
done using voxel-based T2
iso and T2
aniso values from the CSF and the intra-extracellular T2 maps. And
then we run a new NODDI analysis using the rescaled fiso to generate new
parameter maps.
Results and discussion
The mean values of NODDI
maps, for a selection of brain regions from original NODDI and from using
rescaled-fiso NODDI are shown in Table 1. We chose the frontal lobe and caudate
for cortical and sub-cortical grey matter, and three different white matter
tracts. Original NODDI overestimates CSF volume fractions, particularly in
white matter regions with values reaching over 0.2. Similar observations can be
made from ficvf maps for different brain regions, with unrealistic values
(ficvf>0.7 being commonplace in WM). Scaling fiso using
equation 2 reduces fiso to more expected physiological values. This is visibly clear on the fiso map image as shown in Fig.1.
Rescaling fiso
with T2 maps generated low fiso measures consistent with those reported in
literature,[3], with white matter fiso<10% and grey matter fiso<25%. We
examined the change in NODDI maps after rescaling fiso, Fig.2. We noticed less
effect on odi for different odi values. However, the lower the fiso, the more
significant the fiso change was. Reduction in ficvf reached more than 20% of
the original NODDI’s estimate resulting in fewer unrealistic values. There is a
linear correlation of the change in ficvf with its magnitude in white matter.
We compared the results from using 1.5T scanner with those using 3T, Fig.3; we
found fiso rescaling brings the resulting fiso and ficvf measures closer, whereas
odi was not sensitive to the change.
Using T2 maps
provides voxel-based T2iso and T2aniso, but in their absence, we suggest using fixed values for all voxels in equation2. Fig.4
shows that rescaling with fixed T2iso and T2aniso is best achieved
using values with a ratio T2iso/T2aniso>10. Another suggestion is to
provide NODDI with pre-calculated fiso maps using other tools such as CSF map
estimated by SPM or FSL’s segmentation.
NODDI overestimates CSF volume fractions (fiso), which is more apparent in white matter regions. This overestimation is due to assuming a single T2 for all compartments. High fiso is a likely cause for an inaccurate measure of ficvf and odi that has implications on NODDI studies. We have demonstrated a method to correct these errors by scaling fiso with voxel-based T2 maps in order to generate more physiologically believable measures.
No acknowledgement found.References
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Alexander DC. NODDI: Practical in vivo neurite orientation dispersion and
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[2] Deoni
SC, Matthews L, Kolind SH. One component? Two components? Three?
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[3] Ernst
T, Kreis R, Ross BD. Absolute quantitation of water and
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