It is necessary to perform correction of
eddy-current and motion artefacts before analysing DW-MR data, but none of the
commonly used correction techniques have been evaluated quantitatively using direct measures of correspondence. Here we
apply a recently proposed simulation framework to evaluate four correction techniques.
We found the three techniques that register to a b=0 image (Eddy_correct, ACID,
ExploreDTI) perform worse than a technique that registers to predicted DWIs
(eddy). Furthermore, we found that one
of the most commonly used methods for registration to b=0, eddy_correct,
performs significantly worse than the other methods considered.Introduction
This work makes use of a recently proposed
simulation framework [1] to quantitatively evaluate methods for correcting
eddy-current (EC) and motion artefacts in DW-MRI. EC and motion artefacts
introduce misalignments into DW-MR datasets, which adversely impact the quality
of information obtained from them. This is made worse by the increasingly
common acquisition of multi-shell datasets. Such acquisitions tend to involve
higher b-values and longer scan times, which increases the severity of EC and
motion artefacts. Most often these artefacts are corrected using freely available
post-processing techniques but there are no systematic, quantitative comparisons
of these. Recently, a novel framework was developed that enables the simulation
of realistic DW-MR datasets with artefacts, based on the POSSUM MR simulator [2,3], enabling the validation of
correction techniques. Here we apply this framework to evaluate the quality of
correction obtained by four of the most commonly used software packages.
Data: A DW-MR dataset with artefacts was simulated, according to the method in [1]. It consisted of 32/64 directions with b=700/2000s/mm2, 12 b=0 images, TR/TE = 7500/109 ms, dimensions 72×86×55 with isotropic voxel size 2.5mm3. Diffusion directions were distributed isotropically on the sphere. Severe artefacts were simulated: large, linear EC, randomly selected rotations of up to ±5° about each axis and translations of up to ±5mm along each axis. Noise was added to create datasets with SNR=20 and 40.
Techniques tested: We tested four commonly used software packages. Three perform registration to a b=0 image: FSL’s eddy_correct [4] uses full 12 dof affine registration, ACID [5] performs a constrained 9 dof registration and ExploreDTI [6] registers to b=0 in order to optimise the parameters of an EC and motion specific model (see [7]). The fourth method, FSL’s eddy [8], registers each volume to a model-free prediction of how it should look. Each method was used with its default settings to correct the dataset. For eddy_correct and ExploreDTI, final resampling was changed to use spline interpolation to match that used in eddy and ACID.
Evaluation strategy: Quality of correction was assessed quantitatively by
evaluating the displacement fields predicted by each method. The ground truth
displacement field, ψT,
describes a mapping from undistorted to distorted space and is obtained from
the simulation framework. Each method predicts its best mapping from distorted
to undistorted space, ψP. Combining these gives us a field, ψE, which
describes where each voxel in undistorted space is moved to after correction:
where ∘ is the
composition operator. A zero error field indicates perfect correction. Additionally,
the impact of correction was assessed by fitting the DT and NODDI [9] models to
corrected and ‘ground truth’ datasets, simulated without any artefacts. The
resulting parameter maps were compared
& Discussion
Figure 1 compares the mean error fields for
each method. The three methods that perform registration to b=0 have larger errors
than the method that does not (eddy), and they also display larger increases in
error with increasing b-value. Eddy_correct performs significantly worse than
the other two methods that register to b=0. The reason for this is made clear
Figure 2, which shows the spatial distribution of these errors. It
highlights that eddy_correct is overscaling each DWI along the x-, y- and z-
directions, whilst ACID and ExploreDTI are constrained to only allow scaling
along the y-axis (typically the phase-encode axis, which is affected by
eddy-current distortions). They also
reveal that whilst ExploreDTI leads to smaller mean errors than ACID, the
errors have larger variance. This could be because ACID performs direct
registration to b=0, whilst ExploreDTI optimises for parameters in a physics-based
EC model.
Figure 3 demonstrates the impact that the choice of correction method
has on estimation of microstructure. Use of eddy_correct leads to large errors
in estimation of DT and NODDI metrics. Results for eddy and ExploreDTI are comparable
whilst those from ACID slightly worse, most notably in the genu of the corpus
We used simulations to quantitatively
compare four methods for correcting EC and motion artefacts. We demonstrated
that the three methods that perform registration to b=0 provide worse
correction than the method that avoids this, eddy. We further showed that of
the three registration to b=0 methods, eddy_correct provides very poor
correction. This is important given that eddy_correct is likely the most widely
used correction method. We note that eddy has more stringent data requirements
than the other three methods, and our results indicate that ExploreDTI could
provide a reasonable alternative when these requirements are not met.
MG is supported by the EPSRC (EP/L504889/1)
and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (EP/L016478/1). HZ is supported by the
EPSRC (EP/L022680/1), the MRC (MR/L011530/1) and the Royal Academy of Engineering
Research Exchanges with China and India. ID is supported by the Leverhulme
Trust. MG and HZ are additionally supported by the Royal Society International
Exchange Scheme with China.References
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