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Comparison of BOLD and CBV-Weighted Resting State Connectivity to an Anatomical ‘gold Standard’ in the Motor Network of the Squirrel Monkey Brain

Author:Yurui Gao  Feng Wang  Iwona Stepniewska  Ann Choe  Kurt Schilling  Landman A. Bennett  Adam W. Anderson  Zhaohua Ding  Limin Chen  John C. Gore  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:fMRI: Resting-state Functional Connectivity  

Program Number:0045.   

Presentation Time:10:45   

Room Number:Room 714 A/B   

Comparison of CBF Measured with Velocity Selective ASL and Pulsed ASL in Pediatric Patients with Prolonged Arterial Transit Times Due to Moymoya Disease

Author:Divya S. Bolar  Borjan Gagoski  Richard L. Robertson  Elfar Adalsteinsson  Bruce R. Rosen  P. Ellen Grant  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Thursday  

Session:Fetal & Neonatal Imaging - Clinical  

Program Number:0778.   

Presentation Time:12:18   

Room Number:Room 701 A   

Comparison of Different Compressed Sensing Algorithms for Low SNR 19F Application --- Imaging of Transplanted Pancreatic Islets with PFCE Labeled

Author:Sayuan Liang  Yipeng Liu  Tom Dresselaers  Karim Louchami  Sabine Van Huffel  Uwe Himmelreich  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Wednesday  

Session:Cell Memories: Cell Tracking & MEMRI  

Program Number:0693.   

Presentation Time:16:24   

Room Number:Room 701 B   

Comparison of Diffusion and Perfusion Parameters in Distinguishing Radiation Effect and Necrosis from GBM

Author:Melissa A. Prah  Mona M. Al-Gizawiy  Wade M. Mueller  Raymond G. Hoffmann  Mahua Dasgupta  Kathleen M. Schmainda  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:Brain Tumor Imaging - Focus on Treatment  

Program Number:0070.   

Presentation Time:11:45   

Room Number:Constitution Hall 107   

Comparison of DTI and 11C-Methionine PET for Reliable Prediction of Tumor Cell Density in Gliomas

Author:Manabu Kinoshita  Hideyuki Arita  Naoki Kagawa  Yoshiyuki Watanabe  Jun Hatazawa  Naoya Hashimoto  Toshiki Yoshimine  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Tuesday  

Session:Brain Tumor Imaging - Focus on PET-MRI  

Program Number:0483.   

Presentation Time:16:48   

Room Number:John Bassett Theatre 102