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Session Date:

RARE/Turbo Spin Echo Imaging with Simultaneous MultiSlice Wave-CAIPI

Author:Borjan Gagoski  Berkin Bilgic  Cornelius Eichner  Himanshu Bhat  P. Ellen Grant  Lawrence L. Wald  Kawin Setsompop  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging  

Program Number:0240.   

Presentation Time:16:30   

Room Number:John Bassett Theatre 102   

Real Time Fat Suppressed MRI of the Knee Joint During Flexion/extension Allows the Study of PCL Motion

Author:Valentina Mazzoli  Andre Sprengers  Aart J. Nederveen  Gustav J. Strijkers  Klaas Nicolay  Nico Verdonschot  

Session Type:Traditional Poster  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:MSK - General  

Program Number:1211.   

Presentation Time:10:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Real-Time Automatic Resolution Adaption (AURA) for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI

Author:Ina Nora Kompan  Benjamin R. Knowles  Matthias Guenther  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:Perfusion & Permeability: Contrast Agent Methods  

Program Number:0190.   

Presentation Time:16:30   

Room Number:Room 701 A   

Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback with Simultaneous EEG in Combat-Related PTSD: Identification of EEG Measures of PTSD Severity and Treatment Response

Author:Vadim Zotev  Raquel Phillips  Masaya Misaki  Chung-Ki Wong  Brent Wurfel  Matthew Meyer  Frank Krueger  Matthew Feldner  Jerzy Bodurka  

Session Type:Traditional Poster  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:Anxiety & PTSD  

Program Number:1366.   

Presentation Time:16:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Real-Time Tool to Forecast the Adequacy of Shim and to Define the Number of Acquisitions Needed to Answer the Clinical Question at Hand with the Prescribed 1H MR Spectroscopy Exam

Author:Sreenath Pruthviraj Kyathanahally  Roland Kreis  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:New Methodological Approaches for MRS  

Program Number:0208.   

Presentation Time:18:06   

Room Number:Room 701 B