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Automatic and Quantitative Assessment of Total and Regional Muscle Tissue Volume Using Multi-Atlas Segmentation

Author:Anette Karlsson  Johannes Rosander  Joakim Tallberg  Anders Grönqvist  Magnus Borga  Olof Dahlqvist Leinhard  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:Young Investigator Awards  

Program Number:0034.   

Presentation Time:12:25   

Room Number:Room 701 A   

Free-Breathing Pediatric MRI with Nonrigid Motion Correction and Acceleration

Author:Joseph Cheng  Tao Zhang  Nichanan Ruangwattanapaisarn  Marcus T. Alley  Martin Uecker  John M. Pauly  Michael Lustig  Shreyas Vasanawala  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:Young Investigator Awards  

Program Number:0032.   

Presentation Time:11:45   

Room Number:Room 701 A   

In Vivo Visualization of Mesoscopic Anatomy of Healthy and Pathological Lymph Nodes Using 7T MRI: A Feasibility Study

Author:Martin Thomas Freitag  Mathies Breithaupt  Moritz Berger  Reiner Umathum  Armin M. Nagel  Jessica Hassel  Mark E. Ladd  Wolfhard Semmler  Heinz-Peter Schlemmer  Bram Stieltjes  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:Young Investigator Awards  

Program Number:0033.   

Presentation Time:12:05   

Room Number:Room 701 A   

k-T FASTER: Acceleration of fMRI Data Acquisition Using Low Rank Constraints

Author:Mark Chiew  Stephen M. Smith  Peter J. Koopmans  Nadine N. Graedel  Thomas Blumensath  Karla L. Miller  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:Young Investigator Awards  

Program Number:0031.   

Presentation Time:11:25   

Room Number:Room 701 A   

Selective Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Magnetic Nanoparticles by Acoustically Induced Rotary Saturation (AIRS)

Author:Bo Zhu  Thomas Witzel  Shan Jiang  Susie Yi Huang  Bruce R. Rosen  Lawrence L. Wald  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:Young Investigator Awards  

Program Number:0029.   

Presentation Time:10:45   

Room Number:Room 701 A