Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Multiparametric Mapping of Experimental Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease at 7T

Author:Jutta Janke  Gunnar Schley  Michael Uder  Kai-Uwe Eckardt  Carsten Willam  Tobias Bäuerle  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday  

Session:Body DWI, Technical Development & Contrast  

Program Number:4008.   

Presentation Time:10:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Using a Statistical Model as a Functional MRI of the Kidney: Preliminary Experience

Author:Kentaro Yamada  Hiroshi Shinmoto  Seigo Ito  Hiroo Kumagai  Tatsumi Kaji  Koichi Oshio  

Session Type:Traditional Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday  

Session:Body DWI, Technical Development & Contrast  

Program Number:1609.   

Presentation Time:10:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

DW-MRI Evaluation of the Serial Changes of Diffusion and Microperfusion in Adriamycin Induced Renal Injury Rat

Author:Haoran Sun  Huanhuan Wu  Ziheng Zhang  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday  

Session:Body DWI, Technical Development & Contrast  

Program Number:4011.   

Presentation Time:10:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Effect of Weight Loss and Regional Differences in Abdominal Adipose Tissue Hydration

Author:Suresh Anand Sadananthan  Navin Michael  Eric Yin Hao Khoo  Melvin Khee-Shing Leow  Chin Meng Khoo  Kavita Venkataraman  Yung Seng Lee  Yap Seng Chong  Peter D. Gluckman  E. Shyong Tai  

Session Type:Traditional Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday  

Session:Body DWI, Technical Development & Contrast  

Program Number:1622.   

Presentation Time:10:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Evaluation of B-Value Distributions for Monoexponential Model of Prostate Cancer Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Using B Values Up to 2000 S/mm2: A Repeatability Study on Region of Interest Level

Author:Harri Merisaari  Jussi Toivonen  Marko Pesola  Pekka Taimen  Peter J. Boström  Tapio Pahikkala  Hannu J. Aronen  Ivan Jambor  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday  

Session:Body DWI, Technical Development & Contrast  

Program Number:4001.   

Presentation Time:10:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall