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In Vivo Evaluation of Ocular Physiology and Structural Integrity of the Optic Nerve Upon Whole Eye Transplantation Using Gadolinium-Enhanced MRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Author:Yolandi van der Merwe  Leon C. Ho  Yang Li  Maxine R. Miller  Chiaki Komatsu  Hongkun Wang  Michael B. Steketee  Seong-Gi Kim  Joel S. Schuman  Kia M. Washington  Kevin C. Chan  The Wet Consortium  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Wednesday  

Session:Neuro Power Posters  

Program Number:0521.   

Presentation Time:10:14   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theatre, Exhibition Hall   

Longitudinal Characterization of Brain Microstructure and Visuomotor Behavior Following Acute Ocular Hypertension Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Magnetization Transfer Imaging and Optokinetics

Author:Yolandi van der Merwe  Leon C. Ho  Xiaoling Yang  Michael B. Steketee  Seong-Gi Kim  Gadi Wollstein  Joel S. Schuman  Kevin C. Chan  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:Neurovascular & Stroke 1  

Program Number:0170.   

Presentation Time:16:03   

Room Number:John Bassett Theatre 102   

Microstructural Organization and Macromolecular Contents in Fibrous Tissues of Normal and Hypertensive Eyes with Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Magnetization Transfer Imaging

Author:Leon C. Ho  Ian A. Sigal  Ning-Jiun Jan  Tao Jin  Ed X. Wu  Seong-Gi Kim  Joel S. Schuman  Kevin C. Chan  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday  

Session:Bone & UTE  

Program Number:4201.   

Presentation Time:14:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Morphological and Microstructural Changes in the Eye and the Brain in an Experimental Glaucoma Model Induced by Crosslinking Hydrogel Injection

Author:Leon C. Ho  Ian P. Conner  Xiao-Ling Yang  Yolandi van der Merwe  Yu Yu  Christopher K. Leung  Ian A. Sigal  Ed X. Wu  Seong-Gi Kim  Gadi Wollstein  Joel S. Schuman  Kevin C. Chan  

Session Type:Traditional Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday  

Session:Novel Brain & Eye  

Program Number:2284.   

Presentation Time:13:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Relationship Between Visual Functional Connectivity and Duration of Blindness Depends on Onset of Visual Deprivation

Author:Matthew C. Murphy  Amy C. Nau  Christopher Fisher  Seong-Gi Kim  Joel S. Schuman  Kevin C. Chan  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday  

Session:Functional Connectivity Materials & Applications  

Program Number:3956.   

Presentation Time:16:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall