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Isocaloric Fructose Restriction for 10 Days Reduces MR-Measured Liver, Pancreatic and Visceral Fat in High Sugar-Consuming, Obese Children

Author:Susan M. Noworolski  Kathleen Mulligan  Natalie Korn  Molly Gibson  Viva W. Tai  Michael Wen  Ayca Erkin-Cakmak  Alejandro Gugliucci  Robert H. Lustig  Jean-Marc Schwarz  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Thursday  


Program Number:0842.   

Presentation Time:13:30   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theatre, Exhibition Hall   

Pilot: MRI Differences Associated with Dutasteride and Finasteride Treatments in Patients with Low Risk Prostate Cancer

Author:Olga Starobinets  John Kornak  John Kurhanewicz  Susan M. Noworolski  

Session Type:Traditional Poster  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:Cancer: Prostate  

Program Number:1156.   

Presentation Time:10:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Using Multiparametric MRI to Differentiate Prostate Cancer in the Anterior Aspect of the Gland

Author:Olga Starobinets  Jeffry Simko  Kyle Kuchinsky  Sonam Machingal  John Kurhanewicz  Peter R. Carroll  Kirsten L. Greene  Susan M. Noworolski  

Session Type:Traditional Poster  

Session Date:Monday  

Session:Cancer: Prostate  

Program Number:1164.   

Presentation Time:10:45   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall