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In-Vivo Systolic Pressure Gradients Across the Aortic Root in Patients with a Physiologically Shaped Sinus Prosthesis and Healthy Volunteers Analyzed by 4D Flow MRI

Author:Thekla Oechtering  Carl Frederik Hons  Julian Haegele  Peter Hunold  Michael Scharfschwerdt  Anja Hennemuth  Markus Huellebrand  Hans-Hinrich Sievers  Jörg Barkhausen  Alex Frydrychowicz  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Thursday  

Session:Vessel Wall & Cardiovascular Image Processing  

Program Number:4536.   

Presentation Time:11:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Noninvasive Measurement of Intravascular Pressure Gradients Based on 3D Anatomy and 4D Flow Image Fusion

Author:Hanieh Mirzaee  Anja Hennemuth  

Session Type:Traditional Poster  

Session Date:Thursday  

Session:Let It Flow  

Program Number:2753.   

Presentation Time:10:30   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall