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Fast NSR: An Optimized Non-Linear Stochastic Deconvolution for Large Data Sets and Clinical AnalysesFast Platform Independent Web-Based Visualization of MRI Data for Computers, Tablets and SmartphonesFast Prediction of RF Fields in the Human BrainFast Preoperative Planning Method for MR-Guided Laser Ablation in BrainFast Reconstruction for RF Monitored Sweep Imaging with Sideband ExcitationFast Reconstruction of 3D LGE Images of the Left Atrium in a Compressed Sensing Framework Using Split BregmanFast Relaxation Time Mapping in Human Carotid Artery Wall Using Black Blood DANTE 2D Turbo Spin EchoFast Simultaneous T1 and T2 Mapping of the HeartFast Spin EchoFast Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) Using PROPELLER-EPIFast T2 Weighted Imaging with PSIF in the Abdomen at 3TFast Whole Brain Quantitative Proton Density Mapping to Normalize 1H MR Spectroscopic ImagingFast, Artifact-Free T2 Mapping with Fast Spin Echo Using the Extended Phase Graph and Joint Parameter ReconstructionFast, Parallelized Implementation of a Novel Temporal Phase Unwrapping Method, and Comparison with Spatial ApproachesFast, Robust and Self-Navigated 3D Cylindrical Imaging: MP-RAGE and FLAIRFast, Whole-Brain MR Elastography Using a 3D Multislab AcquisitionFast-Track Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging with Compressed Sensing Based on a Novel Circular Cartesian UndersamplingFat and Iron Quantification Using a Multi-Step Adaptive Fitting Approach with Multi-Echo GRE ImagingFat Confounds the Observed Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Patients with Hepatic SteatosisFat Fraction and Bone Mineral Density in the Proximal Femur: A Localized Assessment of Their Relationship in Fragility FracturesFat Saturation for 2D Small-Tip Fast Recovery Imaging Using Tailored 3D Spectral-Spatial PulsesFat Suppression Using the Gradient Reversal Technique for Continuously-Moving-Table Whole-Body MRI: A Comparative StudyFat Suppressive and Susceptibility Tolerant PINS Pulses for Multi-Band Diffusion Weighted EPIFat-Constrained QSM for Abdominal ApplicationsFatNavs: Exploiting the Natural Sparsity of Head Fat Images for High-Resolution Motion-Navigation at Very High Acceleration FactorsFat-Saturated T2preparation Module Using Composite RF Pulses for 3 TeslaFDA-Approved Intralipid Can Protect Hearts Against Ischemic Reperfusion Injury: An Integrated Cellular and Functional Cardiac MRI StudyFeasibility Numerical Study of the Travelling Wave MRI at 3TFeasibility of in vivo 3-D MRI of Femoral Neck Bone Microarchitecture at 3 TFeasibility of in vivo CEST Imaging of Creatine (CrCEST) at 3TFeasibility of in-vivo Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) in the KidneysFeasibility of 3D Balanced SSFP-ASL of the Kidneys at 3.0TFeasibility of 3Tesla MR-Guided Biopsy of Soft Tissue Tumors: Site Selection by the Use of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MR, Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI), and Multivoxel 1H-MR Spectroscopy (1H-MRS)Feasibility of Accelerating 3 T Hip Imaging Using Compressed SensingFeasibility of Applying MR Elastography to Measure Bone Stiffness in an ex vivo Model of OsteoporosisFeasibility of Atlas-Based Segmentation of the Brain in the Presence of Tumor by a Weighted Least-Squares Demons AlgorithmFeasibility of Cardiac Fast Spin Echo Imaging at 7.0 T Using a Two-Dimensional 16 Channel Array of Bowtie TransceiversFeasibility of Cyclic Myocardial Perfusion Variation Assessment During Adenosine-Induced Stress in RatsFeasibility of High-Resolution Pituitary MRI at 7.0 TeslaFeasibility of Kidney DTI Using Parallel Transmission in Normal VolunteersFeasibility of MR Guided HIFU on a 7T Animal MR Scanner, to Evaluate Pathologic Effects of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound in MiceFeasibility of MR Thermometry in PancreasFeasibility of MRI Attenuation Correction in Cardiac-Gated FDG-PETFeasibility of PET Attenuation Characterization of MR Hardware Using 3D Data from a LINAC as Radiation SourceFeasibility of Rapid and Direct Detection of DNP Hyperpolarised Betaine SynthesisFeasibility of Single Breath-Hold Renal Perfusion Imaging at 7TFeasibility of T1rho MR Imaging in Identification of the Epileptogenic Zone in Patients with Mesial Temporal Lobe EpilepsyFeasibility of Ultra-Short EPI Navigator for DTI Motion DetectionFeasibility of Using MR Elastography in the Intervertebral Disc and Comparison to Finite Element ModelFeasibility Study of Automatic Motion Probe Setting Method for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance ImagingFeasibility Study of Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Guyon's CanalFeasibility Study of High Resolution PDw Imaging of Cartilage of the Thumb at 7Tesla MRIFeasibilty of Dual-Echo PCASL and PASL BOLD-RCBF fMRI in Olfactory ExperimentsFerumoxytol Enhanced Resting State fMRI and Relative Cerebral Blood Volume, RCBV, Mapping in Normal Human BrainFerumoxytol-Enhanced MRI of Macrophages in CHL-1melanoma Tumor ModelFiber Density Estimation from Single Q-Shell DWI by Tensor DivergenceFiber Pathways Alteration Reveals Brain Tumor TypologyFiber-Driven Resolution Enhancement of Diffusion-Weighted Images - An Evaluation Using High Resolution DataFiberfox: A Novel Tool to Generate Software Phantoms of Complex Fiber GeometriesField Decoupling for Real-Time Prospective Motion Correction Using Gradient Tones and Concurrent Field MonitoringField Dependence of Relaxivity of Gd Chelates as a Function of Macromolecular ContentField Monitoring & System CalibrationField Probe Based Shot-To-Shot B0 Correction for Multi-Shot Breast-DWI at 7TFilterable Free Radical Polarizing Agents for Dissolution DNP-NMR SpectroscopyFinding Cancer in the Dense Breast: What Can MRI Add?Finite Number of Brain Network Configurations Revealed from Time-Varying Connectivity Assessment of Resting State fMRIFirst in vivo Imaging of the Mouse Brain at 4.7 T Using a Subcentimeter HTS Surface CoilFirst Demonstration That Brain Training Alters Macro- And Micro-Structure in a Mouse Model of Huntington’s DiseaseFirst Implementation of Quantum Process Tomography in MRIFirst In-Human MR-Visualisation of Surgical Mesh Implants for Inguinal Hernia Treatment.First Proton CSI of a Human Brain Tumor at 9.4TFirst-Pass Contrast-Enhanced Cardiac Perfusion with 3D Coverage Per Heartbeat with 3D Through-Time Radial GRAPPAFirst-Pass MRI Detects Reduced Myocardial Perfusion Reserve in ApoE-/- Mice on a High-Cholesterol DietFlanged-Edge Transverse Gradient Coil Design for a Hybrid LINAC-MRI SystemFlexible Magnetic Flux Guides for Magnetic Resonance ImagingFlexible Real-Time Imaging of Highly-Dynamic Knee Joint MotionFlexible Spatial Encoding Strategies Using Rotating Multipolar Fields for Unconventional MRI ApplicationsFlip Angle Effects on Resting State fMRI StudiesFlip Angle ModulatioN Scheme (FANS) to Achieve an Arbitrary Signal Modulation in SPGRFlow Compensated Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping for Venous Oxygenation ImagingFlow Contrast without Using Exogenous AgentFlow Sensitive Cine MR Imaging Using Improved Motion Sensitized Driven Equilibrium (IMSDE)Flow-Encode Only Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance ImagingFluorinated Gas MR Imaging at Ultra Short Echo Time: Initial Results on a 1.5 T Clinical SystemFluorine-19fMRI AnalysisfMRI and Electrophysiology of Optogenetic Vs. Whisker Stimulation in the Whisker Barrel Cortex of the Awake RabbitfMRI BasicsfMRI Evidence of Increasing Disengagement of Sustained Attention-Related Activation with Increasing Age in ADHD ChildrenfMRI in Basic & Clinical NeurosciencefMRI of Glucose IngestionfMRI of Hypothalamic Activation by Fasting in ob/ob Mice Using T2* and FDWI with High and Low B Values. a Comparative Study.fMRI Study of Sound Pressure Level Encoding in the Different Subdivisions of Inferior ColliculusForensic Age Estimation of Living Adolescents Using MRI of Wisdom Teeth, Wrist and ClaviclesFourier Domain Approximation for Bloch Siegert ShiftFramework for Task-Based Assessment of MR Image QualityFree Breathing Abdominal DCEMRI with High Spatio-Temporal ResolutionFree Breathing Abdominal Imaging Via Self-Navigation and Subvolume RegistrationFree Breathing Dynamic Contrast MR Imaging of the Pancreas Using Navigator TechniqueFree Induction Decay Imaging of Short-Lived SignalsFree-Breathing Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Compressed-Sensing Imaging for Reliable Estimation of Liver PerfusionFree-Breathing Pediatric Imaging with Nonrigid Motion Correction and Parallel ImagingFree-Breathing Radial 3D Fat-Suppressed T1-Weighted Gradient Echo Sequence for Pulmonary Nodule Detection in Patients Undergoing PET/CT Followed by Simultaneous PET/MR ExaminationFree-Breathing Vs. Breath-Hold Pulmonary Perfusion MRI: Quantification and ReproducibilityFree-Breathing Whole-Heart 3D Water-Fat Imaging: Clinical ExperienceFree-Breathing Whole-Heart Coronary MRI: An Image-Based Motion Compensation Integrated Into Compressed-Sensing ReconstructionFree-Stop Scanning for 3D TSEFree-Water Correction Reveals Wide Spread Differences Between Stable and Converting MCI SubjectsFree-Water Elimination for Assessing Microstructural Gray Matter Pathology - With Application to Alzheimer's DiseaseFrequency Band-Selective Spiral CSI: Application to Imaging Cardiac Metabolism with Hyperpolarized [2-13C]pyruvateFrequency Characteristics of Large Scale Resting State Networks Using 7T Spin Echo EPIFrequency Difference Mapping at 7 T Using Two- And Three-Echo ApproachesFrequency Distribution of Enhanced Sensorimotor Network in Stroke-Recovered RatFresh Blood Imaging (FBI) of Peripheral Arteries at 3T MRI - Comparison with 1.5T -From Bloch Equation to MR contrasts: Relaxation & Physical bases of Tissue ContrastFrom CSF Pulsation to MR Measurement of ICP: Methodology & Potential ApplicationsFrom Diffusion Weighting to the Diffusion Tensor IndicesFrom Group Analysis to Individual Studies: Statistical ConsiderationsFrom Matrix to Tensor: Compressed Sensing Dynamic MRI Using Tensor Based SparsityFrontal Lobe Dysfunction Correlates with Microstructural Alteration of Cerebral White Matter in Multiple System Atrophy.Full 3rd Order Real-Time Shim Feedback for Field Stabilization and Its Application in Brain MRI at 7TFull Brain and Territorial Arterial Spin Labeling with External RF Shimmed Labeling Coil at 7 TeslaFull Optimization of Multi-Shell Diffusion Acquisition Schemes for Advanced Microstructural ImagingFull-Cycle Cine DENSE for Assessment of Systolic and Diastolic Myocardial FunctionFully Automatic Calibration of Trigger Delay Time for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance ImagingFully Automatic Maximum Intensity Projections of Regions of Interest in Magnetic Resonance AngiogramsFully Automatic Segmentation of the Amygdala on High Resolution T1 Images Using a Shape ModelFully Automatic Visualization of 4D Flow DataFully Connected Cascade Deep Architecture Neural Networks Outperform Support Vector Machines for Disease State Classification Using fMRI DataFully-Automated Coil Channel Selection in Cardiac MRIFully-Refocused Multi-Slice Ultrafast 3D MRI by Spatiotemporal EncodingFunctional 31P-MR Chemical Shift Imaging in Lower Back Muscles During Isometric LoadFunctional and Structural Connectivity Impairments Precede Plaque Deposition in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s DiseaseFunctional and Structural Correlation of Hemispheric Language Lateralization Assessed by Functional MRI, Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Voxel Based MorphometryFunctional and Structural Disruption of the Precuneus Contributes to Cognitive Impairment in Pediatric Multiple SclerosisFunctional Connectivity Alterations in Asymptomatic High School Football PlayersFunctional Connectivity Among Resting State Networks Increases After Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy in Children with Brain InjuryFunctional Connectivity and Temporal Patterns of Brain Networks Involved in Alternative Finger TappingFunctional Connectivity in Patients with Progressive Sopranuclear Palsy Is Modulated by Cerebellar Intermittent Theta Burst StimulationFunctional Connectivity in Posterior Cingulate Cortex Alters in Brain Concussion Patients at the Acute StageFunctional Connectivity in the Mouse Brain Detected Under Different Dosages of MedetomdineFunctional Connectivity of the Mouse Brain Is Influenced by State of Consciousness: A Comparison of Awake and Differentially Anesthetized Mouse rsfMRI Protocols.Functional Connectivity Suggests Mean Pathway Radial Diffusivity as a Robust Metric of Anatomic ConnectivityFunctional Connectivity with the Fear Circuitry in Combat-Related PTSDFunctional Evaluation of Acute Ischemia/reperfusion Injury Using BOLD and Arterial Spin Labeling MRIFunctional Evaluation of Acute Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Using Diffusion-Weighted ImagingFunctional Evaluation of the Congenital Hydronephrosis Using DCE-MR Urography: A Comparison with Technetium-99m-MAG3Functional Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 MRI of the ex vivo Rodent LungFunctional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Central Auditory System Following Long-Term and Passive Acoustic Exposure at Moderate Sound Pressure LevelFunctional Mapping of Rat Visual Cortex Following Light Stimulation Using Manganese-Enhanced MRIFunctional Mapping of the Human Visual Cortex with Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) MRIFunctional Measures Improve Separation of Marijuana Smokers with Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders from Healthy Controls and Marijuana Smokers Without Psychiatric Disorders in a Three-Group LDA ClassificationFunctional MR Imaging of the Spinal CordFunctional MRI and Neural Responses in a Rat Model of Alzheimer's DiseaseFunctional MRI Revealed the Decrease of Working-Memory Capacity and the Impaired Function of Working-Memory Circuits in 22q11.2 Deletion SyndromeFunctional MRI Using Implanted Stereotactic EEG Electrodes --- Heating Investigation for SafetyFunctional MRI Using Spin-Lock Sequences to Modulate BOLD ActivationFunctional MRI with an Ultra-Short Echo Time SequenceFunctional Networks and Their Modulation by Cortisol as Investigated by Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling (PCASL)Functional Parcellation of Cerebellum Based on Resting-State fMRI and Singular Value DecompositionFunctional Renal MRIFunctional T2 Measurements in Lower Back Muscles Before and After Isometric Muscle ContractionFundamentals of Image Reconstruction in Parallel ImagingFurther Exploration of MRI Techniques for Liver T1rho QuantificationFusion of T1-Mapping and Semi Quantitative Perfusion (T1Per-Fusion) Imaging Provides Additional Insight Into Myocardial Tissue ViabilityFUSS- Fast Ultrashort T2 Sensitive Sodium MRS of the Spinal CordGABA and Glutamate Abnormalities in the Superior Temporal Gyrus and Their Association with Electrophysiological Abnormalities in Schizotypal Personality Disorder and SchizophreniaGABA Level Correlates with Occupational Manganese Exposure and Motor Tests in SmeltersGABA Measured by 1H-MRS Is Not Affected by Tiagabine.Gadofluorine M and Magnevist Enhanced Imaging of the Mouse Lymph NodesGadofosveset Optimization for Self-Navigated Coronary MR AngiographyGadolinium Oxide Nanoparticles for Positive Contrast MRI of Human Aortic Endothelial Cells at 7 TeslaGadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MRI of Liver: Can 5 Min-Delayed Hepatocyte-Phase Imaging with High Flip Angle (30°) Replace 20 Min-Delayed Hepatocyte-Phase Imaging with Low Flip Angle (10°)?Gannet: GABA Analysis Toolkit for Edited MRSGd Complexes of DO3A-(Biphenyl-2,2'-Bisamides) Conjugates as MRI Blood-Pool Contrast AgentsGd-Staining Reveals the Efficacy of an Anti-Aß Antibody to Decrease Amyloid Plaque Load in Vivo in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer's DiseaseGender-Specific Anatomical Alterations of Hemispheric Asymmetry During Healthy Aging of Human BrainGeneralized Local Maxwell Tomography for Mapping of Electrical Property Gradients and TensorsGeneralized Multiple Averages (GRAMA) for Motion CompensationGenerating a Human Neonatal Brain Atlas for Superior Normalization AccuracyGenerating Anatomical Human Head Model for Specific Absorption Rate Estimation in Parallel MR ExcitationGenetics & Molecular Biology of Alzheimer's DiseaseGenuine Minimum Power Gradient Coil Design Accounting for Gaps Between Tracks or WiresGlenoid Labral Tear & Normal VariationGlioma Cells Transfected with Mms6 Enhance Cellular Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Uptake and Retention in VitroGlobal Diffusion Kurtosis Parameter Changes in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients with Persistent Symptoms at Six MonthsGlobal Intravascular and Local Hyperoxia Contrast Phase-Based Blood Oxygenation MeasurementsGlobal Reductions in Resting-State BOLD Connectivity Reflect Widespread Decreases in MEG ConnectivityGlomerular Imaging of Mouse Kidney Using a Dedicated Alderman-Grant ProbeGlucagon-Like Peptide-1 Modulates Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Signal Activity in the Rodent BrainGlucoCEST for the Detection of Human Xenografts Glioblastoma at Early Stage.Glutamate Changes in a Mouse Model of TauopathyGlutamate, GABA and NAAG in Medicated Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderGlycogen Chemical Exchange Effects in 1H-MRS and Glyco-CEST at 3T and 7TGlycogen Concentration and Bioenergetics in Young and Older WomenGM and WM Changes Correlation with Duration in MSA-P: Comparison with DTI ChangesGolden Angle Through-Time Radial GRAPPA for Real-Time Cardiac MRIGPU Based Fast Inverse Gauss-Newton Motion Correction Method for High Throughput ofMRIGPU Vs CPU Cluster Reconstruction for Low Latency Iterative Reconstruction of First Pass Stress Cardiac Perfusion with Physiological StressGPU-Enabled Individualized Acceleration Apportionment for SENSE and CAIPIRINHAGradient Echo ImagingGradient Induced Heating on Thin Conducting Surfaces: Simulation and ExperimentGradient Induced Sideband Artifacts in Non Water-Suppressed Proton CSI of the Human Brain at 9.4 TGradient Nonlinearity Correction to Improve ADC Accuracy and Standardization in Breast Cancer Clinical TrialsGradient Nonlinearity Effects of Diffusion Weighted Imaging in a Dedicated Head-Only MRI SystemGradient Nonlinearity Terms in the Concomitant Field for Quantitative Phase Contrast CorrectionGradient SystemsGradient-Echo Imaging of Ionic Currents in SolutionGradient-Modulated SWIFTGradients: What Can They Do?Grading of Chronic Liver Inflammation Quantified by Shear Wave Dispersion MR Elastography: Initial Clinical Results on 26 PatientsGraph Analysis of Resting-State ASL Data Reveals Nonlinear Correlations Among CBF and Network MetricsGraph Analysis of rs-fcMRI Reveals Modular Changes Associated with HIV and AgingGraph DiffusionGray Matter Perfusion and Its Association with Neurocognitive Performance to Evaluate Late Effects of Cancer TreatmentGrey Matter Perfusion Abnormalities Are More Extensive Than Grey Matter Atrophy in Early Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis PatientsGroup Studies of Diffusion Data - Cross Sectional & Longitudinal ChallengesGroup-Mean Template Modelling of NAA- And NAAG-Edited MR SpectraGroup-Representative Partitions of Human Brain Structural NetworksHaemoglobin-Derived Curve Fitting to Post-Exercise Muscle BOLD DataHalf-Quantitative Assessment of Myelination Progression in Normal Infants and Children During 6-48 Months with Conventional T2-Weighted ImagesHand Gesture Control for Interventional MRIHARDI and Fiber Tractography at 1 Mm Isotropic ResolutionHardware Attenuation Correction in PET/MR Hybrid Imaging: Evaluation of µ-Maps for Local RF CoilsHead Motion in RS fMRI: Not the Problem We Think It IsHeartHeart-Rate Independent Non-Contrast Myocardial T1 MappingHelium-3 ADC at Very Short Time Scales Using an SSFP-Based Imaging Pulse SequenceHelix Angle (HA) Healthy Statistical Average Technique for HA Quantification in vivo Cardiac Diffusion Tensor ImagingHemispheric Asymmetry of Hippocampus Perfusion and Its Response to Physostigmine Challenge in a Nationally Representative Sample of Gulf War VeteransHemodynamic Assessment of Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Using 4D Flow MRIHemodynamic Changes in Healthy and Cirrhotic Liver Measured Using a Breath-Hold High Resolution, Highly Accelerated K-T SPARSE-SENSE Phase Contrast Sequence.Hemodynamic Forces in the Progression of Intracranial Aneurysm Change as Assessed Using MR-Based MethodsHemodynamic Outcome in Patients After Bicuspid and Tricuspid Valve Sparing Aortic Root Repair: A 4D Flow MRI StudyHepatic Hemangiomas and Other Hemangiomatous Lesions: MR Imaging Manifestations, Pitfalls and Problem-Solving MR TechniquesHepatic Perfusion Modeling Using DCE-MRI with Sequential Breath HoldsHeterogeneity of Phosphorus-Containing Compounds Across Gray and White Matter in the Human BrainHiding Your Fat: Comparison of Fat Saturation Techniques for Single-Shot Fast Spin Echo Sequences for 7T Body ImagingHigh b-Value Diffusion-Weighted Imaging on Human Spinal Cord in Vivo: Investigation of Signal Dependence on Diffusion TimeHigh Accuracy Position Estimation of Interventional Devices Using a Controllable Passive Tracking DeviceHigh Angular Resolution Diffusion ImagingHigh B-Value Diffusion Weighted MRI for Prostate Tumor StagingHigh B-Value HARDI Analysis in Neonates Scanned at Term-Equivalent Age Reveals Correlation Between Apparent White Matter Fibre Density and Immaturity at BirthHigh Concentration Relaxivities of Four Gadolinium-Based Contrast Reagents in ex Vivo Physiologic Whole Blood and Plasma at 1.5 and 3.0THigh Contrast 3D IDEAL Ultrashort TE (UTE) ImagingHigh Contrast, Quantitative Stem Cell Tracking with Magnetic Particle ImagingHigh Field ImagingHigh Field Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of EnthesesHigh Field MRI: What Are the Special Safety Risks at Higher Fields?High Filling Factor Vs. High Channel Count: Which One Wins in 3T Breast Imaging?High Frame Rate CINEMA: An Improvement of Temporal Resolution in Non-Contrast-Enhanced Time-Resolved MR AngiographyHigh Permittivity Solid Ceramic Resonators for High Field Human MRIHigh Polarization of Nuclear Spins Mediated by Nanoparticles at Millikelvin TemperaturesHigh Precision Strains Measured Under Applied Low Frequency Loading on a 3.0 T Clinical SystemHigh Quality Whole Brain MP2RAGE at 7T: Utilization of Thin Dielectric PadsHigh R1 Relaxivity Sub-5 Nm Suprasmall Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SSIOs) as Intravascular T1-Weighted MRI and Cell Tracking Contrast AgentsHigh Relaxivity Contrast Reagents Allow Detection of Erythrocyte Transcytolemmal Water ExchangeHigh Resolution 3D Abdominal T1 Mapping in One Breath-Hold Using the Look-Locker Method and Non-Cartesian GRAPPA AccelerationHigh Resolution 3D Imaging of Post-Mortem Human Fetal HeartsHigh Resolution 3D Intracranial ASL Angiography Using Automatically Tuned Compressed SensingHigh Resolution 3D Multifrequency MR Elastography at 7THigh Resolution 3D Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging of the Achilles Tendon at 7THigh Resolution 3T MR Imaging of the Cochlea Using Composite Gradients and Intratympanic Gadolinium in an Animal ModelHigh Resolution Cardiac T1 Mapping Using an Adaptive Data Acquisition Algorithm Combining Navigator Gating and Compressed SensingHigh Resolution Detection of Kidney Microstructures in vivo with a Wireless Amplified NMR Detector and Mn-Enhanced MRI.High Resolution Diffusion Tensor Imaging to Assess Brain Microstructural Abnormalities in a Neuroligin-3 Knockin Mouse Model Associated with Autism Spectrum DisordersHigh Resolution Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Using 2D Reduced Field of View Single-Shot Echo-Planar Imaging at 3.0 TeslaHigh Resolution Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Pancreatic Neoplasms Using 2D Ss-RFOV-DWEPI at 3 TeslaHigh Resolution Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with Variable Density Spiral Acquisition of Carotid Vessel WallHigh Resolution Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion Imaging Using Multi-Echo Spirals and Temporal Compressed Sensing-Based ReconstructionHigh Resolution ESION-Enhanced MR Angiography in Extremity Vessels of Rabbit Thigh at 3THigh Resolution Frequency-Modulated BSSFP FMRIHigh Resolution Fully Quantitative Sodium Mapping in the Acutely Infarcted Mouse HeartHigh Resolution Imaging of the Hippocampus with Spatially Selective Excitation and a Reduced FOV Readout at 7THigh Resolution Inner Ear Imaging at 7 TeslaHigh Resolution Mapping of Modafinil Induced Changes in Glutamate Level in Rat BrainHigh Resolution Myocardial T1 Mapping Using MOLLI with Parallel Imaging and Compressed SensingHigh Resolution Quantitative Imaging of Rodent Brains at 7THigh Resolution Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging of Squirrel Monkey Spinal Cord at 9.4THigh Resolution Radial 3D Ultra-Short Echo Time Imaging in vivoHigh Resolution Renal and Hepatic DCE Perfusion with Continuous Respiratory Monitoring Using IVD-HYCR Sampling-ReconstructionHigh Resolution T2-Weighted Imaging with Whole Brain Coverage at 7 Tesla Using Multiband Slice Accelerated Spin EchoHigh Resolution Three Dimensional Intracranial Arterial Wall Imaging at 3T Using SNR-Optimized T1 Weighted SPACEHigh Resolution UTE-MR Imaging in Lung Disease in Children and Young AdultsHigh Resolution Volumetric T1 Mapping Using a Novel MP3RAGE MethodHigh Resolution, Non-Contrast-Enhanced MR-Angiography of Pedal Vessels. Comparison with Digital Subtraction Angiography and Contrast-Enhanced MR-AngiographyHigh Spatial and Temporal Resolution Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography (CE-MRA) Using Compressed Sensing with Magnitude Image SubtractionHigh Spatial Resolution Cerebral Blood Flow Imaging of Rat BrainHigh Spatial Resolution Diffusion Tensor and Kurtosis Analysis of Formalin Fixed Whole Prostate TissueHigh Speed 3D B-SSFP at 6.5 mTHigh Speed 3D Overhauser-Enhanced MRI Using Combined B-SSFP and Compressed SensingHigh Temperature Superconductivity Coil Design for Low Field MRIHigh Temporal and Spatial Resolution Breast MR Imaging at 7T; Feasibility Study Using 8-To-1 Channel Tx-Only Array Combined with 8 Channel Rx-Only InsertHigh Temporal Resolution Mouse Renal Blood Flow (RBF) Imaging with Pseudo-Continuous ASL (PCASL) at Very High FieldHigh Temporal Resolution Retrospective Real-Time Cine Imaging: Shortened Acquisition Via Nonlinear ReconstructionHigh Temporal Resolution Sampling of Tracer Kinetic Curves Using Time Encoded PCASL with Look-Locker Readout.High Temporal Resolution, Simultaneous Quantification of Intravascular Blood Flow and Oxygen Saturation with BRISK K-Space SamplingHigh Temporal-Resolution Three-Directional Velocity Measurements in a Single Breath-Hold Using EPI and Direct InversionHigh Throughput Cardiac MRI Using Interleaved Breath-Hold Cardiac Cine and Free-Breathing Coronary MR Angiography: Initial ResultsHigh-Bandwidth ZTE Imaging with Sub-Millisecond TRHigher Order Variational Denoising for Diffusion Tensor ImagingHigher-Order Feedback Field Control Improves Linewidths in MR Spectroscopy at 7THigh-Frame-Rate Full-Vocal-Tract Imaging Based on the Partial Separability Model and Volumetric NavigationHigh-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) for Dissolution of Clots in a Rabbit Model of Embolic StrokeHighly Accelerated 3D Dynamic Imaging with Variable Density Golden Angle Stack-Of-Stars SamplingHighly Accelerated EPI Evaluated for fMRIHighly Accelerated MR ElastographyHighly Accelerated Multi-Contrast Carotid Imaging Using Sharable InformationHighly Accelerated Parallel Imaging Using Rotating Radiofrequency Coil Array at 7THighly Accelerated Projection Imaging (HAPI) with Coil Sensitivity EncodingHighly Accelerated SEMAC Metal Implant Imaging Using Joint Compressed Sensing and Parallel ImagingHighly Efficient Inductively Coupled Double Resonant Surface Coil for Simultaneous 1H/19F PET-MRIHighly Efficient Respiratory Motion Compensated Free-Breathing Coronary MRA Using Golden-Step Cartesian AcquisitionHighly Parallel Imaging: Hardware & MethodsHighly Reproducible in vivo T1 Maps in Brain at 3THighly Undersampled Time Resolved Phase-Contrast MRA with Flow-Adapted Compressed Sensing ReconstructionHigh-Order B0 Shimming with Compensating RF Pulses Enables Efficient and Uniform Flip AnglesHigh-Quality and High-Resolution fMRI Enabled by Multiplexed Parallel Reconstruction of Segmented EPI DataHigh-Resolution in vivo Imaging of Inguinal Lymph Nodes Using 7 Tesla MRI: A Feasibility Study.High-Resolution 3D-FMRI at 9.4 Tesla with Intrinsically Minimised Geometric DistortionsHigh-Resolution 7.0 Tesla Post-Contrast Time-Of-Flight MRA of Intracranial PerforatorsHigh-Resolution Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) Enabled by Segmented Position Orientation Adaptive Smoothing (POAS)High-Resolution Diffusion Weighted MRI Enabled by Multi-Shot EPI with Multiplexed Sensitivity-EncodingHigh-Resolution Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imaging of Human CalfHIgh-Resolution Functional Connectivity Mapping of Eloquent Cortex Networks in Surgical Epilepsy Patients at 7THigh-Resolution Imaging of the Superficial Cranial Arteries Using Highly-Parallel Receive CoilsHigh-Resolution Knee MRI Using Prospective Motion Correction for Quantification of Cartilage Compression Under in Situ Mechanical LoadingHigh-Resolution Localized 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Red Bone Marrow Via IDQC Technique at 7THigh-Resolution Localized 2D J-Resolved Spectroscopy Via Intermolecular Single-Quantum CoherencesHigh-Resolution MR Imaging and Angiography of Fingers Using a Dedicated Phased Array Coil at 3THigh-Resolution MRI of Persistent Metopic SutureHigh-Resolution MRI of Temporal Evolution of Thermal Ablation LesionsHigh-Resolution Multi-Shot Spiral Diffusion Tensor Imaging with Inherent Correction of Motion-Induced Phase ErrorsHigh-Resolution Quantitative T1 Maps of the Human Stria of Gennari at 7 TeslaHigh-Resolution Quantitative T1-Based Cortical Thickness Estimates at 7 TeslaHigh-Resolution Single-Shot DTI of the in-vivo Human Heart Using Asymmetric Diffusion EncodingHigh-Resolution UTE MRI Longitudinal Non-Invasive Characterization of a Mouse Model of Chronic Asthma: From Inflammation to Bronchial Remodeling AssessmentHigh-Resolution Variable Density Spiral Diffusion Weighted Sequence for Prostate and Bladder WallHigh-Resolution, High-SNR Velocity Maps Reconstructed from Low-Resolution Fourier Velocity Encoded MRI DataHigh-Risk Mid-Cerebral Artery Atherosclerotic Disease Detection Using Simultaneous Non-Contrast Angiography and IntraPlaque Hemorrhage (SNAP) ImagingHigh-Spatial and High-Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging with a Fragmented Acquisition SchemeHigh-Temperature Superconducting Radiofrequency Probe for MRI Applications Operated Below Ambient Pressure in a Simple Liquid-Nitrogen CryostatHip: Femoral-Acetabular & Ischiofemoral ImpingementHippocampal Choline Level Predicts Symptomatic Improvement with Agomelatine in Major Depressive Disorder: A 3 Tesla Single Voxel Spectroscopy StudyHippocampal Magnetization Transfer Ratio and Not Hippocampal Atrophy Best Explains Memory Dysfunction in Patients with Multiple SclerosisHippocampal Neurochemical Changes in Neonatal Mouse Model of Phlebotomy-Induced AnemiaHippocampal Volume Relates to White Matter Integrity and Episodic Memory in Multiple SclerosisHippocampal Volumes in Subjects at Risk of Alzheimer's Disease with a New Registration TemplateHistological Correlation of DKI-White Matter Modeling Metrics in the Cuprizone-Induced Corpus Callosum DemyelinationHistological Correlation with Diffusion MRI to Monitor Transient and Permanent Cell Permeabilization in the BrainHistology & Molecular Biology Techniques for Non-BiologistsHormonal Contraceptives Dependency of Quantitative Diffusion Kurtosis Parameters in the Limbic System: A Voxel Based ApproachHow Clinical Research Trials Changed the Use of Breast MRIHow Different Data Acquisition Techniques Impact to the Selected Curve Fitting Models and the Cardiac T2* MeasurementsHow Diffusion Model and Tract Direction Growth Affects Quantitative DTI Parameters in AtaxiaHow Is the Fractional Anisotropy Affected by Frequency-Dependent Changes to the Eigenvalues of the Apparent Diffusion Tensor Measured with Oscillating-Gradient Spin-Echo Diffusion Tensor Imaging?How Much Resolution Is Needed for in-vivo Analysis of Cortical Myeloarchitecture?How to Make Sure You Are Using the Correct Gradient Orientations in Your Diffusion MRI StudyHow to Stack the Stars: A Variable Center-Dense K-Space Trajectory for 3D MRIHow Well Can Magnetic Susceptibility Anisotropy Be Estimated? an Error Analysis of Cylindrically Symmetric Susceptibility Tensor Reconstructions from Few OrientationsHow Well Does the Residual Bootstrap Predict Scan-Rescan Repeatability of Spherical Deconvolution Diffusion MRI?Human Bile Phosphatidylcholine Contributes to 31P MRS Hepatic Signal at 2.06 Ppm.Human Brain Cooling During Breath-HoldingHuman Cardiac 31P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 7 TeslaHuman Extremity Imaging Using Microstrip Resonators at 7THuman Studies of Functional MRS at 7T with Semi-LASERHybrid Excitation and Bloch-Siegert Encoding Pulses for Short-TE 3D |B1+| MappingHybrid MP-RAGE Trajectory with FID Motion Detection and Self-Navigated Motion Correction (MoCoRAGE)Hybrid MRI/RF-Heating at 7.0 Tesla and 11.7 Tesla: Electro-Magnetic Field Simulations, Temperature Simulations/Measurements, Dipole Antenna Design and Heating ExperimentsHybrid PET/MRI Imaging of the Heart: Feasibility and Initial ResultsHybrid RF Coils for Inner Ear Imaging at 7 T MRHybrid T2 and Diffusion Weighted MRI for Prostate Cancer DetectionHybrid US-MR Guided HIFU Treatment Method with 3D Motion CompensationHyperoxic BOLD Contrast in Patients with Unilateral Arterial Steno-Occlusive Disease—comparison with 15O Positron Emission TomographyHyperpolarised [1-13C]-Pyruvate Metabolism in Brown FatHyperpolarised 13C MRS on a 3T Clinical Platform: Kinetic Modelling of Pyruvate-Lactate Exchange Provides a Sensitive Measure of Response to Dichloroacetate in HT29 XenograftsHyperpolarization of Biologically Relevant Compounds Which Are Important in the GABA MetabolismHyperpolarization of Drugs Using Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange (SABRE)Hyperpolarization Quenching in 13C Nuclei Bound to Fast Relaxing Quadrupolar 14N Mediated by Scalar Coupling Relaxation in Amide Groups Exposed to Earth's Magnetic FieldHyperpolarized [1,4-13C]-Diethylsuccinate: A Potential DNP Substrate for in vivo Metabolic ImagingHyperpolarized [1-13C]acetylcarnitine as a Tracer for Cardiac MetabolismHyperpolarized 129Xe Lung Morphometry Method for Estimation of Xenon Concentration Gradients in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseHyperpolarized 83Kr Imaging on a Clinical 3 T SystemHyperpolarized 3He Magnetic Resonance Imaging ADC Gradients in Healthy Elderly Never-SmokersHyperpolarized Singlet Lifetimes of Pyruvate in Human Blood and in MouseHyperpolarized Singlet State of Nitrous OxideHyperpolarized Xenon-129 3D-Chemical Shift Imaging of the Lung in Subjects with a History of Smoke ExposureHypertrophic Remodelling and Subendocardial Dysfunction in Mitochondrial DNA Point Mutation Carriers Without Known Cardiac InvolvementHypoperfusion, Ischemia and Blood Pressure Reduction in Intracerebral HemorrhageHypotonic Swelling: A Soft Route for ex vivo Cellular Labeling with Paramagnetic ComplexesHypoxia Decreases Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Anesthetized RatsHypoxia Enhances De Novo Fatty Acid Synthesis from Glutamine and Reduces De Novo Fatty Acid Synthesis from Glucose in TSC2-/- Mouse FibroblastsHypoxic-Ischemic EncephalopathyHYPR FLOW Dynamic MR Angiography in Intracrianal Arterio-Venous Malformations: Comparison to TRICKS MR Angiography and Catheter Angiography.ICD Implantation: Refining Risk with MRIIDEAL Fat-Water Separation for the Detection and Characterization of Subcutaneous HemorrhageIdentification of Brown Adipose Tissue Using Dixon Imaging in a Human Adult with Histological Confirmation.Identification of Cortical Pathology in Multiple Sclerosis with 7T MRIIdentification of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries by Comparison of Free-Water Corrected Z-DistributionsIdentification of Neural Connectivity Signatures of Autism Using Machine LearningIdentification of the Anterior Choroidal Arteries in Patients with Sella and Parasella Tumors Using Time-Of-Flight Magnetic Resonance Angiography with 7 Tesla MR ImagerIdentification of the Artery of Adamkiewicz Artery: The Role of High Spatial and Temporal Resolution MR Angiography in Patients with Indistinct Depiction by MDCT Angiography.Identifying Group Differences in Functional Subnetworks: A Novel Whole-Brain Method Applied to DyslexiaIDH1 Mutated Gliomas Exhibit a Distinct 31P MRS ProfileII. High Variability in Peak Signal Intensity During CMRI First Pass Perfusion Imaging When a Standard Dose of Contrast Agent Is Used - Blood Pool & Myocardium.Image Reconstruction of Single-Shot North West EPI Data Acquired with PatLoc Gradients Using Magnetic Field Monitoring and Total Generalized Variation – Conjugate GradientImage Reconstruction Using the Gradient Impulse Response for Trajectory PredictionImage-Based Validation of Optically Coupled Current Sensor for RF Safety MonitoringImage-Guided Metabolomic Analysis of 2-Hydroxyglutarate in IDH-Mutant GliomasImaging Algorithms for Adrenal Lesion CharacterizationImaging Bone MarrowImaging Bone Water CompartmentsImaging Ca2+ Using Fluorine Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (19F-CEST)Imaging Cerebral Blood Flow, Oxygenation & Cerebrovascular Reserve with MRIImaging Chick Embryos with SPIO Nanoparticles Using SWIFTImaging Correlates of Spinal Cord AtrophyImaging for White Matter Alterations After an Exercise Intervention: A DTI Study in MCI and Normal ControlsImaging Glucose Uptake in a Preclinical Brain Tumor Model Using GlucoCESTImaging Healthy Volunteers and Patients with Tattoos or Permanent Make-Up at 7T: A Retrospective StudyImaging Impaired Gas Uptake in a Rat Model of Pulmonary Fibrosis with 3D Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRIImaging Multipole Magnetic Susceptibility Anisotropy in vivoImaging Muscle CompositionImaging Muscle Fiber Structure & FunctionImaging of Amide Proton Transfer (APT) and Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) Using Chemical Exchange Rotation Transfer (CERT)Imaging of Dual 19F Tracer Gases for Measurement of Lung Ventilation PropertiesImaging of Endogenous CEST Agents in the Human Brain Using Frequency Labeled Exchange (FLEX) TransferImaging of Focal Cortical Dysplasia at 7 TeslaImaging of Glutamate Alterations in Alzheimer’s DiseaseImaging of Lung Structure and Function in the Same Breath with Triple Nuclear (He-Xe-H) MRIImaging of the Nigrosomes of the Substantia Nigra at 3TImaging of Tissue pH Response to Oxygen Therapy in a Rodent Model of Acute StrokeImaging Oncolytic Virotherapy Delivery Using a CEST Reporter GeneImaging Optic Nerve and Spinal Cord Lesions in Myelin Antigen TCR Transgenic Mice with Contrast-Enhanced MRIImaging Parameters of High Grade Gliomas in Relation to the MGMT Promoter Methylation Status: Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Perfusion Imaging and Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Imaging Using 3.0-T MRImaging Real-Time Cancer Metabolism with MAD-STEAM HP 13C MRSIImaging the Fragile Brain: Using BOLD Signal Fluctuations to Study Perfusion in Normal Subjects and Patients with Cerebrovascular DiseaseImaging the Grid Structure of the Brain with DSI and QBI with the 3T Connectom Instrument: Conditional Validation of in vivo MRI Tractography in HumansImaging the Kidneys at 7T Using 8Tx/32Rx Abdominal Coil and RF Shimming of Individual SlicesImaging the Left Atrium -TechniqueImaging the Mandibular Nerve at High Isotropic Resolution Using a Turbo Spin Echo with Local LookImaging the Timing of Cytotoxic and Anti-Angiogenic TherapyImaging with Hyperpolarized Silicon NanoparticlesImmune Cells in the Diffusely Abnormal White Matter of Multiple SclerosisImpact of 3D Temperature Probe Localization Variability on MR Thermometry Validation for RF HyperthermiaImpact of Accuracy and Reliability of Diffusivity in Assessing Acute Ischemic StrokeImpact of Acquisition Orientation on Whole Brain Metabolite Maps Obtained by Short Echo Time Echo Planar Spectroscopy Imaging (EPSI)Impact of Cerebellar Atrophy on Cortical Grey Matter and Cerebellar Peduncles as Assessed by Voxel Based Morphometry and Diffusion ImagingImpact of Cocaine Use on Brain Metabolism: Hypoactivity, Dose Dependence, and Relationship to Cognitive AbilityImpact of Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Breast MRI in Determining Residual Tumor Size Following Neoadjuvant ChemotherapyImpact of Image Acquisition on Voxel-Based Morphometry for Investigating Age-Related Structural Brain ChangesImpact of Isocaloric Fructose and Glucose Diets on Lipid Metabolism Studied in Vivo by Multinuclear MR SpectroscopyImpact of Macrophagic Activity on Tissue Structure in Patients Suffering from Clinically Isolated Syndrome Suggestive of Multiple Sclerosis: A Multicentric USPIO Enhancement Study at 3TImpact of Sampling Pattern on Combined Parallel Imaging Compressed Sensing Volumetric Knee MRIImpact of Short-Term Administration of Oral Minocycline, a Repurposed Anti-Neuroinflammatory Agent, on MR and Neuropsychological Biomarkers of MCI and ADImpact of TWIST View Sharing on Lesion Enhancement Profile in Dynamic Breast MRIImpact of Volume-Of-Interest Limited Registration to DCE-MRI of Human KidneyImpaired Cerebrovascular Reactivity (CVR) in MS Measured with Hypercapnia Perfusion MRIImpaired Cerebro-Vascular Reserve in Carotid Artery Disease Correlates with Deficits in Cognitive FunctionsImpaired Pyruvate Carboxylase and Pentose Phosphate Pathway in APP-PS1 Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s DiseaseImpaired Regulation of the Blood Supply to the Brain in Multiple Sclerosis Measured with Hypercapnia BOLD MRIImpaired Small-World Efficiency in Structural Networks in Pediatric Bipolar DisorderImplementation of a Comprehensive MR Safety Course for Medical StudentsImplementation of a Robust Method to Derive Unbiased T1 Maps from MOLLI Sequence and Bloch Equations Simulations.Implementation of an Active Breathing Coordinator During MRI to Support Radiotherapy Treatment PlanningImplementation of GOIA-Wurst(16,4) Pulses in the Semi-LASER Sequence for SAR-Reduction in Prostate MRSIImplementation of High-Performance Non-Linear O-Space Gradient Coil for Accelerated NeuroimagingImplications of MRSI Compressed Sensing Reconstruction on Spatial Resolution Using a Modified TechniqueImprove Diagnosis of Sport-Related Sub-Concussive Injury of Individual Football Athletes: Changes in DTI and Mechanical Impact Metrics from Real-Time RecordingImprove Volume Selective 3D Fast Spin Echo AcquisitionImproved 2D RF Shimming with a Local Detunable 8-Element Transmit/Receive Coil Array Using DREAM and SENSE at 3TImproved Accuracy and Precision in Estimation of Intracellular Water LiftimeImproved Accuracy of Motion and Affine Eddy Current Distortion Correction in High B-Value Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using Brain Mask Based Weighting FunctionsImproved Adiabatic Inversion Design for Myocardial T1-MappingImproved Angular Resolution with GQI2: A New Diffusion Imaging Q-Space Cartesian Lattice Reconstruction MethodImproved Balance of Artifact/noise Level and Fine Structure Preservation in Highly Accelerated PPIImproved Bloch-Siegert Based B1 Mapping by Reducing Off-Resonance ShiftImproved Calibration of Tm-Chleates for Use in MR ThermometryImproved Cardiac Motion Self-GatingImproved Characterisation of White Matter Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Using Quantitative Susceptibility MappingImproved Compressed Sensing and Parallel MRI Through the Generalized Series ModelingImproved Compressed Sensing Reconstructions with MOETImproved Compressed Sensing Using Parallel Imaging: TGRAPPA-PRISM for Cardiac Cine MRIImproved Conspicuity and Delineation of High-Grade Prostate Tumors Using "Restriction Spectrum Imaging": Quantitative Comparison with High B-Value ADCImproved Detection of Subcortical Resting State Networks in Functional MRI Using Multi-Echo Simultaneous Multi-Slice AcquisitionImproved Efficiency for Respiratory Motion Compensation in 3D Flow MeasurementsImproved Excitation Fidelity in Cardiac Imaging with 2-Spoke Parallel Excitation at 7 TeslaImproved Fat Signal Suppression for Coronary MRA at 3T Using a Water-Selective Adiabatic T2-Prep TechniqueImproved Fat Supression in Musculoskeletal Knee Imaging Using 3D Radial VIPR IDEALImproved IVIM Image Quantitation of Exercised Lower Back Muscles by Local Principle Component AnalysisImproved L1-SPIRiT Reconstruction with a Phase Divergence Penalty for 3D Phase-Contrast Flow MeasurementsImproved L1-SPIRiT Using Tensor-Based Sparsity BasisImproved Late Gadolinium Enhancement Cardiac MRI for Patients with Implanted Cardiac DevicesImproved Longitudinal Gray Matter Atrophy Assessment Via a Combination of SIENA and a 4-Dimensional Hidden Markov Random Field ModelImproved Measures of Renal Pyruvate-To-Lactate Conversion Using Diffusion GradientsImproved Motion Correction in PROPELLER by Using Grouped Blades as ReferenceImproved Navigator Based Diffusion Tensor MRI of the Human Heart in vivoImproved Off-Resonance Correction for segmented Spatially Selective Excitation Pulses to Achieve Large Excitation BandwidthImproved Quantification of Choline in Breast MRS Using Dixon Imaging Water ReferencingImproved RF Pulses for 3D SSFP with Minimised Off-Resonance Out-Of-Slab CorruptionImproved Signal-To-Noise Ratio in Late Gadolinium Enhancement Imaging by Using Respiratory-Navigator-Rejected K-Space LinesImproved Single-Pass Dual Echo Dixon Imaging with Ramp Sampling and Flexible Echo TimesImproved SNR in Retrospective Respiratory Self-Gated 3D Human Lung MRI Using Image RegistrationImproved T1 Mapping and DCE-MRI Quantification for Prostate at 3T by Incorporating B1 Inhomogeneity CorrectionImproved T1 Relaxometry with NMR Field Probes: Demonstration of Contrast Agent CharacterizationImproved Temporal SNR of Accelerated EPI Using a FLASH Based GRAPPA Reference ScanImproved Tractography of the Human Heart in vivo by Motion Correction of Multi-Breathold Diffusion Tensor MRIImproved Venous Suppression in Non-Contrast MRA with the Spiral Turbo Spin Echo SequenceImproved Visualization and Quantification of 4D Flow MRI Data Using Divergence-Free Wavelet DenoisingImproved Volume Localization for MRSI at 7T Using RF Shimming and RF MultiplexingImproved White Matter Microstructure After a Novel Drumming Training in Huntington’s DiseaseImprovement in B1+ Homogeneity of 3T Cardiac MRI in Swine with Dual-Source Parallel RF ExcitationImprovement in T2-Weighted Imaging at 7T by Using KT-PointsImprovement of Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Using Bi-Exponential Diffusion WeightingImprovement of Gadoxetate Arterial Phase Capture with a High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Multiphase 3D SPGR-Dixon SequenceImprovements in Cardiac MRI at 3T Using High Permittivity MaterialsImproving 31P MRS Measurements of Metabolic Kinetics in Skeletal Muscle Using Time Domain FilteringImproving 3D MERGE Black-Blood Imaging Using an Additonal Time Delay and Compressed SensingImproving ASL Using 3D bSSFP with Background Suppression and Two-Dimensional GRAPPAImproving B1 Excitation in Head Apex by Combining Birdcage Coil with Crossed Dipole ElementsImproving B1-Based SAR Determination Via Iterative Determination of Missing Field ComponentsImproving Compressed Sensing Initialization and Convergence Using an Efficient Auto-Calibrating Parallel Imaging MethodImproving Contrast of Delta Relaxation Enhanced MR (DreMR) ImagingImproving Fluorine Imaging Through Optimized Acquisitions and Advanced Reconstruction TechniquesImproving K-T Auto-Calibrating Parallel Imaging for 3D Cardiac Cine MRI Using Prior-Reconstruction Static Tissue Estimation and EliminationImproving SNR and Spatial Coverage for 7T DTI of Human Brain Tumor Using B1 Mapping and Multiband AcquisitionImproving the Consistency in Permeability Measurement with DCE-MRI for Longitudinal Follow-Up of Brain Metastatic TumorsImproving the Efficiency of Diffusion Spectrum MRI Through Radial Acquisitions in Q-SpaceImproving the Reliability of Between Group Analyses in DTI-FA Analyses by Detecting and Removing Anatomical AnomaliesImproving the Temperature Accuracy of Referenceless MR Thermometry in the Presense of Susceptibility ArtifactImproving Through-Plane Resolution for Multi-Slice AcquisitionsImproving Visualization of Mouse Brain Nuclei in Manganese-Enhanced MRI Using Super-Resolution ReconstructionIn Ovo MRI and MRS of the Turkey EmbryoIn Silico and in Vitro Investigation of Temperature Elevation Close to an Aneurysm Clip at 7TIn Vitro and in vivo 19-Fluorine Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of ß-Cells and Pancreatics Using GLUT-2 Specific Contrast AgentsIn Vitro DTI Assessment of Muscle Architecture in Osteoporotic and Osteoarthritic Subjects: A Preliminary Study.In Vivo 1H MRS Assessment of Cortico-Striatal GABAergic and Glutamatergic Dysregulations in Antipsychotic-Naïve First-Episode SchizophreniaIn Vivo 13C MRS Investigation of Alterations in Cerebral Oxidative Metabolism in a Chronic Liver Disease Rat ModelIn Vivo 3D Spectroscopic Imaging of 19F Compounds Using BackprojectionIn Vivo High-Resolution Angular/Depth Dependent T2 and T1? Mapping Analysis of Femoral Cartilage at 3TIn Vivo High-Resolution T1? MRI of the Wrist at 3T: Usefulness of Realignment During Post-ProcessingIncidental Adnexal Masses in Cancer Patients: Act, Ignore or Follow?Incoherent Motion Analysis of Crohn’s Ileitis DW-MRI Reveals Group Differences in Both Fast and Slow DiffusionIncorporating ADC Temporal Profiles to Predict Ischemic Tissue Fate in Acute StrokeIncorporation of Gray Matter T1 and T2* Improves Brain Activation Statistics in FMRIIncreased Anisotropy in the Subpleural Lung as Assessed with Hyperpolarized He3 ImagingIncreased Brain Lactate Concentrations Without Increased Lactate Oxidation During Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetic Individuals with Hypoglycemia UnawarenessIncreased Functional Connectivity Between Occipitotemporal Cortex and Frontoparietal Attention Network During Visual ProcessingIncreased Global and Regional Brain Mean Diffusivity in Patients with Heart FailureIncreased Glutathione Levels in Chronic and Recent Onset Schizophrenic PatientsIncreased Glycolysis Flux Helps to Maintain Energy Homeostasis in Muscle of Diabetic Rats with Mitochondrial DysfunctionIncreased Hippocampal Glutamate After Sleep Deprivation in the Pre-Pubescent BALB/cJ Mice: An in-vivo 1H MRS StudyIncreased Incidence of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Extremely Premature Infants Treated with Hypercapnic VentilationIncreased Intramyocellular Lipids and Decreased Unsaturation Indices and Choline in Diabetes Type 2 and ObesityIncreasing Role of Functional MRI as Decision Making Tool in Management of Prostate Cancer Patients on Active SurveillanceIncreasing the Sensitivity of Temporal Diffusion Spectroscopy with Circularly Polarized Oscillating Gradient Spin EchoIndirect Echo Corrected Fast T2 Mapping of the Heart from Highly Undersampled Radial FSE Data Using the CURLIE ReconstructionIndirectly-Detected Heteronuclear MR Spectroscopy & Imaging by Amplified Solvent Proton SignalsInduction of Apoptosis by High Levels of Oscillatory Shear Strain: Proof of Concept in a Human Colon Cancer Metastasis Cell Line.Inflammation, Axonal Loss and Trans-Synaptic Degeneration Affect the Visual System in Multiple Sclerosis – a Preliminary 7 Tesla MRI and Optical Coherence Tomography Study.Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Case StudiesInflammatory Bowel Disease: TechniqueInflammatory DisordersInfluence of a Receive Coil on SAR and Temperature Increase at 3T: Simulations & Experimental MeasurementsInfluence of Depression and Fatigue on the Regional Distribution of Brain Damage in Patients with Multiple SclerosisInfluence of Free Radicals Signal from Dental Resins on the Radio-Induced Signal in Teeth in Nuclear Retrospective Dosimetry : Kinetic Analysis Using EPRInfluence of Image Noise and Microcapillary Perfusion (IVIM) on Diffusional Kurtosis Measurements in the BodyInfluence of Loading on Cartilage T1rho and T2 Value in the Porcine Knee JointInfluence of Off-Resonance in Myocardial T1-Mapping Using SSFP Based MOLLI MethodInfluence of Prematurity on Local Cortical DevelopmentInfluence of Slice-Selective Tag Thickness for Non-Contrast-Enhanced Pulmonary MR Venography Based on ECG-Gated 3D Time-Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse (Time-SLIP) TechniqueInfluences of B-Value on the Reproducibility and Accuracy of Diffusion Kurtosis ImagingInformation Extraction from Raw DTI Data Using Texture Based Analysis: A Preliminary Study of Classification and RegressionInhance 3D Phase Contrast Angiographic Magnetic Resonance Venography of the Brain: Initial Clinical Experience in 23 Patients.Inherent Correction of Artifacts from Large-Scale Patient Motion in High-Resolution Multishot Diffusion-Weighted EPIInherent Reduction of Residual Lipid Aliasing in SENSE-Accelerated 1H MRSI at 7T by Spatially Selective SRF OptimizationInhibition Network Differences Between ADHD and Healthy Adults Are Unbiased by Drug Use HistoryInhibition of Prostate Cancer Growth by DeferiproneInitial in vivo Validation of a Hybrid Magnitude/Complex MRI-Based Method for Liver Fat QuantificationInitial Clinical Application of Simultaneous MR Angiography and Perfusion (MRAP) in Peripheral Arterial DiseaseInitial Evaluation of Ferumoxytol as a Renal-Safe MR Contrast Agent for Abdominal Vascular AssessmentInitial Experience with Volumetric MRI-Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation in Breast Cancer PatientsInitial Study on Functional Connectivity of Children with Profound Bilateral Prelingual Hearing LossInk-Net: Safe 256 Channel EEG at 7TInner Volume Imaging of the Kidney in vivo Using Parallel TransmitInnovations in Breast MRIInnovations in Multi-Modal Imaging for Mapping a Comprehensive Human ConnectomeInnovations in UHF-MR Technology/Methodology: An UpdateInnovative Application of MR in the Complementary and Alternative Medical System of AyurvedaIn-Plane Motion Correction for Diffusion-Weighted 3D Multi-Slab EPIInsight Into Intravoxel Incoherent Motion: Appearance of Signal from Interstitial FluidIntegrated Parallel Reception, Excitation, and Shimming (IPRES)Integrated PET/MRI with 68Ga-DOTATOC in Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumors - First Results.Integrating Clinical Neurosurgery Workstations Into a Real-Time System for Conducting MR-Guided ProceduresIntegration of 2-Channel Parallel Transmission with Forced Current Excitation for Improved B1 Homogeneity in Breast Imaging at 7TIntegration of Functional and Structural Connectivity from rs-fMRI and DTI to Study Healthy Maltreated AdolescentsIntensity Inhomogeneity Correction in Human Brain Imaging at 7 Tesla Using SPM8Inter- And Intra-Observer Variability in Whole-Body Contrast-Enhanced MRA Cardiovascular AnalysisInterethnic Differences in Abdominal Fat (Deep, Superficial and Visceral) AccumulationInterferometric Bloch-Siegert B1+ Mapping at 7TInterferon-Alpha Induced Metabolic Alterations in Basal GangliaInterhemispheric Connectivity in MEMRI Correlates with Interhemispheric in Resting-State fMRIInterhemispheric Functional Connectivity in the Thalamus and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex of Mild TBI Patients with and Without Post-Concussive SyndromeInterhemispheric Structural and Functional Connectivities Show Distinct Strengths of Associations in Homotopic and Heterotopic ConnectionsInterleaved Multi-Slab 3D Gradient and Spin Echo for Arterial Spin LabelingInterleaved PET Data Sorting for Improved Image Quality in Combined PET/MRInter-Lung Differences in 3He Diffusion MRI in Young Adults with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Analysis Using a Stretched Exponential ModelInterobserver Agreement of Semi-Automated, Volumetric Analysis of Multiparametric MRI in Patients with Liver CancerInterplay of Choline Metabolites and Genes in Patient-Derived Breast Cancer XenograftsInterpolated Parallel Imaging Compressed SensingInter-Subject Variability in the Amplitude of the Resting-State fMRI Global Signal Reflects Differences in EEG VigilanceInter-Vendor Variability in Apparent Diffusion Coefficient ValuesInterventional EP: Achievements & ChallengesIntervertebral Disc CEST Imaging with Improved Reliability Using Reduced-FOV TSEIntervertebral Discs/CartilageIntra- And Interindividual Differences in Fatty Acid Composition at Various Locations of the Body Assessed By1H-MRSIntra-Arterial MRA Based Roadmapping for Magnetically-Assisted Remote Control Catheter TrackingIntra-Articular DGEMRIC: Contrast Concentration in Joint Cavity May Impact Cartilage T1 MeasurementsIntracellular Contributions to MR Diffusion Contrast in Stroke: Intraneuronal Viscosity and Neurite BeadingIntracellular Redox State Revealed by 31P MR Spectroscopy Measurement of NAD+ and NADH Contents In VivoIntracellular Water Preexchange Lifetime in Cultured Mixed Neurons and AstrocytesIntracerebral Microbleed Assessment by Using Quantitative Susceptibility MappingIntracranial Arterial Wall Imaging Using 3D Isotropic High Resolution Black Blood MRI at 3.0 TIntra-Individual Assessment of the Bolus Properties of 0.5M Gadopentetate Dimeglumine and 1.0M Gadobutrol in Time-Resolved Contrast-Enhanced 4D-MRA and Dynamic CT in a Minipig ModelIntramolecular Zero-Quantum-Coherence 2D NMR Spectroscopy of Lipids in Human Breast Tissue at 7 TIntra-Observer and Scan-Rescan Reproducibility of Quantitative Oxygen Extraction Fraction from MRI Phase at 7 TeslaIntraoperative DTI White Matter Mapping: Neurosurgical PerspectiveIntraoral RF Loop Coil in the Occlusal Plane, Orthogonal to B0, for Dental ImagingIntra-Renal Oxygenation Measurement by BOLD MRI in Contrast Induced Nephropathy Model: Effect of InterventionsIntratympanic Manganese Administration Revealed Sound Intensity and Frequency Dependent Functional Activity in Rat Auditory PathwayIntravoxel Distribution of Water Diffusion Rates Reveals Proliferative Activity in Human AstrocytomaIntravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) in Evaluation of Ischemic Acute Kidney Injury Animal ModelIntravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Liver Fibrosis of Rat with Bile Duct LigationIntravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Pediatric Abdominal TumorIntravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Brain Tumors: Correlation of Quantitative and Semi-Quantitative ParametersIntravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging Showed Lower Pure Molecular Diffusion in Fibrotic Livers: A Report of Preliminary ResultsIntrinsic Connectivity Network Activity Revealed by the Independent Modelling of the Primary and Post-Stimulus Components of the BOLD ResponseIntrinsic Susceptibility MRI Investigation of Acquired Resistance to EGFR Therapy in a Xenograft Model of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck.IntroductionIntroduction of Sample Interval Modulation for the Simultaneous Acquisition of 3D Displacement Data in MR ElastographyIn-Utero Blood Flow Quantification by Phase-Contrast MRI Using a New Triggering Method: Comparison with Doppler Ultrasound Measurements in a Sheep ModelInversion Recovery & Early Contrast Studies in the Brain: A Brief HistoryInversion Recovery Prepared PSIF for FLAIR at 7TInvestigating Anisotropic Magnetic Susceptibility Effects in Model SystemsInvestigating Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers of Response to Cabozantinib in a VCaP Model of Prostate Bone MetastasisInvestigating Resting-State Functional Connectivity Using Passband BSSFPInvestigating Spatiotemporal Sparse SENSE Reconstruction to Preserve Geometric and Temporal FidelityInvestigating Systemic and Tumour-Specific Fluctuations in Tumour R2* Measurement with Independent Component Analysis and Pulse OximetryInvestigating the Effect of Image Resolution on Susceptibility Values Inside the Vessels for Venous Oxygen Saturation QuantificationInvestigating the Effect of Intra-Voxel Contrast Agent Diffusion on Quantitative DCE-MRIInvestigating the Field Strength Dependence of BOLD Onset TimeInvestigating the Microenvironment of Childhood Brain Tumours Using MRSInvestigating the Orientation Dependence of Non-Linear GRE Phase Evolution in White Matter Using a High Resolution Geometric Magnetic Susceptibility WM ModelInvestigating the Quantitative Fidelity of Prospectively Undersampled Chemical Shift Imaging with Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging ReconstructionInvestigating the Role of Macromolecular Transport in the Formation of Malignant Ascites and MetastasesInvestigating Tumour Cycling Hypoxia with Resting State MRI: Relationship with Systemic Changes and Influence of NoiseInvestigating White Matter Perfusion Using Optimal Sampling Strategy Arterial Spin Labeling (OSS-ASL) at 7TInvestigation of BOLD Response in Somatosensory Pathway of Awake Marmosets Using High Resolution fMRIInvestigation of Cardiac and Respiratory Pressure Waves in the Brain by High Resolution Echo-Planar Imaging at 7 TeslaInvestigation of Cardiac Malate-Aspartate Shuttle at High Workload Using Hyperpolarized [1,2-13C2]pyruvateInvestigation of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging of the Organ with Plenty of Perfusion/flow EffectInvestigation of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Indices, Mean BOLD Signal and Calf Muscle Cross Sectional Area Following Bed RestInvestigation of Functional Connectivity Changes in Alzheimer Disease Using Degree CentralityInvestigation of Optogenetically Induced Oxytocin Release Within Central Amygdala on BOLD Signals in Rat Brain at 9.4TInvestigation of Substrate Dose on Rat Cardiac Metabolism in Vivo Using MRS of Hyperpolarized [2-13C]pyruvateInvestigation of Techniques for Multi Element Coil Combination for 32 Channel 7T MRSInvestigation of Temperature Dependence of Tissue Relaxation Parameters for Post-Mortem ImagingInvestigation of the CEST Effect in Prostate MetabolitesInvestigation of the Correlation of MRS Measurable 2-Hydroxyglutarate (2HG) Concentration and Tumor Progression in Brain Tumors Harboring IDH1/2 MutationsInvestigation of the Cytoarchitectural Changes in Ischemic Infarction Using Cerebral Microenviroment Modeling (CMM)Investigation of the Necessity of Pre-Contrast T1-Determination in DCE MRI; Simulations and Clinical DataInvestigation of the Neural Basis of the Default Mode Network Using Parallel Independent Component Analysis of Simultaneous EEG/fMRI DataInvestigation of the Precision of a Commercial Brain Volume Quantification SoftwareInvestigation of the Theoretical Signal Model Used in Random Vessel Encoded Arterial Spin LabelingInvestigation of the Transition from Travelling Wave to Near Field Excitation Using Crossed Dipole AntennasInvestigation of Vascular MRI (ASL and SWI) in Complement to RANO Criteria to Characterize Anti-Angiogenic Therapeutic Response of GlioblastomasInvestigation of Visual Perception Functions in Children with Down Syndrome : A Functional MRI StudyIn-Vivo Evaluation of a New High Dielectric Constant Material for Local Enhancement of B1+ and SNR at 3TInvolvement of Cerebellum in the Dopaminergic Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease: A Resting-State fMRI StudyIopamidol CEST for PH Measurements on a Clinical 3T Scanner: Phantom and First Human in vivo StudyIron and Myelin Induced Contrast Variations in the Corpus CallosumIron Deposition Influences Measurement of Water Diffusion Tensor in the Human Brain: A Combined Analysis of Diffusion and Iron-Induced Phase Changes.Iron-Related Microstructural Alterations in Deep Gray Matter: Correlations from Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging and Quantitative Susceptibility MappingIs a 2D-Spiral Excitation Trajectory Sufficient for 3D Inner Volume Imaging ?Is Assessment of Breast Tumors with the Sole Use of DWI Sufficient for Breast Cancer Diagnosis?Is Fat-Suppression Necessary to Evaluate Remodeling in the Left Atrium with Late Gadolinium Enhancement?Is Higher Lactate Generation Rate an Indicator of Tumor Metastatic Risk?-A Pilot Study Using Hyperpolarized 13C-NMRIs Myelin Content Associated with Early Language Development in Healthy Toddlers?Is Quantitative fMRI Really Better Than Plain BOLD in Predicting Cognitive Function?Is the Metabolite Profile of a Single Muscle Biopsy Representative for the Tissue Under Investigation? a Reproducibility Study Using HR-MASIs There a Predictive Role for MRI Assessed Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue in Identification of Risk Group for Diabetes?Ischemic CardiomyopathyIsoflurane Supplement Prevents Epileptic Activity in fMRI Studies Under Medetomidine AnesthesiaIsolating CEST and MT in the Human Calf Muscle at 7TIsolating Chemical Exchange Contrast from Amide and Amine Protons in the Presence of Asymmetric Macromolecular Magnetization Transfer with Off-Resonance Spin Locking at 3T in the Human BrainIterative Auto-Calibrated Reconstruction of 3D Non-Cartesian TrajectoriesIterative Hard Thresholding and Matrix Shrinkage (IHT+MS) for Low-Rank Recovery of K-T Undersampled MRI DataIterative K-T PCA with Motion Corrected Training Regularization for 3D Myocardial Perfusion ImagingIterative Trajectory Correction for Radial Projection ImagingIVIM with Simultaneous T2 Mapping and Relaxivity CorrectionJ-Difference Editing of GABA: Simulated and Experimental Multiplet PatternsJ-Editing/MEGA-PRESS Time-Course Study of the Neurochemical Effects of Ketamine Administration in Healthy HumansJoint Estimation Based Phase Error Correction in Multi-Shot Spiral Diffusion Weighted ImagingJoint K-T Reconstruction and Oversampled Spirals for Single-Shot 2D Spatial/1D Spectral Imaging of 13C DynamicskHz (Gradient) InteractionsKinematic MRI of Knee in Wide Bore 3T MR SystemKinetic Model-Based Analysis of Dynamic 31P MRS Data on ATP Metabolism in Rat Hindlimb MuscleKinetics and Mechanism of Bioreduction of Nitrimidazoles as Hypoxia ProbesK-Means Clustering of DCE-MRI Pharmacokinetic Parameters for Prediction of Chemotherapeutic Response of Bladder CancerKnowledge-Based Automatic Slice-Alignment Method of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Right Ventricular Evaluation in Patients with Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionKnowledge-Based Tractography Using Path Finding by Dynamic ProgramingK-SpaceK-Space Density Weighted Echo Planar ImagingK-Space Density Weighted Functional Magnetic Resonance Imagingk-T Accelerated 4D Flow MRI in the Aorta: Effect on Scan Time, Flow Quantification and Analysis of Wall Shear Stressk-T FASTER: A New Method for the Acceleration of Resting State fMRI Data AcquisitionL1-Regularized GRAPPA Kernel EstimateLabeling of Macrophages with Novel Gadolinium Oxide Nanoparticles for in vivo Imaging of InflammationLactate and Pyruvate as Mediators of Metabolic Cooperation Between Stromal and Breast Cancer CellsLactate-Edited MRS in Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic EncephalopathyLaminar Specific Detection of Amyloid Precursor Protein -Induced Neurodegeneration and Recovery Using MEMRI in an Olfactory Based Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model.Laminar Specificity of fMRI Onset Times Distinguishes Top Down from Bottom Up Neural Inputs Mediating Cortical PlasitictyLaminar-Specific fMRI Changes in Rat Olfactory Bulb Following Evoked Odor StimulationLaminar-Specific Variations of T2* Relaxation Decay in the Cortex at 7 Tesla MRILanguage Lateralization and Corpus Callosum Fractional Anisotropy in Patients with Brain Tumor: Combined Functional MRI with Diffusion Tensor ImagingLanguage Processing in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Extra Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Using Functional MRILanguage Reorganization Following Anterior Temporal Lobectomy in Patients with Chronic Intractable EpilepsyLanthanides as Low Temperature Relaxation SwitchesLaplace Inversion for Kinetic Analysis of Hyperpolarized 13C Data Without a Priori Knowledge Using a Hybrid Maximum Entropy Method (MEM)/ Non-Linear Least Square (NLS)Laplacian Filtering: A Simple and Robust Technique for Reducing Artifacts in Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI)LARFET (Low Amplitude RF at Echo Time) for Catheter TrackingLarge Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping for Unlabeled Curves: Application to Fiber Tract BundlesLarge Tip Angle KT-Points Based on a Linearization of the Bloch EquationsLarge-Field-Of-View Test-Object for Assessment of Fat Suppression in Body DW-MRILaser Absorption and Photon Efficiency of a Spin Exchange Optical Pumping 129Xe PolariserLate Gadolinium Enhancement Imaging Using Spiral Readouts at 3TLate Gadolinium Enhancement MRI Parameters Related to Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia and Subsequent Invasive Treatments in Asymmetric Septal Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy with Preserved Ejection FractionLaterality of the Corticospinal Tract and Variation with Handedness: The Findings of a DTI StudyLateralization of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Using Resting State Functional Magnetic Resonance ImagingLayer-Specific Manganese-Enhanced MRI of Diabetic Rat Retinas Associated with Light and Dark Adaptation at 11.7TLeakage and Water Exchange Characterization of Gadofosveset in the MyocardiumLearnings and Recommendations for Performing Multi-Center Clinical Drug Trials with Resting State Functional MRI in Alzheimer Patient Population: Data Processing Pipelines and Functional Connectivity MetricsLeft Hippocampal Volume Reduction Is Strongly Coupled with Structural and Functional Connectivity in Patients with Left Mesial Temporal Lobe EpilepsyLeft Ventricular Function in a Single Breathhold with 3D Radial CINE BSSFP and 3D Through-Time Radial GRAPPALeft Ventricular Twist and Systolic Twist-Per-Volume Slope in Patients with Mitral RegurgitationLeft-Right Bias in Triglyceride Composition of Adipose Tissue Measured by 1H MRSLegacy Implants, MR Conditional Labeling, Conflicting Information - MR Safety Now & the Future: Is There a Better Paradigm?Lenaldekar Prevented Relapses in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Mice: A Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging StudyLinear Phase Shift Correction for Field Map Estimation with Bipolar Gradient Dual-Echo Sequence Using the Noise PDFLipid Metabolism & CancerLiver Cancer: Evaluation of the Hemodynamic Features and Correlation with Response to Therapy Using Arterial Enhancement Fraction Based on Tri-Phasic MRILiver Cell Adenoma: A New PerspectiveLiver Lesions in Cancer Patients: What Are They?Liver Lesions: Added Value of Diffusion MRILiver Perfusion Quantification with MR-DCE Imaging at 3.0 T for Liver Fibrosis Assessment in Patients with Chronic Liver DiseasesLiver T1 Increases with Fibrosis and Is Correlated with Liver Stiffness and ELF ScoreLocal Resolution Adaptation for Curved Slice ImagingLocal SAR Estimation for Human Brain Imaging Using Multi-Channel Transceiver Coil at 7TLocal SAR Investigations in the Presence of Conductive MediaLocal SAR Prediction Errors with Variation of Electrical Properties in the Head at 7TLocal Shape Adaptation for Curved Slice SelectionLocalization Errors in MR Spectroscopic Imaging Due to the Drift of the Main Magnetic Field and Their CorrectionLocalization of Function-Specific Segments of the Primary Motor Pathway in Children with Sturge-Weber Syndrome: A Multimodal Imaging AnalysisLocalization of US Focal Spot in in vivo Tissue Using 3D Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse ImagingLocalization Profile Correction for ERETIC Based in Vivo 1H MRSI QuantificationLocalized in vivo High Resolution HARDI Reveals Complex Microstructure in the Mouse BrainLocalized Double-Pulsed-Field-Gradient MRS of CNS MetabolitesLocalized Electrical Property Retrieval – Theories and Numerical ExamplesLogan Plot Estimates of Tracer Distribution Volume from Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Data and Tumor Cellularity in a Rat Model of Cerebral Glioma at 7TLong Longitudinal Relaxation Time Silicon NanoparticlesLong Range White Matter Connectivity Deficit in Pediatric Cerebral PalsyLong Term Effect of Radiotherapy on Adult Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumor Patients: A Neuroimaging StudyLongitudinal Anatomical and Diffusion MRI Evaluation in Rabbit External Capsules and Hippocampi After Cerebral Hemisphere Radiation ExposureLongitudinal Biochemical Evaluation of the Femoropatellar Joint During the Transeuropean Foot Race by Using Zonal T2* MappingLongitudinal Blast Injury Chracterization Using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Rat HippocampusLongitudinal Changes in Diffusion Properties in the White Matter Pathways in Patients with Tuberous Sclerosis ComplexLongitudinal Changes in Surface-Based Morphometry of U.S. Military Personnel Following Mild Blast-Related Traumatic Brain Injury: A Preliminary StudyLongitudinal Characterization of Apolipoprotein E Targeted Replacement Mice at 7 TLongitudinal Clinical Evaluation of Cartilage and Meniscus UTE-T2* Following ACL ReconstructionLongitudinal Correlation of T2 and Motor Neuron Loss in the SOD1G93A Mouse Mode of Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisLongitudinal Effects on Rat Brain of Different Degrees Infection by Angiostrongylus CantonensisLongitudinal Evaluation of Brain Lesion in SIV Macaques with Magnetization Transfer ImagingLongitudinal Evaluation of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A H-MRS StudyLongitudinal Evaluation of White Matter Injury in a Macaque Model of Ischemic Stroke with DTILongitudinal Follow Up of Pancreatic Islets by MRI Using Labeling with MagnetoliposomesLongitudinal Functional Imaging of the HER-2/Neu Transgenic Mouse Model of Human Breast Cancer by DCE-MRI and Diffusion Weighted ImagingLongitudinal Hippocampal Shape Changes Between Term-Equivalent and 7 Years in Very Preterm and Full-Term ChildrenLongitudinal Imaging of the Influence of ApoE Isoforms on Brain Structure and FunctionLongitudinal Investigation of Diffuse Hemorrhagic Lesions Using Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)Longitudinal Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Premanifest and Early Huntington Disease.Longitudinal Metabolic Imaging of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Transgenic Mouse Model Involving HBsAg and Aflatoxin B1 Risk Factors Identifies Altered Carnitine MetabolismLongitudinal MR Based Study of Ipsilateral and Contralateral Hippocampus Volume and Cognitive Assesment in Traumatic Brain Injury RatsLongitudinal MR Microscopy at 7T of Human Derived Osteosarcoma Mouse Models – an Early Assessment of Drug ResponseLongitudinal Regional Brain Volume Changes in Mild Traumatic Brain InjuryLongitudinal Registration of Quantitative PET and MRI Data Acquired During Neoadjuvant ChemotherapyLongitudinal Study of Cerebral Blood Flow Measurements in Normals Using Pseudocontinuous and Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin LabelingLongitudinal VBM of Regional Progression in Human Prion DiseaseLong-Term Environmental Enrichment Induces CA1 Enlargement in APPswe/PS1dE9 Transgenic Mice: A Deformation-Based Morphormetry StudyLong-Term Impact of Major Trauma on Brain Network Function in Traumatic SurvivorsLong-Time-Scale Hyperpolarized 3He Diffusion MRI Is More Sensitive Than Short-Time-Scale 3He Diffusion MRI for Detecting COPDLonidamine Induced Selective Acidification of DB-1 Human Melanoma Xenografts Enhances Tumor Response to DoxorubicinLow 511keV-Attenuation Array Coil Setup for Simultaneous PET/MR Imaging of the Monkey BrainLow Acoustic RF Coil DesignLow Field Online NMR for Hyperpolarized Rare Gases: Setup and CharacterizationLower Extremities Perfusion Imaging with Low-Rank Matrix Completion ReconstructionLow-Profile Remote Targeting Alignment Tool for Use in MR-Guided Rigid Device InsertionLow-Rank Basis Smoothing for the Denoising of Diffusion Weighted ImagesLung Function Assessment in a Mouse Model of Emphysema Using Ultrashort Echo-Time and Oxygen-Enhanced MRILung Tissue Differentiation with Magnetization Transfer Prepared Multi-Echo Ultrashort Echo Time MRIMacromolecular Proton Fraction as a New Clinical Biomarker of Demyelination in Multiple SclerosisMacrophage Tracking with Heteronuclear Proton MRIMacroscopic B0 Inhomogeneity Corrected QSM Based on a Field Mapping Algorithm Using a Single-Scan 3D Z-Shim Multi-Echo GRE.Magic Angle Effect Plays a Significant Role in T1rho Relaxation in Articular CartilageMagic Angle Enhanced Imaging in High-Field MRI Using an Automated MR-Conditional PositionerMagic Angle Enhanced MR Microscopy of Fibrous Structures in the EyeMagnetic Field Simulations for SPIOnsMagnetic Particle Imaging for Safe Angiography and Stem Cell TrackingMagnetic Resonance Characteristics of Sucrose-Infiltrated ex-vivo Brain Tissue PreparationsMagnetic Resonance Elastography for Measuring the Compliance of Occlusive Vascular DiseaseMagnetic Resonance Elastography for the Measurement of the Bulk Modulus in Compressible Materials.Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Liver: Comparison Between Echo Planar Imaging and Gradient-Echo SequenceMagnetic Resonance Elastography of the Upper Airways with Guided Pressure WavesMagnetic Resonance Electrical Properties Tomography (MREPT) Based on the Solution of the Convection-Reaction EquationMagnetic Resonance Guidance of Cardiac Resynchronization TherapyMagnetic Resonance Histology- Cool Images- But Who Cares?Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 7 T for Correlation of Therapy-Induced Alterations in T2 Intensity, ADC and Tumor Volume in Ewing’s Sarcoma XenograftsMagnetic Resonance Imaging Detects Therapeutic Effects of Endothelial Progenitor Cells on Tissue Repair and Muscle Regeneration Into Ischemia HindlimbMagnetic Resonance Imaging for Detection of Early Intestinal Injury of Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis in a Rodent ModelMagnetic Resonance Imaging of Malignant Glioma Using 5-Aminolevulinic Acid in an Animal ModelMagnetic Resonance Imaging of Neuronal Currents in an in Vitro Turtle CerebellumMagnetic Resonance Imaging of Tumor Glycolysis Using Hyperpolarized 13C-Labelled GlucoseMagnetic Resonance Imaging the Genetic Influence on Intrinsic Resting-State Connectivity in Brown Norway and Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rat BrainsMagnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) and X-Ray Computed Tomography(CT) Dual Functionality of Gadolinium Iodate Dihydrate NanomaterialsMagnetic Resonance Properties of Gd-Conjugated Microbubbles for Use in MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound: Distinguishing Intact and Fragmented Microbubbles by RelaxivityMagnetic Resonance PWI-Derived Collateral Flow Index Is a Predictor of MCA-M1 Recanalization After Iv Thrombolysis : New Insight Using the Bayesian MethodMagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Based Temperature Calibration and in-vivo Brain Temperature Measurement of Traumatic Brain Injury Rats at 7 TeslaMagnetic Resonance Venography of the Fetal Brain Using Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI)Magnetic Resonance-Fluorescent Dual Imaging of Fluorescein Coated Gd2O3 NanoparticlesMagnetic Susceptibility Alterations in Mouse Brains with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: A Preliminary StudyMagnetic Susceptibility and Field Map Estimation in fMRI Time Series Using a High Resolution Static Field MapMagnetic Susceptibility Anysotropy of Oriented Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Suspensions as Measured by SQUID Induces Water Relaxation Anysotropy as Detected by MRIMagnetic Susceptibility as a Field-Independent MRI Biomarker of Liver Iron OverloadMagnetic Walls for RF Coil Elements DecouplingMagnetisation Transfer Contrast to Enhance Detection of Neuromelanin Loss at 3T in Parkinson’s Disease.Magnetisation Transfer Imaging of Subpial Cortical Abnormalities in Multiple SclerosisMagnetization Transfer Encoded Steady State Cardiac Imaging of Fibrotic Development in MiceMagnetization Transfer MR Imaging of the Kidney: Quantitative Evaluation at 3.0T in Association with Renal FunctionMagnetization Transfer Prepared Gradient Echo CEST MRI at 7 TeslaMagnetization Transfer Ratio Differences in the Adult Mouse Brain Due to Cranial Irradiation in InfancyMagnetization Transfer Ratio of Normal Appearing Subcortical Brain Structures in MS Patients Measured with Balanced Steady State Free Precession ImagingMagnetization Transfer Ratio Tractometry in Multiple SclerosisMagnetsMajor Depression Impairs Biophysical Integrity of Brain Beyond Normal Aging Revealed by Magnetization Transfer ImagingMaking the Most of 3T for Body MRIMammalian Expression of a CEST Reporter Gene Based on Human Protamine-1Manganese Alters Water Movement in Ocular Lens Detected by DTI in vivoManganese Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MEMRI) Reflects Human Neuropathology in a Murine Model of HIV-1 Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND)Manganese Enhanced MRI Reveals Stimulus-Evoked Neuronal Activation in Aplysia CalifornicaManganese-Enhanced MRI (MEMRI) for Investigating a Genetic Rat Epilepsy ModelManganese-Enhanced MRI for Early Detection of Breast Cancer Metastatic PotentialManipulating B1 Spatial Distribution at 7 Tesla with Dielectric Pads at a Distance from a Transmit Surface CoilMapping Axon Radius in the Human Corpus Callosum Using Dual Spin-Echo Diffusion MRIMapping BOLD-Coupled CBF Changes with Improved SensitivityMapping Brain Entropy Using Resting State fMRI: Part IMapping Changes in Lactate-To-Pyruvate Signal Ratio Using Hyperpolarized 13C-Pyruvate in Early Radiation Induced Lung Injury Post Conformal Radiotherapy of the LungMapping Collagen 1 Fiber Architecture to Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Human Breast Tumor SpecimensMapping MRI Contrast Enhancement with HistologyMapping Neuromuscular Activation Patterns Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Skeletal MuscleMapping of Brain Metabolite Distribution by Short Echo Time Echo Planar Spectroscopy Imaging (EPSI)Mapping of Microscopic Diffusion Anisotropy Measures in the Living Human BrainMapping Putative Centrality Hubs in Rhesus Macaques and Humans Using Diffusion Tractography and Graph TheoryMapping Thalamocortical Networks in the Awake Rat Brain Using Resting-State Functional ConnectivityMapping the Alzheimer’s Structural Connectome: Findings from the Alzheimer Disease Neuroimaging InitiativeMapping the Mouse Brain Functional Connectivity Networks: Strain Specific PatternsMatching Motion Sensitivity with TE and TR in Elastography for Faster ScansMatrix Gradient System: Concept and Performance EvaluationMatrix Shimming for Whole Body Gradient CoilsMaturation of the Structural Connectome: A Network-Driven ApproachMaximized Local B1+ Using Optimized Dielectric Pad at 7 T: Numerical Optimization and Experimental ValidationMaximum Entropy Reconstruction of Non-Uniformly Under-Sampled Multidimensional Spectroscopic Imaging in vivoMaximum Likelihood Estimation of T1rho Relaxation Time in Lumbar Intervertebral Disc at 3TMaxwell Equations & EM ModelingMean Apparent Propagator (MAP) MRI: A Novel Diffusion Imaging Method for Mapping Tissue MicrostructureMeasurement of Absolute CMRO2 by Simultaneous Hypercapnic and Hyperoxic Calibration of fMRI SignalMeasurement of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients of Hyperpolarized 13C-Metabolites In-VivoMeasurement of Brain Metabolites Using a Lactate Enhanced Detection Chemical Shift Imaging (LED-CSI) Pulse SequenceMeasurement of Brain Oxygen Saturation Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Susceptibility MapsMeasurement of Bulk Liver Perfusion: Initial Assessment of Agreement Between ASL and Phase-Contrast MRI at 9.4TMeasurement of Hemodynamic Parameters in Carotid Occlusive Disease Using Partial Volume Corrected PCASL fMRIMeasurement of Liver and Splenic Stiffness with MR Elastography Using Single or Double Acoustic Excitation.Measurement of Magnetization Transfer Effects in the Brachial Plexus: Comparison with T2 and Diffusion EffectsMeasurement of Metabolite 1H Transverse Relaxation Times (T2) in the Human Visual Cortex Over an Extended Echo-Time Range During Visual Stimulation at 7TMeasurement of Portal Venous Flow Using Phase-Contrast MRI at 9.4T: Preliminary Repeatability, Reproducibility and Invasive Validation StudiesMeasurement of Rat Brain Tumor Kinetics Using an Intravascular Mr Contrast Agent and DCE-T1 Nested Model SelectionMeasurement of Reduced Lymphatic Flow Velocity Under Conditions of Obstructed Lymphatic Flow Using Spin Labeling ApproachMeasurement of Renal Perfusion Using 3D Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin LabelingMeasurement of Short Time Constant Eddy Currents with Zero TE ImagingMeasurement of Spin-Spin Relaxation of Myocardial Lipids and Water at 3T by Optimized Clinical 1H MRS Protocol.Measurement of the T1 Of 31P-Metabolites at 7 Tesla in the Human HeartMeasurement of Tissue Extracellular Volume in Health and Amyloidosis Using Equilibrium Contrast MRIMeasurement of Transverse Relaxation Times in Brain TumorsMeasurement Precision of Contrast Agent with R2* (Magnitude) and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (Phase)Measurement Reproducibility of ADC for Liver Metastases Using Multi B Value Diffusion Weighted Imaging: Preliminary Results.Measurements of Cerebral Blood Volume and BOLD Signal During Hypercapnia and Functional Stimulation in Humans at 7T: Application to Calibrated BOLDMeasurements of the Magnetic Field Distribution in the High Tc Superconducting Bulk Magnet During the Magnetization ProcessMeasuring and Characterizing Short-Term High Order Eddy Currents with a PhantomMeasuring Changes in Brain Oxygenation Using Dynamic T1 Weighted ImagingMeasuring Response to Novel Therapies: Thinking DifferentlyMeasuring Septal Wall Thickening in Human Lung Disease Using Xe129 CSSR SpectroscopyMeasuring the Accumulation of Magnetite Labeled Nanoparticles in the Rat BrainMeasuring the Characteristic Topography of Brain Stiffness with Magnetic Resonance ElastographyMeasuring the Influence of Hypercapnia on Absolute CMRO2 in HumansMeasuring Tissue Perfusion in the Human Brainstem Using Multi-Inversion Time Pulsed Arterial Spin LabellingMeasuring Venous Blood Oxygenation in Fetal Brain Using Susceptibility Weighted ImagingMechanical Properties of the Frontal Lobe Gray and White Matter Measured Using MR Elastography with Soft Prior RegularizationMEG & fMRI: Which One Best Spatially Localizes Brain Activity?MEGA-PRESSing Onward for More Metabolites: Aspartate, Lactate, and PEMemory-Saving Iterative Reconstruction on Overlapping Blocks of K-SpaceMEMRI Based NOD/scid-IL-2R? cnull Mouse Brain Atlas for HIV Pathobiology StudiesMesoFT: Mesoscopic Structure and Orientation with Fiber TrackingMetabolic Alterations in Corpus Callosum May Compromise Brain Functional Connectivity in MTBI Patients: An 1H-MRS StudyMetabolic and Structural Correlates of Different Patterns of White Matter Injury in Preterm InfantsMetabolic DisordersMetabolic Exchange Rate Imaging with Hyperpolarised [1-13C]PyruvateMetabolic Flux Maps from 3D MRSI of Rat Brain in SituMetabolic Imaging with 3D Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging at 7 TeslaMetabolic Profiling of Experimental Tumors Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Pyruvate: Evaluating Cell Type Specificity and Effects of Tumor Environment.Metabolic Profiling of RG2, F98 and C6 Glioma Models Using 1H-MRS and Ex-Vivo 1H HRMAS MRSMetabolic Response to Exercise of Gastrocnemius and Soleus Muscle Characterized by Localized Dynamic 31P MRS, Using a Three-Channel RF Coil at 7TMetabolic Signature of Prostate Cancer as Detected with Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging and 18F- Fluorodeoxyglucose-Positron Emission TomographyMetabolic Spectroscopy and Imaging of Lung Inflammation Using Hyperpolarized 1-13C PyruvateMetabolic Trends in Thalamic Development from Infancy to Adulthood Measured Using Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyMetabolite Concentration Changes During Motor Activation Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (FMRS) at 7TMetabolite Map Estimation from Undersampled Spectroscopic Imaging Data Using N-Compartment ModelMetabolite T1 Relaxation Enhancement by Spectrally-Selective ExcitationMetabolite-Cycled, ECG-Triggered and Navigator-Gated 1H MRS with Optimised Image-Based B0 Shimming Achieves High Spectral Quality in the Myocardium at 3TMetabolomic Fields of Human Prostate CancerMetabolomics of Breast Cancer Serum Using 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyMetabolomics Reveals in vivo Significant Impact from Iron Oxide Nanoparticle-Labeled, Grafted Cells on the Host OrganismMetabonomics of Gastrointestinal Mucosa in Celiac Disease Using In-Vitro Proton NMR SpectroscopyMetallic Implant Reconstruction from MAVRIC B0 Field MapsMetastatic Breast Cancer Cells Have Higher Mitochondrial Function Than Isogenic Non-Metastatic CellsMethod and System for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization of Frozen GasesMethod for Estimating K-T Sensitivity from Under-Sampled Data with No Training ScansMethods for Fast Imaging of Hyperpolarized NucleiMethods for Hyperpolarizing Nuclei (Optical, Brute Force, PHIP, DNP)Methylene Blue Potentiates Stimulus-Evoked fMRI Responses and Oxygen Consumption During HypoxiaMicro Magnetic Resonance x,y-Gradient System for Microscopic SamplesMicrobeam Radiation Therapy Effects on White Matter Assessed by Fiber TractographyMicrohemorrhage Detection with Segmented EPI SWI: Comparison to 3D GRE SWI in a Series of TBI PatientsMicro-Mechanical Modeling in the Nonlinear Regime for Assessing Indices of Bone Strength from High-Resolution MR ImagesMicroscopic 3D-DTI of Tumor Cell Migration, Numerical Modeling and Two- Photon Microscopic ImagingMicrostructural Characterization of Unidentified Bright Objects in Neurofibromatosis Type 1Microstructural Differences in the Aging White Matter of APOE Allele e4 Carriers: A Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging and Diffusion Tensor Imaging StudyMicrostructural Information by Double-Pulsed-Field-Gradient NMR: from Model Systems to NervesMicrostructural Visual Brain Reorganization in the Congenitally Blind and Acquired BlindMicrostructure-Informed Slow Diffusion Tractography in Humans Enhances Visualisation of Fibre PathwaysMicrotubule Stabilizer Ameliorates Functional Connectivity in a MAP6 Deficient Mouse: A Manganese Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging StudyMild Hypercapnia Causes a Measurable Change in Cerebral Oxygen Extraction Fraction (OEF)Miniaturized Patch Antenna for Traveling-Wave Excitation: Pilot Study at 7 T MRIMinimizing Dark-Rim Artifacts in First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion MR by Eliminating Gibbs Ringing Using Projection ImagingMinimizing Spurious Functional Connectivity Findings from Resting State fMRIMinimizing the Influence of Blood Volume Fraction on Other Pharmacokinetic Parameters in DCE-MRIMinimum Squared Error Estimate of Electrical Properties from B1 MapsMitigate B1+ Inhomogeneity by Slice-Selective Composite Excitation PulsesMitochondrial Skeletal Muscle Uncoupling in a Murine Cancer Cachexia ModelMitochondria-Targeted Antioxidant Promotes Recovery of Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Function After Burn TraumaMixing Loops and Electric Dipole Antennas for Increased Sensitivity at 7 TeslaMn Concentration Mapping with MRI: Comparision with Autoradiography and PETMN58b: An Effective Choline Kinase Inhibitor in the Treatment of Rat Brain GliomasMobile Phone RF Safety Testing Using Magnetic Resonance ImagingMode Matching for the Modeling and Safety Assessment of Multiple-Channel Waveguide TransmissionModel Based Automated 4D Analysis for Real-Time Free-Breathing Cardiac MRIModel Parameter Correlation for DCE-MRI in Advanced Cervical CancerModel-Based MR Parameter Mapping with Sparsity ConstraintModel-Based Reconstruction for Physiological Noise Correction in Functional MRIModel-Based Super-Resolution of Diffusion MRI for Microstructure ImagingModeling Low Frequency InteractionsModeling Physiological Fluctuations in Multi-Channel Coil fMRI Time-Series at 7T and 3TModeling the Brownian Relaxation of Nanoparticle Ferrofluids: Comparison with ExperimentModeling the Electric Field Distribution Within the Brain for the Treatment of GlioblastomasModeling the fMRI Signals at the Microscopic Level Using Quantitative Optical Microscopy MeasurementsModelling Extra-Axonal Diffusion Spectra for Oscillating Gradient MeasurementsModels of Parasitic Mutual Capacitance in Array Coils: Effects on Mutual Reactance, Resistance and Noise CorrelationModular Rotating Gamma Camera Insert for Simultaneous SPECT and MR Small-Animal ImagingMolecular CEST Imaging of Mucins with Different Glycosylation LevelsMolecular Imaging Beyond Contrast Generation: Utility of BIRDSMolecular Imaging in CancerMolecular Imaging of Cancer with Paramagnetic Vesicles Targeted to PhosphatidylserineMolecular Imaging-Based Pancreatic Cancer CharacterizationMolecular MR Imaging of Pulmonary Fibrosis in a Mouse ModelMonitoring Neuroinflammation in vivo with MR Spectroscopy and CEST ImagingMonitoring of T2 with Application of Diffusion Gradients to Remove Microcirculation Contributions to Signal for Optimisation of Diffusion Protocols and Generation of Flow-Free T2 MapsMonitoring PKM2 Status in Glioblastoma Using Hyperpolarized 13C MRSMonitoring Skeletal Muscle Regeneration and Dystrophy in Mice Using T2 and Diffusion Tensor MRI and Fiber TrackingMonitoring Temporally Selective LDH-A Gene Deletion in Prostate Cancer Using Hyperpolarized Frequency Specific 13C-MRIMonitoring the Effects of Bicarbonate Treatment on Tumor Extracellular pH Using AcidoCEST MRIMono-Exponential T2-Analysis of a Two-Pool System – Does Echo-Spacing Matter?Monte Carlo Simulation of White Matter as a Composite Porous MediumMonte-Carlo Simulation of Susceptibility Effects on the PGSE Signal and Diffusion MeasuresMore Accurate Volume and ADC Measurements of Heterogeneous Tumor in Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging: With Correlation to PET/CTMorphological and Biochemical Assessment of Repair Tissue After Chondrosphere-Based Autologous Chondrozyte TransplantationMorphological Assessment of Non-Human Primate Models of Osteoarthritis Using HR-MRI and µCT ArthrographyMorphological Standards for the Human Spinal Cord – Validations and Preliminary Applications to PatientsMorphometric Cortical Correlates of Pain Catastrophizing Behaviour in Patients with Chronic Painful Knee OAMotion Corrected Sensitivity Encoded Isotropic Projection Reconstruction (SNIPR) for Whole-Heart Coronary MRAMotion Correction in Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Using Simulated Diffusion Images at Multiple B BandsMotion Correction in MR-ElastographyMotion Correction in Small Bowel DCE-MRI Using Robust Data Decomposition RegistrationMotion Detection and Dual Retrospective Correction for MR Spectroscopy in the Human Spinal CordMotion Detection for Diffusion Weighted MRI Using EPI Phase Correction LinesMotion Phantom for Real-Time MRIMotion Residual Reconstruction Using Low Rank Property of Similarity Patches in Motion Compensated Compressed Sensing Dynamic MRIMotion Robust High Resolution FLASHMotion, Resolution and Noise Thresholds for the Accurate Classification of Human Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque by MRIMotion-Corrected 350 µm Isotropic MPRAGE at 3 T Using Volumetric Navigators (VNavs)Motion-Dependent L1 Minimization for Dynamic Cardiac MRI ReconstructionMotion-Immune Structural MRI Based on Repeated K-T-Subsampling and Artifact-Minimization (REKAM)Motion-Robust Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Fetal Brain MRIMotor Cortex Functional Connectivity Signatures of AutismMotor Functional Plasticity in Patients with Brain Tumor: The fMRI StudyMotor Impairment in Schizophrenics: A Combined fMRI and VBM StudyMotor Network Connectivity Following Training with an MR Compatible Hand Induced- Robotic DeviceMouse Lumbar Spinal Cord Blood Flow Imaging Using Pseudo-Continuous ASL (PCASL) at Very High FieldMouse Models of Human Cancer: Noninvasive Phenotyping with MRIMovement Abnormalities in the Left Ventricle of Thalassemia Major PatientsMP2RAGE Imaging at 9.4T Using a PTX SystemMR Based Attenuation Correction Including Cortical Bone for PET/MR Hybrid ImagingMR Compatible Doppler-Ultrasound Device to Trigger the Heart Frequency in Cardiac MRI: Comparison to ECGMR Diffusion Estimation of Intramyocellular Lipid Droplets in MyocardiumMR Diffusion-Based Histology and Micro-Tractography Reveal Mesoscale Features of the Human CerebellumMR Direct Thrombus Imaging with Optimised Signal and Improved Lipid SuppressionMR Elastography as a Method to Determine the Mechanical Properties of Fresh and Formalin Fixed Porcine HeartsMR Elastography as a Method to Estimate Brain Stiffness and Its Correlation to Intracranail Pressure in Pseudotumor Ceribri PatientsMR Elastography in a Murine Stroke Model Reveals Correlation Between Macroscopic Viscoelastic Properties of the Brain and Neuronal DensityMR Elastography of ex Vivo Prostate Cancer at Multiple Frequencies at 7TMR Elastography of Liver for Clinical Follow Up and Assessment of Treatment Response in Chronic Liver DiseasesMR Elastography of Liver with Iron Overload: Development, Evaluation and Preliminary Clinical Experience with Improved Spin Echo and Spin Echo EPI SequencesMR Elastography of the Liver in Patients Status Post Fontan Procedure: A Pilot InvestigationMR Elastography Reveals the Local Properties of White Matter StructuresMR Elastography Using Switching-Gradient-Induced Vibration of the Patient Table - Assessment of Reproducibility -MR Evaluation of Multiple Myeloma at 3.0 Tesla: How Do Bone Marrow Signal Intensity and Selection of Protocols Affect Lesion Conspicuity?MR Examination Times of Less Than 8 Minutes for 4 Common IndicationsMR Fingerprinting Using Spiral QUESTMR Fingerprinting: Rapid Simultaneous Quantification of T1, T2, Proton Density and Off-Resonance Using a Spiral TrajectoryMR GFR Measures Vs MDRD Estimates of Renal Function in CirrhoticsMR Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Bone Ablation Assessed with MR, PET, and MDCT ImagingMR Guided RF Hyperthermia for Head and Neck Tumors: Simulation Guided Design of an MR Compatible RF Heating ArrayMR Imaging and Spectroscopic Investigation of Exercise and Calorie Restriction in High Fat Diet Fed Obese RatsMR Imaging and Spectroscopy for Evaluation of Brain Tumor Metabolic Profiles in Primary Glioblastoma Multiforme XenograftsMR Imaging Features of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST) of the Gastrointestinal (GI) TractMR Imaging Findings of Ovarian Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma and Sertoliform Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma: Clues for the Differential DiagnosisMR Imaging of ex-vivo Mouse Joints on a Clinical 3T System with Diagnostic SPION Imaging Using DUTE in an Arthritis Model.MR Imaging of Ankle Joints in Mouse Models of Rheumatoid ArthritisMR Imaging of Cancer Vasculature Using VEGF Receptor-Targeted Dual Contrast Labeled LiposomesMR Imaging of Meniere's Disease by Intratympanic (IT) and Intravenous (IV) Injection of Gd-DTPA: Double Contrast Injection and a Novel Imaging Strategy, HYDROPS2 for IT+IVMR Imaging of Parkinson Disease: Review of Conventional and Advanced TechniquesMR Imaging of Peripheral Nerves with Short and Ultrashort Echo Pulse SequencesMR Imaging Within the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Initial ExperienceMR in Cancer Cell ModelsMR in ERMR Manifestations of Ovarian Thecomas/fibrothecomas: Conventional and Diffusion-Weighted MR ImagingMR Measurement of Alloy Magnetic Susceptibility: Towards Developing Tissue-Susceptibility Matched MetalsMR Microimaging Using a High Tc Superconducting Bulk Magnet with Compressed SensingMR Microscopy of Diseased Human Skin Using Phased-Array of Microcoils at 9.4 T: First ResultsMR Microscopy of ECM Alterations in a Mouse Model of Pancreatic CancerMR Parameter Quantification (T1, T2, PD) with Integrated Fat Water Separation Using a Multi-Echo - Phase Cycled BSSFP-SequenceMR Portography Using Non-Contrast-Enhanced Time-Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse (Time-SLIP) -Comparison Between 3T and 1.5T-MR Pulse Sequence Design with Artificial Neural NetworksMR Quantification of Fatty Fraction in the Muscle Atrophy in Rotator Cuff Tears from T2*-Corrected Dixon Fat/Water Separation VIBEMR Quantification of Longitudinal and Circumferential Strain in Left and Right Ventricles Subjected to Patchy Microinfarct, Large Infarct and Combined InsultMR Safety Testing of Devices: How to Separate the Good From the Bad & the UglyMR Safety: Where Do the Risks Come From?MR Selective Flow-Tracking Cartography of Brain Vascular MalformationsMR Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) Study Using the Diaper Shaped RF Coil Array.MR Spectroscopic Imaging of Prostate Cancer: Metabolism or Morphology?MR SpectroscopyMR Spectroscopy (MRS) in Objective Measurement of Intramuscular Fat as a Non-Invasive Biomarker: Comparison Study in Boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and Healthy Boys.MR Spectroscopy of Hypobaric Hypoxia Induced Changes in Rat Brain Hippocampus Using 7TeslaMR Sub-Sampling Strategies for Transcranial MRgFUS ApplicationsMR-Based Attenuation Correction of Local Radiofrequency Surface Coils in PET/MR Hybrid ImagingMR-Based Attenuation Mapping of the Pelvis Using 3D UTE DIXON at 3TMR-Based Oxygen Extraction Fraction OEF Using Spatial ICA of Breath-Hold PARSE Acquisitions.MR-Based Targeting of Histotripsy Therapy at 7TMR-Compatibility of a SiPM-Based PET Detector Module Using HDMI for Analog Readout and Power SupplyMRCP: Techniques & PitfallsMREIT Conductivity Imaging of Pneumonic Canine Lung: Preliminary Feasibility StudyMR-Elastography Differentiates Intracranial Tumors in Presurgical Patients-A Prospective Histology Controlled StudyMR-Guidance Method for Needle Procedures Using a Dedicated Interventional MRI Suite and Device-Independent Active Tracking MarkersMR-Guided Focused Ultrasound for the Treatment of Essential Tremor: Initial Experience on MR-Based Targeting and Temperature MonitoringMR-Guided RT: Between the MagnetsMR-Guided RT: Rotating the MagnetMR-Guided RT: Through the MagnetMR-Guided Sclerotherapy of Low-Flow Vascular Malformations: Visualization and Needle Guidance Using Contrast-Prepared SSFP (CP-SSFP)MR-Guided Temperature Mapping in Prostate Cancer Patients: Stability and FeasibilityMR-Guided Thermotherapy of Abdominal Organs Using a Robust PCA-Based Motion DescriptorMRI in Vitro Setup for Studying Contrast Agent Effect in Inhomogeneous EnvironmentMRI and Fluorescence Imaging with Upconverting Nanoparticles: a New Multimodal Approach for Lung TargetingMRI and MRS Measurements of Intragastric Fat Spatial DistributionMRI Assessment of Trabecular & Cortical Bone Structure & StrengthMRI Based Artificial Neural Network Model Used in Prostate Cancer DetectionMRI Based Quantification of Global Cerebral Metabolism in Neonates with Congenital Heart DefectMRI by Steering Resonance Through SpaceMRI Characteristics of Primary Biliary Tract Malignancies and Its MimicsMRI Characterization of Neoplastic and Non Neoplastic Mesenteric MassesMRI Compatible Orthotopic Breast Cancer Window Chamber Model for Multi-Modality ImagingMRI Contrasts Generated Using Fictitious Fields in High-Rank Rotating Frames Correlate with Myelin Content in Normal Rat Brain ex vivoMRI Correlates of Dendrite Abnormalities in the MeCP2-A140V Mouse Model of Rett SyndromeMRI Detection of Bacterial Infection Through Endogenous CEST ContrastMRI Equilibrium Signal Mapping Is a Quantitative and Reproducible Alternative to CT for the Estimation of Lung Density in COPDMRI Evaluation of Diffuse Myocardial DiseasesMRI Evaluation of Vessel Wall Stretch in Healthy and Diseased AortasMRI Guided Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma in vivo: A Preliminary Study for Rectal Wall of RabbitMRI in Atrial FibrillationMRI in the CourtroomMRI Is Predictive of Adverse Tissue Reaction in Failed Metal-On-Metal Hip ArthroplastyMRI Measurements of ICP in Simulated Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)MRI of 1H Long-Lived States Originated from ParaHydrogen Induced Polarization in Cs-Symmetric Molecules Using a Clinical MRI SystemMRI of Acute and Delayed Administration of Marrow Stromal Cells in Rats with Traumatic Brain InjuryMRI of Cell Layers in Mouse Brain in Vivo Using Intra- And Extra-Cellular Contrast AgentsMRI of Congenital Arteriovenous Malformation in Wistar Rats: the Effect of Altering Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Accessing White Matter IntegrityMRI of Fat Content in the Abdomen and Liver of Obese Mice Following Vertical Sleeve GastrectomyMRI of Focal EAE Progression in a Rat Model Following VEGF-Induced Opening of the Blood Brain BarrierMRI of Neuronal Recovery After Methamphetamine Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injure in RatsMRI of Perianal FistulasMRI of the Neurological Effects in a Rat Model of HypertensionMRI Perfusion Indices During the Evolution of Microembolized Myocardial InfarctMRI Pulse Sequence Optimization for Molecular Imaging of the Brain Aneurysm WallMRI Safety Events: Lessons LearnedMRI Screening for Lipid-Rich Necrotic Core in Multicenter Clinical Trials of Lipid-Lowering TherapyMRI Texture Analysis for Preoperative Staging of Renal Cell CancerMRI Texture Spectral Similarity Detects White Matter Microstructure as Compared with Diffusion Tensor ImagingMRI TGV Based Super-ResolutionMRI Visualization of Local Drug DeliveryMRI Without GradientsMRI/A in the Evaluation of Changes Over Time in Untreated AneurymsMRI/MRS in Animal ModelsMRI-Based Computations of Flow Following Endovascular InterventionsMRI-Based Measurement of the Pancreatic Extracellular Volume Detects Immune Cell Infiltration in a Mouse Model of Type 1 DiabetesMRI-Based Measurements of Breast Density and Morphologic Features for Prediction of Cancer Risk: A Case-Control StudyMRI-Based Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling Suggested Reduced Perfusion in Patients with Multiple SclerosisMRI-Detectable Changes in Mouse Brain Structure Induced by Voluntary ExerciseMRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound-Mediated Drug Delivery to Pancreatic Cancer: Safety and EfficacyMRiLab: Performing Fast 3D Parallel MRI Numerical Simulation on a Simple PCMRI-US Fused Targeted Prostate Biopsy Detects Clinically Significant Cancer in Active Surveillance Patients Better Than 12 Core Random Biopsy with Less Than 4 CoresMRI-Visible Mesh Implants in Patients, Assessment of Time-Dependent Configuration Changes.MR-PETMR-PET Instrumentation & the Gains for Both ModalitiesMR-PET Respiration Compensation Using Self-Gated Motion ModelingMRS in the BodyMRS Sparse-FFT: Reducing Acquisition Time and Artifacts for in vivo 2D Correlation SpectroscopyMR-Visible Surgical Meshes: Optimization and Phantom StudiesMTRRex – a New Spillover and MT Correction Method for Quantitative Pulsed Steady-State CESTMulit-Echo Averaging in MR Elastography for Improved SNRMulti Nuclear Volume Coil For1H and 23Na in the Human KneeMultiband Excitation Pulses for Treatment Response Studies with Hyperpolarised 13C FumarateMultiband Spokes Pulses and Design Algorithm for B1+ Inhomogeneity-Compensated Multislice Excitation at 7TMulti-Bolus Pulsed ASL for Improved Renal Perfusion QuantificationMulticenter Evaluation of Dynamic Three-Dimensional Whole-Heart Myocardial Perfusion Imaging at 3.0 Tesla for the Detection of Coronary Artery Disease Defined by Fractional Flow ReserveMulti-Center Reproducibility of Short Echo Time Single Voxel 1H MRS of the Human Brain at 7T with Adiabatic Slice-Selective Refocusing PulsesMulti-Channel Implementation of Semi-Adiabatic Excitation PulsesMulti-Compartment Diffusion Analysis for Differentiation of Malignant and Benign Brain Tumors in Pediatric PatientsMulti-Compartment T2 Relaxometry Using a Spatially Constrained Multi-Gaussian ModelMulticomponent Relaxation in Clinically Isolated SyndromeMulti-Component T2 Analysis of Articular Cartilage with Synovial Fluid Partial Volume Correction Using McDESPOT at 3.0TMulti-Component T2 Analysis of Cartilage Degradation Model Using McDESPOT at 3.0TMulti-Compound Hyperpolarized 13C Perfusion ImagingMulti-Contrast JSENSEMulti-Delay Multi-Parametric Arterial Spin-Labeled Perfusion MRI in Acute Ischemic Stroke – Comparison with Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Enhanced Perfusion ImagingMultidimensional Gradient Encoding: Artifacts Resulting from Destructive Signal InterferenceMultidimensional Pulses Based on Spatiotemporal Encoding ConceptsMultidimensional Shinnar-Le Roux RF Pulse DesignMulti-Echo Acquisition of 3D TOF and SWI of Radiation-Induced Cerebral Microbleeds at 7TMulti-Echo Susceptibility Weighted Imaging of Blast Induced Traumatic Brain Injury in Rodent ModelMulti-Echo Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Using an Adaptive Frequency MaskMulti-Echo Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging with Adaptive AveragingMultiecho Water-Fat Separation with Navigated Free-Breathing 3D Spoiled Gradient-Recalled Echo SequenceMulti-Fascicle Model Reconstruction from Acquisitions of DWI at a Single B-Value with a Population-Informed PriorMultifrequency MRE of Human Liver Specimen: Sensitivity of Viscoelastic Powerlaw Constants to the Collagen Matrix in Hepatic FibrosisMultifunctional Fluorocapsules for 19F MRI, Immunoprotection, and Oxygenation of Transplanted Pancreatic Islet Cells.Multi-Modal Imaging to Evaluate the Effects of Novel TLR Agonist Adjuvants in Vaccine-Mediated Tumor ImmunityMultimodal MR Evaluation of Experimentally Induced Apoptotic Neuronal Death in the Rat BrainMultimodal Neuroimaging Reveals Gray and White Matter Associations with Language Deficits in Frontotemporal DegenerationMultimodality Imaging Assessments of Response to Metformin Therapy for Breast Cancer in Nude MiceMulti-Modality Imaging of Endothelial Progenitor Cells Mediates Neovascularization and Muscle Regeneration in Ischemia MuscleMultimodality Investigation of Microstructures by the Combination of Diffusion NMR and Diffuse Optical SpectroscopyMultimodality Phantom Targeting Fluoroscopically Occult Lesions in the Fluoro Suite Using 3D MRI/CT Overlay GuidanceMulti-Node, Multi-GPU Radial GRAPPA Reconstruction for Online, Real-Time, Low-Latency MRIMulti-Parameter MRI Analysis of the Time Course of Induced Muscle Damage and RegenerationMulti-Parameter MRI Assessment of Glioma Response to RadiotherapyMulti-Parameter Quantitation of Coincident Fat and Water Skeletal Muscle PathologyMulti-Parametric Characterization of Polymyositis at 3.0 T: A Preliminary StudyMultiparametric Microvascular MRI: A Cluster Approach to Characterize GliomaMultiparametric MRI Analysis of Glioblastoma Multiforme Tissues Using Multi-Class Support Vector MachinesMultiparametric MRI and Pharmakokinetic Maps for Prostate Cancer Detection: Value in a Multireader Decision Transperineal Biopsy StudyMulti-Parametric MRI Assessment of Degeneration of Human Articular Cartilage – Association to Histopathological GradeMulti-Parametric MRI at 14T for Muscular Dystrophy Mice Treated with Gene TherapyMultiparametric MRI Discriminates Between Benignity and Insignificant and Significant Cancers in MRI-Ultrasound Fusion Targeted BiopsyMultiple Kernel Spherical Deconvolution and Intrinsic FA of Crossing Fiber PopulationsMultiple Parameter Extraction and Skeletal Muscle Characterization from a Standard Multi Spin-Echo SequenceMultiple Time Scale Complexity Analysis of Resting State FluctuationsMultiplexed EPI at 9.4T with PSF-Based Distortion CorrectionMulti-Resonance 3D Spin-Echo EPI With Chemical Separation For Fast Hyperpolarized 13C MRIMulti-Scale Subband Weighted Partially Parallel ImagingMultisequence Whole-Brain Intracranial Vessel Wall Imaging at 7.0 Tesla MRIMulti-Site Evaluations of a TRUST MRI Technique to Measure Brain OxygenationMulti-Slice Cardiac Arterial Spin Labelling Using Improved Myocardial Perfusion Quantification with Simultaneously Measured Blood Pool Input FunctionMulti-Slice Free Breathing Liver Imaging Using a 2D CAIPIRINHA NavigatorMulti-Slice Look-Locker FAIR for Hepatic Arterial Spin LabellingMulti-Slice Myelin Water Imaging for Practical Clinical Applications at 3.0 TMultispectral Fusion-Based Detection of Virchow-Robin SpacesMulti-Spectral Quantitative Regional MRI Analysis in Patients with Temporal Lobe EpilepsyMulti-Spectral T1 Weighted Imaging and T1 Quantification Using 3D Radial K-Space TrajectoryMultitask Machine Learning for Brain-State ClassificationMulti-Tuned CoilsMulti-Turn Transmit Coil to Increase B1 Efficiency in Current Source AmplificationMultivalent Imaging with a Cocktail of PARACEST Agents: Utility of BIRDS for CEST ImagingMultivoxel Lactate Editing in Glioma Patients at 3.0TMultivoxel Proton MR Spectroscopy Reveals Subcortical Glial Response to SIV-Infection in Rhesus MacaquesMutation in Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) Leads to Increased T2, ADC and Decreased Lactate and Glutamate in Glioblastoma ModelMuti-Channel, In-Bore Power Amplifiers for Multi-Channel Coil at 7TMutual Coupling Study Using a Pair of Fractal Loop RF CoilsMyelin Plasticity Does Not Significantly Influence Diffusion Remodelling of the Uninjured Motor Network After StrokeMyelin Water Fraction Measurement Using Free Induction Decay and Refocused Gradient EchoesMyelin Water Fraction Using Multiple-Echo 2D and 3D GRE at 3T with Whole-Brain CoverageMyocardial and LV Blood T1 Measurement Using 3.0T MOLLI: Importance of Heart Rate CorrectionMyocardial ATP Turnover Rates in the in vivo Hearts with Post-Infarction RemodelingMyocardial Perfusion Assessment in Humans Using Steady-Pulsed Arterial Spin LabelingMyocardial Perfusion Imaging: Improved Image Reconstruction Using Respiratory Motion Corrected (MOCO) SPIRiTMyocardial Perfusion Reserve Quantified at 3 and 1.5 Tesla in Comparison to Fractional Flow Reserve as Measured During Coronary AngiographyMyocardial Tagging in the Polar Coordinate System; Initial Clinical ResultsN/2 Ghosting Artifacts in a Radial 3D EPI Pulse SequenceNAAG Detection in the Human Brain by Wiener Filtering and TE Optimization at 7TNatural Course of Intracranial Vessel Wall Lesions in Stroke- And TIA Patients at 7.0 Tesla MRINatural D-Glucose as a Biodegradable T2 Contrast Agent for MRINavigator Artefact Reduction in 3D Late Gadolinium Enhancement ImagingNavigators Improve Accuracy of Quantitative Sodium MR Imaging Compromised by Head Motion During with Long Acquisition TimesND-Track: Tractography Utilising Parametric Models of White Matter Fibre Orientation DispersionNear-Field Wave Impedance Matching with High-Permittivity Dielectric Materials for Optimum Transmittance in MRI SystemsNegative BOLD in Somatosensory Cortex During Simple Finger TappingNeonatal SeizuresNerve Impingement Around the BodyNerve Microstructure: Modeling of the Diffusion MR Signal in Calibrated Model Systems and NervesNetwork Analysis Based on Analytic Solution to Permutation Tests on Support Vector MachinesNetwork Diffusion Models for Functional Brain Connectivity NetworksNeural Activation Associated with Inhibition Control in Working Memory Maintenance and Its Correlation with Brain Volume Changes in Generalized Anxiety DisorderNeural Basis of the Association Between Remitted Geriatric Depression and APOE e4 Allele in the Nondemented ElderlyNeural Correlates of Constructional Apraxia in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease.Neural Correlates of Mathematics Competence in Children: A Functional MRI StudyNeural Network Properties of Combat-Related PTSDNeural Origin of the Interhemispheric Functional Connectivity Loss After Complete Corpus CallosotomyNeurochemical Changes in Rat Brain After 5-Fluorouracil Chemotherapy Assessed by 1H MR Spectroscopy at 9.4 TNeurocognitive Alteration Associated with Auditory Tasks in Early and Late Blind SubjectsNeuroelectrical Decomposition of Spontaneous Brain Activity Observed with Functional Magnetic Resonance ImagingNeuroimaging Biomarkers of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) and Its Recovery: A Preliminary Study in Acute SettingNeuroimaging Capabilities of Low-Field Permanent Magnet MR Systems in Resource-Limited SettingsNeuroimaging Measure as an Endophenotype for Genetic Effects on Electrical Stimulation in Brown Norway and Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rat StrainsNeuromelanin-Sensitive Imaging Correlates with Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorders in Parkinson's DiseaseNeurometabolic and Neurovascular Couplings Across Cortical Layers of Rat BrainNeuronal and Astrocytic Metabolites Exhibit Different Diffusion Behavior, as Observed by Diffusion-Weighted Spectroscopy at Ultra-Long Diffusion Times.Neuronal and Astroglial Metabolism in APP-PS1 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease with Progress of AgeNeuronal Current MRI in the Octopus Visual SystemNeuropsychiatric DisordersNeurotoxicity Biomarker Development Using T2 Mapping in Kainic Acid Excitotoxicity Rat ModelNeurovascular Coupling & QuantitationNew Acquisition and Analysis for Segmentation of the Intraorbital Optic Nerve in vivo at 3TNew Approaches in B1-Mapping Compensation for in Vivo Quantitative 19F MR Molecular Imaging Using UTE BSSFPNew Developments in MR HardwareNew Insights in the Disagreement of Transvalvular Mean Pressure Gradient Measured by Transthoracic Echo-Doppler and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Patients with Aortic StenosisNew Insights Into ?-Stretched Exponential Anomalous-Diffusion Imaging ExperimentsNew Lanthanide Agents for BIRDS and CEST ImagingNew Results for Digital Beamforming in MRINew Sequences & TechniquesNext Generation of Integrated DiagnosticsNIBIB New Horizons: Frontiers in Body MRI: From Qualitative to QuantitativeNIST/ISMRM MRI System Phantom T1 Measurements on Multiple MRI SystemsNMR & MRI in Rotating Magnetic FieldsNMR Metabolomics of Drug Response to Antineoplastic Polyherbal Formulations Studied in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma CellsNMR, LIBS and FTIR Based Metabolomics of an Antidiabetic Herbal FormulationNMR-Based Metabolite Profiling of Fecal Extracts from Colorectal Cancer in China: An Initial StudyNo Volumetric and Metabolic Differences in the Brain Between Severely Fatigued and Non-Fatigued Disease-Free Cancer SurvivorsNOE Imaging in the Human Brain at 7TNoise Estimation for Averaged DW MR ImagesNoise Figure and Gain Comparison of GaAs and SiGe Semiconductors at High B0 Field StrengthNoise Reduction in Accelerated Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Through Integration of SENSE Reconstruction Into Joint Reconstruction in Combination with Q-Space Compressed SensingNoise Robust Inverse Laplacian Operator Based Reconstruction of Global Elastic Parameters in Magnetic Resonance Elastography.Non Invasive Imaging of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Other Causes of Pulmonary Hypertension: Clinical State of the ArtNon-Cartesian k-Space SamplingNoncompressive MR Elastography of BreastsNon-Contrast Enhanced MR Angiography (NCE-MRA) of the Foot Using Flow Sensitive Dephasing (FSD) Prepared Steady-State Free Precession (SSFP) in Patients with DiabetesNon-Contrast Enhanced MRA of Uterine Artery Using Time-SLIP: Evaluation of Optimal BBTINoncontrast Enhanced MRA with Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging for Evaluation of Branches of the Aortic ArchNon-Contrast Enhanced Time-Resolved MR Angiography with Time-Of-Arrival Mapping: A Feasibility Trial in Cerebral AVMNon-Contrast High Resolution MR Venography of Lower Extremity Perforating VeinsNon-Contrast MR Hepatic Arteriography Using 3T-MRI and Time-SLIP: Initial ExperiencesNon-Contrast MRANon-Contrast MRI Perfusion Angiosome in Diabetic FeetNon-Contrast-Enhanced Abdominal MRA Using Velocity-Selective Saturation and Multiple Inversion RecoveryNoncontrast-Enhanced Four-Dimensional MR Angiography at 7TNon-Contrast-Enhanced High-Temporal-Resolution 4D MRA with an Acquisition Window Covering Two Cardiac Cycles: Assessment of Arteriovenous Malformations in the BrainNon-Contrast-Enhanced Imaging of Lower Limb Veins: Improved Imaging Using Multiple Flow PreparationsNon-Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography of Adrenal Veins as a Preprocedural Examination of Adrenal Vein Sampling.Non-Contrast-Enhanced MRA of the Carotids :Feasibility of a Non-ECG-Gated Sequence Over an Extended Field of ViewNon-Contrast-Enhanced Preoperative Assessment of Lung Perfusion in Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Using Fourier Decomposition Magnetic Resonance ImagingNon-ECG Triggered, Self-Navigated 3D Radial Whole Heart MRI with Golden Angle for Multiphase Coronary Imaging.Non-Enhanced T1w Imaging of the Lower Extremity Arteries at 7 TeslaNon-Gaussian Diffusion Weighted Imaging for Assessing Diurnal Changes in Intervertebral Disc CompositionNon-Invasive in vivo Loss Tangent Imaging: Thermal Sensitivity Estimation at the Larmor FrequencyNoninvasive Assessment of Acute Kidney Injury with Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging: A Prospective StudyNon-Invasive Assessment of Cardiac Metabolic Alterations Following LAD Occlusion Using Hyperpolarized 13C ImagingNoninvasive Assessment of Cardiac Work and CK Energy Supply in Healthy and Failing Human HeartsNon-Invasive Assessment of Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen in Neonates.Non-Invasive Correlation of 18F-FLT PET and DW-MRI of Human Lung Carcinoma in a Xenograft Mouse ModelNon-Invasive Identification of Biomarkers for Chronic Liver Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Using Chemical Shift and IVIM-DWI ImagingNon-Invasive Identification of Functional Brown Adipose Tissue in Rodents Using Hyperpolarized 13C ImagingNon-Invasive Imaging and Quantitative Readout of HCC Progression and Metastatic Development Using MRINon-Invasive Investigation of the Compartmentalization of Iron in the Human BrainNoninvasive Investigation of the Viscoelastic Properties of Intracranial Tumours with Magnetic Resonance ElastographyNon-Invasive MRI Arterial-Venous Difference Measurement of Skeletal Muscle Oxygen Consumption During Isometric Contractions.Noninvasive Multi-Echo Vessel-Encoded Arterial Spin Labeling Reactivity for More Comprehensive Quantification of Hemodynamic Compensation: Development and Clinical Implementation in 50 Patients with Cerebrovascular DiseaseNon-Invasive Quantification of Hepatic Metabolic Rate of Oxygen (HMRO2) by MRINon-Invasive Regional Brain Temperature Measurements During and After Hypothermia Therapy in Newborns with Suspected Hypoxic/ischemic Brain InjuryNon-Invasive Temperature Mapping Using Temperature-Responsive Water Saturation Shift Referencing (T-WASSR) MRINoninvasive Ultrashort Echo Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging Assessment of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Graft StrainNoninvasively Detection of the Pathological Changes of MS Lesions Responding to Treatment Using Diffusion Basis Spectrum ImagingNon-Ischemic CMPNon-Iterative Bayesian Reconstruction Algorithm for Undersampled MRI DataNoniterative Closed Form Solution to Multipeak Proton-Density Fat Fraction EstimationNon-Linear Bayesian Suppression of Magnetohydrodynamic Effect for Accurate Electrocardiogram Analysis During MRI.Nonlinear Estimation of Cylindrically Symmetric Magnetic Susceptibility Anisotropy in Image Space Without a Rigid DTI PriorNonlinear Laplacian Eigenmaps Dimension Reduction of in-vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging AnalysisNon-Linear Modeling of T1, T2 and MWF Developmental Trajectories¿Nonlinear Normalization of Magnetization Transfer Ratio Images for Multi-Centre Clinical TrialsNonlinear Phase Correction of Multi-Shot Diffusion Weighted EPI Using Parallel Imaging Estimated Phase Cycled Reconstruction (PIPCR) MethodNon-Negative Principal Component Analysis Based Scaling: Application on NMR Spectroscopic MetabolomicsNon-Negative Spherical Deconvolution for Fiber Orientation Distribution EstimationNon-Rigid Motion-Corrected Averaging for Improved Pelvic MRINon-Rigid Registration of Sequential DCE-MRI in the Assessment of Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast CancerNon-Uniformity Normalization Using 3D Canny Edges and Legendre Polynomial Approximation of the Bias Field: Validation on 7T T1W Brain ImagesNonuniformly Under-Sampled (NUS) Echo Planar J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging (EP-JRESI) of Prostate Cancer Patients and Compressed Sensing ReconstructionNonuniformly Undersampled 5D (3 Spatial + 2 Spectral) Echo Planar J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging of BrainNormal Pressure HydrocephalusNormalized Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Multiple SclerosisNormalized T1 Relaxation Time Mapping for Improved Lung Imaging in Cystic Fibrosis PatientsNormally Appearing White Matter of Subjects with Multiple Sclerosis Probed by Magnetization Transfer and Rotating Frame Relaxation MethodsNot So Fast: Recent Advances in CE-MRANovel Analytical Solutions of the Reaction Fields of Arbitrary Orientated Spheroids in a Homogeneous Magnetic Field Expressed in Cartesian CoordinatesNovel and Compact PET Insert for Simultaneous PET/MR Imaging of Small AnimalsNovel Contrast: CEST, MultinuclearNovel Detection of Intramyocardial Hemorrhage Following Acute Myocardial Infarction by T2 MappingNovel PRF Thermometry Method Using Spatially Selective 2DRF Excitations and a Parametric ModelNovel Projection-Based Unsupervised Respiratory Motion Feedback for Free-Breathing Whole-Heart Coronary MR ImagingNovel Results from Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Spider SpeciesNovel RF Resonator Using Microstrip at 3TNSsaFe Study: Observational Study on the Incidence of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis in Renal Impaired Patients Following Gadoterate Meglumine Administration.Nuclear Spin Properties of Hyperpolarized Solid-State MRI Agents.nuFFTW: A Parallel Auto-Tuning Library for Performance Optimization of the NuFFTNumerical Approach for Quantitative BOLD with Vessel Size Estimate – Validation on Phantom.Numerical Optimization of a 3-Channel Array Coil for 31P Functional Spectroscopy at 7TNumerical Simulation of DMRI Signals in a Complex Tissue ModelNumerical Simulations of Carotid MRI: How Accurately Can We Quantify Atherosclerotic Plaque Components in vivo?Numerical Validation of Two-Component T2* Mapping for Cartilages in Human KneeObservation of Muscle Fiber Diameter Increase with Exercise Using Time-Dependent DiffusionObserving Resting-State Brain Modules at Different Frequencies Using MREGOccipital Lobe Metabolic Aberrations in Alcohol Dependents: An in-vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy StudyOccupational Exposure Limits, Magnetic Field Spatial Gradients & Their Impact on MR Safety PracticesOccupational Exposure Limits, Magnetic Field Spatial Gradients & Their Impact on MR Safety PracticesOccupationalting Exposure Limits, Magnetic Field Spatial Gradients & Their Impact on MR Safety PracticesOCD: What Is It & How Do I Describe It?Off-Resonance Irradiation Power to Optimize the CEST Sensitivity Versus the Exchange Rate-SpecificityOff-Resonance Saturation Enhanced Phase Contrast of the Brain at Ultra-Short TEOff-Resonance-Robust Velocity-Selective Magnetization Preparation for Non-Contrast-Enhanced Peripheral MRAOff-Resonant Reconstruction of Balanced 3D-Radial Acquisitions with Half-Echo Sampling for Unique Cell Tracking ContrastOlfactory Neural Network Disruption in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD): A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging StudyOn Patient-Specific Models for Accurate SAR Estimations at 7 TOn Random Walks and Entropy in Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of Neural TissueOn SNR Performance of Sequence Designs for Dynamic Imaging of Hyperpolarized 13C CompoundsOn the Accuracy of AUC Ratio Method for Detecting Treatment Changes with Hyperpolarised 13C Dynamic SpectraOn the Application of Anomalous Diffusion Metrics in Animal Stroke ModelsOn the Comparability of Volumetric Brain Data in the Multicentric IMAGEN StudyOn the Fate of MRI Gd-Complexes in Cells. Evidence for Extensive Degradation of Linear Complexes.On the Importance of T1 Estimation for SAGE Perfusion MRI DataOn the Influence of Particle Size in MR Iron QuantificationOn the Phase-Error Propagation in Diffusion-Weighted Steady State Free Precession (DW-SSFP) ImagingOn the Relation of the Ripple Artifact in Multi-Spectral Imaging and Susceptibility Induced Field GradientsOn the Reliability of in Vitro Mapping of Ultrashort T2* of Porcine Intervertebral Discs: A Detailed Analysis of the Signal DecayOn the Reproducibility of MR-Based PET Attenuation Correction Using a Probabilistic Atlas-Based MethodOn the Robustness of Prospective Motion Correction for Clinical RoutineOn the Role of Neuronal Magnetic Susceptibility and Structure Symmetry on Gradient Echo MR Signal FormationOn the Spatial Distribution of Cerebrovascular Reactivity During Breath Hold and CO2 Inhalation Tasks as Assessed by Data-Driven Analysis MethodsOn the Use of K-T Accelerated 4D Flow MRI in the Portal SystemOn the Validity of 3He Diffusion MRI Evidence of Neo-Alveolarization in Lungs: The Effects of Branching StructureOne Year Followup Evaluation of Hepatic Triglycerides in Colorectal Cancer Patients Treated with Adjuvant Chemotherapy Using 1H Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyOnline Filtering Tractography: Tracking with Anatomical PriorsOnline Local SAR Supervision for Transmit Arrays at 7TOptical Flow Analysis on Undersampled Radial Acquisitions for Real-Time Tracking of the Pancreas in MR Guided RadiotherapyOptical Measurements in Functional NeuroimagingOptical Model Mapping for Characterizing Tumor Microcirculation with Diffusion Weighted Imaging in Head and Neck CancerOptimal Acquisition Protocol for White Matter Fiber Orientation Mapping Using Generalized CSA-ODF ReconstructionOptimal Channel Selection for Respiratory Self-Gating SignalsOptimal Combination of a Multi-Receive Coil for Conductivity Mapping Using Phase Based MREPTOptimal Combined Functional MR Parameters to Correctly Identify Tumour in the Prostate.Optimal Control Singlet State Storage for Clinical MR SystemsOptimal Enhancement of Brain Structures by Combining Different MR Contrasts: Demonstration of Venous Vessel Enhancement in Multi-Echo Gradient-Echo MRIOptimal Field Strength for Molecular MR Imaging : Detection of Targeted Gd-Based Contrast Agents on a Living Cell MonolayerOptimal Flip Angle for Balanced SSFP Cardiac Cine ImagingOptimal Partial Fourier Reconstructions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance ImagingOptimal Phase Sensitive Combination of Multi-Channel, Multi-Echo ImagesOptimal PLD Design and Maximum Likelihood CBF Estimation for Dynamic PCASL with Rician NoiseOptimal Reconstruction Method of SENSE Imaging Depending on the Desired Voxel FunctionOptimal Sampling Settings for Reliable Blood Brain Barrier Permeability Quantification Using DCE-MRI, a Monte Carlo ApproachOptimal SNR Combinations of Multi-Channel Coil Data for GRAPPA-Reconstructed and Time-Series EPI DataOptimal Variable Flip Angle Schemes for Multi-Band Dynamic Acquisition of Hyperpolarized 13C MRSIOptimally-Discriminative Voxel-Based Morphometry Significantly Increases the Ability to Detect Group Differences in Schizophrenia, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer’s DiseaseOptimisation of ex Vivo Diffusion Imaging: The Effects of Tissue Preparation and Imaging Parameters on Data QualityOptimisation of Carotid Artery Plaque Imaging Using IMSDE Blood SuppressionOptimising for Eddy Currents in Compressed Sensing Spiral AcquisitionsOptimization and Acceleration of Multi-Band EPI Reconstruction Using the Reduced Reference K-Space WindowOptimization and Standardization of TI-Selection in Contrast Enhanced Viability Imaging by Automated Analysis of Rapid Quantitative T1 MappingOptimization and Trade-Offs of Multi-Spin Echo Myelin Water Imaging at 7T & 15.2TOptimization of 1D RF Pulses with Parallel TransmissionOptimization of B-Value Distribution for Biexponential DWI of Normal ProstateOptimization of B-Values for Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Patients with GlioblastomaOptimization of Combined Anti-VEGF Plus Radiation Therapy in Brain Tumor Xenograft ModelsOptimization of Cube-FLAIR 3D FSE Imaging at 7TOptimization of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for Body ApplicationsOptimization of Dual-Pathway Unbalanced Steady-State Sequences for Robust Temperature ImagingOptimization of Fat-Water Separation Algorithm Selection and Options Using Image-Based Metrics with Validation by ISMRM Fat-Water Challenge DatasetsOptimization of GSH Measurement in Multiple SclerosisOptimization of QBOLD Methods for the Assessment of Mouse Renal OxygenationOptimization of Scan Parameters for Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging at 1.5 TOptimization of Spin-Lock Parameters for Chemical Exchange Imaging Contrast Enhancement by Maximizing Asymmetric Magnetization Transfer Ratio: A Theoretical StudyOptimized Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Imaging by View-Sharing PROPELLEROptimized Processing of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping-Based Gadolinium Perfusion MRI: Correction of Bulk Susceptibility Effects and Comparison of Arterial Input Function Selection from ?R2* and QSM DataOptimized Reconstruction for PROPELLER MRIOptimized Respiratory Reference Position for 3D Self-Navigated Whole Heart Coronary MRAOptimized Sampling of Metabolically Labeled [2-13C]Lactate Following Injection of Hyperpolarized [2-13C]PyruvateOptimized Three Dimensional Sodium Imaging of the Human Heart on a Clinical 3T ScannerOptimized Twice-Refocused Adiabatic Spin Echo Sequence for Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Humans at 7TOptimizing 3D FSE FS Sequences of the Knee at 3 T for Clinical Use, Automated Segmentation, Quantitative Analysis of Articular Cartilage and Templating for T2 Maps: Creating a Single MR Data Set for Morphological and Quantitative FunctionsOptimizing Correction of Geometric Distortion in MR ImagesOptimizing Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Skeletal Muscle.Optimizing MRI for Evaluation of Cartilage InjuryOptimizing MT Point Selections for Knee QMT as a First Step in Evaluating the Tibiofemoral JointOptimizing Repeatability of Independent Component Analysis Applied to Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI in 68 Brain Tumor Patients with Five Repeated Scans.Optimizing Subcallosal Cingulate DBS for Treatment Resistant Depression Based on Structural ConnectivityOptimizing the Accuracy of T1 Mapping Accounting for RF Non-Linearities and Spoiling Characteristics in FLASH ImagingOptimizing the MAS Spinning Rate for NMR Studies of Live SpermatazoaOptimum RF Pulse Width for Adiabatic Bloch-Siegert B1+ MappingOrder of Magnitude Speed-Up in 2pt Dixon Water/Fat Separation ProcessingOrdering of Multiple Diffusion Gradient Directions for High Resolution ADC Maps Using Golden AngleOrientation Anisotropy of Rotating Frame and T2 Relaxation Parameters in Articular CartilageOrigin of B0 Orientation Dependent R2* (=1/T2*) in White Matter: Magic Angle Effect Vs. Magnetic SusceptibilityOscillating Gradient Spin-Echo (OGSE) Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Human BrainOsteomyelitis in Diabetic Feet: Can You Be Confident?Other Contrast: Polarization Transfer, Chemical Exchange & Magnetization TransferOverhauser Enhanced MR Elastography at Very Low FieldOverview of Device InteractionsOverview of the MRI SystemOxygen Delivery Does Not Limit Mitochondrial Function in Skeletal Muscle of Healthy and Diabetic Rats in VivoOxygen Enhanced Lung MRI by Simultaneous Measurement of T1 and T2* During Free BreathingOxygen-17 MRS for CMRO2 Measurements in the Mouse Brain at 16.4TOxygen-Enhanced MRI Vs. Thin-Section CT: Capability for Pulmonary Functional and Disease Severity Assessments in Patients with Connective Tissue DiseasesOxygen-Enhanced T1-Mapping of the Lung: Reproducibility and Impact of Different Gas Delivery MethodsP-31 Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Between ATP and Phosphor-Creatine (PCr) at 7TP-31 MRS of Skeletal MusclePain in the Treated PelvisPain Palliation in Patients with Bone Metastasis Using MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound with Conformal Bone System: A Preliminary ReportPancreatic Iron Load Measured with MRI R2*: Distribution Within the Organ in Comparison with Cardiac and Hepatic IronPanel DiscussionParaCEST: Imaging pH with High µeff Ln(III) Complexes on a 1T Permanent Magnet.Parallel 2D-RF Excitation for Arbitrarily Shaped Region–of-Interest MR Spectroscopy at 16.4 TParallel Acquisition & Compressed SensingParallel Acquisition of Hyperpolarized 13C1 Pyruvate Metabolism: Multi-Chamber MR Compatible BioreactorParallel Image ReconstructionParallel ImagingParallel Imaging and Acceleration in the Johnson Noise Dominated RegimeParallel Imaging by Multi-Band Spatiotemporal Encoding and a Combined Super-Resolved / SENSE ReconstructionParallel Transceiver Array Design Using the Modified Folded Dipole for 7T Body ApplicationsParallel Transmission Experiments Using an Extensible RF Pulse GeneratorParallel Transmission Z-Shimming to Compensate GE-EPI Signal Voids at 7 TeslaParallel Transmit Excitation at 1.5 T Based on the Minimization of a Driving Function for Device HeatingParallel Transmit Pulse DesignParallel Transmit Pulse Design with Implant-Friendly ModesParameter Optimization for Liver MR Elastography at 3 TParametric MRI Reveals Vascular Effects of Antibodies to the a1-Adrenergic Receptor by Demonstrating a Reduction in Relative Cerebral Blood Volume (RCBV)Parametric Response Maps from DCE-MRI Predict Response to Chemoradiotherapy in High Grade GliomasParametric T2-Mapping in Young Patients with Patellofemoral DiseaseParcellation of the Cortex Using Restricted Diffusion PropertiesParenchymal Enhancement in the Contralateral Normal Breast of Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Measured by DCE-MRIPartial Volume Corrected CMRO2 Determination in a Glioblastoma Patient by 17O MRIPartial Volume Correction Method for Improving Test-Retest Repeatability of In Vivo Human Brain 1H MRS and Quantification of Neurochemical Concentrations at 7TPartial Volume SLIM for Separating Water and Lipid Compartmental Signals in Breast MRSPassive Magnetic Resonance Catheter Tracking with Spatial Wavelet and Temporal ConstraintsPassive Tracking Device with a Controllable Susceptibility Effect: Demonstration with Catheter in vivo.PatLoc Single Shot ImagingPatterns of Cortical Myelination Are Intact in Lower Limb AmputeesPCA of Combined DCE-MRI Data from a Large Cohort Can Be Used to Assess Treatment Effects with Similar Sensitivity to Pharmacokinetic Model FittingPeak RF Power Constrained Pulse Design for Multi-Band Parallel ExcitationPelvic Floor ImagingPelvis: Added Value of Diffusion MRIPenumbra-Imaging in Patients with Acute Stroke Using Susceptibility Weighted MR-ImagingPerformance Comparison of Parallel Transmit Arrays for Body Imaging at 3 T Under Local SAR ConstraintPerformance Evaluation of Parallel Travelling Wave MRI Using Microstrip Transceiver ArraysPerformance Evaluation of Various Numerical Algorithms for a Multi-Compartmental IVIM-ModelPerformance of Capnia-Derived Regressors and Physiological Noise Correction for ASL Measurement of Cerebral Vasoreactivity to Circulating GasesPerformance of Gd-EOB-DTPA MRI Criteria for Diagnosis of Pathologically Proven HCC: A Comparison with AASLD and Barcelona Criteria.Perfusion and Structural Characteristics in the Grey & White Matter of Young and Elderly Adults with White Matter Disease: A Pseudo-Continuous ASL and VBM StudyPerfusion Correction of Brain Tumor Functional Diffusion MapsPerfusion Imaging of Renal Tumors at 3 Tesla Using Pulsed Continuous Arterial Spin LabelingPerfusion Measurement of Brain Tumors:Comparison Between IVIM and DSCPerfusion MRI of the Human Cervical Spinal Cord Using Arterial Spin LabelingPerfusion Quantification Using Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labelling: The Impact of Labelling Efficiency EstimationPerfusion: ASL Basics & AnalysisPerfusion: DSC & DCE Basics & AnalysisPeriodic Sampling in the Gradient Direction Domain Facilitates Noise Reduction in Diffusion Weighted ImagingPeripheral MR Venography Using Sliding Interleaved Cylinder (SLINCY) ImagingPeritoneal Metastases Evaluation: A Comparison Between FDG-PET/CT and MRI with Correlation Between SUV and ADCPET-Instrumentation 101PET-MR Hardware 101PET-MR in Drug ResearchPET-MR in NeuroPET-MR in OncologypH in CancerPhantoms for Ultra-Low Field MRIPharmacokinetics and Biodistribution of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles Using PEPR in the Mouse: An in vivo, in Vitro and Ex Vivo Validation.Pharmacological Effects of GSK2656157, a Novel PERK Kinase Inhibitor, on Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis Using DCE-MRI in Pancreatic Tumor ModelPharmacological MRI and Tensor-Based Morphometry in the 6-OHDA Rat Model of Parkinson’s DiseasePhase and Diffusion Tensor Imaging at Ultra-High Magnetic Field: Differences and SimilaritiesPhase Contrast (PC) MR Image Reconstruction Using Complex Expectation Maximization (EM)Phase Contrast MR Imaging to Image Bacterial Translocation in a Mouse Model for Graft Versus Host DiseasePhase Encoding Correction for 3D FSE MicroscopyPhase Sensitive Dual Inversion Recovery for Accelerated Multi-Slice Carotid Vessel Wall ImagingPhase Sensitive Reconstruction in Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Enabling Velocity Encoding and Unbiased Noise DistributionPhase Singularities at Fringelines Result in Artifactual Mirohemorrhages in SWIPhase Unbanding in BSSFP for Liver Conductivity Imaging at 3.0TPhase-Labeled Reference EPI for Frequency-Segmented Inhomogeneity Corrections (PREFICS)Phase-sensitive Image ReconstructionPHIP-Enhanced Natural Abundance 13C Imaging in a Clinical MRI System Via 1H/13C Polarization TransferphMRI Effects of the M4 Muscarinic Receptor Acetylcholine Positive Allosteric Modulator VU0152100 on Dopaminergic ActivityPhospholipid Metabolism Before and During Bevacizumab Therapy in Recurrent GliomapH-Triggered 19F MRI for Lung Cancer Cell A549Physical Basis for Motion ArtifactsPhysical Exercise Impacts Brain Structure: A Longitudinal VBM and TBSS Study in Overweight and Obese SubjectsPhysiologic Underpinnings of Negative Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Brain VentriclesPhysiology-Based MRI Assessment of CSF Flow at the Foramen Magnum with a Valsalva ManeuverPinning Down Specificity of Biomarkers to Axon and Myelin Damage: Preliminary ResultsPlacental MR Imaging in Fetuses with Placental InsufficiencyPlacental T2 Relaxation Parameters at Different Gestational Ages in Mouse PregnancyPlanar Hip Cartilage Quality Maps – a Novel Approach to 3D Cartilage Assessment by Combining DGEMRIC with Automated SegmentationPlanning a Boosted Radiotherapy Dose to the Dominant Intraprostatic Tumour Lesion Within the Prostate as Defined by Multifunctional MR ParametersPlanning an MR Suite: What Can Be Done To Ensure MR Safety?PNS Safety of the Composite Gradient SystemPolarization Loss from Magnetic Field NoisePool Size Ratio Mapping in the Spine from a Single Magnetization Transfer MeasurementPost Mortem BrainPost-Bevacizumab ?T1 Maps Detect Residual Contrast Enhancement and Predict Survival in Recurrent GlioblastomaPosterolateral Corner: "The Dark Side of the Knee"Postoperative Cerebral White Matter Changes in Diffusion Anisotropy Associated with Alterations in Cognitive Function After Carotid Endarterectomy: A Tract-Based Spatial Statistics StudyPost-Surgical Follow-Up of Brain Tumors: Treatment & Response MonitoringPotential and Probability of Inner Ear Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 7 TPotential Diagnostic Role of the MRI-Derived Internal Magnetic Field Gradient in Calcaneus Cancellous Bone for Evaluating Postmenopausal Osteoporosis at 3TPotential for a Single High-Dielectric Head Coil Former to Reduce SAR and Improve SNR in Brain for a Wide Variety of Coils at 7TPotential Impact of Time-Varying Gradient Delays in the EPI Train on Nyquist Ghost CorrectionPotential of Diffusion Tensor Imaging as a Virtual Dissection Tool for Cardiac Muscle Bundles: A Pilot StudyPotential of Newly Developed USPIO P904 in Detecting Lymph Node MetastasisPotential of Perfusion and Diffusion IVIM MRI in a Rat Brain 9L Glioma ModelPotential of Perfusion Imaging with IVIM MRI in Breast CancerPotential of Resting State Connectivity and Passive fMRI to Detect Precursors of Learning Disabilities in Infants: Preliminary Results with Infants at Familial Risk for Developmental DyslexiaPotential Utility of Early Post-Operative Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and Perfusion Weighted Imaging in Differentiating Between Pseudo-Progression and Progression in Patients with Glioblastoma Treated with Temozolomide and RadiotherapyPower-Law Functional Organizations of the Brain in Wake, Anesthesia, and Vegetative StatePractical Aspects of Correcting ADC Bias Due to Gradient Nonlinearity in Media of Arbitrary AnisotropyPractical fMRIPractical Methods for Improved B1+-Homogeneity in 3T Breast ImagingPractical Quantitative Zoomed DTI of Medial Temporal Lobe Structures Using a 2-Channel Parallel Transmit Coil.Practical Tips & Tricks to Maximize RepeatabilityPractical Use of Multiple Quantum Coherences in Spectral Editing & 2D NMRPrecision in T1-Mapping and Estimation of Quality MapsPreclinical Evaluation of a 3D Technique for Whole-Heart Water-Fat Imaging: Comparison with CTPreclinical in Vitro and in vivo Assessment of a Novel Graphene Based MRI Contrast AgentPreclinical Metabolic Imaging (Cancer, Cardiac, Kinetic Analysis)Preclinical MRI Reveals Bevacizumab Mitigates Radiation NecrosisPreclinical Study of Stroke Using T2relaxometry and Diffusion Weighted ImagingPrecomputed Green’s Functions for Fast Electromagnetic Simulation with Realistic Human Body ModelsPre-Contrast and Post-Contrast Isotropic 3D Black-Blood MRI with Identical Imaging ParametersPrecontrast T1-Weighted Hyperintense Nodules in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis: The Utility of Dynamic and Hepatobiliary Phases with Gadoxetate-Enhanced MRI.Predicting Image Quality of Under-Sampled Data Reconstruction in the Presence of NoisePredicting Lesion Subtype and Response to Chemotherapy in Paediatric Wilms’ Tumours Using ADC Histogram AnalysisPredicting Long-Term Temperature Increase from Time-Dependent SAR Levels with a Single Short-Term Temperature ResponsePredicting Malignancy in High-Risk Breast Cancer Patients: Evaluating Diagnostic Accuracy of Pre-Treatment Contrast-Enhanced MRIPredicting Neurodegenerative Disease with ConnectomicsPrediction and Assessment of Response to Renal Artery Revascularization with Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI: A Pilot StudyPrediction of Clinical Outcome of Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging Assessed by a Reproducible Objective Quantification Scheme (ROQS) in the Perinatal PeriodPrediction of Hypothermia During Radical Prostatectomy by Using an Endorectal Cooling Balloon: A Bioheat Simulation Based on 3D Pelvic Structure Segmented on Prostate MRIPrediction of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response of Breast Cancer with Changes of MR Perfusion and Diffusion Characteristics in Early Chemotherapy by Using Neural Network AlgorithmPrediction of Response to Chemotherapy in Patients with Osteosarcoma and Ewing’s SarcomaPrediction of RF Burning: Mapping of High-SAR Areas Using a Low-RF Power ScanPredictive Magnetic Resonance Temperature Imaging with Machine LearningPreliminary 23Na Transverse Relaxation Time Investigation Using a Continuous Distribution ModelPreliminary Analysis of Arterial Input Function Derived from Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI in Children with CancerPreliminary Cognitive Functional Imaging Study of Patients with Early DiabetesPreliminary Evaluation of a High Performance Gradient Coil for 3T Head Specialty ScannerPreliminary Evidence of Abnormalities in the Prefrontal Cortex of 10 Weeks Old Ts65Dn Mouse Model of Down Syndrome Using DKI-Cerebral Microenvironment Modeling.Preliminary Experience of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging for the Prostatic GlandPreliminary Experience with Visualization of Susceptibility Signal Patterns to Differentiate Intracranial Hemangiopericytomas and Meningiomas by T2* Weighted Angiography ImagingPreliminary MR DTI Study of Age-Related Regeneration Process of Skeletal Muscle with Ischemia InjuryPreliminary Results on Image Artifacts in Lipid Diffusion ImagingPreliminary Study of Hypoxic Ischemic Rat Pup Model Using Hyperpolarized 13C SpectroscopyPreliminary Study of Resuability of Optimized Trajectory for SENSEPre-Operative Evaluation of Patients Undergoing Knee Articular Cartilage Defect Repair: MRI Thickness Maps Derived from a Validated, Automated Segmentation Platform - Initial ResultsPreoperative Evaluation of the Origins of the Perforating Arteries Using 7T MRI in Patients with Unruptured AneurysmsPre-Operative Imaging of Coronary Veins in Patients Undergoing CRT: How Good Is Whole Heart MRA Compared to Intraoperative Catheter-Based Venography?Pre-Operative Perforator Flap MRA for Autologous Breast ReconstructionPreoperatively Evaluating the Correlation Between Pathological Grades and Blood Oxygenation Level-Dependent MRI in Clear Cell Renal Cell CarcinomasPreparation and MR Imaging of Giant Vesicles Containing Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide for Cell-Tracking MRI ProbePreservation of Deep Gray Nuclear Tissue Contrast and Utility of Thalamus as an Internal Standard in Inversion Recovery MR Images at High and Low RF Power in Parkinson’s Patients Treated with Deep Brain NeurostimulatorsPressure Difference Measurements in Stenotic Flow Phantom: Comparison of 4D Flow MRI, Computational Fluid Dynamics, and Pressure Wire MeasurementsPre-Surgical Planning: Movement, Language & the Power of LocalizationPresymptomatic Altered White Matter Diffusivity in Inherited Prion DiseasePretreatment Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced and Diffusion MRI in Predicting Locoregional Control in Oropharyngeal or Hypopharyngeal Cancer Treated with ChemoradiationPre-Treatment Hepatic Arterial Mapping with MRI in Cirrhotic Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)Prevalence and Significance of Non-Thrombotic Findings on Pulmonary Magnetic Resonance Angiography Performed to Evaluate for Acute Pulmonary EmbolismPrevalence of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) in Dialysis Patients: Final Results of the Pro-FINEST StudyPreventing Unwanted Blurring Due to Incomplete Breath-Hold at Long Breath-Hold Coronary MRA; Usefulness of New Elliptical Centric Acquisition(CENTRA Plus)Primary Olfactory Cortex Involvement in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Functional and Morphological MRI InvestigationPrimary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Spinal Cord Volume Predicts Clinical Motor ScoresPrincipal Component Analysis Enhanced Dynamic Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging of Cycling Hypoxia in vivoPrinciples of the use of Contrast AgentsProbabilistic Atlas of the Adult Human Brain White MatterProbabilistic Neighborhood Tractography in the Preterm Neonatal Brain at 3 TProbability Maps for Tumour Localisation, Using 3D 1H-MRSI and LCModel Fitting of Model "Benign" and "Tumour" Basis Spectra.Probe Microstructure and Improve Contrast of Myelinated Axons Using Gd-Enhanced Susceptibility MappingProbing Cytoarchitectural Heterogeneity in the Human Hippocampus with Oscillating Gradient Diffusion Tensor ImagingProbing Distraction to Cognitive Control Using Real-Time fMRIPrognosis of Small Hepatocellular Nodules Detected Only Hepatobiliary Phase of Gd-EOB-DTPA Enhanced MR Imaging as Hyperintensity in Cirrhosis or Chronic HepatitisPrognostic Value of CMR Versus Traditional Risk FactorsPrognostic Value of Pre-Treatment DCE-MRI in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Comparison with Traditional Clinical Prognostic ParametersProgress in MR Elastography of Human Lung Parenchyma: Evaluation of Regional Density Measurements and Faster Imaging SequencesProgression of Brain Volume Reduction in a Rat Model of STZ-Induced Type 1 Diabetes Studied by Anatomical Imaging Combined with Voxel-Based MorphometryProgression of Fatty Infiltration After Muscle Inflammation in FSH Muscular DystrophyProgressive Myocardial Sheet Dysfunction from 3 to 16 Months in Duchene Muscular Dystrophy Mice (mdx) Defined by Diffusion Tensor MRI (DTI)Projection Acquisitions for Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13C MRIProlonged Subregional Femorotibial Cartilage Increase After Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear - Five Year Follow Up Data After InjuryProminent Nodal Role of Amygdala and Nucleus Accumbens and Altered Prefrontal Strength in Functional Connectivity in Pediatric Bipolar DisorderPROMISE: Parallel Reconstruction with Optimized Acquisition for Multi-Contrast Imaging in the Context of Compressed SensingProof of Concept for Transrectal MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsies Using an Optically Referenced Targeting DeviceProspective Acquisition: A Novel Application for Superluminal Photons in MRIProspective Comparison of IVIM DWI, MR Elastography and Transient Elastography for the Detection of Liver Fibrosis in HCV. Initial Results.Prospective Compressed Sensing Accelerated Spectroscopic Imaging for Use in Geometrically Accurate in vivo ImagingProspective Correction Rigid-Body Motion-Induced Phase for Diffusion-Weighted SSFP ImagingProspective Impact of the Additional Use of an Endorectal Coil for 3 T Prostate MRI on Image Quality and Cancer Detection RateProspective Motion Correction of 3D GRASE PASL Acquisitions with Volume NavigatorsProspective Motion Correction Reduces the Number of False Positive Activations in an fMRI Group Study Involving Task-Correlated MotionProspective Real Time Correction of Head Motion Using NMR Probes at 7 TeslaProspective Real Time Rigid Body Motion Correction at 7 Tesla Using Inductively Coupled Wireless NMR Markers.Prospective Rigid-Body Motion Correction Using Miniature Wireless RF-Coils as Position Tracking ProbesProspectively and Retrospectively Gated Lung MR Imaging Sequences Compared for Visualizing Pneumonial CryptococcosisProspectively Motion Compensated Amide Proton Transfer MRI for Body OncologyProspectively Navigated Multi-Echo GRE Sequence for Improved 2D BOLD Imaging of the KidneysProstate Cancer Localization Using Multi-Parametric MRI and a Maximum Likelihood Classification AlgorithmProstate Cancer Localization with a Multiparametric MR Approach (PCaMAP): Initial Results of a Multi-Center StudyProstate Carcinoma: Case StudiesProstate Imaging at 7 Tesla with Fractionated Dipole Antennas: A New Type of Radiative Coil Array Element with Lower SAR Levels.Prostate Perfusion Imaging Using Velocity-Selective ASLProtocol Optimization of the Double Pulsed Field Gradient (D-PFG) Based Filter-Exchange Imaging (FEXI) Sequence Enables Comparative Studies of the Diffusional Apparent Exchange Rate (AXR) at Reduced Scan Times and Smaller Group Sizes.Proton Density Fat Fraction Is a Highly Accurate Biomarker of Hepatic Steatosis in Adolescent Girls and Young WomenProton Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging (PEPSI) on Liver with Parallel ImagingProton MR Spectroscopy Correlates Diffuse Axonal Injury with Post-Concussive Symptoms in Mild Traumatic Brain InjuryProton Observed Phosphor Editing (POPE) Brings Hope for in vivo Detection of Phospholipid MetabolitesProximal and Distal Effects of Subconcussive Head Impacts on fMRI Activity in Asymptomatic High School Football PlayersPseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling Based Dynamic Angiographic Imaging with Decreased Number of AcquisitionsPseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling with Prospective Motion Correction (PCASL-PROMO)Pseudo-Random Center Placement O-Space Imaging: Optimizing Incoherence for Compressed SensingPulmonary 3T MR Imaging with Ultra-Short TEs: Influence of Ultra-Short Echo Time on Pulmonary Functional and Clinical Stage Assessments of SmokersPulmonary Blood Flow Measurement Using Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling at 3.0TPulmonary Strain and Compliance Mapping in COPD: Investigating Reproducibility and Correlation with CT and SpirometryPulsatile Flow Phantom for MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) Vascular Thrombolysis and OcclusionPulsatile Microvascular Perfusion Demonstrated in the Human Brain with Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) MRIPulsatile Motion Artifact Correction in Multishot Spiral PCASLPulse Sequence Modules I (IR, DE, Spatial SAT & Chem SAT)Pulse Sequence Modules II (Tagging, Labeling, Diffusion Sensitization & MT)Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling for CBF MRI in Non-Human Primate Model of StrokePulsed Arterial Spin Labeling with Multi-Band ExcitationPulsed Continuous 3DASL Cerebral Perfusion Imaging Using Multiple Post Label Delay(PDL) Acq. in the Clinical Utility of Arterial Transit Time(ATT) Mapping: Comparative Study with PET-OEF in Patients with Chronic Occlusive Vascular DiseasePushing Sequences to the Limit for EPPushing Temporal & Spatial ResolutionqMT Imaging to Assess Brain Tissue Modifications in Patients with Miotonic Dystrophy Type-1.q-Space & MicrostructureQuadrant Analysis of Femoral Head Perfusion After Fracture Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRIQuality Assessment and Consistency of Serial Multi-Center Resting-State fMRI in Alzheimers DiseaseQuality Assurance of Diffusion-Weighted MRI for Multicentre Clinical TrialsQuality-Based UnwRap of SUbdivided Large Arrays (URSULA) at 9.4TQuantification and Reproducibility of L-COSY in Human Brain at 7TQuantification of 1H NMR Spectra from Human Blood PlasmaQuantification of 7 Tesla SWI Hypointensities in Gliomas Using the Local Image VarianceQuantification of Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity in Preterm Infants Using 4D Phase Contrast MRIQuantification of Aortic Stiffness Using MR Elastography and Its Comparison to Pulse Wave Velocity: Early ValidationQuantification of Blood Oxygen-Level Dependent Signal Changes of Rat Brain by Using Quantitative Susceptibility MappingQuantification of Bone Mineral Density in Human Cortical Bone by Solid State 31P MRI at 7 TQuantification of Cells Labeled by Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Particles Using R1, R2, and R2* Mappings: A Comparative Study Using Cell PhantomsQuantification of Diffuse Liver DiseaseQuantification of Diffusion Tensor Changes in a Rat Model of Primary Blast-Induced Traumatic Brain InjuryQuantification of Epicardial Adipose Tissue in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder by Magnetic Resonance ImagingQuantification of Fatty Acids in Human Calf Adipose Tissue and Muscle by 13C MRS Using J-Refocused PRESS DEPT and ERETICQuantification of Hepatic Blood Flow in Portal Hypertension Using 4D-Flow MRI: A Meal Challenge StudyQuantification of High-Resolution 1H[13C] NMR Spectra from Rat Brain ExtractsQuantification of Human Lung Function and Structure Using Dissolved-Phase Hyperpolarized 129XeQuantification of Inhomogeneous Iron Oxide Uptake in a Model of AIA in Rat.Quantification of Intra-Procedural Gland Motion During Transperineal MRI-Guided Prostate BiopsyQuantification of IVIM Diffusion Parameters of HCC at 3T: Preliminary Experience.Quantification of K-Space Filtering to Compare SNR and Improve Parallel MRI Acquisitions with Hyperpolarized NucleiQuantification of Left Ventricular Twist During Free-Breathing with SPAtial Modulation of Magnetization (SPAMM) and Fourier Analysis of STimulated Echoes (FAST)Quantification of Left Ventricular Twist in Patients with Becker and Duchenne Muscular DystrophyQuantification of Lower Extremity Muscle Fat Infiltration in Pediatric Patients with Spina Bifida Using Water-Fat MRIQuantification of Macro- And Micro-Vascular Hemodynamics in Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations During Staged EmbolizationQuantification of MRI Sensitivity for Monodisperse Microbubble-Based Contrast Agent to Measure Fluid Pressure Changes.Quantification of Myelin in the Cervical Spinal Cord Using Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer ImagingQuantification of Phosphoenolpyruvate in the Human Liver and Its Application in a Meal Study Employing 31P MRSQuantification of Pulmonary Perfusion Using Fourier Decomposition MethodQuantification of Reproducible Spatiotemporal Dynamic Patterns Using Bootstrapping from Randomized Phase Data in the Rodent ModelQuantification of T1 Relaxation Times and Nuclear Overhauser Effect of 31P Metabolites in the Human Prostate at 7TQuantification of Ventilation and Perfusion Using Non-Contrast Enhanced Quasi-Randomly Acquired DC Gated 1H Lung ImagingQuantifying Cerebral Haemodynamics Beyond CBF Using Control Point Interpolation Deconvolution for DSC MRI Perfusion AnalysisQuantitative 19F MRI and CT Tracking of the Microencapsulated Stem Cells in Peripheral Arterial Disease ModelQuantitative 23Na MRI of Human Knee Cartilage Using Dual-Tuned 1H/23Na Transceiver Array RF Coil at 7TQuantitative 11.7 T MRI and EPIC-µCT Assessment of Cartilage Repair in a Rabbit Glenohumeral Joint Model Following Microfracture and Autologous Matrix Induced ChondrogenesisQuantitative 31P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Stratifies Treatment Response to a PI3K/mTOR Inhibitor in Two Distinct Breast Cancer XenograftsQuantitative Analysis and Mapping of Myelin Water Frequency-Shift Using T2* Relaxation Signals at 3TQuantitative Analysis of Cardiac Motion Effects on in vivo Diffusion Tensor ParametersQuantitative Analysis of Directional Bias Imposed on Primary Eigenvector Estimations in DTI When Gradient Table Correction Is NeglectedQuantitative Analysis of Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) in Glaucoma Using 7.0T MRIQuantitative Analysis of Pulmonary Inflammation After Endobronchial Allergen Challenge Using T1-Mapping MRIQuantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Median Nerve Region at the Carpal Tunnel in Various Clinical SettingsQuantitative Assessment of Cerebral Metabolism Rate of Oxygen in NeonatesQuantitative Assessment of Kidney and Liver Disease in a Rat Model of Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (ARPKD)Quantitative Assessment of Muscle Oxygen Saturation with BOLD MRI: Validated by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)Quantitative Assessment of the White Matter Damage Following Dorsal Column Transection in Rat Spinal Cord Using Frequency Shift MappingQuantitative Assessments of Growth Trajectories of Cortical Thickness During the First 18 Mons of LifeQuantitative Background Parenchymal Enhancement Estimation on Breast DCE-MRI by Measuring Relative Voxel-Wise EnhancementQuantitative BOLD Analysis Using a Numerical Model. Blood Volume, Oxygenation and Vessel Size Measurement in the Rat Brain.Quantitative Cerebral and Retinal Blood Flow Using Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling MRI and Fluorescent MicrosphereQuantitative Change in Cartilage Thickness in the Femoropatellatar Joint After Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear – Long Term Follow-UpQuantitative Changes in T2* Reflect Remodeling of Both Remote and Ischemic Myocardium in a Murine Heart Failure ModelQuantitative Characterization of a Catalyzed PHIP ReactionQuantitative Characterization of Meniscal Pathology: UTE MRI Versus Long T2 TechniquesQuantitative Characterization of Spatial Variations of Intrinsic Susceptibility by T1? DispersionQuantitative Comparison of Morphometric Data from Multi-Echo MPRAGE with Variable Acceleration and Different Head CoilsQuantitative Comparison of Shim Algorithms for In Vivo 1H-MRSQuantitative Comparison of Susceptibility-Weighted Methods in Deep Grey Matter in Multiple SclerosisQuantitative Correlations Between Gray Matter Volume and White Matter Tracts in Frontal and Occipital Regions in Preschool Children: Assessment Combined 3D T1WI and DTIQuantitative DCEQuantitative DCE- And DW-MRI to Predict the Response of Primary Breast Cancer to Neoadjuvant TherapyQuantitative DCE-MRI in Patients with Hip ImplantsQuantitative Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of Lung Neoplasm: A Promising Method for Delineating Active TumorQuantitative Estimation of Cerebral Oxygenation in Micro-VesselsQuantitative Evaluation of 3D Variational Regularized Reconstruction of Undersampled Diffusion Tensor ImagingQuantitative Evaluation of Mismatch in Recanalized Acute Stroke Patients: Comparison Between Arterial Spin Labeling and Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast PerfusionQuantitative Evaluation of Non-Linear Reconstruction Methods in MRIQuantitative Evaluation of the Current Status of Carotid Artery Imaging at 7T with Respect to 3TQuantitative Evaluation of the Exchange Time and T2 Associated with an Inhomogeneous Component Using Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer ImagingQuantitative Evaluation of Treatment Related Changes on Multi-Parametric MRI After Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy of Prostate CancerQuantitative Fiber Bundle-Driven Analysis of Diffusion MRI DataQuantitative Flow Measurement of Cerebrospinal Fluids at Sylvian Aqueduct at 3 TeslaQuantitative Flow Measurement of Digital Arteries at 3 TeslaQuantitative G-Factor Calculation in K-T-GRAPPA ReconstructionsQuantitative High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) Assessment of the Auditory Radiation in AutismQuantitative High Resolution Renal Perfusion Imaging Using 3D Through-Time Radial GRAPPAQuantitative High-Field MRI of Multiple SclerosisQuantitative Kinematics of the Wrist Using Dynamic MRIQuantitative Liver MRI Combining Phase Contrast Imaging, Elastography, and DWI: Assessment of Test-Retest and Post-Prandial Effect. Prospective Study at 3T.Quantitative Magnetic Susceptibility Mapping in Prodromal Huntington's Disease SubjectsQuantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging at 7 Tesla: Application in Multiple Sclerosis Patients and Validation in Postmortem BrainQuantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging with Non-Exchanging Compartment Modeling: from CSF Partial Volume Correction to More Accurate Characterization of White Matter?Quantitative Measurement of Deep Medullary Venous in Susceptibility Weighted Imaging:Comparison of Hypoxic-Ischemic and Normal NeonatesQuantitative Measurement of Signal Fluctuations in ASL from Resting State Functional NetworksQuantitative MR Assessment of Spinal Cord Injury Induced Non-Invasively Using Focused UltrasoundQuantitative MR Imaging - T2*-Mapping of the Knee Joint Using a Multi-Echo VTE-Sequence at 3 Tesla: Preliminary Results.Quantitative MRI Assessment of LV Structural Remodeling and Fibrosis Formation in Canine Models of Chronic Atrial FibrillationQuantitative MRI Reporter Gene Imaging of the Recruitment of Ferritin Over-Expressing Fibroblasts to the Vascular Niche of Solid TumorsQuantitative Multi-Parametric MRI for Evaluating Early Treatment Response in Recurrent GliomaQuantitative Muscle MR Imaging Versus Quantitative Ultrasound in Facioscapulohumeral Muscular DystrophyQuantitative Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Comparison of SR-TurboFLASH and SR-TrueFISP at 1.5T and 3.0TQuantitative Neuroimaging in the Clinical Setting: Toward an Earlier & More Accurate Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative DiseaseQuantitative Oxygenation Venography from MRI PhaseQuantitative Phase Imaging in Mouse PregnancyQuantitative Proton Density Mapping in Pathological Tissue: Comparison of Two Receiver Profile Correction MethodsQuantitative Self-Gated Free Breathing 4D DCE MRI of the Liver with Retrospectively Selectable Temporal ResolutionQuantitative Sodium MRI in an Osteoarthritis Goat Animal Model: Preliminary ResultsQuantitative Spiral Perfusion Imaging: Initial Clinical ExperienceQuantitative Standardization of Volumetric Whole-Brain MR Spectroscopic ImagingQuantitative Study of Changes in Multi-Parametric MRI Markers Post-Laser Interstitial Ablation Therapy (LITT) for EpilespyQuantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) for High Resolution Quantitative Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen (CMRO2)Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) in Alzheimer's Disease - A Postmortem StudyQuantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) in Wilson's DiseaseQuantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) of the Motor Cortex as a Potential Biomarker in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Multiple SclerosisQuantitative Susceptibility Mapping of White Matter Hyperintensities in Patients with Traumatic Brain InjuryQuantitative Susceptibility Mapping Reconstruction with Spatial Prior: Shortening Reconstruction Time and Choosing Regularization Parameters AutomaticallyQuantitative Susceptibility Mapping: A Potential Biomaker for Characterizing Cerebral Cavernous MalformationQuantitative T2 and Proton Density Mapping of a Murine Model of Hepatic Fibrosis Progression: An Application of Adaptive Iterative PD and T2 QMRI AlgorithmsQuantitative T2 Mapping Visualizes Hemorrhage and Edema After Acute Myocardial Infarction in SwineQuantitative T2* Mapping of in vivo Human Meniscus Using 2D Duel Echo Radial Sequence with Minimal Phase Excitation Pulse at 3 TQuantitative T2*-Mapping of the Achilles Tendon Using a Multi-Echo VTE SPGR-Sequence at 3 Tesla: Preliminary Results.Quantitative Tract-Based ROI Analysis: Altered Thalamo-Frontal Circuitry Conferred by Schizophrenia-Risk Gene NRXN1 VariantQuantitative Two-Dimensional Correlated Spectroscopy in Gliomas with IDH Gene MutationQuantitative Volumetrics of Multiple Sclerosis Brain from 7T MRIQuantitative Water Content Assessment Using a Single-Scan Multi-Parameter Mapping Technique and Spectral Processing of a Multiple Gradient Echo AcquisitionQuantitative Whole-Body Fat-Water MRI with R2* Estimation at 3 Tesla Using a Custom Tabletop for Multi-Station Parallel Imaging with a Single 16-Channel Surface CoilQuantitive Proton Resonance Frequency Imaging Using Fast Multi-Echo Gradient-EchoQuantum Mechanical Description of NMR - From Wave Function to Bloch EquationQuasi-Static Traveling Wave Imaging on a Clinical 3T MRI SystemQuiescent-Inflow Single-Shot (QISS) Magnetic Resonance Angiography Using a Highly Undersampled Radial K-Space TrajectoryQuiet T1-Weighted Head Scanning Using PETRAR2' Mapping of the Human Kidney Using Navigator Gated, Asymmetric Spin Echo, Multi-Shot EPIR2* in the Normal Ageing Brain and Its Relation to Serum IronRadial Golden Angle Fast Spin Echo: A Hyperpolarized 13C Multi Contrast MetodRadial K-Space Acquisition Improves Robustness of MR-Based Attenuation Maps for MR/PET Quantification in an Animal Imaging Study of the AbdomenRadial Single-Slab 3D Turbo Spin Echo (SPACE)Radiofrequency Ablation Characterization: Comparison of Multi-Contrast Late Enhancement and Late Gadolinium Enhancement SequencesRadiofrequency Heating During Head Imaging in a 3T Transmit Body CoilRadiomics Driven Image Analysis and Coregistration Scheme to Identify DCE MRI Markers for Microvascular DensityRandom Matrix Theory-Based Noise Reduction for Dynamic Imaging: Application to DCE-MRIRapamycin Treatment Ameliorates Brain Metabolite Levels After Transient Focal Ischemia in RatsRapid ex vivo Imaging of PAIII Prostate to Bone Tumor with SWIFT-MRIRapid Acquisition of PET Attenuation Maps from Highly Undersampled UTE Images Using Sparse-SENSE ReconstructionRapid B1 Mapping Method Eliminating T1 Effect by Using Multi Td SequenceRapid B1 Mapping Method for Multi-Channel RF Transmit Coil Using Phase-DifferenceRapid Breath-Held T1 Weighted Double Inversion Recovery Black-Blood (DIR-BB) Turbo Spin Echo (TSE) Cardiac Imaging Using SENSE, ZOOM and Variable Refocusing Flip Angle ReadoutRapid Field-Cycling Relaxometric Imaging Using Fast Spin-EchoRapid High Resolution 3D Volume Imaging of the Human Brain Using Spin Echo EPI, Parallel Imaging, Reduced-FOV Methods, and Oversampling Reduction at 7TRapid Isotropic Resolution Imaging of the Articular Cartilage of the Knee Joint at 3.0T Using VIPR-IDEALRapid Magnetization Prepared Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Articular Cartilage in-vivoRapid Method of Mapping Eddy Current FieldsRapid RF Safety Evaluation for Transmit-Array CoilsRapid Tracking of Soft Palate Motion During Speech Using Pencil Beam and Turbo NavigatorsRapid Ungated CMR Perfusion Imaging to Evaluate Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with ArrhythmiaRapid Volume Shimming with Gradient Reversed EPIRapid Whole-Brain Myelin Water Mapping Using Multi-Component Gradient Echo Sampling of Spin Echoes (McGESSE)Rates of Human Hepatic Oxidative Metabolism Estimated in Vivo Using a Novel 13C-MRS MethodRatio of Lactate-To-Pyruvate Apparent Diffusion Coefficients Is an Indicator of Necrosis in Tumor CellsrBET: Making BET Work for Rodent BrainsReal-Time Cardiac Imaging of Transplanted HeartsReal-Time Cardiac MRI Using a Golden-Ratio-Ordered Spiral Trajectory and Self-Consistent Parallel ImagingReal-Time Cardiovascular Phase-Contrast Flow MRI During Valsalva ManeuverReal-Time fMRI Neurofeedback Training of Amygdala Alters Resting-State Default Mode Network Connectivity in Major Depressive DisorderReal-Time fMRI Neurofeedback Training of Amygdala in MDD PatientsReal-Time fMRI Neurofeedback Training of Amygdala Modulates Frontal EEG Asymmetry in MDD PatientsReal-Time fMRI, Brain States & BiofeedbackReal-Time Image Guided Targeting of MRI Compatible Robotic Assisted Breast Biopsy & Therapeutic SystemReal-Time Monitoring for Systematic Investigation of Catheter Design and Infusion Protocol Effect on CED PerformanceReal-Time Monitoring of Inertial Cavitation Effect on Diluted Microbubbles by MRIReal-Time Motion and Shim Correction by Volumetric EPI Navigators Improves 3D LASER Localized Spiral MRSI of the Brain at 3TReal-Time Motion Correction and B0 Shim Update for a Spectral Edited MEGA-LASER SequenceReal-Time Motion Correction in 2D Multi-Slice Imaging with Through-Plane NavigatorReal-Time Motion Extraction from 2D Image-Based Navigators in Under 20 Milliseconds: An Integrated 2D Navigator Image Processing During MR Data AcquisitionReal-Time MR Imaging of Stem Cell Delivery to the Central Nervous System of Small and Large Animal Models Using EPIReal-Time MRI Can Differentiate Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders in ChildrenReal-Time MRI of Esophageal Function at a Resolution of 50 Ms: Initial Results in Healthy SubjectsReal-Time MRI of Tablet Disintegration: Visualization and QuantificationReal-Time Prospective Adjustment of Inversion Time Using Arrhythmia Insensitive Inversion Recovery (AIIR) Algorithm for Delayed Hyper-Enhancement MRIReal-Time Single-Voxel Water Proton Spectroscopy and Echo-Planar Imaging Sensitivity to the BOLD Effect at 3 and 7 T.Real-Time Slice Tracking for Free-Breathing Cardiac MR Stress Perfusion After Physical ExerciseReal-Time SPatiotemporal ENcoding Imaging of Renal Kinetics in Perfused MiceReal-Time Volumetric MR Thermometry Aided by Motion Tracking Using Tip Tracking CoilsReal-Time Water-Fat SeparationReal-Time, Free-Breathing Measurement of In-Plane Velocities: A Comparison with ECG-Triggered, Segmented, Breath-Hold Acquisition.Real-Time, Self-Gated Spiral Flow Imaging Using Sliding-Window Phase Matching ReconstructionReceive ArraysRecent Developments in Tattoo Removal Methods and Potential Implications for MRI Patient SafetyReconstructing Cerebellar-Cortical Connections with Advanced Diffusion TractographyReconstruction of Non-Cartesian k-Space DataRecovering BSSFP Signal Loss Near Metals with ShimmingRecovering TSNR and BOLD Sensitivity by Combining Hyperbolic Secant RF Excitation Pulses and Compensatory GradientsRecovery of Susceptibility Induced Signal Loss in Reduced Field-Of-View EPI-BOLD Using Z-ShimRectal Carcinoma: Staging & Follow-UpRedox Map of Mouse Brain by Three-Dimensional EPR Imaging with Six-Membered Nitroxyl RadicalsReduced Amygdala Volume in SmokersReduced Basal Ganglia GABA in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderReduced Diffusion and Perfusion in Bevacizumab-Induced Diffusion Restricted Necrosis Versus Brain Tumor HypercellularityReduced Diffusion Encoding for Accurately Estimating Axonal Injury, Demyelination, and Inflammation in Mouse Optic NerveReduced Field-Of-View DWI of the Fetal Brain with Adaptive AveragingReduced FOV Decreases Susceptibility Artifact in Diffusion-Weighted MRI for Prostate Cancer DetectionReduced FOV Diffusion-Weighted 3D-EPIReduced Functional Connectivity of the Executive Network Predicts Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson’s DiseaseReduced Lateralization in Early Onset Schizophrenia: A DTI Study Using TBSSReduced Scan Time 3D FLAIR Using Variable Repetition TimeReduced Thalamo-Cortical Connectivity at Term Is Associated with Impaired Cognition in Children Who Were Born PretermReduced-FOV Imaging with Excitation Using Nonlinear Gradient Magnetic Fields (ENiGMa)Reducing Fluctuation of Train Trajectories in 3D TSE Imaging with Compressed SamplingReducing Inter-Observer Variability in DCE-MRI Using Semi-Automatic Lesion Segmentation and Histogram Analysis - Comparison to Manual Region of Interest Placement.Reducing Off-Resonance Artifacts in O-Space ImagingReducing Physiological Effects in Resting State fMRI by Dephasing Blood and CSF SignalsReducing SAR and Imaging Time at 7T Using RF Multiplexing and Transceiver Arrays at 7TReducing the Gradient Artefact in Simultaneous EEG-fMRI by Adjusting the EEG Cap Lead ConfigurationReducing the Scan Time in Quantitative Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of the Breast Using the Extended Graphical ModelReduction of Acoustic Noise to Improve Patient Comfort Through Optimized Sequence DesignReduction of Boundary Artifact in Electrical Property Mapping Using MREPTReduction of Remained Artifacts in Alias-Free Reconstruction of MR ImagesReference Histogram Constrained Artifact Suppression (RHiCA) for Incoherently Undersampled Magnetic Resonance ImagingReference Ranges for Biventricular Volumes and Ejection Fraction and for Left Ventricular Mass in Adult Thalassemia Intermedia Patients Without Myocardial Iron OverloadReference-Based Realtime Temperature and Damage Estimate Maps for Monitoring Laser Ablation of Hepatic Tumors Under MRIReference-Free Detection of RF Unsafe Conditions and Countermeasures for Implantable MR-Conditional DevicesReferenceless Acquisition of Phase-Sensitive Inversion-Recovery with Decisive Reconstruction (RAPID) for Late Gadolinium Enhancement ImagingReferenceless Thermometry Using Bloch-Siegert Phase Shift and Auto Regressive ModelRegion of Interest Compressive Sensing (ROICS)Regional Analysis of Hip Cartilage MR Relaxation Times in Subjects with and Without Femoroacetabular ImpingementRegional Brain Stiffness Changes Across the Alzheimer's Disease SpectrumRegional Brain Volume Change Following Traumatic Brain InjuryRegional CBF in Patients with AD and MCI: Effect of Apolipoprotein Epsilon4 AlleleRegional Changes of Cortical Thickness and Cortical Surface in Children Born Prematurely and Children Born with Intrauterine Growth Restriction at School AgeRegional Cortical Thickness in Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: A Multi-Center StudyRegional Gray Matter Atrophy in Multiple Sclerosis Using Tensor Based Morphometry: A Multi-Center StudyRegional Hippocampal Involvement Differs Across Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Phenotypes: A Radial Mapping MR-Based StudyRegional Homogeneity Abnormalities Affected by Depressive Symptoms in Migraine Patients Without AuraRegional Mapping of Gas Uptake by Red Blood Cells and Tissue in the Human Lung Using Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 MRIRegional MRI Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Compared to Wall Motion Scoring and Late Enhancement Scar ImagingRegional Structural Differences Across Functionally Parcellated Brodmann Areas of Human Primary Somatosensory CortexRegional Variation in White Matter Diffusion Index Changes Following Chemoradiotherapy: A Prospective Study Using Tract-Based Spatial StatisticsRegional Ventilation Assessed by Conventional MRI in Health and PathologyRegional-Dependent Response Functions in Motor Areas Estimated from Multiple Clinical fMRI MeasurementsRegionally Specific Association Between Reduced CVR and Cortical Thinning in the Pediatric Population with Sickle Cell DiseaseRegistration of Pre and Post Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Prostate MRI for Quantification of MR Imaging Marker Changes and Precise Local Prostate DeformationsRegression Into Early Adulthood: A Data-Driven Perspective of NIH Longitudinal Pediatric DTI StudyRegularized QSM in SecondsRegularized Susceptibility Tensor Imaging for Generating White Matter Fiber Color Maps in Human BrainRegulatory ChallengesReinvestigation of Perfusion Measurement in Cerebral White Matter Using Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling MRIREKINDLE: Robust Extraction of Kurtosis INDices with Linear EstimationRelating Clinical Disability to Brain Volume and Myelin Water Measurements in Primary Progressive Multiple SclerosisRelating Physiological MR Imaging to Neurocognitive Function in Patients with GliomaRelationship Analysis of Axial and Radial Diffusivities May Be Helpful in Discriminating Tumor-Infiltrating Edema from Pure Vasogenic EdemaRelationship Between Cardiovascular Health, Cerebral Physiology and Cognition in Healthy AgingRelationship Between Optic Radiation Microstructure and Visual Function in Adolescents Born Extremely Preterm or Extremely Low Birth WeightRelationships Between Diffusion Weighted Signal Intensity, ADC and Water/fat Content of Malignant Bone MarrowRelationships Between Metabolite Concentrations and Working Memory Performance in Patients with Bipolar Disorder and SchizophreniaRelative Pressure Measurement in Thoracic Aorta and Pulmonary Artery of Healthy Volunteers and Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Patients Using the 4D Flow Sequence of Cardiac Magnetic ResonanceRelaxation Corrected Diffusion Weighted ImagingRelaxation Effects of Oxygen on T2 and T1 with Application to Vitreous PO2 MeasurementRelaxation Parameter Mapping Adapted for 7T and Validation Against Optimized Single Voxel MRSRelaxation Time, MTRelaxation, Magnetization Transfer, and Diffusion Tensor Measurements in the Hippocampal Formation of APP and PS1 Transgenic MiceRelaxivity of Amorphous Manganese Oxide at Various Field StrengthsRelaxometric Properties of Gadolinium Chelates of DOTA-Like Ligands with Axially Uneven Distribution of Donor AtomsRelaxometry Using Sequence SimuLation (RUSSL): Application to Myocardial T1-Mapping Using MOLLIRelevance of Morphological Binary Information for L2 and L1 Total Variation Methods in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping and Reconstruction Quality Assessment Without Presence of the Ground TruthReliability of Detecting Functional Connectivity Changes in Alzheimer's DiseaseReliability of fMRI: Are Group Means Really Representative?Reliability of Intrinsic Networks Over 128 WeeksReliability of MR in Psychiatric DisordersReliable Free Breathing 3D Multiple Breath Gas Wash-Out with Hyperpolarised 3He Lung MRIReliable in Vivo Shimming for Solving Shim Degeneracy and Incorporating System Constaints at High B0 FieldsReliable Measurement Techniques for Motion Corrected Fetal Brain VolumeReliable Quantification of Cerebrovascular Reactivity Despite Poorly Performed Breath-HoldsReliablity of MRSI Brain Temperature Mapping at 1.5T and 3TRemember PSIF? a 2-Second Imaging Method for T2 Contrast at 7TRemote Detection of Implanted Neurostimulator in MRI ScannerRemote Tuning and Matching Adjustment of Intra-Cavitary RF Coil for Integrated MR-Endoscope SystemRemoval of Lipid Nuisance Signals in MRSI Using a Spatial-Spectral Lipid ModelRemoving Ballistocardiographic Noise in Combined EEG-fMRI Using Soft Constrained PLS MethodRemoving Echo Planar Imaging Banding Artifact Using Phase MatchingRenal Diffusion and Perfusion in Cardiorenal Syndrome.Renal Lesions: Added Value of Diffusion MRIRenal Mass CharacterizationRenal Masses Measuring Under 2 Cm: What Is the Utility of MRI Features in Distinguishing Benign and Malignant Cases?Renal Perfusion Imaging with Two-Dimensional Navigator Gated Arterial Spin LabelingRenal Perfusion in Acute Kidney Injury: Comparison of Quantification ApproachesRepeatability and Variability of Graph Metrics in a Test-Retest of Whole-Brain Structural Networks.Repeatability of Cerebral Perfusion Measurements Using Susceptibility Contrast MRIRepeatability of Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Water-Fat MRI in Lower Extremity Muscles in ChildrenRepeatability of Independent Component Analysis Applied to Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI in Newly Diagnosed Brain Tumor Patients with Two Baseline Imaging ScansRepeatability of Standardized and Normalized RCBV in Patients with Newly Diagnosed GBMRepeatability of the Perfusion MRI Brain Tumor Vasculature Sensitive Biomarker, Arterio-Venous Overlap (AVOL) in Recurrent Brain Tumor Patients with Two Baseline Imaging ScansReproducibility Improvement of ADC Measurement on Left Lobe of LiverReproducibility of 13C Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Measurements with Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvateReproducibility of Brain Morphometry Results Derived at 3T: A Multi-Center European Study Comparing the Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Freesurfer Segmentation AnalysesReproducibility of Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI of the Breast at 7 TeslaReproducibility of Connectivity Based Parcellation - Primary Visual CortexReproducibility of Flow Measurements in Serial Studies of Patients with Untreated AneurysmsReproducibility of Renal Artery Flow and BOLD (R2*) in Renal Impaired PatientsReproducibility of Skeletal Muscle MR Measures in Children: A Multi-Center Study of Duchenne Muscular DystrophyReproducibility of Total Cerebral Blood Flow and Determination of Tagging Efficiency in PCASL Using Gated and Non-Gated PCMRAReproducibility, Intra- And Inter-Observer Variability of ADC Measurement by Volumetric Segmentation of Bone Marrow in Whole Body Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (WB-DWI)Reproducible Differentiation of Individual Subjects with Minimal Acquisition Time Via Resting State FMRIRESDORE: Robust Estimation in Spherical Deconvolution by Outlier RejectionResearch Promises: What Can We Expect in the Future? - MeyerResearch Promises: What Can We Expect in the Future? - OsmanResearch Promises: What Can We Expect in the Future? - StrijkersResearch Promises: What Can We Expect in the Future? - WiebenResidual Reordering for Motion Compensated Compressed Sensing Cardiac Perfusion MR ImagingRespiratory 3D Cine MRI of Upper Airway Dynamics in Obstructive Sleep ApneaRespiratory Gating: Cardiovascular & Body ImagingRespiratory Self-Gating for Free-Breathing Magnetization Transfer MRI of the AbdomenRespiratory Self-Gating for Free-Breathing Quantitative Fat/Water Imaging in the AbdomenRespiratory-Resolved Flow Effects in the Chest Assessed with Double-Gated 4D Flow MRIResponse to TreatmentResting Brain Networks Revealed by Independent Component Analysis of Cerebral Blood FlowResting State Connectivity in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Abnormally Increased Contributions from Orbitofrontal Cortex and ThalamusResting State fMRI During Spinal Cord StimulationResting State fMRI Revealed Differences in Connectivity to Visual Cortex in Premature Infants with Hypercapnic VentilationResting State fMRI Using Multi Echo EPI (ME-EPI): A Study of Echo Time Dependence of SensitivityResting State Functional Connectivity Alterations of the Sensorimotor and Extra-Motor Networks in Primary Lateral SclerosisResting State Functional Connectivity fMRI for Presurgical Brain MappingResting State Functional Connectivity in the Human Spinal Cord at 7 TeslaResting State Functional Connectivity of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Parkinson’s Disease Assessed Using Arterial Spin LabelingResting State Network in ADHD Rat Model Using Group ICAResting State Neural Network Demonstrated with Cerebral Blood Volume Based fMRI Using the USPIO Agent Ferumoxytol in HumansResting-State Abnormalities in Adolescents with Internet Addiction Disorder: Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuation StudyResting-State fMRI Activity in the Basal Ganglia Predicts Unsupervised Learning Performance in a Virtual Reality EnvironmentResting-State fMRI at 4 HzResting-State fMRI in a High-Field Intraoperative MR-Setting: Feasibility and Preliminary ResultsResting-State fMRI Signal Anti-Correlation Exists in Absence of Global Signal RegressionResting-State Functional Connectivity Mapping in Humans Using Spin-Echo EPI BOLDResting-State Functional Connectivity Mapping Using Cerebral Blood Flow: Comparison with Simultaneously Acquired BOLD in High-Susceptibility RegionsResting-State Functional Connectivity of Specialized Occipitotemporal Cortical RegionsResting-State Functional Connectivity-Based Parcellation of the ThalamusResting-State MRI Detects Donepezil Effects on Functional Connectivity and Maze Learning in Rodent BrainResting-State Networks and Dissociation in Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures Studied Using ICARestoration of Large Slice Profile Distortions Near Metallic Implants by Frequency MappingRetinotopic-Specific Changes of Cerebral Blood Flow and Grey Matter in Visual Cortex of Patients with GlaucomaRetrograde Venous Flow in Dural Sinus and Internal Jugular Vein on 3D TOF MRARetrospective Correction of Physiological Noise in DTI Using Peripheral Measurements in an Extended Tensor Model FrameworkRetrospective Motion Correction for Cardiovascular & Body ImagingRetrospective Rigid Body Motion Correction of Interleaved Slice-Selective AcquisitionsRetrospective Self-Gated 3D UTE Lung ImagingRetrospective Self-Gated MRI of the TMJ Dynamics During MasticationRetrospectively Triggered Local PWV Measurements in the Murine Aorta Using a Radial SamplingRevealing Morphological Connectome Alternation in Autistic BrainRevealing the Hyperpolarized 129Xe Red Blood Cell Resonance Using Transgenic MiceRF Body Coil Symmetry as a Function of Cable RoutingRF Coil and Positioning Setup for IMCL Spectroscopy on the Mouse CalfRF Coil Configuration Study for 7T High Resolution Na23 and H1 Animal MRIRF Coil Design with Automatic Tuning and MatchingRF Field Generation, Coupling, Standing Wave TransmissionRF Field Transmission: B1-Field Non-Uniformity & SARRF ModelingRF Power AmpsRF Preamps & Receive Chain ArchitectureRF Pulse Comparison for the Hybrid Gradient and Spin Echo EPI Pulse Sequence for fMRIRF Pulses Designs: From Basics to the State-of-the-ArtRF Shimming Capabilities at 9.4 Tesla Using a 16-Channel Dual-Row ArrayRF-Heating Testing in 64 MHz RF-Laboratory System and 1.5 Tesla MRI – a Comparative EvaluationRF-Selective-Excitation for State Estimation of an MRI-Powered MotorRight Ventricular Failure in the R6/2 Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease Is Unmasked by DobutamineRight Ventricular Velocities Over the Entire Cardiac Cycle Measured with High Resolution Spiral Phase Velocity Mapping: Results, Reproducibility and Comparison with the Left VentricleRising PSA in the Treated Prostate GlandRising PSA: Is There A Cancer?Risk Factors for Immediate Adverse Events to Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents (GBCA)Robust 7T Spin Echo BOLD fMRI Using Subject-Tailored Multidimensional Excitation and Refocusing PulsesRobust Data Fitting for IVIM Imaging of Thoracic LesionsRobust Detection of Lactate by STEAM in Human Skeletal Muscle at 7TRobust Detection of Progressive White Matter Abnormalities in MTBI Using DW-MRIRobust Dual-Contrast 3D Abdominal Imaging Within a Single Breath-HoldRobust Estimation of Pulse Wave Transit Time Using Group DelayRobust Estimation of True K-Space Center Position for Radial Center-Out TrajectoriesRobust Feature Based Pre-Registration of 3D MR Image to 3D B-Mode Ultrasound Image of the LiverRobust Fiber Response Function Estimation for Deconvolution Based Diffusion MRI MethodsRobust High Resolution Fat-Water Separation in the Abdomen During Free-Breathing by Self-Gated 2D Radial TrueFISP ImagingRobust Image Registration for In-Vivo Human Osteoarthritic Knees and Cartilage Specimens and Correlation Between In-Vivo and Ex-Vivo T1?Robust Low-Rank Matrix Completion for Sparse Motion Correction in Auto Calibration PIRobust Myelin Quantitative Imaging Using Edge Preserving Spatial PriorsRobust Perfusion Maps in Arterial Spin Labeling by Means of M-EstimatorsRobust Phase Unwrapping Using a Sorted List, Multi-Clustering AlgorithmRobust Reproducible Semi-Automated Perfusion-Diffusion Mismatch Assessment in Acute Ischemic Stroke SettingRobust Segmentation of Clinical Optic Nerve MRIRobust Susceptibility Weighted Imaging Using Single-Slab 3D GRASE with Removal of Background Phase VariationRobust T2 Measurements for Multi-TI Arterial Spin LabelingRobustifying Probabilistic Tractography by Using Track Orientation DistributionsRobustness of a Hybrid Magnitude/complex Method for Liver Fat Quantification in the Presence of a Hepatobiliary Contrast AgentRobustness of Normalized ADC Values of Prostate Cancer Against Different Imaging Conditions and Calculation MethodsRobustness of R2* Mapping for Liver Iron Assessment at 1.5T and 3TROI-Based Analysis of Diffusional Kurtosis Estimates for Identification of MCI-Patients at High Risk for Conversion to Alzheimers Disease in a Heterogeneous MCI CohortRole of Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Stratifying Tumor Aggressiveness in Papillary Thyroid CarcinomaRole of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging in Evaluating Different Types of Uterine Fibroids in Patient Selection Before MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound AblationRole of Magnetization Transfer in McDESPOT ResultsRole of Neuroinflammation in MEMRI Signal EnhancementRotationally Invariant Double Pulsed Field Gradient Diffusion ImagingRoundtable DiscussionRubiX: Combining Spatial Resolutions for Bayesian Inference of Crossing Fibres in Diffusion MRISafe Online Local SAR Calculation for Transmit Arrays Using Asynchron Data ProcessingSafely Assessing RF Heating Potential of Conductive Devices Using Image-Based Current MeasurementsSafety Evaluation of Algorithms to Optimize Transmit Efficiency for Local Excitation with a Transmit ArraySAR and Scan-Time Optimized 3D Whole-Brain Double Inversion Recovery (DIR) ImagingSAR Efficient Simultaneous Multislice Diffusion Weighted Imaging at 7T Using PINS RF PulsesSAR Safety Issues in Case of Partial Coil LoadingScalable and Accurate Variance Estimation (SAVE) for Joint Bayesian Compressed SensingScan Time Reduction in 3D Diffusion-Weighted Steady-State Free Precession Imaging Using Constrained ReconstructionScanner Specific Relationship Between Displayed SAR and Heating Adjacent to Deep Brain Stimulation Leads: An in Vitro StudyScreen Printed Flexible 2-Channel Receive Coil ArrayScreening for Breast Cancer with MRIScreening the Patient: How to Deal with the Individual SubjectSearching for the Optimal Body Coil Design for 3T MRISearchlight Goes GPU - Fast Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis of fMRI DataSegmental Tissue Phase Mapping Analysis of Biventricular Heart FunctionSegmentation of Aortic Flow in Real-Time Spiral Phase-Contrast MRI for Assessment of Stroke Volume VariabilitySegmentation of Normal Liver Volume Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Gd-EOB-DTPA Time Intensity CurvesSegmentation-Based Quantification of Brain SWI for Predicting the Stroke EvolutionSegmented Multi-Echo MPRAGE Acquisition for Accelerated T1-Weighted Brain ImagingSelection of Coils, Sequences and Scan Parameters for Non-Human Primate Brain ImagingSelective Acidification and De-Energization of LNCaP Prostate Cancer Xenografts Using LonidamineSelective ASL with 2D RF PulsesSelective Brain Cooling in Sheep by Intra-Ventricular Catheters: A 7T BIRDS StudySelective Excitation of Dissolved 129XeSelective Sensitivity of Diffusion-Weighted MRI to Various Length Scales in Tumors Following TreatmentSelective Spectral Displacement Projection in 3D Multifrequency MRESelf-Calibrating Interleaved Reconstruction for Through-Time Non-Cartesian GRAPPASelf-Calibrating Stack-Of-Stars (SOS)-CAIPIRINHA for Improved Parallel ImagingSelf-Correction of B1 Inhomogeneity Artifact in Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Using Double-Angle ExcitationSelf-Navigated Three-Dimensional Cardiac T2 Mapping at 3TSelf-Resonant Swiss Roll Structures as Semi-Active Device Visualization Method for Interventional MRISelf-Updating NonLocal Total Variation for Highly Undersampled Variable Density Spiral ReconstructionSemantic Memory Processing in Left Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Using Functional Magnetic Resonance ImagingSemi-Automated Method for Improved Reproducibility of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Measurements in Breast LesionsSemi-Automated Pulse Wave Velocity Measurement in the Thoracic Aorta Using 4D Flow MRISemi-Automated Segmentation of the Entire Left Ventricle from 3D Cine DENSE MRI Using Guide-Point ModelingSemiautomatic Segmentation and Quantification of Volume, T2 Relaxation Time and Mean Diffusivity of the Human Brain CSF Compartments Across the LifespanSemi-Automatic Ventilation Defect Analysis Comparing 1-Liter and 300-Ml 3D Radial and Multi-Slice GRE Imaging Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe in Non-Smoking Older VolunteersSENSE Induced Correlations Are Used to Optimize RF Coil Design for Specific FcMRI StudiesSensitivity Decomposition of Water and Metabolites with Sensitivity Encoding for Reducing Scan TimeSensitivity of Brain Volumetry: A FreeSurfer-Based Segmentation Study of Brain Data Acquired with the ADNI Protocol Vs. GE BRAVOSensitivity of Intrahepatic Volumetric Strain Measured by MR Elastography to the Alteration of Portal Pressure in Patients with Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPPS)Sensitivity to Bolus Dispersion in Continuous and Pulsed Multi-TI ASL TechniquesSeparate Assessment of Fibrosis, Steatosis and Inflammation: Multi-Parametric Imaging of Chronic Liver DiseasesSeparation and Precise Estimation of Glutamate and Glutamine Using Spectroscopic Imaging in Human Brain at 3.0 TSeparation of Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions Using Pharmacokinetic Analysis for a Biopsy CohortSeparation of Signal and Noise in Dynamic MRI Data Using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov TestSeparation of Two Simultaneously Encoded Slices with a Single CoilSequential-Segment Multi-Shot Auto-Calibration for GRAPPA EPI: Maximizing Temporal SNR and Reducing Motion SensitivitySerial Atlas-Based DTI Study of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in AdultsSerial Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Human Brain – Atlas-Based Automated Volume Registration with High Precision and Reproducibility.Serial Proton MR Spectroscopy of Gray and White Matter in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple SclerosisSerial Proton MRS Measurements of Hepatic Lipid Alterations During Chemotherapy for Colorectal CancerSerial Structural Imaging in the Postpartum Period Reveals Increases and Decreases in Regional Brain Volumes Following ChildbirthSex-Linked Difference of Metabolic Concentrations in Hippocampus in Sprague-Dawley Rats: A High Resolution in Vivo Proton MRS Study at 7 TeslaSexual Dimorphism in the Human Corpus Callosum After Controlling for Brain SizeShape Analysis of the Hippocampus and Caudate in First Episode PsychosisSHARP Edges: Recovering Cortical Phase Contrast Through Harmonic ExtensionShear Wave Imaging by Using B1 GradientsSheet Tractography Provides a Multi-Dimensional Representation of Architecture in Normal and Infarcted HeartsShifting Characteristics of Upper Motor Neuron Revealed by Voxel-Based Morphometry in Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisShim Cycling Technique to Eliminate the Banding Artifacts in 3D BSSFP Inner Ear ImagesShimming: Fields, Coils & ControlShort- And Long-Time-Scale Hyperpolarized 3He Diffusion MRI in Healthy, Second-Hand Smoking, COPD and Asthma SubjectsShort Echo MRSI at 7 Tesla in Patients with Major Depressive DisorderShort Echo Time 1H-MRSI of Glioma Brain Tumors Referenced to Metabolite Levels of Normal Brain.Short Echo Times and Multiple Echoes to Image, Quantitate and Classify Fast-Relaxing AnatomyShort Echo-Time 3D-TSE with and Without VASO Preparation for Functional MRIShort TE Whole Brain MRSI with High-Bandwidth Adiabatic SLR Refocusing and Echo Planar ReadoutShort Term Visual Memory Dysfunction in ParkinsonismShort TR Resting State Data Acquired with a Simultaneous Multislice Multi-Echo Sequence at 7T, a Comparison with Multi-EchoShort-Term Plasticity of the Motor System Induced by Piano LearningShould Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Tumours of the Musculoskeletal System Be Performed in a Sarcoma-Designated Health Care Center?Shoulder: Sources of ImpingementSide Effects of the Spoiler Gradient in Gradient Echo Sequences: Diffusion Attenuation of the Signal from Nuclei in Thermal Equilibrium and in Hyperpolarised StateSignal and Noise Propagation in MR Receive Arrays: Theory and Experimental ValidationSignal Behavior of FLASE and TSE for Measuring Trabecular Bone - Theory and ExperimentsSignal Intensity and Texture Feature Analysis in Contrast-Enhanced Liver MRI for Chronic Liver Disease DiagnosisSignal-To-Noise Ratio Analysis of 31P MRS in Skeletal Muscle: Influence of Localization Schemes, RF Coils and Field StrengthSignificant BOLD Signal Reduction Induced by Perfluorocarbon Emulsion in the Rat BrainSignificant Increases in Contrast Arrival Time Measured with DCE-MRI Are Seen After Treatment with an Anti-VEGF AgentSilent Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin LabelingSimple and Accurate Determination and Visualization of True Quadrature Settngs on Commercial Multiple Channel Transmitters Using Anti-QuadSimple MR Elastography: A Gradient-Echo Type Multiecho MR SequenceSimple Ultrashort Echo Time MRI Measure Associated with Cortical Bone PorositySimple, Accurate and Efficient Multilayer Integral Method for Eddy Current Simulation in Thin Volumes of Arbitrary Geometry Produced by MRI Gradient CoilsSimplified RF Spillover-Corrected Omega Plot for Simultaneous Determination of Labile Proton Ratio and Exchange RateSimulation of Bolus Dispersion in Quantitative Contrast-Enhanced Myocardial Perfusion MRI: Impact of a Coronary BifurcationSimulation of Myelin Water ImagingSimulation Study of a 4-Channel Ladder-Shaped Body Coil at 3TSimulations Show Tumor Vascular Morphology Affects the Accuracy of Steady-State Susceptibility Contrast MRI Biomarkers of AngiogenesisSimultaneous In Vivo 1H and 31P MRS Acquisition in Ischemic Rat Brain at Ultrahigh FieldSimultaneous Acquisition of Cerebral Blood Volume, Blood Flow and Blood Oxygenation Weighted MRI Signals at 7TSimultaneous Acquisition of Interslice Blood Flow, Magnetization Transfer Ratio Asymmetry, and MTRSimultaneous Arterial Spin Labelling MRI and H2O15 Position Emission TomographySimultaneous CBF and BOLD Mapping of High Frequency Acupuncture Induced Brain ActivitySimultaneous Channel Compression and Noise Suppression in Parallel MRISimultaneous Detection of 17 Brain Metabolites at 3T by JPRESS & ProFitSimultaneous Diffusion MRI and PET Imaging of Breast Cancer PatientsSimultaneous Diffusion-Weighted MRI of Brain and Cervical Spinal Cord Using a 64-Channel Head-Neck Array Coil at 3TSimultaneous Dual-Nuclear 31P/1H MRS at a Clinical MRI System with Time-Sharing Second RF ChannelSimultaneous Examination of Metabolism and Perfusion of Embolized Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Rats by Hyperpolarized Fumarate and Copolarization of Pyruvate and UreaSimultaneous Excitation of Distinct Electromagnetic Modes Using a Tx ArraySimultaneous Fat Saturation and Magnetization Transfer Preparation with 2D Small-Tip Fast Recovery ImagingSimultaneous Fat, Water and T2* Mapping for Quantitative Characterization of Bone Marrow PathologySimultaneous fMRI Acquisition of Distributed Brain Regions with High Temporal ResolutionSimultaneous fMRI and EEG Study of Never Resting Brain: Spatial and Temporal Similarity of EEG Microstates Cortical Representation and BOLD Resting State NetworksSimultaneous fMRI-DTI Using the Navigated Diffusion SequenceSimultaneous fMRI-PET Imaging of the Opioidergic Pain System in Human BrainSimultaneous Imaging of 13C Metabolism and 1H Structure for Improved Co-Registration and Off-Resonance CorrectionSimultaneous Imaging of Cerebral Perfusion and Glucose Metabolism by PET/MRISimultaneous Left and Right Ventricle Segmentation Using Topology Preserving Level SetsSimultaneous Measurement Carbon-13 MR Spin-Relaxation, Diffusion, and Kinetic ParametersSimultaneous Measurement of GFR by DCE-MRI and FITC-Sinistrin Clearance in Rats at 3.0 TSimultaneous Measurement of Myocardial Perfusion by Dynamic Contrast Enhancement MR and Ammonia PETSimultaneous Measurement of Perfusion and BOLD Changes in Calf Muscle During ExerciseSimultaneous Multi-Slab Acquisition in 3D Multi-Slab Diffusion-Weighted Readout-Segmented Echo-Planar ImagingSimultaneous Multi-Slab Echo Volume Imaging: Comparison in Sub-Second fMRISimultaneous Multi-Slice Excitation by Parallel Transmission Using a Dual-Row PTX Head ArraySimultaneous Multi-Slice Flyback Echo Planar Imaging with Auto-CalibrationSimultaneous Multi-Slice Parallel RF Excitation with In-Plane B1+ HomogenizationSimultaneous Multislice Readout-Segmented Diffusion-Weighted EPI with Blipped-Controlled AliasingSimultaneous Multi-Slice Spectral-Spatial Excitation for Reduced Signal Loss Artifact in BOLD FMRISimultaneous Multislice Spiral Imaging Using Z-Gradient Modulation and Parallel Receive CoilsSimultaneous Multi-Volume GRASE ImagingSimultaneous PET/MR Imaging: Automatic Attenuation Correction of Flexible RF CoilsSimultaneous PET/MR with Continuous Table Motion: The Effect of Table Motion Speed on Image QualitySimultaneous PRF and T1-Mapping Based MR Thermometry for Monitoring High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation of Primary Bone TumorsSimultaneous Quantification of Cerebral Arterial Blood Volume and Flow During Visual Stimulation in Humans at 3 T.Simultaneous Quantification of Perfusion, Venous Oxygen Saturation, and Skeletal Muscle T2* in Response to Cuff-Induced Ischemia in the LegSimultaneous Quantification of Permeability and Perfusion in Multiple Sclerosis LesionsSimultaneous Relaxometry and Susceptibility Imaging in the BrainSimultaneous SE-BOLD and T2* Measurement by Functional MRS of Water SignalSimultaneous Single Breath-Hold MR Imaging of Lung Perfusion and Structure Using 3D Radial UTESimultaneous Spin Echo and Gradient Echo for fMRI Using the USPIO Agent Ferumoxytol in Humans: Enhanced Sensitivity and Potentials for High Resolution MappingSimultaneous Stereoscopic 3D-Visualization of Vascular Structures and a Passive Catheter in Real TimeSimultaneous T1 and B1 Mapping Using Variable Flip Angle Imaging on Fatty TissueSimultaneous T2 Prep and Motion Tracking Using Volume ProjectionsSimultaneous Thermometry and T2 Mapping, to Detect Tissue Damage During Thermal TherapiesSingle Acquisition Electrical Property MappingSingle Acquisition Fat Water Separation Using a Golden Ratio Radial BSSFP Sequence with Dynamic Echotime ShiftingSingle Breath-Hold 3D Radial Imaging for R2* and Fat Fraction Quantification in the LiverSingle Breath-Hold Renal T1 Imaging at 7TSingle Kidney Glomerular Filtration Rate Measurement Using a High Spatiotemporal Resolution View Sharing Technique and 2-Compartment ModelSingle Shot BOLD fMRI with Signal-Loss Compensation Using Interleaved Dual-Echo Acquisition (IDEA) EPISingle Shot Multi-Dimensional Imaging Using Magnetic Field Monitoring and Including Maxwell TermsSingle Slice Vs. Whole Organ MR-RenographySingle Subject Diffusion Analysis - ROI, Histogram, TractographySingle Subject Spinal fMRI Using SE-ZOOM-EPISingle Trial Characterization of the BOLD Response at 3T Using Structured Sparse Functionals with Paradigm Free MappingSingle Use Flexible Resonant Loops for L-Band Tooth EPRSingle Voxel MEGA-Edited GABA and Short TE 1H MRS in Hippocampus and Other Brain Regions Implicated in BruxismSingle-Breath Gas and Dissolved-Phase 129Xe MRI in Healthy Subjects Using a 3D Radial Sequence: Effect of Posture on Signal DistributionSingle-Point Fat-Water Separation Using a Fuzzy C-Means AlgorithmSingle-Shot Spiral First-Pass Perfusion Imaging: Full Heart Coverage with High Temporal ResolutionSingle-Voxel Diffusion-Weighted MR Spectroscopy for Fat-Corrected ADC MeasurementSingular Behavior of Time-Dependent Diffusion in a Fiber Bundle Geometry Due to a Disordered PackingSinusoidal PatLoc Imaging Using Matrix Gradient CoilsSiting the SystemSkeletal Age Assessment Using a New Dedicated Hand MRI System for Young ChildrenSkeletal MuscleSkeletal Muscle State Estimation by T2 and Rotating Frame Relaxations in Ischemic Hind Limb Mouse ModelSlab Profile Encoding for Minimizing Venetian Blind Artifact in 3D Diffusion-Weighted Multislab AcquisitionSlice Accelerated EPI for Dynamic-Susceptibility Contrast Enhanced (DSC) MRISlice Selective Adiabatic Pulse for Human 31P Cardiac SpectroscopySlice-Selective FID Acquisition of Proton Spectroscopic Imaging to Access Functional Metabolic Changes During GABAergic Stimulation with µl Resolution in the Mouse BrainSliding Interleaved Cylinder (SLINCY) Imaging with Dynamic Center Frequency AdjustmentSlow Training Effect on Intracellular Lipid in Skeletal MuscleSmall-World Brain Networks in Resting State in Typically Developing Children and AdolescentsSnapshot Field Monitoring Enables Correction of Slow Field Perturbations in High-Resolution Brain MRISNR Analysis of Adiabatic Bloch-Sigert B1+ MappingSNR and CNR Performance Comparison in Dixon- Vs. Subtraction-Type Contrast Enhanced MR AngiographySNR Dependence of Mean Kurtosis and How to Correct ItSNR-Dependent Quality Assessment of Compressed-Sensing-Accelerated Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Using a Fiber Crossing PhantomSodium Concentration Reduction in Human Knee Cartilage with Healthy AgingSodium MRI of the Breast – Initial Experience at 7TSodium T2* Mapping of the Human Kidneys in Vivo at 7 TeslaSodium Triple-Quantum Coherence Characterization of Scaffolds Used in Cartilage Tissue EngineeringSodium-Diffusion MRI of Emerging Drug Resistance in Rat Glioma ModelSoft Surface - EBG Structure to Improve the |H|/|E| Field Ratio of Stripline Coil for 7 Tesla MRISoftware Tools for Anatomical ROI-Based Connectivity AnalysisSoleus Muscle Water T2 Values in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Associations with Age and Corticosteroid TreatmentSome Brains Are More Strongly Functionally Connected Than Others: A Resting-State fMRI Study of Inter and Intra Network CoherenceSparse Representations for Compressed Sensing Acceleration of Fourier Velocity Encoded MRISparse Sampling Phase Contrast Imaging of the AortaSparse Tikhonov-Regularized SENSE MRI ReconstructionSparsity-Enforced Kalman Filter Technique for Dynamic Cardiac ImagingSpatial Dependence of Metabolite Concentrations in Wild Type and ApcMin/+ Mouse GI Tissues: An ex-Vivo HR-MAS 1H NMR Spectroscopic StudySpatial Distribution of Sevoflurane in the Human Brain Revealed by in-vivo 19F Imaging at Clinical-Relevant Concentrations: Preliminary ResultsSpatial Heterogeneity Analysis of Brain Activation in EpilepsySpatial Imaging Patterns in AD & Its Prodromal Stages Identified via Pattern Recognition MethodsSpatial Information Based DCE-MRI Data Reconstruction and Analysis Using PCASpatial Patterns of Cortical Thinning in Neuromyelitis Optica: A Comparative Study with Multiple SclerosisSpatial Phase Encoding Using a Bloch-Siegert Shift GradientSpatial Resolution Requirements for Diffusion Tensor Imaging of FornixSpatial Selective Excitation Performance of Parallel Transmission Using a 3x8 Z-Stacked RF Coil Array at 3TSpatial Variability in the Contribution of Cerebral Blood Flow Fluctuations to the Resting-State BOLD SignalSpatial Working Memory in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderSpatially Constrained Model of Body Diffusion-Weighted MRI Signal Decay Increases Precision of Parameter EstimatesSpatially Matched in Vivo and ex Vivo MR Metabolic Profiles of Prostate Cancer – Investigation of a Correlation with Gleason ScoreSpatially Resolved Observation of Cardiovascular Magneto-Dynamics with NMR Field ProbesSpatially Selective Excitation Applied to Aortic Vessel Wall ImagingSPatio-Temporal ENcoded Diffusion-Weighted Breast MRI StudiesSpatiotmeporal Fourier Analysis of Resting State Fluctuations in BOLD fMRI of the RatSpecific Inhomogeneous MT Contrast in Mouse Brain White MatterSpecific Inhomogeneous MT Contrast in White Matter. Application to Spinal Cord Imaging.Spectral Changes in Resting-State fMRI Connectivity Induced by Corpus Callosum TransectionSpectrally Interleaved Multi-Echo Sequence for Measurement of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate MetabolismSpectrally Selective Excitation for Improved DWI, APT and MRS of the BreastSpectral-Spatial Selectivity Using Spatiotemporal EncodingSpectroscopic Imaging of Brain Metabolism in a Mouse Model of Human Glioma-Initiating Cells: A Longitudinal Study at 14.1 TSpectroscopic Imaging of Metabolites with 2D Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Coherence in MouseSpectroscopically Selective Imaging of Hyperpolarized Pyruvate and Its Metabolites Using a Single-Echo Variable Phase Advance Method in Balanced SSFPSpectroscopy with Linear Algebraic Modeling (SLAM): Speed and Quantification in Brain Tumor StudiesSpectrum-Based and Least-Square PRF Hybrid Method for MR Temperature MappingSpectrum-Based Automatic Localization of Left Ventricle from Cardiac Magnetic Resonance ImagingSpermine and Citrate as Metabolic Biomarkers for Assessing Prostate Cancer AggressivenessSpin Echo Formation with a Phase Pre-Winding PulseSpin Echo ImagingSpin Echo Measurements of the Extravasation and Tumor Cell Uptake of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]lactate and [1-13C]pyruvateSpin Gymnastics 1Spin Gymnastics 2Spinal Cord DTI: Applications to Multiple SclerosisSpinal Cord Imaging: Diffusion & Ultra-High FieldSpinal Cord Structural Imaging with Suppressed CSF Signal Using DANTE Pulse TrainsSpinal Cord Template and a Semi-Automatic Image Processing PipelineSpinal Cord/Nerve RootsSpine Diffusion ImagingSpin-Lattice and Spin-Spin Relaxation of Water and Lipids in Human Vastus Lateralis M. Measured by 1H-MRS at 3TSPIO-Labeled 90Y Microspheres Permit Accurate Quantification of Macroscopic Intra-Hepatic BiodistributionSPIO-Loaded Unilamellar Polyion Complex Vesicles (SPIO-Cy5-PICsomes) as a High Relaxivity Contrast Agent for Tumor DetectionSPIRiTmc - Autocalibrating Parallel Imaging with Non-Rigid Motion CorrectionSpoiled & Balanced Gradient-Echo SequencesSpontaneous BOLD Signal Fluctuations in the Young and Elderly Brain: a Non-Contrast Biomarker of Cerebral Vasomotor Reactivity?Spontaneous Co-Activation Patterns of the Brain Revealed by Selectively Averaging Resting-State fMRI VolumesSpontaneous fMRI-BOLD Power Spatial Distribution: Comparison Between Awake State and Under Isoflurane Anesthesia in the RatSpontaneous Low-Frequency Functional Connectivity and Temporal Dynamics: Working Memory Vs. RestSquid Detected MRIS-SPIRiT: An Iterative/Shrinkage Approach to SPIRiT for Real-Time Cardiac MRIStability of Resting-State Brain Activity Fluctuations Across Time: Evidence from fMRI and MEGStable, Dynamic & Variable Functional NetworksStandard Deviation of T1? and T2 Relaxation Times Show Regional Changes in Hip Articular Cartilage of Patients with FAIState of the Art in Hardware, Acquisition & Analysis for In-Vivo ConnectivityState-of-the-Art NCE-MRA: Goodbye to GadStatic Magnetic Field: Magnetic Field (in)Homogeneity, Effects of Susceptibility, Demagnetizing Field & Lorentz SphereStatistical Local SAR Analysis by Latin Hypercube Sampling for 11.7 Tesla Brain MRIStatistical Strategy to Overcome Estimation Bias in CRLB Threshold Approach for LCModel Analysis of MRSSteady-State Functional MRI Using Small-Tip Fast Recovery (STFR) ImagingSteady-State SR-EPG Optimization of Pseudo-Steady-State SequencesStrategies for Improved 3D Small-Tip Fast Recovery (STFR) ImagingStratification of Disease Aggressiveness of Prostate Cancer Using MRSI and DWIStreaking Artifact Reduction in Orthogonal Super Resolution Reconstruction of MRI Data SetsStress Induced Alterations in the Metabolic Profile of Human MonocytesStress-Strain Characterization of a Dynamically-Controlled Cardiac Phantom with Fluid and Structural DynamicsStroke & the Myth of QuantitationStronger Brain Functional Connectivity Revealed by Multi-Band Acquisition of FMRIStructural and Functional Changes of Hippocampus in Long Life Experienced Taxi DriverStructural and Functional Connectivity Changes in the Brain Associated with Shyness But Not with Social AnxietyStructural and Functional Underconnectivity as a Negative Prognostic Marker for Language in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Structural Contrast Enhancements by Novel Way to Combine T1- And T2-Weighted MR ImagesStructural Correlates of Abnormalities of Cervical Cord Functional MRI Activity in Patients with Multiple SclerosisStructural Neuroimaging Phenotype of Dementia in Adult Survivors of Childhood ALLStudies on Metabolic Alterations Due to Chronic Cold Stress: An NMR Based Metabonomics ApporachStudy of Articulatory Movement from the Single Slice Dynamic Imaging of the Vocal Tract in ParkinsonismStudy of the Variability of Short Association Bundles Segmented Using an Automatic Method Applied to a HARDI Database.Studying Brain Motor, Language and Auditory Functions and Associated Functional Connectivity on AVM Patients by fMRI and Resting State fMRISub-Anesthetic Ketamine Modulates Intrinsic BOLD Connectivity in the Hippocampal-Prefrontal System in the Rat: Dose-Dependence and PK/PD RelationshipsSubcellular Distribution of Manganese and Its Impact on Mitochondrial Function in Rat Cardiac MyocytesSubcortical and Cortical Distribution of BOLD Signal from Somatosensory Stimulation in Anaesthetised RatsSubcortical Brain Segmentation of Two-Dimensional T1w Data Sets with FIRSTSubcortical Versus Cortical Effects of Anesthesia on Blood Oxygenation: in vivo Evidence from UHF MRISubcortical Volumetric Differences in Children with Sickle Cell Disease and Silent InfarctionSubject- And Resource-Specific Monitoring and Proactive Management of Parallel RF TransmissionSubject-Specific BOLD fMRI Respiratory and Cardiac Response Functions Obtained from Global SignalSub-Voxel Micro-Architecture Assessment by Scattering of Mechanical Shear WavesSulcal and Gyral Crown Cortical Grey Matter Involvement in Multiple Sclerosis: A Magnetisation Transfer Ratio StudySuper Resolution Reconstruction from Differently Oriented Diffusion Tensor DatasetsSupercharged Green Fluorescent Proteins as Bimodal Reporter Genes for CEST and Optical ImagingSuperior GRAPPA Reconstruction with Reduced G-Factor Noise Using 2D CAIPIRINHA for 3D EPISuper-Relaxive Gd NanoparticleSuper-Resolved Two-Dimensional Spatiotemporally-Encoded Single-Scan MRI with Spiral SamplingSupertoroidal Analysis of Diffusion Tensor MRI of Patients with First-Episode PsychosisSupplemental Oxygenation and Hyper Ventilation for Accelerated 3D Late Gadolinium Enhancement Imaging of Left Ventricle Within a Single Breath HoldSupport Vector Classification and Prediction of Resting-State Functional Connectivity Over the LifespanSupport Vector Machine Classification of Spontaneous Cognition Using Whole-Brain Resting-State Functional ConnectivitySupport Vector Machine Classification of Stroke Using Resting State Functional ConnectivitySupport Vector Machines Detect Huntington's Gene Effects in Mouse Brain Images with >98% AccuracySuppressing Mulit-Channel Diffusion Tensor Imaging Noise Using the Data Consistency ConstraintSuppression of Free Fluid Perfusion Artefacts in Velocity Selective ASL Using a BIR-4 T2-FLAIR PreparationSuppression of High Intensity Flow Artifacts in Subtractionless First-Pass Peripheral Angiography with Dual-Echo Dixon ImagingSurface and Voxel-Based Analysis of Multi-Modal Quantitative MRI for Pre-Surgical Evaluation of Epilepsy PatientsSurface CoilsSurgical perspective: Neurosurgical Approach to Brain TumorsSurgical Ventricular Restoration Improves the Intra-Ventricular Flow: MRI/CFD SimulationSusceptibility Induced Signal Quenching in DCE-MRI Is Tissue DependentSusceptibility Mapping of the Sinuses in the Brain by Preserving Phase Information in the Skull Using Short Echo TimesSusceptibility Mapping Using Regularization Enabled Harmonic Artifact RemovalSusceptibility Matched Endoluminal Coil for the Acquisition of High SNR Spectra for the Observation of the Rectal WallSusceptibility Tensor Imaging in the P-Space Without Any RotationSusceptibility Tensor Imaging of the Renal TubuleSusceptibility Weighted Imaging at 3 Tesla Is Superior to Time-Of-Flight-Angiography for the Detection of Peripheral Thrombi in Patients with Acute StrokeSusceptibility Weighted Imaging Based Approach to ?OEF Quantification Using Propofol and Midazolam as Potential OEF ModulatorsSusceptibility Weighted Imaging of Cartilage Canals of the Distal Femur ex Vivo and in VivoSusceptibility Weighted Imaging of Iron-Labeled C6-Glioma in Rats at 7TSusceptibility-Weighted Imaging Using Susceptibility Map Estimated by L1 Norm RegularizationSustained Restoration of LV Dysfunction in a Pig Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Model Using Human Amnion-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Tracked by Manganese-Enhanced MRISWISWIFT Dual Breast Imaging Sequence and Coil with Interleaved Adiabatic Fat SuppressionSWIFT with Magnetization Preparation: Signal Partitioning and 3D Measurement of Adiabatic T1rho in Osteochondral SpecimenSWIRLS 3D CE-MRA with Field-Corrected Sparse SENSE ReconstructionSwitchable Bilateral/Unilateral 7T Breast Coil Using Forced Current ExcitationSwitching & SensingSymmetric Vs. Asymmetric Undersampling in 3D Cones ImagingSynchronous Recording of Multiple Physiological, Trigger and External Signal Traces for Co-Registration with Functional MRI DataSynergy Between K-Space Inverse-Hanning Filtering and CoRASOR Reconstruction for Positive Contrast Visualization of Interventional DevicesSynthesis and Evaluation of CREKA-Tris(Gd-DOTA)3 for MR Molecular Imaging of Breast CancerSynthesis of CuO Doped Gd2O3 Nanoparticles as T1 MRI Contrast AgentSynthesis of Human Protamine-1 (HPRM1), a Novel CEST Contrast AgentSynthesized Diffusion Weighted Imaging in Liver: Comparison Between Conventional ADC and IVIM Fitting ModelsSystematic Brain Tumor Conductivity Study with Optimized EPT Sequence and Reconstruction AlgorithmSystematic Investigation of Various Strategies for T2* Mapping for Liver Iron Quantification in the Presence of NoiseSystemic Inflammation in Non-Demented Elderly Human Subjects Is Associated with Altered Diffusion Characteristics of Brain White MatterT Cell Labeling and Tracking by MRI in Mouse Brain During Viral InfectionT1 and T2 Mapping of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for the Detection of Breast and Pancreatic Cancer CellsT1 Mapping: Should We Agree to Disagree?T2 and T2* Relaxometry in the Meniscus Using a Novel, Rapid Multi-Echo Steady State SequenceT2* Measurements of Dissolved-Phase 129Xe in the Human Lungs at 1.5 T and 3 TT2-Weighted BOLD fMRI at 9.4 T Using a S2-SSFP-EPI SequenceT1 and T2* Relaxation Rates of Four Gadolinium Based Contrast Agents in Whole Human Blood at First-Pass Concentrations: Non-Linearities and Their Impact on Optimizing Contrast-Enhanced MRAT1- And T2-Weighted MR Acquisition for Bulk Motion Correction for Simultaneous PET-MRT1 Based Myelin Water Detection at 3 Tesla Using Phased-Array Adaptive Reconstruction and Long Range TI SamplingT1 Estimation for Aqueous Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions Using a Variable Flip Angle SWIFT SequenceT1 Mapping After Acute Myocardial Infarction: Multiphase Phase-Sensitive Inversion-Recovery (MpPSIR) Method as Valuable Alternative to the Modified Look-Locker Inversion Recovery (MOLLI) MethodT1 Mapping in Real Time: Single Inversion-Recovery Radial FLASH with Nonlinear Inverse ReconstructionT1, T2 and DGEMRIC Are Not Related to Arthroscopic Grade of Articular CartilageT1rho and T2rho Mapping with Gradient Offset Independent Adiabatic Pulse TrainsT1rho in Acute Cerebral InfarctionsT1rho Measurement in Rat Brain Tissue Changes Associated with Aging and Chronic HypertensionT1rho MR Is Sensitive to Changes in Normal Appearing White Matter and Gray Matter in Multiple SclerosisT1-W SE-Prop to Overcome Flow Artifacts in Post-Gd Brain ImagingT1-Weighted Imaging of Lumbar Spine Using Multiband Slice Accelerated Spin EchoT1? Functional Imaging Temporal Dynamics in the Human Visual CortexT1? Response to the Activity-Dependent Localized AcidosisT2 Mapping and Diffusion Weighted Imaging for Quantification of Acute and Chronic Renal Pathology Following Acute Kidney Injury in Mice – Comparison with HistopathologyT2 Mapping of the Articular Disc of the Temporomandibular Joint–a Feasibility StudyT2 Monitoring at 3T for Canine Model of Duchenne Muscular DystrophyT2- Prepared Blood-Oxygenation-Level-Dependent (BOLD) fMRI Using Single-Shot 3D Fast Gradient Echo (GRE) Sequence with Whole Brain Coverage at 7TT2 Relaxation Dispersion Technique to Detect Intermediate and Fast Exchanging Protons in Metabolites and ProteinsT2 RelaxometryT2* Measurement of Fetal Brain Using a Motion Tolerant MethodT2* Measurement of the Pituitary with Susceptibility Artifact Compensation at 3TT2* of the Osteochondral Junction Measured by VTE at 7T and Correlated with HistologyT2-Weighted and DCE MRI of Medulloblastoma Mouse Model and Oncolytic Measles VirusT2-Weighted Fat Suppressed Balanced SSFP Imaging (Contrast-Prepared SSFP) for Interventional GuidanceT2-Weighted Fourier Velocity Encoding: in Vivo Vascular MR OximetryTagged MRI of Ocular Tissues at 3T and 7TTaming an Ill-Conditioned SPIRiT: Improved Iterative Image Reconstruction for Real-Time Cardiac MRITarget Field Based RF Phase Gradient Transmit Array for 3D TRASE MRITargeting AgentsTargeting Projection Fibers for Optogenetics and fMRITarget-Pattern-Informed Variable-Density Trajectory Design for Low-SAR Pulse Design in Parallel TransmissionTask Based and Resting State fMRI for Pre-Surgical Mapping of Language FunctionTask Performance Classified Resting-State Functional Connectivity Analysis for Blast-Related Mild Traumatic Brain InjuryTask-Based BOLD fMRI for Presurgical Brain MappingTask-Less fMRI: The Phenomenon of Intrinsic Signal FluctuationsTBSS May Be Sub-Optimal for Detection of DTI Parameter Changes in Crossing Fiber RegionsTBSS Result Variations: Is the Analysis Dependent on the Fitting Algorithm?Technical Aspects - How to Do ItTechnical Challenges to DetectionTechnical Feasibility of Two-Component T2* Mapping on Cartilages in Human Knee with 54-TE AcquisitionsTechnical Foundations: How is It Done? - Jerosch-HeroldTechnical Foundations: How is It Done? - SimonettiTechnical Foundations: How is It Done? - WestenbergTechnique Development for Accurate Whole Brain White Matter and Lesion Myelin Water Fraction Analysis for Multiple Sclerosis Using Multi-Component T2 RelaxometryTechniques for Evaluating Right Ventricle & Pulmonary ArteriesTechniques to Image Cardiac FunctionTechnology Development for Sub-0.3 Mm Voxel Functional Imaging of the Murine Forepaw Barrel Subfield at 400MHz (9.4T)Temperature and Perfusion Monitoring During RF Heating of the Human Calf MuscleTemplate Matching Can Accurately Track Tumor Motion in Cine MRI Images from Lung Cancer PatientsTemporal Acceleration MethodsTemporal Acceleration MethodsTemporal Changes in Lower-Lumber Spinal Cord in EAE MouseTemporal Changes in Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the mdx MouseTemporal Changes of Cerebral Blood Perfusion and Diffusion Kurtosis Parameters in the Thalamus Following Mild Traumatic Brain InjuryTemporal Diffusion Differences Between Slow-Twitch and Fast-Twitch Skeletal Muscle Following Mild ExerciseTemporal Dynamics of Distributed Brain Networks in SchizophreniaTemporal Phase Transition Via Fractional Wave Cycle TR in MR ElastographyTemporal Processing of fMRI Data Induces Functional Correlations and Potentially Alters Functional ActivationsTemporal Susceptibility Variations with Multi-Echo Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)Temporal Unwrapping of Highly Wrapped Multi-Echo Phase Images at Ultra-High Field: UMPIRETemporally Quasi-Stable Spatial Configurations in fMRI Reveal Scale-Free Dynamics Similar to That of EEG MicrostatesTensor-Based Morphometry as a Sensitive Biomarker of Alzheimer’s Disease Neuropathology in a Tau Transgenic MouseTesting Whether the Brain Flow-Metabolism Coupling Ratio Is the Same for Two Different Stimulus Responses Without a Calibration ExperimentTest-Retest Reliability in Fibre Orientation Distribution (FOD) Measurements in HARDI DataTest-Retest Reliability of Brain Volume MeasurementsTest-Retest Reliability of Computational Network Metrics Derived from the Structural Connectome of the Human BrainTest-Retest Reproducibility of T1rho Mapping in Brain at 3TTextural Analysis of Echo-Planar Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Improves Preoperative Characterisation of Suspected Thyroid TumoursThalamic Parcellation Based on Probabilistic Neocortical Connections in a Neonatal PopulationThalamic Relay of Frequency-Specific EEG Scalp Field MapsThe 30-Second Time-Of-Flight Exam: Improving Image Quality with Modern Acceleration MethodsThe Altered Value-Based Intrinsic Network and Its Association with Impulsive Behavior in Abstinent Heroin Dependent SubjectsThe American College of Radiology Imaging Network (ACRIN): Successes & FailuresThe Anisotropy of Myelin Magnetic SusceptibilityThe Anomalous Diffusion Parameter a Provides the Most Relevant Information of Structural Complexity in Heterogeneous MediaThe Application of Accelerated Functional Connectivity Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Study the Higher Frequency Band Resting State Functional Connectivity (R-fcMRI) and the Improvement for the Individual R-fcMRI RepeatabilityThe Association of Femoral Neck Stress Fractures with Femoral Acetabular ImpingementThe BasicsThe BOLD Effect & Its Use for Detecting Brain Activity±±±The Brain Stress TestThe C57BL/6 Mouse Exhibits Sporadic Congenital Portosystemic ShuntsThe CEST Effect of Guanidine and Hydroxyl Protons Can Be Used as a Positive Contrast in IschemiaThe Characteristics of Amide Proton Transfer MR Imaging of Human Brain TumorsThe Choice of Arterial Input Function in Perfusion-Weighted MR Imaging - Size Matters in Terms of Saturation-Like EffectsThe Clinical Use of Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Oncological BiomarkersThe Comparison of Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion MRI and DCE-MRI in Bone Metastasis from Prostate CancerThe Comparison Study of ASL and DCE MRI for Renal Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) MappingThe CONNECT Brain Atlas of White Matter MicrostructureThe Contribution of Cerebellar White Matter Damage to Cortical Grey Matter: Evidence from Voxel Based Morphometry and Diffusion ImagingThe Correlation of Ventricular Arrhythmias in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and the Late Gadolinium Enhancement on Cardiac Magnetic ResonanceThe Cortical Architecture Presentation of Visual System Functional SelectivityThe Degree of Temporal Complexity in Resting State FMRI: A Potentially New Metric for Functional Studies in Alzheimer’s Disease.The Diagnostic Value of 3D-FLAIR MRI After Intratympanic Administration of Gd-DTPA in Meniere's DiseaseThe Diffusion / Perfusion Mismatch HypothesisThe Dose Response of the Developing Mouse Brain After Cranial Irradiation Varies by Brain StructureThe Dual Purpose CAPTAIN (Cardiac Adult / Pediatric Torso Assembly for in-vivo Imaging)The Dual-IR Sequence Improves the Inter-Observer Correlation in Post-Ablation Atrial Scar Size Measurements Compared to the Traditional IR Sequence.The Dynamically Changing Default-Mode Network Functional Connectivity After Concussion in SportsThe Effect of Bone Marrow Edema-Like Lesions on Knee Articular Cartilage Laminar MR Relaxation TimeThe Effect of Coil Types and GRAPPA Acceleration in HARDI and Probabilistic FibertrackingThe Effect of Compressed Sensing Reconstruction on the Spatial Resolution of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging.The Effect of Cryoprotection on the Use of PLGA Encapsulated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Magnetic Cell LabelingThe Effect of Haematocrit Levels and Arrival Times on ASL Measures in Neonates.The Effect of Increasing Concentrations of Intracranial Albumin on Fluid Flow Rates Within Adjacent White Matter Tracts in RatsThe Effect of Iodinated Contrast Media on Glomerular Filtration as Evaluated with Dynamic 3D-MR RenographyThe Effect of Iodinated Contrast Media on the Renal GFR as Evaluated by ASL MRIThe Effect of Magnet Flanges on Eddy Current PredictionsThe Effect of Maternal Smoking on Placental Blood Flow Assessed Using IVIMThe Effect of Opening Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy on Patellar Cartilage Using DGEMRIC Score as an Indicator of Cartilage HealthThe Effect of Preterm Birth on Cortico-Cortical Connectivity: The Preterm ConnectomeThe Effect of the Selection of Measured Tissue and Assumed Constant T1 Values on the Measurement of T1rho in Patients with Minimal and Severe Osteoarthritis (OA) at 3.0T MR SystemThe Effects of Altered Hemodynamics on Measurements of Functional Connectivity Following Ischemic StrokeThe Effects of Receive Field Contrast on Motion-Corrected EPI Time Series: A Simulation of a 32 Channel Receive ArrayThe Effects of Region of Interest Errors on Estimates of Whole-Body Tumour Volume and ADC in Patients with Bone Metastases.The Electrical Basis of Dynamic Functional Connectivity Measured with Sliding Window Correlation.The European Experience with Multi-Center Breast MR TrialsThe Evaluation of Cardiac Function - Unmet NeedsThe Evolution in the MR-Based BiomarkerThe Fate of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate During Substrate Competition Reveals Increased Bicarbonate as a Potential Biomarker for Decreased Fatty Acid OxidationThe Feasibility of Phosphorus-31 SWIFT and ZTE Dental MRIThe Fixation Protocol Alters Brain Morphology in ex-vivo MRI Mouse PhenotypingThe Flexible Triggered Segmentation Optimizes Thoracic ECG-Gated Contrast Enhanced MR AngiographyThe Genealogy of ARVD - A Review of the Development of Guidelines for the Diagnosis of Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular DysplasiaThe Hanes-Woolf Linear QUEST Method Provides the Most Accurate Determination of Fast Chemical Exchange Rates for CEST MRI Contrast AgentsThe Human Connectome Project: Advances in Diffusion MRI Acquisition and PreprocessingThe Impact of Chronic Exercise on Cardiac Function in PEPCK-Cmus Mice Characterized by DENSE MRIThe Impact of Dissolved Oxygen in Blood on Hyperoxia-Based BOLD CalibrationThe Impact of Dixon Fat Suppression on Liver T1 and DCE Perfusion QuantificationThe Impact of Uncertainty in Nonlinear Temperature Dependent Constitutive Parameters on Predictive Computer Modeling of MRgLITT ProceduresThe Increased Detectivity of Punctate White Matter Lesions in Neonatal Brains by Using Three-Dimensional High Spatial Resolution T1 Weighted ImagesThe Influence of Chemical Shift Displacement on 1H MRS Quantitation at 3T Using a Simulated Basis SetThe Influence of Image Registration and Segmentation Error on Functional MR RenographyThe Influence of Imaging Gradients in the Analysis of Diffusion Signals from Pulsed and Oscillating Gradient SequencesThe Influence of Macroscopic and Microscopic Fibre Orientation Dispersion on Diffusion MR Measurements: A Monte-Carlo Simulation StudyThe Influence of Perfusion Regime and T2 Relaxation on IVIM Imaging Parameter EstimationThe Influence of Vascular Morphology on DSC-MRI Derived Blood Volume Measurements in Brain TumorsThe Influences of Vertebral Level and Age on Perfusion Parameters of Thoracic-Lumbar Vertebral Marrow in Adults Using T1-Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhancement MRIThe Local Image Variance - A Tool to Facilitate the Differentiation Between Cerebral Lymphomas and High Grade Brain GliomasThe Longitudinal Relaxation Time of GABA in vivo at 3TThe Motion ProblemThe MRI Phenotype in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Is It Clinically Relevant?The Need for Better Imaging in EPThe Neuroanatomic Difference in Grey Matter Among Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive¨Ccompulsive Disorder and Social Anxiety DisorderThe New EU Proposal Vs. 2004/40/EC - An MR Exposure Data ComparisonThe Non-Linearity of CEST and MT Signal CombinationThe Optimizations of SEMAC-VAT Technique for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Total Knee Prosthesis: Comparison of 1.5T and 3T for Different Metal MaterialsThe Oxygenation in Different Funaki Types of Uterine Fibroids and Their Change After MR-HIFU Treatment: Evaluation with T2*The Pattern of Metabolic Heterogeneity in the Hippocampus by 3T Multi-Voxel Proton Spectroscopy in Alzheimer's Disease.The Porous System Model Suitable to Investigate the Structural Properties of the Cancellous Bone by Using Diffusion Techniques: Validation in Calcaneus and Femoral NeckThe Post-Treatment LiverThe Potential of High Resolution MR Imaging at 3 and 7 Tesla for Treatment Guidance of Early Glottic Carcinoma.The Potential Pitfalls and Image Artifacts in Integrated Whole-Body PET/MR ImagingThe Reciprocity Principle in NMR ReceptionThe Relationship Between Neurotransmitter Levels, BOLD Changes and Neural Oscillations in Primary Motor Cortex.The Relationship Between Short and Long Diffusion Time ADC Values in Rat Brain TumorsThe Repeatability of ADC and IVIM Metrics in the Liver: A Comparison of Free Breathing, Respiratory Triggered, and Breathhold TechniquesThe Robustness of DSC-PWI for Acute Stroke Imaging; Timing Is Everything: The Vanishing Perfusion Abnormality.The Role of Biological MR Imaging in the Treatment of Head & Neck CancerThe Role of MR in MS ManagementThe Role of Neurovascular Coupling in Stroke RecoveryThe Shear Modulus of the Nucleus Pulposus Measured Using MR Elastography: A Potential Biomarker for Intervertebral Disc DegenerationThe Sources of White Matter Lateralization Explored by Conjunction of Quantitative MRI MethodsThe Structural Connectome of the Human Brain in Agenesis of the Corpus CallosumThe Ultimate Local SAR in MRIThe Use of k-Means Clustering and Bayesian Inference Framework for the Processing of Vessel-Encoded P-CASL Images as Compared with Super-Selective P-CASL MRIThe Use of Appropriate Calibration Curves Can Correct the Systematic Differences Between Softwares in Hepatic R2* EstimationThe Usefulness of the Inflow Enhanced Inversion Recovery Fast Spin Echo (IFIR-FSE) for Supraaortic Artery ImagingThe Value of CMR Over Other Modalities in Clinical TrialsThe Value of Pre-Treatment Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging and Tumor Volume in the Prediction of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with Distant Metastasis - A Pilot StudyThe Value of Vessel-Encoded Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labelling (VEPCASL) in Perfusion Assessment of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations: Comparison with Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC)-MRIThe Venous Volume Portion Within Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Compared to Healthy Tissue - An Atlas Based ApproachThe Water Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, But Not T2, in ex vivo Brain Tissue Is Affected by Previous Exposure to Alkaline pHTheoretical and Practical Investigation of Acoustic Noise Level Reduction in Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin LabelingTheoretical Design of Shim Arrays with Irregular Coil GeometryTheoretical Evaluation of Ultrahigh Field Benefits to Non-Contrast Enhanced Renal Perfusion Imaging Using FAIR-EPITheragnostic Imaging of Micelle-Mediated Rosiglitazone Delivery to Atherosclerotic PlaquesTheranostic Probes for siRNA & MicroRNA TherapiesTherapeutic Blood Glucose Control Effects Cerebral Glycolysis Following Traumatic Brain InjuryTherapy Effects in Cerebral Folate Transport Deficiency with Hypomyelination Monitored by Multimodal Quantitative MR-ImagingThere’s More than Meets the Eye: Interpreting Your MR Images Using Molecular BiologyThermal Ablation Using Resistive Heating by MRI Steerable CatheterThermally Reversible Nanoparticle Aggregation: Modeling T2 Variation with TemperatureThin Slab Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin LabelingThree Approaches to Phantom Fluid Selection for Simultaneous PET/MR Hybrid ImagingThree Dimensional Fast Spin Echo Bloch-Siegert B1 Mapping with Navigator Based Phase Correction at 11.7TThree Dimensional Mapping of Oxidative Capacity in Human Lower Leg Muscles with Compressed Sensing 31P-MRIThree Dimensional Mapping of the Creatine Kinase Reaction Rate in Muscles of the Lower LegThree Dimensional Multi-Voxel Proton Hadamard Spectroscopic Imaging in the Human Brain at 3TThree Dimensional Myocardial T1 Mapping During Free-BreathingThree-Dimensional Cine Phase Contrast Image Can Replace Two-Dimensional Cine Phase Contrast MR Imaging for the Assessments of Pulmonary Artery Velocities and Their Related Parameters.Three-Dimensional Image-Based Navigator for 3D MR Coronary AngiographyThree-Dimensional Maximum Probabilistic Cerebellar Atlas of Young ChildrenThree-Dimensional MOLLI for Myocardial T1 Mapping Using Respiratory Navigation and Inversion Time GatingThree-Dimensional PO2 Mapping of Human Lungs in a Short Breath Hold Using Hyperpolarized Xenon-129Tight Neurovascular Coupling in Human Sensorimotor Cortex: A Combined ECoG and 7T BOLD fMRI ExperimentTilted 2D RF Excitation with Extended Slice Coverage for High-Resolution Reduced-FOV DWITime Correlation of EPI Versus Real-Time fMRI Time SeriesTime Dependence of the Diffusional Kurtosis in the Human Calf MuscleTime Efficient Determination of Spin Compartments by Time Encoded Arterial Spin LabelingTime of Arrival Enhanced 4D MRATime of Flight Magnetic Resonance Venography of the Internal Jugular Vein: Applicability to Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous InsufficiencyTime Resolved Coronary Vessel Wall MRI Using Phase-Sensitive DIR (TRAPD)Time to Peak Based Differentiation of Functional Placental Compartments in the Mouse ModelTime-Consistent Non-Rigid Motion Compensation for 3D DCE-MRI of the Entire LiverTime-Dependent Diffusion in Skeletal Muscle of Normal Controls and Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome PatientsTime-Of-Flight Angiography in Humans at 9.4TTime-Resolved In Vivo Cardiac Diffusion Tensor MRI of the Human HeartTime-Resolved Non-Contrast Enhanced 4-D Dynamic MRA Using Multi-Bolus TrueFISP Based Spin Tagging with Alternating Radiofrequency (True-STAR)Time-Resolved Nonenhanced QISS MR Angiography Using a Golden Angle Radial Trajectory and HYPRTiming of the Interstitial Post-Gadolinium Phase for T1 Imaging of Focal Liver Lesions: What Is the Incremental Benefit of 3 and 5 Minute Phases Over 2 Minutes?Tips & Tricks for Pelvic ImagingTissue Border Enhancement by Inversion Recovery AcquisitionTissue Cell Fraction (TCF) from Quantitative Sodium MR Imaging Does Not Change with Age in Cognitively Normal SubjectsTissue Cell Fraction (TCF) from Quantitative Sodium MR Imaging Measures Real-Time Tumor Response to Fractionated Radiation TherapyTissue Expansion Maps (TEMs) Derived from Nonlinear Registration of Serial 3D MR Scans as an Imaging Biomarker for Detecting Brain Tumor Invasion and Quantifying Tumor Response to TherapyTissue Redox Activity as a Sensing Platform for Imaging of Cancer Based on Nitroxide Redox CycleTissue Thermal Property TomographyTitle: a Novel Method for Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Soft Viscoelastic Materials and Comparison to Magnetic Resonance Elastography.To Investigate the Deep-Gray Nuclei Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Fltered Phase Shift in Patients with Wilson's DiseaseTo Investigate the Motion Artifact of Diffusion Weighted MRI in ParotidTo Scan or Not to Scan? MR Safety Decision Making & the FPO ModeTonotopic Columns and Cortical Depth Dependent Modulations in Human A1: Preliminary Results.Toward a Hyperpolarized C13 Metabolic Imaging of Human Brain at 3TToward an Improved Quantification of Adipose Tissue Components: T1 Assessment in Morbidly Obese, Non-Obese NAFLD and Healthy Lean Subjects at 1.5 TToward Direct Detection of Neuronal Magnetic Fields Using MRI: Local and Three-Dimensional Mapping of Somatosensory Evoked Fields in the Rat BrainToward Rapid Macromolecular Pool Size Mapping Via Selective Inversion RecoveryTowards a Connectome Mapping Pipeline for Neonates Using High-Resolution MP2RAGE and DTITowards a More Quantitative Physiological Analysis: Comprehensive Kinetic Modeling of Pyruvate Metabolism in Tumors Via Co-Injection of Hyperpolarized 13C Pyruvate and Urea in Combination with Measurement of Arterial Input FunctionsTowards a Super-Resolution CONNECT/ARCHI Atlas of the White Matter ConnectivityTowards Clinical Robustness in 3D Abdominal Water/Fat ImagingTowards Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancers by CA 19-9 Conjugated Magnetic Nanoparticles and Active Feedback MRITowards Improving Predictive Capabilities of MR-ARFI for Transcranial Focused Ultrasound TherapyTowards MRI Differentiation of Recurring Tumor from Delayed Radiation NecrosisTowards Myocardial T2* Mapping at 7.0 T: Assessment and Implications of Static Magnetic Fields VariationsTowards Probabilistic Atlases of the T1/T2 Relaxation Times from the CONNECT/ARCHI DatabaseTowards Real-Time 3D Phase-Contrast Flow MRITowards Real-Time Metabolic and Molecular Imaging of Cancer by Three Different Modalities of HyperpolarizationTowards Real-Time SAR Measurement with MR ThermometryTowards Simultaneous PET/MR Breast Imaging: Systematic Evaluation and Integration of an RF Breast CoilTowards Spinal Cord Microstructure Mapping with the Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density ImagingTowards the Contrast Mechanism of Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) in Tumors at 9.4TTowards the Implementation of Hyperpolarized, Functionalized Silicon Nanoparticles as in vivo Colorectal Molecular Imaging AgentsTowards the Investigation of Breast Tumor Malignancy Via Electric Conductivity MeasurementTowards Theranostics of Rheumatoid Arthritis: 1H/19F Imaging of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Hand and Wrist at 7 TeslaTowards Ultimate SNR: Combination of a Multi-Element TX/RX Dipole Antenna Array with Nested and Meander Shaped RX Dipole Antenna at 7.0 TeslaTOWERS: T-One with Enhanced Robustness and SpeedToxicityTracer 101Tracking 4T1-PiPSCs Homing to Primary and Metastatic Tumor with MRITracking of Labelled Stem Cells After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Serial, in vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging StudyTract Specific Analysis Reveals the Impact of Childhood Manganese Exposure on the Corpus CallosumTractographic Threshold-Free Cluster Enhancement: Whole-Brain Statistical Analysis of Diffusion MRI Measures in the Presence of Crossing FibresTractography and Connectivity Analysis with the TractoR Software PackageTractography from Regularized High Resolution Rs-EPI Diffusion Weighted ImagingTractography of the Neurovascular Bundles of the Prostate with Zoom DTI Technique: Preliminary ReportTractography with Physiology Rendering of Human Brain Using Diffusion Basis Spectrum ImagingTractography-Based Voxel-Wise Analysis (TBVA): A New Approach for Detecting White Matter Abnormalities in Clinical PopulationsTranscallosal Connectivity Changes in Rodent Visual Cortex Following Monocular Enucleation or Light Deprivation: An MEMRI StudyTransendocardial Therapeutic-Delivery Using Real-Time MRI GuidanceTransfer Function of the Resting State: A Novel Approach to Assess Optic NeuritisTransient Effects in Arterial CBV QuantificationTransient Synchronising Sub-Networks Within Large Scale NetworksTransmit Array with Novel Shield and Fabrication Technique for Reducing Losses at UHFTransmit ArraysTransmit Strategies for Body Imaging at 3T - Comparing Multitransmit and Dielectric ShimmingTransmit-Only Receive-Only Operation of a Switch-Tuned 13C-1H Radiofrequency Coil for Improved in Vivo 13C SpectroscopyTransperineal Prostate Cryoablation Under MR-GuidanceTransverse Relaxation Mapping of Nigrostriatal Damage in Early Stage Parkinson’s DiseaseTreatment Effect on Delay in Growth of Superior Frontal Lobe in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaTreatment Efficacy of FTY720 on Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Mice Assessed by in vivo Diffusion Basis Spectrum ImagingTreatment of Staphylococcus Aureus Induced Abscesses Via Magnetic Resonance Guided Focused UltrasoundTreatment Response Monitoring in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Association of Total Choline with Receptor Status: A Feasibility Study Using Serial 3D High-Speed MR Spectroscopic Imaging and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR ImaTrial-By-Trial Global Modulation of BOLD Responses to Simple, Sensory Stimuli: Implications for Functional Brain Imaging and Understanding Positive and Negative BOLD Response CouplingTrimodality Detection of Magnetic Megaparticles for Simultaneous Tracking of a Large Number of Primary Human Cells Assembled in Collagen MatricesTriple Echo Steady State (TESS) RelaxometryTriple-Quantum Filtered Chlorine Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human BrainTRIPLET: Transmit and Receive Fields Reconstruction from a Single Low-Tip-Angle Gradient-Echo Scan.True T1 Mapping with SMART1Map: A Comparison with MOLLITumor Angiogenesis Correlates with Metastasis in Human Prostate Cancer: An Arterial Spin-Labeling MRI StudyTumor Blood Flux Quantification Using Flow Enhanced MRI and Comparison with HistologyTumor Energy MetabolismTumor Lipid MetabolismTumor MetabolismTumor 'OmicsTumor pH and Vascularity in Human Prostate Cancer ModelsTumor PhysiologyTumor Stiffness Dependency on Tissue Viability as Measured Using MR Elastography (MRE)Tumor Vasculature & PerfusionTumors Established with Glioma Cells Transfected with the Gene mms6 Produce a Strong Increase in Transverse Relaxivity in VivoTumour Leakage Characterized Using a Novel Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI Model Correlates with Tumour Interstitial SpaceTunable Manganese Porphyrin as Gd-Free T1 Contrast Agents for Broad ApplicationsTungsten Alloy Based Heavy Metals in Ammunition and Armament May Cause Metabolic Disturbances: A Urinary Metabolomic ApproachTuning Histidine Proton Exchange Rates for CEST Contrast Through Peptide DesignTurbo Spin Echo O-Space: Avoiding Artifacts and Enhancing ContrastTurbo-QUASAR: A Signal-To-Noise Optimal Arterial Spin Labeling and Sampling StrategyTwo Anesthetics, Two Completely Different Connectivity ResultsTwo Component System for MR/optical Image-Guided Delivery and Cell Surface Targeting of HER2(+) Cancer Cells.Two-Component T2* Mapping on Knee Patients: Preliminary ResultsTwo-Dimensional J-Resolved LASER Spectroscopy of Human Brain at 3TTwo-Dimensional Semi-LASER Correlated Spectroscopy with Well-Maintained Cross-PeaksTwo-Frequency Irradiation of the pH-Dependent Amide Proton Transfer Effect in a Clinical Scanner:simulation and ExperimentTwo-Scan Multiple Echo Diffusion Tensor Acquisition Technique on a 3T Clinical Scanner with Application to Skeletal MuscleTypical Patterns of Myelin Neurodevelopment and Cognitive Abilities in Babies and ToddlersUltra High-Field (7T) Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) in People with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)Ultra-Fast Dynamic MRI for Lung Tumor Tracking Based on Compressed SensingUltra-Fast fMRI Reveals High-Frequency Fluctuations in Response to Neuronal DischargesUltrafast High-Resolution NMR Spectroscopy Through Indirect Zero-Quantum Coherence Detection in Inhomogeneous FieldsUltrafast ImagingUltrafast Non-Contrast Enhanced 4D Dynamic MRA with 3D Stack-Of-Stars Golden Angle Radial Acquisition and KWIC ReconstructionUltra-Fast One-Shot Z Spectrum AcquisitionUltra-Fast Selective RF Pulse Design for Parallel Transmission Using Pre-Calculated Base PulsesUltrafast Single Shot Imaging with Rotating Nonlinear FieldsUltra-Fast T2 Mapping of Multiple Sclerosis Pathology in Early DiseaseUltra-Fast Variable Density Spiral Imaging Technique Using Multiscale CORNOL ReconstructionUltra-High Field MR: High-Resolution NeuroanatomyUltra-High Field MR: Multi-Nuclear ImagingUltra-High-Field 7T in Vivo Normative Atlas of the Hippocampal Subfields Using Susceptibility Weighted ImagingUltrahigh-Resolution 0.11x0.11mm MR Imaging of the Intracranial Atherosclerotic Vessel Wall at 7.0 TeslaUltra-High-Resolution Imaging of the Human Brain at 9.4 T Using K-Space Weighted AcquisitionUltra-Low-Field MRI Noise Suppression Using a Data Consistency ConstraintUltrashort Echo Time (UTE) 3D MRI of Lungs in Healthy Subjects at 3 Tesla: Assessment of Lung Tissue DensityUltrashort Echo Time (UTE) Bi-Component Analysis of Bound and Free Water in Cortical Bone - A Field Dependence StudyUltrashort Echo Time (UTE) Imaging with a Time Frame Regularized Compressive Sensing (TF-CS)Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging (UTE) of the Extensor and Flexor Tendons in Bovine LegsUltrashort Echo Time Magnetization Transfer (UTE-MT) Imaging of MeniscusUltra-Short Echo Time MRI of the LungUltrashort TE MRI for Free-Breathing Imaging of the Rodent LungUMMDiffusion: An OsiriX Plug-In for ADC and IVIM Analysis in Clinical RoutineUncertainties of Local SAR Determination in Parallel Transmission MRIUnconstrained Cross-Network Directional Interactions in SchizophreniaUndersampled 3D UTE FID Sequences: Cones Vs. PRUndersampled Spectroscopic Imaging with Model-Based ReconstructionUndersampled Variable-Density 3D Non-Cartesian Trajectories and L1-SPIRiT for Whole-Heart Coronary MR AngiographyUnderstanding Gradients from an EM Perspective: (Gradient Linearity, Eddy Currents, Maxwell Terms & Peripheral Nerve Stimulation)Understanding Socio-Behavioral Changes in Adolescents with Traumatic Brain Injury Using FMRIUnexpected Lateral Asymmetry in TSE Image Contrast Explained: Tissues with Short T2 Show Extreme Sensitivity to B1 InhomogeneityUngated Cine First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion Imaging for Simultaneous Detection of Wall Motion and Perfusion AbnormalitiesUniform and Broadband 31P MRSI Combined with 1H MRSI in the Human Prostate Using a Double Tuned Quadrature Endorectal CoilUniform and Reproducible ADC Measurement on LiverUniform Bilateral Breast MRI at 7T with Dual Transmit and 30-Channel ReceiveUniform Extended FOV MR Imaging and High B1 MRSI of the Prostate at 7 Tesla Using Active DecouplingUniform Spinning Sampling Gradient Electron Paramagnetic Resonance ImagingUniform-MT CEST to Isolate GagCEST Contrast from Asymmetric MT Effects: First in vivo Study on Human Knees at 7 TUnifying Compressed-Sensing Reconstruction Framework for Multidimensional MRI: Combining Novel Dictionary Models with Frame-Based Sparsity and Flexible Undersampling SchemesUnilateral 8ch Receiver Array for Ultra High Resolution Time-Resolved 3D CE-MRA of the HandUnilateral Hearing Loss in Children Affects Development of the Default Mode NetworkUnsupervised Brain Tumor Tissue Differentiation Based on MRSI with Correction for the Chemical Shift Displacement ArtifactUpper Airway ImagingUreteral Peristalsis with 3D Spiral Data Reconstructed at 4 Frames Per SecondUse of "Dark Modes" in a Loop + Dipole Array to Reduce SAR in 7T C-Spine ImagingUse of Deformable Registration for Quantification of Cardiac Perfusion in Patients with ArrhythmiaUse of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI (DCEMRI) for Evaluation of Bone ViabilityUse of Hyperpolarized 13C-MRS to Monitor Tumor Response to Sorafenib Treatment, in Comparison with Diffusion Weighted-MRI.Usefulness of Parameters Derived from Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Data – Comparison of Two Methods in Patients with Proven Prostate CarcinomaUsefulness of Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling for Head and Neck Squamous Cell CarcinomaUsefulness of the WiiTM Remote Controller for Image Manipulation of MR-Endoscope SystemUsing [1-13C]lactic Acid for Hyperpolarized 13C Cardiac StudiesUsing in-vivo Human Brain Data to Select Diffusion MRI Compartment ModelsUsing a Simple Thermal Model to Correct Errors in PRFS MR Thermometry Due to Heat-Induced Tissue Susceptibility ChangesUsing ASL MRI to Measure Perfusion and Arrival Time in Patients with Frontotemporal Lobar DegenerationUsing Atrophy as a Marker of Disease Severity to Understand the Evolution of DTI Changes in Alzheimer's DiseaseUsing Edited MRS to Reveal Extra MetabolitesUsing Ellipsoidal Microshells to Generate Multispectral ContrastUsing Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling to Estimate the Functional Connectivity Networks from CBF and BOLD Signals Simultaneously Measured by ASL MRIUsing Extended Phase Graphs: Review and ExamplesUsing Magnetization Transfer Contrast as a Surrogate Marker for the Occurrence of a Foreign Body Reaction in Hydrogel-Based Cell TherapyUsing MR Thermometry for SAR Verification in Local PTX ApplicationsUsing MRI to Assess Brain Pathology in Multiple SclerosisUsing MRI to Quantify Forebrain Development of a Common Neurobehavioral Animal Model, the Zebrafish (Danio Rerio), Reared in Different ConditionsUsing MRI to Track SPIO-Labeled Effector and Regulatory Immune Cells in a Cancer ModelUsing Paired Tissue and Serum Samples to Characterize Human Lung Cancer Metabolomics with ex vivo 1H HRMAS MRSUsing Proton MRSI to Predict Response to Vorinostat Treatment in Recurrent GBMUsing Second Order Statistic Analysis of Images to Quantify and Optimize Parallel Acquisition Strategies for 3He MRI of Human LungUsing Spatio-Temporal Duality for Memory-Efficient Non-Uniform Fourier Transformation with Field CorrectionUsing T2-Exchange from Dy3+DOTA-Based Chelates for Contrast-Enhanced Molecular Imaging with MRIUsing the Null Point Imaging to Improve Cortical Lesion Detection in MSUsing Volumetric Measures of Neuroanatomy to Cluster Multiple Mouse Models of Autism.UTE MRI and Biomechanical Properties of Normal and Pathologic Human MenisciUtility of DSC-MRI Indices as Predictors of Cerebral Perfusion Changes After Carotid Angioplasty with StentingUtility of Flat Panel Detector CT (FPD-CT) in Perfusion Assessment of Brain Arteriovenous MalformationsUtility of Intra-Procedural Gadoxetate Disodium Administration During MRI-Guided Laser Ablation of Hepatic Metastases: Experience with 47 Treated LesionsUtilization of a BSSFP Signal Model for Improved Fat/Water Decomposition in BSSFP Breast ImagingValidation of 3D Multi-Contrast Black Blood Sequences with Large Coverage for One-Stop Neurovascular ScreeningValidation of 4D Flow Shunt Fractions (Qp/Qs) with 2D-PC in Patients with Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous ReturnValidation of a Clinical Protocol for DTI of Articular Cartilage in Whole Knee Specimen Using a New Method for One-To-One Correlation of DTI with HistologyValidation of a Convex Relaxation Approach for Field Map EstimationValidation of Atherosclerotic Plaque Composition and Structure at 7T and 3T MRIValidation of Cerebral Blood Volume Quantification in Humans by Rapid Steady State T1 MRIValidation of Effectiveness of Multi-Parametric Endorectal MR Image Features for Prostate Cancer Detection and Correlation with Gleason ScoreValidation of Hyperpolarized 13C Lactate as a Prostate Cancer Biomarker Using a Human Prostate Tissue Slice Culture BioreactorValidation of Quantitative Bound and Pore Water Imaging in Cortical BoneValidation of Real Time MR Imaging Using Pressure-Volume LoopsValidation of Susceptibility Mapping for Quantification of Iron in Subcortical Grey Matter in Multiple SclerosisValidation of Two-Compartment Inversion Recovery (TCIR) MRI in a Multimodal Animal StudyValidation Study of ESUR Prostate MR Guidelines 2012: The Significance of Different Sequences of Multi-Parameter MRI in Detection of Prostate Cancer in 106 Consecutive PatientsValue of 2D Phase Contrast-MRI for Investigation of Facial Hemodynamic: Preliminary Result in a Face Allograph WomanValue of Contrast-Enhanced MRA of the Peripheral Arteries at 3T: Results of a Large European Multicenter Trial Comparing Gadoterate Meglumine-MRA to Gadobutrol-MRA with DSAValue of High Field Dependent Transverse Relaxation Increase for Increasing Iron Specificity in Human BrainValue of Independent Flip Angle Mapping for Transverse Relaxometry with Stimulated Echo CompensationValue of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Preoperative Staging of Uterine Cervical Carcinoma: Correlate with FIGO 2009Value of Wholebody 18F-FDG PET/MRI in the Diagnosis Liver Metastases in Comparison to PET/CTValve Opening and Closing Kinematic Assessment in Patients with Aortic StenosisValvular Heart DiseaseVariability Analyses of Track Density ImagingVariability in Distribution of fMRI BOLD Response Linked to Prestimulus Alpha Power in Simultaneously-Acquired EEGVariability of CBF Calibration Using Venous Output Function in DSC-MRI of Rat BrainsVariability of Regurgitation Fraction Values by MRI According to the Flow Quantification MethodVariable Delay Pulse Train for Fast CEST and NOE-CEST MRIVariable Flip Angle Balanced SSFP for Low SAR Cardiac Cine ImagingVariation of Lamellar Layer Thickness in Human Menisci on Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) Imaging: Correlation with Indentation StiffnessVariation of Myelin Water Fraction as a Function of TRVariegation in the Adolescent Cortical Folding Pattern in Preterm and Control PopulationsVarying Frequencies of Flickering Checkerboard in Anisometropic Amblyopes: An fMRI StudyVascular 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and -MRIVisualization of Hysteresis in Passive Time-Dependent Responses of Skeletal Muscle in vivo by Using DTIVisualization of Pulsatile CSF Motion Separated by Membrane-Like Structure Based on Four-Dimensional Phase-Contrast (4D-PC) Velocity MappingVisualization of Therapeutic Angiogenesis by a Polymer-Based Magnetic Resonance Contrast AgentVOI-Based Fourier Transform Method for Rapid Partial Calculation of B0 Maps from Sparse Susceptibility DistributionsVolume & Surface CoilsVolumetric Brain Changes Following Standardized Dynamic Enrichment of MiceVolumetric Brain Temperature Monitoring with the MASTER Sequence: Multiple Adjacent Slice Thermometry with Excitation RefocusingVolumetric Changes in the Monkey Cerebral Cortex Following Prolonged Voluntary Ethanol DrinkingVolumetric Effects of Hormonal Contraceptives and Menstrual Cycle Phase in the Fusiform Gyrus: A VBM StudyVolumetric Measurement of Human Brain T1 in vivo Using Pulsed Pseudo Random Amplitude ModulationVolumetric MR 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Displaying 1 - 5 of 7
Author:Yin Wu Na Zhang Fan Yang Yucheng Chen Yiu-Cho Chung
Session:Cardiac Function & Diffusion
Author:Changjun Tie Chao Zou Mengyue He Wensha Guo Yiu-Cho Chung Xin Liu
Session:Thermotherapy & Thermometry
Author:Chao Zou Wensha Guo Xin Liu Yiu-Cho Chung
Session:Sequences & Applications
Author:Lei Zhang Qing Zhai Na Zhang XiaoXin Tong Xin Liu Yiu-Cho Chung
Session:Vessel Wall & Coronary Angiography
Author:Mengyue He Chao Zou Changjun Tie Wensha Guo Yiu-Cho Chung Xin Liu
Session:Thermotherapy & Thermometry A