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Displaying 36 - 40 of 3291
Author:Trevor Wade Hyla Allouche-Arnon Lanette Friesen Waldner Charles A. Mckenzie Kundan Thind Alexei Ouriadov Albert Chen J. Moshe Gomori Rachel Katz-Brull
Session:Studies of Metabolism Using Hyperpolarized 13C
Author:Benjamin Lemasson Samuel Valable Régine Farion Alexandre Krainik Chantal Rémy Emmanuel L. Barbier
Session:DSC, Oxygenation & Reactivity
Author:Sonal Josan Jae Mo Park Yi-Fen Yen Ralph Hurd Adolf Pfefferbaum Daniel Spielman Dirk Mayer
Session:Studies of Metabolism Using Hyperpolarized 13C - Metabolism
Author:Anh Tu Van Samantha J. Holdsworth Roland Bammer
Session:Acquisition for Microstructural Imaging
Author:Nelly A. Volland Eugene G. Kholmovski J. Rock Hadley Dennis L. Parker
Session:Thermotherapy & Thermometry