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Runge, Val M.
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γ-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Modulates Functional Connectivity Network Strength in Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder
a7 Nicotinic Receptor Mediation of CNS Inflammatory Response Examined by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Bioluminescence Imaging
avß3 -Targeted Nanoemulsions for Tumor Angiogenesis Phenotyping with MRI and NIRF Imaging
The ?K
DCE-MRI Parameter Provides Early Prediction of Soft-Tissue Sarcoma Therapy Response: Initial Experience
‘Functional Muscle-Bone Unit’ in Osteoporotic Patients
‘Mycolates and Phenolic Glycolipids as Biomarker for Tubercular Ascites’ : A Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Approach
‘Real Time’ Identification of the Sentinel Lymph Node in Breast Cancer Using Dynamic MRI Sequences Following Subcutaneous Injection with Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles
The 1.28 Ppm Signal – a Translational Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Marker for Neurogenesis?
1.5T and 7T MR Spectroscopy of Tissue Specific Changes in Ectopic Fat Content in Response to Exercise Training in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: The ATLAS-Study
A 13 Channel 3 Tesla Shoulder Coil on a Domed Conformable Former
C-Labelling and Non-Invasive Detection of Glutathione in Human Liver
A 15-Channel Receive Array and 16 Channel Detunable Transmit Coil for Human Brain Imaging at 9.4T
A 16-Channel Conformal Transceive Coil for 7-T Neuroimaging
19F-MRI: Flow Measurement of Fluorinated Gases During High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation
1D RF Phase Gradient Coil for TRASE RF Imaging
H MRS and Hyperpolarised
C MRS Assays of Pyruvate-Lactate Exchange in SW1222 Cancer Cells
In Vitro
1H MRS and MRI Longitudinal Study to Detect Therapeutic Response in Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Patients
H MRS at 7T Demonstrates a Strong Correlation Between Stimulus-Induced ?-Frequency in the Visual Cortex and the Glutamine/GABA Ratio.
H MRS in Mild Cognitive Impairment: What Are We Measuring, and How Good Are We at It?
H MRS Methodology, Dietary Effects and Impact of Surgical Stress on Hepatic Lipids in NAFLD Animal Models
H MRS of Pancreatic Juice: An MRS-Based Diagnostic Approach for the Detection of Pancreatic Cancer
H MRS Provides Evidence of Altered Frontal Cortex GABA and Glutamate-Glutamine in Schizophrenia in Vivo
H MRS Study on Neurospheres of Cancer Stem Cells from Human Glioblastoma Multiforme Shows the Presence of Markers of Both Glial and Neuronal Morphology
1H MRS Temperature Calibrations in Tissue-Equivalent Gel Phantoms Show Dependence on Macromolecular Concentration
H Relaxation Properties of Achilles Tendons Measured by 3D-UTE at 3T and 7T: A Feasibility Study
H SPECIAL-MRSI at Ultra-Short TE: Improved Metabolite Detection for Multiple Voxels in Human Brain at 3T
F Large Coverage Homogeneous Transmit Coil with Dedicated Multi-Element Receive Coils.
A 1H-31P Array Coil for Human Brain Spectroscopy at 3 T
A 1H-31P Array Coil for Human Brain Spectroscopy at 3T
H-MRS Can Be Used to Investigate Creatine Metabolism in Multiple Organs Within a Single Examination in the Mouse
1H-MRS Detects Differences of Carnosine Profile in Skeletal Muscle of Rats Fed with High-Fat and Placebo Diets
H-MRS Profiling of the Developing Rat Brain
A 1H-MRS Study of the Auditory Cortex in Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
A 20 Coil Array System for Parallel Imaging-Accelerated Multiple Mouse MRI
Na Chemical Shift Imaging of Myocardial Edema
Na MRI of the Human Kidney at 3T: Improving Image Quality by Different Image Filters
2D Diffusion Weighted Chemical Shift Imaging of Brain Metabolites at 7T
2D Image-Based Respiratory Motion Estimation for Free-Breathing Coronary MRA
2D Multi-Slice Quantitative Myelin Water Imaging at 3T
2D RF Pulses with Rotating Read Out Direction for Increased FOV with Elevated Central SNR
3.0 T Breast Diffusion Weighted MRI Using Readout Segmented EPI: Comparison with Single Shot EPI
30 Channel Unilateral Breast Coil for Ultra High Resolution MRI at 7T
A 30-Channel Phased Array for Oxygen-17 (
O) Brain MRI at 7 Tesla
P MRS at 7T Can Be More Sensitive and Specific Than
H MRS in Monitoring Breast Cancer Treatment.
31P MRS at 7T Shows a Relation Between the Alkaline PH Compartment Content Compared to Phosphocreatine Recovery Kinetics at 1.5T
Measurement Using ISIS with Simultaneously Measured Spin-Echo and Stimulated-Echo (ISIS-SSESTE)
A 32-Channel Parallel Exciter/Amplifier Transmit System for 7T Imaging
32-Channel Receive Only Array for Cardiac Imaging at 7T
He and
H MR Imaging of Regional Pulmonary Injury Induced by Ozone
3D Angiography with Psuedo Continous Arterial Spin Labeling(PCASL) and Accelerated 3D Radial Acquisition
3D Aortic Blood Flow in Patients with Marfan Syndrome: Changes in Hemodynamics and Correlation with Aortic Geometry
3D Aortic Motion Estimation for Image-Guided Intervention
3D Cartesian Volumetric Liver Perfusion MRI with High Temporal and Isotropic Spatial Resolution
3D Cine Phase-Contrast MRI of Flow Patterns and Turbulent Kinetic Energy in Patient-Specific Models of Carotid Disease Under in Vivo Mimicking Flow Conditions
3D DIR: 3D Double Inversion Recovery in Multiple Sclerosis
3D Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Imaging of Liver at 250ms Temporal Resolution
A 3D Eddy Current Model for the Prediction of Geometric Image Distortions in Stejkal-Tanner Diffusion Weighted EPI
3D Fast Spin Echo Novel View Ordering for Variable TE
3D FLAIR-ED: 3D Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery for Enhanced Detection of Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis
3D Flow-Dephased Fast Spin Echo for MR Neurography: A Feasibility Study
3D GABA Spectroscopic Imaging Using MEGA-PEPSI
3D Geodesic Topological Analysis of Trabecular Bone Micro-Architecture of the Proximal Femur
3D Imaging of Pulmonary Ventilation and Perfusion in Rats Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe
3D Magnetic Susceptibility Correction with Application to Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
3D MRI Impression of Metal Implant Scan Abutment in Dental Implantology
3D MRI of the Hyperpolarized
Xe Distribution in the Rat Brain
3D Non-Rigid Motion Modeling of the Liver from Undersampled Golden-Radial Phase Encoding (G-RPE) Acquisitions
3D Parallel Excitation Pulse Design Using Interleaved Sparse Approximation and Local Optimization
3D Passive Marker Tracking for MR-Guided Interventions
3D Proton MR Spectroscopy of Normal-Appearing Brain in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
3D Pulmonary Perfusion MRI with Whole-Chest Coverage, High Temporal and Isotropic Spatial Resolution
3D Quantitative Imaging of T1rho and T2
3D Quantitative Micro-MRI Mapping of Alzheimer’s Plaques in Transgenic Mice Using Aß1-42 Targeted-USPIOs
3D Radial BUTE
A 3D Radial FSE-Based SPLICE Sequence for MR Diffusion Imaging
3D Radial Parallel Imaging for Bandwidth Limited Acquisitions.
3D Radial Twisted Projection Imaging for DCE-MRI with Variable Flip Angles
3D Slab Selective AFI Utilizing a Thin Slab Approach
3D Spiral LGE for Reduced Enhancement Artifacts in PV Imaging of Pre- And Post-Ablation Scar.
3D Submillimeter-Resolution Reduced-Field-Of-View Diffusion Tensor Imaging
3-D Surface Analysis of the Substantia Nigra in Parkinson's Disease Obtained with 7T MRI
3D T
-Weighted Black Blood Vessel Wall Imaging with Uniform Fat and Water Separation
3D Ultra Short TE MRI for Whole Subject Imaging of Perfluorocarbon-Labeled Cell Biodistribution
3D Variography of Human White Matter and the Influence of Age
3D Whole Brain Pulsed CEST Acquisition at 7T
3D+t Biventricular Strain from Tagged Magnetic Resonance Images by Phase-Unwrapped HARP
3D-Liver Quantitative Perfusion Mapping Using EGEE Grid with MR-DCE Imaging and MS-325 Blood Pool Contrast Agent
A 3D-Plus-Time Radial-Cartesian Hybrid Sampling of K-Space with High Temporal Resolution and Maintained Image Quality for MRI and FMRI
3D-Rotational Phase-Contrast MR Angiography
3He and 19F MRI of High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV)
3T High Resolution MR Neurography of Sciatic Neuropathy
A 3T Linear Phase Volume Excitation Coil
3T MRI-Guided Transperineal Targeted Prostate Biopsy: Clinical Feasibility, Safety, and Early Results
3-Tesla Cerebral Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Healthy Term and Extremely Preterm Infants
3Tesla Gradient-Echo 3-Point Dixon Imaging for Robust Water-Only Imaging of the Extra-Ocular Muscles
4D Aortic Pressure Difference Mapping: An Approach for the Detection of Pressure Wave Changes Associated with Atherosclerosis?
4D Contrast Enhanced MRA Using Single Dose Dual Injections and Constrained Reconstruction
4D Dynamic MRImaging of the Wrist at 1.5 and 3T: First Results from a Feasibility Study
4D Flow Characteristics of Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics at the Craniocervical Junction and the Cervical Spinal Canal in Patients with Chiari Malformation Type I
4D Flow-Sensitive MRI of the Thoracic Aorta Using 12- And 32-Channel Coils
4D Gradient Based Phase Unwrapping for PC-MR Flow Data
4D MR Velocity Mapping Using PC VIPR to Investigate the Hemodynamics of Acute Pulmonary Hypertension in a Dog Model
4D MR Velocity Mapping Using PC VIPR to Quantify Blood Flow in Portal Hypertension
4D PC MR of the Portal Venous System: Benefits of Using a Blood Pool Contrast Agent
4D Vessel-Encoded Arterial Spin Labeling Angiography
4-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Velocity Mapping of Blood Flow Patterns in Chronic Aortic Dissections at 3T
4-Tesla High Angular Resolution Diffusion Tractography Analysis of the Human Connectome in 234 Subjects: Sex Differences and EPI Distortion Effects
6 Channel Radiative Transmit Array with a 16 Channel Surface Receiver Array for Improved Carotid Vessel Wall Imaging at 7T
A 64-Channel Array Coil for 3T Head/Neck/C-Spine Imaging
7 T MRI Reveals an Inhomogeneous Cortex and Changes in Gray-White Matter Phase in Alzheimer's Disease
A 7 T Receive Array for in Vitro Studies of Human Brain Tissue
7 Tesla Abdominal Imaging Using TIAMO
7 Tesla Cardiac Imaging with a Phonocardiogram Trigger Device
7 Tesla MRI of the Female Pelvis
7T & Higher-Human Safety & the Path to the Clinic Adoption
A 7T Coil System for Imaging Humans in the Sphinx Position to Evaluate the Effect of Head Orientation Relative to B0 for MR Imaging
A 7T Halo Loop Resonator for Registration of 31P MRSI
7T Imaging of the Head and Neck Region: B0 and B1+ Challenges
7T Versus 3T Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Invasive Breast Cancer
A 7-Tesla High Density Tx/Rx Mammography Coil
A 7-Tesla Transmit with 15-Channel Receive-Only Array Knee Coil for Sodium Imaging
An 8-Channel Metamaterial T-R Coil at 9.4T
8-Channel Parallel Transmit and Receive System for 3 Tesla
8-Channel Transmit Body Array for Homogeneous Excitation of the Thorax at 3T
AAV6-Mediated Delivery of a U7 Exon Skipping Construct Improves Regional Cardiac Function in Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy Dogs
Abdominal Imaging at 7T with a 32-Channel Body Array Coil - Initial Results
Aberrant Resting-State Activity in Default Mode Network of Subjects with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment
Abnormal Diffusivity Changes in White Matter Regions of the Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Comparison of TBSS, TSPOON, and SPM Analysis
Abnormal Resting State Functional Connectivity as a Marker for Diagnosing and Predicting Recovery in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Abnormal Right Heart Flow Patterns in Pulmonary Artery Hypertension Visualized with 4D Flow-Sensitive MRI
Abnormal Spontaneous Neural Activity in Early Parkinson's Disease Revealed by Resting-State FMRI
Abnormal Striatal Functional Connectivity in Gulf War Illness: Effects of Modulating FcMRI Continuous States
Abnormal White Matter Integrity in Adolescent Students with Internet Addiction Disorder Revealed by Tract-Based Spatial Statistics
Abnormalities in the Microstructure of the Fronto-Striatal Fiber Pathways in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Preliminary Results Using Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Tractography
Absolute Brain Metabolite Concentrations in Non-Acute Maple Syrup Urine Disease
Absolute CBF Quantification with PASL During Hyperoxia Corrected with the Simultaneous Measurement of the T
of Arterial Blood
Absolute Metabolite Quantification by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging in Skeletal Muscle: First Results and Reproducibility
Absolute Quantification of Pulmonary Pressure Waveforms with MRI in Pulmonary Hypertension Patients
Absolute Regional Gray Matter Perfusion Measured with Arterial Spin Labeling Calibrated Using Phase Contrast MRI
H-MRSI: Artifact Reduction by Target-Driven Reconstruction
Accelerated Contrast-Enhanced Whole Heart Coronary MRI Using Low-Dimensional-Structure Self-Learning and Thresholding (LOST), an Improved Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
Accelerated Gradient-Recalled Echo, Asymmetric Spin-Echo (GREASE-II) for Production of High-Resolution Human T1, T2, and T2* Maps
Accelerated Metabolic Imaging: Application of L
-SPIRiT to Hyperpolarized
C Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing MRSI
Accelerated Mouse Spinal Cord Diffusion Measurements with SNR-Enhancing Joint Reconstruction
Accelerated MR Imaging with Spread Spectrum Encoding
Accelerated Multi-TI Spiral MRI Using Compressed Sensing with Temporal Constraints
Accelerated Phase-Contrast MRI Using Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging
Accelerated Point Spread Function Mapping Using Signal Modelling for Accurate EPI Geometric Distortion Correction
Accelerated T1 and T2 Relaxometry in the Human Brain Using UNFOLD
Accelerated Variable Density Spiral at 7 Tesla Using Parallel Imaging
Accelerated Water-Fat Imaging Using Restricted Subspace Fieldmap Estimation
Accelerated Whole-Lung Specific Ventilation Imaging in Large Species with Hyperpolarized Gas MRI
Accelerating Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction with GPU Computing
Accelerating Diffusion Tensor Estimation Using General-Purpose Graphics Processing Unit
Accelerating Global Cardiac Function Assessment in Mice Using Compressed Sensing
Accelerating Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging by Compressed Sensing
An Accelerating Method for FSE Phase Correction
Accelerating Multi-Component Relaxometry in Steady State with an Application of Constrained Reconstruction in Parametric Dimension
Accelerating Parallel Acquisition Reconstruction with Sparse Matrix Transformations
Accelerating Phase Contrast MR Angiography by Simplified Skipped Phase Encoding and Edge Deghosting with Array Coil Enhancement (S-SPEED-ACE)
Accelerating Pixel-By-Pixel Non-Linear Curve Fitting Using Parallel Computation on Graphic Processing Units: Application to Pulmonary Perfusion Mapping.
Acceleration Dependent Vascular Anatomy for Non-Contrast-Enhanced MRA (ADVANCE-MRA)
Acceleration of High Angular Resolution Diffusion Weighted Images Using Compressed Sensing
Accessing Changes of Functional Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Patients Undergo Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Acclerated Dual Venc Phase Contrast VIPR in Healthy Volunteers
Accordance of ASL Delay Time and Bolus Arrival Times in Parenchyma
Accounting for B1 Void Using Optimized Transmit Pulses in Ultra High Field MRI
Accounting for Changes in Signal Variance in Diffusion Weighted Images Following Interpolation for Motion and Distortion Correction
Accuracy and Execution Speed of Automatic Voxel-Based Algorithms for Segmenting Stroke Lesions in Clinical DWI Imaging
Accuracy and Precision in Quantitative Rotating Frame Relaxometry at High and Ultra-High Magnetic Fields
Accuracy and Reproducibility of Short-TE MRS Measurements of GABA at 3T as a Function of Linewidth and SNR
Accuracy Enhancement of Automatic Prostate Tumor Detection Using Additional Deformable Registration Based Atlas Information: Automated Classifier Using Permeability Parameters.
Accuracy Evaluation of Phase-Only Cross Correlation (POCC) Guidance Sequence for Real-Time 3T MR-Interventions
Accuracy of Automatic Contour Detection for Quantification of Left Ventricular Volumes, Mass and Ejection Fraction
Accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Identify the Coronary Artery Plaque: A Comparative Study with Intravascular Ultrasound
Accuracy of MRI for the Assessment of the Geometry of Thoracic Stent Grafts
The Accuracy of Noise Covariance Estimation and Its Relationship with Signal-To-Noise Ratio in Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Accuracy of Non-Contrast Fresh-Blood MRA for the Assessment of Lower Extremity Peripheral Vascular Disease
Accuracy of the Cylinder Approximation for Susceptometric Measurement of Intravascular Oxygen Saturation Versus Numerical Calculation of Induced Field
Accuracy of Vessel Area Assessment: Comparison Between Experts and Automatic FWHM
Accurate B0 Mapping with Sparse TE Stepping and K-Space Energy Spectrum Analysis
Accurate Brain Tumor Blood Volume Estimation Using DCE-MRI with Bookend T1 Measurements and Phase-Derived AIFs
Accurate Catheter Tip Tracking for MR-Guided EP Procedures Using Realtime Active Detuning
Accurate Determination of Water-Macromolecule Exchange Independent of Reference Interaction
Accurate Estimation of Local Fiber Orientations for Groupwise Tractography
Accurate in Vivo Assessment of Caries Lesion Extent by UTE MRI
Accurate Localization of Active Devices During Interventional MR Imaging
Accurate Prostate Volume Determination from T2-W MRI Using Statistical Shape Models
Accurate T1 and T2 Quantification in Look-Locker 2D SSFP Imaging with Flip Angle Profile Correction
Accurate T
Measurement with IR-Prepared Segmented Gradient Echo and a New Regression Algorithm
Accurate T2 Mapping with Dual Echo-FSE: Effect of Phase Encoding Profile Orders
Accurate Tractography Propagation Mask Using T1-Weighted Data Rather Than FA
Achieving Consistent, Homogeneous, Dark Fat Suppression on Bilateral Breast MRI at 3.0 Tesla in the Clinical Setting
Achieving Heightened Contrast in Magnitude, Phase, and Susceptibility-Weighted Brain Images at 7T
Acoustic Feedback During Motor Dexterity Training Modulates Brain Structure in Healthy Adult Individuals
Acoustic Radiation Contrast to Visualize Viscoelastic Properties in Human Breast
Acquisition Issues
Acquisition of Spatially-Registered Helium-3 and Proton 3D Image Sets of the Lung in Less Than 10 Seconds Using Compressed Sensing
Acquisition Strategy for 3D GRASE with a Sharp Point Spread Function Towards Whole Brain ASL Perfusion Mapping at 3T
Activation Energies for Water Diffusion in
White Matter
Active Coil Decoupling by Impedance Synthesis Using Frequency-Offset Cartesian Feedback
Active Contrast Modulation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Using Rotary Saturation
Active MR Tracking Using Micro Coils for Both Transmit and Receive
Actively Detunable 8-Channel Small Animal Transceive Volume Array for 9.4T MRI Systems
Acute Hypoglycemia Induces Increased Brain Lactate Uptake and Metabolism in Rats.
Acute Restraint Stress-Induced Change in Glutamate Neurotransmission in Rat Brain: An in Vivo 1H-MRS Study
Acute Stroke Follow-Up Study: Assessing Infarct Volume Change
Adapted Tx-SENSE Excitation to Account for Inhomogeneous Slice Refocusing at 7T
Adaptive Averaging Improves the Signal to Noise Ration in ASL Experiments Especially at High Inflow Times
Adaptive Compressed MRI Sampling Based on Wavelet Encoding
Adaptive Iterative T2 Mapping with Maximum Pearson Correlation in the Presence of Noise
An Adaptive MR-Compatible Lens
Adaptive Neural Network for Direct Quantification of Longitudinal Relaxation Rate Change (?R1) in T One by Multiple Read Out (TOMROP) Sequence
Adaptive Self-Calibrating in K-Space Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Kalman Filter
Adaptive Volumetric MR-Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablations
ADC Measurements of Malignant and Benign Breast Tumors and Their Correlation to Prognostic Markers: Preliminary 3T Study
ADC Quantification of Continuously Moving Table Whole-Body Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
ADC with Higher B-Value Correlate Better with Viable Cell Count Quantified from the Cavity of the Brain Abscess
ADC-FLAIR Mismatch Excluding Enhancement (AFMEE), a Potential Biomarker of Tumor Invasion
The Added Value of a Bi-Exponential Approach for Processing Multi-B Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Data in the Diagnosis of Hepatic Tumors
Adding MRS to ADNI Criteria for Drug Monitoring Will Reduce Group Size for Clinical Trials
Addressing Phase Errors in Fat-Water Imaging Using a Mixed Magnitude/complex Fitting Method
Addressing Positioning Induced Variabillity in VBM Analyses
Adenosine-Induced Stress Myocardial Perfusion MRI Using SW-CG-HYPR with Whole Left Ventricular Coverage: Comparison of Results with X-Ray Angiography in Patients with Suspected Coronary Artery Disease
Adiabatic B
Shimming Algorithm for Multiple Channel Transmit at 7T
Adiabatic Spiral Correlation Chemical Shift Imaging
Adiabatic Turbo Spin Echo for Human Applications at 7T.
Advanced Fiber Tracking Using ODF Based Force Fields
Advanced MRI Detection of Blast-Related Traumatic Brain Injury in US Military Personnel: Early Prediction of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Severity
Advanced Parallel Imaging Techniques for Metabolic Imaging with Hyperpolarised 13C
Advances in MRS for Clinical Us
Advances in Software Compensation of Eddy Current Fields in Multislice Higher Order Dynamic Shimming.
Advantages of Digital Vs Analog Accelerometer-Based Sensor for Respiratory Motion Correction
Age and Gender Related Alterations in Brain Perfusion Dynamics
Age Associated Changes in Subcortical Structures in Preadolescent Children
Age Effects on the Amplitude and Frequency of Resting-State BOLD Fluctuations
Age Related Differences in Brain Iron Detected in Vivo at 3T with Quantitative MRI: Comparison of R2, R2' and R2*
Age-Dependent Neurovascular Changes in C57BL/6 Wild Type Mice Using Contrast Enhanced Micro-MR Angiography
Age-Related Differences in Metabolites in the Posterior Cingulated Cortex and Hippocampus of Normal Aging Brain: A
H-MRS Study
Age-Related Differences of 3D Blood Flow in the Left Heart
AGILE: An Open Source Library for Image Reconstruction Using Graphics Card Hardware Acceleration
Aging Effect on Human Brain Transverse Relaxation Since Preadolescence
Aging Effect on the Resting State: Two Complementary Approaches with the Same FMRI Datasets
Aging Impacts Significantly on Neuronal Transport in Normal Mice But Not in an Accelerated Mouse Model of Amyloid Beta Pathology.
Aging-Related Changes in Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values of the Cerebral Metabolites Using Diffusion Weighted MR Spectroscopy
AIF Determination for Quantitative Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using a Model Based Reconstruction of Radially Acquired Data
Akt1 Deficient Mice Show Resistance to DSS-Colitis Induced Leak of Albumin-Based Contrast Media from the Colon Vasculature
An Algebraic Solution for Banding Artifact Removal in BSSFP Imaging
Alginate-Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles as a New Platform for Noninvasive Calcium MR Imaging in Vivo
Algorithm for Lipid Suppression by Real-Time Isotropic Filter Design in Spectroscopic Brain Imaging
Algorithmic Quantification of Left Ventricle Segmentation in 4D Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based on Spatio-Temporal Continuity
-Tract Statistics Allow for Enhanced Tractography Analysis
Alteration of Brain Metabolites in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes And/or Major Depression Measured by Proton MR Spectroscopy at 3T
Alteration of Cerebral Blood Flow Values in Children with Cerebral Palsy Using 3D Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling: Its Correlation with DTI Metrics.
Alterations in Neural Network Activity of Methamphetamine Abusers Performing an Emotion Matching Task: FMRI Study
Altered Cerebral Perfusion and Functional Connectivity in a Response-Control Network in Parkinson’s Disease Measured by ASL
Altered Hemodynamics of Cortical Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis: A Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI Study Using a Kernel-Based Deconvolution Algorithm
Altered Integrity and Asymmetry of Association White Matter Tracts in Epilepsy with Mesial Temporal Sclerosis: Preliminary Results Using Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Altered Interhemispheric Brain Connectivity in Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery.
Altered Medial Temporal Lobe Activations in AMCI Subjects During Encoding and Recognition Tasks
Altered Resting Cerebral Blood Flow in Adults Following Low-Frequency Electronic Acupuncture as Revealed by Perfusion Functional MRI
Altered White Matter Microstructure in Elderly Major Depressive Disorder Patients: A DTI Study
Alternating Phase Coherence of Spontaneous Hemodynamic Oscillation Is Sensitive to Anesthesia Levels
Alternative Pathways of Glucose Metabolism in a Mouse Model of Human Brain Tumors
Amide Proton Transfer (APT) MR Signal as a Novel Imaging Biomarker for Charactering Radiation Necrosis in Rats
Amide Proton Transfer Imaging with Continuous Wave Dual Frequency Saturation Can Detect the Amide Proton Peak in the Z-Spectrum Acquired at 3T
Analgesic Action Sites of Pregabalin by FMRI of Spinal Cord and Brain in Anesthetized Rats, and Its Qualification Against Behavioral Assay in Awake Rats
Analyses of Restricted Diffusion of Water Molecules Using Trabecular Bone Phantom
Analysis of Complex Cardiovascular Flow with Three Component Acceleration Encoded MRI
Analysis of DCE-MRI in Oncology: When Should We Use the Tofts Models?
Analysis of Diffusion-Weighted SSFP Signal with Computer Simulation
Analysis of Hippocampal Shape in Children Using a Surface-To-Centerline Distance Method and Template-Based Surface and Volumetric Non-Rigid Registration Methods
Analysis of Magnetization Transfer Ratio Measurements at 3T Using Multiple-Acquisition Balanced SSFP
Analysis of Radially Undersampled 4D Velocity Mapping (PC VIPR) for Comprehensive Imaging in Portal Hypertension.
Analysis of Reynolds, Strouhal and Womersley Numbers in the Healthy Thoracic Aorta
Analysis of Saturated T
Curves for Rapid Relaxometry Measurements in PRESS Localization
Analysis of Segmental Myocardial Performance in Patients After Heart Transplantation
Analysis of Signal-Adaptive K-Space Acquisition Schemes in Quantitative Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Analysis of Texture: Practice
Analysis of Texture: Theory
Analysis of the Normalized Radial Length Reveals Differences in Morphology Between Hormone Receptor Positive and Negative Breast Lesions Imaged with DCE-MRI
Analysis of Variable Density FLORET Trajectories
Analysis of Vascular Function by DCE-MRI in a Human Endothelial Cell Derived Angiogenesis Model in Mice Under Anti- And Pro-Angiogenic Treatment
Analytical Description of Long Time Scale Diffusion MRI of the Human Lung
Anatomic and Functional Cardiac MR at 7T: A Comparison of 4, 8 and 16 Element Transceive RF Coil Designs
Anatomic, Functional and Postprocessing MRI Techniques in the Evaluation of Epileptic Patients
Anatomical & Functional MRI of Cocaine & Nicotine Addiction
Anatomical and Metabolic Changes in the Visual Cortex of Streptozotocin-Treated Type 1 Diabetic Rats
Anatomical Brain Scans Derived from Quantitative T1maps: Investigation of SNR, CNR and Signal Uniformity in Comparison to Conventional Methods
Anatomical Characterization of Athetotic and Spastic Cerebral Palsy Using Atlas-Based Analysis
Anatomical Connectivity of the Internal Capsule
Anatomical Connectivity to Assess Brain Tissue Modifications in Alzheimer’s Disease
Anatomical Details in Brainstem and Cisterns Revealed by RESOLVE with Unidirectional MPG; Comparison with Single-Shot EPI Diffusion Weighted Image
Anatomical Organization of the Blind's Brain: Combined VBM and DTI Analysis
Anatomical Phenotyping of the PML Knockout Mouse
Anatomical, BOLD, Blood Flow MRI of Non-Human Primate (Baboon) Retina
The Anatomy of Human Substantia Nigra Based on in Vivo and Post Mortem Magnetic Resonance Data and Susceptibility Mapping
Anesthetic Effects of Propofol on the Brain – Preliminary Results from MRI and MRS in Normal Human Subjects
The Angular Signal Modulation Observed in Double-Wave-Vector Diffusion-Weighting Experiments at Short Mixing Time: A Phase Evolution Perspective
The Anisotropic Bias of Fractional Anisotropy in Anisotropically Acquired DTI Data
Ankle Excluding Tendon
Ankle Tendons
Ankylosing Spondylitis from Well Known to Some Less Observed Findings
Anomalous Noise Behaviour in ZTE Imaging
Anterior Cingulate Metabolic Abnormalities in Late-Life Major Depression
Anti-Angiogenic Therapy Follow-Up in a Mouse Tumor Model by a Novel 3D Radial Multi-Gradient Echo DCE MRI Technique with Individual AIF Measurement
Antibiotic Minocycline Suppressess the PhMRI Response to Acute Ketamine Challenge
Aortic Flow Assessment Using Phase Contrast MRI in Mice with Aortic Regurgitation
Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity Evaluation with 5-Year Followup
Aorto-Iliac Flow-Sensitive 4D MRI: Normal and Altered Flow Characteristics in Abdominal Aneurysms
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values During Magnetic Resonance -Guided Biopsy of the Prostate: Correlation with Histological Results
Apparent Kurtosis in the Motional Narrowing Regime: Analytic Results for Closed Domains
The Appearance of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Complex Fiber Architecture
Application of Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging to Examine Amide Proton Transfer (APT) in the Spinal Cord at 3T
Application of Compressed Sensing to
F Turbo Spin Echo Chemical Shift Imaging
Application of Excitation Sculpting in the Quantification of Conjugated Bile Acids in Bile
Application of K
-Points to Human Brain Imaging at 7 Tesla
Application of Snapshot Inversion Recovery (SNAPIR) in Neonatal Patients with Snaphot-To-Volume-Reconstruction (SVR): A Pilot Study at 3 Tesla
The Application of T2 Star Weighted Angiography (SWAN) in Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Application of Temporally Constrained Compressed Sensing for High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Intracranial CE MRA
Application of the Extended Phase Graph Technique to Improve T
Quantitation Across Sites
Applications of Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) Perfusion MRI in Clinical Pediatric Neuroimaging
Applications of Perfusion MRI in Radiation Therapy of Lung Cancers
Applying Resting-State Functional MRI to Study Impact of Attention Training on Healthy Highly Educated Subjects
Appropriate Methodology for Automated Scaling of DSC-CBF Images for Stroke Evaluation
Approximating Water Exchange in Vivo in a Rat Model
Are Larger Pathways Faster ? a Spherical Deconvolution Tractography Study on the Visuo-Spatial Pathways
Are Sports Good for Your Knees? an MRI Evaluation of the Effects of Basketball on Knee Health in Division I Collegiate Athletes
An Area-Based Imaging Biomarker for the Characterization of Coronary Artery Stenosis with Blood Oxygen-Sensitive MRI
Area-Specific GABA Concentration Predicts Tactile Discrimination Performance in Humans
ARFI-Prepared MR-Guided Transcostal HIFU in Sheep Liver
in Vivo
Using a High Resolution Hybrid ARFI/MRT GRE-EPI Sequence
Array Compression for 3D Cartesian Sampling
Arrival Time Changes Demonstrate Active Cerebral Autoregulation in Normal Subjects Using Lower Body Negative Pressure and Arterial Spin Labeling MRI
Artefact Minimized Spectral Editing at 7T: Quick and Accurate
Detection of GABA.
Arterial Contribution to the BOLD FMRI Response to Somatosensory Stimulation in Rats
Arterial Input Function by DNP Measurement Using an Automated Injector Designed for a 7T Unshielded Magnet
Arterial Input Functions in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI: Magnitude Versus Phase
Arterial Pulmonary Flow Analysis Post Bi-Directional Glenn Procedure
Arterial Spin Labeling Angiography Without the Need of Subtraction Using a Triple Inversion Recovery Prepulse
Arterial Spin Labeling Based T2 Measurements of Restricted Blood-To-Tissue Water Transfer in Human Brain
Arterial Spin Labeling in Young Adults During Alcohol Infusion
Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion Measurements Reflect Histologic Microvessel Density in an Experimental Model of Tumor Response and Eventual Resistance to Antiangiogenic Therapy
Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion Studies of the Prostate with an ERC
Artificial Hematomas in Subcutaneous Fatty Tissue: Volume Estimation by Using Different MR Sequences and Manual Segmentation of Pork Belly Phantoms
ASL Hippocampus Perfusion Imaging of Gulf War Veterans: Preliminary Results for National Survey Studies
ASL-MRI Measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow Following Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury and the Role of Human Aß
Assesment of Liver Blood Flow Using a Navigator Echo Respiratory Gated Parallel Imaging Technique at 1.5 T
Assessing (FMRI) Brain-Computer Interface Stability in ALS with Support Vector Machine
Assessing Chemotherapy Response in Metastatic Ovarian Cancer: The Value of Histogram Analysis of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients
Assessing Response in Bone Metastases in Prostate Cancer with Diffusion Weighted MRI
Assessing the Accuracy of Calculations of the Functional Changes in CMRO2 from Blood Oxygenation Data
Assessing the Tumour Microenvironment with DCE-MRI and DCE-Ultrasound
Assessing Thermal Tissue Damage with Biexponential Diffusion-Weighted MRI
Assessment and Completion of RF Ablation for the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation Using Real-Time MRI Guidance
Assessment of Accuracy and Reproducibility of ECG, Pulse Oximetry and Phonocardiogram Gating of Cardiac MRI at 7T
Assessment of Accuracy, Repeatability, Reproducibility and Robustness of Fat Quantification in a Water-Fat Phantom
Assessment of Axon Diameter Distribution in Mouse Spinal Cord with Q-Space Imaging
Assessment of Blood Flow Patterns in the Pulmonary Artery with 4D Flow MRI
Assessment of Bone Degradation and Acute Inflammation in Apical Parodontitis
Assessment of Bound Pool Fractions in the Aging Brain with Stimulated Echoes
Assessment of Cardiac Functions and Inflammation Burden of Ischemic Injury with Integrated Functional and Cellular MRI
Assessment of Cerebral Blood Flow in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Using Arterial Spin Labeling MR Imaging
Assessment of Changes in Regional Distribution of Skeletal Muscle Adipose Tissue in Type 2 Diabetes Using Quantitative IDEAL Gradient Echo Imaging
Assessment of Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Effects in Myocardial Tissue at 7T
Assessment of Chronic Pancreatitis with MR Elastography
Assessment of Cortical Bone Resorption and Acute Inflammation in Parodontitis
Assessment of Cortico-Cortical Connectivity in the Presence of Image Artifact
Assessment of DCEMRI with Gadoxetate as a Biomarker of Drug Induced Cholestasis
Assessment of Disease Severity in Late Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis Using Multiparametric MRI
Assessment of Drug-Induced Vessel Remodeling in Experimental Bone Metastases by DCE MRI
Assessment of Early Treatment Response Using a Fast and Robust MRI Protocol in Genetically Engineered Mouse Lung Cancer Models
Assessment of Early Tumor Response to Chemotherapy Using MR Elastography (MRE)
Assessment of Glenn-Fontan Shunts in Congenital Heart Disease Using Low-Dose Time-Resolved and Multi-Phase High Spatial Resolution CEMRA
Assessment of Hemodynamic Effects in Functional Diffusion-Weighted MRI
Assessment of Hepatic Lipid Content by MRS in Patients on Home Parenteral Nutrition
Assessment of Hepatic Perfusion with Diffusion Weighted and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced
H MRI in CCl
Treated Rat Liver
Assessment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Fresh Liver Explants Using a Non-Gaussian Diffusion Kurtosis Model.
Assessment of in Vivo DCIS Grade: A Model Incorporating Dynamic Contrast Enhanced and Diffusion Weighted Imaging Parameters on Breast MRI
Assessment of Left Ventricular 2D Pseudo Flow Pathway During Early Diastole Using SPAMM-PAV
Assessment of Length Variations of the Coracoclavicular Ligaments During Arm Movement from MRI Data
Assessment of Liver Fat Using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI)
Assessment of Liver Fibrosis in Rats with MR Imaging and Elastography
Assessment of Mechanical Properties of Isolated Intervertebral Discs Using Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Assessment of Metastatic Potential of 67NR and 4T1 Tumors with Selective Multiple-Quantum Coherence Transfer
Assessment of Motion Patterns in Free Breathing MRI of the Abdomen Using Continuously Tagged Imaging
Assessment of Myocardial Twist Motion by Velocity Encoded MRI in LA - Orientation
Assessment of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapeutic Response of Bladder Cancer by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI at 3T
Assessment of Ovarian Movement on Consecutive Pelvic MRI Scans for Accurate Radiotherapy Planning in Patients with Gynaecological Malignancies
Assessment of Position Dependent Eddy Current Distortions in DW EPI Measurements: Monopolar Versus Bipolar Diffusion Preparation
Assessment of Relative Regional Lung Compliance in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Assessment of Renal Function by ASL in Wilms Tumor Survivors
Assessment of Response to Therapy by DCE-MRI and DWI MRI in Primary Liver Cancers
Assessment of RF Induced Heating of Coronary Stents in 7T MRI
Assessment of RF Safety of Transmit Coils at 7 Tesla by Experimental and Numerical Procedures
Assessment of Rhabdomyolysis-Induced Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in Mice Using Hemodynamic Response Imaging (
Assessment of T1? and T2 Mapping as Biomarkers of Denaturalization in Articular Cartilage with Osteoarthritis: Comparison with Pathological Results After Total Knee Replacement
Assessment of the Clinical Feasibility of Phase Contrast Ultrashort TE
Assessment of the Gray Zone: A Comparison of Two Quantitative Methods in Heart Failure Patients
Assessment of the Maturation of the Optic Radiation in Children and Adolescents with Probabilistic Tractography
Assessment of the Right Ventricular Function in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Using MRI
Assessment of the Transmural Extent of Acute Atrial Lesions Using Electrogram Amplitude Vs. LGE-MRI
The Assessment of Tumor Cellularity Using DSC-MRI
Assessment of Tumor Perfusion by DSC MRI During Radiation Therapy in Children with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma
Assessment of Tumour Glucose Uptake Using Gluco-CEST
Association Between Carotid Plaque Characteristics and Cerebral White Matter Lesions
Association Between Cerebral Blood Flow and Age-Related Changes in White Matter Microstructure
Association Between PH-Weighted Endogenous Amide Proton Transfer (APT) MRI and Tissue Lactic Acidosis During Acute Stroke
The Association Between Pulse Wave Velocity, as a Marker of Sympathetic Tone, and Resting State BOLD Signals
Association Between Spinal Disc Degeneration and Deficits in Endplate Perfusion
Association of MR Relaxation Times and Functional Behavior of Osteoarthritic Cartilage Using Loaded Knee MRI
Association of MRS Measures in the Brain with Body Mass
Association of Several Motion Sensors for Free Breathing Reconstruction Method
Association of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient of Bladder Cancer with Metastatic Disease: Preliminary Results
Associations of Breast MR Derived Vascular, Shape and Texture Parameters with Histological Prognostic Indicators
Asymmetric Characteristics of Hippocampus Perfusion and Its Response to Physostigmine Challenge in Gulf War Veterans
Asymmetric Field Distribution in
Maps Are Caused by Phase Differences in Field Components in the Laboratory Frame
Asymmetry in Multi-Modal White Matter Microstructural Indices
Atherosclerotic MR Molecular Imaging Strategy with Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide on a Human Clinical Scanner – Rabbit Model
Atlas-Based Analysis of Resting State Functional Connectivity MRI
Atlas-Based Online Spatial Normalization
Atlas-Based Quantification of Brain Normal-Appearing White and Gray Matter Volume, Relaxation Time and Diffusion Tensor Metrics in Multiple Sclerosis
Atlas-Based T2 Relaxometry of the Developing Child Brain: Serial and Cross-Sectional Analysis
Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial Thickness Mapping for EP Ablation Using Black-Blood Restricted Field of View MRI
Atrophy in Rats Induced with Mild TBI and Hemorrhagic Shock: A TBM-Based Analysis
Atrophy of the Whole Cervical Cord Differs Among the Major Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Phenotypes and Is Associated with Disability: A Multicenter Study
Atypical Development of Dentatothalamic Pathway in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Atypical Gray and White Matter Microstructure in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Atypical White Matter Microstructural Integrity Pattern in Children with High Functioning Autism and Low Functioning Autism Identified with Tract Based Spatial Statistics
Auditory Tracts Identified with the Combined Use of FMRI and DTI
An Augmented Lagrangian Method for MR Coil Sensitivity Estimation
An Augmented Lagrangian Method for Regularized MRI Reconstruction Using SENSE
Autocalibration of Field Monitoring Arrays by Reference Tones
Automated Airway Lumen Segmentation and Characterization in Patients with Tracheomalacia: A Feasibility Study
Automated Analysis of Craniofacial Morphology Using Magnetic Resonance Images
Automated Analysis of MRI Data of Patients with ADPKD for the Volume of the Kidneys and of the Enclosed Cysts
Automated Breast Ultrasound: MRI and Ultrasound CT Imaging Similarities
Automated Cardiac Strain Estimation from 2D Cine DENSE MRI
Automated Classification of SLE and APL Patients and Normal Controls Using FMRI and DTI Features
Automated Extraction of the Arterial Input Function from Contrast-Enhanced First-Pass Cardiac MR Perfusion Images
Automated Imaging Classification Based on Volumetric Analysis: Application on Primary Progressive Aphasia
Automated Lipid-Removal for Baseline Correction of Prostate-Cancer MRSI Data Using Prior Knowledge.
Automated Liver Parenchyma and Vessel Segmentation in Radial Gradient and Spin-Echo (GRASE) Datasets for Characterization of Diffuse Liver Disease
An Automated Method for Extraction of Tissue Doppler Like Myocardial Motion Parameters from Conventional Cine Cardiac MR - A Feasibility Study
An Automated Method for Scan Geometry Planning for MR Knee Imaging
Automated Partial Volume Tissue Classification in Preterm Neonates
Automated Scan Plane Planning for Spine MRI Using 2D Scout Images
Automated Scan Prescription for MRI Liver Scans
Automated Segmentation of Lumbar Vertebral Bodies and Intervertebral Discs from MRI Using Statistical Shape Models
Automated Segmentation of Myocardial Infarcts on Delayed Enhancement MR Images
An Automated Tool for Prediction of Secondary Hemorrhage in Stroke.
Automated Volumetric Measurements of Posterior Cranial Fossa by MRI: Applications to Chiari I Malformation
Automatic Arterial Input Function Detection for Prostate Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
Automatic B0 Drift Correction for MR Thermometry
Automatic Bolus Detection in Breast MRI: A Method to Improve Accuracy and Reliability?
Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation and Tumor Tissue Classification Based on Multiple MR Protocols
Automatic Coil Selection for Streaking Artifact Reduction in Radial MRI
Automatic Derivation of Scan Plane Angles Along the Vertebral Column of the Human Spine
Automatic Detection of Cortical Thickness Measurement Errors Using Support Vector Regression
Automatic Determination of Arterial Input Function for Estimating Tumor Microvessel Density with Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Mice Model
Automatic Generation of Movie with Sound During Speech Production for Assessing Velopharyngeal Insufficiency
Automatic Geometric Distortion Correction for Single-Shot Echo Planar Imaging
Automatic Image Registration of Lung CT and Hyperpolarized Helium-3 MRI Via Mutual Information of Proton MRI
Automatic Localization of the Anterior and Posterior Commissures in MRI Brain Images Using Artificial Neural Networks
Automatic Mean Transit Time Lesion Outlining in Acute Stroke Using Level Sets
Automatic Measurement of Atrophy Rates in Hippocampal Subfields from Longitudinal High-Resolution T2-Weighted MRI
An Automatic Protocol to Detect the Fed and Fasted Brain Using Multivariate Analysis of Diffusion Weighted Data Sets
Automatic Registration of Renal Perfusion Image Sequences by Mutual Information and Adaptive Prediction
Automatic Segmentation and Parcellation of Subcortical White and Grey Matter Using DTI in the Preterm Neonate
Automatic Segmentation of Gray Matter Multiple Sclerosis Lesions on FLAIR and DIR Images
Automatic Segmentation of Short-Axis Cardiac MRI Using a Biventricular Deformable Model with an Explicit Thickness Prior
Automatic Segmentation of the Hippocampus in T1-Weighted MRI with Multi-Atlas Label Fusion Using Open Source Software: Evaluation in 1.5 and 3.0T ADNI MRI
Automatic Segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities Based on Reaction Diffusion with Adaptive Threshold
Automatic WML Segmentation and Quantification Using a Machine Learning Approach
An Autonomous System for Continuous Field Monitoring with Interleaved Probe Sets
Autophagy Induced by DCA Treatment, PI3K Inhibition or Starvation Results in Reduced Pyruvate to Lactate Exchange Observed by DNP 13C-MRS.
Average Correlation Orthogonal Matching Pursuit for Improved Relaxation Parameter Estimation
AxCaliber 3D
Axon Diameter Mapping in the Presence of Orientation Dispersion Using Diffusion MRI
Axonal Damage Caused by Exposure of Axon Terminals to Amyloid Beta
Axonal Damage in the Making: Neurofilament Phosphorylation and Magnetization Transfer in MS Non-Lesional White Matter
B0 Shimming in 3 T Bilateral Breast Imaging with Local Shim Coils
Shimming in the Human Breast for 7 Tesla MR Spectroscopy
The B1 Field and Variability in Left-Right Brain Perfusion with 3D IR-PULSAR and Its Implications on Symmetry Studies
Inhomogeneity Mitigation in the Human Brain at 7T with Selective Pulses by Using Average Hamiltonian Theory
B1 Mapping Near Metallic Implants
B1 Shimming Using Phase Shifts for Travelling Wave MRI with a Coaxial Waveguide
B1+ Inhomogeneity Compensation Using 3D Parallel Excitation Is Enhanced by Simultaneous Linear and Nonlinear Gradient Encoding
-Insensitive Slice-Selective Pulses Constructed from Optimized Non-Selective Composite Waveforms
B1-Based Local SAR Estimation for a Parallel Transmit System at 3T: A Simulation Study
-Control Loop Array for Reduction of B
A B1-Insensitive High Resolution 2D T1 Mapping Pulse Sequence for Radial DGEMRIC of the Hip at 3T
B1-Mapping with the Transient Phase of SSFP
Bacterial Infections of Brain & Spine
Balanced MR Cholangiopancreatography with Motion-Sensitized Driven-Equilibrium: Feasibility of Post-Contrast Biliary Examination with Gadolinium Ethoxybenzyl Diethylene Triamine Pentaacetic Acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA)
Balanced SSFP Cardiac Imaging at 7T
Balanced SSFP Imaging Using a Biplanar MR Microscope
Balanced Steady State Free Precession FMRI Using Intravascular Susceptibility Contrast Agent
Basal Ganglia NAA/Cr Ratio and T2 Differences in a Population-Representative Sample of Veterans with Gulf War Illness
Baseline T2 MRI Texture Predicts Visual Recovery in Patients with Acute Optic Neuritis
Bayesian Estimation Improves Plasma Volume Repeatability with Compartmental Modelling of DCE-MRI Data
A Bayesian Random Effects Model for Enhancing Resolution in Diffusion MRI
BBCA Analysis of Functional and Structural Networks
Behaviour of Gradient Coils Designed with Varying Degrees of Minimised Maximum Current Density
Benchtop Measurements of Gradient Induced Heating
Benefits of Optical Prospective Motion Correction for Single-Shot DTI
Bessel Fourier Orientation Reconstruction: Using Heat Equation and Multiple Shell Acquisitions to Reconstruct Diffusion Propagator
Between-Group Racial Differences in the Relation of Brain Function to Intelligence
Beyond Qualitative Tractography: A Novel and Reproducible Technique for the Quantitative Analysis of Cardiac Diffusion MR Tractography Datasets
In Vivo
Beyond Thresholding: Fully-Weighted Graph Representations of Brain Functional Connectivity
Bias and Precision for Hemodynamic Parameters Resulting from ‘best Model’ and ‘weighted Model’ Strategies Based on the Akaike Information Criterion
Bias Correction for Respiration Detection in Radial 3D Gradient-Echo Imaging
Bias in Diffusion Tensor-Derived Quantities Depend on the Number of DWIs Composing the DT-MRI Dataset
Bi-Component Analysis of UTE Images: A Feasibility Study
Biexponential T
Approach to Investigate Water Organization and Molecular Mobility of Hydrated HPMC Dosage Forms. Influence of Drug Substances with Different Water Solubility.
Bifunctional Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for MR Imaging and Hyperthermia Therapy in Cancer
Bilateral Breast Imaging Using IDEAL Fat-Water Separation and an Undersampled 3D Radial BSSFP Acquisition
Bilateral Enucleation Before and After the Critical Period for the Specification of Interhemispheric Axonal Connectivity Induces Similar Changes on White Matter Fractional Anisotropy
Bilateral Hip MRI Using Dual-Band Excitation with Slab-Phase Modulation
Bimodal Labelling of S. Aureus for Detection of Bacterial Colonization in Skin Infections by MRI
Bimodal MRI-Optics Endoluminal Probe for Early Stage Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis: Design and Preliminary In-Vivo Results.
The Binding of CNA-35 Conjugated Nanoparticles to Assembled Versus Disassembled Collagen Fibrils
Biocompatible and PH Sensitive PLGA Encapsulated MnO Nanocrystals for Molecular and Cellular MRI
Biomechanical Properties Quantified in Vivo by Magnetic Resonance Elastography Correlate with Myelination and Brain Parenchymal Integrity – a Combined 7 Tesla Mre and Histopathology Study in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis
Biomechanical Property Quantification of Prostate Cancer by Quasi-Static MR Elastography at 7 Telsa of Radical Prostatectomy, and Correlation with Whole Mount Histology
Biophysical Principles and Models of SSFP Functional MRI Contrast Mechanisms in the Brain at High and Ultra-High Magnetic Fields
Bi-Planar Shim Coil Designed by Stream Function Method Improves B0 Homogeneity Along Z-Axis
Bipolar Diffusion Encoding with Implicit Spoiling of Undesired Coherence Pathways
Bipolar TSE and Bipolar 3D GRASE for Rapid Multi-Slice (Multi-Slab) High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging Acquisition of Carotid Artery Wall
Bladder Tumors: The Role of MRI in Staging & Treatment Planning
BLADE in Sagittal T2-Weighted Imaging of the Cervical Spine: Value for Spinal Cord Lesions
The Bleeding Artifact of Spatially Constrained Canonical Correlation Analysis in Functional MRI
Blind Detection of Source Vessel Locations and Resonance Offsets Using Randomly Encoded VEASL
Bloch Equation Based Algebraic Reconstruction for MRI Using Frequency-Modulated Pulses
Block Paradigm Optimization for Dynamic Oxygen-Enhanced MRI of the Lung
Blood Flow Dynamics in DeBakey Type III Aortic Dissections Using Phase Contrast MRI and 4D MRA: Quantification of Inter-Luminal Pressure Differences and Contrast Arrival Times
Blood Flow MRI of the Human Retina During Isometric Exercise-Induced Increase in Blood Pressure
Blood Volume Fraction Mapping for Angiogenesis Assessment in a Novel Human Glioblastoma Stem Cell Model
Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Nonhuman Primates Using a Clinical MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound System: Preliminary Results
Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Pigs by Transcranial Focused Ultrasound: Correlation of Cavitation Signals and MR Imaging for Treatment Monitoring
Blood-Suppressed T2* Mapping in Liver with Motion Sensitized Driven Equilibrium (MSDE)
Blunted Hemodynamic Response to a Methylphenidate Challenge in Regular Users of Amphetamine: An ASL Based Pharmacological MRI Study
BOLD Activation Pattern for Motor Task in Chronic Stroke Patients After Administration of Autologous Mononuclear and Mesenchymal Stem Cells
BOLD FMRI Investigation of Rat Auditory System
BOLD FMRI of the Mouse Barrel Cortex
BOLD FMRI of the Visual System in Awake and Anesthetized Rats
The BOLD FMRI Post-Stimulation Undershoot in Human Primary Motor Cortex Is Not Caused by Elevated CBV
BOLD FMRI Study of the Rat Superior Colliculus Responding to a Moving Visual Stimulus
BOLD Response Dependence on the Stimulation Light Intensity in the Rat Superior Colliculus
BOLD Responses According to Stimulation Orders and Manipulation Methods
BOLD Resting State Networks in Adults with Complete Callosal Agenesis
BOLD Signal Differences in the Somatosensory and Visual Pathways
BOLD Susceptibility Map Reconstruction from FMRI by 3D Total Variation Regularization
BOLD-FMRI Study of Effect of Dark-Rearing on Postnatal Visual Development
Bolus Delay and Dispersion in Predictor Models in Acute Stroke
Bone & Soft Tissue Tumors
Bone Marrow
Both the Glutaminolytic and Reverse Isocitrate Dehyrdogenase Pathways Are Important for De Novo Lipogenesis from Glutamine in Immortilized Hematapoietic Cells
Bound Pool Fraction and T
Quantification by Non-Linear Parameter Identification of Composite Echoes
Bowtie PROPELLER: A Fast and Efficient Motion Correction Method in MRI
Brain Activation in Response to Visually Evoked Sexual Arousal Ln Male-To-Female Transsexuals: 3.0 Tesla Functional MRI
Brain and Functional Abnormalities as Results of Genetic Mutation with the DCC (Deleted in Colon Cancer) Gene Deletion
Brain and Skeletal Muscle MRS Study in Patients with Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1
Brain Atlas-Based Lesion Spatial Distribution and Modeling of Wallerian Degeneration in Multiple Sclerosis
Brain Atlas-Based Study of the Interplay Between Normal Tissue Microstructural MRI Parameters
Brain Bioenergetic Changes Caused by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation; a
P MRS Study
Brain Function Disruption of Thalamus Related Low Frequency Resting State Networks in Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Brain Function Mapping of Pre-Mild Cognitive Impairment
Brain Functional Connectivity Reveals Abnormal Brain Development in High Risk Bipolar Infants
Brain Glycogen Content and Metabolism in Type 1 Diabetes
Brain Iron Deposition
Brain Lithium and Sodium Concentration in Lithium-Treated Euthymic Bipolar Disorder Subjects
Brain Metabolites in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1: A 3.0 T Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study
Brain MRI Segmentation for Focal Cortical Dysplasia Lesion Detection
Brain N-Acetylaspartate Is Increased in Mice with Hypomyelination
Brain Regions Showing Manganese Accumulation in the Human Versus the Rat Brain
Brain Stem Motion in Acqueductal Stenosis Hydrocephalus
Brain Tissue Segmentation for Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Data Using Multi-Tensor Estimation
Brain Tissue Water Comes in 2 Pools: Evidence from Diffusion and R2 Measurements with USPIOs in Non Human Primates
Brain Tumor Angiogenesis Can Be Imaged by
F MRI: High Sensitivity Detection of Targeted PFOB Emulsion in U87 Human Glioblastoma Mouse Model
Brain White Matter Abnormalities in Paediatric Gaucher Type I and Type III Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Genotype Is Associated with Frontal Gray and White Matter Volume Recovery in Abstinent Alcohol Dependent Individuals
Breast Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Based on Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Breast Cancer Metastases in the Rat Spinal Cord Induce Focal, But Not Distal, Neurodegeneration Measured with Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Breast Masses: A Case-Based Approach
Breast Morphological and DCE MRI with SWIFT
Breath-Hold Regulated Blood Oxygenation Level-Depedent MRI of Elderly Adults
Breathing Gas Calibration for MR CMRO
Measurements: Comparative Effects on Functional Brain Networks
Bright Stuff on T1 – Applications in Clinical Neuroradiology
Bringing Quantitative Clinical Routine MR-Spectroscopy and Clinical MR-Image Viewing Together: Novel JMRUI Plug-Ins for DICOM-Network File Transfer DICOM Image Stack Analysis
Broadband Refocusing Pulses with B
Robustness and Energy Constraints
A Buyer's & User's Guide to RF Coils
CA1 Specific Loss in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment
CADOnc: A Computerized Decision Support System for Quantifying Radiation Therapy Changes in the Prostate Via Multi-Parametric MRI
Caffeine Causes Widespread Decreases in Resting-State BOLD Connectivity and Energy
Caffeine Tightens the Coupling Between Resting-State Blood Flow and Metabolic Fluctuations
Caffeine-Induced Reductions in Motor Connectivity: a Comparison of FMRI and MEG Measures
Calcification Imaging with SWIFT in Rat Brain
Calculation of Mechanical Properties of the Inter-Luminal Septum in DeBakey Type III Aortic Dissection from the Behavior of P-Waves Detected by Cine MRI : Application of Seismic Technology Onto Medical Image Data
Calculation of Shear Stiffness in Noise Dominated Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) Data Based on Principal Frequency Estimation.
Calculation of Wall Shear Stress in Intracranial Cerebral Aneurysms Using High Resolution Phase Contrast MRA (PC-VIPR)
Calibrated FMRI Using Simultaneous EEG and FMRI and the Effect of Hypercapnia on CMRO2
Calibration and Validation of TRUST MRI for the Estimation of Cerebral Blood Oxygenation
CAMPUS: A Catalytic Multiecho Phase Unwrapping Scheme
Can 1H MRS Be a Surrogate for 31P MRS in Quantification of Transient Hypoxic-Ischemic Insult Severity in a Neonatal Encephalopathy Model?
Can a Single Phase Contrast Aortic Flow Acquisition Be Used to Define a Surrogate Marker of Cardiac Index?
Can DCE-MRI Predict Pathological Complete Response After Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy in Rectal Cancer Patients? Initial Observations in 38 Patients.
Can Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Provide Better Ischemic Lesion Delineation?
Can Fiber Tractography in Capsular Stroke Affected Brain Predict Immediate Neurological Functional Outcome?
Can Hippocampal Size Predict Cognitive Impairment in Post-Stroke Patients?
Can Magnetic Resonance Imaging R2* Quantitation Elucidate Acute Cerebral Malaria Pathology?
Can Preexisting Differences in Neuroanatomy Predict Training Performance? an In-Vivo MRI Study of Adult Mice Trained on a Spatial Maze.
Can Structural Connectivity Analyses Measure Brain Plasticity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis?
Can T1 or T2-Weighted MRI Measurements Detect Irreversible Electroporation Ablation Zones in Liver Tumors?
Can the Calibrated BOLD Scaling Factor M Be Estimated Just from R
′ in the Baseline State Without Administering Gases?
Can We Separate the Contributions of Permeability and Diffusion of Contrast Agent? a Simulation Study.
Capacitor/Inductor Decoupling and Its New Application to Microstrip Array
Cardiac ASL: Optimisation and Validation in the Mouse Heart
Cardiac CT: The Imaging Technique of Choice?
Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging Registration
Cardiac Function in an Experimental Model of the Metabolic Syndrome Through Pressure Conductance Analysis and Cine MRI
Cardiac Image Segmentation Using Level Sets with Preserved Topology
Cardiac Iron Deposition
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: A Comprehensive Imaging Approach
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Ts65Dn Murine Model of Down Syndrome
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Quantitative T2 Mapping for Monitoring of Acute Cardiac Transplant Rejection
Cardiac MR at 7T
Cardiac MR Elastography Reveals Increased Stiffness of the Left Ventricular Myocardium in Age and Pathology.
Cardiac MRI in the Emergency Room
Cardiac Pacing in an MRI Environment
Cardiac Perfusion Imaging Using a Combination of CAIPIRINHA and Compressed Sensing
Cardiac Perfusion MRI at 3T for the Assessment of Endothelial Dysfunction in Diabetic Patients
Cardiac Triggering and Label-Control Transition Profiles in Hadamard Encoded Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Cardiac-Gated Hepatic MR Elastography with Intrinsic Transient Waveforms
Carotid and Jugular Vessel Wall Imaging - A Study
Carotid Arteries
Carotid Atherosclerotic Lesion Distribution in Patients with Cerebrovascular Events: A 3.0 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Vessel Wall Imaging Study Using Three-Dimensional, Isotropic, Fast Sequence with Large Coverage
Carotid Plaque Characteristics at MRI and Recurrent Clinical Cerebrovascular Ischemic Events:
Carotid Plaque MRI Characteristics as a Marker of Severe Coronary Artery Disease.
Carotid Plaques in TIA and Stroke Patients: One-Year Follow-Up Study by Magnetic
Cartilage Quality Assessment Using GagCEST and Sodium MRI at 7 Tesla
Cartilage Repair
Cartilage Repair & Degradation
Catch Me If You Can: GABA Spectroscopy with Shifted Editing Pulse Frequencies
Catheter Tracking with Phase Information
CBV Measurements-Gd_DTPA Vs. VASO- And Their Relationship with CBF in Activated Human Visual Cortex
Cell Therapy
Cellular Level MR Phase Contrast Microscopy and MEMRI of MnCl2 Labeled Tumor Cells with Direct Optical Correlation
Cellular MRI for Mapping Proliferation During Tumour Development
Center-Corrected GagCEST Assessment of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
Central Pain Processing in Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
The "Central Signal Singularity" Phenomenon in Balanced SSFP
Cerebellar GM-WM Segmentation Accuracy in Assessing Brain Atrophy
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy in APP23 Mice Modelling Alzheimer’s Disease Studied Non-Invasively by MRI: Application to Passive Amyloid-Beta Immunotherapy
Cerebral Arterial and Venous Blood Volume Changes During the Post-Stimulus BOLD Undershoot Period
Cerebral Arterial Blood
and Volume Measurements During Stimulation
Cerebral Blood Flow & Permeability in Brain Tumors
Cerebral Blood Flow and BOLD MRI During Isometric Exercise-Induced Increase in Blood Pressure
Cerebral Blood Flow and CerebroVascular Reserve of the Brain in Diabetes
Cerebral Blood Flow Levels During Experimental Ischemic Stroke Influence the Magnitude of Post-Reperfusion Blood-Brain Barrier Opening But Reperfusion After 3 Hours Does Not Reverse the Damage
Cerebral Blood Flow Response to Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes
Cerebral Blood Perfusion Dynamics in Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment Using Discrete Modeling of Arterial Spin Labeling MRI
Cerebral Blood Volume and Metabolite Levels in Mouse Models for Alzheimer (APP/PS1) and Atherosclerosis (ApoE4 and ApoE Knockout): Genotype Differences and Early Effects of DHA and Cholesterol Containing Diets
Cerebral Blood Volume Fraction Quantification in Mice
Cerebral Cortex and Thalamic Sub-Region Contrast at 7T: Magnitude, Phase or Susceptibility?
Cerebral Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Prion Diseases: Voxelwise Analysis and Comparison with VBM
Cerebral Glucose Uptake in Humans at Hypoglycemic Plasma Levels Follows Reversible Michaelis-Menten Kinetics
Cerebral Microbleeds on MRI: Comparison Between 1.5 and 7 Tesla
Cerebral MR Elastography for Measuring Poroelastic Properties of the Brain
Cerebral Plasticity Induced by Abacus-Based Mental Calculation Training in Children
Cerebral Viscoelasticity in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: Disorder and Softening of the Mechanical Matrix of the Brain and Its Reorganization After Shunt Treatment.
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Measured with Arterial Spin Labeling MRI in the Caudate Nucleus, Lentiform Nucleus, and Thalamus in Patients with Steno-Occlusive Internal Carotid Artery Disease
CEST Imaging Reveals Dynamic Changes of Implanted Hydrogel Scaffold in Vivo
CEST MRI for Monitoring Bacteriolytic Tumor Therapy
CEST MRI of Human Liver at 3T
CEST Sensitivity Functions Based Sampling Schedule
CESTrho: A New Method for Studying Chemical Exchange at Intermediate Exchange Rates
Challenges of Advanced Clinical MRS
Changes in Attenuation Coefficient in MRgFUS Treatments of In-Vivo Rabbit Thigh Estimated Using MRTI-Derived Specific Absorption Rate Patterns
Changes in Body Tissue Composition During the Transeuropean Footrace 2009 Assessed by Whole-Body MRI in 12 Finishers
Changes in Correlations of Regional Visual Cortical Thickness with Optic Radiation Tract in Anisometropic Amblyopia
Changes in Diffusion Tensor Eigenvalues in Corpus Callosum in Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: A Longitudinal DTI Study
Changes in Foot Orientation Alters Residual Dipolar Couplings of Creatine and Phosphocreatine in the Skeletal Muscle of Rats
Changes in Glucose Level with Age and Its Correlation with Severity of Plaque Deposition in a Transgenic Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Changes in High Spectral and Spatial Resolution MR Images of Tumor Tissue Due to Locally Induced Hyperthermia
Changes in Iron Concentration of the Basal Ganglia in Huntington's Disease Using Magnetic Field Correlation
Changes in Lipid Droplet Composition Detected by 1H MRS During Cisplatin Treatment of DAOY Cells
Changes in Placental and Fetal Organ Perfusion During Chronic Maternal Hypoxia: Assessment by BOLD MRI During Brief Hypercapnic and Hyperoxic Challenge
Changes in Thalamus Connectivity in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Evidence from Resting State FMRI
Changes in the Brain More Than 10 Years After Liver Transplantation
Changes Over Time in Intracranial Aneurysms Monitored with MRA/I
Changes to the Fractional Anisotropy and Mean Diffusivity of in Vivo Rat Brain Measured at Short Effective Diffusion-Times
Changing Trends in Infectious Agents
Characterisation of Motion-Induced Field Distortions in Spectroscopic Imaging with Prospective Motion Correction
Characterisation of the BOLD Signal Haemodynamic Response Function (HRF) in the Neonatal Somatosensory Cortex
Characterising Heterogeneity of Stage 1 Cervical Cancers Using Histogram Analysis from Diffusion Weighted Images.
Characterization and Correction of Eddy Currents for Ultra High Field Parallel Transmission with RF Pulse Design
Characterization of a MRI-RF Hyperthermia Dual-Function Coil Element Design
Characterization of Acute Atrial Lesions by Late Gadolinium Enhancement MRI
Characterization of Brain Tumor Infiltration Into Adjacent Brain Tissue in Experimental Models with Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)
Characterization of Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque Compositions by Single Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sequence: A Comparison Study with Multicontrast Plaque Imaging at 3T
Characterization of Carotid Plaque in Three-Dimensional Ultrasound by Registration with Multicontrast MRI
Characterization of Chelation Therapies in Thalassemia Patients by Longitudinal Analysis of MRI-Assessed Cardiac and Hepatic Iron Overload
Characterization of Functional Homotopy in Multiple Sclerosis Using Resting-State Functional MRI
Characterization of Human Melanomas by EPR Imaging
Characterization of Hyperintense Nodules on Precontrast T1-Weighted MR Imaging: The Utility of Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced Hepatocyte-Phase Imaging
Characterization of Iopamidol Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI for Ratiometric Imaging of PH
Characterization of Iron Load in Rat Myocardium at 7T by R2 Map
Characterization of Lesions and Regional Brain Tissue of ArcAbeta Mice Based on Magnetic Susceptibility
Characterization of Liver Fibrosis by 1H- And 31P-MRS in CCl4-Treated Rats
Characterization of Lung Cancer by Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging: In-Vivo Study in an Orthotopic Mouse Model
Characterization of Macromolecular Transport in Hypoxic Tumor Environments with Disrupted Collagen I Fibers
Characterization of Microbleed Formation from Normal Brain Microvasculature After Radiation Therapy
Characterization of Modified Look Locker (MOLLI) Using Bloch Simulations and Corroboration with Scan Measurements
Characterization of Morphological Features and Critical Mechanical Condition Along Carotid Plaques Using in Vivo MRI and Finite Element Simulation
Characterization of Myocardial T
and Partition Coefficient as a Function of Time After Gadolinium Delivery in Healthy Subjects
Characterization of Neural Tissues in Humans Using Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Characterization of Plaque with SWI Approach: Ex Vivo Study
Characterization of Rodent Heterotopic Heart Transplantation Models with Cellular and Functional MRI
Characterization of SCUBE3 Protein for Its Role in Tumor Vascularization by SSCE-MRI
Characterization of Small Renal Lesions: Problem Solving with MRI
Characterization of Somatosensory BOLD Response Deficit and Recovery After Traumatic Brain Injury in Rat
Characterization of Spatial Variation of BOLD-Associated Neuronal Activity in FMRI
Characterization of Static Field Effects of Paramagnetic Molecular Oxygen on BOLD-Modulated Hyperoxic Contrast Studies of the Human Brain
Characterization of the Failing Human Heart Via Diffusion Tensor Imaging: An Ex-Vivo Study
Characterization of the Human Habenula In-Vivo and Ex-Vivo at 7T
Characterization of the Human Prostate by
in Vivo
P MR Spectroscopic Imaging at 7 Tesla
Characterization of the Perivascular Distribution of White Matter Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis Phenotypes by 7T MRI
Characterization of the TE Dependence of IVIM Biomarkers in a Flow Phantom and
In Vivo
Characterization of the Vestibulo-Cochlear Nerve Motion in Vivo Using a Phase Contrast MRI Sequence
Characterization of USPIO Nanoparticles for Non Invasive Monitoring of Inflammation in Tissue Engineered Tissue Vascular Graft Using in Vivo MRI
Characterize the Distribution and Behavior Significance of the Global Signal Measured by Resting-State Functional Connectivity in the Elderly
Characterizing Brain Development in the Ferret
in Vivo
Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Characterizing Brain Oxygen Metabolism in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis with T2-Relaxation-Under-Spin-Tagging (TRUST) MRI
Characterizing Breast Tumor Lipid Metabolism by Integrating Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging with MALDI Mass Spectrometric Imaging
Characterizing Cerebral Blood Volume and Permeability with a Undersampled Multiple-Echo 3D Projection Reconstruction Sequence and a Fast T1 Mapping Method
Characterizing Complex White Matter Structure from Cube and Sphere Diffusion Imaging with a Multi-Fiber Model (CUSP-MFM)
Characterizing the BOLD Response to Transient Respiratory Challenges at 7 Tesla
Characterizing Tissue Microstructure Orientation by Multi-Directional Sub-Pixel Enhancement of Nonuniform Tissue (SPENT) Sequence
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI of the Breast at 3T Using Amide Proton Transfer (APT)
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer and R1rho Dispersions of Polypeptides with Varying Complexities
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Effect from Phospho-Creatine (PCr) and Adenosine-Tri-Phosphate (ATP)
Chemical Exchange Transfer Imaging of Creatine
Chemical Shift Induced Slab Boundary Artifacts Reduction in Multi-Slab SPACE
Chemical Shift Selective Imaging of Hyperpolarized
C Using Variable Phase Balanced Steady-State Free Precession
Chemical Shift Sodium Imaging in a Mouse Model of Thromboembolic Stroke at 9.4 Tesla
Chemical Shift Sodium Imaging of the Rat Brain During TmDOTP
Choline’s Relationship to Pro-Inflammatory Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein and Glial Activation
Choosing the Best Animal Model
Chronic Administration of MRSI Agent IEPA Increases Tumor PH; Has Potential to Bias PH Measurement
CIMPLE Maps Derived from Serial Diffusion MR Images in Recurrent Glioblastoma Treated with Bevacizumab
CINE Turbo Spin Echo Imaging
Classical Music Enhances the Local Functional Connectivity Density in the Brain
The Classification of in Vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Brain Abscesses Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Classification of Single Voxel 1H Spectra of Brain Tumours Using LCModel
Classification of Tissue Oxygenation Properties Based on Simultaneous Dynamic ?R
and ?R
* D(C)O
Classification of Two-Site Exchange Models for DCE-MRI
Class-Wise Contributions to Spatio-Temporal SVM Classification of FMRI Data
Clinical and Cardiac Function Correlates of Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity Measured by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Normal Subjects
Clinical Application of Pharmacokinetic Analysis as a Biomarker in Solitary Pulmonary Nodules: Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Imaging
Clinical Assessment of Standard and GRAPPA Parallel Diffusion Imaging: Effects of Spatial Resolution and Reduction Factor.
Clinical Feasibility of a New Partial Spoiling T2 Mapping Approach After Cartilage Repair of the Knee
Clinical Feasibility of High-Resolution Navigator-Gated 3D T1w Hepatobiliary MRI with Gd-EOB-DTPA Enhancement
Clinical Imaging of Short T2/T2* Tissues
Clinical Implementation of 3D High Spectral and Spatial Resolution Imaging
Clinical Introduction
Clinical Neuroimaging Using High Dielectric Materials at 7T
Clinical Opportunities & Technical Challenges
Clinical Performance of 3D-FSE-Cube in the Upper Extremity
Clinical Protocol for Brain Tumour Patients Using a 3T Hybrid MR-BrainPET
Clinical Significance of Creatine Peak in In-Vivo 1H-MR Spectroscopy of Gynecologic Tumors
Clinical Significance of Lipid Peak in In-Vivo 1H-MR Spectroscopy of Ovarian Thecomas/fibrothecomas
Clinical T1 Mapping in the Heart - Improved T1 Map Image Quality by Automated Motion Correction for Modified Look-Locker Inversion-Recovery (MOLLI)
Clinical Ultra-Short TE-Enhanced T2* Mapping of Meniscus
Clinically Feasible Crossing Fiber Tractography Based on Additional Local HARDI
Clinically Usable Tool for Dynamic Scan-Plane Tracking for Real-Time MRI-Guided Needle Interventions in a High-Field-Open MRI System
Clinically-Constrained Resolution-Optimized FlexTPI Acquisition Parameters for the Tissue Sodium Concentration Bioscale
Closed-Form Solution for the Three-Point Dixon Method with Advanced Spectrum Modeling
Cluster-Based Statistics Along White Matter Tracts
Clustering Method for Estimating Principal Diffusion Directions
Cocaine-Induced Activity in the Rat Hippocampus Using PhMRI
Coil Comparison for in Vivo Eye Imaging at 7T
Coils in 2020
Combination of Arbitrary Gradient Encoding Fields Using SPACE RIP for Reconstruction (COGNAC)
Combination of Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging with Respiratory Motion Correction for Highly-Accelerated First-Pass Cardiac Perfusion MRI
Combination of Compressed Sensing and SENSE for 1H MRSI: An Initial Result
Combination of Compressed Sensing, Parallel Imaging and Partial Fourier for Highly-Accelerated 3D First-Pass Cardiac Perfusion MRI
Combination of DEPT and PRESS for Detection of UFA in Posterior and Medial Thigh Muscle by 13C MRS at 7T
Combination of Partial
-Space and Direct Virtual Coil Parallel Imaging
Combination of Sparse and Wrapper Feature Selection from Multi-Source Data for Accurate Brain Tumor Typing
Combination of Structural and Functional MRI with Rapid Prototyping as a Neurosurgical Tool
Combination of SVM and ROI Approaches for Real-Time FMRI Neurofeedback
Combinations of Weighted First and Second-Order Clockwise CP Modes to Improve Image Homogeneity with a 16-Channel Head Array at 7 Tesla
Combined 1H MRS and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Measurements of Cerebral Blood Volume, Oxygenation, Cytochrome Oxidase, and Intracellular Metabolites During Perinatal Hypoxia-Ischaemia
Combined 31P and 1H MRSI in Recurrent Glioblastomas Prior and Post Antiangiogenetic Therapy
Combined Analysis of Perfusion and Capillary Permeability by Parametric Analysis of the Tissue Residue Function from DCE-MRI
Combined Arterial Spin Labelling and Diffusion Weighted Imaging for Estimation of Capillary Volume Fraction and Permeability-Surface Product in the Human Brain
A Combined Dynamic Causal Modeling and Functional MRI Study to Assess Visuospatial Symmetry Judgment in Healthy Subjects
Combined Dynamic Susceptibilty Contrast (DSC) Imaging and Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) for Quantitative Perfusion Measurements in Children with Diffuse Pontine Glioma
Combined Implications of Bone's Structural and Material Impairment Following Renal Transplantation Assessed by µMRI Based Finite-Element Modeling
Combined in Vivo Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy and Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Study an
-Integrin Targeted Nanoemulsion
A Combined MR- Fluorescence Tomography System for Quantitative Small Animal Imaging: In Vivo Validation
Combined MRE and SPAMM Tagged MRI for the Analysis of Large Strain Soft Tissue Mechanical Properties
Combined MRI Texture and Shape Analysis for the Prediction of Biologic Aggressiveness in Musculoskeletal Neoplasms
Combined Off-Resonance Imaging and Relaxation in the Rotating Frame for Positive Contrast Imaging of Infection in a Murine Burn Model Testing a Novel Anti-Infective Compound
A Combined Optimized Voxel-Based Morphometry and Resting State Functional Connectivity Investigation in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Combined Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing on 3D Multi-Spectral Imaging Near Metal Implants
Combined Prospective Rigid-Body Motion Correction with Retrospective Non-Rigid Distortion Correction for EPI
Combined Prospective-Retrospective Motion Correction for High-Resolution Brain Imaging
Combined Real-Time Prospective Motion Correction and Concurrent Field Monitoring
Combined Respiratory and Cardiac Triggered MRA of Congenital Heart Disease with a Blood Pool Contrast Agent
Combined Use of DWI, DCE-MRI, and PET/CT in Treatment Response for Preoperative Chemoradiation in Primary Rectal Adenocarcinoma
Combining Amide-Proton-Transfer MRI with DCE-MRI to Improve Prostate Cancer Detection
Combining DCE-MRI and DW-MRI for Evaluating the Early Response of a Hypoxia-Activated Chemotherapy
Combining Nonlinear Least Squares and Random Forest Regression to Increase the Accuracy and Precision of DCE-MRI Tracer Kinetic Model Parameter Estimates
Combining Parallel Multiresolution and PCA Initialization for a Fully Automatic PET-MRI Registration
Combining Phase Images from Multi-Channel RF Coils Using 3D Phase Offset Maps Derived from a Dual-Echo Scan
COMET – a Framework for the Large Scale Cluster Analysis of Major Equivalent Tracts
Common Modes and Cable Traps
Common Neonatal Lesions
Commonly Missed Diagnoses in the Knee
Commonly Missed Diagnoses in the Shoulder
Common-Mode Differential-Mode (CMDM) Method for Quadrature Transmit/receive Surface Coil for Ultrahigh Field MRI
Comparative Oxidative Demands in Cortex and Subcortex Revealed by High Field Calibrated FMRI
A Comparative Study of Arterial Spin Labeling and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Kidneys
A Comparative Study of Axon Diameter Imaging Techniques Using Diffusion MRI
Comparative Study of SSFP Lung MRI at 1.5T with High Resolution Computed Tomography in Patients with Interstitial Lung Fibrosis
A Comparative Study of Undersampling Schemes for Magnetic Resonance Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Imaging
Comparing Different Drug Carriers for Dynamic Absolute MR Thermometry
Comparing Electric Properties Tomography at 1.5, 3 and 7 T.
Comparing Gridding and Masking in 3D Parallel Reconstruction
Comparing MEGA-SPECIAL to MEGA-STEAM for Pure GABA Detection at 7T
Comparing Results of Median Nerve Stimulation Between Healthy and C7 Donor Rats Utilizing BOLD FMRI at 9.4T
Comparing the Chemotherapeutic Response of Prostate Cancer Cells Using MR-Visible Lipids and Fluorescent Fatty Acid Incorporation
Comparing Topical Administration and Intravitreal Injection of Mn2+ for MEMRI on Mouse Visual Pathway
Comparison Among Radial, Spiral-Out and Spiral-In/Out BSSFP in Real Time Cardiac Imaging
A Comparison Between Ankle-Brachial Index and Quiescent-Interval Single Shot Non-Enhanced MRA for the Evaluation of Hemodynamically-Significant Peripheral Arterial Disease
A Comparison Between Arterial Input Function Approaches for High Temporal Resolution Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Prostate Cancer at 3.0T
Comparison Between MRI Blood-To-Brain Transfer Rate Constants from Individual MRI and Population Averaged Quantitative Autoradiographic Arterial Input Functions
Comparison Between Pre and Post Chemoradiation Therapy DCE-MR and PCT Findings: Initial Observations in Locally Advanced Rectal Tumors
Comparison of 31P-MRS at 3T and 7T for Localized and Non-Localized Acquisition
Comparison of 3D Stress Cardiac Magnetic Resonance PerfusionImaging and Invasive Fractional Flow Reserve Measurements for the Detection of Coronary Artery Disease
Comparison of a 28 Channel Phased-Array Coil and a Circularly Polarized Coil for Morphologic Imaging and T2 Mapping of Knee Cartilage at 7 Tesla
Comparison of Accelerated Velocity Encoded MRI with SENSE and Kt-BLAST in a Beating Heart Phantom
Comparison of Acceleration Techniques Applied to Multi-Shot 3D EPI for FMRI Studies
Comparison of Algorithms for Prediction of Respiratory Motion
Comparison of Anatomical Connectivity Metrics
Comparison of Arterial Transit Times Estimated Using Arterial Spin Labeling
Comparison of ASL and DCE-MRI for Renal Perfusion Measurements
Comparison of Automatic Localized and Manual Global AIF Perfusion Imaging from DSC MRI by Vascular Territories
Comparison of Breath-Hold and Free-Breathing Diffusion-Weighted Techniques for Liver MR Diffusivity in Healthy Volunteers and Patients
Comparison of Breath-Hold Versus Free-Breathing Versus Respiratory Triggered and Navigator Triggered Diffusion Weighted Imaging of the Liver
Comparison of CAPR MRA with CT Angiography for Evaluation of Below the Knee Runoff: Preliminary Results of Radiologist Confidence
Comparison of CASL Perfusion Signal with and Without Velocity Dependent Labeling RF Power Modulation
Comparison of CBF and CMRO
Measurements Using MRI and PET in Large Nonhuman Primates (Baboons)
Comparison of Cortical Surface Reconstructions from MP2RAGE Data at 3T and 7T
Comparison of DCE-MRI and Dual Echo DSC-MRI Derived Measures of
A Comparison of DCE-MRI Pharmacokinetic Models in Human Breast Cancer
A Comparison of Delayed Contrast Enhanced and T1rho MRI for Assessment of LV Remodeling
Comparison of Deviations in SAR Prediction Between Highly Detailed and Proper Simplified Human Models at 7T
Comparison of Different Data Acquisition Strategies in Myocardial Strain Assessment Using Strain-Encoded (SENC) MRI
Comparison of Different EPI-Based Approaches to Measure T2’ in Human Brain for the Purpose of Oxygenation Measurements
Comparison of Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI for Assessing the Depth of Myometrial Invasion in Endometrial Cancer
Comparison of Diffusion Weighted Imaging with [
F]-FLT Uptake in a Human Colon Cancer Xenograft Model Using Treatment Strategies
Comparison of DTI Metrics in Neonates Obtained with Manual ROI Analysis Vs Modified TBSS
A Comparison of FDTD-Solvers for Simulation of a
P Birdcage Coil at 1.5 T
Comparison of FMRI with Accelerated Variable Density Spiral and EPI
Comparison of Four Phase Based Methods for the B
Mapping at 7T
Comparison of Gd-DTPA and Gd-BOPTA for Studying Renal Perfusion and Filtration
A Comparison of Imaging Sequences for Sodium MR Imaging on a 9.4T Whole Body Machine
Comparison of in Vivo Hepatic Localized Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 9.4T on Ob/ob and Ob/+ Mice
Comparison of K-Space Based Parallel Imaging Approaches for Reducing Non-Rigid Motion Induced Ghosting
Comparison of Liver Stiffness with MRE and Fibrosis Quantification with Fibro-C Index in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients.
Comparison of Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Cortical Thickness Measurements
Comparison of Models for Analysis of Flux Through Lactate Dehydrogenase in Glioblastoma Cells Using Hyperpolarized [1-
Comparison of MRI of the Hand and Feet for Detecting Early Arthritis
Comparison of MR-Navigator and Optical Tracking Methods for Adaptive Motion Correction
Comparison of NMR Lipid Profiles in Mitotic Arrest and Apoptosis as Indicators of Drug Resistance.
Comparison of Non-Invasive Self-Gated Flash (Intragate®) with Prospectively Triggered Flash Cine Sequences for the Evaluation of Aortic Distensibility in Mice at 9.4 T.
Comparison of Parameters of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE-)MRI and Contrast Enhanced UltraSound (CEUS) Applied in a Clinical Pharmacological Study
Comparison of Perfusion MRI-Based Methods to Estimate Histologic Tumor Fraction and Predict Survival in Recurrent GBM
Comparison of Physiologic Modulators in Event-Related FMRI
Comparison of Pseudocontinuous and Velocity Selective Arterial Spin Labeling with Gold Standard Xenon CT: A Study in Patients with Moyamoya Disease
Comparison of Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin-Labeled and Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Enhanced Perfusion Imaging in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Comparison of Pulse Wave Velocity Measurements from 2D PC Slices and Radially Undersampled 4D PC MR
Comparison of Pulsed and Continuous ASL for Measurements of CBF Changes Induced by Hypercapnia
Comparison of Regional Myocardial Function in the Human and the Mouse
Comparison of Renal MRA/CTA and DSA in CORAL Study
Comparison of Response to OXi4503 Therapy in Subcutaneous and Orthotopic Liver Metastasis Models Using Susceptibility and Diffusion MRI
Comparison of RF Heating in Cables Equipped with Different Types of Current Limitations
Comparison of Short Diffusion Preparations for 3D Black Blood Imaging.
Comparison of SNR Efficiencies and Strain for Cine DENSE Images Acquired Using Conventional EPI, Flyback EPI and Spiral
-Space Trajectories
Comparison of Spin Dynamics in Pseudo-Continuous and Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling with and Without Vascular Crushing
Comparison of Susceptibility Gradient Mapping and Off-Resonance Excitation for Quantitative Positive Contrast MRI of Magnetotactic Bacteria
Comparison of SWI and DIR-Prepared TSE Femoral Artery Wall Imaging
Comparison of the Kinetic Parameters Estimated with Different Numerical Methods in DCE-MRI
The Comparison of the Performance of MRI Clinical Sequences for Ankle Imaging at 3T Vs 7T
Comparison of the Region-Based and Pixel-Wise Methods for Cardiac T2* Analysis in 50 Transfusion-Dependent Thai Thalassemia Patients
Comparison of the Standard Gadolinium Concentration and Signal Difference Methodologies for Computation of Perfusion Parameters in DCE-MRI at Various SNRs
Comparison of the Transverse Relaxation Time of the Left Ventricle During the Mid-Diastolic Rest and the End-Systolic Rest Periods
Comparison of the Uptake of Gadolinium Contrast Agents Between Pre-Clinical Colorectal and Other Tumour Models by Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Comparison of Three Preamplifier Technologies: Variation of Input Impedance and Noise Figure with B
Field Strength
Comparison of Tissue Classification Models for Automatic Brain MR Segmentation
Comparison of Transmit Coil Configurations for Multiple-Mouse MRI with Receive-Only Coils
Comparison of Two Alternative Approaches for Diffusion-Weighted Readout-Segmented (RS)-EPI
Comparison of Two MRI-UTE Sequences for the Quantification (T
) of the Human Achilles Tendon
Comparison of UTE Ratios Based on Magnetization Transfer and T2 for Quantification of Achilles Tendinopathy
Comparison of Vascularity Characteristics Between Primary Tumor and Metastatic Nodes in Head and Neck Cancer by DCE- And IVIM-MRI
Comparison of White Matter Integrity Between Alzheimer’s Disease Patients with and Without White Matter Lesions Analyzed by Tract-Based Spatial Statistics
A Comparison Study of Imaging Absolute CBF Change in Rat Brain with SR-T1app Method and CASL Technique
Comparisons of Bone Density Measurements Between Quantitative Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance IDEAL Imaging
Comparisons of the Efficacy of the Jak1/2 Inhibitor AZD1480 with the VEGF Signaling Inhibitor Cediranib (AZD2171) and Sham Treatments in Mouse Tumors Using DCE-MRI, DW-MRI, and Histology
Compartmental Analysis of R2 Measurements of Hepatic Lipid and Iron in Vivo Using Breath-Hold Multi-Echo
H Spectroscopy (HISTO)
Complementary Radial Tagging for the Assessment of Left Ventricular Function
Complementary Use of SPAIR and STIR for Robust Fat Suppression in Single-Slab 3D TSE
Complementary-Output PIN Diode Driver for Animal Imaging
Complex and Magnitude-Only Preprocessing of 2D and 3D BOLD FMRI Data at 7 Tesla
Complex Flow in a Real-Size Intracranial Aneurysm Phantom: Phase Contrast MRI Compared with CFD
Composite Localization with Adiabatic Slice Selective Excitation and Refocusing (CLASER) for Improved 1H MRSI in Non Uniform B1 Fields
Comprehensive Correction of Artifacts Due to Eddy Current-Induced Echo Shifts in Partial Fourier DTI
Comprehensive Neurovascular Evaluation Using an Automatic Optimal SNR-Based Channel Combination from a 62 Element Coil Array at 3T
A Comprehensive Quantitative Comparison of Regional Cardiac Motion in Mice and Humans
Compressed Sensing & HYPR
Compressed Sensing CPMG with Group-Sparse Reconstruction for Myelin Water Imaging
Compressed Sensing Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) with Tensor and Phase Constraints
Compressed Sensing in Phase-Encoded Multi-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Compressed Sensing on TDM-SENSE with Rotating RF Coil
Compressed Sensing Reconstruction Improves Variable Density Spiral Functional MRI
Compressed Sensing with Compressed Channels
Compression of the Knee Upon Weight Loading in Healthy and Osteoarthritis Subjects as Measured by MRI and X-Ray
Compressive Sensing Ensemble Average Propagator Estimation Via L1 Spherical Polar Fourier Imaging
Computation of Structure Model Index in the Spatial Resolution Regime of
in Vivo
Trabecular Bone MRI
Computational Modeling and Optimized Detection of PARACEST Contrast Agents with Echo Planar Imaging
Computational Simulation of Effects of the Morphology of Fibroglandular Tissues on Projected Breast Density Changes After Breast Compression Based on 3D MRI
Computational White Matter Atlas for Young Rhesus Macaques
Computerized Classification of Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions on DCE-MRI Utilizing Novel Shape Descriptors
Computerized Lesion Segmentation on DCE-MRI Using Active Contours and Spectral Embedding.
Computerized Quantitative Data Integration of Multi-Protocol MRI for Identification of High Grade Prostate Cancer in Vivo.
Concatenated Double Wave Vector Diffusion Weighting Experiments
Concordant Brain Structural and Diffusion Changes in Frontotemporal Dementia with and Without Motor Neuron Disease
Conditional Granger Causality Analysis of FMRI Data Shows a Direct Connection from LGN to HMT+ Bypassing V1
Congenital Heart Disease
Congenital Uterine Anomalies
Connectivity Analysis Through Structural Vector Auto-Regressive (SVAR) Modeling
Consequences of Multi-Echo Fits in Perfusion MRI for the Determination of MTT in Presence of T1-Effects.
Consistency of Breast Density Measured from the Same Women Using Different MR Scanners at 1.5T and 3.0T
Consistency of T1? Measurements: A Phantom Study
Consistent High Acceleration Factor In-Vivo Tx SENSE with Generic (Measured or Simulated) Set of B1+ Maps on Load Independent Whole-Head Tx Arrays
Constellation Coil Design
Constrained Maximum Likelihood Estimator for More Accurate Diffusion Kurtosis Tensor Estimates
Construction and Optimization of Local 3rd Order Passive Shim System for Human Brain Imaging at 4T MRI
Construction and Use of a Cryostat for Hyperpolarization Based on a 15 Cm, 4.6 T Magnet
Construction of a Model-Based High Resolution Arterial Input Function (AIF) Using a Standard Radiological AIF and the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
Construction of a MR Compatible Arthroscopic System and Its Clinical Application
Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling (CASL) of Cerebral Blood Flow of Mouse at 9.4T
Continuous Fat Suppression During Respiratory Triggering
Continuous SWIFT
Continuously Moving Table Vessel Scout Imaging Using Variable Flip Angles and Autocorrelation Analysis
Contrast Agent Diffusion in DGEMRIC: Exploring Donnan Equlibrium
in Vitro
in Vivo
Contrast Agents & Platforms
Contrast Agents and MR Protocols for Molecular Imaging of Murine Myocardial Infarction
Contrast Assessment of Synthetic Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Clinical Practice
Contrast Enhanced MR Angiography of the Thoracic Aorta: Comparison of ECG-Gated Techniques at 3T
Contrast Enhanced MRI in Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Locally Advanced Breast Cancer: Does Accuracy Vary Across Clinically Relevant Sub-Sets?
Contrast Enhancement in TOF Cerebral Angiography at 7 Tesla Under SAR Constraints: Trading Between Saturation, VERSE and Magnetization Transfer RF Pulses.
Contrast Media for Liver MRI: Which One to Choose?
Contrast-Enhanced Cardiac MRI of Vascular Remodeling After Myocardial Infarction Using Lipid-Based Nanoparticles
Contrast-Enhanced MR Enterography as a Stand-Alone Tool to Evaluate Crohn’s Disease in Pediatric Population.
Contrast-Enhanced T1-CUBE Brain Imaging with Compressed Sensing
Contrast-To-Noise Ratio in Extrapolated and Measured High B-Value Diffusion Weighted Prostate MR Images
Contribution of Perfusion in Diffusion Weighted MRI of Orthotopic and Subcutaneous Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Rat
Controlled Denoising for FMRI Using Adaptive Overcomplete Dictionaries
Conventional and Advanced MR Imaging of Parkinson`s Disease
Conventional Contrast Agents
Conventional MRI
Copper Nanoparticles for T1-Weighted MR Molecular Imaging
Coronary Angiography
Coronary Arteries
Coronary MRA at 7T
Coronary Vein Imaging Is Optimal During the Systolic Rest Period in CRT Patients
Corpus Callosum Alterations in Preterm Infants at Term Predict Motor Outcomes at 5 Years
Corpus Callosum Wallerian Degeneration in Unilateral Brain Tumors: Evaluation with Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Correcting B0 Induced Signal Loss Using Echo Planar Imaging Reference Data
Correcting High Order Eddy Current Induced Distortion for Diffusion Weighted Echo Planar Imaging
Correcting K-Trajectory by Using Multiple Function Models of Gradient Waveform for Ultrashort TE(UTE)
Correcting RF Inhomogeneities in Skeletal Muscle Magnetization Transfer Maps
Correcting the Bias in the ADC Value Due to Local Perturbation Fields: A Physically Informed Model
Correction for Delay and Dispersion of Contrast Bolus: A Comparison of Quantitative DSC Cerebral Perfusion and [
A Correction of Amplitude Variation Using Navigators in an Interleave-Type Multi-Shot EPI at 7T
Correction of Base-Line [Gd] Offsets Due to Effective Saturation Pulse Flip-Angle Variations in 3T Liver DCE-MRI
Correction of Breathing-Induced Artefacts in High-Field Brain MRI Using Concurrent Field Monitoring
Correction of EPI Nyquist Ghosts Via GESTE with Spatial Calibration
Correction of Errors in PRFS Thermometry Due to Heat Induced Susceptibility Changes of Fat
Correction of Signal Loss in HYPR FLOW Reconstruction
Correction of Subject Motion in Quantitative T2*-Mapping
Correlated Spectroscopic Imaging Using Concentrically Circular Echo-Planar Trajectories in Human Calf
Correlating Functional and Structural Connectivity of Default Mode Network with Dosage of Two Candidate Vulnerability Genes of Schizophrenia
Correlating Longitudinal and Quantitative MRI Metrics Elucidates White Matter Changes in the Cuprizone Mouse Model of Demyelination
Correlating White Matter Integrity Loss and Gray Matter Atrophy in Alzheimer's Disease
Correlation Between ADC and T1?-Relaxation Time for In-Vivo Assessment of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
Correlation Between Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Molecular and Histological Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer: Initial Observations in 53 Patients.
Correlation Between BMLs and Quadriceps Arthogenous Muscle Inhibition
Correlation Between Cancer and Altered Proton MR Spectroscopic Imaging in the Prostate’s Central Gland
Correlation Between Clinical Data and Metabolic Abnormalities in Inferior Colliculus for Schizophrenic Patients with Auditory Hallucinations
Correlation Between Diffusion Tensor Imaging Indices and Sociability, a Behavioral Endophenotype Relevant to Autism: A Longitudinal Study in the BALB/cJ Mouse Strain
Correlation Between DTI and Visual Evoked Potential in Mice with Optic Neuritis
Correlation Between Elemental Distribution and Susceptibility Change in Intracerebral Hemorrhagic Stroke
Correlation Between Hyperpolarized 13C MRSI and Perfusion Data from Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI
Correlation Between
in Vivo
H MRSI and
ex Vivo
H HR MAS in Spatially Matched Regions in Prostate Cancer Patients
Correlation of Magnetic Susceptibility with Structural Characteristics in White Matter Regions of the Central Nervous System
Correlation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients Measured by Standard (1000 S/mm2) and High B-Value (2000 S/mm2) Diffusion MR Imaging and SUV from FDG PET/CT in Head and Neck Cancer
Correlation of Contrast Enhancement Speed of Hepatic Hemangiomas on Gadolinium-Enhanced Dynamic T1-Weighted Images with Apparent Diffusion Coefficient on Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Correlation of DSC Parameters with Histopathological Complex Microvasculature in GBM Patients
Correlation of Histology from MR Guided Transperineal Prostate Biopsy with Multiparametric MR Imaging: A Feasibility Study
Correlation of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion with Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Derived Parameters in Neck Nodal Metastases
Correlation of Lipid Profile and Insulin Sensitivity with Body Fat Evaluated Using MRI, Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry and Bioimpedance
Correlation of MRI Contrast Enhancement in Gliomas with Immuno-Histological Vascular Parameters Using Image-Guided Biopsy Specimens
Correlation of NMR Metabolic Profile and Gene Expression Profiles in High Grade Glioma
Correlation of Phase Values with CT Hounsfield and R2* Values in Calcified Neurocysticercosis
Correlation of Post-Stimulus Undershoot with BOLD Response in Event-Related FMRI
Correlation of Quantitative Tissue Characteristics Derived from DCE-MRI, DW-MRI and Histology in Murine Tumors
Correlation of Thalamic Volume and Microstructural Abnormalites in Central Visual Pathways in High Risk Preterm Infants
Correlation of Urinary Bladder Cancer with Stalk Observed on 3-Tesla MRI with Histopathological T Staging and Cystoscopic Findings: Comparison of Diffusion- And T2-Weighted Imaging in Stalk Detectability
Correlation Study Between 31P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Electromyogram on Muscle Fatigue
Correlation-Based Reconstruction for Parallel Imaging
A Correlation-Matrix-Based Clustering Method for Extracting Correlation Patterns of Spontaneous BOLD Fluctuations
Cortical Activation in Superior Temporal Gyrus and Fusiform Gyrus Modulated by Congruence of Emotional Content in Music and Face
Cortical Atrophy in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis
Cortical Depth Dependent Temporal Dynamics of the BOLD Response in the Human Brain
Cortical Metabolic Alterations Induced by Genetic Redox Deregulation in GCLM KO Mice and the Protective Effect of N-Acetylcysteine Treatment: Relevance for Schizophrenia
Cortical Thickness in Lupus Patients with Cognitive Impairment
Cortical Thinning in Children with Frontal Lobe Epilepsy
Corticomedullary Differentiation of the Kidney: Evaluation with Non-Contrast-Enhanced Steady-State Free Precession (SSFP) MR Imaging with Time-Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse (Time-SLIP)
Corticospinal Tract Disease and Sensory-Motor Disability in Multiple Sclerosis
Cost Effective, High Performance MRS Screening of Rodents
Could Lipids Contribute to the Exchange-Induced Resonance Frequency Contrast in Brain Tissue?
Counter Rotating Currents Cryogenic Surface Coils
Coupling Between Resting Cerebral Perfusion and EEG Power
Cranio Spinal Hydrodynamic View of Neurodegenerative Disease by 2D-PCMRI
Creatine Kinase Overexpression Increases in Vivo ATP Synthesis in the Failing Mouse Heart
Creating a One-Stop Shop? 3D Black Blood Vessel Wall Imaging Would Combine Information of Luminal Severity and Plaque Composition
Creation and Validation of a White Matter Importance Map Using Traumatic Brain Injury Patient Data
Creation of a Population-Representative Brain Atlas with Clear Anatomical Definition
Cross-Platform Comparison of Brain MRE
Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Reproducibility of Rhesus Macaque Brain Metabolites: Proton MR Spectroscopy at 3 T
Cross-Sectional Dixon-Enhanced Spiral Cine Coronary Artery Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 3T
Cross-Validation of PRESS, MEGA-PRESS Editing and 2D JPRESS for Neurotransmitter and Antioxidant Detection at 3T Using the ERETIC Reference Standard
Crusher Gradient Reversal to Eliminate Stimulated Echo Artifacts in Dual Spin Echo Diffusion MRI
CS-GRAPPA: Improving GRAPPA Using Cross Sampling
CS-SENSE Reconstruction Using a Two-Level Variable Density Sampling Pattern
CT Radiation Exposure: How Bad Is It, and How Can It Be Reduced in Practice
CT-PRESS Based Spiral Spectroscopic Imaging with Robust Water and Lipid Suppression Using Multiple Dualband Frequency-Selective RF Pulses
Cube Cx2: Free 3D T2w Dataset Along with 3D T2FLAIR Acquisition
Current Clinical Practices & Needs
Current Clinical Practices & Needs
Current Clinical Practices & Needs: Fetal Imaging
Current Clinical Practices & Needs: Neonatal Imaging
Current Practices, Clinical Needs & Emerging Techniques
A Customized Coil Arrangement for PatLoc Imaging Inside a 9.4 T MRI Spectrometer
Daily Longitudinal Quality Assessment in MRI: From Short-Term Fluctuations to Long-Term Stability
Dark Blood T2* Maps in the Carotid Artery
Dark Regions of No-Reflow on LGE-MRI Result in Permanent Scar Post Atrial Fibrillation Ablation
Data Driven Reconstruction of Inconsistent K-Space Data
DCE and DWI Functional Parameters as Indicators of Response to Radical Chemoradiation in Head and Neck Cancer
DCE MR Renography Measurement of Renal Function in Patients Undergoing Partial Nephrectomy
Parameter Has Diminished Sensitivity to AIF Variation
DCE-MRI as a Prognostic Factor in Osteosarcoma
DCE-MRI Biomarkers of Microvascular Structure and Function Predict CRC Liver Metastasis Shrinkage Induced by Bevacizumab and FOLFOX6
DCE-MRI in Rat Gliomas Under Therapy with Temozolomide and a Nitric Oxide Donor
DCE-MRI in Tumors at 11.7 Tesla Requires the Estimation of Arterial Input Function by Phase Imaging Instead of Magnitude Imaging
DCE-MRI of Genetic Mouse Model of Lung Cancer
DCE-MRI Perfusion in Liver Disease with 3D Volumetric Coverage
DDIF: A Novel Contrast for MRI of Trabecular Bone
Deactivation in Tinnitus Patients and Controls During a Tone Discrimination Task Studied with FMRI
Decoupling of Intrinsic Insula Subregional Connectivity Was Associated with Episodic Memory Decline in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment
Decrease in White Matter Volumes and Commensurate Deficits in Neuropsychological Performance Following Radiation Therapy in Children
Decrease of Glutamate in the Hippocampus of the
Knockout Mouse During Myelingenesis Detected by
in Vivo
Decreased Brain Stiffness in Alzheimer's Disease Determined by Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Decreased Functional Connectivity of Supplementary Motor Area Under Tactile Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease: An FMRI Study
Default-Mode Resting Network in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI)
Define Impact of Fasting on Human Brain Acid-Base Homeostasis Using Natural Abundance 13C and 31P MRS
Defining the Mode of Action of Loperamide and Loperamide Plus Simethicone Using an MRI Model of Acute Diarrhoea
Definition of the Macromolecular Baseline Based on T
as Well as T
Deflation-Induced Changes in Alveolar-Duct Geometry Via
He Lung Morphometry, with Histological Validation
Deformable Registration with Tumor Volume Preservation in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Breast Images
Degeneration of Motor Cortical Areas in Parkinson’s Disease: A Follow Up FMRI Study
Delayed BOLD in the Somatosensory Cortex and Its Possible Relationship to Beta Band Event Related Synchronisation
The Deleterious Effect of Concomitant Gradient Fields on Diffusion Imaging
Demonstration of Meniscal Fiber Structure in Vivo by Radial Imaging with Minimal Phase Excitation and Adiabatic Fat Suppression Pulses at High Field
Demonstration of the Relationship Between Oxygen Delivery and Contrast Agent Delivery in Human Glioma Using Combined OEMRI and DCE-MRI
Demyelinating Disease + Myelitis
Demyelination in the Injured Human Spinal Cord Detected with Diffusion and Magnetization Transfer Imaging
Dependence of Acquisition Trajectory on BOLD Sensitivity Changes Due to Magnetic Susceptibility Differences in the Brain
Dependence of CEST Effect from Amine Protons of Glutamate on PH
Dependence of White Matter Orientation to Magnet Field on Gradient-Echo Imaging at 17.2 Tesla in Mice.
Dephased Double Echo Imaging with Outer Volume Suppression for Accelerated White Marker Imaging in MR-Guided Interventions
Depth-Wise Relaxivity of Gd-DTPA
and Gd-DTPA-BMA in Human Femoral Head Cartilage
Derivative Encoding for Parallel Imaging
A Descriptive Atlas of the Common Marmoset Cortex Based on Anatomical MRI
Design and Application of 5 Channel Tx/Rx Coil for High Spatial Resolution Laryngeal MRI at 7 Tesla
Design and Characterization of a Set of MRI Histology RF Coils Dedicated to Standardized Slide Sections
Design and Evaluation of an MR Compatible Pneumatic Non-Rigid Moving Heart Phantom for Simulating Respiratory and Cardiac Motion
Design and Evaluation of RF Coils for Magnetic Resonance Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
Design and Performance of a Multi-Sample Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Setup
Design Criteria of an MR-PET Array Coil for Highly Parallel MR Brain Imaging
A Design Method for Asymmetric Gradient Coils with Reduced Hot Spot Temperatures
Design of a Robust Method for Suppression of Ghosting Artifacts Due to Long T1 Species in Cardiac Imaging
Design of Compact Planar GC for High Field Open MRI Using the Computational Tool DUCAS
Design of Gradient and Shim Coils for a Head-Only, Vertical, HTS MRI System
Design of Ramped RF Excitation Pulses with Built-In Out of Slab Saturation for 3D - TOF Angiography
Design of Thymidine Analogs as CEST Reporters for Imaging of HSV1-TK Expression
Design, Evaluation and Application of a Sixteen Channel Transmit/Receive Surface Coil Array for Cardiac MRI at 7T
Desperately Seeking: Non-Balanced Steady State Free Precession Fluid Signal
A Detailed Quantitative Analysis of B1 Components at 1.5T and 3T
Detecting Acute Cortical Layer-Specific Plasticity in Rat Model Using High Field FMRI, Part 2- A Non-Thresholded, Raw Data Analysis Study
Detecting Acute Cortical Plasticity in Rats Using High Field FMRI, Part 1- FMRI Maps and Cytoarchitectonic Boundaries
Detecting FMRI Activation in K-Space for High Acceleration Factors
Detecting Histological Changes in Traumatic Brain Injury with Magnetization Transfer Imaging
Detecting Myocardial Hemorrhage in the Setting of Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury: T2 Vs T2*
Detecting Myocardial Ischemia at Rest with Cardiac Phase-Resolved BOLD MRI: Early Findings
Detection and Countermeasures for RF Unsafe Conditions for MR-Conditional Devices
Detection and Exploitation of Acoustic Cavitation for Enhancement of MR Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Heating in Ex Vivo Liver
Detection and Mapping of Delays in Early Cortical Folding in Fetuses with Ventriculomegaly from in Utero MRI
Detection and Quantification of Alpha- Synuclein Using Fast Field- Cycling Magnetic Resonance Techniques
Detection and Quantification of Holmium-166 Loaded Microspheres in Patients with Liver Metastases: Initial Experience Within the Framework of a Phase I Study
Detection of 2-Hydroxyglutarate in Mutant Brain Tumors in Vivo Using Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Detection of Abnormal Water Exchange Rate in Brain Tumor Patients
Detection of Acute Kidney Injury Using Hyperpolarized [1,4-
Detection of Altered Axonal Transport a Mouse Model of Neurofibromatosis Using Manganese Enhanced MRI
Detection of Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in a Mouse Model of Transient Cerebral Ischemia by EPR Imaging
Detection of Bone Metastases in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients: Accuracy of 3T Whole-Body MRI and FDG-PET-CT
Detection of Breast Cancer Aggressiveness with Metabolomic Profiles
Detection of Changes in Quadrupolar Peaks by FFC-MRI in Skeletal Muscle
Detection of Exposure Related Cortical Responses by Amphetamine Using PCASL and Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic Dose Modeling
Detection of Fast Decaying Lactate in Human Skeletal Muscle After Exercise by 7T 1H MRS
Detection of Focal Inflammation on Myocardial Disorder Using T2 Contrast Agent-Based MRI: Comparison to Late-Enhanced MRI with T1 Contrast Agent
Detection of Glutaminase Activity
In Vivo
in a MYC Mouse Model of Liver Cancer Using Hyperpolarized [5-
Detection of in Vivo Enzyme Activity with PARACEST MRI
Detection of Lipid Composition by 7T Proton Spectroscopy of Ex Vivo Axillary Lymph Nodes of 10 Breast Cancer Patients
Detection of MR Perfusion Transit Time Effects in Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling Using a ‘model Validity Metric’
Detection of Nerve Injury with Diffusion Weighted Wide Band Steady State Free Precession (DW-WBSSFP) in the Lumbar Spine
Detection of ParaCEST Agents with Reduced MT Interference Using Frequency Labeled Exchange Transfer (FLEX)
Detection of Pulmonary Ischemia Using the Oxygen Sensitivity of Hyperpolarized Helium MRI in a Rodent Model of Pulmonary Embolism
Detection of Renal Dysfunction by Point of Care Creatinine Testing in Patients Undergoing Peripheral MR Angiography
Detection of Spinal Cord Abnormality on Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) in Patients with Unilateral Deficit Using Pattern Classification
Detection of Treatment Effects with
H MRS in Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Detection Strategies at 7 Tesla Using Clinical MRS Pulse Sequences
Determinants of T2* Relaxation in White Matter: Insights from Postmortem Analyses
Determination of ATP Synthesis Exchange Rates in Human Liver and Skeletal Muscle Using
P Magnetization Transfer
Determination of Collateral Supply Patterns Using Conventional Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion Imaging
Determination of Optical Properties of the Rat Eye Using in Vivo High-Resolution MR Imaging
Determination of Optimal Model Sampling Parameters for Hyperpolarized Contrast Agents
Determination of Optimal Parameters for Intra-Arterial Injection and Blood Brain Barrier Disruption in the Mouse Using MRI
Determination of R2* Across Multiple Postlabeling Delays in ASL and Comparison with Flow, Arterial Volume and Transit Times in Physiological Challenges
Determining Histology-MRI Slice Correspondences for Mapping Prostate Cancer Extent in Vivo
Determining the Optimal Label Duration of Pseudo-Continuous ASL at 7 Tesla
Developement of Multi-Tranceiver Dual-Tuned Knee Coil at 3T
Development and Evaluation of a Robust and Efficient Computational Pipeline for Track Density Imaging for Use in a Clinical Research Environment
Development of a MR-Compatible Cardiotocograph for the Non-Invasive Assessment of the Birth Process Via MRI.
Development of a Reasonable Lateralization Index for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Development of a Receiver Coil Array for 2D Accelerated Imaging of the Complete Neurovascular System
Development of a Spin Echo Gradient Echo Sequence for Simultaneous Assessment of the Biomarkers Vessel Size Index, Relative Blood Volume, and Perfusion
Development of a Temperature Variable MRI System Using a 1.0 Tesla Yokeless Permanent Magnet
Development of a Template Driven, Adaptive, Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) System for Reduction of MR Acoustic Noise – Initial Results
Development of a Three-Dimensional Visualization and Atlasing Tool for Pulmonary Gas Distribution from Hyperpolarized
He Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Development of an Activatable MRI T2 Agent Sensitive to NADH
Development of an MRI System Using a High T
Bulk Superconducting Magnet
Development of Axonal Pathways in Preadolescent Children
Development of Cerebellar Connectivity in Fetal Human Brains Revealed by Diffusion Tractography
Development of Comprehensive 3D Evaluation of Atherosclerosis in Multiple Vascular Beds
Development of Dual-Tuned Knee Coil at 7T: A Feasibility Study of High-Resolution Sodium MR Imaging and T2 Mapping in Knee Cartilage in Vivo
Development of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for MRI-SPECT-Optical Imaging of Sentinel Lymph Nodes
Development of MRI-Guided Intrabiliary Local Agent Delivery Technique
Development of Nanoparticle-Based Magnetic Resonance Colonography
Developmental Deviation in the Cortico-Striatal Response in Children with ADHD: FMRI Evidence Using a Sustained Attention Task
Developmental Differences in Deep Gray Matter Nuclei Tissue Integrity and Neuropsychological Performance in Healthy Children and Patients Treated with Brain Radiation
Device Monitoring and Dynamic Scanner Feedback Control for Active Device Safety in Interventional MRI
Devices & Safety
Diagnosing Alzheimer Disease in Individuals: Volumetric Imaging
Diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome: Scope of the Problem
Diagnosis of FNH: Comparison of Gd-EOB-DTPA with Gd-BOPTA, Preliminary Results from a Multicentric US Study.
Diagnosis of Ovarian Masses with Multi-Parametric Magnetic Resonance Methods: Preliminary Results
Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer: Comparison of MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Quantitative Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging and the Two Techniques Combined at 3.0T
Diagnostic Accuracy and Workflow of 240 Experimental MR Biopsies with a Clinical Navigation Solution Outside the Bore
Diagnostic Accuracy of Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography and Non-Contrast Proton MR Imaging Compared with CT Pulmonary Angiography in Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension
Diagnostic Accuracy of Different Image Postprocessing Methods for the Detection of Coronary Artery Stenoses by Using Contrast Enhanced Coronary MRA at 3.0T
Diagnostic Capability and Reproducibility of Myocardial Strain Measured by DENSE MRI in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
Diagnostic Performance of DCE-MR Imaging of the Breasts as a Function of Contrast Dose
Diagnostic Performance of MRI for Assessing Tumor Response in Her-2 Negative Breast Cancer Receiving Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Diagnostic Prediction of Language Impairment in Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Joint MEG - DTI Classification
Diagnostic Quality Assessment of the BSSFP Dixon Method for NCE MRA
Diagnostic Value of ADC in Patients with Prostate Cancer: Influence of the Choice of B-Values
Dictionary-Based Sparsification and Reconstruction (DIBSAR)
Difference of Apparent Diffusion Coeffcient in Breast Mass and Non-Mass Like Enhancement Lesions
Differences in Insulin Sensitivity and Adipose Tissue Distribution in Obese Subjects – Is There a Benign Form of Adiposity?
Differences in Neurovascular Coupling in Areas with Positive and Negative BOLD Signal
Differences in Thalamic Activity and in the Temporal Pattern of Bold Signal Between Neonates Born at Term and Preterm: A FMRI Study During Passive Auditory Stimulation.
Different Patterns of Myocardial Iron Overload by Multislice T2* Cardiovascular MR as Markers of Risk for Cardiac Dysfunction in Thalassemia Major.
Different Stages in Alzheimer's Disease Target Different Large-Scale Networks, Assessed by Resting-State Functional Connectivity
Different Types of Errors in Segmentation of Breast Density Using Computer-Aided Algorithms
Differential Brain Activation Associated with the Effects of Emotional and Non-Emotional Distracters During a Delayed-Response Working Memory Task in Patients with Schizophrenia
Differential Effects of Opioid Analgesics on Functional Connectivity of Cortical-Subcortical Networks in Humans
Differentiating Between Benign and Malignant Breast Tumors Using the Choline Concentration as Determined by Chemical Shift Imaging
Differentiating Between Recurrent Tumor and Post-Treatment Radiation Effects Using High-Order Diffusion Imaging
Differentiation of Radiation Necrosis from Glioma in Rat Models Using Diffusion Tensor MR Imaging
Differentiation of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Air Pockets Using Independent Component Analysis
Diffuse Iron Deposition in the Putamen and Caudate Nucleus in CADASIL: Comparing Phase and Magnitude Images at 7 Tesla
Diffusion & Perfusion Weighted Imaging
Diffusion Abnormalities Detected by Tract-Based Spatial Statistics in Children with Sickle Cell Disease
Diffusion Abnormalities in Young Drug Naive ADHD Children
Diffusion Abnormality in Olfactory Bulbs of Type-I Diabetic Rats
Diffusion and Magnetization Transfer Imaging Detects Spinal Cord Lesions in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Diffusion Anisotropy Corrections for Vessel Size and Microvessel Density Imaging
Diffusion Gradient Correction in Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Diffusion Imaging
Diffusion Imaging in the Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
Diffusion Imaging in Vivo with Whole-Body Gradient Amplitude of 65 MT/m
Diffusion Imaging Processing
Diffusion Imaging: Physics Applied to Body Applications
Diffusion in Brain Tumors
Diffusion Kurtosis - A Sensitive Marker for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Diffusion Kurtosis Abnormalities in a Pre-Symptomatic a-Synucleinopathy Mouse Model.
A Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) Based Correlate for Plaque Load in the APPPS1 Mouse Model for Alzheimer's Disease (AD)
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) Reconstruction - Linear or Non-Linear?
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Prostate Cancer
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Vivo; from Basics to Clinical Applications.
Diffusion Kurtosis Is Sensitive to Hyperacute Cerebral Ischemia and Increases with Ischemic Progression Without Renormalization
Diffusion Measurements Reveal a Difference in Apparent Diffusion Coefficients of Intra- And Extramyocellular Lipids
Diffusion Model Complexity Reduces Repeatability in Multiple B-Value DWI Fitting : Impact of Tumour Volume and Fitting Methodology in a Phase I Clinical Trial Setting
Diffusion Properties of Whole, Post-Mortem Human Brains
Diffusion Relaxation Correlation Spectroscopy at Ultra Short Echo Times Reveals Two Major Compartments in Human Cadaver Brain White Matter
Diffusion Spectrum Imaging After Stroke Shows Structural Changes in the Contra-Lateral Motor Network Correlating with Functional Recovery.
A Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Study on Mirror Neuron System in Schizophrenia
A Diffusion Spectrum Tractography Study on Fiber Integrity of Fornix and Correlation with Clinical Symptoms in Schizophrenia
Diffusion Tensor Based Reconstruction of the Ductal Tree
Diffusion Tensor Image Registration Using Uncertainty Information
Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and Tractography for Assessment of Renal Allograft Dysfunction
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Abnormalities Associated with Cognitive Decline in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Cognition in Patients with Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Changes in the Spinal Cord of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Characteristics of Normal Human Cervical Spinal Cord at 3T
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Detects Axonal Degeneration and Its Extent Is Associated with Disability in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Distortion Correction with T1
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Evaluation of Upper Leg Muscular Changes After Long Distance Running
Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Evaluation of Radiation-Induced Developmental Abnormalities in the White Matter
Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Human Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Using a 2D RF Excitation Pulse Combined with a Reduced Field-Of-View Single-Shot Echoplanar Readout (Zoomed-EPI)
Diffusion Tensor Imaging May Be Useful to Differentiate Between Intracranial Dural Metastases and Meningiomas
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Acute Muscular Injury in Normal and Dystrophic Mice
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Intact and Injured Rat Hippocampus–Histopathological Correlates for Alterations Caused by Status Epilepticus and Traumatic Brain Injury
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Normal and Pathological Human Optic Nerves Using 2D Ss-IVIM-DWEPI and a Custom Designed 20-Channel Phase Array Coil at 3T System.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Pediatric Spinal Cord Using an Inner-FoV EPI Pulse Sequence in Normals and Patients with SCI
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Therapy Induced Leukoencephalopathy in Children Treated for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Tracks Repair of Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) Layer Using Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Mice
Diffusion Tensor Imaging with View Angle Tilting Technique for Distortion Correction
Diffusion Tensor Invasive Phenotypes Can Predict Time to Progression in Glioblastomas
Diffusion Tensor Metrics Changes in the White Matter of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients
Diffusion Tensor MR Spectroscopy to Assess Microstructural Changes in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Diffusion Tensor Parameters of the Optic Radiations Are Associated with Visual Acuity and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Loss Following Optic Neuritis
A Diffusion Tensor Resolution Phantom
Diffusion Tensor Spectroscopic Imaging of Rat Brains
Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) Patients Refractory to Previous Treatment(S): Preliminary Results
Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Spinal Tumors with Reduced Field of View EPI
Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DW-MRI) for Locally Recurrent Prostate Cancer After External Beam Radiotherapy (EBRT)
Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Different Stages of Human Cerebral Ischemia
Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging: Predictive Capability for Chemoradiotherapeutic Effect in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients as Compared with FDG-PET/CT
Diffusion Weighted MR Nerve Sheath Imaging (DW-NSI) Using Diffusion-Sensitized Driven-Equiliblium (DSDE)
Diffusion Weighted MRI of the Breast: Is There a Role for Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values in the Prediction of Response and in the Early Assessment of Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy?
Diffusion Weighted Spectroscopy: A Novel Approach to Investigate Intramyocellular Lipids
Diffusion Weighted VGRASE (DW-VGRASE)
Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging and Perfusion of the Thalamus and White Matter During the First Month of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease
Diffusion-Limited Diffusion MRI and a Universal Optimum B-Value
Diffusion-Prepared Fast Imaging with Steady-State Free Precession (DP-FISP): A Rapid Diffusion MRI Technique at 7T
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging at 3T for Response Prediction to Chemoradiotherapy in Cervical Cancer
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Retroperitoneal Fibrosis and Retroperitoneal Lymphoma: Can Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values Distinguish the Two?
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Kidney
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Versus Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide (SPIO)-Enhanced MRI: Exclusive and Combined Values in the Assessment of Hepatic Metastases
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging: Artifacts & Remedies in Body MRI
Diffusion-Weighted Inner-Field-Of-View EPI Using 2D-Selective RF Excitations with a Tilted Excitation Plane
Diffusion-Weighted MRI for the Zonal Characterization of Liver Tumors
Diffusion-Weighted MRI in the Kidney Pre- And Post-Transplantation in Donor-Recipient Pairs
Diffusion-Weighted MRI of Normal Sized Pelvic Lymph Nodes: How to Delineate an Ideal Region of Interest?
Diffusion-Weighted MRI of the Liver at 3T MRI: Effect of Steatosis on ADC at Low and High B Values
Diffusion-Weighted MRI of the Liver: Parameters of Acquisition and Analysis and Predictors of Chemotherapy Response
Diffusion-Weighted Spectroscopic Imaging of Rat Brains After Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion
Diffusion-Weighted Zoomed EPI of the Larynx and Oral Cavity/oropharynx
Diffusivity Alterations in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Digital "proximity Mapping” to Assess Radial Dependence of Breast Stromal Enhancement Associated with Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy.
Diminished Regional Brain Growth Is Associated with Impaired White Matter Microstructural Development Following Premature Birth
Diminished Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Lateral Occipital Cortex in Early HIV Infection
Dipolar Anisotropy Fiber Imaging of Human Anulus Fibrosus
Dipolar Anisotropy Fiber Imaging Reveals Structure in a Meniscus Specimen
Direct Albumin Imaging in Mouse Tumour Model
Direct Assessment of Increased Pyruvate Carboxylase in the Hyperammonemic Brain Using
Direct Comparison of Parameters of Skeletal Muscle Energy Metabolism
Direct Depiction of Bone Microstructure Using ZTE Imaging
Direct Detection of Postinfarction Myocardial Fibrosis with Ultrashort TE (UTE) MRI
Direct Elastography of in Vivo Human Heart
Direct Imaging of Microvascular and Macrovascular Contributions by Time Resolved BOLD FMRI Allows Better Separation of Whisker Rows in the Rodent Barrel Cortex
Direct Multi-Tissue Assessment of
in Vivo
Postprandial Lipid Handling in ZDF Rats Using Localized
Direct on Patient Image Display with a Laser PicoP Projector for Medical Device Placement
Direct Protein Imaging of Inflammation in the Human Hand
Direct Visualization of Parkinson's Disease by in Vivo Human Brain Imaging Using 7.0T MRI
Direct Visualization of Thalamic Structures: Comparison of Super-Resolution Track-Density Imaging to Conventional MRI at 7T
Direction-Dependent Diffusion FMRI Signals During Hypercapnia and Hyperoxia
Disagreement Between Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and Echo-Doppler Transvalvular Pressure Gradients
Discriminant Analysis and Prediction of AMCI Subjects and Normal Controls Using Encoding and Recognition FMRI Tasks
Discriminant Analysis to Classify the Glioma Grading Using DCE MRI and Immunohistochemical Markers
Discriminating Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder by Unique Patterns of Brain Function and Structure
Dispersion Correction in DCE-MRI Microvascular Parameters Using a Recirculating Bolus AIF Model
The Displacement Correlation Tensor from Double Wave Vector Diffusion Experiments Encodes Information About Pore Microstructure and Ensemble Properties
Displacement-Encoded and Manganese-Enhanced Cardiac MRI Reveal That NNOS, and Not ENOS, Plays the Dominant Role in Modulating Calcium Cycling in the Mammalian Heart
Disrupted Anatomical Brain Connectivity in Retired Professional Football Players
Disrupted Sensory Projection and Preserved Integrative Network in Propofol-Induced Anesthesia
Disruption of Default Mode Network Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Distensibility Measurements Along Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques: How Can We Improve the Mechanical Modeling of Atherosclerosis?
Distinct Inter- And Intra-Muscular Features Observed by MR Imaging and Spectroscopy in Patients with FSHD Uncover Pathobiological Processes in Disease Development
Distinct Pattern of Atrophy in the Different Phenotypes of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Distinction of Invasive Lobular Carcinoma, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, and Healthy Breast Tissue in Vivo with L-COSY at 3T
Distinctive Temporal Changes of FA at Different Cortical Areas of Human Fetal Brain
Distortion Correction of Multi-Coil Diffusion-Weighted EPI Using the Phase-Based Method: PLACE
Distortion Correction of Single-Shot Spin-Echo EPI of the Liver at 3T
Distortion Free High Resolution in Vivo Whole Brain Diffusion Tensor Image on 7.0T MRI
Distortion of Gradient Coils Performances in Presence of Iron
Distortion Scout in Metal Implants Imaging
Distribution Errors in 8×8 and 16×16 Butler-Matrices Multi-Coil Excitation for 7T MRI
Distribution of Cardiac Iron Measured by MRI-R2*
Distribution of DCE-MRI Pharmacokinetic Parameter Maps in Early Murine Mammary Cancer
Distribution of Diffusivity Changes in Subcortical Deep Gray Matter in Prion Diseases
Distribution of the Functional Atrophy in the Striatum Territory of Huntington's Patients
Divalent Metal Transporter, DMT1: A Novel MRI Reporter
DMSO-Based Contrast as a Potential Intermediate Endpoint Biomarker of GBM Response to Therapy.
Do Age and Long-Term HIV Infection Control Affect Brain Metabolites?
Do Commonly Used B-Values Yield Accurate Apparent Kurtosis Values?
Do Constraints on |B1+| Also Constrain |E| and SAR in High Field MR?
Do Cortical GABA Levels Correlate with Age?
Do DTI Indices Correlate with Neurological Status of Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease Before and After Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery?
Do the Language Deficit in Autism and Specific Language Impairment (SLI) Have a Common Neuro-Anatomical Substrate?
Do We Need Preamplifier Decoupling?
Does Decompression Sickness Lead to Brain Injuries?
Does DSC-Derived CA Extravasation Correlate with DCE K
Does R
Increase or Decrease When Contrast Agent Extravasates? a Simulation Study.
Does the Scanner Make a Difference? Interscanner Variability of Tibial Cartilage T2 Relaxation Time – a Comparison of Three 1.5T and One 3T Scanner of One Manufacturer
Does the Warburg Effect Exist in Vivo? Analyzing Glucose Metabolism in FDG-PET-Positive Tumors by 13C-NMR Spectroscopy
Does White Matter Lesion Load Affect the Integrity of Normal-Appearing White Matter in the Aging Brain?
Dosage-Dependent Effects of Isoflurane on Cerebral Blood Flow in Rhesus Monkeys
Dose Dependence of T
and Phase Contrast Following Mn
Systemic Administration at 14.1T
Double Tunable TxRx
F Helmholtz Pair for MR Imaging and Spectroscopy at 11.7T
Double-PFG MR as a Novel Means for Characterizing Microstructures in Grey Matter
Double-PFG MR Imaging of the CNS: Probing Underlying Grey Matter Microstructure
Double-PFG MR Reveals Insights Into Compartment Shape, Organization and Morphology in Heterogeneous Specimens
Drift in the Magnetization Transfer Signal: Effect on Quantitative MT Experiments
Drug Exposure in Utero
The Drum Is Visible in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Experiments
DSC MRI on Rat Model: Choosing the Integration Interval for Measuring CBV
DTI and Tractography of Military-Related Traumatic Brain Injury and Correlation with Neuropsychological Functions
DTI Based Tractography of Fetal Association Fiber Tracts in Utero
DTI Based Tractography of Fetal Periventricular Crossroad Regions in Utero
DTI Detection of Fear Conditioning Induced Microstructural Plasticity
DTI Evaluation of White Matter Integrity in Long Term Survivors of Pediatric Low Grade Gliomas
A DTI Investigation of Neuroanatomical Differences in a Mouse Model of Early Life Neglect
DTI Metrics Differentiate Chronic Infective from Chronic Inflammatory Knee Arthritis
DTI Processing and Analysis with MedINRIA
DTI Reconstruction: K-Space Average, Image-Space Average, or No Average
DTI Reveals Abnormal White Matter Pathways to Classic Language Areas in Semantic Dementia
DTI with Prospective Motion Correction and Reacquisition in a Clinical Subject Population
Dual Manganese- And Delayed-Enhanced MRI Detects Myocardial Border Zone Viability in a Murine Myocardial Injury Model
Dual Mouse 8-Element Coil Array and Bed for Sequential Multimodality PET, SPECT, CT and MRI of Multiple Mice
Dual MRI-SPECT Agent for PH-Mapping
Dual PI3K/mTOR Inhibition Induces Structural Changes in Tumor Vasculature Assessed by Vessel Size Imaging
A Dual Resonator System for Whole-Body Sodium-MRI at 3T
Dual Tensor for Tract-Based Analysis: Towards Application to Routine Clinical Diffusion Images
Dual VENC Phase Contrast MRI for Simultaneous Assessment of Blood Flow and Cardiac Motion
Dual-Channel Transmit-SENSE for Flip-Angle Homogenization in the Human Brain at 7 Tesla: A Feasibility Study
Dual-Density and Parallel Spiral ASL for Motion Artifact Reduction
Dual-Mode Optical-MR Microscopy with Uniplanar Gradient Coils
Dual-Targeting of αvβ3–integrin and Galectin-1 Improves the Specificity of Paramagnetic, Fluorescent Liposome Association with Tumor Endothelium in Vivo
Dual-Tuned 1H/13C Orthogonal Double Solenoid Volume Coil for Simultaneous Acquisition in Small Animals in Vivo
"Dual-Use" FMRI in Children: Assessing Language and Visuospatial Functions with One Task
DWI of Head and Neck Cancer the Effect of B Values on ADC Measurements
Dynamic 3D Visualization of Vocal Tract Shaping During Speech
Dynamic and Inherent B0 Correction for DTI Using Stimulated Echo Spiral Imaging
Dynamic Angiography Imaging at 7T Using Variable Duration Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Dynamic Behavior of BOLD Signal in Olfactory Neural Networks
Dynamic Changes in the Tissue Microenvironment Induced by Hypercapnia and Hyperoxia: A T1rho Dispersion Study at 9.4 T
Dynamic Changes of On-Resonance T1rho Dispersion During Global Ischemia: A 9.4 T Study
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced and Diffusion Weighted MRI from Primary Tumors and Metastatic Cervical Lymph Nodes in Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Head and Neck
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of Carotid Plaque: Comparison of Pharmacokinetic Models
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of the Achilles Enthesis in Spondyloarthritis
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of the Brain at 7 T
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of the Liver for Therapy Monitoring of Hepatic Metastases from Neuroendocrine Tumors
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Breast MRI Using Flexible Radial Undersampling with Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography of Primary Colorectal Cancer: Comparison of Test-Retest Agreement.
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Assess Desmoid Tumours in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
A Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Comparison of the Perfusion of Spontaneous and Transplanted Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma in Genetically Engineered Mice
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Rectal Tumours – Initial Reproducibility Measurements at 3 T with and Without Bowel Relaxant
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Triple Negative Breast Carcinomas: Is There a Distinct Imaging Phenotype?
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Three-Dimensional Lung Imaging Acceleration Using K-T PCA
Dynamic Correction of Artifacts Due to Susceptibility Effects and Time-Varying Eddy Currents in DTI
Dynamic Distortion Correction of SE EPI Data Using Phase Maps from Simultaneously-Acquired GE-EPI Data
Dynamic Fieldmap Estimation for Respiration Correction Based on Single Shot 3D Images
Dynamic Functional Connectivity Measures Using FcMRI
Dynamic Gradient Spatial-Spectral Pulse
Dynamic Imaging of 3d Knee Kinematics Using PC-VIPR
Dynamic Imaging of a Minipig's Knee Using a Multichannel Array and a Movement Device
Dynamic Imaging of Hyperpolarized [2-
C] Pyruvate and [5-
C] Glutamate in the Heart
Dynamic Imaging of the Vocal Tract Using a Cine-MRI Sequence: Protocol Optimization and Evaluation
Dynamic Imaging Produces Different 3D Knee Kinematic Information Than Static Imaging
A Dynamic Lesion Phantom for Quantitative Evaluation of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Multi-Projection Inverse Imaging (MInI) with Isotropic Spatial Resolution
Dynamic Multi-Coil Shimming of the Human Brain at 7 Tesla
Dynamic Phase Echo-Planar Imaging - Detection and Correction of Dynamic Off-Resonance
Dynamic Properties of Manganese-Alginate Gels for Controlled-Release of Mn
Dynamic PVA Gel Phantom for Material Property Assessment Using SPAMM-PAV
Dynamic Ratio ?R
in DSC Perfusion Imaging Reveals the Relative Arterial and Venous Blood Volume Fraction
Dynamic Response Inhibition Network in Heroin Addicts Brain: Evidence from Functional Neuroimaging with GO/Go-Nogo Task
Dynamic State of Water Molecular Displacement of the Brain During the Cardiac Cycle in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Dynamic Study of Tissue Penetration for MR Contrast Agents of Different Sizes Following Ultrasound Induced Blood Brain Barrier Disruption in Rodent Models
Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Imaging Study of the Healthy Brain Using Multiparametric Classification
Dynamic T2prep for Flow-Independent Vessel Wall Imaging
Dynamic Unwarping of Multi Echo EPI Data
Dynamical Statistical Modeling of Physiological Noise for Fast BOLD FMRI
Dynamically Applied Multiple B1+ Shimming Scheme for Arterial Spin Labeling of the Prostate at 7T
Dynamics of CBF and BOLD Responses to a Cued Deep Breathing Paradigm
Dynamics of Cerebral Glucose Analysed
in Vivo
with a Four-State Conformational Model
Dynamics of Cerebral Lactate During Acute Hypoxia
Dynamics of the Upper Airway and Application to Sleep Apnea
A Dysprosium-Based PARACEST Agent for In-Vivo Temperature MRI: Dy
Early Cardiovascular MR Imaging Predicts Late Scar Formation in Pulmonary Vein Isolation
Early Anatomical and Microstructural Changes Induced in Rat Brain by Vitamin a Deprivation: A Longitudinal MRI Study
Early and Delayed Contrast Enhancement MRI of the Knee
Early DCE-MRI Changes Predict Residual Enhancing Volume in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Early Metabolic Biomarkers Identifying Permanent Stroke in Mouse Brain Using
Early Metabolic Changes in Hippocampus and Cingulate Cortex After Fear Conditioning
Early Metabolic Changes in the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis SOD1 Mouse Brain Are Revealed Using
H MRS Rather Than CASL and
Early MRI-Visible Lesions in Plasmodium Berghei ANKA-Induced Cerebral Malaria
Early Myelination in the Very Preterm Brain – a Combined MTR-DTI Study
Early Post-Ischemic Neuroprotective Mechanisms: A MR Spectroscopic Imaging Study on PPARß-Deficient Mice
Early Prediction of Salvageable Tissue with Multiparametric MRI-Based Algorithms After Experimental Ischemic Stroke
Early Response Assessment Treatment in Metastatic Prostate Cancer to the Bone Using Diffusion Mri.
Early Time Point Perfusion Imaging: Estimating Tissue Transit Time Directly from the Data Time Course
An Easily Integrated Eight Channel Parallel Transmit System for Transmit SENSE Applications
ECG-Gated First-Pass Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Thorax - Initial Experience in Healthy Volunteers and Patients
ECG–triggering Improves Blood Suppression in Abdominal Aortic Imaging Using the Quadruple Inversion Recovery Sequence.
Echo Planar Based J Resolved and Correlated Spectroscopic Imaging of Human Prostate Using External Coil
Echo-Based Single Point Imaging: A Novel Pulsed EPR Imaging Modality for High Spatial and Spectral Resolution for in Vivo Quantitative Oximetry
Echo-Planar Versus PROPELLER Diffusion-Weighted Imaging at 3T for Assessment of Thyroid Tumors
Echo-Shifted Multi-Slice EPI Compared with GE-EPI in Median Nerve Stimulation at 7T
Eddy Current Compensation for a PatLoc Gradient Coil
Eddy Current Minimization in Selective Flow Suppression BSSFP Sequences
EEG Acquisition in Ultra-High Static Magnetic Field Up to 9.4T
The Effect of Acquisition Parameter Changes on the Outcome of Texture Analysis Using a Clinical Breast MRI Sequence on a Foam Phantom at 1.5T
Effect of Aging on CBF Mapping of Default Mode Network : An FMRI Study
The Effect of Amyloid on Infarct Size in a Rat Model
Effect of Anesthesia on Tumor Vascular Permeability Measurements by DCE-MRI
The Effect of Atlas Selection on Voxel Based Analyses of DTI Data
Effect of Background Suppression on CBF Quantitation in Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
The Effect of Cardiac Synchronization on the Temporal Characteristics of 3D SSFP and 3D SGPR
The Effect of Cediranib on the Vascular Structure and Function of C6 Rat Xenografts with Combined Carbogen USPIO (CUSPIO) Imaging
Effect of Cerebral Hemodynamic Changes on DTI Quantitation: A Hypercapnia Study
Effect of Cirrhosis on Portal Venous Flow Reserve
The Effect of Diffusion Tensor Imaging SNR on Skeletal Muscle Tractography
The Effect of Fat Suppression on ADC Values in Murine Liver with Variable Degrees of Fibrosis
The Effect of Flip Angle on BOLD FMRI Sensitivity
The Effect of Gd-DTPA on the Determination of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Liver Metastases and Healthy Liver Tissue
Effect of Graded O2 Challenge on Vascular and Metabolic Parameters
The Effect of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate Concentration on Metabolism in the Perfused Heart
The Effect of Inflammation on DTI Derived Axial and Radial Diffusivity: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study
Effect of ISODATA Dimensionality on Spatiotemporal Evolution of Ischemic Brain Injury in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Effect of Lanthanide Ions on Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhancement and Liquid State T
Effect of Manganese Chloride on the Neurochemical Profile of the Rat Hypothalamus
The Effect of Maternal Diabetes on Fetal Adiposity
The Effect of Maternal Diabetes on Placental Blood Flow Assessed Using IVIM
The Effect of MR Acoustic Noise on FDG-PET Uptake in a Simultaneous MR/PET System
Effect of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions on the MTR of Grey and White Matter in the Cervical Spinal Cord
The Effect of Myocardial Contour Errors on Myocardial Blood Flow Estimates in Cardiac DCE-MRI Perfusion.
Effect of Nicotine on Glutamatergic and GABAergic Neurotransmission in Developing Brain
Effect of Normal Aging on the Intra-Cellular Sodium Volume Fraction in the Human Brain: A 7T MRI In-Vivo Study.
Effect of Orientation of 2D Phase High-Pass Filter on Susceptibility Mapping of Veins and Microbleeds
Effect of Physiological Noise on Densely Sampled Multi-Echo FMRI Data
Effect of Psychostimulants on Basal Ganglia Structures in Young ADHD Children
Effect of Receive Only Array Inserts on B1+ Field and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
Effect of RTMS on Cerebello-Thalamo-Cortical Connectivity in Essential Tremor
Effect of SNR of DTI on the Structural Network
Effect of Step Size on Probabilistic Streamlines: Implications for the Interpretation of Connectivity Analyses.
Effect of T1 and Flip Angle Errors on Hepatic Arterial Fraction Calculation
Effect of the HIF Pathway Inhibitor NSC-134754 on Glucose Metabolism
The Effect of the Ketogenic Diet on Neuroinflammation in an EAE Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis
Effect of the Slice Profile on the
Measurement with Steady-State Magnetization
Effect of Thin-Section Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Diagnosis of Malignant Breast Lesions
The Effect of Through Plane Motion on Left Ventricular Regional Rotation: A Study Using Slice-Following Harmonic Phase (SF-HARP) Imaging.
The Effect of Tissue Hydraulic Conductivity on Interstitial Fluid Pressure (IFP) as Measured by DCE-MRI in Human Prostate
Effect of Truncated Sampling on Estimated Fiber Directions in Q-Space Imaging
Effect of Using Super-Resolution Technique in Slice Direction on DTI Fiber Tractography
Effects of a Novel Mitochondrial Peptide on Redox Status as Measured by EPR in Drosophila Melanogaster Post-Trauma
Effects of a Slice-Dependent Template-Based Gradient Compensation Method on the BOLD Sensitivity
Effects of Apolipoprotein E-Epsilon 4 Genotype on the Functional Brain Networks Implicated in Cognition in Healthy Middle-Aged Adults
Effects of Artery Input Function on Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI for Determining Grades of Gliomas
Effects of Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells Transplantation Through Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Chronic Myocardial Infarction Assessed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Trial
Effects of Autonomic Stimulation on the Brain at Rest and Engaged by Cognitive Task: An FMRI Investigation
The Effects of B1 Inhomogeneity Correction for 3D-Variable Flip Angle T1 Measurements in Hip-DGEMRIC at 3T and 1.5T
Effects of Channel Numbers on Signal-To-Noise Ratio in Multi T/Rx Coils at 7.0 Tesla
The Effects of Chemically Shifted Perivascular Fat in Quantitative Phase Contrast MRI
Effects of Chronic Uncontrolled Diabetes on Neurochemical Profile and Glucose Transport in the Rat Brain in Vivo by 1H MRS at 9.4 T
Effects of Contrast Agent Accumulation on Background Correction of Phase-Based Arterial Input Functions
Effects of Cortical Spreading Depression on Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability in a Mouse Model of Familiar Hemiplegic Migraine
The Effects of Cross-Sectional Asymmetry and Anisotropy of the Pore Space on Double-PFG MR Signal
Effects of Downmodulation of Choline Kinase on MRS Choline Profile and Transcriptome in Ovarian Cancer Cells
Effects of DTNBP1 (Dysbindin) Gene Variants on Hippocampal Glutamate Concentration Determined by MRS at 3 T
Effects of Fat Particle Size on R2* in Fat-Water-SPIO Emulsion Phantoms: Implications for Fat Quantification with Phantoms
Effects of Flip Angle Variations on the Accuracy of Perfusion Parameters in DCE-MRI
Effects of Inspiratory and Expiratory Loading Upon Global and Stimulus Evoked CBF
Effects of Levodopa Therapy on Resting Brain Perfusion and Functional Connectivity in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Measured by ASL Perfusion MRI
Effects of Maltodextrin on Liver and Muscle Glycogen Synthesis During Short-Term Recovery and on Post-Recovery Cycling Performance
Effects of Multichannel Transmission on DTI Metrics
The Effects of Myelin in FA and QSI Indices: Control Vs. Long Evans Shaker Rat Brains
Effects of Nitrones in Rodent Glioma Models Assessed by 1H MR Spectroscopy
Effects of Nonrigid Registrations on DBM Analysis Using SSD Model
The Effects of Organic Nitrates on Lumbar Spine Bone Mineral Density and Marrow Blood Perfusion in Ovariectomized Female Rats.
The Effects of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor on Vascular Permeability Studied by MRI
Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure on Human Brain Structures
Effects of RF Excitation Scheme on Signal-To-Noise-Ratio and Apparent Rate Constant Estimation in Dynamic Volumetric Imaging of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]-Pyruvate
Effects of Sustained High-Altitude Hypoxia on Cerebral Hydration and Diffusion
Effects of Targeting the Glycerophosphocholine Phosphodiesterase GDPD5 in Breast Cancer Models
Efficacy of Different Lipid-Coated Nanoclusters of Iron Oxide for Image-Based Detection of Labeled Cells
Efficacy of Ginkgo Biloba in Aluminium Induced Neurotoxicity on Rat Brain: Magnetization Transfer and Diffusion Weighted MRI Study
An Efficient Computational Approach to Characterize DSC-MRI Signals Arising from Heterogeneous Vascular Networks
Efficient Correction of Static and Dynamic (Including Eddy Current) Field Inhomogeneity in DTI Data
Efficient CSF Flow Imaging with a Multiple Flexible Labeling Band Sequence at 3.0T
Efficient Data Compression for Distributed Detection in Wireless High-Density Arrays: A Simulated Study
Efficient Direct Summation Reconstruction for Radial and PROPERLLER MRI Using the Chirp Transform Algorithm
Efficient EPI Distortion Correction Using Non-Phase Encoded Reference Data
Efficient Numerical Solution of the Bloch-Torrey Equation for Modeling Multiple Compartment Diffusion
Efficient Preparation of Hyperpolarized Aqueous Succinate from the Para-Hydrogenation and Hydrolysis of Maleic Anhydride
Efficient Substitute for Inversion Preparation in TSE Angiography
An Eigen-Vector Approach to AutoCalibrating Parallel MRI, Where SENSE Meets GRAPPA
Eigenvector Centrality Mapping Based on Low-Frequency Phase Alignment
Eight-Channel Array Coil Optimized for Functional Imaging of Awake Monkeys at 7T
Elastic Registration Based Neonatal Brain Segmentation
Elbow Tendons
Electrical Conductivity Imaging of Brain Tumours.
Electrical Impedance Tomography Using Magnetic Resonance as the Voltage Source
Electrically Active In-Vitro Spinal Cords for the Study of Functional Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Electrically Auto-Tuned RF Coil Design
Electro-Dynamic Inverse Method for High-Field RF Transmit Coil Design
Electromagnetic Simulations of High Dielectric Materials at 7 Tesla
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance as a New Sensitive Tool to Assess the Iron Content in Cells and Tissues for MRI Cell Labeling Studies
Electro-Nanotherapy Enhanced Delivery of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Liver Tumors: A Novel Means of Locoregional Drug Delivery
The Electrophysiological Basis of Negative BOLD in Default Mode Network
Elevated CO2 Mitigates the Rise in CMRO2 During Acute Hypoxia and Improves Cerebral Tissue Oxygenation
Elimination of Susceptibility-Induced Distortion in the T2*-Decay Curve with an Improved Fitting Procedure
Elucidating Brain Metabolism by Dynamic
C Isotopomer Analysis
Embryonic Cardiomyocytes Improve Contractility and Viability of Ischemic Myocardium
Emerging Techniques
Emerging Techniques
Emerging Techniques
Emotional Processing and Brain Metabolism After Pharmacological Stimulation with Ketamine
Empathic Brain Responses to Other's Pain Was Modulated by Simple Group Categorization: An FMRI Study
An Empirical Investigation of Motion Effects During EMRI of Interictal Epileptiform Spikes
EMPrAvISE: A Computerized Decision Support System for Automated Prostate Cancer Detection from Multi-Protocol MRI
Encoding of Pre-Selected Compartments Produces Large SNR and Speed Advantages for
Endothelial Cell Proliferation Is Not Affected by Downregulation of Choline Kinase
Endothelial Progenitor Cells Mediated Improvements in Post-Infarct Left Ventricular Myocardial Blood Flow Estimated by Spin Labeling CMR
Endovaginal Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Stage 1A/1B1 Cervical Cancer with a T2- And Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Technique: Effect of Lesion Size and Previous Cone Biopsy on Tumor Detectability
Enhanced Algorithm for Desktop PC-Based Micro-Finite Element Modeling of Whole-Section Stiffness from in Vivo MR Images
Enhanced Detection of Glutamate in the Human Brain Using Very Short Echo Times
Enhanced Intra-Operative Control During Cryoablation by Using the PRF Method: In Vivo Imaging and Histopathologic Correlation
Enhanced Intraplaque Hemorrhage Delineation Method in Slab-Selection Phase-Sensitive Inversion-Recovery (SPI) Sequence with MRI
Enhanced MRI Visualization of Endogenous Neuroblasts Migration by Optimizing MPIO Formulations
Enhanced Perfusion Measurement Accuracy in DCE-MRI Via Improved Baseline Signal Estimation
Enhanced Relaxivity of Hydroxyapatite-Targeted Gadolinium Contrast Agents
Enhanced Synchronization of Local Hymodynamic Activity in Mesial Temporal Epilepsy Network
Enhancement of
Xe Polarisation by Off-Resonant Optical Pumping
Enhancement of Endogenous CEST Effects by Optimizing Pre-Saturation Pulse Train Properties
Enhancement of RF Field by High Dielectric Constant Pad at 3T: Cervical Spine Imaging
Enhancing Mass Detection and Classification in Breast Tissue Using Strain-Encoded (SENC) MRI
Entropy Aided K-T Group Sparse SENSE Method for Highly Accelerated Dynamic MRI
Environment & Patient Screening: Increasing Patient Access
EPI Distortion Correction Using Magnitude Difference Map
EPI Ghost Correction with LTI
-Space Trajectory Estimation
EPR Study of the Tumor Reoxygenation Following Inhibition of the MAPKinase Pathway: Underlying Mechanisms and Radiosensitizing Effects
EPR-Based PH Mapping with a Method of Partially Scanned Spectral-Spatial Imaging
ERETIC Based in Vivo
H MRSI Quantification
Error Analysis of QBOLD Technique for Measurement Brain Hemodynamics
Error Evaluation and Data Correction for the Outlier Signals in Q-Ball Imaging: Comparison of Orientation Distribution Function
ESPIRiT (Efficient Eigenvector-Based L1SPIRiT) for Compressed Sensing Parallel Imaging - Theoretical Interpretation and Improved Robustness for Overlapped FOV Prescription
Establishment of a Renal Oxygen Transit Model Based on BOLD MRI
Estimate of Global Radial, Circumferential, and Longitudinal Strain from SSFP Cines: A Study in Controls and Patients with Low to Normal Ejection Fraction
Estimating the Short-Time Elastic Modulus of Cartilage Using T1
and T2
Estimation of Anatomical Connection Strength in Diffusion MRI Tractography by a Global Message-Passing Algorithm
Estimation of Kurtosis in Accelerated Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Using Compressed Sensing
Estimation of Respiratory Tracking Factor Between Pulmonary Vein and Right Hemi-Diaphragm for Free-Breathing PV LGE
Estimation of Resting State Network Activity Using Multivariate Prediction Analysis Regression (MVPA-R)
Estimation of the Axonal Density Using DKI: A Validation Study
Estimation of Total Myelin Volume in the Brain
Ethnic Implications of Pancreatic Steatosis
Evaluating Bronchodilator Effects in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Using Hyperpolarized Helium-3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Evaluating Further Benefits of B
Homogenity When More Transmit Chnnels Are Used
Evaluating Radiation-Induced White Matter Changes in Patients with Recurrent Malignant Gliomas Under Treatment of Stereotactic Radiosurgery Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Initial Results
Evaluating the Early Effects of Anti-Angiogenic Treatment in Human Breast Cancer with Intrinsic Susceptibility-Weighted and Diffusion-Weighted MRI: Initial Observations
Evaluating the Effects of Various Food Ingredients on Gallbladder Contraction
Evaluating the Feasibility of Multi-Slice Endorectal Magnetic Resonance Elastography for Prostate Cancer Localization
Evaluation of 3D Blood Flow Changes in the Normal and Dilated Thoracic Aorta Using Flow-Sensitive 4D MRI.
Evaluation of a New QBOLD Approach to Map Local Blood Oxygen Saturation in Human Brain
Evaluation of a New Quantitative BOLD Approach to Map Local Blood Oxygen Saturation in Healthy Rat
Evaluation of a Novel Continuously Distributed Diffusion Model in Normal Human Brain
Evaluation of a Novel MR-RF Ablation Catheter with Full Clinical Functionality
Evaluation of a Targeted Nanoglobular Gd Chelate for MRI Molecular Imaging of Prostate Tumor in an Orthotopic Mouse Model
Evaluation of Aortic Distensibility in Wild Type and ApoE-Knock-Out Mice at 9.4 T.
Evaluation of Artefacts Caused by Different Cochlear Implants at 1.5 T and 3T
Evaluation of B0-Inhomogeneity Correction for Triple-Quantum-Filtered Sodium MRI of the Human Brain at 4.7T
Evaluation of B1 Receive Non-Uniformity Correction Techniques for Quantitative Musculoskeletal NMR Imaging.
Evaluation of Bipolar Encoding Configurations for Spin Echo MR-ARFI
Evaluation of Brain Stem Anatomy with 3D-FLAIR Imaging at 3T
Evaluation of Cardiac Function Using Noninvasive Phase-Contrast MRI, Cine MRI and Invasive Pressure-Volume Techniques on Pigs at Rest and Under Pharmacologic Stress Test
Evaluation of Cerebrocerebellar Pathway Integrity in Pediatric Posterior Fossa Tumor Patients with Cerebellar Mutism Syndrome
Evaluation of Changes in Gliomas Structural Features After Chemotherapy Using DTI-Based Functional Diffusion Maps (FDMs): A Preliminary Study with Intraoperative Correlation.
Evaluation of Fiber Radius Mapping Using Diffusion MRI Under Clinical System Constraints
Evaluation of Focal Liver Lesions with Diffusion Weighted MRI and ADC Maps
Evaluation of Fractional Anisotropy and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient of Broca's Area in Parkinson's Disease Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Evaluation of Gd-DTPA Contrast Enhancement of Lung and Metastatic Tumor with Ultra-Short Echo-Time Imaging
Evaluation of Gemcitabine as an Alternative Treatment to Temozolomide for High Grade Gliomas.
Evaluation of Heterogeneous Metabolic Profile in an Orthotopic Human Glioblastoma Xenograft Model Using 3D Compressed Sensing Hyperpolarized 13C MRSI
Evaluation of High Fat Diet Induced Obesity in Rats by Longitudinal MRI and MRS in Abdomen, Liver and Skeletal Muscle
Evaluation of Image Quality Improvement Using Wavelet Denoising Based on Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimate (SURE)
Evaluation of Individual Versus Average T2* Decay Correction and Single Slice Versus Multislice Sampling in the Two-Point Dixon Method for Liver Fat Quantification
Evaluation of Intra-Renal Oxygenation by BOLD MRI During Water Diuresis: Race Differences
Evaluation of Magneto Alert Sensor (MALSE) to Improve MR Safety by Decreasing the Incidence of Ferromagnetic Projectile Accidents
Evaluation of MR Imaging Biomarkers of the Infiltrative and Vascular Phenotype in Orthotopic Murine RG2 Gliomas
Evaluation of Neonatal Pathology Using T1 Weighted Techniques, Snapir and Gradient Echo
Evaluation of N
Order Polynomial Phase Correction in Reprojected Line Scan Phase Contrast MRA
Evaluation of Of Normal and Altered Hepatic Arterial Und Portal Venous 4D Hemodynamics in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis Before and After Treatment with TIPS
Evaluation of Pharmacological Responses by Quantitative T2 FMRI
Evaluation of Positive Contrast Around SPIO-Loaded Polymer Threads for Surgical Mesh Delineation by MRI
Evaluation of Pretreatment and Early Response DCE MRI in Head and Neck Cancer: Prediction of Short-Term Outcome
Evaluation of Principal Component Model-Based Algorithm for T2 Estimation of Small Objects
Evaluation of Relative CMRO2 from BOLD and CBF Changes in Hyperoxia: Significant Increase of Oxygen Consumption Rate in Glioblastoma
Evaluation of Repeatability of Renal ASL MRI in Healthy Volunteers
Evaluation of Short Term Reproducibility of Hyperpolarized Helium-3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Adult Cystic Fibrosis Using a Semi-Automated Segmentation Tool
Evaluation of Signal Formation in Local Arterial Input Function Measurements of DSC-MRI
Evaluation of Spatial Changes of Fibroglandular Tissue in the Breast Between Two Scans Using Non-Rigid Registration Method
Evaluation of T1 and T2* Mapping Reproducibility at 3T Using Histogram Analysis
Evaluation of the Articular Cartilage of the Wrist Joint Using Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Sequences at 1.5T and 3T
Evaluation of the Effect of Phase Errors on the Performance of a Butler Matrix
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Slice Selective Gradient Reversal Technique in Diffusion Weighted Imaging of the Female Pelvis at 3T MR Imaging
Evaluation of the Recipient Vessels After Orthotopic Liver Transplantation by Non-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Angiography: A SLEEK Sequence
Evaluation of the Role of DW-MRI in the Assessment of Tumor Response to Sunitinib in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma.
Evaluation of the Vocal Tract with Real Time MRI in Professional Male Altos
Evaluation of Therapeutic Effect on Renal Fibrosis by Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Evaluation of V
in a Rat Glioma Model with DCE-MRI and Quantitative SPECT
Evaluation of Venous Spread of Renal Cell Carcinoma by Non-Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Venography: A SLEEK Sequence
Evaluation of Vessel Area Using Time-Of-Flight MR Angiography, Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography and CT Angiography in a Rabbit Peripheral Arterial Disease Model
Evaluation of White Matter Integrity, Cortical Thickness and Volume of Subcortical Structures in Patients with Typical Absence Epilepsy
Evaluations of Human Prostate Cancer Metabolomic Profiles with a Testing Cohort.
Event-Related Functional MRI at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Using UNFOLD
Event-Related Olfactory FMRI
Evidence for Structural Abnormality in the Optic Radiations in Children with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
Evidence of Long-T
Fraction and Higher Myelin Water Fraction in the Corticospinal Tract
Evidence of Wallerian Degeneration in the Human Spinal Cord Using in Vivo High-Resolution DTI and Magnetization Transfer
Evidence Towards Columnar Organization of Human Area MT with Sub-Millimetric, 3D, T2 Weighted BOLD FMRI at 7 Tesla.
Evoked and Induced Somatosensory EEG Responses Predict Activity in Resting State Networks in Simultaneous FMRI Data During Median Nerve Stimulation.
Evolution of Multiple Sclerosis Ring Lesions: A Serial Phase Imaging Study at 7T
Evolution of the Dynamic Changes in Cerebral Oxidative Metabolism Evoked by Somato-Sensory Stimulation
The Evolution of Traumatic Brain Injury in a Rat Model: Implications for Cell Tracking with MRI
Evolving Axon Degeneration in Optic Nerve Crush Mice Assessed Using in Vivo Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Ex Vivo
Ischemic Kidney Damage
Na Relaxometry
Ex Vivo Myelin Water and DTI Measurements of SKP-SC Transplanted Cell Therapy in Contused Rat Spinal Cord: Correlation with Histology
Examining the Accuracy of Dual Echo B
Map for Field Inhomogeneity Correction with the Application of GagCEST in Articular Cartilage at 3T
Exchange Dynamics of a Cryptophane-Based Xenon Molecular Sensor
Exchange Resolved Measurements of Extra-Cellular Volume in a Graded Muscle Edema Model
Exchange-Linked Dissolution Agents in 13C Metabolic Imaging
Exchange-Relayed Nuclear Overhauser Effect MRI
ExLoc: Excitation and Encoding of Curved Slices
Experimental Comparison of Array Coil Overlap Strategies for Maximal SNR
An Experimental Comparison of B1-Mapping Techniques at Two Field Strengths
Experimental Demonstration of NCPMG Realignment
Experimental Design to Measure Neurocognitive Effects Due to Static Magnetic Field and to Movement Within the Stray Field at 0T, 1.5T, 3T, and 7T
Experimental Errors as Alternative to the Theoretical Cramér-Rao Minimum Variance Bounds in MRS: ER-ARSOS - Error Estimation by Multiple Quantification of Recombined ARSOS-Filtered Output Signals
Experimental Evaluation of RF Non-Uniformity Correction in the Mapping of the Proton Density
Experimental Investigation Into the Relationship Between T2* and T2 in Cartilages at 3T
Experimental Validation of an Improved Analytical Temperature Distribution Model for Gradient Coils
Experimental Verification of Numerical EM Field Simulations for Ultra-High Field Travelling Wave MRI
Experimental Verification of SNR and Parallel Imaging Improvements Using Complete Coil Arrays
Exploiting Phase Encoding Capabilities of Parallel Excitation for Improved Spatial Selectivity in Inner-Volume Imaging
Exploiting Spatiotemporal Correlations for Dynamic Imaging
Exploration of BOLD-MRI in Prostate Cancer Using Principal Component Analysis
Exploration of Multi-Exponential Decomposition of T2 Decay in Gliomas and Its Implications on Targeting for Radiotherapy
Exploratory Data Analysis of Tractographic Measures: Study of the Cingulum in Autism Spectrum Disorders
An Exploratory Open-Label, Non-Randomised, Single Centre Methodology Study to Compare Dynamic Contrast Enhanced CT and MRI as Markers of Changes in Vascular Activity Mediated by a Positive Control Agent (Cediranib), a Potent Inhibitor of VEGF-Driven Angio
Exploring Collagen Self-Assembly by NMR
Exploring Orientation Dependence of T2* in White Matter by Extreme Rotation of the Human Head at 7 Tesla
Exploring the New Utility of the
O-MRS Imaging Technique for Studying CMRO
and Perfusion in Stroke Mice
Exploring Ventilation and Perfusion Matching in COPD with
He Ventilation and DCE
H Perfusion MRI
Extendable Multimodality Imaging Framework with Specific Illustration of DTI
Extending the Adaptive Sequential Design (ASD) Approach for Real-Time TI Optimisation in Arterial Spin Labelling
External Calibration Parallel Imaging for Improved Motion Correction Capabilities with T1 FLAIR PROPELLER
eXTernal Control (XTC): A Flexible, Real-Time, Low-Latency, Bi-Directional Scanner Interface
Extra-Cranial Measurements of Amide Proton Transfer Using Exchange-Modulated Point-Resolved Spectroscopy (EXPRESS)
Extravasation of a New High Molecular Weight Contrast Agent in Tumour Vasculature, Probed by MRI & Histology
FA and Tract Changes in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Facilitation of the BOLD Response to Bilateral Somatosensory Stimulation in Awake Marmosets
H Metabolic Imaging of Cancer
Fast 3D
Mapping with Single-Shot EPI
Fast 3D B1+ Mapping Using an Optimized, Asymmetric Bloch-Siegert Method
A Fast Algorithm to Optimize Transmit Efficiency for Local Excitation with a Transmit Array
Fast Analysis of Vessel Encoded ASL Perfusion and Angiographic Images
Fast and Reliable Localization of Brachytherapy Seeds Using Undersampled Co-RASOR
Fast Automatic Matching Control: Technical Advances and Initial Results of SNR Optimization
A Fast B1 Mapping Method for Transmit/Receive Coils for Parallel Transmit (PTx) Applications
Fast B
Mapping Using a STEAM-Based Bloch-Siegert Preparation Pulse
Fast Blood T1 Measurement in Children and Adults
Fast Bound Pool Fraction Imaging of the in Vivo Rat Brain: Assocation with Myelin Content and Validation in the C6 Glioma Model
Fast Characterization of Higher-Order Shim Dynamics by Impulse Response Measurements with a Dynamic Field Camera
Fast Dynamic Multislice MRI of the Human Knee Using a Motion Device
Fast Eddy Current Simulation in Thick Split Cylinders of Finite Length Induced by Coils of Arbitrary Geometry
Fast EPR Acquisition with Adaptive Heterogeneous Clocking (AHC)
Fast Full Wave RF Simulation Scheme for MRI
Fast Functional Imaging Using Interleaved Data Acquisition and Compressed Sensing
Fast High Resolution Whole Brain T2* Weighted Imaging Using Echo Planar Imaging at 7T
Fast Image Reconstruction for Generalized Projection Imaging
Fast Image Reconstruction from Non-Cartesian Data
Fast Image Reconstruction in the Presence of Dynamic Higher-Order Fields
Fast in Vivo Susceptibility Imaging Using Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging
Fast Macromolecular Proton Fraction Mapping from a Single Off-Resonance Magnetization Transfer Measurement
A Fast Parallel Excitation Pulse Design for Efficient Selection and Ordering of PE Locations with B0 Field Inhomogeneity
Fast Patient Specific Estimation of Electric Fields for a Transmit Array from B1+ Measurements
Fast Proton Density Mapping Using Bias Field Correction
Fast Quantitative Double Echo Steady State Diffusion Imaging
Fast Radio-Frequency Enforced Steady State (FRESS) Spin Echo MRI for Quantitative T
Fast Spin Echo Bloch-Siegert B1 Mapping
Fast Spin Echo Imaging
Fast Spin Echo Imaging with Quadratic Phase-Modulated Non-CPMG Echo Train in Parallel Transmit – a Simulation Study
Fast Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) Using Readout-Segmented (RS)-EPI
Fast T1-Thermometry of the RF Induced Heating of Conductive Wires
Fast T2 Mapping of the Lung Within One Breathhold Using Radial TSE Acquisition and PCA Aided Image Reconstruction
Fast T2 Relaxometry in 1H-MRS of Hepatic Water and Fat Using Short TR at 3T
Fast Volumetric Imaging of Ethanol Metabolism in Rat with Hyperpolarized [1-
Fast Whole Brain Susceptibility Imaging Using 3D Spiral
Faster & Better: Emerging Tools for Cardiovascular MRI in the Emergency Room
Fat Fraction Bias Correction Using Estimated T
Fat Quantification of Adrenal Adenomas Using 3D 3-Point Dixon MR Imaging: Comparison with Conventional 2D Dual Echo Chemical Shift MR Imaging
Fat Water Classification of Symmetrically Sampled Two-Point Dixon Images Using Biased Partial Volume Effects
Fat-Referenced MR Thermometry Using 3-Echo Phase-Based Fat Water Separation Method
Fat-Signal Suppression in Single-Slab 3D TSE (SPACE) Using Water-Selective Refocusing
Fatty Liver Disease in Overweight Adolescent Girls Measured with Quantitative MRI and MR Spectroscopy
Fat-Water Separated Imaging at 7T: Initial Results for Cardiac Applications
fcMRI Connectivity in Disease
fcMRI During Development
FDG-PET Imaging with First Combined Whole-Body MR-PET Vs. Conventional PET/CT: Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of Results
Feasibility and Repeatability of ASL-Based PhMRI After a Single Dose Oral Challenge as a Tool for Assessing 5-HT Function
Feasibility of 3.0T MR Angiography for Pre-Operative Vascular Evaluation of Pediatric Patients Undergoing Liver/Small Bowel Transplantations.
Feasibility of 7 Tesla Breast MRI. Determination of Intrinsic Sensitivity and High Resolution MRI, DWI and 1H-MRS of Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Neo-Adjuvant Therapy
Feasibility of a Local SAR Monitoring for a 7 T Body Transmit Array with Single Element Power Monitoring
Feasibility of Arterial Spin Labeling on a 1T Open Bore Scanner
Feasibility of Assessing Trabecular Structure Using a Standard Clinical MRI Scanner
Feasibility of Brain MR-Elastography at 1.5 T with a Novel Wave Generator: An Animal Study
Feasibility of CEST Imaging on the Guinea Pig Stifle at 9.4 T
Feasibility of Cortical Thickness Measures in Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Feasibility of Detecting Preclinical Hippocampal Neuronal Cell Loss in Subjects Destined to Develop Alzheimer’s Disease
Feasibility of Dual Pharmacokinetic Modeling Using Gd-DTPA/MRI and
Feasibility of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI in Oral Cavity Cancer: A Comparison Between Reference Region Model, General Kinetic Model and Pathological Grading
Feasibility of Fast MR-Thermometry During Cardiac RF Ablation
Feasibility of Functional Resting-State Measurements of the Fetal Brain
Feasibility of High Resolution Mouse Brain Spiral Imaging at Very High Field (11.75T) for Perfusion Studies
Feasibility of High Resolution T2 and T2* Mapping of Metacarpophalangeal Joints in Children at 3T
Feasibility of High Temporal Resolution Compressed Sensing Based DCE-MRI
Feasibility of in Vivo Phosphorus Imaging of Cortical Bone at 7T in Humans
Feasibility of Myelin Water Fraction Quantification Using Multi-Component Gradient Echo Sampling of Spin Echoes
Feasibility of Non-Invasive Quantitative MRI Measurements of Cerebral Vascular Reactivity Using a Computer Controlled Stimulus in Children with Sickle Cell Disease
Feasibility of Quantitative Measurements for Regional Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen (CMRO
) During Functional Change with Visual Stimulus Using MRI
Feasibility of Quantitative Proton MR Spectroscopy Without Water Suppression in In Vivo Malignant Breast Lesions at 1.5T
Feasibility of RF Ablation at the Larmor Frequency for RF Field Visualization
Feasibility of Temperature Imaging of Fat and Water Based on Methylene T1 and Water Proton Resonance Frequency
Feasibility of Using MR Spectroscopy Without Water-Fat Suppression to Monitor Tumor Response to Chemotherapy
Feasibility of Water-Fat Separation with Diffusion Weighted EPI
Feasibility Study of MREIT in Clinical Applications
A Feasibility Study: MR Elastography as a Method to Compare Stiffness Estimates in Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy and in Normal Volunteers
Feature Analysis in SVM-Based Classification of Gliomas
Fetal MRI Beyond Morphology
Fiber Architecture of the Female Pelvic Floor: An Exploratory Investigation Using Different Diffusion MRI Tractography Algorithms
Fiber Bundle Segmentation Using Major Diffusion Orientations in Reduced Position Orientation Space
Fiber Continuity: An Anisotropic Prior for ODF Estimation
The Fiber Pathways of the Brain Organized as a Highly Curved Woven Grid
Fiber Tracking of the Arcuate Fasciculus in Autism Using High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging
Fiber Tracking of the Human Heart in Vivo
Fibres at the Magic Angle Generated by Inappropriate Calibration (MAGIC)
Fibrous Cap and Lipid Rich Necrotic Core Are Difficult to Be Distinguished with Routine Image Weighting at 3T
A Field Offset Coil for Spatially Localised
in Vivo
Field-Cycling Relaxometry
Field Shift Due to Paramagnetic Effect of Molecular Oxygen
Filter Implementation Into a 2D Radial Trajectory for Sodium MRI
Finite Element Simulations of
Xe Gas Diffusion in Models of Lung Airways
Finite Element Simulations of Short-Range
He Diffusion in a Model of Branching Acinar Airways: Implications for in Vivo Lung Morphmetry
A Finite-Difference Based Method for the Design of Gradient Coils in MRI
The First Human Whole Body Pharmacokinetic Minimal Model for the Liver Specific Contrast Agent Gd-EOB-DTPA
First in Vivo Results Using Decoupled Projection Based Shimming
First In-Vivo Results with a PatLoc Gradient Insert Coil for Human Head Imaging
First O-Space Images Using a High-Power, Actively-Shielded, 12-Cm Z2 Gradient Insert on a Human 3T Scanner
First Step to 19F Hyperpolarization of Biocompatible Substrates Generated Via Parahydrogen-Transfer
A First Step Towards Multi Slices Fast Spin Echo Cine Imaging of the Heart in Free Breathing Using GRICS
First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion Imaging with Sparse (
,t)-Space Sampling
Fitting DCE-MRI Data in the Liver with a Dual-Inlet Model: Choice of Venous and Arterial Delay Parameters
Five-Dimensional Free-Breathing Cardiac MRI Using a 3D Cones Trajectory
FLAIR MIPS: Increased White Matter Lesion Conspicuity
FLAIR-SWI: A Combination of 3 Tesla FLAIR and 7 Tesla SWI Phase for Multiple Sclerosis Research
A Flexible Microstrip Transceiver Coil for Imaging Flexed Human Knee Joints at 7 Tesla
Flexible Phase-Encoding in 3D Coronary MRA with Balanced SSFP
Flexible Virtual Coils (FVC) for Faster Channel-By-Channel Partially Parallel Imaging
Flexibly Shaped Saturation Band Excitation Using 7T Parallel Transmit System
Flow Acceleration and Elevated Wall Shear Stress with Hypoplastic Arch After Aortic Coarctation Repair
Flow Heterogeneity as a Potential Biomarker of Vascular Normalisation in Tumour Studies
Flow Independent Breast MR Angiography Using a Variable Flip Angle Turbo Spin Echo Sequence
Flow Quantification with 4D Flow-Sensitive MRI: Validation in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease
Flow-Metabolism Uncoupling and Extended Longevity as Observed with a Transgenic Mice Model
"Flow-Void Enhanced" Volumetric Black-Blood Angiography Using 3D-TSE with Very Low-Constant Refocusing Flip Angles and Sensitized Flow Compensation
Flow-Weighted IVASO-DS for Absolute Arterial CBV Quantification
Fluid Suppressed T1
Mapping of Human Liver on Clinical Scanners
Fluid Suppression for MRI Screening by Dual Echo Subtraction
fMRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging Biomarkers for Assessing Optic Pathway Structure and Function in Patients with Pituitary Tumours
fMRI Assessment of Effects of Technique on Neurological Impairment in High School Football Players
fMRI Detection of Asperger's Disorder Using Support Vector Machine Classification
fMRI Investigation of Voluntary and Involuntary Motor Activation in Hypnotic Paralysis
fMRI of Pain Processing in Diabetic Neuropathy
fMRI of the Human Amygdala Using Ultra-High Field MRI. Parcellation of Emotional Human Non-Linguistic Sounds
fMRI of Working Memory in Military Traumatic Brain Injury
FMRI Reveals Abnormal Central Sensory Processing in Gulf War Illness
fMRI Reveals That Basolateral Amygdala Responsiveness to Aversive Stimuli as a Neural Correlate of Trait Anxiety Is Modulated by Neuropeptide S (NPS) Receptor Genotype
An FMRI Study of Cognitive Functions in Adolescents with Spina Bifida
FMRI Using High Flip-Angle Alternating Steady State Balanced SSFP Supported by Monte Carlo Studies
fMRI with Concurrent Magnetic Field Monitoring
Focal Cortical Dysplasia: Classification and Role of Advanced MRI Techniques in Evaluation
Follow-Up of Living Kidney Donors After Transplantation by DWI Reveals Compensatory Changes in the Remaining Kidney.
Forensic/Research Indications
Forty Weeks of Rest: An Investigation Into Functional Network Stability
A Four Parameter Fitting Method to Quantify Fully the Sources of Phase Contrast in Gradient Echo MRI
Fourier Analysis of Muscle BOLD Data After Exercise
Fourier Series Network Method for 3D Simulations of Eddy Currents Induced in Multilayer Cryostats by Arbitrary Coils
Fractional Anisotropy Is Affected by White Matter Lesions in a TBSS Study of Alzheimer’s Disease
A Fractional-Order Model for T
Relaxation in Normal and Degraded Cartilage
A Framework for Analysis of Living Phantom Data in a Multicenter DTI Study
A Framework for Modelling the Regional Variation of White Matter Microstructure
Framework for Studying Changes in the Functional Connectivity Network After Stroke Using Resting State FMRI
Free and Bound Water Evaluation of Articular Cartilage
Free and Bound Water Quantification of Cortical Bone
Free Breathing 3D Imaging of Right Ventricular Structure and Function Using Respiratory and Cardiac Self-Gated Cine MRI
Free Breathing Independent Respiratory Navigator-Gated Imaging: Concurrent PSIR and T2-Weighted 3D Imaging of the Left Ventricle
Free Choline Influences Adaptation Mechanisms in Choline Phospholipid Metabolism of Human Breast Cancer Cells
Free Vs Forced : Gas Transport Differences in 3He MRI Dynamic Ventilation Measurements of Lungs Induced by Gas Mixture Application Regime.
Free Water Modulation of White Matter Integrity Measures - With Application to Schizophrenia
Free-Breathing 3D Whole Heart Black Blood Imaging with Motion Sensitized Driven Equilibrium
Free-Breathing Cardiac and Respiratory-Gated Imaging of Hyperpolarized Pyruvate and Bicarbonate in the Heart
Free-Breathing Cardiac Black Blood Imaging Using 1D Navigator Driven Reconstruction
Free-Breathing Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI at 3.0 T Using a 3D-Radial-Gradient Echo Sequence with K-Space-Weighted Image Contrast (KWIC): Preliminary Study
Free-Breathing T1 Mapping MRI for Quantification of Myocardial T1 Pre and Post Contrast in Swine with Non-Ischemic Heart Failure
Free-Breathing Technique for Myocardial T2* Measurement with GRE Multi-Echoes Pulse Sequence
Frequency Adjustments in TIDE BSSFP Imaging to Compensate for Banding Artifacts Caused by Dental Braces
Frequency Correction for MR Spectroscopy in the Human Breast at 7 Tesla with External Field Monitoring
Frequency Encoding in the Presence of Extreme Static Field Gradients
Frequency Filtered SENSE Shimming for B0 Inhomogeneity Detection
Frequency Mapping Without Phase Wraps
Frequency-Selective Asymmetric Spin-Echo EPI with Parallel Imaging for Fast Internally Referenced MR Thermometry
From Artifact to Merit: Cardiac Gated MRI at 7T and 3T Using Magneto-Hydrodynamic Effects for Synchronization
From the ER to the MR Suite at a Major Academic Hospital: A Body Imager's Perspective
A Full Bi-Tensor Neural Tractography Algorithm Using the Unscented Kalman Filter
Full Coverage 3D Temperature Mapping for Transcranial MRgHIFU Applications
Full Model-Based Analysis of QUASAR Arterial Spin Labelling
A Full-Wavelength Dipole RF Coil Element for 7 T MRI with Maximized Longitudinal FOV and Two-Peak SAR Distribution
Fully Adiabatic
P 2D CSI with Negligible Chemical Shift Displacement Error at 7T
Fully Automated FMRI Denoising Using Multi-Echo FMRI and TE-Dependent Properties
Fully Automated Measurement of Total Adipose Tissue Volume Using Quantitative Chemical Shift MRI: Phantom Validation
Fully Automated Quantification of Subcutaneous and Visceral Abdominal Adipose Tissue Using Water and Fat Acquisition and Graph Cuts
A Fully Automatic Double-Echo DSC-MRI Routine Can Predict Patient Outcome After a Single Dose of Cediranib in Recurrent Glioblastoma Patients
A Fully Tested Head Coil for 7T Compatible with a Dome Gradient Set
Functional Activation Within Hippocampal Subfields During Scene Memory Encoding in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Functional and Structural Alterations in the Frontal Lobe in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Combined FMRI and Voxel-Based Morphometry Study
Functional Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow and Transit-Time to Somatosensory Stimulation Measured with Dynamic Arterial Spin Labeling
Functional Changes in the Cerebro-Cerebellar Verbal Working Memory Network in Schizophrenia
Functional Characterization of the Micro-RNA Deficient Adult Murine Heart
Functional Connectivity Between Areas Involved in Emotion and Executive Control Is Abnormal in Patients with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures
Functional Connectivity in Strabismic Adults During Saccadic Eye Movements
Functional Connectivity MRI Reveals Memory Networks After Maze Learning in Rodents
Functional Connectivity: Biophysical Underpinnings and Ramifications
Functional Imaging of the Female Pelvis
Functional Interpretations of the Resting-State Networks in Nonhuman Primates
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Effects of a 60 Hz 3000 μT Magnetic Field on Resting State Brain Blood Flow
Functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Rat Barrel Cortex
Functional Mapping of Regional Airway Obstruction and Gas Trapping in 3D Using Dynamic HP He-3 MRI
Functional MRI
Functional MRI Analysis
Functional MRI Analysis of a Novel Short-Term Motor Learning Task
Functional MRI Using Super-Resolved Spatiotemporally-Encoded Imaging Techniques
Functional Muscle MRI in Human Calf Muscle Using IVIM
Functional Network of Hand Prehension : Validation by FMRI Network Connectivity
Functional Networks in the Macaque Brain Revealed by Independent Component Analysis of Resting-State FMRI
The Functional Selectivity for Lexical Search Guided by Letter, Semantic Category and Sentential Cues: an FMRI Investigation
Fundamentals and Visualization of the SWIFT Sequence
Further Reduction of SAR for T
-Weighted Hyper-TSE Imaging at 7 Tesla
Future Clinical Applications of High Resolution Anatomical Imaging of the Brain at 7.0 Tesla MRI
Future Directions
Fuzzy Partial Volume Correction of Spinal Cord DTI Parameters
GABA Fitting for MEGA-PRESS Sequences with Different Selective Inversion Frequencies
GABA, Glutamate, and Perfusion Changes During Working Memory
Gadofosveset Detects Endothelial Dysfunction Associated with Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation and Progression in Mice
Gadolinium Exposure Before or After Liver Transplantation: No Excess Risk of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF)?
Gadolinium Oxide for Molecular and Cellular MRI: A Cautionary Tale
Gadolinium-Catalyzed Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents: Cell Labeling and Biodistribution Studies
Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Evaluation of Borderline Hepatocellular Nodules in Cirrhotic Livers
Gas Diffusion Image Reduction Metric with Improved Sensitivity to Heterogeneous Lung Disease
Gaussian Dephasing Due to Finite Gradients in Q-Space Imaging
Gaussian Scale Mixture-Based Joint Reconstruction of Multicomponent MR Images from Undersampled K-Space Measurements
Gd-Albumin Relaxivity in the Rat Thalamus
In Vivo
at 11.1 T
Gd-Based Protein Cage Nanoparticles for Vascular Wall MRI at 3T
Gd-Complex of Macrocyclic DTPA Conjugate of 2,2
-Diaminobiphenyl: A New MR Contrast Agent for Both Angiography and Brain-Tumor Imaging
Gd-Complexes of DOTA Conjugates of Tranexamates: A New Class of Non-Aromatic, Non-Ionic MRI Blood-Pool Contrast Agents
Gender Differences in Brain Structure and Resting State Activity: A Study in a Large Cohort of Young Healthy Subjects
Gender Differences in GABA and Glutamate Concentrations Measured with MEGA-PRESS
Gender Effect on the Asymmetries of Brain Pathways in the Human Living Brain
Gene Therapy Evaluated Using in Vivo Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Gene Transfer of Arginine Kinase to Skeletal Muscle Using Adeno-Associated Virus
General Methodology for Accurate MRI Abdominal Adipose Tissue Quantification
A General T
Relaxation Model for Spin-Lock MRI Using a Rotary Echo Pulse
Generalized Model Compression Method for Peak Local SAR Estimation
A Generalized Phase Correction Technique for EPI-PROPELLER
A Generalized Procedure for Calibrated MRI Incorporating Hyperoxia and Hypercapnia
Generalizing Diffusion Tensor Model Using Probabilistic Inference in Markov Random Fields
A General-Purpuse Learning-Based Wrapper Method to Correct Systematic Errors in Automatic Image Segmentation: Consistently Improved Performance in Hippocampus, Cortex and Brain Segmentation
Generation of Hyperpolarised Materials for Magnetic Resonance Using High-Field Cryogenics
Genetic Engineering of Human Protamine-1 for Use as MRI Reporter Gene Based on Proton Exchange
Genetic Influences on White Matter Microstructure in 280 Twins Scanned with 4 Tesla High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI)
Genetic Manipulation of Proton Transport Mechanisms Generates Modulations of Intra and Extracellular PH and Growth Characteristics in Tumors
Geometric Distortion Correction of DTI Using Accelerated PSF Mapping Based Reconstruction at 7 Tesla
Geometric Distortion in Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging of the Prostate Using Air Vs. Per-Fluorocarbon Filled Endorectal Coil at 3.0 T
Geometric Focusing of High Frequency Shear Waves for Noninvasive High Resolution MR Elastography
A Geometric Method Based on Mass Center Drifting Detection for Improving Basal Left Ventricle Automated Segmentation
GESFIDE-PROPELLER for Simultaneous R2 and R2* Measurements in the Abdomen
G-Factor as Regularization Parameter in Regularized SENSE Reconstruction
Glioma Grading: Comparison of Parameters from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (DCE) MRI, Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC), and Fractional Anisotropy (FA)
Global Cerebral Metabolic Oxygen Consumption Rate and Cerebral Blood Flow Can Be Measured Reliably During Oxygen Inhalation
Global Minimum Peak RF Design for Large Time-Bandwidth Saturation Pulse
Glucose and Intralipid Infusion in Rats: Comparative Quantification of Liver Steatosis by MRI, MRS and Histopathology
Glutamate and Glutamine Concentrations by MRS in Adult Brain: Age and Sex Dependence
Glutamate and Glutamine Concentrations in Recurrent High-Grade Gliomas.
Glutamate and Glutamine Spectroscopic Imaging in Brain Tumors at 3.0 T
Glutamate Correlations Between the Anterior Cingulate and Cerebellar Vermis
Glutamate Level in the Frontal Cortex Decreases During Young Adulthood
Glutamatergic and GABAergic Neurotransmission in Manganism Using
C NMR Spectroscopy
Golden Angle Radial Cardiac Imaging Without ECG Gating Using Nonconvex Compressed Sensing
Golden Step Phase Encoding: Simultaneous Real-Time and ECG Gated-Cine Parallel MRI with Retrospective Selection of Temporal Resolution, Acceleration Rate and Acquisition Duration
GPGPU-Computing for the Cluster Analysis of Fiber Tracts: Replacing a $15000 High End PC with a $500 Graphics Card
A GPU Implementation of Compressed Sensing Reconstruction of 3D Radial (Kooshball) Acquisition for High-Resolution Cardiac MRI
GPU-Accelerated Gridding for Rapid Reconstruction of Non-Cartesian MRI
Graded Functional Diffusion Maps (FDMs) Predict Survival in Recurrent Glioblastoma Treated with Bevacizumab
Gradient and Frequency Modulated Excitation for a Tailored Spatial Trajectory with Two-Dimensional Time Encoding for Fourier-Free Imaging
Gradient Echo Imaging
Grading Glioma- Moving Closer to Pathology with Advanced MRI Techniques
A Graph Matching-Based Sulcal Pattern Analysis: Application to the Study of Twin Brains
Graphene- Based MRI Contrast Agents: Synthesis, Characterization and
In Vitro
A Graph-Theory Approach to Study the Effect of Cognitive Load on Resting State Networks
GRAPPA Operator Enhanced Initialization for Improved Multi-Channel Compressed Sensing
GRASE Functional MRI with Asymmetric Spin-Echo
Gray Matter Differences Due to Weeks of Excessive Long-Distance Running and After Recovery Revealed by Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM)
Grey and White Matter Differences in 1H-MRS Metabolic Ratios in the Preterm Brain
Grey Matter and White Matter Volume Measurements in the Cervical Cord In-Vivo: A Pilot Study with Application to Magnetisation Transfer
Grey Matter Loss Is Associated with Freezing-Of-Gait in Parkinson’s Disease
Grid-Based Shimming of Single-Voxel MRS
Group Sparse Reconstruction of Vector-Valued Images
Hadamard Encoded 3D MRSI of Human Brain at 7T
Hadamard Encoded IMQC High-Resoultion NMR Spectroscopic Method in Inhomogeneous Fields
Hadamard Encoded Time-Dependent Phase Constraint Parallel Image Reconstruction
Hadamard Encoding of 2D-Selective RF Excitations for Simultaneous Acquisition of Multiple, Irregularly Shaped Voxel in MR Spectroscopy
Haptoglobin Phenotype Modulates MRIPH Signal
A Hard Look at MR: Is It Simple Enough & Fast Enough to Fill the Gap?
HARDI Fiber Tracking Is Necessary to Delineate the Auditory Radiation
HARDI-Based Microstructural Complexity Mapping Reveals Distinct Subcortical and Cortical Grey Matter Changes in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease
Hardware and Software Design for Serial and Longitudinal Rat MR Elastography Studies
Harmonic Analysis of Spherical Sampling in Diffusion MRI
Harmonic Phase Subtraction Methods Are Prone to B
Background Components
Helium-3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Treatment Response in Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction
Hemodynamic Assessment of Kinking Vs. Non-Kinking Abdominal Aorta
Hemodynamic Changes Can Be Detected in Rat White Matter Using a Hypercapnic Challenge
Hemodynamic Response from Ketamine and Effect of MGluR2/3 Agonist (LY404039) Pretreatment.
Hemodynamic Simulations of Subjects with Vertebro-Basilar Anomalies
Hepatic Fatty Acid Quantification Using MRS and GC in a Mouse Model of GSD1A Under Two Different Diets
Hepatic Fibrosis by Chronic Viral Hepatitis: Segmental Localization of Degree of Fibrosis Using Double Contrast Material-Enhanced MRI
Hepatic Glycogen Metabolism in Mice by in Vivo 13C MRS at 14T
Hepatic Hyperpolarized 13C Pyruvate Studies: Origin of Additional in Vivo Pyruvate Resonances
Hepatobiliary Phase of Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MRI in the Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Impaired Liver Function
Heteroditopic Binding of MR Contrast Agents for Increased Relaxivity
Heterogeneity of the Ventilation–perfusion Ratio in Lung Disease Using OE-MRI
HGF/SF-Induced Ca+2 Intake to Breast Tumor Cells – a Manganese Enhanced MRI Study
Hierarchical Image Registration for Improved Sampling During 3T MRI-Guided Transperineal Targeted Prostate Biopsy
A Hierarchy of Analytic Models for the Diffusion MRI Signal in Brain White Matter
A High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) Template of the Human Brain
High Angular Resolution Diffusion Microscopy (HARDM) Detects Retinal Disruption in Mice with Diabetic Retinopathy
High Bandwidth Dualband Selective Saturation RF Pulses for Prostate Proton MRSI
High Field
High Field (3T & 7T)
High Field Imaging
High Field MR Microscopy of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy in the
Ex Vivo
Globus Pallidus
High Field MR-Elastography of TBI Model
High Performance Nanomaterial Coil for Carotid Imaging
High Q Reactive Network for Automatic Impedance Matching
High R
of Mn
Adsorbed to Hydrophilic Pores of Magnetoferritin Nanoparticles
High Resolution ?R
, ?R
*, and Vessel Density MRI of the Rat Ocular Circulation
High Resolution 1H NMR Spectroscopy Successfully Discriminates Fetuses with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia from Normal Pregnancies
High Resolution 3D
P Spectroscopic Imaging of the Human Prostate at 7T: Technical Feasibility and
in Vivo
High Resolution 3D Coronary Vessel Wall Imaging with Near 100% Respiratory Efficiency Using Epicardial Fat Tracking: Reproducibility and Comparison with Standard Methods
High Resolution 3D Imaging Using Multiple Oblique View Acquisitions
High Resolution 3D Ultrashort TE (UTE) Imaging: In Vivo Applications
High Resolution BOLD FMRI of the Human Retina of Oxygen and Carbogen Inhalation
High Resolution CMRO
in Visual Cortex of Macaca Mulatta
High Resolution Distortion-Free Diffusion-Tensor Imaging of Craniovertebral Junction
High Resolution Distortion-Free Diffusion-Tensor Imaging of Optic Radiation Using Readout-Segmented Echo-Planar Imaging and a Two-Dimensional Navigator-Based Reacquisition
High Resolution
Ex Vivo
MRI of Prostate Specimen, Correlation with Whole-Mount Histology and
In Vivo
High Resolution FMRI for Finger Somatotopic Mapping at 3T Using a Novel Vibrotactile Stimulator
High Resolution FMRI of the Functionally-Defined Fusiform Face Area Using 7T
High Resolution Functional Connectivity Mapping at 7T
High Resolution Functional Mapping of Primary Motor Cortex and Primary Somatosensory Cortex in Humans at 7 T
High Resolution Hemodynamics of Small Intracranial Aneurysms with Phase Contrast Stack of Stars
High Resolution Imaging of Myo-Insitol in Alzhemier’s Disease Pathology
High Resolution Imaging of the Sacroiliac Joints in Ankylosing Spondylitis Patients at 7 Tesla
High Resolution In-Vivo Measurement of Sodium T1 of Human Knee Cartilage
High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Orthotopic Murine Glioma in Vivo
High Resolution MRI of the Wrist at 7 Tesla Detects Subregional Variation in Trabecular Bone Micro-Architecture in Healthy Subjects
High Resolution MTR at 3T Using Automated Analysis Targeting Small Functional Brain Regions – a Validation Study on Normal Subjects
High Resolution Multi-Echo FLASH MRI of Fixated Human Brain with Combined Magnetization Transfer (MT) and T2* Weighting
High Resolution Multiple Slice Composite Inner Volume Excitation Echo Planar Diffusion Weighted Imaging
High Resolution Pre-Clinical MRI in Murine Braf-Induced Thyroid Tumor Targeted Therapy
High Resolution PROPELLER EPI with Reversed Phase Encoding Distortion Correction
High Resolution Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping at 9.4T
High Resolution Respiratory Triggered Multiphase TrueFISP ASL
High Resolution Sodium MRI on Human Brain at 7T
High Resolution Structural Free-Breathing Cardiac MRI Using K-T SLR
High Resolution Time-Of Flight MRA Using Slice Selective Saturation Transfer Contrast and Water Excitation Technique for the Visualization of the Lenticulostriate Arteries at 1,5T
High Resolution Whole Heart Cardiac Perfusion Imaging Using CAIPIRINHA
High Sensitivity 19F MRI Allows Dynamic Biodistribution Study and Oxygen Tension Mapping at Pharmaceutical Doses of a PFOB Emulsion in the Mouse Reticuloendothelial System
High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Cardiac Imaging Reconstructed from Real-Time Golden Angle Radial Acquisitions Using Motion Correction and Parallel Imaging
High Spatial Resolution Free Breathing 3D T2 Mapping for Edema Detection in Radio Frequency Ablation
High Spatial-Resolution DTI Using 32 Channel Head Coil at Human 7 T
High Temporal and Spatial Resolution Imaging of Body AVMs
High Throughput Microimaging of Mouse Brain and Embryo
High-Contrast and High-SNR SWI Venography with Multiple Echo Datasets
High-Efficiency RF Power-Amplifier Module for Magnetic-Resonance Imaging
High-Efficiency Targeting of Glial Precursor Cells to Inflammatory Brain Lesions Using the VLA4-VCAM1 Cell Adhesion Pathway: Real-Time MR Monitoring of Instant Cell Engraftment
Higher GABA Concentrations in the Brainstem in Parkinson's Disease by
H MRS at 7T
High-Field (9.4 T) MRI of Brain Dysmyelination by Quantitative Mapping of Magnetic Susceptibility
High-Field MR Venography Using Adiabatic T
Magnetization Preparation
High-Frequency Subband Compressed Sensing with ARC Parallel Imaging
Highly Accelerated 7 T Prostate Imaging Using Parallel Imaging
Highly Accelerated Abdominal CE-MRA with 3D Timing Scan
Highly Accelerated Dynamic 3D Hyperpolarized Lung Imaging
Highly Accelerated Myocardial Perfusion MRI Using K-T SLR with Parallel Imaging
Highly Efficient 3D Tracking and Visualization of Loopless Active MRI Devices Using Slice-Direction-Dephased, Undersampled Projection Imaging
Highly Efficient Isotropic Whole-Heart Imaging Using Radial Phase Encoding PAWS
Highly Efficient Localized Distant Dipolar Field and Its Application in MRI
Highly Resolved 2D ISIS CT-PRESS in Human Brain Using Enhanced Window for Shifted Echoes
Highly Sparse Spiral FMRI Reconstructed with Compressed Sensing: Trajectory Optimization for BOLD Contrast
Highly-Accelerated Dynamic Non-Contrast MRA Using a Combination of Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging
Highly-Accelerated Real-Time Cine MRI Using Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging with Cardiac Motion Constrained Reconstruction
High-Quality Venography from Multi-Echo MR Dataset Using T2* Relaxation Model
High-Resolution 1H-FID-MRSI of the Human Brain at 7T
High-Resolution 3D MR Imaging of the Sellar and Parasellar Space Using SPACE at 3.0 T
High-Resolution 3D T2-Weighted Spin-Echo Imaging with a 16-Channel Breast Coil
High-Resolution 3D Volumetric Nerve-Sheath Weighted RARE Imaging (3D SHINKEI)
High-Resolution Clinical 7T Protocol for the Depiction of Cerebral Vascular Structures
High-Resolution Diffusion Imaging of the in Vivo Human Hippocampus
High-Resolution Dynamic Angiography Imaging at 7 Tesla
High-Resolution Imaging of Vessels in the Isolated Rat Brain
High-Resolution Interstitial MR Lymphography for the Diagnosis of Sentinel Lymph Nodes: Inhomogeneous Distribution of SPIO Within Non-Malignant Lymph Nodes
High-Resolution Localization of Fibrosis in a Mouse Model of Viral Chronic Myocarditis Using T2* Weighted MRI
High-Resolution Mapping of the Neurochemical Profile After Focal Ischemia in Mice
High-Resolution MRI of SPIO-Labeled Yttrium Microsphere Biodistribution in the Rodent Liver at 7T
High-Resolution Small Field-Of-View 3 Tesla MRI with 32-Channel Head Coil by Appropriately Selected Coil Elements Reconstruction Method
High-Resolution Sodium Imaging of the Human Brain at 4T
High-Resolution Zebrafish White Matter Fibertracks
High-Resolution ZTE Imaging of Human Teeth
High-Speed MR Spectroscopic Imaging of Total Choline in Breast Cancer and Healthy Controls at 3T: A Feasibility Study
High-Temperature Superconducting RF Surface Coil Platform for In-Vivo Brain Structural Differences
Hindered or Restricted Predominance of the Diffusion Weighted Signal Function of the Diffusion Time at Ultra-High Magnetic Field.
Hippocampal Connectivity Modulated by Menstrual Cycle:a Resting State Study
Hippocampal Shape Variations in Very Preterm Infants
Hippocampal Structural MRI Abnormalities in Euthymic Bipolar I Disorder
Histological Confirmation of
Aplysia Californica
Neuron Structure Observed Using MR Microscopy
Histological Correlation with MRI Findings to Monitor Gene Therapy in an “In Vivo” Equine Model
Histological Distribution of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Breast Cancer
Histological Verification of Oxygen-Enhanced MRI for Detection of Hypoxia
Histopathological Correlation of IVIM-Derived True Diffusion Constant in Patients with Pancreatic Carcinoma and Chronic Pancreatitis
H-MRS Study of the Neurochemical Effects of Interferon-a Treatment in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C
How Blood Perfusion Maps Are Analyzed Can Greatly Improve the Predictive Potential for Assessing Survival in Patients Treated for Gliomas.
How Does White Matter Orientation Affect Contrast in Gradient-Echo Magnitude and Phase Images? Simulation of a Three Compartment Model
How Many Subjects Should Be Included in a Well-Powered Cross-Sectional Cortical Thickness Analysis?
How Safe Are Intrauterine Devices at MRI Procedures with Field Strength Beyond 1.5T?
How Shaky Is MRE? Bootstrap and Monte Carlo Analysis of Reliability
How to Differentiate Medically Treated Vs. Surgically Treated Crohn's Disease on MR Enterography
How to Reach the Full Potential of the B1+ Efficiency for a 7 T Body Transmit Array?
How White Matter Tracts Cross Determines the DWI SIgnal
HTS Volume Coil Enhanced SNR in Wideband Mice Whole Body Screening
Human Brain Imaging at 9.4 Tesla Using a Combination of Traveling Wave Excitation with a 15-Channel Receive-Only Array
Human Brain Mapping of Orientationally Invariant Axonal Diameter Using Q-Space Diffusion Tensor MRI
Human Cardiac T
Measured at 7 Tesla
Human FMRI at 9.4 T: Preliminary Results
Human Statistical Atlas of Cardiac Fiber Architecture from DT-MRI
Human Structural Hand Motor Network Inferred by Probabilistic Q-Ball Tractography & MEG
A Hybrid Diffusion Imaging Atlas in Q-Space
A Hybrid Field-Harmonics Approach for Passive Shimming Design in MRI
Hybrid MR-PET - Simultaneous FET-PET and Chemical Shift Imaging
Hybrid Multibaseline and Referenceless PRF-Shift Thermometry Using Both Water and Fat Images
Hybrid Reconstruction Method for Flow-Sensitive Dephasing Non-Contrast MRA
Hybrid Referenceless and Multi-Baseline Thermometry for MRgFUS Brain Applications
Hybrid Systems
Hydraulic Conductivity Estimation Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Hydrocephalus Detection Using Intrinsically-Activated MRE
Hyperoxic Versus Hypercapnic BOLD Calibration Under Precise End-Tidal Control to Improve the Estimation of Oxygen Consumption
Hyperpolarised Gas Filled MRI Catheter with MR Pressure Measurement Sensitivity
Xe Gas and Dissolved Phase Lung Imaging Using IDEAL
Hyperpolarized [1-
C]-Lactate as a Tool for the in Vivo Investigation of Cardiac Metabolism
C Biomarkers of Response to Prostate Cancer Radiation Therapy
C Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Uniquely Reveal Early and Late Onset Metabolic Changes in the Failing Heart
Hyperpolarized 13C Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Detects Early Changes in Tumor Metabolism Following Treatment with the Anti-Angiogenic Agent Bevacizumab
Hyperpolarized 13C MR Imaging and Corresponding Histopathology for the Non-Invasive Characterization of Metabolism in the TRAMP Model
Hyperpolarized 13C MR Metabolic Imaging Provides an Early Biomarker of MGMT Activity and Response to Temozolomide Treatment
Hyperpolarized Butyrate: A Novel Substrate for the Assessment of Cardiac Fatty Acid Metabolism
Hyperpolarized C-13 Metabolic Activity Decomposition with Stimulated-Echoes
Hyperpolarized Helium Measurements of P
Correlate with Neutrophil Inflammation in the Rat Bleomycin Model
Hyperpolarized Water for Interventional Angiography
Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 Gas-Exchange Imaging of Lung Microstructure: Preliminary Results in Subjects with Obstructive Lung Disease
Hypovascular Nodules Presented with Hypointensity on the Hepatobiliary Phase of Gd-EOB-DTPA Enhanced MRI in the Cirrhotic Liver: Implications for Developing Hypervascular Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Hypoxia Increases Degradation of the Extracellular Matrix by Human Breast Cancer Cells
ICA Analysis of Brachial Plexus Injury in an Animal Model Reveals Rapid Brain Plasticity in 9.4 T
IceLuva: A Scripting Engine for Fast Development of Reconstruction Algorithms
Icewater for Quality Control of Diffusion Measurements in Multi-Center Trials
IDEAL Fat Image in Bone Marrow: Comparison of Metastatic Neoplasm and Benign Marrow Abnormalities
Ideal-Observer Based Metric for MR Image Quality Assessment - Application to Lesion Detection
Identification and Interpretation of Microstructural Abnormalities in Motor Pathways in Adolescents Born Preterm
Identification and Quantification of Atherosclerosis in Arterial Vessels Using an Interventional 3T Loopless Detector
Identification of Endogenous Proteins Correlated with Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging Contrast Using Proteomic Analysis
Identification of Two Myocardial Lipid Pools in Muscular Dystrophy Patients by
H MRS at 3 T
Identification of Vulnerable Plaque by MRI and Fluorescence Imaging in a Rabbit Model
Identifying and Separating the RF Fluctuations from the Measurement Noise
Identifying Growth Velocity Discontinuities in the First Postnatal Year Brain Development with Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Identifying Prostate Brachytherapy Seeds at MRI: A Study in Phantom
Identifying the Sources of the Pulse Artefact in EEG Recordings Made Inside an MR Scanner.
If J Doesn’t Evolve, It Won’t J-Resolve: J-PRESS with Bandwidth-Limited Refocusing Pulses
Image Based Correction of Phasewraps in 4D PC-MRI Data Using Fast Reference Scans
Image Deformation Based ABSINTHE
Image Reconstruction from Highly Undersampled (K, T)-Space Data with Joint Partial Separability and Sparsity Constraints
Image Registration and Pharmacokinetic Parameter Estimation for 3D DCE-MR Mammography
Image-Based Weighted B0 Shimming Using a Fast Multi-Echo DIXON Technique: Feasibility for Abdominal Imaging
Image-Guided Stereotactic Biopsy System for Small Animal Experiments
Imaginary Toe-Tapping Causes Classic Motor Hand Area Activation in Bilateral Upper Limb Amputees
Imaging Cancer Metabolism with Hyperpolarized Substances
Imaging Cognitive Latencies with Ultrafast 7T FMRI
Imaging CSF Flow Using Spin Echo Phase Contrast Velocity Encoded MRI at 3T
Imaging Electrical Properties of the Human Brain Using a 16-Channel Transceiver Array Coil at 7T
Imaging Features of Ovarian Cystic Lesions with Emphasis on Differential Diagnosis
Imaging Features of the Hypointense Solid Lesions on T2-Weighted MR Images in the Genitourinary Tract
Imaging Hypoxia Using a Nitroimidazole Based T
MR Contrast Agent
Imaging Lung Microstructure in Mice with Hyperpolarized
He Diffusion MRI
Imaging Myelin Water Fraction to Reveal Novel Aspects of Cerebral Pathology in Motor Neuron Disease
Imaging Neural Stem Cell Populations in the Developing Mouse Brain Using Magnetic Resonance Micro Histology
Imaging of Airway Remodeling in a Murine Model of Bronchial Hyper-Responsiveness Using Hyperpolarized Gas MRI
Imaging of DIACEST Microcapsules Containing Hepatocytes Using Length Variation of Saturation and Principal Component Analysis
Imaging of Glucose Uptake in Breast Tumors Using Non-Labeled D-Glucose
Imaging of Hemorrhagic Myocardial Infarction Using Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI)
Imaging of Hepatic Steatosis and Hyperpolarized Carbon Metabolism at 14T - Applications to a Murine Model of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Imaging of Inflammation in the Peripheral Nervous System by
Imaging of Inflammation Using VSOP at Multiple Time Points in a Mouse Model of Myocardial Infarction
Imaging of Internal Derangement of Various Joints with Isotropic Turbo-Spin Echo Sequence
Imaging of Localized Inert Gas Washout Rates with
Imaging of Lung Micromechanics with Hyperpolarized Gas Diffusion MRI: Regional Compliance
Imaging of the Dense Breast
Imaging of the Permeability Dependence of Focused Ultrasound-Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Opening at Distinct Pressures and Microbubble Diameters
Imaging of the Right Ventricular Wall at 3T in Suspected ARVD: Black-Blood Proton Density and T1-W Imaging Both with and Without Fat-Saturation Compared with Multi-Echo Dixon Technique
Imaging Oncogene Expression Using Hyperpolarized Succinic Acid
Imaging Regeneration in Dystrophic Muscle Using T2 and Diffusion MRI
Imaging Regional Alterations of Gas Exchange in a Murine Model of Emphysema
Imaging Regional Heterogeneity of Pulmonary Oxygen Tension as a Diagnostic Tool for Obstructive Lung Diseases
Imaging Requirements in the Emergency Room
Imaging Structural Changes of the Mouse Retina in Retinitis Pigmentosa with Balanced Steady State Free Precession
Imaging Techniques & Quantification
Imaging Three-Dimensional Myocardial Mechanics in Mice Using Volumetric Spiral Cine DENSE
Impact of B-Value on DTI Indices of Left Ventricular Porcine Myocardium: A Preliminary Study
Impact of Coil-Neighbors of Target Points in Autocalibration of ESPIRiT
Impact of Compressed Sensing on Volumetric Knee MRI
Impact of Direct Virtual Coil Channel Combination on Reduced Field-Of-View Artifacts
Impact of Equilibrium Magnetization of Blood on ASL Quantification
Impact of Motion on Parallel Transmission
Impact of Reduced K-Space Acquisition on the Visibility of Moving Puncure Needles - A Phantom Study
The Impact of Sub-Optimal Pulse Sequence Implementations on XTC MRI Measurements
Impact of TE on Short-TR Pass-Band B-SSFP BOLD Contrast at 3T
Impact of the Global Average in Resting State Functional Connectivity: Quantification of Anti-Correlations
Impact of the Point-Spread Function on Parameters Derived from Diffusion-Weighted Imaging: Axial Versus Sagittal Acquisition
Impact of the Prior Knowledge on the Quantification of in Vivo
C Spectra Using Two Different Algorithms: LCModel and AMARES
Impact of Three B1 Mapping Techniques on Variable Flip Angle T1 Measurements
The Impact of Water Exchange on Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI: Can We Estimate Tissue Water Residence Times in Vivo?
Impaired FMRI Activation in Patients with Primary Brain Tumors
Impaired Small World Efficiency in Functional Networks in Liver Cirrhosis Patients
Impairment of the Medullary Veins on Neonatal Subependymal Hemorrhage Using Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging
IMPATIENT MRI: Illinois Massively Parallel Acceleration Toolkit for Image Reconstruction with ENhanced Throughput in MRI
Implementation & Development of Guidelines for using DTI in Routine Clinical Practise: A Radiologist's Perspective
Implementation of Compressed Sensing for Online Reconstruction
Implementation of GOIA-Wurst Pulse in a SPECIAL Localization Sequence at 7T
Implementation of Navigator Phase Correction in Multi-Echo Non-Balanced SSFP at 7T
Implementation of Real Time Motion Correction in Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Implications of 2D Slice Profile Deformations for Rapid Myocardial T1/T2 Quantification Using DESPOT
Implications of Mean Intracellular Water Lifetime for Prostate DCE-MRI Modeling
Implications of Soft-Tissue Suppression on Cortical Bone Water Signal in Ultrashort Echo-Time Imaging
Importance of Cardiac Rhythm in the Assessment of Flow Rate and Stroke Volume in CSF Flow
The Importance of Reperfusion Injury in Antenatal Hypoxia-Ischemia: Novel Fetal MRI Diagnostic Parameters and Novel Antioxidant Therapy
An Improved 3D GRASE PCASL Method for Whole-Brain Resting-State Functional Connectivity
Improved 3D TFEPI ASL with Flip Angle Sweep
Improved 3D-Fse Isotropic Imaging of the Knee Using Enhanced Flip Angle Modulation and Crusher Gradient Optimization
Improved B1+ Field Using a 16-Channel Transmit Head Array and an 8-Channel PTx System at 7T
Improved Cardiac MRI of Preterm Infants Using Retrospective Cardiac and Respiratory Gating
Improved Clinical Performance of a New Myocardial Adenosine Stress Perfusion Technique with SW-CG-HYPR at 3.0T: A Comparison to Conventional IR-Turbo-FLASH Perfusion MRI and X-Ray Angiography in Patients with Suspected Coronary Artery Disease
Improved Compressed Sensing Reconstruction and Optimised Sampling Patterns for Very Fast Acquisition of Hyperpolarised 3He Images
Improved Compressed Sensing Reconstruction in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Angiography by Means of Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
An Improved Constellation Coil
Improved Data Analysis for Two-Dimensional J-Resolved 1H-MRS: Application in Brain Tumors
Improved Detection of Functional Connectivity MRI with 32-Channel Phased Array Head Coil
Improved Detection of Papillary Muscle Infarction by High-Resolution 3D Free Breathing Delayed Enhancement CMR
Improved Diagnostic Accuracy of Breast MRI Through Combined Apparent Diffusion Coefficients and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Kinetics
Improved Diagnostic Accuracy of Whole Body Diffusion Weighted MRI Using Computed Imaging.
Improved Differentiation of Brain Tumors by Phase Contrast Calibration of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI: Combined Use with Extravasation Correction
Improved Fat Suppression with the Use of CHESS and Natural Rubber Pad
Improved Forward Calculation for Phase Artifacts Removal in Susceptibility Mapping
Improved Frequency Selective Fat Suppression Using Tissue Susceptibility Matched Pyrolytic Graphite Foams
Improved Hybrid PRF-T1 Pulse Sequence for Accurate T1 Mapping in High Field (3T)
Improved Interleaved Single-Shot Z-Shim EPI Via Spatial and Temporal Encoding
Improved Lesion Conspicuity on Contrast Enhanced Breast MRI at 3 Tesla Using Linear Vs. Radial-Centric K-Space Ordering
Improved Localization of BOLD Activation in Patients with Brain Tumors Using Vasoreactivity Maps
Improved Longitudinal Coverage for Human Brain at 7T: A 16 Element Transceiver Array
Improved Model for Physiological Fluctuations in FMRI
Improved Morphological Information Using the Dixon Technique in Conjunction with DWI for Detection of Bone Metastases
Improved Motion-Sensitized Driven-Equilibrium (IMSDE) Prepared 3D GRASE for High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Carotid Artery Wall
Improved Navigator Performance by Parallel Transmission
Improved Parallel Imaging with GRAPPA with Large Virtual Coils Arrays for Time-Resolved Applications
Improved Partial Fourier EPI Using Tissue Susceptibility Matched Pyrolytic Graphite Foams
Improved Phase-Based Transmitter Calibration for Hyperpolarized-Gas MRI Using Shinnar-Le Roux RF Pulses
Improved Precision in the Charmed Model of White Matter Through Sampling Scheme Optimization and Model Parsimony Testing
Improved PSF Mapping Acceleration Technique for EPI Geometric Distortion Correction at 7 Tesla
An Improved Quantification Method to Characterize Cerebral Hemodynamic Changes After Carotid Endarterectomy Surgery: A Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI Study.
Improved Reconstruction of Highly Under-Sampled MR Angiography Images Using Modified Nonlocal Means
Improved Retrospective Self-Gated Human Lung Imaging Using a Quasi Random Sampling Scheme
Improved RF Control of the Travelling Wave MR Using a Multi-Mode Coaxial Waveguide.
Improved Sampling Patterns for Accelerated Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Using Compressed Sensing
An Improved Scheme for a Robust High Resolution Measurement of Alveolar Oxygen Tension in Human Lungs
Improved Segmentation of Mouse MRI Data Using Multiple Automatically Generated Templates
Improved Sensitivity and Specificity in the Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease from Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Improved Separation and Quantification of Xe-129 Dissolved-Phase Resonances in the Lung
Improved Single-Shot MR Relaxometry Using Principal Component Analysis
Improved SNR Efficiency in MR Spectroscopy with the Fast Pade Transform
Improved Spatial and Temporal Resolution Using Parallel Imaging and SOS Trajectory for HYPR Reconstruction
Improved Spatial Localization in 3D MRSI with a Sequence Combining PSF-Choice, EPSI and a Resolution-Enhancement Algorithm
Improved Susceptibility Quantification with Effective Magnetic Moment
Improved Susceptibility Weighted Phase Imaging for the Assessment of Brain Iron Deposition Using a Multi-Echo Sequence
Improved T1 Quantification Using Post-Gd Contrast Variable Flip Angle Data
Improved T1 Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI to Probe Microvascularity and Assessment of Spine Bone Marrow
Improved T
-Quantification with Slice Selective MSE-Sequences
Improved T2-Weighted Cardiac Imaging Using Retrospective Motion Correction and Optimal Image Combination
Improved T2-Weighted Imaging of the Pelvis Using T2-Prepared Single-Slab 3D TSE (SPACE)
Improved Temporal Resolution for Human Breast DCE-MRI Data Using Compressed Sensing
Improved Through Slice Resolution in Continuously Moving Table MRI by Using a Modified Helical Trajectory
Improved Time-Resolved, 3D Phase Contrast Imaging Through Variable Poisson Sampling and Partial Respiratory Triggering
Improved Visualization of Brain Anatomy and Function, for Surgery, Through Real-Time Non-Rigid Registration
Improvement of Magnetic Resonance Angiography at 3 Tesla and Clinical Capability in Patients with Cerebral Aneurysms After Endovascular Coiling: Correlation with Standard Digital Subtraction Angiography
Improvement of Travelling Wave Excitation for Whole Body 7T MRI with an Extended Gradient Coil RF-Shield of 1.58 M Length
Improvements of Respiratory Motion Recording: Optical Belt Vs Pneumatic Belt
Improvements of Suppression of In-Plane Flow Signal of Carotid Arteries Using Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery -3D T1 Turbo Field Echo
Improving 3D MR Velocity-Vector Field Mapping by Divergence-Free Image Reconstruction
Improving Accuracy in Measurement of Choline as a Predictor of Early Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Correction of Internal Reference Using External Reference
Improving CBF Image Contrast with Frequency Extrapolation for DSC-MRI During Acute Stroke
Improving Compressed Sensing Parallel Imaging Using Autocalibrating Parallel Imaging Initialization with Variable Density Tiled Random K-Space Sampling
Improving Contrast to Noise Ratio of Resonance Frequency Contrast Images (Phase Images) Using BSSFP
Improving Detection of Micron Size Magnetic Particles Using Linear Phase Ramps
Improving Estimation of Intracellular Hyperpolarized 1-
C-Pyruvate Kinetics by Co-Injection of Gadolinium Contrast Agent
Improving Fat Suppression in Radial Coronary MRA Using a Weighted Golden Ratio Acquisition
Improving Predictability of Painful Discs by Using T1ρ MRI and Disc Height
Improving Quantitative Accuracy and Spatial Resolution of Parametric Imaging Using a Dual-Temporal-Resolution DCE MRI Technique
Improving Scan Efficiency of Respiratory Gated Imaging Using Compressed Sensing with 3D Cartesian Golden Angle Sampling
Improving Susceptibility Mapping of Veins Using a K-Space Iterative Approach
Improving Susceptibility Weighted Contrast Using Gradient Echo Plural Contrast Imaging
Improving T
* Mapping at 7 T
Improving the Accuracy and Precision of DCE-MRI Tracer Kinetic Modelling by Imposing Inter-Variable Constraints
Improving TOF Angiography Contrast Homogeneity with B1+ Shimming at 7 Tesla: Benefits and Challenges
Improving UHF Transmit Efficiency with Voltage Baluns
Improving Whole Brain Coverage and Signal-To-Noise Ratio Using Novel Intra-Oral and Over Head Surface Coil Array in Rat Under 9.4T
In Situ Polarization Measurement of Hyperpolarized Solutions Prior to in Vivo 9.4T MR Experiments
In Utero Fetal Electrocardiogram Gating: Technical Feasibility
In Vitro
In Vivo
Studies of
O NMR Sensitivity at 9.4 and 16.4 Tesla
In Vitro Skin Penetration Measurement with Contrast-Enhanced MRI at 7 Tesla
In Vivo
Characterization of Liver Fat Composition by
H MR Spectroscopy
In Vivo
C NMR Spectroscopy at 14.1 T
In Vivo
F MRI to Detect Biliary Excretion of
F-Labeled Drugs in Mice
In Vivo
F MRI for Sensitive Assessment of Arthritis: Antiinflammatory Action of A2A Receptor Activation
In Vivo
H MRS Monitoring of Intra-Myocellular Lipids After Acute Muscle Injury in Healthy and Dystrophic Mouse Muscles
In Vivo
H MRS of Human Gallbladder Bile Using an Optimized 16-Channel Phased Array at 3T
In Vivo 1H MRS Quantification of Alzheimer Disease in Frontal Hippocampus of Mice with and Without Inversion Recovery to Assess the Macromolecular Contribution
In Vivo
C MR Analysis Reveals Visceral Obesity, Hepatic Steatosis, and Disorders in Body Fat Composition Upon Long-Term Medium Chain Triglyceride Diet in Mice with a Defect in Fatty Acid Oxidation
In Vivo
P Diffusion Tensor Spectroscopy of Human Calf Muscle
In Vivo
P Solid State MRI of Human Wrists: Short-T
MRI Using the Scanner
H Channel
In Vivo 3D High Resolution Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) Maps of Carotid Artery Atherosclerosis Plaques Using 3D Singleshot Inner Volume Stimulated EPI (3D Ss-IV-STEPI) Technique
In Vivo Absolute Quantification for Mouse Muscle Metabolites Using an Inductively Coupled Synthetic Signal Injection Method and Newly Developed 1H/31P Dual Tuned Probe
In Vivo Acquisition of CEST MRI Using Length and Offset VARiation of Saturation CEST (LOVARS-CEST) for Artifact Reduction
In Vivo and in Vitro T2* Quantification of Carious Lesions by Ultra-Short Echo-Time (UTE) MRI
In Vivo Application of Breath-Hold Single-Voxel
H Spectroscopy for T2-Corrected Hepatic Lipid Measurement: Evaluation of Accuracy and Reproducibility
In Vivo Arterial Blood
Measurement with Arterial Spin Labeling at 9.4 Tesla
In Vivo Assessment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in the Elastase-Induced Mouse Model
In Vivo
Assessment of Metabolism in the Hypertensive Rat Heart Using Hyperpolarized [1-
C] and [2-
In Vivo Assessment of Neuronal Metabolic Fluxes in Mouse Brain by
C] NMR Spectroscopy
In Vivo
Assessment of the Effects of Pioglitazone on Muscle Oxidative Capacity and Intramyocellular Lipid Content in Diabetic Rats Using
P and
In Vivo
Assessment of the Effects of Pioglitazone on Myocardial Triglyceride Content and Cardiac Function in Diabetic Mice Using
In Vivo Assessments of Glutamate, GABA, and NAAG in Schizophrenia
In Vivo Brain Sodium T2* Mapping with a Multiple-Echo Flexible TPI Sequence
In Vivo Breast Sodium T1 Measurements Using Inversion Recovery 3D Cones
In Vivo Characterization of Developing Rabbit Brain with Diffusion Tensor MRI and Tractography
In Vivo
Characterization of Myocardial Microstructure in Normal and Infarcted Hearts Using the Supertoroidal Model
In Vivo Conductivity Mapping Using Double Spin Echo for Flow Effect Removal
In Vivo Correlation Between Non-Model-Based Parameters and Model-Based Ktrans in Brain Tumors
In Vivo Correlation of T1 and Methemoglobin in a Mouse Model of Deep Vein Thrombosis
In Vivo Detection and Quantification of Diet Induced Changes in Adipose Tissue Composition by Non Linear NMR Spectroscopy
In Vivo Detection of
C Isotopomer Turnover in the Human Brain
In Vivo Detection of Brain Krebs Cycle Intermediate by Hyperpolarized MR
In Vivo Detection of Glial Activity After Transient Forebrain Ischemia Using Manganese-Enhanced MRI
In Vivo Detection of IDH Mutations in Gliomas by 1H-MRS
In Vivo DTI of Articular Cartilage: A New Set of Biomarkers for the Early Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis
In Vivo Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI and Histopathological Assessment of Tumor Angiogenesis in Luminal-Like and Basal-Like Breast Cancer Xenografts
In Vivo Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of Novel Contrast Agents Targeted to the Estrogen Receptor
In Vivo Evidence of Susceptibility Anisotropy and Susceptibility Tensor Imaging of Human Brain
In Vivo
Fetal Cortical Development
In Vivo
Fluorine-19 MR Angiography in a Mouse Model
In Vivo Gastrointestinal Transit Study Using Double-Labelled Markers
In Vivo
Glioma Characterization Using MR Conductivity Imaging
In Vivo High-Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Proton NMR Spectroscopy of Drosophila Melanogaster Flies as a Model System to Investigate Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Trauma
In Vivo
High-Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Proton NMR Spectroscopy of
Drosophila Melanogaster
Flies as a Model System to Investigate Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Trauma
In Vivo Human Brain T2* Mapping Using 3D High Resolution Multiple Echo Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging at 7.0T
In Vivo Imaging and Metabolism of Hyperpolarized
C Diethyl Succinate in Mice
In Vivo Implementation of REACTION (
ivation of
In Vivo
Kurtosis Imaging in Murine Cerebral Ischemia
In Vivo Labelling of Xenografted B16 Melanoma Cells with a Thiol-Responsive Gd(III) Based MRI Contrast Agent
In Vivo Lactate T
and T
Relaxation Measurements in ER-Positive Breast Tumors Using SS-SelMQC Editing Sequence
In Vivo
L-COSY Identifies Neurochemical Changes in Professional Athletes with Repetitive Head Injuries
In Vivo L-COSY MRS of Healthy Brain and Glioblastoma
In Vivo
LipoCEST CA Accumulation Around U87 Mice Brain Tumor Demonstrated by
in Vivo
ex Vivo
Fluorescence Microscopy
In Vivo Liver
P MRS at 7T: Initial Experience
In Vivo Localized
N MRS Detection of Hyperpolarized
N Labeled Choline in the Rat Brain
In Vivo Longitudinal
H MRS Study of Transgenic Mouse Models of Prion Disease in the Hippocampus and Cerebellum at 14.1T
In Vivo
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Eu
-Based PARACEST Contrast Agents Using SWIFT
In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Ferritin-Based Reporter Visualizes Native Neuroblast Migration
In Vivo
Magnetic Resonance Studies of Glycine Metabolism and Glutathione Distribution in a Rat Mammary Tumour
In Vivo Manganese-Enhanced MRI of Conditioned Fear Response
In Vivo Mapping of Retinal Projections in Rat, Gerbil and Mouse Brains Using MEMRI
In Vivo Measurement of Blood Transit Time in Rat Brain Using the Saturation Recovery-T1app Imaging Method
In Vivo
Measurement of Local Pulse-Wave Velocity in the Right Common Carotid Artery in Mice with PC-Cine-MRI at 17.6 T
In Vivo Measurement of Membrane Permeability and Fiber Size in Calf Muscle Using Time-Dependent DWI
In Vivo
Measurement of Normal Rat Intracellular Pyruvate and Lactate Levels After Injection of Hyperpolarized [1-
In Vivo Measurement of Oxygenation Changes After Stroke Using Susceptibility Weighted Imaging
In Vivo
Measurement of T
Relaxation Times in Mouse Brain at 17.6 Tesla
In Vivo Measurements of Cerebral Ascorbate Increases After Systemic Ascorbate Infusion
In Vivo MEMRI of Early Postnatal Development in Rat Visual System
In Vivo MEMRI of Neuronal Plasticity in Retinocollicular Projection
In Vivo MEMRI of the Visual Projection of Mice Using a Clinical 3T Whole Body Scanner
In Vivo
Molecular MRI of ICAM-1 Expression in Murine Cardiac Ischemia/reperfusion Using a Liposomal Nanoparticle
In Vivo Monitoring of Anti-Inflammatory Atorvastatin-Effects in Reperfused Myocardial Infarction Using Integrated Cellular Fluorine 19F-MRI and 1H-Cardiac MRI
In Vivo MR Approaches to Validate the Capacity of a New Vanadium Compound as a Promising Anti-Diabetic Drug
In Vivo MR CEST Imaging of the Viability of Microencapsulated Cells
In Vivo
MR Imaging of Macrophages in Cardiac Ischemia/reperfusion Injury with Paramagnetic Phosphatidylserine-Containing Liposomes
In Vivo MR Quantification of Liver Fat Content in Obese Mice: Comparison of Dual-Echo Dixon Imaging, Chemical Shift Selective Imaging and Hydrogen MR Spectroscopy
In Vivo MR Spectroscopy of Irregularly Shaped Single Voxel Using 2D-Selective RF Excitations Based on a PROPELLER Trajectory
An in Vivo MRI and Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Hydrodynamics in the Third Ventricle
In Vivo MRI Detection of HDAC5 During Chronic Amphetamine Stimuli
In Vivo MRI of Rat Thyroid Glands for Non-Invasive Virtual Histopathology
In Vivo MRI of the Cartilaginous Endplate of the Intervertebral Disc
In Vivo MRI Signal Features of Transgenic Grafts Overexpressing Ferritin in the Murine Myocardial Infarction Model
In Vivo MRI-Based Cell Tracking Using Bio-MPIOs
In Vivo Muscle Fiber Curvature Measurements Using DT-MRI
In Vivo Myelin Water Imaging in Rat Spinal Cord
In Vivo Neuroanatomical Segmentation of Human Corpus Callosum Based on Axonal Diameter and Density Using Q-Planar MRI
In Vivo Neuronal Transport Impairment Reflects the Level of Abnormal Tau in a Mouse Model of Tauopathy : A Track-Tracing Memri Study
In Vivo Pathological Mapping of the Rat Brain Infected with Angiostrongylus Cantonensis Using MRI
In Vivo
Phosphorus MR Spectroscopy Demonstrates the Heterogeneous Composition of Sarcomas
In Vivo Quantification of Particle Based and Gene Based MRI Reporters in the Rodent Brain
In Vivo
Quantification of Renal Sodium Concentration with a Dual RF Resonator System
In Vivo
Quantification of Tissue Sodium Concentration in the Human Brain by Means of a Centric SPRITE Sequence at 4T
In Vivo Quantitative Proton MR Spectroscopy to Characterize Morphological Pattern of MR Enhancements in Breast Cancer
In Vivo
Rat Spinal Cord Relaxation Times Measured at 4.7 T and 11.1 T
In Vivo
Relaxation Parameters of Oxygen-17 (
In Vivo Short Spin-Echo 1H MR Spectroscopy with Macromolecule Suppression
In Vivo Singleshot T1 and T2* Measurements of Atherosclerosis Plaques in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Patients Using 2D Ss-SGSTEPI Technique
In Vivo Sodium and Proton T1rho MR Imaging of Human Knee Cartilage at 3T
In Vivo Sodium and Proton T1rho MR Imaging of Human Spine Disc at 3T
In Vivo
Sodium Imaging of Kidney Using 3D Ultrshort Echo Time Sequence
In Vivo Sodium MR Imaging of Rabbit Kidney Using Dual-Tuned RF Coil at 3T
In Vivo Sodium MR Imaging of Rabbit Lumbar Disc Using Dual-Tuned Coil at 3T
in Vivo Sodium MRI of Intervertebral Disc at 7 T
In Vivo Sodium MRI: Biomedical Applications
in Vivo T1? Study on Human Kidney
In Vivo T2 and T1rho Mapping of Rabbit Disc Using Spin-Lock Sequence at 3T
In Vivo T2 Measurements of the Right Ventricle Inferior Wall: Comparison with the Left Ventricle
In Vivo T2 of GABA at 7T: Measuring Transverse Relaxation Times Using Edited MRS
In Vivo Target Analysis by MRI in a Murine Model of Pulmonary Fibrosis
In Vivo Temperature Threshold for Myocardial Thermal Damage
In Vivo Visualization of Pancreatic Islets in the Mouse
In Vivo Whole Brain Susceptibility Mapping Using Compressed Sensing
In Vivo Zoom Imaging Using Transmit SENSE
In Vivo, High Resolution Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) on Naive Rat Spinal Cord: From Cervial to Sacral Cord
In Vivo
9.4T 1H MRS for Evaluation of Brain Metabolic Changes in the Ts65Dn Mouse Model of Down Syndrom
Incidence of Immediate Gadolinium Contrast Media Reactions
Incidental Venous Thrombosis as Detected by Magnetic Resonance Thrombus Imaging in 245 Patients with Suspected Peripheral Arterial Disease Using a Blood Pool Contrast Agent
Incorporating ADC Temporal Profiles in Acute Stroke to Predict Ischemic Tissue Fate
Incorporating Support Constraints for Sparse Regularization Reconstruction
Incorporation of Regional Homogeneity in Seed Definition for the Resting-State Functional MRI Analysis
Increase in SNR for 31P MR Spectroscopy by Integrating Polarization Transfer and Direct Detection in One Repetition Time.
Increased Blood Flow During Anti-VEGF Induced Vascular Normalization
Increased Brain Monocarboxylic Acid Transport and Metabolism in T1DM Patients with Hypoglycemia Unawareness
Increased Cerebrovascular Complications of Diabetic Mice-A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Increased Cross Sectional Area of Genu and Splenium of Corpus Callosum in Professional Musicians Compared to Amateur Musicians and Controls
Increased Levels of Systemic Inflammation in the Elderly Are Associated with Reduced Microstructural Integrity of Brain Tissue
Increased PNS Thresholds Using a Novel Composite Gradient System
Increased SNR and Activation in Hadamard-Encoded FMRI Through Physiological Noise Removal and Phase Correction
Increased Striatal Iron Accumulation in Methamphetamine Users
Increased Tagging Efficiency in Velocity Selective ASL Using Multiple Velocity Selective Saturation Modules
Increasing Spatial Resolution Alters Measurement Variability of Carotid Plaques
Independent Component Analysis of DTI Reveals Multivariate Microstructural Correlations of Human Brain White Matter
Independent Component Analysis of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI in Brain Tumor: A New Biomarker for Measuring Tumor Perfusion Patterns
Independent Component Analysis of Resting-State FMRI Reveals Diminished Functional Connectivity in Callosal Dysgenesis
Independent Factors Which Impact Image Quality in Carotid Vessel Wall Imaging: Implications for Multi-Center Studies
Individual Brain Parcellation Based on Single Subject ICA
The Inductively Decoupled Transceiver Array: Simulations and Performance at 7T
Infant 0-1-2 Brain Atlases for MRI Segmentation and Normalization
Inferring Micron-Scale Tissue Structure Using Extreme Value Theory for Cylindrically-Restricted Diffusion
Inflammation and Choline Metabolism Are Linked in Breast Cancer
Inflammatory Atherosclerotic Plaque Can Be Reproducibly Assessed by 3T Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI for Multi-Center Studies
Influence of a Connected and Inactive Coil on a MR Exam: Liver Iron Load Measurement
Influence of Boundary Condition on Multiple Exponential Diffusion Phase Transition
The Influence of Bovine Serum Albumin on the T1 Relaxation of [1-13C]Pyruvate – a Study at Low Fields
Influence of Electrical Connections on Catheter Heating
Influence of Fat-Sat and Non-Fat-Sat Imaging Sequences, Spatial Resolution, and Breast Morphological Types on Density Measurements
The Influence of Field Strength and Different Clinical Breast MRI Protocols on the Outcome of Texture Analysis Using Foam Phantoms
Influence of Magnetisation Transfer on Established T1 Mapping Methods
Influence of Multiparametric Tumour Delineation Methods on the Median Transfer Constant (Ktrans) Tumour Values and Their Reproducibility
The Influence of Physical Activity on the Structure and Metabolism of the Mouse Hippocampus - Combining
H MRS and VBM at 9.4T
Influence of Protection Circuit on Quench Characteristics for Clinical MRI Superconducting Magnets
Influence of Sevoflurane on Regional CBF and Functional Connectivity and Implications Related to Brain/Behavior During General Anesthesia
Influence of Spectral Model and Signal Decay on Hepatic Fat Fraction Measurements at 3 T with Dual-Echo Dixon Imaging
The Influence of the External Magnetic Field Strength on Correlations Between Metabolites
Influence of Type 2 Diabetes on Intramyocellular Lipids Among Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
The Influence of Voxel-Wise RCBF Covariates in Pharmacological BOLD-FMRI Studies
The Influences of Albumin Binding and Field Strength on the Relaxivity of Gadofosveset (Ablavar), and Its Potential Beyond Angiography as Clinical Field Strengths Increase
RESTORE for Removal of Physiological Noise Artifacts in Low Redundancy DTI Data
Infusion-Based Manganese-Enhanced MRI: New Imaging Technique to Visualize the Mouse Brain
Inherent Correction of Motion-Induced Phase Errors in Multishot Spiral Imaging Using Iterative Phase Cycling
Inhibition of Phosphatidylcholine-Specific Phospholipase C Induces Down-Regulation of CXCR4 Overexpression and Reduction of 1H-MRS-Detected PCho in Human Lymphoblastoid Cells
Inhibition of the Sodium-Calcium Exchanger by SEA0400 Inhibits Manganese Efflux from Isolated Hearts
Initial Clinical Testing of RESOLVE: High-Resolution Diffusion Weighted Imaging at 3T
Initial Comparative Evaluation of a Five-Minute Comprehensive Cardiac MR Examination Using Highly Accelerated Parallel Imaging
An Initial Evaluation of the Role of Diffusion Weighted Imaging in the Nodal Staging of Rectal MRI
Initial Experience with Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling (PCASL) in the Infant Brain
Initial Experience with Vessel Size Imaging in Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme Using a Multiple Spin and Gradient Echo (SAGE) Perfusion Bolus Contrast Sequence
Initial Experiences Evaluating the Hepatic Arterial Buffer Response with DCE-MRI in Healthy Rats at 9.4T
Initial Performance of a Multiple-Magnet Helium Recovery System
Initial Results from Baseline Structural and Computational Biomechanics µMRI Study in Postmenopausal Women
Initial Results of Abdominal MRI at 7T Using a 16 Channel Transmit/Receive Coil
Inline Myocardial T2* Mapping with Iterative Robust Fitting
The Inner Lives of Voxels: Revisiting the Basics for Nonlinear Gradient Imaging
Innovations in Gradient Coil Construction
Insert Gradient Subsystem Tuning by Direct Impedance Measurements
Insight Into Neural Cell Metabolism by NMR – Employing UDP-GlcNAc as a Unique Metabolic Marker
In-Situ Study of Active Noise Control Applied to MRI Noise
Instant Measurement of Point Spread Functions Using an NMR Field Probe
Integrated Detection, Amplification and Wireless Transmission of MRI Signals Using a Parametric Amplifier
An Integrated System for Catheter Tracking and Visualization in MR-Guided Cardiovascular Interventions
Integration of Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data Into a Simple Mathematical Model of Tumor Growth
Integration of Structural and Functional Biomarkers of MRI Data Toward Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Interethnic Differences in Fat Metabolism of Overweight Chinese, Malays and Indians by MRI and MRS Approaches
Interference Bloch-Siegert B1 Mapping for Parallel Transmit
Interference of Default Mode Neural Network by Visual Stimulation and Subject’s Attention Depending on the Resting Functional MRI
Interferometric Techniques for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Interleaved LOcal Excited Black Blood (LOBBI) and Bright Blood MRI for Improved Vessel Wall DCE
An Interleaved Spatial-Spectral Pulse for Imaging Large Chemical-Shift Components
Interleaved Spiral Sequence for MR Elastography of the Brain
Interleaved T1- And T2*-Mapping for Dynamic Abdominal Tissue Oxygenation Applications
Intermolecular Double-Quantum Coherence Imaging Without Coherence Selection Gradients
Internal Gradients Affect the ? Value Arising from Anomalous Diffusion Stretched Exponential Model
Interpolation of DWI Prior to DTI Reconstruction, and Its Validation
Interpretation of Tissue Contrast in a Rapid Black-Blood Gradient Echo Sequence with Motion-Sensitized Driven Equilibrium (MSDE) Preparation (3D MERGE) for 3D Isotropic High-Resolution Imaging of the Vessel Wall and Its Application for Hemorrhage Detectio
Interpreting “Spatial Field Gradient” MR Conditional Device Labeling and the IEC 60601-2-33 3rd Edition Fringe-Field Compatibility Technical Specification Sheet Requirements
Interrogating Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle: A Comparative Study by Hyperpolarized Succinic Acid and Its Diethylester
Inter-Site Validation of the Pixel-Wise Method for Cardiac T2* Analysis in 50 Transfusion-Dependent Thai Thalassemia Patients
Inter-Subject Correlations Between DTI Indices and Tissue Fractions in Human Brain
Inter-Subject Correlations Between Resting-State Spontaneous Fluctuations and Fractional Volume of Gray Matter
Intersubject Variability in Cerebral Blood Flow Is Great Than Structural Variability
Inter-Subject Variability of Structural Network: A DTI Study
Interventional MRI-Interventional Procedures
Intra Voxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) MRI of the Human Spinal Cord: Preliminary Results and Potentiality
Intra Voxel Incoherent Motion in the Human Placenta Using the Akaike Information Criterion
Intraarterial MR Perfusion Imaging of Meningiomas: Comparison to Digital Subtraction Angiography
Intra-Cardiac MRI Catheter for EP Ablation Monitoring: Preliminary Studies
Intracellular Lithium by
Li MRS: Effect of Total Li Concentration in Brain
Intracellular Selective Acidification of Human Melanoma Xenografts by Lonidamine: a 31P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study
Intra-Cellular Sodium Concentration and Intra-Cellular Volume Fraction Quantification in the Human Brain Using 7T MRI In-Vivo.
Intracellular Volume Fraction Measurements Using Single Quantum Sodium MRI.
Intracellular Water Lifetime Measured by Diffusion Weighted and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
Intracranial Arterial Wall Imaging Using 3D High Isotropic-Resolution Black Blood MRI at 3.0 T
Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistula: Which MR Angiography Is the Best for Diagnosis?
Intracranial Vessel Wall Imaging with MPIR-TSE at 7.0 Tesla in Ischemic Stroke and TIA Patients
Intralymphatic Cancer Cell Tracking with Two MRI Contrast Agents: SPIO / Quantum Dot Cell Labeling with Gd-Dendrimer Lymphangiography in the Mouse Model
Intra-Operative Perfusion Imaging of Brain Tumors Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI: A Comparison with Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI
Intra-Orbital Distance as a Record of Social Brain Dysmorphology in Autism.
Intra-Procedural Transcatheter Intraarterial Perfusion MRI as a Predictor of Tumor Response to Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Intra-Renal Oxygenation in Radio-Contrast Nephropathy Model by BOLD MRI: Effect of the Dose and Viscosity
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Analysis of Liver Fibrosis in an Experimental Mouse Model
Intra-Voxel Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis Method for Tissues Quantification in Brain MRI
Intrinsic Resting State Functional Connectivity of Default Mode Network Predicts Attention Task Performance
In-Utero Imaging of the Early Mouse Embryo
Inversion-Prepared Pulsed ASL with Single-Shot FSE Readout for the
In Vivo
Measurement of the T
of Arterial Blood
Inverted Double Half RF Pulses: Improved Selective Excitation of Short T2 Components in 3T Joint Imaging
Investigating the Contribution of Osteoblastic Activity to ADC of Bone Metastases by Correlating Changes in ADC with Changes in T2* and HU
Investigating Anisotropic Elasticity Using MR-Elastography Combined with Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Validation Using Anisotropic and Viscoelastic Phantoms
Investigating Cardiac Pulsatility in the Brain Using EPI Sequences: From Physiological Noise to Physiological Information
Investigating Parallel Imaging Performance of the 8-Channel Transceiver Array with Tilted Microstrip Elements
Investigating the Dependence of Spontaneous Fluctuations in Visual Cortex on Callosal Connectivity
Investigating the Metabolic Changes Due to Visual Stimulation Using Functional Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 7T
Investigating the Neural Base of Hearing One's Own Name by FMRI
Investigating the Neural Basis of FcMRI
Investigating the Pancreatic Function: Robust 3D MR Imaging of Mouse Abdomen
Investigating the Relationship Between the Disruption of Primary Sensorimotor Pathways and Hand Function in Congenital Hemiplegia: An MRI Structural Connectivity Study
Investigating the Role of Choroid Plexus in CSF Pulsation by Combining In-Vivo and Post-Mortem MRI
Investigating the Role of ICBM-Space Human Brain Diffusion Tensor Templates in Inter-Subject Spatial Normalization
Investigating the Role of PDH Inhibition on the Development of Hypertrophy in the Hyperthyroid Rat Heart
Investigating the Use of Carbon Nanotubes in MRI Receiver Coils
Investigating the Use of Short Pulses in MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound Disruption of the Blood Brain Barrier
Investigating Tumor Perfusion and Metabolism Using Multiple Hyperpolarized
C Compounds: HP001, Urea, and Pyruvate
Investigation of 7 Tesla Spine MRI with a 5-Channel Stripline Array and an 8-Channel Loop Array
Investigation of a Dual-Function Applicator for RF Hyperthermia and MRI
Investigation of Efficient Implementation of Local Constrained Canonical Correlation Analysis for FMRI
Investigation of Hypothalamic Neuronal and Metabolic Mechanisms of Anorexia with Manganese-Enhanced MRI and Proton MR Spectroscopy
Investigation of Magnetic Susceptibility Contrast Across Cortical Grey Matter and White Matter
Investigation of Mobile Lipid Resonances in Cervical Tissue Biopsies and Correlation with Cytoplasmic Lipid Droplets.
An Investigation of Motion Correction Algorithms for Pediatric Spinal Cord DTI in Normals and Patients with SCI
Investigation of Multichannel Phased Array Configurations for Fetal MR Imaging at 1.5T
Investigation of RF Penetration in Humans at Ultrahigh Magnetic Fields
Investigation of the Anisotropic Properties of White Matter Tracts in the Human Brain Using Waveguide Constrained MR Elastography
Investigation of the BOLD Response to Carbogen Breathing with Tumour Blood Volume in an Intracranial F98 Rodent Glioma Model
Investigation of the Diffusion Tensor's Primary Eigenvector Correspondence to Tissue Structure in MR Microscopy of the Human Spinal Cord with Direct Comparison to Histology
Investigation of the Theoretical Background of the IVIM Model Using Flow Compensated DWI
Investigation on Compressed Sensing Regularization Parameter Using Case-PDM
Investigation Tissue Micro-Structure Changes in Short Term Neuro-Plasticity with Diffusion MRI
Investigations of the Origin of Phase Differences Seen with Ultrashort TE Imaging of Short T2 Meniscal Tissue
Investigations on Imaging Near Metal with Combined 3D UTE-MAVRIC
F Imaging of 5-Fluorouracil and Its Metabolites in Rat by Two-Element Phased-Array Coil
In-Vivo Biomarkers for Brain Tumor Vasculature and Cellularity Validated with Ex-Vivo Tissue
In-Vivo Detection of Cell Cycle Arrest Using Manganese-Enhanced MRI (MEMRI)
In-Vivo Human Forearm Temperature Mapping for Correspondence with Numerical SAR and Temperature Calculations
Monitoring of Therapeutic Effects on Bacterial Infection Using High-Field
In-Vivo Mouse Brain DT-MRI: Assessment of Gender Specific Response to the Thyroid Hormone Remyelinating Treatment
In-Vivo MR Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation of Pig Liver Tissues: Preliminary Results of a Survival Study.
In-Vivo MRI of Cell Migration Towards QA Induced Lesions in the Mouse Brain
In-Vivo Proton MR Spectroscopic Imaging of Glycine in Brain Tumors at 3.0 T
In-Vivo RF Receiver Sensitivity Measurement Using Phase-Based B1+ Mapping on a Reverse-Oriented Subject
In-Vivo Short-Echo-Time Single-Voxel Proton LASER Spectroscopy at 7 Tesla Incorporating Macromolecule Subtraction
In-Vivo Tagged-MR Based Motion Correction in Combined MR-PET
In-Vivo Validation of 5-Point PC-VIPR for Hemodynamic Assessment of the Hepatic and Splanchnic Hemodynamics in Swine
In-Vivo Visualization of the Human Basal Ganglia Structure and Connectivity Using High Resolution 7T MRI
Ipsilateral FMRI Response in Primary Somatosensory Cortex (Area 3b) of Awake Marmosets
Iron, Ferritin, Myelin, and MR-Contrast: Proton-Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) Maps of Cortical Iron Content
Is BA 44 Part of the Human Mirror Neuron System? a FMRI Study.
Is Cerebral Microvascular Flow Anisotropic - Preliminary Evidence from Multi-Directional Diffusion Weighted Perfusion MRI
Is Every Multiple Sclerosis Lesion a “black Hole”? Comparison of T1-Weighted MRI at 1.5T and 7.0T
Is Free Carnitine Visible in
H-MR Spectra of Skeletal Muscle?
Is Increased Normal White Matter Glutamate Concentrations a Precursor of Gliosis and Disease Progression in Multiple Sclerosis?
Is Iron the Source of
post Mortem
Susceptibility Contrast in the Brain?
Is Myelin Content Altered in Alzheimer's Disease?
Is Perfusion Parameters Effective to Predict Tumor Response on DCE MRI Performed Before CCRT?
Is T2* Enough to Assess Oxygenation? a Quantitative Blood-Oxygen Level Dependent Analysis in Brain Tumors.
Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rat Skeletal Muscle Assessed with T
-Weighted and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Ischemic Brain Damage and Loss of Ion Homeostasis During Focal Ischemia
Ischemic CMP
Ischemic Penumbra in Acute MCA Stroke: Comparison of the PWI-DWI Mismatch and the ADC-Based NEURINFARCT Methods
Isoflurane Elevates Brain Lactate in a Dose-Dependent Manner: A Localized
H MRS Study of Mouse Brain in Vivo
Isostructural Re and
Tc Complexes of Gd-DTPA-Histidine for Dual-Modality MR/SPECT Imaging Agents
Isotropic High Resolution Diffusion Imaging of Human Habenula in Vivo at 7T
Isotropic High-Resolution 3D Diffusion Weighted SSFP Imaging with Spiral Projection Imaging
Isotropic Mapping of T
, T
, and M
with MP-DESS and Phase-Graph Data Fitting
Isotropic Multispectral QMRI with the Mixed-TSE Pulse Sequence and SENSE: Implications for Synthetic-MRI
Iterative and Joint Reconstruction from Calibration and Image Data for Parallel Imaging
Iterative Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for 3D Non-Cartesian Trajectories Without Gridding & Regridding at Every Iteration
Iterative Decomposition of Water and Fat with Echo Asymmetry and Least-Squares Estimation (IDEAL) of the Wrist and Finger at 3TMRI: Comparison with Chemical Shift Selective Fat Suppression Images
Iterative Parallel Imaging Reconstruction of Time-Resolved Data Using 3D Variational Regularization
Iterative Self-Consistent Magnetic Resonance Inverse Imaging
Jacobian-Based Correction of 3D-MSI Images Near Implanted Metal Devices
Joint Analysis of Structural and Quantitative Magnetization Transfer MRI for Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease and Normal Aging
Joint Anatomical and Biochemical Imaging Using 3D FSE
Joint B0 and B1 Mapping from Tagged Rapid 2D Acquisitions
Joint Bayesian Compressed Sensing for Multi-Contrast Reconstruction
Joint Inhomogeneitiy Estimation for Water-Fat Separation with Multi-Peak Fat Modeling
Joint Optimization of Tip-Down and Tip-Up RF Pulses in Small-Tip (Non-Spin-Echo) Fast Recovery Imaging
A Joint Prospective-Retrospective Respiratory Navigator for Contrast Enhanced Whole-Heart Coronary MRI
Joint Restoration of Bi-Contrast MRI Data for Intensity Non-Uniformities
Kalman Filtered MR Temperature Imaging
Ketamine-Evoked Functional Connectivity Changes in Isoflurane Anaesthetised Rats
Keyhole Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer
Kinesin Mutations Induce Defects in Mn2+ Transport in the Important Memory Circuit from Hippocampus to Basal Forebrain
k-Means Segmentation of Kidney Cortex and Medulla for BOLD Images
k-Space and Q-Space: Combining Ultra-High Spatial and Angular Resolution in Diffusion Imaging Using ZOOPPA at 7T
K-Space Based Image Reconstruction of MRI Data Encoded with Ambiguous Gradient Fields
k-Space Channel Combination for Non-Cartesian Acquisitions Using Direct Virtual Coil (DVC) Calibration
k-Space Sampling Approaches Using TWIST: Implications for Dynamic Contrast Acquisitions
K-Space Trajectory Correction in Spiral-In/Out BSSFP Imaging
K-T Group Sparse Using Intensity Based Clustering
k-T ISD: Dynamic Cardiac Imaging Using Compressed Sensing with Iterative Support Detection
k-T PCA Reconstruction for Functional Lung MRI by Fourier Decomposition
k-T Sparse GROWL: A Fast and Accurate Algorithm for Highly Accelerated Dynamic Imaging
K-T-GRAPPA Accelerated Phase Contrast MRI: Improved Assessment of Blood Flow and 3-Directional Myocardial Motion During Breath-Hold
Kurtosis Analysis for DWI Improves Prediction of Short-Term Response in Head and Neck Cancer
Lactate Detection in Inducible and Orthotopic Breast Cancer Models
Lactate Detection Using Double Quantum Coherence Filtering with Spectral-Spatial Refocusing RF Pulses in a PRESS Sequence
Lactate-Mediated Metabolic Cooperation Between Human Stromal and Breast Cancer Cells
The Laminar Specific Neuronal Responses to Forepaw and Optogenetics Stimulations
Language Pathway Homologues in Chimpanzees Reconstructed Using Diffusion Tractography
Large Aperture Transducer Designed for MR-HIFU Treatment of Breast Tumors
Large Tip Angle Segmented RF Design for Multi-Dimensionally Selective Imaging and Spectroscopy with Parallel Transmit
Large-Scale Functional Network Reconfiguration Associates with Its Underlying Gray Matter Atrophy in AD
Late Effects of Cancer Treatment on Gray Matter Perfusion Assessed by Arterial Spin Labeling MRI and Its Association with Neurocognitive Function
Latex-Based Dual Contrast Hybrid Catheter for Passive MR-Guided Angiographic Interventions
Layer-Specific Blood-Flow MRI of Retina Degeneration at 11.7T
Layer-Specific FMRI of Visual Stimulation in the Rat Retina: Responses to Different Stimulation Luminance, Frequency, and Color
Layer-Specific Interhemispheric Functional Connectivity in Rat S1fl Revealed by Laminar Electrode Recordings and Resting State FMRI
Layer-Specific Retinal and Choroidal Blood-Flow MRI in a Mouse Model of Glaucoma
Layer-Specific Retinal and Choroidal Blood-Flow MRI of Retinitis Pigmentosa in Mice
Left Atrial Scar Imaging Using 3D Dixon Late Gadolinium Enhancement
Left Coronary Artery Imaging at 7T: Initial Results Using Multiple B1+ Shimming Algorithms and Targets
Left Lateralization of Motor Circuit Connectivity Is Associated with Better Motor Performance in Children
Left Ventricular Concentric Hypertrophy and Strain Redirection in M.3243A>G Mutation Carriers: Cardiomyopathy Correlates with Mutation Load
A Left Ventricular Motion Phantom for Cardiac MRI
Left Ventricular Strain Through Radial Tagging: Efficiency and Validity
Left Ventricular Volumes, Mass and Function Normalized to the Body Surface Area, Age and Gender from CMR in a Large Cohort of Well-Treated Thalassemia Major Patients Without Myocardial Iron Overload.
Lesion and Deep Grey Matter Visualization in Phase Images Using a Local Polynomial Filter with Moving Window
The Limit of Relative Timing Accuracy of BOLD FMRI in Human Visual Cortex
Limited FOV MR Thermometry Using a Local Cardiac RF Coil in Atrial Fibrillation Treatment
Linking Myelination with Behavioural Development in Healthy Infants
Lipid Accumulation and Mitochondrial Function in Skeletal Muscle of ATGL Knockout Mice: A
P MRS Study
Lipid Profile of Distinct Areas of Astrocytic Brain Tumors
Live Animal Imaging: Challenges & Longitudinal Analysis
Liver Fat and Water MR T2 Values at 3T: Dependence Upon Steatosis Level
Liver Iron
Liver Lesions: Added Value of Diffusion MRI
Liver MRI: Protocol Optimization
Liver MRI: Protocol Optimization
Liver Stiffness Assessment by Tagged MRI of Cardiac-Induced Liver Motion
A Lobar-Based Curvature Analysis of Normal and Polymicrogyria Brain Surfaces in Children
Local Blood Oxygen Saturation and Apparent Water Diffusion in Acute Ischemia
LOcal Excitation Black Blood Imaging (LOBBI) for Local Transmission Coil at High Field MRI (7T and Above)
Local Versus Global Low-Rank Promotion in Dynamic MRI Series Reconstruction
Localization by Nonlinear Phase Preparation and K-Space Trajectory Design (GradLoc)
Localized Hypoxia Results in Spatially Heterogeneous Metabolic Signatures in Breast Tumor Models
Localized in Vivo Hyperpolarization Transfer Experiments
Localized MR-Spectroscopy in Arbitrarily Shaped Voxels Using Parallel Excitation Pulses with Large Spectral Bandwidth
Location Constrained Approximate Message Passing (LCAMP) Algorithm for Compressed Sensing
Long Term Observations on Status-Epilepticus Induced Neurodegeneration: A 7Tesla MR Study in a Rat Model
in Vivo
MRI Based Spatiotemporal Mapping of Brain Atrophy in the R6/2 Mouse Model of Huntington's Disease
Longitudinal Analysis of Tissue Property Changes in Multi-Modal MRI of the Developing Preterm Brain
Longitudinal and Non-Invasive Assessment of Emphysema Evolution in a Murine Model Using Proton MRI
Longitudinal Assessment of Chemotherapy-Induced Structural Changes in Cerebral White Matter and Its Correlation with Impaired Cognitive Functioning in Breast Cancer Patients
Longitudinal Assessment of T
* Changes in Mouse Myocardium Following Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
Longitudinal Changes in Infant Brain Metabolites at Age 6 and 13 Months Using 3D High-Speed MR Spectroscopic Imaging at 3 Tesla
Longitudinal Changes of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Acute Stages of Post-Mortem Animal Brain Tissue Decomposition
Longitudinal DTI in Young Children with Prenatal Methamphetamine Exposure: A 3 Year Follow-Up Study
Longitudinal DTI of White Matter Injury in Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Longitudinal Evaluation of MPIO-Labeled Stem Cell Biodistribution in a GBM Model Using MR Imaging and DCE-MRI at 14.1Tesla
Longitudinal Evaluation of Renal Oxygenation in Kidney Donors and Recipients Using BOLD MRI
Longitudinal Evolution of MRI Parameters with Disease Progression in ALS
Longitudinal Follow-Up of Kidneys from Living Donors to Their Recipients by DWI.
Longitudinal Guided Level-Sets for Consistent Neonatal Image Segmentation
Longitudinal Hepatocellular Lipid Levels (IHCL) on Ob/ob Mice and the Correlation to Insulin Levels
Longitudinal High Resolution MRI to Evaluate a Novel Statin Loaded HDL Nanoparticle Therapy in Experimental Atherosclerosis.
Longitudinal Inter- And Intra-Individual Human Brain Metabolic Quantification with Proton MR Spectroscopy at 3T
Longitudinal Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Aged Rats with Sildenafil Treatment After Embolic Stroke
Longitudinal MRI Study to Monitor Brain Changes of RTg4510 Mice Related Tauopathy Suppressed With/without Doxycycline
Longitudinal Regional Brain Development in Infants from Four to Nine Months of Age
Longitudinal Shape Analysis of Lateral Ventricles During the First Year of Human Life
A Longitudinal Study of Microstructural White Matter Changes After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Longitudinal Study of Neurochemical Changes in Q140 Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease
Longitudinal Study of the Corpus Callosum Thickness in Developing Monkeys
A Longitudinal Study of Trabecular Bone in Knees with Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries at 3T
Longitudinal TBSS Reveals Progressing Demyelination in the Mouse Model of Progressive Neurodegenerative Disease EPM1
Longitudinal Tracking of Adiposity in a Canine Model of Insulin Resistance
Longitudinal Tract Atrophy in Normal Aging and Alzheimer's Disease Measured Using Probabilistic Tractography
Longitudinal Tract-Based Spatial Statistics Analysis Reveals Left and Right Asymmetric DTI Alterations in Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
A Look Ahead: How Will New MR Techniques & Technologies Change the Landscape?
Look-Locker 3D-EPI ASL at 7T
Look-Locker MRI Measurements of Relaxation Rate After Manganese Labeling of Pancreatic β Cells Detect Increments in Disease Progression in a Mouse Model of Type 1 Diabetes
A Loop Coil Design Based on the Broadside-Coupled Split Ring Resonator at 7T
A Looping Trajectory for Single-Shot 3D Imaging
Loss of Callosal Fibre Integrity in Healthy Elderly with Small Vessel Disease
Loss of Functional Network Efficiency Is Associated with Cognitive Decline in Cryptogenic Epilepsy
Loss of Hemodynamic Information in Intracranial Aneurysms: Phase Contrast MRI in a Real-Size Phantom at Different Spatial Resolutions
Lots of Loops: Constructing a Highly Parallel Brain Array Coil
Low B-Value DWI in Assessment of Large Vessel Vasculitis
Low-Cost MRI Compatible Interface Device for Interactive Scan Plane Control
Low-Dimensional-Structure Self-Learning and Thresholding (LOST): Regularization Beyond Compressed Sensing for MRI Reconstruction
Lower Glutathione Levels in Methamphetamine Users
A Low-Power Asymmetrically-Selective Adiabatic Pulse
Low-Resolution Cartesian Compressed Sensing MRI: Application to Dynamic Susceptibility MRI
Lymph Node Imaging: A Clinical Perspective
Macromolecular DCE MRI at 14.1Tesla Allows Comparative Quantitative Evaluation of Antiangiogenic Treatment Effects in Responsive and Resistant GBM Models
Macromolecular Proton Fraction Mapping of the Human Liver
in Vivo
: Technical Feasibility and Preliminary Observations in Hepatic Fibrosis
Macroscopic Meets Microscopic: The Use of Multi Acquisition Variable Resonance Image Combination (MAVRIC) for Detection of Microscopic Objects by Means of Off-Resonance Excitation
Magic Angle Effect: A Relevant Artifact in MR Neurography at 3T?
Magic Angle Effects on T2, T2* and T1p Relaxation Times
Magnetic Field Monitoring Using a Novel Wireless Sensor System in an Intra-Operative MRI Workflow
Magnetic Field-Dependent Magnetisation Transfer Contrast MRI with Fast Field-Cycling
Magnetic Gradient Shape Optimization for Highly Accelerated Null Space Imaging
Magnetic Microparticle Size Optimization for Susceptibility Contrast Imaging
Magnetic Particle Imaging: Linear Gradient Array for Imaging with a Traveling Wave
Magnetic Resonance Analysis of Right Ventricular Volumetric Function for the Noninvasive Diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension
Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) of the Calf Station at 3T: Intraindividual Comparison Between Non-Enhanced ECG-Gated Flow-Dependent MRA, Continuous Table Movement MRA and Time-Resolved MRA
Magnetic Resonance Characterization of General Compartment Size Distributions
Magnetic Resonance Elastography Measurements of Viscosity: A Novel Biomarker for Human Hepatic Tumor Malignancy?
Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Human Lung Parenchyma: Technical Development, Theoretical Modeling and in Vivo Validation
Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Cerebellum
Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Lung Parenchyma: Correlation of Shear Stiffness with Airway Opening Pressures
Magnetic Resonance Elastography with an Air Ball-Vibrator
Magnetic Resonance Enterography in the Assessment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Pediatric Population Including DWI, Cine MR and Post Gadolinium Dynamic MR.
A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agent Targeted Towards Activated Platelets Allows Detection of Platelets on Symptomatic Human Carotid Plaques
Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Staging Lymphoma: Whole-Body or Less?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Arthroplasty: Comparison of MAVRIC and Conventional Fast Spin Echo Techniques
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Blood Flow of the Human Retina
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of
Gene Transcription After Burn Trauma Using a Superior Contrast Agent
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Continuous Ultrasound Holograms
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Metal-On-Metal Hip Resurfacing Implants
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Organic Contrast Agents: Applications to Redox Imaging and Radioprotection
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Tendons, Ligaments and Menisci by Subtraction of Two Steady State Free Precession Signals
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee at 3 and 7 Tesla – Comparison Using Dedicated Multi-Channels Coils and Optimized 2D and 3D Protocols
A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Cortical Thickness and Volumetric Changes in Hepatitis C: Before and After Interferon Therapy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Transrectal Ultrasound Fusion Improves Biopsy Yield
Magnetic Resonance Lymphography at 3T: A Promising Noninvasive Approach to Characterize Inguinal Lymphatic Vessel Leakage
Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of Human a-Motor Neurons and Neural Processes
Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of Human Brain Tumor Biopsies
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging of Orthotopic Ovarian Cancer
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in the Brain of Adolescent Binge Drinkers
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Metabolic Profiling Reveals Different Mechanisms of Action in Response to Signaling Inhibitors in Prostate Cancer
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Human Cervical Spondylosis at 3T
Magnetic Resonance T1 Mapping Predicts Successful Venous Thrombolysis
Magnetic Resonance Velocity Mapping During Intermittent Pneumatic Compression of the Calf and Foot
Magnetic Susceptibility Local Variations Affect γ-Weighted Maps Contrast in Brain
Magnetisation Transfer Contrast Imaging of Synovitis in Arthritis.
Magnetization “reset” in T2-Relaxation-Under-Spin-Tagging (TRUST) MRI
Magnetization Transfer Contrast (MTC) MRI for the Detection of Amyloid Accumulation in Alzheimer’s Disease
Magnetization Transfer Contrast MRI Detects
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Bacterial Infection
Bacterial Infection
a Mouse Burn Model
Magnetization Transfer Detects Changes in Intestinal Fibrosis After Anti-TNFa
Magnetization Transfer Effects in Wideband SSFP
Magnetization Transfer FMRI in Humans at 7T
Magnetization Transfer Imaging and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Imaging of Breast Cancer at 3T
Magnetization Transfer Imaging of Individual Beta-Amyloid Plaques in Alzheimer's Disease
Magnetization Transfer Imaging of the Healthy Breast at 3T
Magnetization Transfer Rate and Amide Proton Transfer of Dissected Axillary Lymph Nodes of Breast Cancer Patients at 7T MRI
Magnetoliposomes Open Up New Horizons as MRI Contrast Agents.
The Magnetosome Membrane Protein Mms6 Produces MR Contrast in Vitro
Manganese: A New Contrast Agent for Lung Imaging?
Manganese-Enhanced MRI of Bilateral Retinas in Rat: Flickering White Light Versus Dark
Manual Right Ventricle Segmentation on Short-Axis SSFP Views: Quantification of the Regional Inter-Observer Variability.
Mapping Cartilage Degradation Through Support Vector Machine Probabilistic Classification
Mapping Cerebral Blood Flow Territories Using Harmonic Encoding Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling, Fuzzy Clustering, and Independent Component Analysis
Mapping CNS Response to Leptin by MEMRI
Mapping Hubs in the Neocortical Structural Network of the Human Brain Shows Lateralization
Mapping Inversion Efficiencies of Adiabatic Pulses at 7T
Mapping of Midbrain Nuclei Connectivity Networks Using Time-Domain Phase-REgularized Parallel (T-PREP) Reconstruction of High-Resolution FMRI
Mapping of Myocardial ASL Perfusion and Perfusion Reserve Data
Mapping of Oxygen by Imaging Lipids Relaxation Enhancement (MOBILE): Application to Changes in Liver Oxygenation
Mapping of Oxygen by Imaging Lipids Relaxation Enhancement (MOBILE): Application to Changes in Tumor Oxygenation of Mammary Cancer Models
Mapping T2 Relaxation Time of Cerebral Metabolites Using Three Dimensional Proton-Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging (PEPSI)
Mapping the Double Bonds in Triglyceride
Mapping the Human Connectome with Lausanne Neuroimaging Tools
Matched Filter EPI Increases BOLD-Sensitivity in Human Functional MRI
Matching Pursuit Iterative Dipole Based Filter of Background Fields in Phase Imaging
Maximizing MR Signal for 2D UTE Slice Selection in the Presence of Rapid T2 Relaxation
Maximum DB/dt and Switching Noise in 1.5T MRI Scanners for Safety Evaluation of Active Implantable Medical Device
mcDESPOT-Derived MWF Improves EDSS Prediction in MS Patients Compared to Only Atrophy Measures
Mean Kurtosis: A New Potential Biomarker for Brain Tumor Grading?
Measurement Accuracy of Different Active Tracking Sequences for Interventional MRI
Measurement of
Xe Gas Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Anisotropy in an Elastase-Instilled Rat Model of Emphysema
Measurement of Axon Radii Distribution in Orientationally Unknown Tissue Using Angular Double-Pulsed Gradient Spin Echo (Double-PGSE) NMR
Measurement of Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen (CMRO2) Using QBOLD Technique in Resting State
Measurement of CMRO
Changes by Somatosensory Stimulation in Rat Using Oxygen-17 at 16.4 T
Measurement of Creatine-Kinase Reaction Rate Constant in Human Brain Using
P Magnetization Transfer Image Selected In-Vivo Spectroscopy (MT-ISIS): A Preliminary Application to Bipolar Disorder
Measurement of Elevated 2-Hydroxyglutaric Acid in Brain Tumors by Difference Editing at 3T in Vivo
Measurement of Eye PO2 Using T1 Mapping Has Precision ~8 MmHg and Shows Oxygenation Gradient Between Retina and Lens
Measurement of Ferret Brain Tissue Stiffness
in Vivo
Using MR Elastography
Measurement of Field Inhomogeneity and Susceptibility Effects for Liver Iron Quantification in Patients with Iron Overload
Measurement of Metabolic Rates in Rat Olfactory Bulb by 1H and 1H-[13C] NMR in Vivo
Measurement of Morphological and Functional Changes of the Vessel Wall During the Progression of Atherosclerosis in the ApoE-/- Mouse Model by MR-Microscopy at 17.6T
Measurement of Single-Kidney Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) by Arterial Spin Labeling
Measurement of T1,T2 Relaxation Time as Assembly Conditions of Gold Nanoparticles
Measurement of the T1 and T2 Temperature Dependence of Human Breast Adipose Tissue
Measurement of the Singlet-State Lifetime of N
O in Rat Blood: Its Potential as an MRI Tracer
Measurements of RF Heating During 3.0T MRI of a Pig Implanted with DBS
Measures of Quantitative MRI Correlate with Neurological Outcomes in Patients After Acute Spinal Cord Injury
Measuring and Imaging T2 Without Echoes?
Measuring Brain Oxygenation in Humans Using a Quantitative BOLD Approach
Measuring Coherent Blood Flow in the Placenta, Basal Plate and Chorionic Plate
Measuring Cortical Thickness in Brain MRI Volumes to Detect Focal Cortical Dysplasia
Measuring Effect of Embedded Navigators on MEMPRAGE Tissue Contrast
Measuring Energy Diffusion: Phosphocreatine in Human Skeletal Muscle
Measuring in Vivo Tumor PHe with a DIACEST MRI Contrast Agent
Measuring in Vivo Tumor PHe with a PARACEST MRI Contrast Agent
Measuring Temperature Rise During Spin Echo MR-ARFI Acquisition
Measuring the Change in Mechanical Properties of Upper Airway Soft Tissues in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Measuring the Transient Before Steady-State in Brain MR Elastography
Measuring the Volumes and Thickness of Hippocampal Subfields in Vivo Using Automatic Segmentation of T2-Weighted MRI: A Pilot Evaluation Study
Measuring Tissue PH Heterogeneity by
P NMR Spectroscopy
Measuring Whole Kidney Nephron Endowment Using MRI
Mechanical Release from Paramagnetic Liposomes Triggered by Low Frequency Ultrasound
Mechanically Altering Infarct Properties Improves Regional and Global Function Secondary to Acute Myocardial Infarction
Mechanism of Conductivity Image Contrast in MREIT: Numerical Simulation and Phantom Experiment
A Mechanism to Produce Translational and Rotational Motion of a Phantom Inside an MR Scanner
MeCS – Integrating Prototype Processing Programs Into Clinical Routine
Medullar and Thalamic Metabolic Alterations Following Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): A Preliminary Mice Study, Combining Early and Longitudinal Follow-Ups Using High-Spatially Resolved MRS and DTI at High Field.
MEG Auditory Evoked Gamma Phase Locking Correlates with 1H-MRS Determined Temporal Lobe GABA Levels
MEG-Guided Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Patients with Refractory Epilepsy
Memory Performance Is Negatively Correlated with Resting CBF Level in Hippocampus in Healthy Elderly
MEMRI Atlas of Neonatal Mouse Brain Development
MEMRI of the Projections of Periaqueductal Gray Matter to Pontine Reticular Nucleus in Mice
Meningioma Metabolic Subgroups Revealed by NMR Spectroscopy
Menstrual Cycle Related Fluctuations in Breast Density Evaluated Using 3D MRI
Metabolic and Morphological Characterization of the Mecp2-308 Truncated Mouse Model of Rett Syndrome: Effects of a Treatment Activating Rho GTPases
Metabolic Changes in the Focal Brain Ischemia in Rats Treated with Human Induced Pluripotent Cell-Derived Neural Precursors
Metabolic Characterisation of Retinoblastoma Tumour Tissue
Metabolic Characterization of Glioma Populations with Emphasis on Onco-Metabolite 2-Hydroxyglutarate
Metabolic Characterization of Gray and White Matter in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury with 3D Proton MR Spectroscopy
Metabolic Characterization of the Cachectic Phenotype
Metabolic Differences Between Oligodrendroglial Brain Tumors with and Without 1p19q Deletion
Metabolic Imaging of the Rat Brain Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C]ketoisocaproate and [1-13C]pyruvate
Metabolic Kinetics of a Glioma Model Using Hyperpolarized 13C Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging
The Metabolic Profile of Drug-Induced Autophagy in Cancer
Metabolic Profiling of Human Liver Fibrosis
Metabolic Profiling of Primary and Recurrent Mammary Gland Tumors in an Inducible Her2/neu Breast Cancer Mouse Model Using
Metabolic Regulatory Variation in Rat Serum Due to Cold Stress: High Resolution
H NMR Approach
Metabolic Signatures in Histopathologically Proven Gallbladder Carcinoma Tissues by Hrmas NMR Spectroscopy
Metabolism of Hyperpolarized [1-
C]Pyruvate in Isolated Perfused Mouse Livers – a Comparison of Fed and Fasted States
Metabolism of Hyperpolarized U-
-D-Glucose in Living Breast Cancer Cell Cultures
Metabolite Changes in Anatomical Substructures of the Brain Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Metabolite Concentration Changes During Visual Stimulation Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (FMRS) on a Clinical 7T Scanner
Metabolite Cycled Non-Water-Suppressed Spectroscopy Offers Increased Spectral Quality in Cases of Physiologic and Subject Motion
Metabolite Differences in Small Brain Regions Between Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Disease Patients by 3D Chemical Shift Imaging
Metal Artifact Reduction Using Slice Encoding with Shear Correction
Metal-Induced Artifacts in Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Comparison of Biodegradable Magnesium Alloy Versus Titanium and Stainless Steel Control
Metal-Induced Artifacts in MRI
Metamaterial Media for MRI Applications
Meta-Population Breast Cancer Screening with the ?K
DCE-MRI Parameter
Metformin Severely Impairs
in Vivo
Muscle Oxidative Capacity in a Rat Model of Type 2 Diabetes
Method and Tool for Improved, Rapid N-Gram Average SAR Determination
A Method for Calibrating Multi-Channel RF Systems
Method for High Spatial Resolution of Proximal Stations in 3D Time-Resolved Fluoroscopically-Triggered Bolus Chase MRA
A Method for Increasing Electrical Length of Microstrip Waveguides
Method for Monitoring Safety in Parallel Transmission Systems Based on Channel-Dependent Average Powers
Method for Robust PH Measurement Using Hyperpolarized Bicarbonate and Carbon Dioxide
A Method to Combine Compressed Sensing with Auto-Calibrating Parallel Imaging Reconstruction for Cartesian Acquisition
Methods for Quantification of Absolute Myocardial Oxygen Consumption with
Methods for Reorienting and Retransforming Diffusion Weighted Imaging Data
Methods for the Quantitative Assessment of Image Artifacts Caused by Implantable Devices
Metric Optimized Gating for Fetal Cardiac Imaging
Meyer's Loop Delineated on Magnitude Images of Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging: Pre- And Postoperative Perimetric Correlation in Patients with Refractory Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Microanatomical Correlates of Multi-Exponential T
and Quantitative MT in Pathological Rat Spinal White Matter
A Microfluidic Micro-MRI Set-Up to Assess the Specificity of Targeted Contrast Agents on a Living Cell Monolayer
Microscopic Determinates of Anisotropy in the Injured Rodent Brain Using Histological Fourier Analysis
Microstructural Signatures of Ischemia and Stem Cell Therapy in the Myocardium Revealed with Serial Diffusion Tensor MRI and Tractography of the Mouse Heart in Vivo.
Microstructure Tracking (MicroTrack): An Algorithm for Estimating a Multiscale Hierarchical White Matter Model from Diffusion-Weighted MRI
Middle Cerebral Artery Blood Flow Velocity Changes in Response to Precise Targeting of End-Tidal CO
and O
: A Comparative Study Between Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound and Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke Lesion Pattern Classification After Thrombolysis Based on Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and MR-Angiography
Middle Frontal Gyrus as a Potential Neural Indicator for Musical Imagery
Millimeter Isotropic Resolution Volumetric Pediatric Abdominal MRI with a Dedicated 32 Channel Phased Array Coil
A Miniaturized Optical Link for an Active Intravascular MR-Device
Miniaturized Two-Stage Preamplifiers for Receive-Array Coils at 400 MHz
Minimization of Imaging Artifacts from Profile Ordering of Randomly Selected
Lines for Prospective Compressed-Sensing Acqusition in 3D Segmented SSFP and GRE Imaging
Minimum-Duration Adiabatic Spectral-Spatial Refocusing Pulses
MISSA - A Highly-Developed Clinical Tool for MR Spectroscopy
Mitigation of Transmit Crosstalk in Multiple-Mouse MRI
Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Patients with Primary Congenital Insulin Resistance
Mitochondrial Energy Metabolism in Skeletal Muscle in a Murine Cancer Cachexia Model
Mixed Cerebral Perfusion Territories in the Posterior Circulation Investigated Using Super-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling MRI
Mn Distribution in Rat Hippocampus: Correlative Use of Synchrotron X-Ray Microprobe and MEMRI
Mobile Coil Array for Interventional MRI
Model Based Correction of Triggered MR Thermometry for LITT
Model Fitting of Spatially Smoothed DCE-CT and DCE-MRI Data in Bladder Tumours
A Model for Magnetic Delivery of Cells with an MRI Scanner and Its Validation Via Confocal Endoscopy
Model for Manganese Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of Passive and Glucose-Stimulated Active Pancreatic β-Cell Function
Model-Based and Data-Driven Analysis of Whole Brain EVI Demonstrates Increased Statistical Power Compared to EPI at 3 T
A Model-Based Approach for Fast T2 Mapping of Articular Cartilage
A Model-Based Compressed Sensing Method for Fast Cardiac T1 Mapping in Small Animals
A Model-Based Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Saturation Prepared Radially Acquired Data
Model-Based Reconstruction of Undersampled DTI Data
Model-Based Registration for Motion Correction of Inversion Recovery and Multiple-Time Point Renal ASL
Model-Free FMRI Group Analysis Using FENICA
Modeling and Measuring the Myelin G-Ratio
Modeling Hyperpolarized
Xe Bolus Passage for Quantification of Pulmonary Blood Flow
Modeling MEGA-PRESS Macromolecules for a Better Grasp of GABA
Modeling MT Effect of Bound Water Pool and Its Use in Correction of CEST Contrast for MT Asymmetry
Modeling of Look-Locker Estimates of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Estimate of Longitudinal Relaxation Rate in Tissue After Contrast Administration
Modeling Strain-Encoded (SENC) MRI for Use in Clinical Breast Imaging
Modeling the Effect of Diffusion on the Assessment of
Modeling the Effect of Flow Dispersion in Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Modeling the Hyperemic Response in Skeletal Muscle FMRI
Modelling Dispersion in Arterial Spin Labelling with Validation from ASL Dynamic Angiography
Modelling Study of a Hybrid Loop-Sheet Coil Structure for a 8-Channel Small Animal Transceive Array at 9.4T
Modelling Temporal Stability of EPI Time Series Acquired with Multi-Channel Receiver Coils: Treatment of Noise Correlation
Model-Predictive Controller Using MR Thermometry for Dynamic Optimization of Heating/Cooling Pulses for HIFU Therapies
Models for Predicting Outcome
Modification in Functional Connectivity of Resting State Networks in Patients Affected by Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction During Visual Erotic Stimulation: An FMRI Study
Modification of the Simulated-Multi-Image Method Allows SNR Measurement Using Sum-Of-Squares Reconstruction
Modified EPI Sequence for Improved MR Thermometry
A Modified Generalized Tracer Kinetic Model for Perfusion Parameters in DCE- MRI for High Grade Intracranial Mass Lesions
Modified Turbo Spin Echo Sequence for PRF Based Thermometry
Modifying Polyethylene Glycol Effects Liposome Relaxivity and Enhances Tumour Cell Uptake for Drug Delivery
Molecular and Microstructural Changes Accompanying Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Revealed with In-Vivo Diffusion Tensor MRI (DTI) and Molecular Imaging of the Mouse Heart
Molecular Imaging of Breast Lesions with PET-MRI: Proof of Concept
Molecular Imaging of Inflammation in a Cerebrovascular Aneurysm Model.
Molecular MR Imaging of Liver Fibrosis with a Collagen-Targeting Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agent
Molecular MRI Allows the Detection of Activated Platelets in a New Mouse Model of Coronary Artery Thrombosis
Molecular MRI of Liver Fibrosis by Fibrin-Fibronectin Targeted Contrast Agent in an Experimental Mouse Model
Molecular MRI of Neurovascular Inflammation in a Mouse Stroke Model Using Bimodal ICAM-1 Targeted Nanoparticles
Molecular Probes for Targeting and Imaging of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor on Head and Neck Cancer Cells
Monitoring Acellular Matrix-Based Soft Tissue Regeneration: Multiexponential Diffusion and T2* for Improved Specificity
Monitoring Metabolic Shifts in TRAMP Mice Resulting from Dichloroacetate Using Hyperpolarized Pyruvate
Monitoring Myelination by Transplanted Oligodendrocyte Precursors in Dysmyelinated Mice with MT and DT Imaging
Monitoring of Iron-PLLA Particle Loaded MSCs After Intramuscular Injection in the Rat Model @ 3T
Monitoring of Transplanted Pancreatic Islets in Humans by MRI
Monitoring Statin Therapy in Atherosclerotic Rabbits Using USPIO-Enhanced MRI and FDG-PET on a New PET/MRI System
Monitoring Tissue Response to Hyperbaric Oxygen Intervention Using PISTOL
Monitoring Treatment Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer by 3D Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging
Monte Carlo Analysis of T
-Mixing Errors for MSE T
A Monte Carlo Study of the Effects of Cell Membrane Permeability on DWI-MRI Contrast with Oscillating Diffusion Gradients
Mood Congruent Hippocampal Activation Biases: Double Dissociation of Negative and Positive Contexts in Depressed and Healthy Adults
Morphologic and Quantitative Mapping of Biological Disc Contructs in a Rat Tail Model
Morphological and Metabolic Characterization of a New Model of Spinal Cord Injury Without Reloading Using
H MRI and
P NMR Spectroscopy
Morphology of the EMRI Magnitude Response to Interictal Spikes: Timing, Amplitude and the Dip
Morphometric and Functional Connectivity Correlates of Hippocampal Changes in Migraine Frequency
Morphometric Changes Detected in Hepatits C (HCV) and HCV/HIV Co-Infected Adults
Motility Assessment Using Continuously Tagged Imaging
Motion Artifact Removal by Retrospective Resolution Reduction (MARs)
Motion Correction
Motion Correction of Multiple B-Values (MCMB) Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Motion Correction Using Coil Arrays (MOCCA) for Free-Breathing Cardiac Cine MRI
Motion Degradation in 3D µMRI of Trabecular Bone: Relevance to Quantitative Analysis of Clinical Data
A Motion Tracking Method Applying Spread Spectrum Communication to Tagging MRI
Motion-Corrected Single Shot Fast Spin-Echo MRI Using Prospective Motion Tracking and Retrospective Super-Resolution Volume Reconstruction
Motion-Induced Phase Error Correction in 3D Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Motion-Insensitive Structural MRI Based on Repeated Imaging with Echo-Planar Navigation and Acceleration (RIENA): Demonstrated with Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging in the Presence of Frequent Intra-Scan Tremors
Motor Control Predicted by GABA Concentration in the Supplimentary Motor Area
Mouse Cardiac MRI: Comparison of Prospective Synchronization Using Optical and ECG Signals with a Retrospective Technique
Mouse Embryo Phenotyping with Contrast-Enhanced Micro-Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Mouse MRI and MR Angiography at 9.4T to Study the Role of PKC T Protein in Neurological Complication of Malaria
Movement Artifacts in Monitoring the Brain Temperature During Induction of Mild Hypothermia
Moving Through K-Space by Point Reflections – the TRASE Method
MR Active Insertion Mandrel for Improved Delineation of Deep Brain Structures During MR Guided Electrode Insertion
MR Angiography Using Fractional Contrast Doses with VIPR and HYPR
MR Based Limited-Field-Of-View SPECT Image Reconstruction
MR Based Quantification of Global Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen Consumption During Hypercapnia
MR Biomakers in Brain Tumor
MR Characterization of Autism Spectrum Disorders
An MR Compatible Olfactometer for Clinical Research Use
MR Compressed Sensing Using FREBAS Transform
MR Detects Coronary Vessel Wall Imaging with Age in Healthy Subjects
MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy
MR Diffusion Tensor Investigation of Transmural Heterogeneity of Myocardium Structural Remodeling in Postinfarct Porcine Model
MR Elastography in Renal Transplant Patients: a Feasibility Study
MR Elastography of Liver Transplant Patients Using Parallel Imaging Techniques
MR Elastography of Mice in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalitis
MR Elastography of the Liver: Observations from a Review of 1,377 Exams
MR Elastography: Reproducibility of Measurements of Mean Liver Stiffness
MR Endoscope with Software-Controlled Tuning, Device Tracking and Video
MR Estimation of Arterial Input Function (AIF) in Dual Gradient Echo Sequences Using an Adaptive Model Trained by Standard Radiological AIF
MR Estimation of Longitudinal Relaxation Time (T1) in Spoiled Gradient Echo Using an Adaptive Neural Network
MR Experiment Validation of Parallel Traveling-Wave with Quadrature Patch Antenna Transceiver Array
MR Flow Imaging Beyond the Mean Velocity: Estimation of the Skew and Kurtosis of Intravoxel Velocity Distributions
MR Follow-Up of Glioblastoma Patients Treated with Dendritic Cell Immunotherapy: The Role of DWI and PWI.
MR Guided Percutaneous Embolization of Low-Flow Vascular Malformations: Initial Experience Using a Hybrid MR/X-Ray Fluoroscopy System
MR Imaging After Spinal Fusion Using Slice Encoding for Metal Artifact Correction (SEMAC)
MR Imaging Guided NCT by a Dual Gd/B Agent Targeted to Tumor Cells Via Upregulated LDL Transporters.
MR Imaging in Cardiomyopathy
MR Imaging Near Orthopedic Implants Using Slice-Encoding for Metal Artifact Correction and Off-Resonance Suppression
MR Imaging of Early Stage Uterine Cervical Cancer: Diagnostic Impact of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and 3D-Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI at 3T
MR Imaging of Epidermoid Tumors-Histopathological Correlation and Surgical Implications
MR Imaging of Hypertrophy and Cardiac Recovery in the Mouse Aorta and Heart
MR Imaging of the Lower Extremities at 7 Tesla: Initial Experience with a 15 Channel Coil
MR Imaging of the Neck at 3 Tesla Using the Periodically Rotated Overlapping Parallel Lines with Enhanced Reconstruction (PROPELLER) (BLADE) Sequence Compared with T2-Weighted Fast Spin-Echo Sequence
MR Leg Venography: Improved Methodology & Impact of Subject Positioning
MR Manifestations of Ovarian Adenofibromas and Cystadenofibromas: Conventional MR Imaging and High-B Value Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging with Pathologic Correlatopn
MR Measurements of Anomalous Diffusion Indices a and ? by Means of PGSTE Techniques at Varying of Time and of Gradient Strength in Phantoms
MR Microimaging of Ex-Vivo Prostate Tissue at 16.4T
MR Microscopy of Brain Cytoarchitecture by Quantitative Mapping of Magnetic Susceptibility
MR Multiparametric Analysis for Tumour Heterogeneity Characterisation. Framework & Initial Experiment in Liver Metastases.
MR Nerve Imaging Using Blood Suppressed 3D T2 Weighted Imaging with Uniform Fat Suppression
MR Phantom Validation of Adrenal Adenoma Signal Intensity Index Normalization
MR Relaxometry in PKAN Patients at 1.5T, 3T and 7T
MR Renography: Coherence Investigation Between Thin Slab and Whole Kidney Scans
MR Safety Assessment of Potential RF Heating from Cranial Fixation Plates at 7 Tesla
MR Spectroscopic Imaging of Lactate in Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma Models
MR Spectroscopy as a Biomarker to Predict the Responses of Glioblastoma to an Anti-Angiogenic Treatment
MR Spectroscopy of Endometrial Cancer - Initial Results at 3T
MR Spectroscopy of the Motor Cortex in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Pre and Post Surgery Observations
MR Thermometry Using a Paramagnetic Lanthanide Complex for Evaluation of RF Safety
An MR Thermometry-GBHTM ‘Hybrid’ Model to Determine Radiofrequency Heating Near Implanted Leads in High Field Imaging
MR Visualization of Depot Vaccines and Immune Activation for Cancer Therapies
MR-Acoustic Radiation Force Mapping Can Quantitatively Predict Drug Delivery Following Ultrasound-Induced Blood Brain Barrier Disruption in Rodents
MR-ARFI and SWI to Detect Calcifications in the Brain in MRgHIFU Treatments
MR-Based Attenuation Correction in an Animal for Radiotracer Quantification
MR-Based Field-Of-View Extension: Compensation of Field Imperfections
MR-Based Field-Of-View Extension: Gradient and B0 Correction Post-Processing
An MR-Compatible Preclinical Sonication Platform for Focused Ultrasound Therapy and Monitoring in Animal Models
MREIT and EPT: A Comparison of Two Conductivity Imaging Modalities
MR-Elastography, a New Biomarker of the Tumor Vascularization in a Colon Cancer Mice Model
MRgHIFU Safety Issue: Multi-Layer Protection Against Tissue-To-Air Interface Heating
MRgHIFU Safety Issue: Validation of Targeting Accuracy Using an MR Compatible Ballistic Model
MR-Guided Endocardial Local Activation Time Map During Programmed Stimulation
MR-Guided Percutaneous Lumbar Mechanical Disc Decompression
MRI & Stem Cell Trafficking
MRI “Triple Rule-Out”: MRI for Acute Chest Pain Evaluation
MRI Analysis of Bone Metastasis: Shape-Related Exclusion Criteria
MRI Analysis of Brain Lesions in a Novel Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis
MRI and Biopsy Performance in Delineating Recurrent Tumor Boundaries After Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer
MRI and Histological Evidence for the Blockade of Cuprizone-Induced Demyelination in C57/Bl6 Mice by Quetiapine
MRI and MRA of Spinal Cord Arterio Venous Shunts
MRI and MRS Characterization of Two Experimental Models of Ovarian Cancer with Different Glycolytic Phenotypes
MRI and MRS in the Assessment of Dietary-Induced and Age-Related Changes of the Muscle in an Animal Model for Sarcopenic Obesity
MRI Appearance of Treated Liver Lesions
MRI Artifacts Due to Ingestion of Iron Supplements
MRI Assessment of the Arterio-Venous Fistula
MRI Assessment of the Effect of Different Resuscitation Fluids on Cerebral Blood Flow and Edema Following Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury and Hemorrhagic Shock in Mice
MRI Assessment of Wear-Induced Synovitis
MRI Biomarkers for Monitoring Progression in CKD: Preliminary Experience in a Reversible UUO Mouse Model
MRI Characterization of Pathophysiological Changes in a Mouse Model of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)
MRI Characterization of Secondary Degeneration in Ipsilateral Substantia Nigra Following Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage
MRI Derived CT Substitute
MRI Detection of Brain Glucose Uptake Using Gluco-CEST
MRI Detection of Glycogen in Vivo in Diabetic Mice at 3 Tesla: Feasibility and Initial Experience
MRI Detection of Immune Cell Infiltration in Focal Cortical Stroke in Rats Using MPIOs
MRI Estimate of Central and Peripheral Pulse-Wave Velocity Via Velocity-Encoded Projections
MRI Evaluation of Carotid Morphology and Function in a Rabbit Constriction Model of Atherosclerosis: A Feasibility Study
MRI Evidence of Brain Structure Alterations in Adolescence Prenatally Exposed to Cocaine
MRI Intensity Tissues Normalisation for Longitudinal Surface Based Analysis of the WM/GM Contrast, Application to Alzheimer’s Disease
MRI Is Superior to 64-Slice CT in Detection of HCC in the Cirrhotic Liver
MRI Magnet Coils Stray Capacitance Effects and the Circuit Analysis Method
MRI Monitoring of Neural Precursor Cell Transplantation Therapy in a Rat Spinal Cord Injury Model
MRI Morphological and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Analysis to Early Alzheimer Disease
MRI Morphological and Functional Connectivity Analysis of Thalamus in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
MRI Motion Compensation by Positional Ultrasound Biometrics
MRI Multi-Parametric Response Mapping for Assessment of Early Therapeutic Efficacy in Head and Neck Cancer
MRI Near Metal Objects: Investigating the Effects of Induced RF Currents and Currents Induced by Gradient Switching on SE Phase Images Using a Simple Model System
MRI of Angiogenesis and Vasculature Alternations in Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Endogenous BOLD Contrast
MRI of Bone Marrow Cell-Mediated Interleukin-10 Gene Therapy of Atherosclerosis
MRI of Cells and Mice at 1 and 7 Tesla with Gd-Targeting Agents: When the Low Field Is Better!
MRI of Diffuse Liver Disorders
MRI of Ecstasy Addiction
MRI of Focal Liver Lesions: A Step-by-Step Approach
MRI of Glutamate Modulation
MRI of Head and Neck Cancer Patients for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning
MRI of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Review of the Findings with Comparison to CT and Fluoroscopy and Discussion of the Role of MR-Enterography in Establishing and Following the Disease.
MRI of Neural and Vascular Injury Pattern in Contusion Spinal Cord Injury
MRI of Paraduodenal Pancreatitis: Clinical Performance in Distinction from Carcinoma
MRI of Pathological Aging Brain
MRI of Pelvic Pain
MRI of Pregnant Patient: Diagnostic & Management Challenges
MRI of the Adnexa: Lesion Characterization
MRI of the Cirrhotic Liver with Gd-EOB-DTPA: Does the Addition of the Hepatocyte Phase Improve Detection and Confidence in Characterization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma?
MRI of the Female Pelvic Floor
MRI of the Human Prostate in Vivo at 7T
MRI of the Ovarian Cancer: Staging, Treatment Response & Detection of Recurrence
MRI of the Plantar Plate in the Painful Forefoot of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
MRI Prostate Volumetry as a Surrogate for Transrectal Ultrasound Volumetry in Estimating Iodine – 125 Seeds in Brachytherapy: Inter-Observer Variability
MRI Pulmonary Perfusion Imaging as a Quantitative Predictor of Regional Pulmonary Vascular Resistance in Pulmonary Hypertension
MRI Reveals Differences in Neuroanatomy of Mouse Models of NPC Disease
MRI Staging of Endometrial Carcinoma According to New FIGO Staging System (2009).
MRI Studies of Neuroprotection in a Mouse Model of Radiation Necrosis
MRI Triggering by a Doppler Ultrasound at 1.5 T for Future Fetal Cardiac Function Investigation
MRI with Magnetic Nanoparticles Serves as a Biomarker for the Inflammation Associated with the Early, Insulitic Phase of Type I Diabetes
MRI-Based Assessment of Vertebral Deformity
MRI-Based Detection of the Extracellular Matrix Surrounding the Hepatic Sinusoid
MRI-Based Measurement of Longitudinal Contralesional White Matter Volume Changes After Unilateral Stroke in Rat Brain
MRI-Controlled Focused Ultrasound Hyperthermia in Bone for Thermally Mediated Drug Delivery
MRI-Detected Intraplaque Hemorrhage in an Animal Model
MRI-Guided Electrochemotherapy (ECT) in a Rat Model of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
MRI-Guided Sclerotherapy of Veno-Lymphatic Vascular Malformations: Evaluation of Procedure Safety and Long-Term Efficacy
MR-Mediated Radio Frequency Ablation
MRS in Bipolar Disorder
MRS in Cancer Research
MRS in Metabolic Disorders
MRS Localization in the Human Brain at 7T with Adiabatic Refocusing at Short Echo Time Using RF Focusing with a Dual Channel Volume Transmit Coil
MSVAT-SPACE for Fast Metal Implants Imaging
MTR and T
Measurements in the Very Preterm Brain – Markers for Changes in Tissue Microstructure During Early Development
MTR at 3T in the Hippocampus – Validation of Automated Post-Analysis and Comparison of Quantification Metrics
Multi Atlas Segmentation of Rat Leg Muscles
A Multi Element Rf Coil and Gamma Ray Radiation Shielding Assembly for Mrspect System
Multi Modal MRI Reveals Early Life Brain Changes in Human ApoE-e4 Carriers
Multi Slice Localized Parallel Excitation for Abdominal and Pelvic EPI Applications in Humans
Multi Task Bayesian Compressed Sensing in Sparse 2D Spectroscopy
Multi-Band Frequency Encoding Method for Metabolic Imaging with Hyperpolarized [1-
Multi-Banded T2-Weighted FMRI with a Z-Encoding RF Coil Array for Whole Brain Coverage at 7 T
Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Intraindividual Crossover Comparison of Gadobenate Dimeglumine and Gadopentetate Dimeglumine for MR Imaging of the Breast (DETECT)
Multicentre Prospective Classification of Childhood Brain Tumours Based on Metabolite Profiles Derived from
Multi-Channel Proton Spectroscopy of the Heart
Multichannel RF Transmission Improves Cardiac Cine BSSFP MRI at 3.0T
Multi-Channel Spectroscopic Imaging Reconstruction Using Water-Referencing with Compressed Sensing
A Multi-Channel, High Dynamic Range, Real Time RF Power Deposition Monitor
Multi-Coil Shimming of the Mouse Brain
MultiContrast Delayed Enhancement (MCODE) Improves Interpretation of Cardiac MRI Delayed Enhancement: a Clinical Validation Study
Multi-Dimensional Encoded (MDE) Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Multi-Dimensional Refocusing Pulses for Parallel Transmission by Optimal Control
Multi-Directional High Moment Encoding in Phase Contrast MRI
Multi-Echo Based Correlated Spectroscopic Imaging
Multi-Echo EPI with Parallel Transmission Z-Shimming for Increased Sensitivity in BOLD FMRI
Multiexponential T2 Analyses in a Murine Model of Hepatic Fibrosis at 11.7T MRI
Multifarious Kinetic Analysis for Differentiation of Prostate Cancer and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in DCE-MRI
Multi-Functional Imaging Agents for Site-Specific Detection of Prostate Cancer
A Multifunctional Nanoparticle Platform for Imaging Guided Therapy of Cancer
Multifunctional Nanoparticles Incorporating a Gadolinium Labelled Peptide for Therapuetic Delivery and Switchable MR Contrast Monitoring of Delivery
Multilayer Micro Coil Phased Array for MRI
Multimodal Assessment of Medial Temporal Lobe Function in Schizophrenia
Multimodal Imaging of a Dual PI3K/mTOR Inhibitor Demonstrates Strong Effects on Vascular Function
Multimodal Imaging of Mice
A Multimodal Imaging Study of Never-Medicated Adults with Schizophrenia
Multimodal Investigations in Cognitively Normal Elderly with Different Types of Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) Genotype Polymorphism: Brain Volume, Diffusion Anisotropy, and Cerebral Blood Flow MRI Study
Multimodal Molecular Imaging of Angiogenesis in a Mouse Model of Melanoma
Multi-Modal MRI Analysis for Automatic Trajectory Planning of Deep Brain Stimulation Neurosurgery
Multi-Modal MRI Analysis with Disease Specific Spatial Filtering: Initial Testing to Predict Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients Who Convert to Alzheimer’s Disease
A Multimodal MRI Investigation in Patients with Alzheimer¡¯s Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Cognitively Normal Subjects
Multi-Modality Compressed Breast Imaging
Multi-Modality PET-MR Perfluorocarbon Nanoparticle Contrast Agent for Ligand-Targeted Quantitative Imaging
Multiparameter Functional MRI Assessment of Vascular Reactivity
Multi-Parameter Mapping of the Human Cervical Cord at 3.0T in Less Than 20 Minutes
Multiparametric 3T MR Imaging of Prostate Cancer: Histopathologic Correlation Using Customized MRI-Based Specimen Molds
Multiparametric Assessment of Healthy and OA Articular Cartilage Under Loading at 17.6 T
Multiparametric Classification of Hyperoxia Challenge and Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Maps: Study of the Healthy Brain
Multiparametric Imaging for Therapy Response to Cytotoxic and Cytostatic Agents in Xenograft Mice
Multiparametric Imaging of Rat Glioma After Intra Tumoral Injection of Codbait, a Small Molecule Mimicking DNA Damage for Sensitizing Tumors to Radiotherapy
Multiparametric MR Assays of Spinocerebellar Ataxia 17 Transgenic Mice
Multiparametric MR Mapping of Tissue Response to Photodynamic Therapy in an Intramuscular Model of Murine Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Multi-Parametric MRI Assessment of Articular Cartilage Degeneration
Multi-Parametric MRI Assessment of the Anti-Angiogenic Effects of Liposome-Encapsulated Glucocorticoids
Multi-Pass Travelling Wave Volume Coil
Multi-Phase Coronary MR Angiography Using a 3D Cones Trajectory
Multi-Planar Assessment of the Elbow Joint Using Isotropic Resolution VIPR-ATR Imaging
Multiple Kernel Spherical Deconvolution
Multiple Sclerosis Alters Intra-Cellular Sodium Concentration and Intra-Cellular Volume Fraction: An In-Vivo 7T MRI Study.
The Multiple Transforms Compressed Sensing for MR Angiography
Multiple-Region Affine Motion Correction Using Localized Coil Sensitivities
Multiplexed Echo Planar Imaging with Sub-Second Whole Brain FMRI and Fast Diffusion Imaging
Multiplexed RF Transmission for Transceiver Arrays at 7T
A Multi-Purpose Simulator of Coupled Spin Systems for MR Localized Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Imaging
Multiscale Dictionary Learning for MRI
Multi-Scale Imaging of Angiogenesis in a Breast Cancer Model
Multi-Shelled Q-Ball Imaging Without Assuming Inversion Symmetry
Multi-Shot High-Speed 3D-EPI Thermometry Using a Hybrid Method Combining 2DRF Excitation, Parallel Imaging, and UNFOLD
Multisite Investigation of the Effect of Site and Protocol Variation on Fractional Anisotropy
Multi-Slice B1+ Shimming for 7T MRI
Multi-Slice Look-Locker T
Mapping for the Mouse Heart
Multi-Slice MRSI at 7T with Dualband Suppression and Hahn Echo Acquisition
Multi-Slice MRSI of the Human Brain at 7 Tesla Using Dynamic B
and B
Multi-TE Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Vivo
Multivariate Discrimination in Natural and Urban Scene Viewing
Multi-Variate Pattern Analysis for Identification of Metabolites That Are Predictive of Malignant Transformation in Gliomas Using HRMAS Spectra from Image Guided Tissue Samples
A Multivariate Regression Framework for the Analysis of FMRI Data Accounting for Spatial Correlation
Multi-Vessel Labeling Approach for Perfusion Territory Imaging in Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Muscle Architecture Measurements from DT-MRI Fiber Tracking: Tract Smoothing and Voxel Size Considerations
Muscle Boundary Estimation Using Interpolated Image Masks
Muscle Functional MRI of Exercise-Induced Rotator Cuff
Muscle Models
Myelin Mapping in Mouse Brain
in Vivo
Using Contrast-Enhanced Magnetization Transfer MRI
Myelin Water Measurement in the Presence of Myelin Debris
Myocardial ASL Perfusion Reserve Test Detects Angiographic CAD in Initial Cohort of 29 Patients
Myocardial Blood Flow Estimates Depend on the Location of the Arterial Input Function Within the Cardiac Cycle in First-Pass DCE-MRI Studies of Myocardial Perfusion
Myocardial Blood Flow Measurement Using DCE-MRI: Comparison of Region-Of-Interest and Voxelwise Analysis
Myocardial Contour Error Distance Metrics Do Not Correlate with Myocardial Blood Flow Estimate Errors in DCE-MRI Cardiac Perfusion.
Myocardial ECV Imaging by MRI Compared to Myocardial ECV Imaging by CT – Validation in Experimental Acute Myocardial Infarction
Myocardial Fat Deposition in Dilated Cardiomyopathy_Assessment by Using MR Water-Fat Separation Imaging
Myocardial Microvascular Function at Rest and Under Adenosine Stress Measured with Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Myocardial Perfusion Study of Heart Failure Swine with Semi-Quantitative Analysis
Myocardial T1 and T2 Measurement in Patients with Cardiac Amyloid and Comparison with Normal Controls
Myocardial T
Mapping at 3T Using Variable Flip Angle Method: A Pilot Study
Myocardial T1 Mapping with Synthetic Image Estimation Based Motion Correction
Myocardial T1 Measurement: Comparison of Modified Look-Locker Inversion Recovery (MOLLI) and TI Scout
Myocardial T2 Mapping with Respiratory Navigator and Non-Rigid Registration: Comparison of Motion Compensation Techniques
Nanoantioxidants in the Treatment of Diabetic Complications
A Nanoemulsion Based CEST Agent for Hyperpolarized
Nano-Osmotic Coupling in Active Cell Membrane Water Permeability
Nano-Size MR Probe Detects T Cells Infiltration in Bone Marrow and Growth Plate in Rat Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Native T
Is a Generic Imaging Biomarker of Response to Chemotherapy in Neuroblastoma
Navigator Gated Volumetric Spiral Cine DENSE MRI Using Outer Volume Suppression
NdH/dT: A New Quantitative Measure for Diffusion Weighted Imaging Based Evaluation of Abdominal Tumor Response to Therapy
Negative BOLD and CBF Responses Are Predicted by Natural Variations in Evoked EEG Response to a Median Nerve Stimulus in Humans.
Negative FMRI Response in the Striatum: A Marker for Striatal Functional Integrity in Ischemic Rat Brain
Neocortex Organization and Connectivity in Fetal Human Brains Revealed by Diffusion Tractography and Histology
Neonatal Congenital Heart Disease: Initial Results with High Resolution Contrast Enhanced MR Angiography at 3.0 Tesla
Neonatal Perfusion Imaging with Pulsed Continuous Arterial Spin Labelling (PCASL)
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis: Portrait in the Medical Literature
A Networked GPU Reconstructor Within the Clinical Workflow for Rapid Fat Quantification.
The Neural Basis of Auditory Processing Disorder
Neural Correlates of Archery Motor Imagery
Neural Source of Laminar FMRI Responses Examined with Temporal Frequency Visual Stimuli
Neuralized IPSCs Can Migrate to Gliomas: MRI Findings
Neuroanatomical Abnormalities in a Neuroligin3 R451C Knockin Mouse Model of Autism
Neuroanatomical Associates of the Cognitive and Motor Abnormalities Found in Children with Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency
Neuroanatomical Evaluation of Periprostatic Nerve in Patients Submitted to Nerve-Sparing Prostatectomy at 3T: Feasibility Study and Preliminary Experience
Neurochemical Changes in Olfactory System and Hippocampus Regions of Tau Transgenic Mice Using 1H MRS
Neurochemical Profile in the Hippocampus of Aging Mice as Detected by
in Vivo
H NMR Spectroscopy at 14.1 T
Neurochemical Profile of the Striatum and Hippocampus in Mice at 16.4 T Using
in Vivo
H NMR Spectroscopy
Neurochemical Profiling of Two Rodent Parkinson’s Disease Models: An
in Vivo
MR Spectroscopy Study
Neurodengeneration in Optic Tracts of Rats Subjected to Bilateral Common Carotid Artery Occlusion-A Longitudinal DTI Study
Neuroelectrical Basis of the Resting-State BOLD Global Signal as Determined with Simultaneous EEG-FMRI
Neurogenetics in the Pediatric Brain: A
H MRS Study of Brain Development
Neuroimaging of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury at Acute Stage
Neurological Emergencies: MR vs CT
Neuromelanin Imaging in Dementia with Lewy Body (DLB)
Neuromyelitis Optica: Are Cortical Lesions a Common Finding?
Neurophysiological Underpinnings of Ketamine-Induced Negative BOLD Response and Interactions with Anaesthesia
Neurophysiological Verification That Unilateral Tactile Stimulation Evokes Contralateral Cortical But Bilateral Thalamic Activations
Neuroradiological Applications of 7T MRI
Neuroregenerative Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Following Hypoxia-Ischemia in the Pup Mouse Brain Assessed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Neurovascular Coupling and Uncoupling in Negative FMRI Response
A New 3D Method for Water and Relaxation Time Mapping: Comparison to the 2D “gold Standard”
A New Approach for Venous Blood Oxygenation and Calibrated BOLD Using Hyperoxia
A New Approach to Analyze DGEMRIC Measurements in Femoroacetabular Impingement
New Barium Titanate Based Dielectric Materials for High Field Imaging
A New Biodegradable MR Contrast Agent with High Kinetic Chelation Stability for Cancer Imaging
New Biodegradable Multimeric MPIO Contrast Agent Shows Rapid in Vitro and in Vivo Degradation and High Sensitivity Contrast
A New Comprehensive Framework for Probabilistic Tractography of Fanning Fibres
New Contrast Agents
A New Encoding Scheme for Single-Shot 3D GRASE to Double Slice Coverage
A New High Resolution MR DSA Protocol for Intracranial Vascular Malformations
A New High-Dimensional Machine Learning Approach for Identifying Alzheimer Disease from MRI Structural Images
New Insight in the Alzheimer's Disease Progression Revealed by a Combination of Functional and Structural Information
New Insight Into Mechanism of Epileptogenesis with Dynamic T1 Contrast Perfusion MRI in Calcified Neurocysticercosis
A New Intensity Inhomogeneity Correction Method for Improved Segmentation of Breast Density on MRI
A New Intravascular Loopless Monopole Antenna (ILMA) for MR Imaging
A New Method for Phenotyping the Brain Tumor Microenvironment Using MR Microscopy
A New Method to Predict Structural Parameters of Trabecular Bone at a Standardized SNR Level in High-Resolution MRI Studies of Distal Tibia
A New Model for Characterizing the Temporal Progression of the Ischemic Penumbra in Acute Ischemic Stroke
New MR Imaging Methods for Metallic Implants in the Knee: Artifact Correction and Clinical Impact
New MRI Contrasts in Experimental Stroke: What Do We Measure with RAFF and ZAPI?
A New Phase-Based Method for Rapid 3D B
Mapping Using Double RF Pulses
A New Quantitative MRI Contrast for Measuring White Matter Myelin
A New R2/R1 Ratiometric Method to Measure PH with a Dendrimer-Based PH-Responsive MRI Contrast Agent
New Research Toward Additional Clinical Applications
A New Robust Algorithm for Diffusion Tensor Evaluation
A New Small-Volume MR-Compatible Hollow-Fiber Bioreactor Cell Culture System
A New Spectro-Spatial RF Pulse Design for High-Resolution Isotropic Diffusion Imaging
New Strategy for Registering DW and Non-DW Images Via Tensor Estimation Metric
New Technique for Metabolite Cycled Non-Water-Suppressed Proton Spectroscopy in the Human Brain at 7T
A New Technique for the Detection of Liver Damage by Evaluation of Impaired Exocytotic Activity of Kupffer Cells; an Experimental Study of Gadolinium Chloride-Induced Liver Injury in Rats
A New Transcriptionally Driven Oncovirus with Vstat120 Expression Has Antiangiogenic and Anti-Tumorigenic Effects
new Travelling Wave Coil Concepts
A New Triangulated Surface Approach to Measuring Apex Curvature from Cine MRI in Patients with Mitral Regurgitation
A Newly Strictly Non-Invasive Experimental Device Allowing Repeated MR Investigations of Exercising Hindlimb Mouse Muscles at Ultra-High Field (11.75T)
The Next Step in Self-Navigated Coronary MRI: A Hybrid Approach for Affine Motion Correction
Nitrite Induces the Extravasation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in C6 Brain Tumors
No Evidence of Acute or Predisposing Structural Abnormalities in Patients with Transient Global Amnesia (TGA): A Tract Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS) Study
Noise Performance of Magnitude-Based Water-Fat Separation Is Sensitive to the Echo Times
Noise Power Reduction Strategy by Matching Receiver Bandwidth to the Coil Sensitivity Profile of the Phased Array Coil
Noise Reduction in Real-Time Phase Velocity Images Via the Karhunen-Loeve Transform
Non Contrast 3D Volumetric Time-Resolved MRA Combining Multiple Phase FAIR(CINEMA-FAIR)
Non Contrast 3D Volumetric Time-Resolved MRA in Renal Artery(CINEMA-RENAL)
Non Contrast Enhanced (NCE)-MRA of the Renal Transplant Vessels: A Comparison Between IFIR and VIPR-SSFP
Non Contrast Time-Resolved MRA Combining High Resolution Multiple Phase EPISTAR (CINEMA-STAR)
Non Mono-Exponential Analysis of DW-MRI Data for the Detection of Prostate Cancer
Non-Cartesian Compressed Sensing for Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Non-Cartesian Parallel Imaging Reconstruction Using PRUNO-GROG
Non-Contact Cardiac Gating with Ultra-Wideband Radar Sensors for High Field MRI
Non-Contact Driver System for MR Elastography of the Breast
Non-Contrast Enhanced Renal MRA at 7T
Non-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Angiography for Renal Transplant Patients: Current State of the Art
Noncontrast MR Angiography for Comprehensive Assessment of Abdominopelvic Arteries Using Quadruple Inversion-Recovery Preconditioning and 3D Balanced Steady-State Free Precession Imaging
Non-Contrast MRA
Noncontrast MRA at 3T
Non-Contrast MRA of the Finger and Toe Using Time-Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse (Time-SLIP) Technique
Non-Contrast Outer Radial Inner Square K-Space Scheme (NORISKS)- A Breath-Held Balanced SSFP-Dixon Technique for Non-Contrast Enhanced Renal MRA
Non-Contrast Thoracic MRA Within Single Breath-Hold Using Highly-Accelerated Parallel Imaging
Non-Contrast-Enhanced 4D MRA Using Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
Non-Contrast-Enhanced Flow-Independent Peripheral Angiography Using a 3D Concentric Cylinders Trajectory
Non-Contrast-Enhanced Hepatic MR Angiography with Time Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse
Non-Contrast-Enhanced High Resolution MRI of the Pulmonary Blood Volume Using a Two Compartment Model and T1 Mapping
Non-Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography of the Renal Arteries with Inversion-Prepared B-SSFP: A Comparison of Different Imaging Protocols
Non-Contrast-Enhanced Peripheral MRA: Comparison of 3D Fast Spin-Echo Based and Flow Sensitive Dephasing Prepared Steady State Free Precession Techniques at 1.5 T
Non-Conventional MRI
Non-Enhanced Extracranial Carotid MR Angiography Using Pseudocontinuous ASL: Comparison with Pulsed ASL and Clinical Feasibility at 1.5T
Non-Exponential T
Decay in White Matter
Non-Invasive Assessment of Disease Activity in Lupus Nephritis by MRI-Based Molecular Imaging
Non-Invasive Assessment of Pulmonary Developmental Deficiency in a Model of Transgenic Mice Using Hyperpolarized Gas Diffusion MRI
Noninvasive Assessment of Renal Tumor Aggressiveness Using Hyperpolarized 13C MR
Non-Invasive CEST-MRI Measurement of PH in the Human Kidneys Using an Approved CT Contrast Agent
Non-Invasive Detection of Microvascular Remodeling Enhanced by Erythropoietin Treatment in a Rat Model of Focal Ischemia Using MRI
Non-Invasive Evaluation of Allograft Rejection After Heart Transplantation with Integrated Cellular and Functional MRI
Non-Invasive Evaluation of Chronic Cardiac Rejection After Heart Transplantation with Multi-Parameter Cellular and Functional MRI
Noninvasive Evaluation of Renal Oxygen Extraction Fraction Via Reduced-FOV Asymmetric Spin Echo Approach
Non-Invasive Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Noninvasive Measurement of TBI Using High Resolution Multiecho Susceptibility Weighted MRI at 3T
Non-Invasive Method to Image Cerebral Blood Volume Increases in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients
Non-Invasive Monitoring of Alterations in Rabbit Hearts with Aging Using MR Microscopy
Non-Invasive Monitoring of Antioxidant Prodrug Metabolism in Rat Brain by in Vivo
Non-Invasive MRI-Based 3D Volumetric Serial Assessments of Physiologic Large Intestine Gas - Proof of Principle
Non-Invasive Quantification of Absolute Cerebral Blood Volume
Noninvasive Quantification of Hepatic Steatosis in Rats with 1.5 T MRS and MRI: Feasibility, Early Results and Optimization
Non-Invasive Visualization of Differential BBB Permeability and in Vivo Quantification of Tumor Volume in an Experimental Model of Breast Cancer Metastasis to the Brain, Using Gadolinium-Enhanced MRI and 3D BSSFP
Non-Invasive Visualization of the Complete Cardiac Conduction System Using MR Microscopy
Noninvasively Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging (DBSI): A Phantom Study
Non-Ischemic CMP
Non-Iterative Navigator-Based Approach: Advances Towards Real Time 3D Motion Correction
Non-Linear Concentration Effects in Magnetic Particle Imaging
Non-Linear Evolution of GRE Phase as a Means to Investigate Tissue Microstructure
Non-Linear Image Registration of
He Lung Diffusion MRI Acquired at Different Inflation States, Exemplified by Alveolar Ventilation Maps
Nonlinear Inverse Reconstruction for T2 Mapping from Highly Undersampled Cartesian Spin-Echo MRI
Non-Monoexponential Diffusion Signal Decay in Prostate Cancer
Non-Negative Blind Source Separation Techniques for Describing Intratumoral Histopathological Tissue Properties Within MRSI Measurements
Non-oncological Imaging of the Male Pelvis
Non-Selective Double Inversion Recovery Pre-Pulse for Flow-Independent Black Blood Myocardial Scar Imaging: Optimization of the T1 Suppression Range
Non-Slice Selective Uniform Tipping RF Pulse Design for 3D MRI at High Field
Non-Sparse Phantom for Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction
Nonuniform and Multidimensional Shinnar-Le Roux RF Pulse Design
Non-Water Suppressed Proton MR Spectroscopy Allows Spectral Quality Improvement in the Human Cervical Spinal Cord
Normal Liver T2* Values in the Fetus
Normal Appearing White Matter Myelin Water Fraction Distribution Analysis in Multiple Sclerosis
Normal Brain
Normal Distribution on Blood Flow Helicity in the Healthy Aorta
Normal Local Pulse Wave Velocity Predicts Absence of Local Aorta Diameter Growth in Marfan Syndrome: A Comprehensive MRI-Approach
Normal Pancreas and Pancreatic Cancer: Comparison Among Different Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging Acquisitions at 3.0T
Normal Variability in the Quantitative Assessment of Breast Tissue by MRI
Normalization of Magnetization Transfer Ratio MRI for Multicentre Clinical Trials
Normalized Cuts Method for Biomedical MRI Segmentation
Normalized Edge Weight Connectivity Measure Derived from Diffusion Weighted Images: Application to the Limbic System.
Novel 24 Element Multi-Transmit Volume Coil for High Field MRI
A Novel 5mm NMR-Compatible Micro-Spindle Bioreactor for Steady-State and Dynamic in Cell NMR
Novel Anisotropic Diffusion MRI Phantom
Novel Approach for the Assessment of the Bioavailability of Exogenous Phosphate by
in Vivo
O and
A Novel Approach to ECG-Gated High-Resolution Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography in Thorax: Technical Aspects
A Novel Approach to Give More Insides on Anomalous Diffusion Processes: Diffusion MR Signal at Varying of Diffusion Time Versus Signal at Varying of Gradient Strength
A Novel Approach to Investigate the Impact of RF Pulses on the BOLD Contrast in Steady-State Pulse Sequences
Novel Approach to Real-Time MR-Guided TIPS Using an Actively Visualized Excimer Laser Catheter and Delivery System
Novel Artificial Phantom for Studies of Anisotropic Diffusion in the Model Brain Tissue
Novel Automated 3D MRSI Acquisition with Whole Brain Slice Selection and Outer-Volume Suppression
A Novel B1-Insensitive Outer Volume Suppression Pulse
A Novel Bootstrap Approach for Reducing Noise-Induced Error in DTI-Based Measurements of Muscle Architecture
A Novel Broad-Band, High Power and RF-Safe Cable for MR-Guided Catheter Ablation
A Novel Cardiac Phantom to Study Murine and Human Cardiac Motion and Function Using MRI
A Novel Coil Design Method for Manufacturable Configurations at Optimal Performance
Novel Contrast Mechanism Via ParaHydrogen Self Refocussing
A Novel Correction Method for Distortion Correction in EPI at Ultra High Field MRI Using PSF Mapping Technique
Novel DCE-MRI Technique: Application to Breast Cancer
A Novel Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging System Using Heteroscedastic Multiple Regression
A Novel Dual MRI-Fluorescent Contrast Agent to Track T-Cells for In-Vivo Imaging
A Novel Events-Based Model for Mapping Disease Progression and Its Application to Familial Alzheimer's Disease
A Novel Fluorine Relaxation Switch for Tracking the Binding and Intracellular Processing of Molecularly Targeted Nanoparticle Contrast Agents
A Novel Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agent Targeted to Cathepsin-D
Novel Gradient Transparent RF Shielding Technologies for Integrated PET/MR
Novel Hydroxytryptophan-Based Gd Chelating Substrate for Imaging Myeloperoxidase Activity.
A Novel Imaging Approach Employing a ±90°-Preparation for Fast PRF-Based MR Thermometry
A Novel Interlaced Sampling Scheme for Multi-Shell
-Space Magnetic Resonance Microscopy
Novel Lesions in the Spinal Cord of the EAE Model of Multiple Sclerosis Identified with SWI MRI
A Novel Luminal Water Model for DCE MRI of Prostatic Tissues
A Novel Method for Amplitude and Phase Mapping of RF Transmit and Receive Fields
A Novel Method for Automatic Extraction of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients in Breast MRI
A Novel Method for Characterizing T
A Novel Method of Insert Gradient Field Mapping on a Composite Gradient System
Novel Methods for Assessing the Composition of Colonic Contents in a Model of Diarrhoea
Novel Mn-Porphyrin Contrast Probe for Molecular MR Imaging of Glial Reactivity in the Rat Brain
Novel MR for Fetal Morphometry
Novel MRI Sequence on 3T Accurately Depicts the Osseous Segments of Cranial Nerves VII-VIII: A Pilot Study
Novel Orthogonal Double Solenoid (ODS) Volume RF Coil for Small Animal Imaging
A Novel Paradigm for Automated Segmentation of Very Large Whole-Brain Probabilistic Tractography Data Sets
A Novel Parallel Sparse MRSI Reconstruction Scheme
Novel Partial Fourier Reconstruction Technique Using FOCUSS
A Novel Phantom Design to Reduce Thermal Losses During Radio Frequency (RF) Induced Heating Testing According to ASTM F2182-09 Standard
Novel Pilot Data - Cardiac MR Imaging Post Catheter Ablation: Does T2 and DE Ratios Matter in Predicting Clinical Outcome?
A Novel Radiolucent Phased Array Design Suitable for MR Guided Radiation Therapy
Novel Real-Time PC-MRI Technique for Accurate Single Heartbeat Evaluation of Pulmonary-To-Systemic Flow Ratios Using an Interleaved Two-Slice Acquisition Scheme
A Novel Technique for Cardiac MRI of the Fetal Heart: MR Compatible Doppler Ultrasound (CTG) for CardiacTriggering
Novel Variable Voxel Intensity Correction Scheme and Application to Breast Imaging
Null Space Imaging with Compressed Sensing for Rapid Parallel Imaging
A Numerical Advection-Diffusion Model to Fit Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) Data
Numerical Study of the Waveguide Magnetic Field Via the Principal Mode for MRI at 3 T
An Objective Method for Automated Classification of Brain Tumors Using Proton MR Spectroscopy
Observation of Cardiovascular Dynamics by Field Recording with an NMR Probe
Observation of Intravascular Contrast Enhancement Due to Anesthesia in T2*-Weighted Imaging at 17.2 T
Observation of Myelin Water at Ultra-Short Echo Time by Longitudinal Relaxographic Imaging with Spin-Echo Center-Out EPI (DEPICTING)
Observation of TCA Cycle Metabolism in Human Liver by Dynamic
ODF-Based Morphometry and Application to Brain Asymmetry
Off-Pump Left Ventricular Apical to Descending Aortic Conduits in Adults with Aortic Stenosis: Postoperative Cardiodynamic Evaluation with Cardiac MRI
Off-Resonance Artifact Correction with Convolution in K-Space (ORACLE)
Off-Resonance Effects & Correction
On Connectivity Within the Default Mode Network: An ICA and Tractography Approach
On the Advantages of Retrospectively Gated Radial Acquisitions for Cine Phase Contrast Flow Imaging
On the Consequences of Wrapping Patients with RF Shielding Materials
On the Diffusion Sensitivity of 2D- And 3D-Turbo Spin Echo Sequences
On the Effectiveness of RF Spoiling at 7T
On the Effects of Magnetic Fields Up to 9.4T on PET Image Resolution and Quality Measured with an MR-BrainPET
On the Feasibility of Reduced Dose Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion MRI for Stroke
On the Impact of Regularization and Kernel Type on SHARP-Corrected GRE Phase Images
On the Quality Evaluation for Images Reconstructed by Compressed Sensing
On the Spatiotemporal Bandwidth of Cardiac Motion
On the T1 of Fat Calculated from a Segmented Look Locker Scout Scan and Its Implications in Cardiac Imaging
On the Time to Peak Factor of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast of Microbubbles
One Coil to Light Them All: Broadband Body Coil for Multi-Frequency Imaging Using a Coaxial Waveguide
One Night Total Sleep Deprivation Alters Neural Correlates of Risk-Taking
One-Step Thresholding for BOLD Signal Detection in Accelerated FMRI
Online Automated Generation of an Aortic Model for MR Guided Interventions
Online Learning for Real Time FMRI Classification
Online Real-Time Visualization of an Active Catheter Using Compressed Sensing in Interventional MRI
Online Reconstruction and Motion Detection in HARDI
An Online Shared Database of ASL-Based CBF Measures with Integrated Processing Pipeline
Online Temperature Control of Focused Ultrasound Heating Using an Adaptive PID Feedback Loop
Operatively Defined Ischemic Core, Penumbra and Oligemia in Human Acute Stroke Using Sequential MR Perfusion Images
Optical Dipole Probes for Quantitative Electric Field Measurements Up to 7T
Optical Transmission System for High Field Systems
Optimal Acquisition Strategies for Transit Time Measurement with Continuous ASL
Optimal Image Combination with Minimal Total Deformation (MTD) Constrain to Improve Signal-Noise-Ratio (SNR) for Free-Breathing Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Optimal Methodology for Glutamate and Glutamine Signal Quantification with Single Voxel MRS of the Human Brain
Optimal Parameters for a Fixed Imaging Time Acquisition of Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Data
Optimal Recombination of Multi-Coils CSI Data Using Image Based Sensitivity Map
Optimal Sampling and Reconstruction Patterns for Magnetic Resonance Inverse Imaging and MR-Encephalography
Optimal Tag Distance for Myocardial MR Motion Analysis of Healthy and Diseased Mice
Optimal Therapeutic Hypothermia Temperature Following Perinatal Asphyxia: A Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Biomarker and Immunohistochemistry Study in the Newborn Piglet.
Optimisation of B-Values for Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Breast
Optimisation of Murine Cardiac Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Using Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
Optimised Acquisition of Magnetic Field Correlation Mapping for Improved Precision
Optimised Gradient Waveform Spin-Echo Sequence for Diffusion Weighted MR in a Microstructure Phantom
Optimised LNAs for 3 T, 7 T and 9.4 T
Optimising Oral Contrast Agents for Interactive Neonatal Gut Imaging
Optimization of a 3D Phase-Sensitive IR Protocol for DGEMRIC Technique.
Optimization of Breast Tissue Segmentation: Comparison of Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy C-Mean Clustering Algorithms
Optimization of Combined Bevacizumab Plus Temozolomide Therapy in Brain Tumor Xenograft Models Using MRI Measures of Relative Cerebral Blood Volume
Optimization of Composite Pulses Considering Pulse Duration, Excitation Uniformity and SAR
Optimization of Computational Speed for BE Method of Coil Design
Optimization of Metabolite Basis-Sets Prior to Quantitation: A Quantum Mechanics Approach
Optimization of Non-Contrast Enhanced Time-SLIP for Carotid Artery Imaging
Optimization of Pseudo Continuous ASL Tagging for Robust Inversion Efficiency - A Bloch Simulation and in Vivo Study at 3T
Optimization of Pulsed-GagCEST at 3.0T
Optimization of Tagging Efficiency Using ECG-Gated Velocity-Matched B1-Increased Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Optimization of the First-Order Gradient Moment for Flow-Sensitive Dephasing Magnetization-Prepared 3D Noncontrast MRA
Optimization of the Percent Enhancement Threshold for Breast MRI Tumor Volume Measurement During Neoadjuvant Treatment of Breast Cancer for Predicting Recurrence Free Survival Time
Optimization of Whole-Heart Cine MRI with a 128 Channel Receive Coil
Optimization Strategies for Relaxation Based Myelin Water Imaging: 2. Postprocessing and Signal Correction Techniques
Optimized 3D MPRAGE: Depiction of Thalamic Substructures at 3T
Optimized CEST Imaging of Intermediate to Fast Exchanging Agents in In-Vivo Situations
Optimized Chemical Shift Imaging for Sodium MRI of the Human Brain
Optimized Combination of Parallel MRI and Sliding Window Reconstruction for Accelerated Time Resolved Radial MRI
Optimized Diffusion Time for Long-Time-Scale Helium-3 Diffusion MRI
Optimized FMRI Imaging Protocol and Hardware for Studying the Orbitofrontal Cortex in the Presence of Olfactory Stimulation
Optimized Physiological Noise Correction for 3D EPI Time Series
Optimized RX Field Homogeneity for SENSE Imaging in Parallel Transmit MR
Optimized Semi-LASER 3D MRSI Sequence for Lactate Detection in the Prostate
Optimized SPION Formulations for Molecular MRI of the Lung Using Hyperpolarized Gases
Optimizing Acquisition and Reconstruction for a Narrower Temporal Footprint in Time-Resolved 3DPR Liver Perfusion
Optimizing Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 3.0 Tesla
Optimizing Clinical Breast MRI: How to Identify Common Artifacts and Correct Them
Optimizing EPI for Functional MRI Using Multi-Directional Shimming in a Single Shot Acquisition
Optimizing Negative FMRI Response in the Rat Striatum Under Isoflurane Anesthesia
Optimizing Perfusion Imaging of Brain Tumors: Validation of Venous Output Function Used as a Surrogate AIF
Optimizing Perfusion Imaging of PTILT in the Presence of Magnetic Field Inhomogeneity
Optimizing the Metric for Brain White Matter Comparisons
Optimum SNR Data Compression for Complex Arrays
Optoelectronic CMOS Power Supply Unit for Interventional MRI Devices
Opto-Fmri in Awake Rodents: Activation and Deactivation FMRI Signals Induced by Excitation and Inhibition of Neurons
Optogenetically Induced BOLD of Excitatory Neurons in the Mouse Hippocampus at 9.4T: Identification of a Hippocampal Network
Optogenetics-Guided Cortical Plasticity Following Forepaw Denervation
Orientation and Microstructure Effects on Susceptibility Reconstruction: A Diffusion Phantom Study
Orientation Effects on the Local Magnetic Field or Phase and T2*-Weighted Hypointensity of Gradient Echo Imaging and Their Removal in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Origin of Phase Contrast: Insight from Susceptibility, R2* and Element Imaging by LA-ICP-MS
Origins of the Ultrashort-T
H NMR Signals in Myelinated Nerve: A Direct Measure of Myelin Content?
Orthogonal Diffusion Measurements in the Mouse Hypothalamus by MRI Reveal Cerebral Activity in the Fed or Fasted States
Orthogonal Super Resolution Reconstruction for 3D Isotropic Imaging in 9.4T MRI
Oscillating Magnetic Field Mapping Using MRI
An Overview of Registration Methods Used for the Automatic Analysis of Abdominal DCE-MRI
Oxygen-Enhanced MRI in the Human Placenta: Preliminary Results
Oxygen-Enhanced MRI of the Lungs: Intraindividual Comparison Between 1.5 and 3 Tesla
Paediatric and Adolescent Lymphoma: Comparison of MR Imaging and PET-CT for Detection of Focal Splenic Lesions
Pain Control in Patients with Locally Advanced Pancreatic Carcinoma Using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Under 3T MR Guidance. Results from a Single Center Preliminary Experience.
Pain FMRI Response in Anesthetized Rats Correlates with Behavioral Response to Pain in Awake Rats
Pain or No Pain: Paradigm to Image Lower Back Pain with FMRI
Pain Palliation of Bone Metastasis: Initial Clinical Experience Using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy with Magnetic Resonance Guidance
Paleo-NMR: Micro-Imaging of Skeletal and Odontoskeletal Remains
Pancreatic Cancer Screening and Surveillance with MRI – 7 Year Experience
Pancreatic Exocrine Function and Cardiac Iron in Patients with Iron Overload and with Thalassemia
Paradoxical Changes in Magnetization Transfer Ratio and Susceptibility Contrast in the Motor Cortex
Paradoxical Correlation Between Mrp2 Expression and Fibrosis
Paradoxically Reduced Cerebral Vascular Reactivity in Masters Athletes
Paraformaldehyde and Glutaraldehyde Fixations Preserve Manganese Enhancement in Ex Vivo Mouse Brain MRI
Parahippocampal and Thalamic Diffusion Abnormalities Correlate with Disease Duration in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy with Unknown Cause
Parallel Compressed Sensing MRI Using Reweighted L1 Minimization
Parallel Imaging
Parallel Imaging Reconstruction I: Cartesian
Parallel Imaging Reconstruction II: Non-Cartesian
Parallel Imaging Using a 3D Concentric Cylinders Trajectory
Parallel Imaging Using a Non-Uniform Undersampling Trajectory
Parallel Imaging with Asymmetric Acceleration (ASYA) to Reduce Susceptibility Artifacts in BOLD FMRI
Parallel Imaging with Nonlinear Reconstruction Using Variational Penalties
Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction by Image Editing
Parallel Reconstruction for Cartesian Golden Step MRI with Arbitrary Temporal Resolution, Field-Of-View and Acceleration Rate.
Parallel RF Excitation for Diffusion-Weighted Whole Body MR Imaging with Background Body Signal Suppression at 3.0 Tesla.
Parallel RF Pulse Design with Subject-Specific Global SAR Supervision
Parallel RF Transmission Based MRI Technique for Highly Sensitive Detection of Amide Proton Transfer in the Human Brain at 3T
Parallel Spatially Selective Excitation Using Nonlinear Non-Bijective PatLoc Encoding Fields: Experimental Realization and First Results
Parallel Transmission Design of Multi-Pulse Sequences Using Spatially Resolved Extended Phase Graphs (SREPG)
Parallel Transmission in Human Brain at 9.4T Counteracting Eddy Current Induced Excitation Errors in RF Pulse Design
Parallel Transmission in Liver MRI at 7T: Initial Results
Parallel Transmission with Spectral-Spatial Pulses for Susceptibility Artifact Correction
Parallel Transmit Using 3D Spokes RF Pulses for Improved B
Homogeneity Over 3D Volumes
Parallel Transmit Vessel Selective Arterial Spin Labelling: A Proof of Concept Simulation
Parallel Transmit with Toroidal Transceiver for Enhanced Visualization and RF Safety
Parametric MRI for Muscle Degeneration and Regeneration
Parametric Relaxation Measurements in Bovine Patellar Cartilage
Partial Volume Corrections of Myelin Water Fraction Values
Passive Targeting of Paramagnetic Lipid-Based Contrast Agents to Acute Mouse Cardiac Ischemia/reperfusion Injury
Pass-Through Piston Driver for MR Elastography Assessment of Percutaneous Laser Ablation
Pathobiochemistry of Brain Damage in Multiple Sclerosis: Changes in Choline and Creatine Compounds Measured by 1H and 31P MRSI
Patient Adapted SAR Calculation on a Parallel Transmission System
Patients with Histologically Abnormal Left Atrial Myocardium Demonstrate Greater Left Atrial Late Gadolinium Enhancement
A Patient-Specific Global Residue Function Improves Reproducibility in Longitudinal Monitoring of Perfusion Changes in Low-Grade Gliomas
Patlak Model Selection Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced T1-Weighted MR Measurement of Vascular Permeability
Pattern Analysis and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Study of Tumor Angiogenesis
Pattern of Alterations in Motor Circuit Resting State FcMRI in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Due to Medication and Forced Exercise
Patterns of CNS Injury in HIV Infection: A DTI Tract-Based Spatial Statistics Study
Patterns of White Matter Tract Damage in Behavioural Variant of Frontotemporal Dementia and Primary Progressive Aphasia: A DT MRI Study.
PC Velocity Encoding: Temporal Characteristics of 1-Sided, 2-Sided Non-SVE, and 2-Sided SVE
PCATMIP: Enhancing Signal Intensity in DW-MRI
PC-MRI Velocimetry as Improved Initial Approximation in Iterative CFD Modeling
A Peak Phasing and Alignment Algorithm for Automated Post-Processing of 3D MRSI Data from the Prostate of Cancer Patients.
A Peptide-Targeted MRI Contrast Agent for Cancer Molecular Imaging
Perceived Dark Rim in First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion MRI Due to Visual Illusion
Performance and Limitations of R2* Relaxometry Liver Iron Measurements
A Performance Measure for MRI with Nonlinear Encoding Fields
Performance of Capnia-Derived Regressors for ASL Measurement of Cerebral Vasoreactivity to Circulating Gases
Performance of SQUID Sensor Arrays for MRI of the Brain
Performance Related Brain Differences in Real-Time FMRI Neurofeedback of Imagined Hand Motor Activity
Perfusion Asymmetries and Flow in Children with Sickle Cell Disease Assessed by Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling and Phase Contrast MRI
Perfusion Changes in Patients After Cardiac Surgery: Evidence from an N-Back Working Memory Task.
Perfusion Deficits Predate Grey Matter Atrophy in Cognitively-Impaired Parkinson’s Disease
Perfusion Imaging
Perfusion Measurements of Subchondral Bone in Patellofemoral Joint of Rats with Experimental OA Model
Perfusion MRI (ASL)
Perfusion of Multiple Embryos in Mouse Pregnancy - Visualization and Characterization Using ASL MRI
Perfusion of the Femoral Head Following Fracture Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
Perfusion Processing
Perfusion Weighted Imaging Directed Proton MR Spectroscopy: A New Approach to Identify Oligodendroglial Genotypes
Peripheral Angiography Using Non-Contrast Enhanced NATIVE SPACE MRI at 3T. a Feasibility Study in a Clinical Setting.
Peripheral Arteries
Peripheral Nerve Imaging with 3D Gradient Recalled Echo-Selective Species Imaging Sequence at 3.0T: A Preliminary Study
Periventricular Venous Density in MS Patients Correlates with T2 Lesion Load - A 7 Tesla MRI Study
Permanent Magnet Assembly Producing a Strong Tilted Homogeneous Magnetic Field: Towards Magic Angle Field Spinning NMR and MRI
PET-MR-US in Drug Delivery
Phantom Verification of B1 Inhomogeneity Correction for 3D-Variable Flip Angle T1 Measurements
A Pharmacokinetic Model Enabling Modelling of DCE-MRI Data of Normal and Cancerous Liver
Pharmacological MRI of the Retina: Blood Flow and BOLD Uncoupling During Nitroprusside Infusion
Pharmacological MRI with Continuous ASL in Conscious Rats: Characterizing the Relationship Between CBF Response to CNS Compounds and Plasma Concentration Levels
Phase Constrained Compressed Sensing with Applications for PRF Temperature Mapping
Phase Constraints for Parallel Imaging with PEPI
Phase Correction in Multi-Breath-Hold MRI with Tracking Using Information Entropy
Phase Unwrapping of PCMRI Data
Phase-Adjusted Echo Time (PATE)-Averaging: Application for Glutamine Resolution at 3.0 Tesla
Phase-Constrained Synthetic Target Algorithm for Non-Cartesian Parallel Image Reconstruction
Phase-Cycled Segmented Center-Out Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging Sequence
Phosphocreatine and Acetylcarnitine in Skeletal Muscle During Exercise at 7T by Interleaved 31P and 1H-MRS
Physical Boundary Conditions Reconstruction: A Novel Method to Determine Viscoelastic Parameters from Magnetic Resonance Elastography Data
Physical Insights from Ideal Current Patterns Resulting in Ultimate Intrinsic SNR: Efficacy of Traditional Coil Designs at Low Field Strength and the Need for New Designs at High Field
Physical Orientation in the Magnetic Field Affects Diffusion Measures: A Hardware Phantom Study
Physico Chemical Principles & Applications of Fluorine
Physico Chemical Principles CEST
Physico Chemical Principles of Hyperpolarized CA
Physico Chemical Principles of Metal Based Paramagnetic/Iron Contrast
Physiological Brain Temperature Change Is Detectable by MRS
Physiological Modelling of Dynamic Oxygen-Enhanced MRI in the Lung: Model Fitting and Parameter Interpretation
Physiological Origin of Systemic Artifacts in Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy as Revealed by FMRI
The Pi3K Inhibitor Ly294002 Downregulates Akt Phosphorylation and Reduces Cell Proliferation Without Decreasing the Phosphocholine Level in Ovarian Cancer Cells
PILARS: Parallel Imaging with Large ARrays and Sinc-Interpolation
Pitfalls of Thresholding Statistical Maps in Presurgical FMRI Mapping
A Pixel Is an Artifact: On the Necessity of Zero-Filling in Fourier Imaging
Planar Gradient System for Imaging with Non-Linear Gradients
Plaque Disruption in a Rabbit Model of Atherothrombosis Occurs in Regions of Low Endothelial Shear Stress
Plug and Play Multi Transmit Head Coil with Integrated Receiver Arrays for Clinical 7T MRI.
POCS-Based Compressive Slice Encoding for Metal Artifact Correction
Point Spread Function Map for Distortion Correction with Double EPI Readout Acquisition Strategy at 3T
A Population Pharmacokinetic Model for Gd-DTPA in Small Animal DCE-MRI
Population-Averaged 7T 1H MRS Determination of Metabolites in Human Skeletal Muscle at Rest
Positive Contrast for Imaging of Receptor Targeted Magnetic Nanoparticles in the Orthotopic Pancreatic Cancer Xenograft Model Using Ultrashort Echo Time MRI
Positive-Contrast Imaging with Phase-Perturbed Differenced SSFP
Post Mortem Quantitative MRI of the Human Brain in Situ Using High-Resolution Multi-Echo FLASH
Post Processing Correction of Ghosting Artefacts in Arterial Input Function Determination for Fast Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
Post-Cartesian Calibrationless Parallel Imaging Reconstruction by Structured Low-Rank Matrix Completion
Post-Operative Knee
Post-Operative Shoulder
Postoperative Spine Imaging
Postprocessing Issues
A Potential Better Estimation of Penumbra Using T2*-Weighted FMRI of Oxygen Challenge
Potential Clinical Applications for Ultra-High Field MRI
Potential Clinical Applications for Ultra-High Field MRI
Potential Importance of Secondary Connections in Tractography
Potential of
P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Bile in the Detection of Cholestatic Diseases
Potential of Diffusion MRI as a Biomarker of Low-Risk DCIS
Potential of Relaxation-Weighted
Na-MRI for Brain Tumor Characterization
Potential Sources for MR Signal Delay
The Potentialities of Implantable Micro-Coil for Detection of Brain’s Proton Metabolites by NMR Micro-Spectroscopy
Practical Considerations for the Design of Parallel Transmission Pulses at Ultra High Field
A Practical Insert Design for DreMR Imaging in the Human Head
Practical Non-Selective Refocusing Pulses for 7 T MRI
A Practical Tracking System to Avoid Motion Artifacts
Practical Tricks for 3.0T Whole-Heart Coronary MRA
Precision and Accuracy of
Estimated by Fitting the Extended Kety Model Parameters to DCE-MRI Time Course Data Is Unaffected by the Choice of Optimisation Algorithm or Estimation of
Using Linearisation
Precision and Repeatability of in Vivo GABA and Glutamate Quantification
Precision Evolution of the Neuroglial Metabolic Fluxes with the Experimental Conditions, When Using Two-Compartment Modeling Applied to [2-
C] Acetate Dynamic MRS Studies
The Precision of ASL in Measuring Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Cardiovascular Disease Patients.
Preclinical & Clinical Applications of CEST
Preclinical & Clinical Applications of Hyperpolarized CA
Preclinical & Clinical Applications of Metal Based Paramagnetic/Iron Contrast
Predict the Response of Tinnitus to Cortical Stimulation Using Resting-State Functional MRI
Predicting Effectiveness of Cortical Stimulation Therapy for Tinnitus Using DTI
Predicting Gleason Scores of Prostate Cancer Using Combined Trace Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Tumor Volume
Predicting Glioma Response to Radiotherapy with Amide Proton Transfer (APT) MRI
Predicting Osteoporosis from T1-Weighted MR Images
Predicting Pileup Artifacts Around Magnetized Spheres in SWIFT Images
Predicting Potential SNR Gain for High Field Body Imaging at 7 Tesla Using Radiative Coil Array Element Sensitivity Patterns
Prediction and Correction of Physiological Noise in FMRI Using Machine Learning
Prediction of Age Using Resting-State Functional and Effective Connectivity
Prediction of Behavioral Deficits Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Experimental Hydrocephalus
Prediction of Clinical Outcome in Glioma Patients Using a Combination of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) and Relative Cerebral Blood Volume (RCBV) Measured by Dynamic Susceptibility-Weighted Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Prediction of Genetic Risks in Schizophrenia: A DTI Based Pattern Classification Study
Prediction of Hemorrhagic Transformation in Acute Ischemic Stroke Using DCE MRI: Delayed AUC Measures Versus Quantitative Estimates of Permeability
Prediction of Lymphoma Response to Chemotherapy: Evaluation of Pre-Treatment MR Derived ADC and PET Derived SUV as Prognostic Biomarkers
Predictive Value of Fast and Slow ADC Component Analysis for Rectal Cancer Response Monitoring After Neo-Adjuvant Radiochemotherapy: Initial Results.
Preferential Posterior Damage of Central Visual Pathways in Children with Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL) : A TBSS and Probabilistic Tractography Study
Preliminary Accuracy Evaluation of 3T MRI-Guided Transperineal Prostate Biopsy with Grid Template
A Preliminary Assessment of Diastolic Dysfunction with Normal Ejection Fraction with Cine MRI of the Atrioventricular Junction Motion
Preliminary Characterization of Apolipoprotein E Targeted Replacement Mice Using MRI Techniques
Preliminary Evaluation of Renal BOLD MRI for Monitoring Progression in CKD Patients
Preliminary Evidence of Increased Brain Acetate Uptake and Oxidation in Heavy Drinkers Probed by
Preliminary Investigation of the Use of Multi-Transmit for Myocardial T2 and T2* Quantification in Normal Volunteers at 3T
Preliminary Investigation of the Use of Parallel RF Transmission in MTR Measurement in the Human Cervical Cord
Preliminary Result of Pharmacokinetic Parameter Evaluation in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: Correlation with Histology and Growth Type.
Preliminary Results on Bone Perfusion Measurement Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Ultrashort TE Imaging
Preliminary Results on the Clinical Relevance of Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Distribution Independent of Lesion Volume
Preliminary Studies to Assess CMRO2 with Integrated T1 Rho MRI and Hybrid DRS/DCS Optical Approach in Clinical Scanners
Preliminary Study on MR Spectroscopy Measurements for Metabolomic Change During Adipogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Prematurity and Prenatal Growth Restriction Differently Affects Brain Connectivity
Preoperative Grading and Subtyping of Meningiomas Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Preoperative Mapping of Autogenous Saphenous Veins in Patients with PAOD and Femorodistal Bypass Grafting: Prospective Comparison of Peripheral MR Angiography Using a Blood Pool Contrast Agent with Ultrasound and Intraoperative Findings
Preoperative Nomograms Incorporating Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy for Prediction of Insignificant Prostate Cancer
Preoperatively Mapping Perforator Flap Artery for Autologous Breast Reconstruction
Preparation of Diffusion–Weighted MR Image Data for Cortical Parcellation
Pre-Procedural MRI and 3D Finite Element Modeling for Prediction of Irreversible Electroporation Ablation Zones in a Rat Liver Tumor Model
Presence of 2-Hydroxyglutarate in IDH1 Mutated Low-Grade Glioma Using Ex Vivo Proton HR-MAS Spectroscopy
Preserved Ejection Fraction in the Presence of Reduced LV Wall Strain in Hypertension: A Geometric Explanation Validated by MRI
Pressure and Microbubble-Size Dependence of the FUS-Induced Blood Brain Barrier Opening Reversibility in Vivo
PRESSURE GRADIENT PREDICTION in AORTIC COARCTATION USING a COMPUTATIONAL-FLUID-DYNAMIC (CFD) MODEL: Validation Against Invasive Pressure Catheterization at Rest and Pharmacological Stress
Presurgical Assessment of the Feeding Vasculature in Extra-Axial Tumors with Superselective Arterial Spin Labeling
Presurgical Evaluation Using Functional Connectivity Resting-State FMRI
Preventing Signal Dropouts in DWI Using Continous Prospective Motion Correction
PRGN Mutation Modulates Brain Damage and Reorganization from Preclinical to Symptomatic Stages of Frontotemporal Dementia
Primed Infusion of Gd.DTPA for Enhanced Imaging of Diffuse Lung Metastasis
Principal Components Analysis Reveals the Correlation Structure of Resting-State FMRI Data
A Printed Loop Element with Integrated Capacitors and Co-Planar Shield for 7 Tesla
Prion Disease
Probabilistic Streamline Estimation from Accelerated Fourier Velocity Encoded Measurements
Probabilistic Tractography Algorithms for Tracking the Optic Radiation (OR): Are They Ready for the Neurosurgeon?
Probabilistic Tractography in Patients with Recurrent Malignant Gliomas
Probing Arterial Spin Labeling MR Signal in Human Brain with T1ρ Technique
Probing Axon- And Myelin-Specific White Matter Abnormalities in Schizophrenia Using MRI/MRS
Probing Microscopic Cellular Architecture in the Mouse Brain by Oscillating Gradient Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Probing Micro-Structural Information Using the CHARMED Model in the Non-Myelinated Human Newborn Brain at 3T
Probing the Brain's Valuation and Choice Systems with 7T FMRI
Probing the Radiation-Induced Changes of Extravascular Extracellular Space of Parotid Glands Using DCE and DW MRI
Probing the Relaxation Mechanism That Interferes with Polarization Measurement Using the C
Doublet of 1,2-[
Probing Tissue Microstructure Using Oscillating Diffusion Gradients in the Human Calf
The Problems of Managing the Compromise Pregnancy
Producing >60,000-Fold Room-Temperature
Y NMR Signal Enhancement
Prognostic Imaging Markers in Patients with GBM: Comparison Between Functional Versus Mean KPS Analysis
Prognostic Value of
H-MRS and DTI After Hypothermic Treatment in Newborns with Perinatal Asphyxial Encephalopathy
Progression of an Antigen-Induced Arthritis Model in Rat Assessed by MRI
Progression of Blood Brain Barrier Permeability in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke: From Acute to Early Subacute Phase
Progressive Change in Biomechanical Properties of Ex Vivo Prostate with Pathology Fixation as Measured by MR Elastography at 7 Tesla, and Correlation with Changes in T
, T
and ADC
Proinflammatory Cytokines Correlates with MR Imaging in Patients with Extrahepatic Portal Venous Obstruction Patients Having Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy
Promoted Growth of Brain Tumor with Severe Hemorrhage by the Transplantation of Neural Progenitor Cells Facilitated by SDF-1
Propagation of Probabilistic Tractography of the Optic Radiation for Neuronavigation in Epilepsy Surgery
PROPELLER-EPI-DWI with Oblique N/2 Ghost Correction Using 2D Linear Phase Correction and Interlaced Fourier Transform Reconstruction
Properties of Brown and White Adipose Tissues Measured by
Prosepective Phase Correction for 3D FSE
Prospective Correction of Spatially Non-Linear Phase Patterns for Diffusion-Weighted FSE Imaging Using Tailored RF Excitation Pulses
Prospective High Resolution Respiratory Resolved Whole-Heart MRI for Image-Guided Cardiovascular Interventions
Prospective Motion Correction for Diffusion Imaging Using FID Navigators
Prospective Motion Correction for Intra-Cardiac 3D Delayed Enhancement MRI Using an MR-Tracking Tetrahedron
Prospective Motion Correction for T2- And Diffusion-Weighted Breast Imaging with FADE
Prospective Motion Correction: The Benefits and the Challenges
prospective Respiratory Motion Correction with an Image Based Navigator
Prospects for Quantitative Imaging of Myelin with Dual-Echo Short Inversion Time 3D UTE MRI
Prospects of Parallel ZTE Imaging
Prostate Cancer Probability Estimation Based on DCE-DTI Features and Support Vector Machine Classification
Prostate MRE at 3T: Trans-Perineal Wave Propagation
Prostate Perfusion Using Arterial Spin Labeling: Initial Experience
Protection of Fetuses from in Utero Inflammation: Can MRI Be the Solution?
Proton and Phosphorus MRS of a 5xFAD Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Proton and Sodium MRI Follow-Up of Human Colorectal Tumors Implanted in Mice. Comparison Between Two Photodynamic Therapy Protocols.
Proton HR-MAS MR Spectroscopy of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Tissues: A Metabolic and Multivariate Approach to Distinguish Malignant Tissues
Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Method for the Detection of Human Brain Metabolites at 7 Tesla
Proton MRS Reveals Striatal and Anterior Cingulate GABA Deficits in Adolescents with Tourette’s Disorder
Proton Spectral Editing with the PRESS Sequence
Proton Spectroscopy for Lipid Characterisation in Paediatric Brain Tumours
Proton Traps for Multi-Nuclear RF Coils: Design Analysis and Practical Implementation for 13C MRS in Humans at 7T
Proton(1H) Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Absolute Metabolite Concentrations in Normal Aging Human Brain at 3Tesla
A Prototype Head Coil for 11.7T Using the Inductive Birdcage Geometry
Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling (PCASL) at Very High Field (11.75T) for Mouse Brain Perfusion Imaging
Pseudoprogression, Recurrence & Radiation Necrosis
He MRI of Pediatric Subjects with Risk Factors for Asthma
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: First-Pass Contrast Bolus Kinetics Contain Information on RV Function, Remodeling, and Lung Resistance
Pulmonary Blood Volume Mapping Using a Modified T
Weighted, Steady State MRI Technique in a Rodent Model of Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction
Pulmonary T2* Dependence on the Lung Volume: Preliminary Results
Pulse Wave Velocity Assessment in a Single Breathhold Using Compartment
Pulsed Arterial Spin Labelling Perfusion Imaging at 3T: Estimating the Number of Subjects Required in Common Designs of Clinical Trials
Pure Phase Encoding Acquisition for Calibration of High Geometric Fidelity Intervention Applications
Pyruvate Is Superior to Glucose in Supporting Metabolism of Machine Perfused Donor Hearts for Transplantation
Q-Space Undersampled Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging
Quadrature RF Coil and Phased Array Operation at 21.1 T
Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Contrast-Enhanced MR Venography (MRV) of the Lower Extremities with a Blood Pool Agent Compared to Noncontrast MRV
Qualitative and Quantitative Lung Perfusion Imaging of Children with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia at 3T: Initial Results
Quality Assessment in a DTI Multicenter Study
Quality Assessment of B1-Based Local SAR Estimation as a Function of Position Within a Parallel Transmit Coil at 3T
Quality Assurance of Volumetric Feedback MR-Guided HIFU Ablation Technique in Human Uterine Fibroids
Quantification Accuracy of ADC Measurements from Whole-Body DWIBS
Quantification of Adipose Tissue Depots in the Thigh with Two-Point Dixon Imaging: Effect of Fitness Level on Adiposity in Elderly Women
Quantification of Aerosol Deposition in the Upper Airways: A Multimodality Study
Quantification of Arterial and Microvascular Cerebral Blood Volume Using Multiphase TrueFISP Based ASL
Quantification of Blood Oxygenation and Flow in Response to Apneic Challenge
Quantification of Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability in the Mouse Brain in Vivo: A Longitudinal Study
Quantification of Bone Marrow Types from High-Resolution MR Images in the Proximal Femur Using Three Class Clustering
Quantification of Cerebellar Blood Flow Using Arterial Spin Labeling
Quantification of Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) in Acute-On Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF) Patients with 3D Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Quantification of Cerebral Gene Activities in Vivo by Gene-Targeting MRI
Quantification of Different Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide (SPIO) Concentrations in Diffuse Medium Using 4.7T Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Quantification of Ductus Arteriosus Shunt Volume in Preterm Infants Using Phase Contrast CMR
Quantification of Edema Reduction Using Differential Quantitative T2 (DQT2) Mapping in Recurrent Glioblastoma Treated with Bevacizumab
Quantification of Glycine in the Human Brain by PRESS at 3T
Quantification of Hepatic Steatosis with MRI: Histological Validation
Quantification of
In Vivo
Left Ventricular Torsion and Principal Strains in Mouse Models of Hypertrophic and Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Quantification of Intervertebral Disc Tears by High-Resolution 3D MRI at 7T
Quantification of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Cellular MRI: Assessment of Free Vs. Cell-Internalized Fraction
Quantification of Left Bundle Branch Block on Left Ventricular Regional Wall Motion Using Six-Segment Center Point Trajectory Mapping
Quantification of Left Ventricular Torsion by Off-Resonance Insensitive CSPAMM (ORI-CSPAMM)
Quantification of Morphologic and Microvascular Vessel Wall Characteristics of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms with MRI
Quantification of Myocardial Blood Flow and Flow Reserve in Rats Using Arterial Spin Labeling MRI, Comparison with a Fluorescent Microsphere Technique
Quantification of Myocardial Blood Volume and Water Exchange with Intravascular Contrast Agent
Quantification of Myocellular Lipids Via
H-MR Spectroscopy in Elderly Women: Effect of Adiposity and Physical Activity
Quantification of Rat Brain Metabolites by ProFit: Preliminary Evaluation of High Fat Diet Induced Obesity
Quantification of Regional Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen Consumption in the Middle Cerebral Artery Territory
Quantification of Regional Lung Dysfunction in Distal Airway Disease with Tissue Tracking MRI
Quantification of Regional Lung Microstructure Response to Positive End-Expiratory Pressure by Hyperpolarized Gas MRI in Surfactant-Deficient Rats
Quantification of Renal DCE-MRI with BLADE: Initial Experience
Quantification of Renal T
Using a Modified Respiratory Triggered Inversion Recovery TrueFISP Scheme
Quantification of Susceptibility Mapping with Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence Iron Mapping
Quantification of Susceptibility-Induced Fat Resonance Shift on Chemical Shift-Based Water/fat Separation of Skeletal Muscle
Quantification of T1 Relaxation Time of Liver and Spleen Before and After Oxygen Inhalation in Patients with and Without Liver Cirrhosis
Quantification of Vessel-Encoded Arterial Spin Labeling Dynamic Angiography with Auto-Calibration
Quantification Using Textural Analysis on MR Bone Data
Quantifying Blood Flow and Perfusion in Liver Tissue Using Phase Contrast Angiography and Arterial Spin Labelling.
Quantifying Non-Gaussian Diffusion in Brain Tissue at High B-Factors
Quantifying Pulmonary Gas Transport Efficiency Using Hyperpolarized Xenon-129
Quantifying the Artefacts Caused by Hyperoxic Challenges
Quantitation of Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow and Longitudinal Relaxation Rate (
) Induced by Mild Hyperoxia
H MRS of the Normal Human Breast
P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Breast at 7 Tesla.
Quantitative Analysis of Fat Distribution Using Whole-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Quantitative Analysis of the Diffusion-Weighted Steady-State Free-Precession Signal in Vertebral Bone-Marrow Lesions
Quantitative Analysis of the Substantia Nigra in Parkinson's Disease Implementing 3D Modeling at 7.0T MRI
Quantitative and Morphologic Evaluation of Cartilage Repair in an Equine Model
Quantitative and Qualitative Sodium Imaging of the Prostate at 3T
Quantitative Assessment of Aldosterone-Induced Myocardial Fibrosis by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
Quantitative Assessment of Blood Flow with 4D Phase-Contrast MRI and Autocalibrating Parallel Imaging Compressed Sensing
Quantitative Assessment of Blood-Brain-Barrier Permeability by Patlak Plots After Intraperitoneally Administrated Gadolinium-DOTA
Quantitative Assessment of Chronic Exposure to Cigarette Smoke in Mouse Lungs by Hyperpolarized Gas MRI
Quantitative Assessment of Emphysema with Dissolved-Phase and Gas-Phase Hyperpolarized
Xe MRI in Mice
Quantitative Assessment of Iron in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions
Quantitative Assessment of Macrophage Activity in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Using Fluorine-19 MRI and the Response to Treatment
Quantitative Assessment of Mechanical Ankle Laxity Using MR Imaging
Quantitative Assessment of Mitochondrial Metabolic Efficiency by
O and
P MR Spectroscopy in Isolated Rat Hearts
Quantitative Assessment of Perfusion and Permeability in Osteochrondritis Dissecans Lesions: Feasibility and Initial Results
Quantitative Assessment of Small Bowel Motility by Nonrigid Registration of Dynamic MR Images
Quantitative Assessment of the Cortico-Spinal Tracts in Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease Following Cardiopulmoray Bypass Surgery.
Quantitative Assessment of the Inter- And Intra-Muscle Fat Fraction Variability in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients
Quantitative BOLD Response of the Renal Medulla to Hyperoxic Challenge at 1.5T and 3.0T
Quantitative BOLD Using a Diffusive Model
Quantitative Cartilage Degeneration Associated with Spontaneous Osteoarthritis in a Guinea Pig Model
Quantitative Characterization of Cortical Pathology in Multiple Sclerosis Using Surface-Based Analysis of T2* Relaxation at 7T
Quantitative DCE-MRI in Breast with Direct Measurement of AIF Using Tofts and ATH Models: A Simulation Study
Quantitative Description of Vessel Geometry from Microscopic MR Skin Imaging
Quantitative DTI of White Matter Abnormalities Upon Early Postnatal Visual Impairments
Quantitative Effects of Inclusion of Fat on Diffusion Tensor MRI of Human Thigh Muscles
Quantitative Estimation of the Degree of Macrosteatosis in Living Related Liver Donors Using IDEAL Gradient Echo Imaging
Quantitative Evaluation of Regional RF Shimming on a Wide Aperture Dual-Channel Multi-Transmit 3.0T: Implications for Cardiac MRI
Quantitative Evaluation of RSN Functional Contrast in Low-TR FMRI
Quantitative Evaluation of Spinal Cord Tissue Damage in MS Patients Using Gradient Echo Plural Contrast Imaging
Quantitative Evaluation of the Dynamic BOLD and CBF Responses to Breath Hold in Different Brain Territories
Quantitative Evaluation of Ventilation Dynamics in Asthma During Methacholine Challenge Using Hyperpolarized 3He Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Quantitative Imaging of Alveolar Recruitment with Hyperpolarized Gas MRI
Quantitative in Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Using Synthetic Signal Injection
Quantitative Iron Mapping in Human Brain Based on the Apparent Transverse Relaxation Time
Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Light-Chain (AL) Amyloidosis: Preliminary Experience
Quantitative Magnetic Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) in Breast Disease Reveals Additional Information for MR-Based Characterization of Carcinoma and Calcification
Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging of Human Brain at 7 Tesla
Quantitative Magnetization Transfer of Entire Human Patellofemoral Joint in 30 Minutes
Quantitative Measurement of Brain Deformation Caused by Pressure Loading of the Skull
Quantitative Measurement of Myocardial T1 with a Modified Cine Inversion Recovery Pulse Sequence
Quantitative Measurement of N-Acetylaspartyl Glutamate (NAAG) at 3 Tesla Using TE-Averaged PRESS Spectroscopy and Lineshape Deconvolution
Quantitative Model-Based Analysis of Amide Proton Transfer MRI
Quantitative Modeling of In-Vivo Amide Proton Transfer Measurements in the Human Brain Indicates a Dominant Signal Contribution from Proteins with Short T2 Relaxation Times
Quantitative Molecular MR Imaging of U87 Brain Tumor Angiogenesis Using a Novel RGD Gd-Based Emulsion
Quantitative Morphometry Analysis of the Fetal Brain Using Clinical MR Imaging
Quantitative MR Estimates of Blood Oxygenation Based on T2*: A Numerical Study of the Impact of Model Assumptions.
Quantitative MRI as an Indirect Evaluation Tool of the Mechanical Properties of Muscles
Quantitative MRI Biomarkers for Knee Pain and Other Symptoms
Quantitative MRI Can Distinguish Remodeling Mechanisms After Acute Myocardial Infarction Based on the Severity of Ischemic Insult
Quantitative MRI for Muscle Characterisation – Initial Comparison of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy to Normal Subjects
Quantitative MRI of Liver Fibrosis in an Experimental Mouse Model
Quantitative MRI of the Myocardial Microcirculation in Mice Using FAIR Look-Locker Arterial Spin Labeling and a Gamma-Variate Model of Blood Transit Time Distribution
Quantitative MRI Studies for Restless Legs Syndrome: Cerebral Iron, Mophology and DTI
Quantitative MRI Study of Non-Cognitively Impaired HIV Patients Shows No Detectable Neurogeneration
Quantitative MRS of Ovaries and Ovarian Masses at 3T: Methodology and Initial Findings
Quantitative Musculoskeletal MRS Using the Phantom Replacement Method and Phased-Array Receiver Coils
Quantitative Myocardial Perfusion Using Conventional Single-Bolus Contrast Imaging Overestimates Absolute Myocardial Blood Flow Compared with Dual-Bolus or Dual-Sequence Cardiac MR Methods
Quantitative Myocardial T2 Measurement for Systemic Sarcoidosis with Cardiac Involvement: Initial Results
Quantitative OEF Determination by Separate T2 and T2* Mapping
Quantitative Pancreatic β Cell MRI Using Manganese-Enhanced Look-Locker Imaging and Two-Site Water Exchange Analysis
Quantitative Perfusion and Permeability Analysis of Animal Brain Using Dual Echo DCE-MRI
Quantitative Perfusion Imaging by USPIO Bolustracking: The Maximum Slope Model
Quantitative Perfusion Measurement of Liver Metastasis Using DCE-MRI: Comparing a 3D-Flash Vs. a IR-TrueFISP Protocol Within a Clinical Phase II Study
Quantitative Perfusion MRI of Tumor Model in Mouse
Quantitative Proton MRS in a Clinical Setting for Diagnosis and Collection of Reference Data for Children
Quantitative R2' Mapping to Investigate the Relationship of Brain Iron Deposition and Cognitive Impairment in Alzheimer Disease
Quantitative Reliability for Extremely Rapid Structural Data Acquisition Across Time, Scanners, and Software Upgrade
Quantitative Scoring of Hyperpolarized
Xe Ventilation Imaging: Correlation with Pulmonary Function Testing and Age
Quantitative Sodium MRI with Fluid Suppression in the Knee Joint at 3T and 7T
Quantitative Susceptibility Imaging Using L1 Regularized ReConstruction with Sparsity Promoting Transformation: SILC
Quantitative Susceptibility Map Reconstruction with Magnitude Prior
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Cerebral Microbleeds
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Intracranial Tumors: Correlation with Histologic Grade
Quantitative T1 and T2* Assessment of VX2 Tumour Oxygenation in Response to Hyperoxia and Hypercapnia: Comparison with Invasive Measures and DCE-MRI
Quantitative T
Estimation Using Tissue Specific Imaging
Quantitative T1 Mapping at 7 Tesla Identifies Primary Functional Areas in the Living Human Brain
Quantitative T1, T2 and T2* Mapping of Carotid Artery Normal Wall and Atherosclerotic Plaque
Quantitative T2* MRI for Kidneys Iron Overload Assessment in a Large Cohort of Thalassemia Major Patients.
Quantitative Transcatheter Intraarterial Perfusion MRI to Predict Drug Delivery During Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Quantitative UTE MRI of Human Temporomandibular Disc: Relation to Biomechanical Property
Quantitative Water Content Mapping at 1.5 and 3 Tesla Field Strength
Quantum Perspectives in Radiation Damping: Rabi Nutation and the Onset of Free Induction Decay
Quiescent-Interval Single-Shot Unenhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography Featuring Continuous Table Movement
- And
-Weighted Brain Imaging Using SWIFT
R1 and R2* Changes According to Gd Concentration: A Potential Limiting Factor in Converting MR Signal Intensity to Gd Concentration
Enhancement by Formation of a Tungsten-Iron Alloy Crystal in the Apoferritin Cavity
R2* Estimation in the Presence of Fat and Macroscopic B0 Field Variations
*-? Imaging on Rat Allograft Cardiac Transplantation with Acute Rejection: A Preliminary Study
R2’ Is Reduced in Normal Appearing White Matter and Lesions, and Increased in the Basal Ganglia in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Radial and Tangential Migrational Pathways Revealed by Diffusion Tractography
Radial K-Space Sampling for 3D Fat-Suppressed Contrast-Enhanced Imaging of the Liver During Free Breathing
Radiation Induced RF Coil Degradation in Hybrid MRI-Accelerator Systems
Radio Frequency Front-End Circuitry for an Implantable Multiple Frequency Coil
A Radiofrequency Coil Configuration for Imaging the Human Vertebral Column at 7 Tesla
Radio-Frequency Heating at Deep Brain Stimulation Lead Electrodes Due to Imaging with Head Coils in 3 T and 7T
Radio-Frequency Heating in Swine with an 8 Channel, 7 T (296 MHz) Head Coil
A Random-Walk Driven Segmentation of Resting State FMRI Data: Evaluation of Visual Cortex Sub-Communities Is Enhanced by Physiological Noise Correction
Rapid 3D
in Vivo
Magnetic Particle Imaging with a Large Field of View
Rapid Acquisition of Targeted High Resolution Human Brain Images Using a Combined SENSE, Inner Volume Imaging, and Multi-Shot EPI Spin Echo Sequence at 7T
Rapid Cardiac T1 Mapping Within Two Heartbeats
Rapid CINE Myocardial T
Mapping at 7T
Rapid Diffusion Spectrum Imaging with Partial Q-Space Encoding
Rapid Dixon Estimation of Water and Fat Equilibrium Magnetisation for Breast Density Measurements
Rapid Estimation of Conductivity and Permittivity Using Bloch-Siegert B1 Mapping at 3.0T
Rapid Fat-Water-Separated Cardiac Cine Imaging Using Concentric Rings and K-T BLAST
Rapid in Vivo Quantification of Oxygen Concentration in Blood Flow with a Fluorine Nanoparticle Reporter and a Novel Blood Enhanced Saturation Recovery (BESR) Sequence
Rapid Measurement of Oxygen Extraction Fraction (OEF) Maps Using a Combined Multiple Gradient and Spin Echo Bolus Contrast Sequence
Rapid Multi-Planar Assessment of the Articular Cartilage of the Knee Joint Using Isotropic Resolution VIPR-ATR Imaging
Rapid Quantitative T2 Imaging of Prostate Cancer Using a Reduced FOV Single-Shot Fast-Spin-Echo Sequence
Rapid Relative Pressure Map Computation from Velocity-Encoded Phase-Contrast Measurements
Rapid Re-Shimming for Rotated Views in MR-SPECT Imaging
Rapid Sample Density Estimation for 3D Trajectories
Rapid T
Mapping of Mouse Heart Using CPMG Sequence and Model-Based Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
Rapid, Self-Calibrated Parallel Reconstruction for Variable Density Spiral with GROWL
Rapid, Volumetric Segmentation of Visceral Adipose Tissue with Quantitative Chemical Shift MRI at 3T
RARE Imaging of Post-Exercise Phospocreatine Recovery - Validation and Reproducibility
Rare Involvement in Behcet Disease: Myositis
Rat Brain Possesses a Default Mode Network
Rates of Change of 1H and 31P MRS Cerebral Metabolites Vs Lactate/NAA in the 48h Following Global Transient Global Hypoxia-Ischaemia in the Newborn Piglet
The Ratio of CBF to CMRO
Change with Brain Activation Remains Unchanged Between Simple and Complex Stimuli in the Human Visual Cortex
Rationale behind Post-Mortem MR of the Fetal CNS & Methodology
Real Time Dynamic Shimming for MR Spectroscopy Using 2-Dimensional Rf Excitations
Real Time Respiration Based Steering for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound in the Liver
Real Time Velocity-Based Navigator Triggering in the Abdomen: Initial Results
Real-FLAIR: Real-Part Imaging for Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery Sequence
Real-Time 3D Motion Correction for High-Resolution MR Imaging of the Larynx
Real-Time BOLD Functional MRI Neuro-Feedback: Connectivity Changes Observed in an Imagery Task
A Real-Time Cardiac Synchronization Method for Reducing Flow-Induced Instabilities in SSFP FMRI of the Brainstem
A Real-Time Cine Late Gadolinium Enhancement Imaging Method at 3T
Real-Time Conductivity Mapping Using Balanced SSFP and Phase-Based Reconstruction
A Real-Time Feedback Optimization Method for Automatic Calibration of Functional Sensitivity-Band of Transition-Band BSSFP FMRI Sequence
Real-Time Hybrid MR Thermometry of Human Ventricular Myocardium with and Without Blood Suppression
Real-Time Imaging and Reconstruction of the Small Bowels Based on Golden Ratio Radial and Regularized SENSE MRI
Real-Time Monitoring of
In Vivo
Human Brain Amino Acid Neurotransmitter Response to a Single Intravenous Dose of Ketamine in Major Depressive Disorder Using the
H MRS J-Editing Technique
Real-Time Monitoring of Temperature and Magnetization Transfer During HIFU Transmission and Long-Term Follow-Up of Magnetization Transfer Effect : In Vivo Rabbit Investigations
Real-Time MR-Guided Transarterial Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI): In Vivo Evaluation in Swine
Real-Time MRI with Synchronous Polysomnography of the Upper Airway in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Real-Time Multi-Slice MRI of Renal Filtration in the Mouse
Real-Time Navigator Gating in Proton Liver Spectroscopy at 3T
Real-Time Rician Noise Correction Applied to Real-Time HARDI and HYDI
Real-Time Scan Plane Selection with a Novel Hand-Held Device for Needle Guidance
Real-Time Target Displacement Prediction Using Dynamic MRI for Radiotherapy
Reconstructing Undersampled Non-Cartesian Data with Calibrationless Parallel Imaging
Reconstruction of 3-D Fabric Structure and Fiber Nets in Skeletal Muscle Via in Vivo DTI
Reconstruction of Phase Images by Compressed Sensing Using Low-Pass Filter
Recovering Fine-Scale Features in Spiral Imaging with Piecewise Linear Off Resonance Correction (PLORC)
Recovery and Purification of
He Gas from Pulmonary MRI
Recovery of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow and Brain Tissue Oxygenation by 24 Hours After Asphyxial Cardiac Arrest
Rectal Cancer Neoadjuvant Therapy Assessment with Quantitative Diffusion Imaging ?
Reduced Callosal Thickness and Volume Due to Myelin Deficit in RLS: Thickness Measurement and Volumetric Study
Reduced Field-Of-View Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Patients with Invasive Breast Cancer
Reduced FOV Spinal Muscle DWI with Single-Shot Interleaved Multi-Slice Inner Volume Stimulated Echo DW-EPI
Reduced Functional Connectivity in Normal Aging in Non-Human Primates
Reduced Glutathione Rather Than Oxygen Concentration Determines the Reduction Rate of Nitroimizadol Probes Used as Hypoxia Markers.
Reduced T2* Values in Soleus Muscle of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Reduced-FOV Single-Shot Diffusion-Weighted EPI: Extended Slice Coverage with Tailored RF Pulse Design
Reducing a Localized Signal Fluctuation Artifact in FMRI Using Spectral-Spatial Fat Saturation
Reducing Artefacts in Inversion Recovery Prepared MRI Caused by Varying Heart Rate Through Real-Time Adaptation of the Inversion Time
Reducing Artifacts in SWI Based MR Venography - Post Processing Technique to Compensate for the Signal Loss
Reducing Element Coupling in Array Coils Using Off-Tuned Elements
Reducing Image Artefacts in Concurrent TMS/fMRI by Passive Shimming
Reducing Metallic Susceptibility
Reducing Short Term Gradient Heating by Usage of Adapted Encoding Schemes
Reduction in CSF Pulsatility with Altered Intracranial Compliance by Craniectomy in Communicating Hydrocephalus
Reduction of Amyloid Plaque FP Detections in MR Images of the APP Transgenic Mouse Brain Using Unsupervised SVM
Reduction of Contralateral White Matter Volume After Experimental Focal Epilepsy and Hemispherectomy in Rats
Reduction of Image Distortion in Non-Axial Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Using Steer-PROP
Reduction of Pulmonary Vein Blood Inflow Artifact in Free Breathing Left Atrial Late Gadolinium Enhancement MRI
Reduction of Required Gradient Spoiler Size for AFI B
Reduction of RF Heating of Metallic Devices by Using a Two-Channel Transmit Array System : Application to Arbitrary Lead Geometries
Reference Free Localization and Quantification of Contrast Agents Using Relaxivity Dispersion at 1.5T
Reference-Less PRFS MR Thermometry of the Whole Liver Based on Near-Harmonic Calculation: Clinical Evaluation from LITT Ablation Data
Region Based Joint Bi-Exponential T2 Fitting for Small Lesions
Regional Biomechanical Property of Intracranial Tissue Using Dynamic Diffusion MRI: A Phantom Study
Regional Brain T2-Relaxation Changes with Age in Healthy Adult Subjects
Regional Changes of Cortical Mean Diffusivity with Aging and Alzheimer Disease After Correction of Partial Volume Effects
Regional Coherence-Based Denoising (RECODE) for Arterial Spin Labeled Perfusion MRI
Regional Evaluation of White Matter Injury in Children Treated with Cranial-Spinal Radiation for Medulloblastomas
Regional Gray and White Matter Atrophy Are Largely Unrelated in Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Regional Perfusion Imaging Using PTILT
Regional Quantification of Myocardial Stiffness Using MR Elastography
Regional Variability in Triglyceride Composition of Adipose Tissue Measured by
Regional Variations in GABA Measured with MEGA-PRESS
Regional Ventilation Mapping of the Rat Lung Using Hyperpolarized
He and
Xe Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Registration Based Correction of DWI Gradient Orientations
Registration of High B Value Diffusion Images
Registration, Segmentation & Atlases
Registration: Theory
Regularized Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping for Phase-Based Regional Oxygen Metabolism (PROM) at 7T
Regulatory Considerations for Use of Ultra-High Field MRI
Relation Between 1H and 31P MRS Biomarkers and Immunohistochemical Markers of Cell Death and Inflammation in a Perinatal Asphyxia Piglet Model
The Relation Between Drug-Induced Effects on Resting State Brain Connectivity and Cerebral Blood Flow
The Relation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) Measurements in Normal Glandular Breast Tissue to Menstrual Cycle and Menopausal State at 3.0T Diffusion-Weighted Imaging.
Relationship Between FMRI Signals in the Resting-State (R-FMRI) and Task (T-FMRI)
The Relationship Between Knee Cartilage MR T
and Morphology in Subjects from the Incidence and Control Cohorts of the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Relationship Between MR Phase and Tissue Microstructure
Relationship Between Proton-Density Fat-Fraction and True Fat Concentration for in Vivo Fat Quantification with Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Relationship Between Relaxation Component T2 Values and Weight Fractions and Mechanical Moduli in Native Cartilage
Relationship Between Spontaneous Fluctuations in End-Tidal PCO2 and Apparent Resting State Functional Connectivity
Relationship Between the Arcuate Fasciculus and Cortical Structure in Pediatric Patients with Polymicrogyria: A Pilot Study.
Relationship Between White Matter Tract Damage and Executive Functions in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A DT MRI Tractography Study
Relationship of Basal Cerebral Blood Flow, Thickness of Cortical Gray Matter and Fractional Anisotropy of Cerebral White Matter in Adolescents
Relative Area Change (RAC) Better Reflects Right Ventricular Ejection Fraction (RVEF) Than Longitudinal or Transverse Functional Measurements in Pulmonary Hypertension Patients
The Relative Sensitvity of Different White Matter Indices to Partial Volume Artefacts
Relaxation Time Measurements of
P Metabolites in Human Muscle at 9.4 Tesla
Relaxation Times as Biomarkers of Placental Tissue Morphology in Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR).
Relaxation-Enhanced Multiple Inner-Volume Imaging Using Parallel 3D Spatially Selective Excitation
Release Activated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (REACTION) of Cellulose: A Magnetic Relaxation Switch for Environmentally Sensitive MRI
Reliability Analysis of Liver Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Measurement: Importance of ROI Size and Image Threshold
Reliability Analysis of the Resting State Sensitively and Specifically Identifies Parkinson Disease
Reliability of Functional and Effective Connectivity of the Resting State Motor Network in Healthy Subjects
The Reliability of Repeated Measures of the Time Constant for Post-Exercise Phosphocreatine Recovery Using a Weighted Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
Reliability of Tract-Specific
Imaging Metrics in Healthy Spinal Cord
Reliable Estimation of Capillary Transit Time Distributions at Voxel-Level Using DSC-MRI
Remote Detection by MRI at 3T Using a Waveguide
Remote Tuning and Matching an 8-Channel Transceive Array at 7T
The Removal of Blood Contributions in Phase and Susceptibility Contrast Imaging
Removal of CSF Contamination in VSASL and QUIXOTIC Using a Long TE CSF Scan
Renal BOLD-MRI Does Not Reflect Renal Function: A Prospective Study in 368 Patients
Renal Cortico-Medullary Differentiation in Liver Cirrhotic Patients: Is the Pathology Cortical or Medullary or Both?
Renal Lesions: Added Value of Diffusion MRI
Renal Perfusion Measured Pre- And Post-Transplantation with ASL MRI in Donor-Recipient Pairs
Renormalization Group Method: Effects of Diffusion Retarding on Intracellular Membranes
Reorganization of Functional Networks After Training with Motor Imagery in Healthy Subjects and a Single Case of Lower Limb Amputation
Repeatability of 2D Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging
Repeatability of Multi-Component T2* Mapping on Human Knee Cartilages at 3T
Repeatability of Perfusion and Pure Diffusion Parameters in a Bi-Exponential, Multi-B Diffusion Imaging Approach
Repetitive Imaging of Tumor Cell Growth Using Gene-Based, Iron Contrast: MagA Vs. Modified Ferritin Subunits
The Reproducibility and Correlation of Phase Errors in Diffusion Weighted Imaging with the Cardiac Cycle
Reproducibility and Diagnostic Accuracy of in Vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Detection of Hepatic Steatosis
Reproducibility and Variance of Serial Short Echo Time 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging of the Human Brain at 3T with Automated Planning Software
Reproducibility Assessment of High Resolution Imaging of Alveolar Oxygen Tension in Human Subjects
Reproducibility of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values at Hippocampus Measured by High-Resolution Readout-Segmented DWI Vs. Single-Shot DWI with 2DRF Excitations.
Reproducibility of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients in the Normal Uterus During the Menstrual Cycle at 3T MR Imaging
Reproducibility of Automated Measurements of Diffusion Tensor Imaging at 3T Using Histogram Analysis
Reproducibility of Fiber Bundles from Different Subsampled Q-Space DSI Data Set
Reproducibility of Magnetic Resonance T
and T
Relaxation Time and Morphological Measurements of Articular Hip Cartilage at 3T
Reproducibility of MRI-DUTE-Based Attenuation Correction Maps in Brain Tumor Patients
Reproducibility of R2* and R2 Measurements in Human Kidneys
Reproducibility of T
* MR Imaging and Correlation with Diffusion MR Imaging in Liver Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer
Reproducibility of T2-Measurements in Human Carotid Plaques
Reproducibility of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Liver Metastases of Colorectal Cancer and Assessment of Correlation with FDG-PET.
A Reproducibility Study in PAD Patient Plaque Burden Analysis Approach with Multi-Contrast Weighting MRI
Reprojected Line Scan Phase Contrast MRA of Peripheral Arterial Disease
Requirements for Reliable Metabolite Profiling
Resonant Traps as a Safety Measure: Influence of Inaccurate Tuning
Respiratory Gated Contrast Enhanced Imaging of the Liver
Respiratory Gating with Measurement Time Constraints Applied to MRI with Continuously Moving Table
Respiratory Navigator with Adaptive Acceptance Gating Window Size and Fixed Scan Time for Coronary MRI
Respiratory Triggered Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI for PH Mapping in the Kidneys at 3T
Response to Donepezil Challenge in Rat Brain by RCBV-Based PhMRI
Resting Functional Connectivity Between Amygdala and DlPFC Predicts Anxious Temperament in the Rhesus Monkey
Resting Functional Connectivity: Potential as a Clinical Marker in Individual Patients
Resting Neurotransmitter Levels Correlate with Peak EEG Gamma Frequency and Power
Resting State FMRI of Acute Focal Ischemic Rat Brain
Resting State Functional Connectivity Changes with Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation in a Parkinson's Disease Patient
Resting State Functional Connectivity Correlated with Neuropsychological Tests in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Patients
Resting State Network Abnormalities in Alzheimer’s Disease: Beyond the Default Mode Network
Resting State Network Abnormalities in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Mirror Those of Frontotemporal Dementia
resting State Networks in (Transgenic) Mice: Differential Effects of Genetic Background, Sensory Stimulation, and Pharmacological Intervention
A Resting-State Connectivity Index with No Dependence on SNR and CNR
Resting-State Correlations Between Depths Within Columns of Voxels Radial to the Cortical Surface
Resting-State FMRI and Pharmacological MRI of Changing Dopaminergic Activity in the Developing Rat Brain
Resting-State FMRI Multi-Spectral Connectivity Networks for Classification of Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients
Resting-State Functional Connectivity Across Primate Species: Implications of Evolutionary Hemispheric Asymmetry
Resting-State Functional Connectivity Alterations After Corpus Callosotomy in Rats
Resting-State Functional Connectivity Modification by Non-Invasive Electrical Stimulation of the Brain
Resting-State Functional Connectivity of the Thalamus Is Reduced in Absence Epilepsy
Resting-State Networks at Higher Frequencies: A Preliminary Study
Resting-State Signals: Identification, Classification & Relation to Brain Connectivity
Restoration of Interhemispheric Resting-State Connectivity in S1FL Following Median Nerve Injury and Surgical Repair
Results on Rapid 3D Magnetic Particle Imaging with a Large Field of View
Retaining Polarization by Exploiting Reduced T1 Relaxation of Hyperpolarized Spins at Low Field in Solution
Retinal and Choroidal Blood-Flow MRI and Visual Function in Diabetic Retinopathy in Mice
Retrograde Flow in the Vena Cava Superior Is Associated with Increased Right Atrium Pressure in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Retrograde Neuronal Injury in Response to Glutaric Acid in Glutaric Acidemia Type 1 (GA-1) Mouse Model
Retrospective Reconstruction of Black-Blood Golden Ratio Radial Imaging for Visualization of Heart Valves at Arbitrary Dynamic Time Points
Retrospective Registration-Based Motion Correction with Interleaved Radial Trajectories
Revealing Cancer Phenotype-Specific Biomarkers in a Cell Perfusing System by 13C and 1H MRS
Revealing the Origin of Attenuation in Tissue: Pure Absorption or Multiple Scattering?
Reversal of Abnormal ADC Lags Reperfusion and Does Not Necessarily Represent Tissue Salvage
Reversal of ADC Changes in Tumors After Treatment at Short Diffusion Times
Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes Is Associated with Decrease in Pancreas and Liver Fat
Reversible NAA Decreases in Active MS Lesions Are Not Due Solely to Water Content Changes
RF Coil Design for Simultaneous PET/MR
RF Coil Element Mounted Power Amplifiers
RF Coil Technology & MR Methodology
RF Energy Reduction by Parallel Transmission Using Large-Tip-Angle Composite Pulses
RF Field Optimization of 4T Double-Tuned Surface TEM Resonators for 1H/23Na MRI
RF Monitoring of the Complex Waveforms of an 8-Channel Multi-Transmit System at 7T Utilizing Directional Couplers and I/Q Demodulators
RF Pulse Optimization for Bloch-Siegert B
RF Safety Assessment of a Generic Deep Brain Stimulator During 1.5T MRI Exposure
RF Shimming with Regularization of Maximum and Mean RF Power
A Riemannian Framework for Ensemble Average Propagator Computing
Right Ventricle / ARVD
Right Ventricular Geometric Shortening in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Follow-Up in Survivors and Non-Survivors
Robust and Efficient White Matter Analysis Using Tract Shape Modelling and Principal Components Analysis
Robust and Fully Integrated One Dimensional Respiratory Self-Navigation for Whole-Heart Coronary MRI
A Robust Concept for Real-Time SAR Calculation in Parallel Transmission
Robust Data Acquisition for MR Doppler
Robust Detection of White Matter Injury in Individual Patients After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Robust Edge-Directed MRI Interpolation
Robust High-Dimensional Morphological Metric: Application to the ADNI Multi-Centric Dataset
A Robust Method for Reducing Inflow Artifacts in the Arterial Input Function of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Data Sets
A Robust MR-Based Rigid-Body Motion Correction for Simultaneous MR-PET
Robust Multicomponent T2 Imaging in the Brain at 3 T Using Least Squares Fitting in the Presence of RF Inhomogenities
Robust Renal MRA Using Breath-Hold, IR-Prep, Dixon BSSFP at 3T
Robust Subdivision of the Thalamus in Children Based on Probability-Distribution-Functions Calculated from Probabilistic Tractography.
Robust Transmitter Calibration During Continuous Table Movement
Robustness of Diffusion Scalar Metrics When Estimated with Generalized Q-Sampling Imaging Acquisition Schemes
Robustness of Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) Distortion Correction in Diffusion Tensor Imaging Using Forward/reverse Phase Encode Directional B=0 Scans
Rodent Glioma Chemotherapy and Sodium MRI at 21.1T
Roemer Reconstruction Yields Significant SNR Gain Over Sum-Of-Squares @ 7T.
The Role of Brain Structure and Executive Function on Visuoconstructional Processing in Late Life Depression
Role of Diffusion-Tensor Imaging in Post-Cardiac Arrest Patients Still Comatose 3-Days Post-Resuscitation
Role of MRI & MRS for the Study of Bone & Bone Marrow in Animal Models of Disease
The Role of MRI for the Evaluation of Spinal Cord Injury and Stem Cell Transplantation in Mice.
Role of MRI in Venacaval Anomalies of Complex Congenital Heart Disease
Role of Quantitative MRI Biomarkers for Evaluating Prostatic Transition Zone Tumors
Rudimentary Uteri, the Ovaries and Vaginal Length in MRKH Syndrome
Sa2RAGE Sequence Improvements and In-Vivo Brain RF-Shimming at 7 Tesla
Safety Evaluation of a Multiple-Channel Travelling-Wave System at 7T
SAR Analysis of Parallel Transmission in Cardiac Imaging at 7T
SAR Comparison for Infant Due to Different Positioning Within an MRI Head Coil
SAR Consequences of Optimization Strategy for a 7T RF Transmit Loop Array in CP Mode
SAR Reduction Through Dark Modes Excitation
SAR Reduction Using Non-Linear Gradients
Saturated Double Angle Method with Radial Sampling
Saturated Label Effects with Multi-Slice Imaging in ASL
Saturation Recovery Modified Look Locker (S-MOLLI) for Cardiac T1 Mapping
Scalability and Channel Independency of the Digital Broadband DStream Architecture
Scalable Anti-Aliasing Image Reconstruction in the Presence of a Quadratic “phase-Scrambling” Gradient Using the Fractional Fourier Transform
Scan Time Reduction for Three-Directional Phase Contrast Sequences: A Signal Processing Approach
Scanning Children Without Sedation
Scanning Dangerous Things: Risk Benefit Approach
Scan-Rescan Reproducibility of Carotid Geometric Parameters Using Bright Blood MRI at 3.0T
Scar-Coronary Cardiac MR Imaging Acquired by Navigator-Gated 3D Fat-Suppressed Delayed-Enhancement Imaging Technique
Screening for Manganese-Binding Proteins in the Mouse Brain
The Second Generation (2G) K-T GRAPPA: Faster and More Accurate
Secondary Involvement of Optic Radiation in Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy
The Secretory Flow of Pancreatic Juice in the Main Pancreatic Duct: Visualization by Means of MRCP with Spatially Selective Inversion Recovery Pulse
Segmentation of Carotid Plaque Using Multi-Contrast 3D Gradient Echo MR Imaging
Segmentation of Combinations of Mean Diffusivity and DCE Perfusion Derived CBV in Glioblastoma Multiforme
Segmentation of Thalamus by Clustering of Resting-State FMRI
Segmentation of Tumor Infiltrative and Vasogenic Edema in Brain Tumors Using Voxel-Wise Analysis of 11C-Methinonine and FDG PET and Its Comparison with Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Segmentation Priors from Local Image Properties, Not Location-Based Templates
Segmentation: Practice
Segmentation: Theory
Segmented 2D-Selective RF Excitations with Weighted Averaging and Flip Angle Adaptation for MR Spectroscopy of Irregularly Shaped Voxel
A Selectable Diffusion Coefficient Phantom Based on Restricted Diffusion
Selective Excitation of Arbitrary Three-Dimensional Targets on a Human MR System Using Parallel Transmit
Selective Gray Matter Atrophy in the Pain-Matrix Network in Cluster Headache
Selective Imaging of Bound and Pore Water in Human Cortical Bone
Selective Zero-Quantum Coherence Transfer (Sel-ZQC) Method for High-Resolution Metabolite Imaging at Ultrahigh Field Without Inhomogeneous Broadening and Susceptibility Artifacts
A Self-Calibrating PARACEST MRI Contrast Agent That Detects Esterase Enzyme Activity
Self-Decoupling Elements of 8-Channel 7T Head Antenna
Self-Gated Cardiac Perfusion MRI
Self-Gated Free Breathing 3D Coronary Cine Imaging with Enhanced Artery Contrast by Exploiting the Simultaneously Obtained Water and Fat Visualization
Self-Justification Fitting to Improve Reliability of Relaxometry Quantification
Self-Navigated 3D Late Gadolinium Enhancement Imaging of the Left Atrium
Self-Navigated Kinematic Imaging of the Knee
Self-Navigation with a 1D Pencil Beam Navigator
Self-Organizing Group Level Independent Component Analysis Reveals Task-Related Activity as Well as Resting State Networks During Auditory Stimulation
Self-Regulation of Amygdala Activation with Real-Time FMRI Neurofeedback
A Semi_LASER 1H MRS Sequence Designed with High Bandwidth RF Pulses for Use at 4.0 T
Semi-Automated Atlas-Based MRI Lung Volumetry
Semi-Automated In-Vivo Segmentation of Visual Area V1 Based on Structural 7 Tesla MRI
Semi-Automatic Segmentation of Bony Lesions from Diffusion Weighted MRI to Assess Disease Burden and Quantify Response Using Markov Random Fields
SEMI-TWInS: Simultaneous Extraction of Myelin and Iron Using a T
*-Weighted Imaging Sequence
Sensitive Detection of Myelination Change in Multiple Sclerosis by McDESPOT
Sensitive MRI Markers for Systemic Amyloidosis: Amide Proton Transfer and Equilibrium Contrast
The Sensitivities of the Phenomenological DWI Models in the Presence of Cellular Compartments
Sensitivity and Localization Reliability Analysis for Spectral Localization by Multichannel Coils
Sensitivity and Specificity of MHASTE BOLD FMRI on MT/V5 Activation
Sensitivity of Quantitative MRI to the Compressive State of the Isolated Intervertebral Discs
Sensitivity of Quantitative UTE MRI to Degradation of Human Temporomandibular Discs
Sensitivity of Transmit Coil B1+ to Lung Inflation in Hyperpolarised 3He MRI
Sensorimotor Functional Connectivity Changes in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Separate Magnitude and Phase Regularization Via Compressed Sensing
Separating Global and Regional Effects of Hydrocortisone Medication Using Normalized FMRI
Separating Water & Fat
Separation of Intra- And Extra-Vascular Spaces in Human Brain with DCE-MRI and 11C- Verapamil PET
Sequence Timing Optimization in Multi-Slice Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Beating Heart
H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Detects Liver Steatosis Associated with Chemotherapy in Advanced Colorectal Cancer Patients
Serial Assessment of Hyperintense Post-Infarct Myocardial Edema in Mice by T2-Weighted MRI
Serial Changes in Diffusion Imaging Parameters Vary with Treatment Regimen for Patients with Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme
Serial Diffusion Tensor Imaging Suggests Progressive Pathophysiology for Weeks Following Traumatic Brain Injury, and Possible White Matter Repair Months After Injury
Serial Diffusion Tensor Tractography Studies in Term Neonates with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
Serial Proton MRS of the Human Brain After Oral Administration of
C and
C Enriched Glucose
Serial Quantitative MRI of Post-Infarct Macrophage Infiltration of the Mouse Heart Using Gd-Liposomes and R1-Mapping
Serial R
* MRI to Evaluate Response to Tumour Vascular Disruptive Treatment: Final Results of a Clinical Phase I Trial
Series Expansion of Multi-Compartment Models for DCE-MRI
Sex Difference of Regional Activation in the Rat Brain Using Manganese-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Sexual Dimorphism in White Matter Development in Pre-Adolescence: A Tract Based Spatial Statistics Study
Sharp Curvature in Frontal Lobe White Matter Pathways of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
SHILO: Simultaneous High/Low Spatial/temporal Resolution Dual-Imaging Acquisition for Improved Parameters Quantification in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MRI of Atherosclerosis
Shim Navigators for Accurate Detection of the B0 Magnetic Field Inhomogeneities Using Reference MGE Images
Short Acquisition Time 3D High Resolution (1cc) in Vivo Brain 1H MRSI Using LASER-RSI
Short Dual-Band VAPOR-Like Pulse Sequence for Simultaneous Water and Lipid Suppression for in Vivo MR Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Imaging
Short Echo-Time MRSI of Human Brain at 7 Tesla with Improved Shimming and Fat-Suppression
Short Erythropoietin Treatment Following Hypoxia-Ischemia in the Immature Rat Brain: Macro-, Micro-Structural and Metabolic Assessment Using Multimodal MR
Short Term Measurement Reproducibility of Perfusion Fraction (F), Pseudo-Diffusion Coefficient (D*) and Diffusion Coefficient (D) in Colorectal Liver Metastases Derived by Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Analysis of Respiratory-Triggered Diffusion-Weighted M
A Short TR, MFA Approach to Simultaneous B1+ and T1 Mapping
Short-Echo Spin-Echo Localization MRSI in Gliomas at 7 Tesla
Short-Term Stability of T
and T
Relaxation Measures in Multiple Sclerosis Normal Appearing White Matter
Sideband Excitation for Concurrent RF Transmission and Reception
The Siena/FSL Whole Brain Atrophy Measurement Algorithm May Require Substantially Larger Group Sizes at 3T Than 1.5T for Alzheimer's Disease
Signal and Contrast Optimized Inversion Prepared Imaging
Signal Distribution in Dissolved 129Xe MR Images of Healthy Subjects and Subjects with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Signal Intensity of Hepatic Nodules Detected by Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MR Imaging: Correlation with Arterial and Portal Blood Supply.
Signal Normalization for MR Spectroscopic Imaging Using Brain Tissue Water: Variability and Pathologic Detectability
Signal Polarity Restoration in IR Sequence for T1-Mapping in the DGEMRIC Technique.
Significant Improvement in Reproducibility of DCE-MRI Achieved Using Cardiac-Output Based Constraint of Arterial Input Function
Silica-Coated Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Are More Durable for Labeling Mesenchymal Stem Cells Than Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-Coated Counterparts: Pilot In-Vivo Assay Results
Silicon Carbide MRI Transmitters
Similar Cortical Lesion Distribution and Cortical Atrophy Location in Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis.
Similar Global N-Acetylaspartate in Benign and Non-Benign Multiple Sclerosis
Similar Traits of White Matter Disruption for Major Depression Disorder (MDD) and High Risk MDD of Adolescents
A Simple 3D Susceptibility Model to Simulate Magnetic Field Patterns in White Matter Microstructure
A Simple Analytical Relationship Between WM Tissue Characteristics and DWI Signal
Simple Approaches to Current Control for Transmit Array Elements at 7 Tesla
A Simple Fast Method of Gibbs Ringing Artifact and Noise Reduction with Edge Enhancement Using Low-Pass, Band-Pass, and High-Pass K-Space Windowing Functions
Simple Implementation of an Inductively Coupled Synthetic Signal Injection Method on a Clinical MR Scanner for Absolute Quantification
Simple Method for Adaptive Gradient-Delay Compensation in Radial MRI
A Simple Method for Increasing the Number of Echoes and Decreasing Echo Spacing in T
Spectrum Analysis
A Simple Method to Reduce Signal Fluctuations in FMRI Caused by the Interaction Between Motion and Coil Sensitivities
Simple Minimum Energy Method for Calculating Shielding Coils on Arbitrary Geometries
A Simple Model for Eddy Currents Correction in High B-Values Acquisitions
A Simple Model of Gas Exchange in the Lung for Hyperpolarized Xe129
Simple Quadrature Volume Antenna Transformed from Loop
A Simplified Approach for Anisotropic Susceptibility Map Calculation
A Simplified Nonlinear Fitting Strategy for Estimating
from Variable Flip Angle Sequences
Simulating Array SNR and Effective Noise Figure in Dependance of Noise Coupling
Simulation and Optimization of Pulsed RF Irradiation Scheme for Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI – Demonstration of PH-Weighted Pulsed-CEST MRI in Acute Ischemic Stroke Animal Model
Simulation of Diffusion Weighted SSFP: Time to Reach the Steady State and Effects on Anisotropic Diffusion
Simulation of Double Pulsed Field Gradient Experiments
Simulation of the Filtering Effect of the FLASH Readout on Saturation Recovery T
Simulation Tool for 3T/7T Subject-Specific Multi-Transmission Applications Without RF Measurements
Simulation-Based Phased-Array Optimization Using an Efficient Method for Realistic Coil Modeling
Simulations of Stent Artifacts in MRI
Simultaneous 23Na/1H Imaging with Dual Excitation and Double Tuned Birdcage Coil
Simultaneous 3D Tracking of Multiple 19F Labeled Capsules Using a 3D Golden Angle Sampling Scheme
Simultaneous Acquisition of Image and Navigator Slices Using CAIPIRINHA
Simultaneous Acquisition of Metabolites and Water Signals Using Multi-Coil Sensitivities
Simultaneous Acquisition of T1rho and T2 Quantification in Cartilage – Reproducibility and Diurnal Variation
Simultaneous Assessment of Gastric Secretion, Mixing and Emptying During Free Breathing
Simultaneous B
and B
Mapping Using Dual Echo Actual Flip Angle Imaging (DE-AFI)
Simultaneous Bloch Siegert B
and T
Mapping in One Experiment Using a Multi Spin Echo Sequence
Simultaneous Bloch-Siegert B
Mapping and Imaging of Hyperpolarized Pyruvate, Bicarbonate, and Lactate, in a Single Tracer Bolus
Simultaneous Compensation of Respiratory and Cardiac Motion Effect on Liver DWI
Simultaneous CW-EPR Imaging of Isotopic Nitroxyl Radicals
Simultaneous Dection of Metabolism of [2-
C]lactate and Uniformly Labeled Glucose in the Brain Using in Vivo
A Simultaneous EEG and High Temporal Resolution FMRI Study of Trial-By-Trial Fluctuations in Visual Evoked Potentials
Simultaneous Estimation of T
and ADC in Human Articular Cartilage in Vivo with a Modified 3D DESS Sequence at 3 T
Simultaneous Functional and Quantitative ASL: An Optimal Tool for Imaging Ongoing Pain States
Simultaneous High Resolution Ex-Vivo Diffusion Imaging of White Matter and Muscles
Simultaneous Intracranial EEG-FMRI in Humans Suggests That High Gamma Frequencies Are the Closest Neurophysiological Correlate of BOLD FMRI
Simultaneous Intracranial EEG-FMRI in Humans: Data Quality
Simultaneous Investigation of Cardiac Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Flux, Krebs Cycle Metabolism and Intracellular PH Using Hyperpolarized [1,2-
] Pyruvate
Simultaneous Left and Right Coronary Artery Wall Imaging with Highly Efficient Beat-To-Beat Respiratory Motion Correction
A Simultaneous Measurement of Relative CMRO2 with MRI and FMISO Uptake with PET in Glioblastoma
Simultaneous MR Angiography and Perfusion (MRAP): Application in Lower Extremity MRA and Skeletal Muscle Perfusion
Simultaneous MRI Acquisition of Both Knee Joints with Multitransmit Technology at 3T
The Simultaneous Multiple-Voxel Processing of MRI Data Using Bayesian Random Effects Modelling
Simultaneous Nulling of Fat and Viable Myocardium in Delayed Enhancement Imaging - A New Approach to Fat Suppression at 1.5 and 3 Tesla Employing Multiple SPAIR Pulses
Simultaneous Perfusion MRI and FET-PET
Simultaneous PET/MRI: Evaluation of Electromagnetic Interactions and
in Vivo
Imaging in 9.4 T MRI
Simultaneous Quantification of Fat Fraction and Fatty Acid Composition Using MRI
Simultaneous Quantification of the Arterial Input Function and Myocardial T1 in Small Animals Using Saturation Recovery Look-Locker
Simultaneous Single-Quantum and Triple-Quantum Filtered Sodium Images at 4T in Vivo
Simultaneous T1 and MR Temperature Monitoring in Case of Release of Gadoteridol from Thermosensitive Liposomes During HIFU Session
Simultaneous T
and T
Quantification Using Non-Continuous Balanced SSFP Look-Locker Imaging
, and
Mapping Using Partially RF-Spoiled Gradient Echo
and Lipid Quantitation Using IDEAL-CPMG
Simultaneous Up- And Downfield Spectroscopy Using SPECIAL at 7T
Simultaneous, Dynamic SPECT-MRI Demonstrated in Three Small-Animal Prototypes
Single & Multiple Mouse Imaging on a Clinical Scanner using Receiver Coil Arrays
Single Dose Large Anatomical Coverage Contrast-Enhanced Peripheral MRA Using a Novel Broadband Digital MR Architecture: Initial Experience
Single Element SAR Measurements in a Multi-Transmit System
Single Lobe Emphysema Induction in the Rat Lung Detected with Diffusion-Weighted 3He-MRI
A Single Magnet Fast Field-Cycling MRI System with Detection at 0.5T
Single Phase 3D Contrast-Enhanced Intracranial Magnetic Resonance Angiography with Undersampled SWIRLS Trajectory at 3T
Single- Versus Multipeak Modeling of Dixon Images to Determine the Fat Fraction in Patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Single Voxel MR Spectroscopy Data Quality and Metabolite Signature of the Isolated Amygdala
Single Voxel Spectroscopy in 5 Year Old Children Using an EPI VNav
Single-Acquisition Imaging of Hyperpolarized
Xe in the Gas and Dissolved Phases Using an Interleaved 3D-Radial Sequence
Single-Breathhold Three-Dimensional Cardiac Cine MRI with Retrospective Cardiac Gating Using High Acceleration Kat ARC (K- & Adaptive T- Autocalibrating Reconstruction for Cartesian Sampling)
Single-Scan T2* Measurements with Alternating Compensation Gradients for Linear Background Gradients
Single-Shot Cardiac MR Elastography
Single-Shot Diffusion-Weighted Spiral Imaging
Single-Shot Partial-Fourier Spiral Imaging
Single-Shot Spiral Based Bloch-Siegert B
Single-Shot Whole Brain Echo Volume Imaging for Temporally Resolved Physiological Signals in FMRI
Single-Shot, Frequency and Time Specific, 3D Imaging Method for Measuring Hyperpolarized 13C Biomarkers In-Vivo at 14.1 Tesla
Single-Signal Based Parallel Imaging Using Compressed Sensing
Single-Slice Mapping of Submillisecond
Using Spin Echo Prepared Ultra-Short Echo Time Imaging
Six Hours of Hyperglycemia and Hyperinsulinemia Affects Cardiac Function and Increase Myocardial Lipid Accumulation.
Six Is Enough? Examining the Controversy of 6 Versus 30 Diffusion Encoding Directions for Deterministic Tractography of Human Brain
Size and Shape Matter: Another Look at Tensor Statistics
Skeletal Muscle Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Human Forarm at 7T
Slice Ordering for Cardio-Respiratory Triggered Imaging of the Whole Liver in the Mouse
Slice with Non-Parallel Boundaries
Slice-By-Slice Grey Matter Optimised Z-Shimming for FMRI Applications
Slice-Direction SENSE: A Sensitive Acquisition Method for Detecting Neuronal Current MRI Signal Induced by Epilepsy
Slice-Specific Gradient Compensation of Magnetic Field Inhomogeneities to Improve T2*-Weighted Imaging of the Human Spinal Cord
A Sliding-Window Re-Acquisition Scheme for Multi-Shot, Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with 2D Navigator Correction
Slow Fluctuation BOLD Signal Component Analysis During Active Press Pain Stimulation in Fibromyalgia Patients
Small and Ultra-Small Nanoparticles of Manganese Oxide (SPMnO, USPMnO) for Positive Contrast in Cellular MRI
Small-Scale Phase and Magnitude Fluctuations in FMRI Time Series
SNR Improvement of a
C-Cryo-Coil in Comparison with Room-Temperature Coils
SNR-Optimized Accelerated Phase-Sensitive Dual-Acquisition Signle-Slab 3D Turbo Spin Echo Imaging
SNR-Optimized, Fast, and High-Resolution Mapping of Whole Brain Tissue Water Content
Sodium (
Na) MR Imaging at 7 T for the Evaluation of Repair Tissue Quality in Patients After Two Cartilage Repair Procedures
Sodium MR Imaging of Human Kidney Using a Dual-Tuned (23Na/1H) Body RF Coil at 3T: Quantitative Assessment of Sodium Concentration and Corticomedullary Gradient in Healthy Subjects
Sodium Relaxation Times in the Knee Joint in Vivo at 7T
Soft Tissue Pathology About the Hip
Software for Fully Automatic Quantification of Abdominal Fat with Manual Correction Option
A Software Tool for Semi-Automated Quantification of Pituitary Volumes
Song and Speech – Perception and Covert Production: New Findings Using Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis
The Source of the Early-Negative Blood Oxygenation Signal
Sources of Signal Fluctuations in Single-Shot 2D EPI and Segmented 3D EVI Acquisitions for FMRI at 7T
Sparse Parallel Transmit Excitation Trajectory Design for Rapid Inner-Volume Excitation
Sparsity Characterisation of the Diffusion Propagator
Spatial Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Tractography Depicts Local White Matter Changes
Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Evoked and Induced Neural and Vascular Responses Assessed with Simultaneous EEG-FMRI
Spatial Encoding Without Gradient Coils Using Field Perturbations from Susceptibility Markers
Spatial Field Monitoring Using Navigator Echoes
Spatial Modeling of PhMRI Data with a Functional Basis Set
Spatial Normalization of Cervical Cord 3D T1-Weighted Images and Regional Assessment of Cord Atrophy with a Voxel-Based Approach
Spatial Selection Through Multi-Coil Magnetic Field Shaping
Spatially Encoded Ultrafast 2D SECSY in Inhomogeneous Fields
Spatially Resolved Two-Dimensional T1-T2 Relaxometry in the Human Brain Using Inversion-Recovery Spin-Echo Measurements and NNLS
Spatially Selective PCASL with Parallel Excitation
Spatially Variable Rician Noise in DTI
A Spatial-Spectral Pulse Approach for Reduced FOV Excitation Using Second-Order Gradients
Spatiotemporal Denoising of MR Spectroscopic Imaging Data by Low-Rank Approximations
Spatio-Temporal Mapping of Interictal Epileptic Discharges Based on Mutual Information of Concurrent EEG and FMRI
A Spatiotemporal Signal Space Projection Method for Artifact Reduction in Simultaneous EEG-FMRI Acquisitions
Specific Targeting of EGF Receptor Expression with Monoclonal Antibody Conjugates in Human Gliomas Using MRI
Specificity and Stability of BOLD and CBV-Based Mapping Signals for High Resolution Functional Mapping at Sub-Millimeter Resolution
SPECT Validation of Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling MRI
Spectral Lineshape Reflects Microscopic Structure and Ordering
The Spectral Power of Brain Oscillations Predicts the Functions of Brain Networks
Spectrally Narrowed 1.5 KW Optical Pumping Laser for Large-Scale SEOP Production of Hyperpolarized Gases
Spectral-Spatial EPI Sequence with Frequency Correction for Dynamic 3D Imaging of Pre-Polarized 13C Metabolites
Spectral-Spatial Pulse Design with Spectral Decomposition
Spectroscopic Imaging of Cerebral Metabolism Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate and Multi-Echo Single-Shot RARE Sequence
Spectroscopic Imaging of Human Medial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy at 7T
Spectroscopic Imaging Using Concentrically Circular Echo-Planar Trajectories
Spectroscopic Water-Fat Quantification in Human Kidney at 3T
Spectroscopy of Prostate Cancer
Spin- And Gradient-Echo EPI for Imaging of Brain Perfusion with MRI
Spin Echo Hemodynamic Impulse Response at 7 T
Spin Echo Imaging
Spin Gymnastics II
Spinal Cord 1H-MR Spectroscopy in Patients After Brachial Plexus Root Re-Implantation
Spin-Echo and Gradient-Echo PWI CBF Vs. ASL CBF: An Initial Comparison.
Spin-Echo BOLD Temporal Dynamics in the Rat Superior Colliculus and Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
The Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Hyperpolarized 89Y Complexes
SPIO Quantification Using Inversion Recovery Prepared BSSFP for Targeted Molecular Imaging
Spiral DENSE with Short Breath Hold Duration
Spiral Imaging with View Angle Tilting for Application to Metal Artifact Correction
Spiral Water-Fat Imaging with Integrated Off-Resonance Correction on a Clinical Scanner
Spoiling Properties of the VAFI Method for Fast Simultaneous T1 and B1 Mapping from Actual Flip-Angle Imaging (AFI) and Variable Flip-Angle (VFA) Data.
Spontaneous FMRI Activity Reflects a Dynamic Image of Brain State
SpRING: Sparse Reconstruction of Images Using the Nullspace Method and GRAPPA
STAGES: Dynamic Shimming by Nonlinear Phase Preparation and K-Space Parcellation in Steady-State MRI
The Standard Deviation (Asd, Normalized Relative Anisotropy at 0 – 1 Scale) Detects Neurodegenerative White Matter Lesions Better Than the Fractional Anisotropy (FA)
Statistical Analysis of Apparent Fibre Density: Supra-Threshold Clustering Over Space and Orientation
Statistical Analysis of B1 Mapping Techniques
Statistical Comparison of DT-MRI Interpolation Methods Using Cardiac DT-MRI Data
A Statistical Framework for Biomarker Identification Using HR-MAS 2D NMR Spectroscopy
Statistical Model for Predicting MS Cortical Lesion Detection Rates Based on Lesion Size and MRI Contrast and Resolution
Steady-State B1 Mapping of Dynamically Changing RF Fields
Stenosis Flow: Comparison of a Generalized Navier-Stokes Model and Phase Contrast MRI
Stepped Impedance Resonators for High Field MRI
Stimulating Brain Tissue with Light - Resting State FMRI Analysis
Stimulus Entrained Dynamic Effective Connectivity Analysis of FMRI
Stimulus-Evoked Response in Cutaneous Veins as Measured by Whole Brain FMRI
Strategies for Fast 3D Volumetric Coverage Using Spatiotemporally-Encoded MRI
Strategies for Probing Metabolism
Strengthening of Thalamocortical Synapses at Layer IV in the Juvenile Whisker Barrel Measured by MRI and Electrophysiology
Stress During Gestation and Exposure to an Indirect Cannabinoid Agonist During Adolescence Alter Brain Metabolism in Mice
Stress MRI of Ligamentous Stabilizers in Acute and Chronic Acromioclavicular Joint Instabilities
Stroke Analysis by Means of Kurtosis Diffusion Imaging in In Vivo Animal Studies
Strong Regularization for Brain Myelin Water Quantification in T2 Relaxation MRI Obtained in 3.0 T
Structural and Functional Changes in Visual Pathways and Visual Cortex Associated with Visual Field Improvement After Therapy in a Case of Hemianopia
Structural Brain Differences Between Patients with Non Hepatic Liver Cirrhosis and HCV-Patients Without Liver Cirrhosis
Structural Differences Can Be Found Between MCI Converters and Non-Converters More Than 2 Years Prior to Conversion to AD
Structural Plasticity in Stroke Inferred by Probabilistic Tractography & MEG
Study Axonal Transport Rate and Neuronal Turnover Rate of the Olfactory System Using Novel MRI Anatomical Contrast Agent GdDOTA-CTB
Study of Acetyl Carnitine Kinetics in Skeletal Muscle
in Vivo
Using Hyperpolarized 1-
C Acetate
Study of Brain Activation in Small Animals Using PET/MR Imaging
Study of Chemical Exchange Effect on Water MR Frequency Shifts Using CEST
A Study of Effect of Compiling Method on Interregional Connectivity Maps of Brain Networks Via Diffusion Tractography
Study of Kidney SWI Under Oxygenation Variation After Water Uptake - Initial Results
The Study of Relationship Between ADC Value and Maximal Diameter of the Breast Cancer with Ki-67 Expression During Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Study on a 3T Head Coil: Channel Reduction from 32 to 24
Sub Millimiter Coregistration of Functional Maps Across Imaging Sessions
Subcellular Distribution of Mn in Neurons Assessed by Synchrotron X-Ray Microprobe
Subject Specific Respiratory Motion in Cardiac MR
Subject Tolerance for a Whole Body 7T Scanner
Subject-Specific AIF Optimizes Reproducibility of Perfusion Parameters in Longitudinal DSC-MRI in Comparison to Session and Population Level AIF
Na Imaging in Human Calf Skin at 7.0T
Sub-Millimeter Breast Imaging and Relaxivity Characterization at 7T
Subtle Physiologic Rate Differences Affect Group FMRI Studies
Sunitinib Induces Reductions in Tumor Vascular Permeability and Intra-Tumor Vascular Volume in Renal Cell Carcinoma
Super Stimulated-Echo Preparation for Hyperpolarized 13C Metabolic Imaging
Superbalanced Steady State Free Precession
Superoxide Dismutase Overexpression Improves FA and ADC in the Brains of a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Super-Resolution Track-Density Imaging Studies of Mouse Brain: Comparison to Histology
Superselective MR-Angiography Based on Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling and First Applications in AVM Patients
Supervised Multispectral Analysis of Breast Density in MRI
A Support Vector Machine Based Real-Time FMRI Communication Channel
Support Vector Machine Prediction of Ischemic Tissue Fate in Acute Stroke Imaging
Support Vector Machines Can Decode Speech Patterns from High Speed Dynamic Spiral FLASH Images of the Mouth
Suppressing Local Hot Spots in RF Coils and Shields Due to Gradient Eddy Currents
Suppression of Peritumoral Edema for Improved Demarcation of Brain Tumor Lesion with T
Over T
) Mapping
Suppression of Residual Noise and Artifact in Parallel Imaging by Iterative Noquist
Suppression of RF Heating Due to Intravascular Devices Using Non-Resonant In-Line Coaxial Choke Baluns
Surface Based Analysis of Diffusion Orientation for Identifying Architectonic Domains in the in Vivo Human Cortex
Surface Coils for Cardiac Imaging Using Hyperpolarized
C at 3 T
Surface Morphometry of Subcortical Structures in Premature Neonates
Surface, Edge & Voxel-Based Analyses
Surface-To-Volume Ratio with Oscillating Gradients
Surgical Ventricular Restoration Fails to Improve Regional Left Ventricular Shape in Terms of Curvedness
Susceptibility Contrast in Deep Brain Gray Matter Areas in Multiple Sclerosis Studied with 7T MRI
Susceptibility Mapping in Rat Deep Brain Structures Using UHF MRI
Susceptibility Mapping of Alzheimer Plaques at 7T
Susceptibility Mapping of Human Brain Reflects Spatial Variation in Tissue Composition
Susceptibility Mapping of the Substantia Nigra in Parkinson Patients at 7 T After One Year of Diagnosis and Treatment
Susceptibility Mapping: Computation of the Field Map Using Water-Fat Separation at 7T
Susceptibility Quantification in MRI Using Phase Gradient Mapping
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) of Cerebral Physiology of Non-Human Primate During Carbogen Inhalation
Susceptibility-Induced Increase in Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
Susceptibitliy Weighted Imaging of Tendons, Ligaments, Menisci and Cortical Bone Using UTE Sequences
SVD-Based Hardware Concept to Drive N Transmit Elements of a Phased Array Coil with M=N Channels for High Field MRI
SWAN Imaging Substantially Increases the Prevalence of Hemorrhage in the Wall of Brain Abscess -Its Implications in Clinical Interpretation
SWI Post Processing to Enhance Clinical Utility of Conventional 2D GRE in the Pediatric Neuroimaging
SWIFT Imaging of Osteochondral Repair in Equine Model with Correlation to µCT
A Swifter SWIFT Using Compressive Sensing
Symmetry Based Prostate Cancer Detection
Symmetry of Resting-State Functional Connectivity in FMRI: High Correlation Across Hemispheres Exists with or Without Callosal Connection
SyN Based Multimodal Investigation on a Small Cohort of Patients Affected with Amnesic Mild Cognitive Impairment
Synergistic Active and Passive Shimming to Optimize B
Field Homogeneity in Micro MR Imaging
Synthesis and Characterization of D-Glucuronic Acid Coated Dysprosium Oxide Nanoparticles for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Contrast Agent
Synthesis and Evaluation of PARACEST MRI Contrast Agents Containing an Amino Acid Arginine
Synthetic Signal Injection Using a Single RF Channel
System for Real-Time Cardiac MRI Gating, 12-Lead ECG Monitoring, and Non-Invasive Stroke Volume Estimation
Systematic Investigation and Correction of MR Influences on Simultaneous PET Measurements
T1 and T2* Responses to Hypercapnic and Hyperoxic Gases in Normal Tissue Are Independent of the Order of Gas Delivery
T1 Effect on BOLD and CBF Functionl Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Hyperoxic Challenge in Ischemic Stroke
T1 Intensity: An Indication of 1p 19q Deletion in Oligodendroglial Neoplasms
Mapping for Breast DCE-MRI Using Inversion Recovery TrueFISP: Assessment of Phantom and
in Vivo
Mapping: Methods and Challenges
T1 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Dispersion of Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Pyruvate
T1 Quantification in the Cartilage of the Knee with a Modified IR-FSE Technique
T1 Relaxation Changes of Bone and Lymph Node Lesions of Metastatic Prostate Cancer During 4 Cycles of Antiangiogenic Drug Therapy
Changes in the Human Brain During Respiratory Acidosis and Alkalosis
Imaging of Articular Cartilage After Implantation of Tibial Fracture Plate
T1? MRI as a Marker of Neurofibrillary Tangles in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
MRI of the Glenohumeral Joint Cartilage
, T
and ADC as Imaging Biomarkers for Tumor Treatment Response in Brain Tumors
T1-Nonlinearity Corrections for Fast Transmit-Array B
-Mapping of the Human Brain in the Small-Tip-Angle Regime
T1rho and Steady-State MRI: The Odd Couple
T1-Rho Dispersion in Human OA Cartilage Specimens Using HRMAS Spectroscopy at 11.7T
T1rho MRI of Menisci and Cartilage in Osteoarthritic Patients at 3T
Alterations in Ex Vivo Human Brains with Alzheimer's Disease Pathology
T2- And T2*-Weighted High-Resolution FMRI at 7T Using Non-Balanced SSFP
T2 Layering Pattern Changes in Primary Motor Cortex in the First Two Years of Life: A Study on Normal Children.
Mapping of the Mouse Heart Using Segmented MLEV Supercycle Preparation
T2 Relaxation Time as a Surrogate Marker of Liver Fibrosis
T2 Relaxation Time Reveals Early Cartilage Changes After One-Year and Two-Year Follow-Up in Subjects at Risk for Osteoarthritis: Data from Osteoarthritis Initiative
Relaxation Times in the Human Brain at 7 T
Relaxometry to Assess Inflammation and Fibrosis in an Acute and Chronic Murine Model of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
T2 Values of Breast Lymph Nodes at 1.5 T in Patients Pre and Post Subcutaneous Injection of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide - Initial Results from a Sentinel Node Negative Population
T2* and Phase Contrast in Marmoset Brain
T2* Measurements of 3.0 T MRI with Ultra-Short TE: Capabilities of Pulmonary Functional Assessment and Clinical Stage Classification in Smokers
T2* Modulation of Functional Connectivity Using a Multi-Echo Strategy
T2* Myelin Water Imaging with BmGESEPI for Macroscopic Field Inhomogeneity Compensation
T2*-Correction in DCE-MRI from Double Echo Acquisitions
T2*-Weighted Signal Change of Oxygen Challenge as a Potential Better Penumbra Estimation—A Transient Occlusion Study
T2, T1p, and Sodium MRI of Articular Cartilage in Patients with Osteoarthritis Treated with Arthritis Relief Plus Cream
T2/PD Weighted Water and Fat Seperation on Low-Field Scanner
Pitfalls Using Water as Internal Reference for Metabolite Quantification
T2-Prepared Segmented 3D-Gradient-Echo for Fast T2-Weighted High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Imaging of the Carotid Artery Wall at 3T: A Feasibility Study
T2-VBM Is More Sensitive to Alzheimer's Disease Pathology Than Conventional T1-VBM
T2-Weighted Imaging and Stimulated Echo Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome Calf Muscle
-Weighted-MRI and Dielectric Spectroscopy to Investigate Collagen Structure Behaviour During Cartilage Dehydration
T2-Weighting Enhancement Using Pseudo-Echoes Generated by Selective Adiabatic Refocusing Pulses in a CPMG Pulse Sequence
Tag MRI of the Liver as a New Method to Differentiate Normal Vs. Cirrhotic Livers
Tagging Efficiency Corrected Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling – a New Approach for Correction of Phase Tracking Errors
Tailoring RF Power Distribution for Body Torso MRI at 300MHz
A Target Field Approach to the Design of RF Phase-Gradient Coils
Targeted Coregistration of Abdominal DCE MRI
Targeted Iron Oxide Probes for Enhanced Macrophage Visualization by MRI and PET
Targeted Magnetoliposomes for Visualization of Hepatocytes
Targeted MnFe2O4-Erbitux-CyTE777 Nanoparticles Toward High EGFR Expressing Cancer Cells for in Vitro and in Vivo MR Imaging
Targeting Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) Using Pulsed Focused Ultrasound: Implications for Stem Cell Therapy
Targeting of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Activation with Gd-NBCB-TTDA-MMP-2 for Detection of Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaques Using a Novel Molecular MR Imaging in Vivo
Task Modulation of Intrinsic Low-Frequency Temporal Connectivity in the Brain Default Mode Network
TAT Conjugated MnO@PMAO for Molecular and Cellular MRI
TE-Averaged PRESS for Breast Spectroscopy - Increased Flexibility by Using Fractional NEX Averaging
Technical Advances for Breast Diffusion MR Imaging on Wide-Bore 3T Systems
Technical Considerations for the Clinical Application of DTI: A Physicist's Perspective
Technical Considerations for the Clinical Application of DTI: A Radiographer's Perspective
Technical Feasibility of Three-Station Time-Resolved Bolus Chase MRA
Techniques and Applications of Mouse Cardiac MRI for the Study of Heart Function and Failure.
TEM Cell for Calibration of an Electro-Optic E-Field Sensor in a Clinical Scanner
A Temperature Dependent Perfusion Rate Model for Simulating Temperature Evolution in Tissue for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MR-HIFU) Therapy: Initial Experience in a Pig Model
Temporal Acceleration in Hyperpolarization Imaging Using Image-Domain Compressed Sensing
Temporal Alterations in Brain Water Diffusivity in Acute Radiation Injury
Temporal and Extra-Temporal Perfusion Abnormality in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Revealed by Arterial Spin Labeling(ASL)-Based MRI
Temporal and Regional Changes of T2* in the Repaired Meniscus
Temporal Behavior of Diffusion Tensor Properties in Ex Vivo Human Brain Hemispheres
Temporal Evolution of Brain Metabolic Substrates Differs Among Major Anatomical Lobes During the First Months of Life in Human
Temporal Evolution of Cardiac Function in Mice with Myocardial Hypertrophy and Heart Failure
Temporal Evolution of the Irradiated Parotid Glands: Volume and ADC Value
Temporal Filtering Effects in Dynamic Parallel MRI: Comparing Radial and Cartesian Sampling
Temporal Water Mobility and Sodium Intensity Measurements in Penumbra and Core Tissue During Acute Stroke
Tendon & Enthesis Models
Tensor Based Morphometry of White Matter Tracts Using Fibre Orientation Distributions
Tensor Based Morphometry on the Tc1 Mouse Model of Down Syndrome Highlights Previously Undetected Phenotypes
Ten-Year Brain Atrophy Rate and Its Relevance to Disability in Multiple Sclerosis
Territorial Arterial Spin Labelling at 7T Using PICORE
Testing the Variability of Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI): Inter- And Intra-Site Comparison on “identical” 3T Scanners
Test-Retest and Inter-Reader Reliability of Hyperpolarized Helium-3 MRI in Patients with Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction
Test-Retest Reproducibility Assessment of CBF Measurements with 3D GRASE ASL at 1.5 T in Aged Population with Alzheimer’s Disease
Test-Retest Reproducibility of Whole-Body Fat Water Imaging at 3 Tesla Compared to DEXA
Textural Analysis of DCE-MRI of the Breast as a Predictor of Response
Texture Analysis of T1ρ Relaxation Times in Knee Osteoarthritis
Thalamic and Cortical Substrates of Large-Scale Neuronal Oscillations Assessed with Simultaneous EEG-FMRI
Thalamic and Subcortical GABA in Human Brain at 7T
Thalamic Microstructural Changes in Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease: A DT-MRI Study Before and After Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery.
Thalamo-Cortical Functional Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorders
A Theoretical Analysis of the Morphology Enabled Dipole Inversion (MEDI) Method: Using Anatomical Information to Improve the Calculation of Susceptibility
Theoretical and Experimental Efficiency and Optimization of Flip Angle Mapping Techniques
Theoretical Basis of Projection Based Shim Estimation
Theoretical Determination of the Dielectric Constant for Passive RF Shimming at High Field
Theoretical Signal-To-Noise Penalty in Parallel Ultra-Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Theranostic Imaging of Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Therapeutic Targeting of NG2 Proteoglycan with MAb and Pre-Armed NK Cells in Human GBM Evaluated with Dynamic Enhanced and Diffusion Weighted MRI in Rats
Thermal Ablative Lesions in Sheep’s Renal Cortex Using Respiratory Gated MRgHIFU: Spatial Accuracy and Complications
Thoracic DCE-MRI for Estimating Pharmacokinetic Parameters Using Diffusible Tracer
Three Dimensional Digital Polyhedral Phantom Framework with Analytical Fourier Transform and Application in Cardiac Imaging
Three Dimensional Imaging with Independent Slab Excitation and Encoding
Three Dimensional Non-Contrast MRA of the Lower Extremities Using Stepping Thin Slab Acquisition: Initial Experience in Healthy Subjects
Three Dimensional Restoration of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Weighted Images Based on Sparse Denoising
Three Dimensional Shear Wave Scattering MR Elastography.
Three Dimensional Spectroscopic Imaging in the Prostate with a Surface Combined Endorectal Coil at 7 Tesla
Three Dimensional T2prep Spiral Imaging with Efficient Brain Coverage for Myelin Water Quantification: Validation at 1.5 Tesla
Three-Dimensional (3D) Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging of Human Brain Tumors at 3T
Three-Dimensional Local-Look Spectroscopic Imaging of the Heart
Three-Dimensional Motion Analysis of Hepatic Tissue for Focal Spot Tracking Based on Portal Vain Structure
Three-Dimensional Myocardial Perfusion MRI with an Undersampled 3D Hybrid Radial Sequence
Three-Dimensional Principal Strain Patterns in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Three-Dimensional Stereotaxic Atlas of the Mozambique Tilapia (Oreochromis Mossambicus) Using High-Resolution MRI.
Three-Segment Center Point Trajectory Model for Segmental Motion Tracking of Myocardial Infarction
Three-Station MR Angiography with High-Resolution Steady-State Vascular Imaging Using Ferumoxytol
Threshold Criteria for Real Time RF Monitoring in 7T Parallel Transmit System
Threshold for Peripheral Nerve Stimulation with Ultra-Fast Gradients
Through-Plane Signal Loss Recovery and B1 Inhomogeneity Reduction in Vivo at 7T Using Parallel Transmission
Through-Time Spiral GRAPPA for Real-Time Cardiac Imaging
Tight Coupling of Resting-State BOLD Fluctuations with Intracortical DC Changes in Rat Somatosensory Cortex During Prolonged Medetomidine Sedation
Time Course of Diffusion Restriction in Neonates with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Treated with Hypothermia
Time Domain Modeling of MR Linear Balanced Duplexers Switched with Low Magnetic Moment PIN Diodes
Time Interleaved Acquisition of Modes (TIAMO): an Analysis of SAR and Image Contrast Implications
Time-Dependent Diffusion and Kurtosis as a Probe of Tissue Structure
Time-Dependent Wall Shear Stress Measurement in Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) Using Bi-Exponential Curve Fitting of Phase Contrast MR Angiography
Time-Efficient Slab Selective Water Excitation
Time-Evolution of Edema in Reperfused Acute Myocardial Infarction: Implications for Assesment of Area-At-Risk
Time-Frequency Analysis of in Vivo MRS of the Breast Improves Cancer Detection
Time-Interleaved Imaging of Arbitrary Scan Planes Applied to Real-Time Speech MRI
Time-Resolved 4D MRA Using TrueFISP Based Spin Tagging and Dynamic Golden Angle Radial Acquisition
Time-Resolved Angiography with a Highly Undersampled Multi-Echo 3D Radial Trajectory
Time-Resolved Calf-Foot Bolus Chase MRA with Sub-Millimeter Resolution and Real-Time Table Motion Triggering Using 3D MR Fluoroscopy
Time-Resolved Contrast-Enhanced Coronary Vessel Wall Imaging
Time-Resolved MR Angiography Pre-Catheter-Based Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation
Time-Resolved MRA with Data-Driven Parallel Imaging Using Calibration Over Multiple Time-Frames and Interleaved Variable Density Cartesian Acquisition
Time-Resolved Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Normal and Altered 3D Portal Venous Hemodynamics in Liver Cirrhosis Patients
The Time-To-Peak Hot Spot Volume as an Indicator of Lesion Malignancy in Breast Dynamic Contrast Enhanced-MRI
Timing of Anti-Angiogenic Therapy in Brain Tumors Using MRI Measures of Relative Cerebral Blood Volume and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
Tips for Advanced MRI Screening of Miceq
Tissue- And Magnetic Resonance-Based Metrics for Quantifying Hepatic Content: Implications for Validation Studies Using Tissue as the Reference Standard
Tissue Iron Detection & Quantification with MRI
Tissue Similarity Map of Perfusion Weighted MR Imaging in the Study of Multiple Sclerosis
Tissue-Based Intensity Standardization Technique: Application to the ADNI Multi-Centric Dataset
To Compare MR Spectroscopy at 3T with Tumor Type and Grading of Breast Cancers
TOF Angiography in the Human Brain at 7T Using 3D Parallel Excitation: Initial Results
Tonotopic Mapping in Inferior Colliculus Using BSSFP FMRI and Sweeping Frequency Auditory Stimulation
Topical Administration of Mn2+ for MEMRI May Not Enter Vitreous Space to Reach Retina
Total Atherosclerotic Burden by Whole Body Magnetic Resonance Angiography Predicts Future Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events
Total Proton Resonance Frequency Shift Coefficient in the Porcine Brain to Image Radiofrequency Heating in Ultra-High Field MRI
Total Sodium Brain Concentrations in Compartments of Patient with Multiple Sclerosis. a Preliminary in Vivo 23Na MRI Study
A Total Variation Spatial Prior for the Estimation of Perfusion and Transit Time Maps in PASL-MRI
Toward Non-Invasive Estimation of Portal Pressure Via MR Elastography
Towards a General Approach for Skeletal Muscle DTI Acquisition and Post-Processing
Towards a Tract-Based Atlas of Mouse Brain Maturation and Gender Differences
Towards an Imaging-Metric for Pre-Symptomatic Manifestations of ALS
Towards Automated Modelling of Maxillofacial Musculature
Towards Computationally Efficient Autocalibration for Accelerated MRI Using Compressed Sensing Parallel Imaging
Towards Dental MRI: Zero TE Imaging of Compromised Equine Teeth
Towards Direct Neuronal Current Imaging by Resonant Rabi Oscillation Mechanisms
Towards Improving Tumor Boundary Identification in Murine Models of Glioma Using Cerebral Blood Volume Maps
Towards Quantification of Tissue Sodium Concentration in Mice with Acute Myocardial Infarction
Towards Reliable Calibrated Transducers for MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound
Towards Repeatable ADC Mapping of the Liver: Some Guidance for Clinical Use
Towards Robust and Fast Vessel Extraction from MRA Images
Towards Standardization of Volumetric MRSI
Towards the "Baby Connectome": Mapping the Structural Connectivity of the Newborn Brain
Towards the Assessment of Intracellular Viscosity: Diffusion Spectroscopy at Ultra Short Diffusion Time in the Rat Brain
Towards Translation of MRI-Detectable Hydrogels for Cell Therapy and Tissue Regeneration
Towards Very High Net Acceleration Factors in Hyperpolarized
He Human Lung Parallel Imaging Using SPIRiT
Trabecular Bone Elastic Properties Depend on µMRI-Derived Measures of Bone Volume Fraction and Fabric
Tracer-Kinetic Model-Driven Registration Improves Data-Driven Tumour Sub-Segmentation of DCE-MRI Data
Track Density Imaging (TDI): Validation of Super-Resolution Property
Tracking Dynamic Resting-State Networks with High Temporal Resolution FMRI
Tracking Metastatic Tumor Cells in Lymphatics in Mice Xenograft Model by MR Imaging
Tracking of Neuroprogenitor Cells in Association with Traumatic Brain Injury
Tracking Rotational Orientation of Catheter Using Transmit Array System
Tracking the "DSC-Based Perfusion Abnormality" and Contrast Enhancing Lesion in Patients Newly Diagnosed with GBM Treated with Upfront Anti-VEGF Therapy
Tract-Based Spatial Statistics Investigation of the Effects of Hypothermic Therapy for Neonatal Encephalopathy in a South Indian Neonatal Unit
The Tractographic Propagation Angle: A Novel Tool to Detect Infarction and Characterize Myocardial Microstructure
“Tractometry” – Comprehensive Multi-Modal Quantitative Assessment of White Matter Along Specific Tracts
Training Shapes Cerebellum and Parieto-Frontal Network in Professional Badminton Players
Training-Related Cortical Thickness Changes
Transceiver Double Crossed Saddle for Rodents at 2T
Transient Decrease in Tumor PO
C-Pyruvate Injection
Transient Neural Plasticity in Human Motor Cortex
Transmit / Receive Single Echo Imaging
Transmit B1 Field Inhomogeneity and T1 Estimation Errors in Breast DCE MRI at 3T
Transmit K-Space Calibration Using Magnetic Field Probes
Transplantation of Marrow Stromal Cells Restores Cerebral Blood Flow and Reduces Cerebral Atrophy in Rats with Traumatic Brain Injury: In Vivo MRI Study
Transrectal MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsy: Evaluation of a Novel Robotic Technique
Transverse Relaxation Times of Strongly
-Coupled Metabolites with LASER and CP-LASER in the Rat Brain.
Transverse Relaxometry with Non-180° Refocusing Pulses
Trauma to the Spine & Spinal Cord
Traumatic Brain Injury: Abnormal Fractional Anisotropy in the Corpus Callosum and Its Association with Injury Severity.
Traveling Wave Mode Transformation in a Waveguide with High Dielectric Medium for Ultra High Field MRI
Travelling Wave Coil with Limited SAR
Treatment Effects of Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Gliomas on Tumor and Normal Appearing Cortical Gray Matter Assessed by Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion and 3D Volumetric Measurements
The Treatment Impact of Minocycline on Quantitative MRI in Acute Spinal Cord Injury
Treatment Response Assessment of a Novel Vascular-Disrupting Agent on Rabbit Tumor Model Using DCE-MRI
Treatment with the MEK Inhibitor U0126 Induces Increased Lactate Production in Prostate and Breast Cancer Cell Lines
Trends and Differences in DTI Metrics Across Ages and Spinal Cord Levels in Normal Children
Trifluoromisonidazole Detects Hypoxia - An
In Vivo
In Vitro
Multimodality Study
A Triple-Resonant Coil System for Inherently Co-Registered Proton-, Sodium- And Chloride-MRI at 9.4T
TRPV1-Mediated Entry of QX-314 Leads to Inhibition of Nociceptive Input as Measured by BOLD FMRI in Mice Using Thermal Stimulation
Tumor Angiogenesis and Vasculature MRI with Endogenous BOLD Effect
Tumor Diffusion and Metabolism in Head and Neck Cancer: Pretreatment Multimodality Imaging with DW-MRI and 18F-FDG PET
Tumor Induced Alterations in Hemodynamic Responses in BOLD FMRI: Implications in Presurgical Functional Brain Mapping
Tumor Phospholipid Metabolism
Tumor Response Assessment using CT & MRI: Current Clinical Practice
Tumor Response Assessment using the Advanced MRI Methods
Tunable Adjustable Inductive Decoupling (TAID) Board
Turbo Spin Echo Bloch Siegert Shift B
Turbo-Flash Based Arterial Spin Labeling at 7T
Two Degree-Of-Freedom (DOF) MRI-Compatible Motion Generation System for MRI Motion Compensated Algorithms Evaluation
Two Dynamic Studies in One MR Examination: Three Alternative Combinations of Different Dynamic Studies
Two New-Discovered Functional Networks of Resting Brains
Two Non-Linear Parametric Models of Enhancement for Breast DCE-MRI That Can Be Fitted Using Linear Least Squares
Two Pools of Inorganic Phosphate in Canine Model of DMD Caracterized by Magnetization Transfer
Two-Dimensional Mapping of Triglyceride and Creatine Content of the Human Heart
Two-Dimensional Phase Cycled Reconstruction for Inherent Correction of EPI Nyquist Artifacts
Two-Fold Phase Encoded SENSE Acceleration with a Single-Channel Coil
Two-Point Dixon Imaging with Flexible Echo Times and a Region Growing-Based Postprocessing Algorithm
Two-Pool Compartmental Modeling of Balanced SSFP and CEST
Two-Tensor Residual Bootstrapping on Classified Tensor Morphologies
Types of Stress MR Imaging
UDP-GlcNAc and UDP-GalNAc, as Detected by 1H MRS, Increase in the Early Phase of Cisplatin –induced Cell Death in Brain Tumour Cells
Ultimate Intrinsic Signal-To-Noise Ratio of the Human Head at 9.4T
Ultra Fast Volumetric Functional Imaging Using Single Shot Concentric Shells Trajectories
Ultra High Field Magnetic Resonance Microimaging in Zebrafish Model of Cystic Leukoencephalopathy
Ultra High Resolution 3D Microangiography of the Rat Ocular Circulation at 11.7 T
Ultra High Resolution Functional MRI and Electrophysiology of the Rat Primary Somatosensory Cortex
Ultra High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Liver Imaging Using a New View Ordering Scheme and a 2-Point Dixon Acquisition
Ultra High-Resolution 3D Anatomical MRI of the Ex Vivo Retina at 10x10x14µm
Ultra Short Echo Time Imaging Using Pointwise Encoding Time Reduction with Radial Acquisition (PETRA)
Ultra-Fast Acquisition of High-Resolution Susceptibility-Weighted-Imaging at 3T
Ultra-Fast Calculation of SAR-Induced Temperature Increase
Ultrafast Dynamic Imaging of the Breast at Diagnostic Spatial Resolution Using TWIST
Ultra-Fast FMRI of Human Visual Cortex Using Echo-Shifted Magnetic Resonance Inverse Imaging
Ultrafast High-Resolution
-Resolved Spectroscopy in Inhomogeneous Fields
Ultrafast Imaging
Ultrahigh Field Body Transmit Arrays Using Non-Resonance Method: A Feasibility Study
Ultra-High Resolution Atlas-Based Segmentation of GPi for Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease
Ultra-High Resolution UTE Imaging on Human Knee at 3T
Ultra-Low-Field MRI System for Hybrid MEG-MRI
Ultra-Short Echo Time
H Imaging of Gadolinium-Free Perfluoro-Carbon Nanoparticles: A Robust Method for in Vivo Angiogenesis Imaging
Ultra-Short Echo Time Balanced SSFP for Highly Sensitive Detection and Quantification of Multi-Resonant
F Imaging Agents for Targeted Molecular MRI
Ultrashort Echo Time MRI for Quantification of Tendon Disease in Spondyloarthritis.
Ultrashort TE Spectroscopic Imaging (UTESI): an Efficient Technique for Free and Bound Water Quantification
Ultrashort Time-To-Echo MRI of the Cartilagenous Endplate and Relationship to Degenerative Disc Disease and Schmorl's Nodes
Ultrasound/MR Hybrid Imaging: Truly Simultaneous Motion Monitoring in the Abdomen and Image Co-Registration
Ultrasound-Transparent RF Coil Design for Improved MR Thermometry of HIFU Therapy
Undersampled MRI Reconstruction Using Edge-Weighted ?
Norm Minimization
Undersampled MRSI K-Space for Spectra with Limited Support
Understanding Evolution of Neurocysticercosis Through Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Understanding of the Existing and Future Medical Procedures with MR Scanners: A Novel Tool for Estimation of Occupational Exposure
Understanding the Effects of Oriented Susceptibility Inclusions on the Phase and Magnitude of Gradient Echo Signals
Understanding the FMRI Response to Thermal Stimuli in the Human Spinal Cord
Understanding the Principles and the Challenges of Intravoxel Voxel Incoherent Motion MRI
Unenhanced Four Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Angiography: Preliminary Experience in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disorders
A Unified Framework for SNR Comparisons of Four Array Image Combination Methods
A Unilateral Rf Coil for MR-Scintimammography
A Universal Sampling Scheme for the Method of Slopes (MoS) Allows for Rapid Simultaneous B1 and T1 Mapping in 2D
Universal Score of Structural Abnormality in Alzheimer's Disease
A Universal Timing Strategy for Moving Table Peripheral MRA
Use of a Non-Fixed Brain Tissue Sample to Examine the Effect of White Matter Orientation to the Magnetic Field on MRI Signals
Use of an Individually Measured Hematocrit in DCE-MRI Studies
Use of Animal Models: Pharmaceutical Perspective
Use of Animal Models: The CRO Perspective
The Use of Cellular MRI to Study the Role of Cancer Stem Cells in Metastasis Development in Vivo
Use of Endothelial Progenitor Cells as Gene Carrier and Multimodal Imaging Probes
The Use of High-Resolution MRI to Evaluate Brain Injury in Newborn Mouse.
Use of Independent Component Analysis to Define Regions of Interest for FMRI Studies
The Use of Iteratively Reweighted Least Square (IRLS) in the Calculation of Tissue Susceptibility
Use of Oxygen Challenge to Assess Myocardial Oxygenation: A Potential Tool to Image Oxygen Metabolism.
Use of Probabilistic Diffusion Tractography to Improve Visualization in Skeletal Muscle Tractography
Use of Simulated Annealing for the Design of Fat-Suppressed Multiple Repetition Time Balanced SSFP
Use of the Noise Covariance Matrix in Array Coil Quality Assurance
Use of the Relationship Between Phase and Magnetic Susceptibility for Assessment of Assumed Contrast Agent Distributions in Vivo: Application to ?R2* Maps in Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI
Use of Volumetric MRI to Characterize Treatment Effect and Phenotype in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Tau Pathology
Using a Mean DSI Dataset and Targeted ROIs Can Increase the Specificity and Reproducibility of Manual Tractography in DSI.
Using DCE-MRI Data to Constrain and Simplify PET Kinetic Modeling
Using DTI to Assess the Effect of Obesity and Physical Activity on Muscle Quality in Elderly Women
Using In-Vivo MRI to Study Learning Induced Brain Plasticity in Adult Mice Trained on a Spatial Maze.
Using Long Echo Times in Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in the Vastus Lateralis Muscle
Using MR-Measured Cerebral Blood Flow to Assess Stroke Risk in Pediatric Sickle Cell Patients
Using Multi-Parametric Quantitative MRI to Model Myelin in the Brain
Using Paired Tissue and Serum Samples to Characterize Human Lung Cancer Metabolomics with Ex Vivo 1H HRMAS MRS.
Using RF to Create Nonlinear Virtual Coil Profiles
Using Spatio-Temporal Field Monitoring for Iterative Higher Order DSU Pre-Emphasis Calibration
Using Statistical Fiber Anatomy in Combination with Electromagnetic Field Simulation in Deep Brain Stimulation for Improved Characterization of Specific Target Areas in Tremor and Parkinson’s Disease Patients
Using Structural MRI and DTI to Map Plastic Changes in the Mouse Brain Resulting from Deep Brain Stimulation
Using Surface Connectivity Atlases to Measure Striato-Cortical "disconnection Rate" in Huntington Disease
USPIO High Resolution Neurovascular Imaging of Rat Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Stroke Model
USPIO-Enhanced ?R2* MR-Relaxometry for In-Vivo Monitoring of Fracture Healing
USPIOs Quantification in Brain Mice 2D MR Images by Default Field Deconvolution
Uterine Appearance and Uterine Peristalsis During Lactation on MR Imaging
Uterine Fibroids: Quantitative Assessment of Baseline T
, ADC and Microvascular Properties with T
UTILE – a Fast Combined UTE-DIXON Four Class Attenuation Correction Technique for PET/MR
Utility of Cardiac Gating for Pulmonary Perfusion MRI
Utility of Non-Model Based ‘Semi-Quantitative’ Indices Derived from Dynamic Contrast Enhanced T1-Weighted MR Perfusion in Differentiating Treatment Induced Necrosis from Recurrent Progressive Brain Tumor.
Utility of Pre-Treatment MR Derived Vascular, Shape and Texture Parameters in the Prediction of Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in a Cohort of Breast Cancer Patients
Utility of T2-Weighted Anatomical Images for FMRI Physiological Noise Visualization
Validation and Comparison of Patient-Specific SAR Models
Validation of 4D Velocity Mapping Using 5-Point PC-VIPR for Blood Flow Quantification in the Thoracic Aorta and Main Pulmonary Artery.
Validation of a Simple Anatomical Classification Method of the Circle of Willis: A MR Angiographical and Selective Arterial Spin Labeling MRI Study at 3 Tesla
Validation of DC Self-Navigation for Breath-Hold Period Identification in Contrast-Enhanced 3D Radial Liver Perfusion Imaging
Validation of Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Cortical Anisotropy by Means of a Histological Stain for Myelin
Validation of DTI-Tractography-Based Measures of Primary Motor Area Cortical Connectivity
Validation of Fast Dynamic SPAMM Tagged MRI Based Measurement of Non-Linear 3D Soft Tissue Deformation
Validation of Hyperpolarized
Helium MRI in Probing Regional Ventilation: A Quantitative Assessment Against MDCT Based Local Air Volume Changes (AVC)
Validation of Imaging Biomarkers of Steatosis in Ob/ob Mice with Multiple SPIO Injections
Validation of Neurite Remodeling After TBI Using MRI and Histopathology
Validation of Nonrigid Registration for Cardiac Cine MR Time Series
Validation of Reduced Fractional Anisotropy Measures in the Substantia Nigra of Parkinson's Patients Using DAT Imaging
Validation of Susceptibility-Based Models with Field Map Measurements in the Breast
Validation of Ventilation- And Perfusion-Weighted Fourier Decomposition MRI with Hyperpolarized
He-MRI and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in an Animal Experiment
Validation with DCE-CT Proves That the DCE-MRI Phase Signal Can Be Used for Robust Measurement of the Arterial Input Function (AIF) in the Iliac Arteries
Validity of the Noncentral Chi Model in Multiple-Coil Systems with Noise Correlations
The Value of 3D ETHRIVE in the Diagnosis of Early Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Hand at 3T
Value of Combined 3T Multiparametric MR Imaging and MR Guided Biopsy in Patient Selection for Active Surveillance Within the PRIAS Study: Initial Results of the MRPRIAS Study, a Prospective Multicenter Study.
Value of Semi-Quantitative Analysis of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI for Diagnosing Staging of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, and Comparison with PET-CT
Valvular Disease
Variability of Model-Based Blood Volume Correction and Vessel Permeability Estimation in Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI: A Computer Simulation Study
Variable Flip Angle Single-Slab 3D GRASE with Phase-Independent Image Reconstruction
Variable Gradient Delay Correction for Spiral MRI
Variable Velocity Encoding of 4D Phase-Contrast Sequences to Improve Blood Flow Visualizations
Variable-Flip Angle 3D-Turbo Spin Echo Imaging Utilizing Spiral Acquisitions
The Variable-Order Fractional Fourier Transform: A New Tool for Efficient Reconstruction of Images Encoded by Linear and Quadratic Gradients with Reduced Sensitivity to Calibration Errors
Variable-Resolution Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Breast MRI Acquisition
Variation in GFR Estimates Derived from DCE-MRI Renography Studies in the Presence of Reduced Signal to Noise Ratio
A Variational Approach to Image Registration in DCE-MRI of Human Kidney
A Variational Approach to Susceptibility Estimation That Is Insensitive to B0 Inhomogeneity
Variations in Myocardial T1 with Cardiac Cycle at 1.5T
Varying Resting-State Brain Activity in the "default-Mode Network" in Post-Stroke Aphasia
Vascular Stabilization with Angiopoitin-1 Improves Outcome in Experimental Spinal Cord Injury
Vascular-Space-Occupancy (VASO) MRI in Human Brain at 7T
VEGFR2 Expression in C6 and RG2 Glioma Models Using Molecular MRI
Velocity Selective Arterial Spin Labeling Using an Inversion Pulse Train
Velocity-Encoded MRI for Assessment of Pulmonary Arterial Stiffness: Comparison of Techniques
Venous Vessel Size MRI in the Human Brain Using Transient Hyperoxia
Ventilation Dependent Blood Volume in Fourier Decomposition 1H Lung Imaging
Ventilation Strategy to Minimize the Effect of Residual Gas Volume on ADC in Rat Lungs
Ventricular Tachycardia
Verification of Metabolite Peak Change During Chondrogenesis of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Using Proton NMR
Versatile Higher-Order Reconstruction Accelerated by a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
Versatile Volume Coil Implementation Using a Constellation Coil
Vertical Loop Decoupling Method for Gapped Phased-Array Coils
VeSPA: Integrated Applications for RF Pulse Design, Spectral Simulation and MRS Data Analysis
Vessel Function
View Angle Tilting in Echo Planar Imaging for Distortion Correction
Virtual Dye Angiography: Using Endogenous Contrast to Visualize Blood Flow in MRI-Guided Interventional Procedures
Virtual Template Registration for DCE-MRI Renography
Virtually Independent Gaussian Channel Nulling (VIPGen) Image Reconstruction for Functional Magnetic Resonance Inverse Imaging (FMRInI)
Visceral Fat Saturation Is Positively Correlated with Liver Fat Content
The Visual Ventral Stream in Posterior Cortical Atrophy
A Visual, Interactive Introduction to Basic and Advanced Magnetic Resonance Techniques
Visualization and Quantification of Intestinal Transit and Motor Function by Real-Time Tracking of 19F Labeled Capsules in Humans
Visualization of Posterior Fossa High-Resolution Anatomy in the Infant Brain Using Tract Density Imaging
Visualization of the Orientational Structure of the Human Stria of Gennari with High-Resolution DWI
Visualization Platform for Real-Time, MRI-Guided Cardiac Interventions
Visualizing Collagen I Fiber Architecture in Human Breast Tumor Specimens Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Visualizing Small Intra-Cranial Arteries Using TOF with Compressed Sensing
Volume Localization Using Adiabatic Inversion Pulses in FAIR Imaging
Volume Reduction of Subcortical Grey Matter After Death
Volume Selective MRS of the Liver for Determination of Hepatic Lipids – Is There a Need for Cardiac And/or Respiratory Triggering?
Volume Shrinkage, Perfusion and Diffusion Alterations of Irradiated Parotid Glands
Volumetric Chemical Shift Imaging with Low Power Adiabatic Pulses and Fast Spiral Readouts
Volumetric Local SAR Mapping for Parallel Transmission
Volumetric MRgHIFU Rapid Ablation: In Vivo Demonstration of Non-Parametric Automatic Temperature Control
Volumetric Whole-Heart Three-Directional Tissue Phase Mapping of the Heart at 3T
Voxel Based Analysis of Motor Neurone Disease Using Apparent Fibre Density
Voxel-Based Analysis of High- And Standard B-Value Diffusion Weighted Imaging, and Voxel Based Morphometry, in Alzheimer Disease
Voxel-Based Morphometric Analysis of Fiber Tract Volume of Corpus Callosum Using Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping and Diffusion Spectrum Tractography
Voxel-Based Morphometry in Assessing a Rat Model of Impulsivity: Agreement with Targeted Western Blot Analysis
Voxel-Based Morphometry Reveals Localised Cerebral Atrophy in a Mouse Lemur Model of Aging
Voxel-Based Morphometry Using DARTEL in the Mouse Reveals Differential Impact of Early and Late Prenatal Inflammation on Adult Brain.
Voxel-Based T2 Relaxometry in Prion Disease
Voxel-Wise Assessment of White Matter Architecture Integrity in Patients with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Voxel-Wise Assessment of WM Architecture Integrity in MS Patients with Different Clinical Phenotypes
Voxel-Wise FMRI Group Analysis Using Fractional Volume of Gray Matter as a Covariant
Voxel-Wise Histogram Analysis of Tractography Streamline Length for Assessing Brain Injury
Voxel-Wise Quantitative Assessment of Myocardial Perfusion: A Comparison of Four Different Deconvolution Algorithms Using Real Flow Values
Wanted Dead or Alive? the Tradeoff Between In-Vivo Versus Ex-Vivo MR Brain Imaging in the Mouse.
WASSR Imaging of avß3 Targeted USPIO at 2.35T on U87 Mice Tumors : Feasibility Study
WASSR Imaging of Iron Oxide Particles at 2.35 and 7T
Water Chemical Shift Differences Detected in Childhood Brain Tumours May Indicate Temperature Variations and Fast Exchange Effects
Water Fat Opposed Phase (WFOP) Sequence Is a Robust Fat Suppression Technique Under the Presence of B0 Inhomogeneity in Abdominal MRI at 3.0 T.
Water/Fat Resolved Whole-Heart Imaging for Coronary MRA
Water-Independent Frequency- And Phase-Corrected Spectroscopic Averaging Using Cross-Correlation and Singular Value Decomposition
Water-Metabolite Hydroxyl Proton Exchange Studied Using Spin-Locking and Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Approaches
Water-Soluble MnO Nanocolloid for a Molecular T1 MR Imaging: A Facile One-Pot Synthesis, in Vivo T1 MR Images, and Account for Relaxivities
Wave-CAIPIRHINA: A Method for Reducing G-Factors in Highly Accelerated 3D Acquisitions
Wavelet Analysis of the Small-World Human Brain Functional Network in Adolescents Prenatally Exposed to Cocaine
Wavelet Denoising of First-Pass Perfusion: Impact on Visual Assessment.
A Wavelet Fusion Approach to the Reconstruction of Isotropic-Resolution MR Images from Anisotropic Orthogonal Scans
What Can Coils Do?
What is an RF Coil?
What Is Magnetic Resonance?
What Is the Component That Appears in Diffusion-Weighted Imaging at Low B Values?
What Is the Minimum Time Resolution Required for DCE-MRI Kinetic Analysis with Kety Model Using Single- And Dual-Temporal-Resolution Techniques?
What is the Physiological Basis of Functional Connectivity & What Can It Tell Us?
What Is the Role of Pulmonary MRA in This "Medical Radiation Sensitized" Era?
Which to Choose for Volumetry: MPRAGE or SPACE?
White Matter Alterations in Euthymic Bipolar I Disorder, a DTI Voxel-Based Analysis
White Matter Attenuation Sequence Optimization at 7T with Applications in Multiple Sclerosis and Epilepsy
White Matter Biomarker from DTI for Children with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP)
White Matter Cerebral Blood Flow Is Inversely Correlated with Structural and Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain
White Matter Cerebral Blood Flow Measurement in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease Using an Arterial Spin Labeling Method
White Matter Differences Between Bilinguals and Monolinguals Revealed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)
White Matter Fiber Orientation Mapping Based on T2* Anisotropy
White Matter Network Abnormalities Are Associated with Cognitive Decline in Chronic Epilepsy
White Matter Quantification in a Model of Schizophrenia Mice Using Microscopic Diffusion Tensor Imaging
White Matter Reorganization and Functional Recovery Following Stroke in Adult Rat
White Matter Track Integrity Is Not Impaired by Electroconvulsive Therapy
White-Matter Tract-Based Atlas of the Chimpanzee Brain
Who Said Fat Is Bad? Skull-Stripping Benefits from Additional Fat Image.
Whole Body DWI: Does It Have a Role in Oncology?
Whole Body MRI; Improve Lesion Detection and Characterization with Diffusion Weighted Techniques
Whole Body PET-MRI Scanner: First Experience in Oncology
Whole Brain 3D Spiral Imaging for Multi-Component T2 Relaxometry of Multiple Sclerosis in 10 Minutes: A Feasibility Study at 3 Tesla
Whole Brain High Resolution T2w 3D TSE at 7Tesla with a Tissue Specific Non Linear Refocus Pulse Angle Sweep; Initial Results.
Whole Brain MRE with Guided Pressure Waves
Whole Brain Quantification of Arterial Transit Time and Perfusion Using Multi-Slice Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labelling
Whole Brain Segmented Echo-Volumar-Imaging Increases FMRI Sensitivity Compared to Multi-Slice Echo-Planar-Imaging
Whole Heart 4D Hemodynamics in Patients with Transposition of the Great Arteries After Switch Procedure
Whole Heart Flow-Sensitive 4D MRI in Patients After Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot
Whole Liver 31P Metabolite Mapping with 3D CSI
Whole-Body MR-Imaging Allows to Differentiate Indolent from Aggressive Systemic Mastocytosis
Whole-Brain Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion MR Imaging in Patients with Acute Stroke
Whole-Brain CBF Measurements Using DCE-MRI and 3D K-T PCA
Whole-Brain Oxygen Extraction Fraction Is Decreased in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
Whole-Brain Proton MRSI Data Analysis Using a Corticospinal Tract Atlas in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Whole-Brain Voxel-Based Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging (SWI) Analysis: Normal Cortical and Subcortical Values, and Preliminary Results in Post-Traumatic Epilepsy
Whole-Brain, Multi-Shot, Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Humans at 7T with 1 Mm Isotropic Resolution
Whole-Heart Coronary MRA Using 2D Self-Navigation
Wide Frequency Range Shear Modulus Dispersion of Soft Tissue Samples Measured by Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Wide Variations in Cellular-Interstitial Water Exchange Rates Are Within the Experimental Uncertainty of AIF Variations in Their Effect on Uptake Curve Shapes for DCE-MRI Modelling
Within Digit Somatotopy of the Human Somatosensory Cortex Using FMRI at 7T
Workflow Integrated Interactive Realtime Radial Flow Measurement with Dynamic VENC Adjustment for Accurate Peak Velocity Estimation
Working Memory Impairment in Fibromyalgia Patients : FMRI Study
Xenon Hyperpolarized by the Dissolution-DNP Method
XFM-Guided Approach to Intrapericardial Delivery of Cardiac Therapeutics
X-PROP: A Fast and Robust Diffusion-Weighted PROPELLER Technique
C Surface Coil at 7T for High-Sensitivity Subcutaneous Lipid MRS
Zonal and Age-Related Differences of Prostate Spectra at 3 T
Zoom Accelerated Quadruple Inversion Recovery Imaging for Fibrous Cap Visualization in the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
't Hart, Ellen
A. Carpenter, T.
Aagaard-Kienitz, Beverly
Aal-Braij, Raghad
Aalto, Anne
Aarabi, Bizhan
Aartsma-Rus, Annemieke
Abate, M
Abaza, Ronney
Abbas, Abeera
Abbas, Kamel
Abbas, Zaheer
Abbona, Pablo
Abbott, David
Abboud, Salim
Abd-Elmoniem, Khaled
Abdel-Rahman, Eihab
Abduljalil, Amir
Abdullah, Osama
Abdullah Zadeh, Zahra
Abdurrachim, Desiree
Abe, Hiroyuki
Abe, Mitsushi
Abe, Osamu
Abe, Toshi
Abecassis, Michael
Abed, Jessy
Abel, Ted
Abela, George
Abendschein, Dana
Abi-Dargham, Anissa
Abolmaali, Nasreddin
Abosch, Aviva
Abou Elseoud, Ahmed
Abou-Khalil, Bassel
Aboulhosn, Jamil
Abourokbah, Nesreen
Aboussouan, Eric
Abraham, M.
Abraham, Theodore
Abrahamson, Eric
Abramovitch, Rinat
Abramowski, Dorothee
Abramson, Steven
Abramson, Vandana
Absil, Julie
Absinta, Martina
Acella, Dennis
Acevedo-Bolton, Gabriel
Achten, Eric
Achtnichts, Lutz
Ackerman, Daniel
Ackerman, Jerome
Ackerman, Joseph
Ackerstaff, Ellen
Ackley, Elena
Acosta, Milena
Acosta, Oscar
Acosta-Cabronero, Julio
Acou, Marjan
Adalsteinsson, Elfar
Adam, Gerhard
Adam-Neumair, Silvia
Adams, David
Adamson, Christopher
Addley, Helen
Addy, Nii
Adesman, Andrew
Adinoff, Bryon
Adler, Jeremy
Adluru, Ganesh
Adluru, Nagesh
Admiraal-Behloul, Faiza
Adolphs, Ralph
Adriany, Gregor
Adsay, N
Aebischer, Patrick
Afacan, Onur
Aganj, Iman
Agarwal, Harsh
Agarwal, Na
Agarwal, Nikita
Agarwal, Vikas
Agarwal, Vinita
Aggarwal, Manisha
Aggarwal, Shivani
Aghi, Manish
Agner, Shannon
Agni, Rashmi
Agosta, Federica
Agrawal, Garima
Agrawal, Mukta
Aguilar, Cynthia
Aguilar, Eduardo J
Aguor, Eissa
Aguzzi, Adriano
Ah-See, Mei-Lin
Ahearn, Trevor
Ahlström, Håkan
Ahmad, Afshan
Ahmad, Anwar
Ahmed, Arfan
Ahmed, Asia
Ahmed, Hassaan
Ahmed, S
Ahmedzai, Sam
Ahn, Jaimo
Ahn, Sinyeob
Ahonen, Antti
Ahrens, Eric
Ahrens, Tobias
Ai, Hua
Aida, Noriko
Aime, Silvio
Airaksinen, Antti
Aithal, Guru
Aizenstein, Orna
Aja-Fernandez, Santiago
Ajilore, Olusola
Ajit Kumar, VK
Ajraoui, Salma
Akahane, Masaaki
Akcakaya, Mehmet
Akçakaya, Mehmet
Akcakaya *, Mehmet
Akcakaya*, Mehmet
Akens, Margarete
Akgun, Can
Akin, Burak
Akin, Oguz
Akkerman, Erik
Akoum, Nazem
Aksenov, Daniil
Akslen, Lars
Aksoy, Murat
Aktan, Ozan
Akter, Masuma
Al saleh, Habib
Al Subaie, Fahd
Al-Angari, Haitham
Al-Gizawiy, Mona
Al-Shawi, Raya
Al-Sukhni, Wigdan
Aladl, Usaf
Alagappan, Vijay
Alagappan, Vijayanand
Alanko, Sarianna
Alberici, Antonella
Albers, Greg
Albers, Gregory
Albert, Juliane
Albert, Marilyn
Albert, MD, Timothy
Albert, Mitchell
Alberti, Chiara
Alberti, Diego
Alberti, Paola
Alberts, Eveline
Alberts, Jay
Albiin, Nils
Albouy, Lucas
Albrecht, Jessica
Albuquerque, Miguel
Aldenkamp, Albert
Aldosary, Abdullah
Alecci, Marcello
Alejski, Andrew
Aleman, David
Aleong, Rosanne
Alexander, Alton
Alexander, Andrew
Alexander, Daniel
Alexander, Henry
Alexiuk, Mark
Alf, Malte
Alford, Jamu
Algarín, Jose
Alger, Jeffry
Algin, Oktay
Ali, Ayyaz
Ali, Meser
Ali, Shazia
Alia, Alia
Alicata, Daniel
Aliu, Sheye
Alizai, Hamza
Aljabar, Paul
Alkherayf, Fahad
Allain, Baptiste
Allan, Thomas
Allard, Michèle
Allen, Brian
Allen, Danny
Allen, David
Allen, J
Allen, Peter
Allers, Mats
Alley, Marcus
Allison, Kimberly
Allison, Michael
Allouche, Abdul-Rahman
Allsop, Joanna
Almehdar, Abeer
Almeida, G
Almer, Sven
Almoustadi, Waiel
Alon, Gadi
Alon, Leeor
Alonso, Angelika
Alperin, Noam
Alsop, David
Alt, Stefan
Altbach, Maria
Altes, Talissa
Altieri, Saverio
Altinay, Murat
Alvarez, Beatriz
Alvarez, James
Alvarez, Ruben
Aly Saad Aly, Mohamed
Amado, Luciano
Amadon, Alexis
Amann, Michael
Amano, Akira
Amano, Yasuo
Amant, Frederic
Ambale Venkatesh, Bharath
Amini, Amir
Amirbekian, Bagrat
Amjad, Arslan
Amrami, Kimberly
Amrhein, Timothy
Amtul, Zareen
An, Hongyu
An, Jing
An, Li
Anaby, Debbie
Anand, Bharti
Anavekar, Nandan
Anazodo, U
Anbeek, Petronella
Anblagan, Devasuda
Ancora, Gina
Andersen, Linda
Anderson, Adam
Anderson, Amy
Anderson, Carolyn
Anderson, Daniel
Anderson, Gillian
Anderson, Jeff
Anderson, Kevan
Anderson, Peter
Anderson, Robert
Anderson, Stephan
Anderson, Tim
Anderson III, Ashley
Andersson, Anders
Andersson, Jesper
Andersson-Engels, Stefan
Anderwald, Christian
Andia, Marcelo
Andrade, Alexandre
Andre, Jalal
Andreas, Martin
Andreisek, Gustav
Andreou, Adrian
Andrews-Shigaki, Brian
Andreychenko, Anna
Andriantsimiavona, Rado
Andrieux, Annie
Andronesi, Ovidiu
Ang, Jooern
Angelos, Lisa
Angelsen, Anders
Annamalai, Lakshmanan
Annarao, Sanjay
Annighoefer, Bjoern
Anno, Hirofumi
Ansar, Saema
Ansari, Sameer
Ansell, Stephen
Ansorge, Richard
Anthony, Daniel
Anthony, Marina-Portia
Anti, Sandra
Antic, Tatjana
Antiga, Luca
Antkowiak, Patrick
Antuono, Piero
Anwander, Alfred
Anxionnat, René
Anzidei, Michele
Aoki, Ichio
Aoki, Shigeki
Aoki, Takatoshi
Aoyama, Nobukazu
Apidianakis, Georgios
Apidianakis, Yiorgos
Apreleva, Sofia
Apreleva, Sonia
Aquaro, Giovanni
Arabasz, Grae
Arai, Andrew
Arai, Andrew E.
Arai, Hirotoshi
Arai, Nobuyuki
Araki, Tetsurou
Arani, Arvin
Araoz, Philip
Araoz, Phillip
Arasu, Vignesh
Arbab, Ali
Arbab, Syed
Archetti, Silvana
Ardekani, Siamak
Ardemagni, Andreana
Ardenkjaer-Larsen, Jan
Ardenkjaer-Larsen, Jan Henrik
Arellano, Cesar
Arena, Claudio
Arends, Jann
Arendt, Elizabeth
Arens, Raanan
Arfanakis, Konstantinos
Argiles, Josep
Arguiri, Evguenia
Arhakis, Konstantinos
Arheart, Kris
Arias, Paula
Arias-Mendoza, Fernando
Aribisala, Benjamin
Arichi, Tomoki
Arienzo, Donatello
Arifin, Dian
Aristizábal, Orlando
Aristizabal, Sara
Arita, Hideyuki
Arlinghaus, Lori
Armour, Michael
Armstead, William
Armstrong, Brian
Arndt, Susan
Arnelo, Urban
Arnold, Douglas
Arnold, Patrik
Arnold, Raoul
Arnold, Sheeba
Arnoldi, Andreas
Arnts, Henk
Arolt, Volker
Aronowitz, Eric
Arora, Rakesh
Arpinar, Volkan
Arribas, Cesar
Arrieta, Cristobal
Arrigoni, Filippo
Arrondo, Gonzalo
Arslan, Fatih
Arteaga, Catalina
Arteaga de Castro, Catalina
Artemov, Dmitri
Arthurs, Owen
Arts, Rob
Artz, Nathan
Artzi, Moran
Arujuna, Aruna
Arús, Carles
Arvanitis, Costas
Arvanitis, Theodoros
Asad, A-B-M-A
Asahi, Koichi
Asayama, Yoshiki
Asbach, Patrick
Aschauer, Manuela
Ascioti, Claudio
Asghar Butt, Sadia
Ash, Tom
Ashcroft, Margaret
Ashikaga, Ryuuishirou
Ashrafian, Houman
Ashtari, Manzar
Asklund, Thomas
Aslan, Sina
Aso, Toshihiko
Assaf, Yaniv
Asselbergh, Bob
Asselin, Marie Claude
Assinck, Peggy
Assländer, Jakob
Astary, Garrett
Astor, Brad
Atalar, Ergin
Atanasova, Iliyana
Atherton, Helen
Atkins, Harold
Atkins, Michael
Atkins, Stella
Atkinson, David
Atkinson, Ian
Atlas, Scott
Attal, Yohan
Attariwala, Rajpaul
Attenberger, Ulrike
Atterbury, Marie
Atthe, Bharath
Attygalle, Ayoma
Atuegwu, Nkiruka
Au, Christopher
Au, D
Aubert-Frécon, Monique
Auboiroux, Vincent
Aubry, Jean-Francois
Auchus, Alexander
Auchus, Richard
Audenaert, Kurt
Audoin, Bertrand
Auer, Dorothee
Auerbach, Eddie
Auerbach, Edward
Auerbach, Edwards
Aufhaus, Eva
Augustin, Michael
Auh, Sungyoung
Aunio, Antti
Auranen, Toni
Aussenhofer, Sebastian
Avants, Brian
Avdievich, Nikolai
Avery, Ryan
Avestimehr, Amir
Avison, Malcolm
Avni, Reut
Avoni, Patrizia
Avram, Alex
Avram, Alexandru
Avram, Liat
Avti, Pramod
awashti, rishi
Awasthi, Ashish
Awasthi, Rishi
Axel, Leon
Axelrod, Jonathan
Axmann, Roland
Ayache, Nicholas
Ayala-Soriano, say
Aychek, Tegest
Ayer, M
Azadbakht, Hojjatollah
Azene, Nicole
Aznárez-Sanado, Maite
Azzabou, Noura
Baadh, Amanjit
Baaijens, Frank
Baar¨¦, William
Baba, Akemichi
Babajani-Feremi, Abbas
Babajani-Fermi, Abbas
Babb, James
Babcock, Evelyn
Babin, Anna
Babsky, Andriy
Bach, Michael
Bach Cuadra, Meritxell
Bachert, Peter
Bachoo, Robert
Backes, Walter
Badano, Aldo
Bader, Dan
Badilita, Vlad
Bae, Kyongtae
Bae, Kyongtae Ty
Bae, Seong-In
Bae, Won
Baek, Hyeon-Man
Baek, Hyeonman
Baek, Kwangyeol
Baer, Peter
Baer, Thomas
Baeumer, Philipp
Bagci, Ahmet
Bagga, Puneet
Baghani, Ali
Bagher-Ebadian, Hassan
Bagnato, Francesca
Bagnoli, Marina
Bagshaw, Andrew
Bahamon, Brittany
Bahnson, Robert
Bahri, Shadfar
Bai, Feng
Bai, Ye
Bai, Yuhan
Baig, Asad
Baik, Fred
Bail, Hermann
Bailey, Colleen
Bailey, Damian
Baillet, Sylvain
Bainbridge, Alan
Bains, Lauren
Bajcsy, Ruzena
Baker, Amanda
Baker, Jennifer
Baker, Lauren
Baker, Philip
Baker, Phillip
Baker, Wesley
Bakermans, A
Bakker, Chris
Bakst, Jonathan
Balakrishnan, Asha
Balasubramanian, Mukund
Balchandani, Priti
Baldeweg, Torsten
Baldoli, Cristina
Balédent, Olivier
Bales, Kelly
Baligand, Celine
Ball, Daniel
Ball, Gareth
Ball, Vicky
Balla, David
Ballesteros, Paloma
Ballon, Douglas
Balls, Gregory
Ballweg, Verena
Balschi, James
Balter, Meyer
Baltes, Christof
Baltzer, Pascal
Balu, Niranjan
Bamber, Jeffrey
Bammer, Roland
Bancroft, Laura W.
Bandettini, Peter
Bandettini, W
Bandettini, W Patricia
Banerjee, Debabrata
Banerjee, Jaideep
Banerjee, Suchandrima
Banerji, Anita
Bangaru, Soraja
Bangerter, Neal
Bangma, Chris
Banks, Tina
Bankson, James
Bankstahl, Jens
Bankstahl, Marion
Bannier, Elise
Bansal, Navin
Bao, Lijun
Bao, Shanglian
Baquero, Miquel
Bar-Shir, Amnon
Bar-Shira, Anat
Bar-Yosef, Omer
Barakat, Nadia
Baran, Matthew
Barapatre, Nirav
Baratta, Michael
Barazany, Daniel
Barbara, Thomas
Barbe, Brent
Barber, Anita
BARBIER, Emmanuel
Barbier, Emmanuel Luc
Barbiroli, Bruno
Barboni, Piero
Barbot, Julien
Barck, Kai
Bard, Céline
Barentsz, Jelle
Barera, Graziano
Bargon, Joachim
Barison, Andrea
Barjat, Hervé
Barker, Alex
Barker, Gareth
Barker, Peter
Barker, Peter B.
Barkhof, Frederik
Barkovich, A
Barkovich, A.
Barmet, Christoph
Barmpoutis, Angelos
Barnes, Gareth
Barnes, Josephine
Barnes, Lisa
Barnes, Patrick
Barnes, Samuel
Barnes, Stephanie
Baron, Corey
Baron, Paul
Barr, Tomoe
Barral, Joelle
Barral, Joëlle
Barrios-Alvarez, Fernando
Barrows, Robert
Barry, Jennifer
Barry, Robert
Bartelle, Benjamin
Bartels, L
Bartels, Lambertus
Bartels, Wilbert
Barth, Markus
Bartha, Rob
Bartha, Robert
Bartoli, Michel
Bartolomeo, Paolo
Bartolozzi, Maria
Barton, D
Barton, Elizabeth
Barton, Kenneth
Bartosic, Anne
Bartsch, Andreas
Barucca, Paolo
Barulic, A.
Barulic, Amy
Barysheva, Marina
Barzany, Daniel
Basha, Tamer
Basha*, Tamer
Bashir, Adil
Bashir, Mustafa
Bashirullah, Rizwan
Basile, Barbara
Basse-Luesebrink, Thomas
Basse-Lüsebrink, Thomas
Basser, Peter
Bassi, Andrea
Bastiaansen, Jessica
Bastianello, Stefano
Bastiani, Matteo
Bastin, Mark
Batchelor, philip
Batchelor, Tracy
Batel, Michael
Bathen, Tone
Batinic-Haberle, Ines
Batista, Leonardo
Battaglini, Marco
Bauer, Elisabeth
Bauer, Michael
Bauer, Simon
Bauer, Wolfgang
Bauer, Wolfgang R.
Baulch, Janet
Baum, Thomas
Bauman, Grzegorz
Baumann, Fusun
Baumann, Martin
Baumann, Sandra
Baumann, Tobias
Baumgartner, Richard
Baur-Melnyk, Andrea
Baurain, Jean-Francois
Baxan, Nicoleta
Baxter, Leslie
Baxter, Lewis
Bayley, Andrew
Bayly, Philip
Bayram, Ersin
Beal, Kathryn
Beall, Erik
Bearer, Elaine
Beatty, Philip
Beaubien, Jacquie
Beauchamp, Norman
Beaudoin, Gilles
Beaulieu, Christian
Beaupre, Gary
Beauvieux, M.
Becerra, Lino
Bechara, Bernard
Beck, Barbara
Beck, Gabriele
Beck, Gabrielle
Beck, Johannes
Beck, Veronika
Becker, Christoph
Becker, Christoph D
Becker, Minerva
Becker, Sabine
Beckmann, Christian
Beckmann, Nicolau
Beddy, Peter
Bedekar, Devyani
Bednarek, Nathalie
Bedocs, Peter
Beech, John
Beeman, Scott
Beer, Tomasz
Beerbaum, Philipp
Beetz, Nadine
Befera, Nicholas
Befroy, Douglas
Behar, Kevin
Behari, Anu
Behari, Madhuri
Behari, Sanjay
Behpour, Amir
Behr, Matthias
Behr, Volker
Behseta, Babak
Belfort De Aguiar, Renata
Beling, Mark
Belka, George
Belkind, Noam
Belknap, Steven
Bell, Jamie
Bell, Laura
Bell, Leanne
Bellec, Jesse
Bellec, Pierre
Bellgowan, Pat
Bellgowan, Patrick
Belli, Paolo
Belliveau, John
Bellnier, David
Bello, Lorenzo
Belloch, Vicente
Bellomi, Massimo
Bells, Sonya
Beloeil, Jean-Claude
Beltran, Luis
Ben Achour, Nidhal
Ben Amitay, Shani
Ben Assayag, Einor
Ben Bashat, Dafna
Ben Bashat D, Dafna
Ben-Amitay, Shani
Ben-Eliezer, Noam
Ben-Haim, Simona
Benali, Habib
Benatar, Michael
Bencardino, Jenny
Bendahan, David
Bender, Benjamin
Bender, Jacob
Benders, Manon
Bendszus, Martin
Bendtfield, Kerstin
Bengtsson, Ewert
Benítez, Ania
Benitez, Ania
Benjamin, Compton
Benner, Thomas
Bennett, David
Bennett, Kevin
Bennewitz, Margaret
Benoist, Christophe
Benoit, Michael
Benoit-Cattin, Hugues
Bensalah, Mourad
Benson, Randall
Benstein, Judith
Bentourkia, M'Hamed
Berber, Yasmina
Beresford, Mark
Berg, Daniela
Berger, Francois
Berger, Kenneth
Berger, Mitchel
Berger, Moritz
Berger, Rachelle
Berglund, Johan
Bergquist, Annika
Bériault, Silvain
Berker, Yannick
Berkova, Zuzana
Berlin, Heather
Berlin, Jacob
Berlow, Yosef
Berman, Brian
Berman, Jeffrey
Berman, Marc
Berman, Nancy
Bermel, Robert
Bernard, Monique
Bernard, Segun
Bernardeschi, Ilaria
Bernardi, Giulio
Bernardi, Valentina
Bernarding, Johannes
Bernardo, Marcelino
Bernardo, Marcelino L.
Bernet, Vera
Bernier, Michaël
Bernsen, Monique
Bernstein, A
Bernstein, Matt
Berrios-Otero, Cesar
Berthel, Dominik
Berthet, Carole
Bertilsson, Helena
Bertoldo, Alessandra
Bertone, Alicia
Bertora, Franco
Bertora, Leonardo
Bertram, Henriette
Bertram, John
Bertrand, Anne
Berwick, Jason
Besier, Thor
Besle, Julien
Best, Holger
Bettegowda, Chetan
Betz, Josh
Betz, Randal
Beuf, Olivier
Bevan, Peter
Beyea, Steven
Beyers, Ronald
Bezabeh, Tedros
Bhagat, Yusuf
Bhandari, Santosh
Bharadwaj, Vikas
Bharti, Santosh
Bharwani, Nishat
Bhasin, Ashu
Bhat, Himanshu
Bhatia, Nitin
Bhatia, Rohit
Bhatia, Vivek
Bhatt, Rupal
Bhatta, Rajesh
Bhattacharya, Manisha
Bhattacharya, Pratip
Bhatti, Lavezza
Bhavsar, Payal
Bhjuwalla, Zaver M
Bhonsle Somu, Hemanth
Bhuiyan, Parvez
Bhujwalla, Zaver
Bhujwalla, Zaver M
Bi, Feng
Bi, Xiaoming
Biagi, Laura
Bian, Wei
Bianchini, Diletta
Bianciardi, Marta
Biassou, Nadia
Biber, Stephan
Bidinosti, Christopher
Biederer, Sven
Biedermann, Sarah
Bierbrauer, Jeff
Bieri, Michael
Bieri, Oliver
Bierings, Marc
Biessels, Geert
Biessels, Geert-Jan
Biet, Thorsten
Biffar, Andreas
Biglands, John
Bigler, Don
Bihan, Denis
Bilchick, Kenneth
Bilgic, Berkin
Bilgin, Ali
Billeci, Lucia
Biller, Armin
Billich, Christan
Billich, Christian
Billings, Catherine
Billups, Catherine
Bilo, Henk
Bilston, Lynne
Bini, Jason
Binser, Tobias
Biondi, Tommaso
Birbeck, Gretchen
Bird, Joe
Biris, Octavia
Biris, Octavian
Birley-Saebo, Karen C.
Birn, Rasmus
Bischof, Felix
Bish, Larry
Bishop, Cecily
Bishop, James
Bishop, Jonathan
Bishop, Jonathon
Bishop, Phillip
Bisi, Gianni
Bismuth, Jean
Biswal, Bharat
Biswas, Labonny
Biswas, Reni
Biswas, Sanchita
Bitner, Brittany
Bito, Yoshitaka
Biton, Inbal
Bitton, Rachel
Bittoun, Jacques
Bitz, Andreas
Bitzer, Lucas
Bizzo, Bernardo
Bjornerud, Atle
Bjørnerud, Atle
Black, Aaron
Black, Richard
Blackband, Stephen
Blackledge, Matthew
Blackshaw, P
Blaimer, Martin
Blair, Lindsay
Blair, Tiffany
Blakeley, Jaishri
Blamire, Andrew
Blanch, Antonia
Blancho, Sophie
Blandino, Anita
Blanke, Philipp
Blasberg, Ronald
Blasi, Valeria
Blau, James
Blauer, Josh
Blauer, Joshua
Blazejewska, Anna
Bleeker, Egbert
Bleys, Ronald
Blink, Evert
Bloch, B
Bloch, B.
Bloch, B. Nicolas
Bloch, Gilles
Block, Kai
Block, Tobias
Block, Walter
Block, Walter F.
Blockley, Nicholas
Blot, Stephane
Bloy, Luke
Bluemink, Johanna
Bluemke, David
Bluestein, Katharine
Blum, Kathrin
Blume, U
Blume, Ulrike
Blumenfeld, Hal
Blumenthal, Colin
Blumgart, Leslie
Blumhagen, Jan
Bluml, Stefan
Blüher, Matthias
Blystad, I.
Boada, Fernando
Boardman, James
Boas, David
Boch, Anne-Laure
Bock, Andrew
Bock, Jelena
Bock, Michael
Bock, Nicholas
Bockhorst, Kurt
Boczkowski, Jorge
Bodde, Nynke
Bode, Christoph
Bodhey, Narendra
Bodurka, Jerzy
Boe, Shaun
Boegle, Rainer
Boeker, Heinz
Boelens, Rolf
Boer, Vincent
Boerger, Gary
Boernert, Peter
Boesch, Chris
Boesiger, Peter
Boettcher, Uwe
Boetzl, Sebastian
Boffa, Cinzia
Bofin, Anna
Bogdanov, Alexei
Bogdanov, Jr., Alexei
Bogner, Wolfgang
Bohic, Sylvain
Bohndiek, Sarah
Bohraus, Yvette
Bohte, Anneloes
Boi, Tommaso
Bok, Robert
Bokhary, Ujala
Bokkers, R
Bokkers, Reinoud
Bolan, Patrick
Boland, Giles
Bolar, Div
Boldt, Julian
Boll, Daniel
Bollheimer, Cornelius
Bolliger, Christine
Bolster, Bradley
Bolster, Jr., Bradley
Bomans, P
Bomers, Joyce
Bommerich, Ute
Bonanno, Gabriele
Bonassar, Lawrence
Boncyk, Christina
Bondesson, Eva
Bonekamp, David
Bonello, Luke
Bonet-Palau, Isidro
Bonetto, Fernando
Bonmassar, Giorgio
Bontus, Claas
Booker, Oscar
Bookwalter, Candice
Boon, Paul
Boonyasirinant, Thananya
Boots-Sprenger, Sandra
Boraiah, Sreevathsa
Borbon, Ivan
Borceto, Alice
Borden, Mark
Boretius, Susann
Borg, Jette
Borga, Magnus
Borgert, Jörn
Borisch, Eric
Bornstedt, Axel
Bornstein, Natan
Borra, Ronald
Borradori-Tolsa, Cristina
Borri, Marco
Borrie, Michael
Borroni, Barbara
Borroni, Paola
Borsook, David
Borthakur, Ari
Bortolotti, Murielle
Bortolussi, Silva
Bos, Clemens
Bosch, Maurice
Bose, Prodip
Bosma, Rachael
Bosomtwi, Asamoah
Boss, Andreas
Bosshard, Simone
Botnar, Rene
Botnar, René
Botnar, René M.
Bottan, Simone
Bottomley, Paul
Bou-Reslan, Hani
Boubertakh, Redha
Boudreau, Mathieu
Bouffet, Eric
Bouix, Sylvain
Boulanger, Yvan
Boulant, Nicolas
Boulet, Thomas
Bouley, Donna
Boult, Jessica
Bouman, Charles
Boumezbeur, Fawzi
Bourgeat, Pierrick
Bourne, Gabriela
Bourne, Gabriella
Bourne, James
Bourne, Roger
Bourrigault, Marie-Laure
Boussel, Loic
Boutry, Sebastien
Bouts, Mark
Bouvard, Sandrine
Bouvier, Julien
BOUZAT, Pierre
Bouzerar, Roger
Bouzin, Caroline
Bowden, David
Bowen, Chris
Bower, Mike
Bowlby, Mark
Bowles, Robby
Bowtell, Richard
Box, Gary
Box, Hayden
Boy, Frederic
Boyd, Christopher
Boyd, Roslyn
Boyden, Edward
Boyer, Laurent
Boylan, Colm
Boyle, Gerard
Boyle, Roger
Bozzali, Marco
Bracher, Anna-Katinka
Brachetti, Giulia
Brachtel, Elena
Bradbury, Michelle
Bradford, Robert
Bradica, Gino
Brage, Soren
Brama, Pieter
Branca, Rosa
Branch, Craig
Brand, Matthias
Brandal, Petter
Brandeis, Daniel
Brandejsky, Vaclav
Branecky, Carolyn
Braren, Rickmer
Bratasz, Anna
Brau, Anja
Braun, Hillary
Braun, Juergen
Braun, Jürgen
Braun, Kees
Bredella, Miriam A.
Bredies, Kristian
Breedlove, Evan
Breeuwer, M.
Breeuwer, Marcel
Brefczynski-Lewis, Julie
Brekenfeld, Caspar
Brekken, Christian
Bremer, Christoph
Bremer, Juliane
Brenes, Louis
Brenner, Daniel
Brenner, Gary
Brentrup, Angela
Bresler, Yoram
Breton, Elodie
Bretschi, Maren
Bretthorst, G
Breuer, Christopher Breuer
Breuer, Felix
Brew, Bruce
Brey, William
Breynaert, Christine
Briere, Marie-Eve
Briggs, Richard
Bright, Molly
Briley-Saebo, Karen
Brill, Paula
Brindle, Kevin
Brindle, Kevin M.
Brinegar, Cornelius
Brion, Véronique
Brismar, Torkel
Brisset, Jean-Christophe
Bristow, Claire
Bristow, Robert
Brittain, Jean
Brittain, Jean H.
Brix, Lau
Broadbent, David
Broadhouse, Kathryn
Broche, Lionel
Brock, Kristy
Brodkin, Edward
Brodsky, Ethan
Brody, David
Broersen, Laus
Brogren, Jacob
Broniscer, Alberto
Bronner-Fraser, Marianne
Brookeman, James
Brookes, Matthew
Brooks, Dana
Brooks, William
Broser, Philip
Brote, Irina
Brotman, David
Brown, Andrew
Brown, Arthur
Brown, Dawson
Brown, Duncan
Brown, Greg
Brown, Mark
Brown, Peter
Brown, Robert
Brown, Ryan
Brown, Stephen
Brown, Truman
Browndyke, Jeff
Browne, Jacinta
Brubakk, Alf
Bruce, Richard
Bruehl, Ruediger
Brugger, Peter
Brummer, Marijn
Brun, Caroline
Brun*, Caroline
Brundel, Manon
Brune, Kay
Brunecker, Peter
Brunetto, Andre
Brunner, Alexander
Brunner, David
Brunnquell, Katrin
Bruno, Mary
Brunott, Anne
Bruvold, Morten
Bryant, Henry
Bryant, Nathan
Brylka, Doug
Bryn, Steve
Brynolfsson, Patrik
Brzeski, Michael
Brändli-Baiocco, Anna
Bubrick, Ellen
Bucci, Monica
Bucci, Monique
Buchanan, Kathryn
Buchbinder, Bradley
Buchenau, Stefanie
Buchenberg, Waltraud
Buchthal, Steven
Buciuc, Razvan
Buck, Wayne
Buckley, David
Buckley, Erin Buckley
Buckner, Randy
Budde, Juliane
Budde, Matthew
Buechert, Martin
Buehler, Tania
Buehrer, Martin
Buerger, Christian
Bugg, George
Buhl, Niels
Buhner, David
Buist, Richard
Bukshpun, Polina
Buljubasich, Lisandro
Bulte, Daniel
Bulte, Jeff
Bultman, Eric
Bulumulla, Selaka
Bun, Soksithikun
Bunce, Scott
Bunck, Alexander
Bungert, Andreas
Bunke, Jürgen
Buntkowsky, Gerd
Buonaccorsi, Giovanni
Buonocore, Michael
Buonocore, Valeria
Burakiewicz, Jedrzej
Burdet, Etienne
Burdick, Katherine
Burdo, Tricia
Bureau, Yves
Burg, Jan
Burger, Ian
Burgman, Paul
Burgmer, Markus
Burgon, Nathan
Burke, Mark
Burks, Scott
Burmeister, Hartmut
Burnett, Carole
Burrell, Jake
Burson, Katrina
Burstein, Rami
Busch, Julia
Busch, Martin
Buss, Claudia
Busse, Harald
Busse, Reed
Butala, Neha
Butler, James
Butler, John
Butler, Lisa
Butman, John
Butowski, Nicholas
Butson, Christopher
Butt, Sadia
Buttakote, Petai
Butts Pauly, Kim
Butts-Pauly, Kim
Buxton, Richard
Büchert, Martin
Bücker, Arno
Bydder, Graeme
Bydder, Graeme M.
Bydder, Mark
Byerly, Amy
Bürk, Jonas
Büttner, Roland
Bächler, Pablo
Bähr, Oliver
Bäuerle, Tobias
Börnert, Peter
Bösiger, Peter
Caan, Matthan
Caballero, Sergio
Caballero Gaudes, Cesar
Cabinio, Monia
Cabot, Eugenia
Cachia, Elaine
Cacquevel, Matthias
Cadman, Robert
Cady, Ernest
Caffarra, Paolo
Caffo, Brian
Cahill, L.
Cai, Congbo
Cai, Jing
Cai, Kejia
Cai, Quan-Yu
Cai, Shuhui
Cai, Yu
Caia, George
Caillibotte, Georges
Cain, Donna
Cain, John
Calabrese, Massimiliano
Calamante, Fernando
Calcagnini, Giovanni
Calcagno, Claudia
Caldarelli, Guido
Caldeira, Liliana
Calderon, Paul
Calderon, Pedro
Calderoni, Sara
Calhoun, Donna
Calhoun, Vince
Calixto Bejarano, Fabian
Callaghan, Michael
Callan, Daniel
Callot, Virginie
CALMON, Guillaume
Caltagirone, Carlo
Camarasu, Sorina
Cameron, Ian
Cametti, Cesare
Cammoun, Leila
Campanelli, James
Campbell, Adrienne
Campbell, Bruce
Campbell, Frederick
Campbell, Jennifer
Campbell, Thomas
Canese, Rossella
Canevari, Silvana
Cani, Patrice
Cannet, Catherine
Cannon, Dara
Canton, Gador
Cantu, Robert
Canu, Elisa
Cao, Guang
Cao, Haihui
Cao, Hengyi
Cao, Maria Dung
Cao, Peng
Cao, Tim
Cao, Z
Cao, Zhipeng
Caouette, David
Capacchione, John
Capala, Jacek
Caparelli, Elisabeth
Capasso, Robson
Capellari, Sabina
Capener, David
Cappa, Stefano
Caprihan, Arvind
Caprioli, Daniele
Capuani, Silvia
Caputo, Domenico
Caramelle, Philippe
Carano, Richard
Caravan, Peter
Carballido-Gamio, Julio
Carbillet, Fanny
Carbonell, Felix
Carbray, JoAnn
Card, Dallas
Cardenas, Damon
Cardenas, Julio
Cardenas-Blanco, Arturo
Cardinale, Antonio
Cardona, Ramon
Carelli, Valerio
Carew, John
Carias, Marc
Carillo, Mario
Carinci, Flavio
Carl, Michael
Carley, William
Carlier, Pierre
Carlin, Sean
Carlos, Ruth C.
Carlsen, Deanna
Carlson, Paul
Carlton, Michelle
Carluccio, Giuseppe
Carman, Teresa
Carmichael, David
Carmody, Thomas
Carney, Patrick
Carney, Paul
Caroli, Anna
Carp, Stefan
Carpenter, Adrian
Carpenter, David
Carpenter, Jeffrey
Carpenter, Philip
Carpenter, T
Carr, Andrew
Carr, Carolyn
Carr, James
Carr, James C.
Carrel, Aaron
Carrera, Carla
Carrero-Gonzalez, Laura
Carrette, Evelien
Carrick, David
Carrino, John
Carroll, Timothy
Carswell, Chris
Carter, Cameron
Carter, Jori
Carter, Kirstine
Carter, Stephen
Cartocci, Gaia
Caruthers, Shelton
Caruyer, Emmanuel
Carver, David
Casaceli, Giuseppe
casali, valeria
Casanova, Michele
Casanova, Ramon
Casarotto, Silvia
Cascio, Carissa
Caserta, Maria
Casey, Helen
Cash, Diana
Casha, Steve
Caskey, Charles
Caso, Francesca
Cassidy, Ryan
Casteel, Rebba
Castellano, Antonella
Castellano, Isabel
Castellanos, Francisco
Castellaro, Marco
Castellon, Steven
Castiglione, Emme
Castillo, Mauricio
Castrilla, Nicholas
Castro, Maria
Catalano, Carlo
Catallo, Nadia
Catana, Ciprian
Catane, Raphael
Catani, Marco
Catanzaro, Valeria
Cates, Gordon
Cates, Joshua
Cattin, Philippe
Catton, Charles
Caulfield, Dennis
Cauteren, Marc
Cavallo Marincola, Beatrice
Cavassila, Sophie
Caverly, Robert
Caverzasi, Eduardo
Cazaux, Sandrine
Cebulla, Jana
Cecchetti, Serena
Cecelja, Marina
Cechetto, David
Ceci, Chiara
Cedersund, Gunnar
Celda, Bernardo
Celicanin, Zarko
Celik, A.
Celik, Avdo
Celik, Haydar
Cera, Nicoletta
Cerami, Chiara
Cercignani, Mara
Cerda-Nicolas, Miguel
Cerdan, Sebastian
Cerdán, Sebastian
Cereda, Maurizio
Cerilles, Michelle
Cerini, Carlo
Cerri, Gabriella
Ceschin, Rafael
Cespuglio, Raymond
Cetin, Mustafa
Cha, Soonmee
Chaarani, Bader
Chabardes, Stephan
Chacko, Vadappuram
Chadwick, Martin
Chaffee, Kathleen
Chahboune, Halima
Chai, Jyh-Wen
Chai, Xiaoyu
Chaigneau, Marion
Chak, C
Chakraborty, Santanu
Chakravarthy, A. Bapsi
Chakravarty, M
Chakravarty, M.
Chalak, Lina
Chamberlain, Ryan
Chambers, Ann
Chambers, Christopher
Champagne, Kirk
Chan, Anthony
Chan, Frandics
Chan, Frandics P.
Chan, Henry
Chan, Jenny
Chan, Ka
Chan, Ka-Yue
Chan, Kannie
Chan, Kevin
Chan, Queenie
Chan, Rachel
Chan, Sheng-Chieh
Chan, Si-Wa
Chan, Siwa
Chan, Suk-tak
Chan, Tao
Chandarana, Hersh
Chandra, Saurav
Chandran, Prasant
Chandrasekaran, Manigandan
Chang, Anthony
Chang, Audrey
Chang, Belinda
Chang, C.
Chang, Catherine
Chang, Catie
Chang, Chein-I
Chang, Chen
Chang, Chia-Hao
Chang, Chin-Chen
Chang, Ching-hua
Chang, Daniel
Chang, Gregory
Chang, Hing-Chiu
Chang, Hsu
Chang, Kee-Hyun
Chang, Kiyuk
Chang, Lin-Ching
Chang, Linda
Chang, Ming-Ching
Chang, Pei-Ching
Chang, Shaorong
Chang, Silvia
Chang, Susan
Chang, Ti-chiun
Chang, Warren
Chang, Wei-Tang
Chang, Yongmin
Chang, Yu-Chun
Chang, Yuchou
Chang, Yulin
Chang, Zheng
Chao, Tzu-Cheng
Chao, Yi-Ping
Chappell, Michael
Chappell, Michael A.
Chappelow, Jonathan
Chaptini, Nayla
Chard, Declan
Charles-Edwards, Elizabeth
Charles-Edwards, Geoff
Charles-Edwards, Geoffrey
Charlton, Tyler
Charpigny, Delphine
Chatagner, Alexandra
Chatfield, Doris
Chatterjee, Neil
Chatterji, Manjil
Chattipakorn, Nipon
Chatzimavroudis, George
Chau, Anthony
Chaubey, Sanjay
Chaudhary, Sangeeta
Chaudhry, Aneeka
Chaumeil, Myriam
Chauvet, Dorian
Chavez, Sofia
Chawla, Sanjeev
CHAYS, André
Che, Allen
Chee, Michael
Chefd'hotel, Christophe
Chefdhotel, Christophe
Chekenya, Martha
Chen, Albert
Chen, Annabel
Chen, Bailiang
Chen, Billy
Chen, Bin
Chen, Cheng-Yu
Chen, Chiao-Chi
Chen, Chiao-Yun
Chen, Chien-Chung
Chen, Chih-Feng
Chen, Chih-Lung
Chen, Chin-Feng
Chen, Christina
Chen, Clayton Chi-Chang
Chen, Danchin
Chen, Dandan
Chen, Daniel
Chen, David
Chen, Debbie
Chen, Der-Yow
Chen, Dong
Chen, Enn-Ling
Chen, Feiyan
Chen, Fu
Chen, Gang
chen, guangyu
Chen, Guanyu
Chen, Helen
Chen, Henry
Chen, Hongwei
Chen, Howard
Chen, Hsian-Min
Chen, Huijun
Chen, J.
Chen, James
Chen, Jeon-Hor
Chen, Jiangbo
Chen, Jing
Chen, Jingyuan
Chen, Jun
Chen, Junjie
Chen, Jyh
Chen, Jyh-Horng
Chen, Li
Chen, Li Min
Chen, Liu Qi
Chen, Liyong
Chen, Marcus
Chen, Mei
Chen, Min
Chen, Ming-Hong
Chen, Nan-Kuei
Chen, P-Y.
Chen, Qingshan
Chen, Qun
Chen, Ran-Chou
Chen, Rong-Rong
Chen, Shih-Ting
Chen, Shih-Yu
Chen, Shing-Ru
Chen, Song
Chen, way cherng
Chen, Wei
Chen, Weitian
Chen, Wen-Shiang
Chen, Wufan
Chen, Xi
Chen, Xiangchuan
Chen, Xiao
Chen, Xiaoming
Chen, Xin
Chen, Xing
Chen, Xu
Chen, Ya
Chen, Yasheng
Chen, Yifei
Chen, Yiyi
Chen, Yong
Chen, You-Yin
Chen, Yu-Jen
Chen, Yufen
Chen, Yuhua
Chen, Yunyun
Chen, Yushan
Chen, Zhihang
Chen, Zhiyu
Chen, Zhong
chen, zikuan
Chenevert, Thomas
Chenevert, Thomas L.
Cheng, Cheng-Chieh
Cheng, Chou-ming
Cheng, Hai-Ling Margaret
Cheng, Hsiao-Chin
Cheng, Hu
Cheng, Jian
Cheng, Joe
Cheng, Kunrong
Cheng, Leo L.
Cheng, Liuquan
Cheng, Shaokoon
Cheng, Shi-Yu
Cheng, Tian
Cheng, Xiao
Cheng, Yen-Wei
Cheng, Yi-Fang
Cheng, Ying
Cheng, Yu-Chung
Cheng, YuChung
Cheng-Baron, June
Cheong, Benjamin
Cheong, Dennis
Cheriet, Farida
Cheriyan, Angela
Cherrington, Alan
Cheshkov, Sergey
Chesler, David
Chesler, Louis
Chesler, Naomi
Cheung, Charlton
Cheung, Edward
Cheung, Helen
Cheung, James
Cheung, Jerry
Cheung, King
Cheung, M C
Cheung, Matthew
Cheung, Matthew M.
Cheung, Polly
Cheung, Sue
Cheung, Susan
Chew, Michael
Cheze, Amandine
Chhabra, Avneesh
Chi, Je-Geun
Chi, Song
Chia, Jonathan
Chiang, Chi An
Chiang, Jing-Tzyh
Chiang, Jing-Tzyh Alan
Chiappino, Dante
Chiche, Johanna
Chidambaram, Gunanathan
Chiew, Mark
Chigani, Harry
Child, John
Chin, Shy-Chyi
Chinitz, Jason
Chinnery, Patrick
Chiocca, E
Chiodi, Elisabetta
Chiou, Jr
Chiras, Jacques
Chiribiri, Amedeo
Chiu, Annie
Chiu, Bernard
Chiu, Pui Wai
Chiu, Stephanie
Chiu, Su-Chin
Chmelik, Marek
Chmielewski, Thomas
Cho, Eun-Suk
Cho, Gene
Cho, Gyounggoo
Cho, Gyunggoo
Cho, Jee
Cho, Jeong Yeon
Cho, Nai-Yu
Cho, Steve
Cho, William
Cho, Zang-He
Cho, Zang-Hee
Chodosh, Lewis
Choe, Ann
Choe, Bo-Young
Choi, Bum-Rak
Choi, Byung Ihn
Choi, Chang-Hoon
Choi, Changho
Choi, Chi-Bong
Choi, David
Choi, Eun Soo
Choi, Heung-ho
Choi, Hyun Seok
Choi, In-Young
Choi, Jin-Young
Choi, Joonsung
Choi, Narae
Choi, Seung Hong
Choi, Woo Suk
Choi, Youn-Bong
Choi, Yu Yong
Chonde, Daniel
Chong, Daniel
Chong, Jason
Chong, Shin-Tai
Chong, WK
Chopp, Michael
Chopra, Rajiv
Chou, Chen-Te
Chou, Cheng-Hung
Chou, Ming-Choung
Chou, Ming-Chung
Chou, Yi-Yu
Choudhary, Arabinda
Choudhury, Devasmita
Choudhury, Robin
Chouhan, Manil
Chow, April
Chow, Kelvin
Chow, Kwok
Chowdhury, Golam
Choy, Stephen
Choyke, Peter
Christ, Andreas
Christen, Thomas
Christensen, Douglas
Christensen, Soren
Christensen, Søren
Christiaens, Marie-Rose
Christiani, David
Christidis, Patricia
Christodoulou, Anthony
Christodoulou, Christopher
Christofidou-Solomidou, Melpo
Christopher, Kramer
Chronik, Blaine
Chu, Alan
Chu, Christina
Chu, Constance
Chu, K-C.
Chu, Leung Wing
Chu, Qingwei
Chu, Renxin
Chu, Wen-Cheng
Chu, Wen-Jang
Chu, Woei-Chyn
Chu, Xu
Chua, Siew
Chua, Terrance
Chuang, Kai-Hsiang
Chuang, Michael
Chuang, Tzu-Chao
Chuang, Ya-Ting
Chugani, Carla
Chugani, Diane
Chugani, Harry
Chugh, Brige
Chughtai, Kamila
Chun, Se Young
Chun, Song
Chung, Christine
Chung, Gyung-Ho
Chung, Hsiao-Wen
Chung, Jae-Hon
Chung, Jae-Joon
Chung, Jaehoon
Chung, Jun-Young
Chung, Moo
Chung, Peter
Chung, Seungsoo
Chung, Sohae
Chung, Sookja
Chung, Yiu-Cho
Chung, Yiucho
Chung, Young-Chul
Chung, Yuen-Li
Chutinet, Aurauma
Ciapaite, Jolita
Ciccarelli, Olga
Ciet, Pierluigi
CINAR, Muhammet
Cindemir, Umut
Ciobanu, Luisa
Cirillo, Sara
Ciris, Pelin
Citro, Lucas
Cittadino, Evelina
Clad, Lars
Claeys, Tom
Claiborne, Theodore
Clamp, Andrew
Clare, Stuart
Clarencon, Didier
Clark, C
Clark, Chris
Clark, Christopher
Clark, Daniel
Clark, Jason
Clark, Lisa
Clark, Robert
Clark, Susan
Clarke, Kieran
Clarke, Noel
Clarkson, Eric
Clarkson, Matt
Clason, Christian
Clatworthy, Menna
Claus, Filip
Claussen, Claus
Clavijo Jordan, Veronica
Clayden, Jon
Clayden, Jonathan
Clayton, Erik
Cleary, Jon
Cleary*, Jon
Clegg, Nancy
Clemence, Matthew
Clement-Guinaudeau, Stephanie
Cleveland, Zackary
Clifford, Gari
Cloak, Christine
Clohisy, Denis
Cloos, Martijn
Clouchoux, Cedric
Clough, Rachel
Cloughesy, Timothy
Clymer, Bradley
Coakley, Fergus
Coate, Katie
Cobb, Jared
Cobert, Michael
Cochran, Elizabeth
Cockman, Michael D.
Cocosco, Chris
Cocosco, Christian
Codella, Noel
Coenegrachts, Kenneth
Coenen, Volker
Cofer, Gary
Coffey, Barbara
Cohen, Alex
Cohen, Alexander
Cohen, Bruce
Cohen, Ron
Cohen, Smadar
Cohen, Yoram
Cohen-Adad, Julien
Coimbra, Alexandre
Cointepas, Yann
Colby, John
Cole, David
Colen, Rivka
Coles, Charlotte
Coles, Claire
Coles, Claire D.
Coles, Jonathon
Colgan, Niall
COLLET, Christophe
Colletti, Patrick
Collick, Bruce
Collin, Shaun
Collinge, John
Collingwood, Joanna F.
Collins, C
Collins, Chris
Collins, Christopher
Collins, D. Louis
Collins, Dan
Collins, David
Collins, Jeremy
Collins, Jermey
Collins, Michael
Colombo, Bruno
Colon-Perez, Luis
Colonna, Emily
Columbano, Laura
Colvin, Daniel
Coman, Daniel
Comi, Giancarlo
Comito, Maria Teresa
Comment, Arnaud
Comola, Mauro
Comunale, Joseph
Concari, Letizia
Concha, Luis
Condliffe, Robin
Confavreux, Christian
Confort-Gouny, Sylviane
Conijn, Mandy
Connelly, Alan
Connelly, Jennifer
Connelly, Kim
Connor, Ellen
Connor, James
Connors, Lawreen
Conolly, Steve
Conolly, Steven
Conradi, Mark
Consigny, Dan
Consigny, Daniel
Constable, R
Constable, Robert
Constantin, Alexandra
Constantinides, Christakis
Constantinou, Caterina
Constantinou, Christoforos
Contardi, Sara
Cook, Jacquelynn
Cook, Judy
Cook, Philip
Cook, Richard
Cooklin, Michael
Coolen, Bram
Coons, Stephen
Cooper, Alissa
Cooper, Christopher
Cooper, Dana
Cooper, Janine
Cooper, Mitchell
Cooper, Shelly
Copen, William
Copetti, Massimiliano
Coppo, Simone
Coppola, Ben
Coppola, Benjamin
Coquery, Nicolas
Corbacio, Michael
Corbetta, Maurizio
Corchia, Nathalie
Corcione, Stefano
Cordes, Dietmar
Cormode, David
Cornnell, Heather
Corot, Claire
Corouge, Isabelle
Correia, Marta
Correia, Stephen
Corrie, Katherine
Corrigan, Neva
Cortelli, Pietro
Corteville, Dominique
Corum, Curt
Corum, Curtis
COSKUN, Oguzhan
Cosseddu, Maura
Costagli, Mauro
Costandi, Peter
Costella, Stephen
Costello, Fiona
Costello, James
Costigan, Carolyn
Cotofana, Sebastian
Cotton, Francois
Couch, Marcus
Coulibaly, Soule
Coulson, James
Coune, Philippe
Counsell, Serena
Courivaud, Frederic
Covaciu, Lucian
Cover, Keith
Cowan, Brett
Cowan, Frances
Cowan, John
Cowan, Ronald L.
Cowen, Philip
Cowin, Gary
Cox, David
Cox, Eleanor
Cox, Robert
Cox, Robert W.
Coynel, David
Cozzone, Patrick
Craddock, Cameron
Craig, Nyssa
Craige, Caryne
Crane, David
Craveiro, Mélanie
Craveiro, Melanie
Crawford, Dennis
Crawford, Robin
Creighton, Sarah
Crelier, Gerard
Crelier, Gérard
Crémillieux, Yannick
Crescenzi, Marika
Crielaard, Bart
Crijns, Sjoerd
Crinion, Jennifer
Criscione, Jason
Croad, Linda
Crocker, Ian
Croisé-Laurent, Valérie
Croisille, Pierre
Croisy, Alain
Croitor Sava, Anca
Cron, Greg
Cron, Gregory
Crook, Stephen
Cross, Albert
Cross, Anne
Croteau, Étienne
Crowe, Lindsey
Crozier, Stuart
Crystal, Eugene
Crystal, Ronald
Csatari, Zoltan
Cuadra Bach, Meritxell
Cudalbu, Cristina
Cui, Cailian
Cui, Deqi
Cui, Haiyan
Çukur, Tolga
Cullis, Elizabeth
Cunha, Adam
Cunningham, Charles
Cunningham, Chuck
Cunningham, Todd
Curcic, Jelena
Curigliano, Giuseppe
Curran, Geoffry
Curran, Kathleen
Curran, Tim
Curry, Michael
Curtis, Andrew
Curtis, Vanessa
Custodis, Florian
Cutajar, Marica
Cutlip, Donald
Cutting, Laurie
Cyckowski, Laura
Cyran, Carolin
Cysique, Lucette
Czerwinski, Stefan
Czylwik, Andreas
D'Alessandro, Michael
D'Angelica, Michael
d'Arcy, James
D'Arcy, Ryan
D'Armiento, Jeanine
d'Assignies, Gaspard
d'Entremont, Agnes
D'Silva, Loyola
D'souza, Warren
Daar, Dagane
Daar, Eric
Dabaghyan, Mikayel
Dabek, Juhani
Daducci, Alessandro
Daemen, Mat
Dafni, Hagit
Daga, Pankaj
Dager, Stephen
Dahdaleh, Nader
Dahlberg, Carina
Dahlberg, Leif
Dahlqvist Leinhard, Olof
Dahlqvist-Leinhard, O.
Dahlström, Nils
Dahmen, Uta
Dahut, William
Dai, George
Dai, Guangping
Dai, Jionghan
Dai, Qinyi
Dai, Rui-Bin
Dai, Weiying
Daido, Sayaka
Daire, Jean-Luc
Dal-Bianco, Assunta
Dale, Anders
Dale, Brian
Dale, Naomi
Dale, Roman
Dall'Armellina, Erica
Dalley, Jeffrey
Dalrymple, Brian
Dalrymple-Alford, John
Daly, Caroline
Damen, Frederick
Damkjær, Mads
Dammann, Philipp
Damon, Bruce
Damon, Bruce M.
Damrose, Edward
Dams-O'Connor, Kristen
Danagoulian, Giovanna
Danesh-Meyer, Helen
Danforth, Robert
Dang, Yi
Danhier, Pierre
Daniel, Bruce
Daniel, Laurent
Daniels, Barret
Danishad, K
Dannels, Wayne
Dannlowski, Udo
Danzer, Carsten
Danziger, Andrew
Daoust, alexia
Dara, Karan
Darcy, James
Dardzinski, Bernard
Darji, Niravkumar
Darkazalli, Ali
Darrasse, Luc
Darwin, Christine
Das, Bhibha
Das, Sandhitsu
Dash, Rajesh
Dashdorj, Naranjargal
Datta, Sushmita
Dattani, Mehul
Daugherty, Larry
Davagnanam, Indran
Davarpanah, Amir
Davatzikos, Christos
Dave, Hintendu
Davenport, Matthew
David, Bernd
David, Elizabeth
David, Olivier
David Prakash, Bhaskaran
Davidson, Kayla
Davidson, Richard
Davidson, Robert
Davidson-Kelly, Kirsteen
Davies, Catharina
Davies, Christine
Davies, Elin
Davies, Gareth
Davies, Jennifer
Davies, Karen
Davies, Kevin
Davies, Mark
Davies, Nathan
Davies, Nigel
Davila Acosta, Jorge
Davis, Andrew
Davis, Benjamin
Davis, Cynthia
Davis, Denise
Davis, Elysia
Davis, Michael
Davis, Nicole
Davis, Ryan
Davis, Stephen
Davoodi-Bojd, Esmail
Daw, Najat
Daw, Stephen
Dawant, Benoit
Dawe, Robert
Day, Mark
Dayan, Michael
Daye, Dania
Dazai, J.
Dazai, Jun
Dazinger, Florian
de Araujo, Draulio
de Bakker, Jacques
de Bever, Joshua
de Boer, Willem
de Bono, Johann
de Bruijne, Marleen
de Bruin, Paul
De Cesare, Alain
de Chickera, Sonali
De Cock, Paul
De Cuyper, Marcel
De Deene, Yves
De Feyter, Henk
De Filippis, Bianca
de Galan, Bastiaan
de Geus- Oei, Lioe-Fee
de Geus-Oei, L.F.
de Geyer d´Orth, Thibaut
de Graaf, Robin
de Graaf, Robin A.
de Groot, Eric
de Groot, Huub
De jonckheere, Julien
de Jong, Sanne
de Koning, Eelco
de Koning, Patrick
de Krom, Marc
De La Garza, Bryan
de la Torre, Jacqueline
de Lange, Eduard
de Leeuw, Hendrik
De Leon, Mony
De Luca, Valeria
De Marchi, Daniele
De Martino, Federico
de Mey, Johan
De Nunzio, Giorgio
de Oliveira, Andre
De Oliveira, Cibely Cristine
De Pisapia, Nicola
de Rochefort, Ludovic
de Roos, Albert
De Santis, Francesco
De Santis, Silvia
de Senneville, Baudouin
de Simoni, Sara
De Smet, Anthony
De Smet, Mariska
de Souza, Nandita
de Stefano, Antonio
De Stefano, Nicola
De Tiège, Xavier
de Veber, Gabrielle
De Vita, Enrico
De Vleeschouwer, Steven
De Vries, Helga
de Vries, IJM
de Vries, Linda
de Wilt, Hans
de Wilt, J.H.W.
de With, G
De Zanche, Nicola
de Zubicaray, Greig
de Zwart, Jacco
Deagostino, Annamaria
Dean, Dana
Dean, Douglas
Dearnaley, David
Deary, Ian
Debacker, Clément
DeBay, Drew
Debbins, Josef
DeBerardinis, Ralph
Deblaere, Karel
Debski, Bogumil-Krystian
Decarlo, Lindsey
Decaudin, Didier
Dechent, Jan
Dechent, Peter
Decherchi, Patrick
Decker, Brad
Deckers, Roel
Deddens, Lisette
Dederen, P
Dederen, Pieter
Deelchand, Dinesh
DeFeo, Elita
Defranco, Anthony
Degan, Simone
Degani, Hadassa
Degos, Bertrand
DeGregorio, Scott
Dehaes, Mathieu
Deib, Gerard
Deibert, Peter
Deichmann, Ralf
Deimling, Michael
Deistung, Andreas
Dekaban, Greg
Del Gratta, Cosimo
del Olmo, Juan
Delabarre, Lance
DeLaPaz, Robert
Delattre, Benedicte
Delgado, Mauricio
Delgado y Palacios, Rafael
Delgado-Goñi, Teresa
Delikatny, E.
Delingette, Herve
Dell, Katherine
Dell' Italia, Louis
Dell'Acqua, Flavio
Dell'Amico, Maria
Dell'Italia, Louis
Delli Castelli, Daniela
Dell’Italia, Louis
Delmaire, Christine
Delmastro, Kristen
Delorme, Stefan
Delos, Demetris
Deloulme, Jean Christophe
Delshad, Sean
Delzenne, Nathalie
Demaerel, Philippe
DeMarco, J
DeMartini, Wendy
Dematteo, Ronald
Demchuk, Andrew
Demir, Taner
Demiralp, Cagatay
Demols, Anne
Demyanenko, Andrey
den Boef, Jan
den Harder, C
den Harder, Chiel
Deng, Jie
Deng, Jun
Deng, Min
Deng, QunLi
Deng, Weiran
Denis de Senneville, Baudouin
Deniz, Cem
Denney, Thomas
Denney Jr., Thomas
Denniston, Daren
Denny, Kevin
Denolin, Vincent
Deoni, Sean
Deppe, Martin
Deppe, Michael
Depraeter, Geraldine
Deprest, Jan
Deprez, Sabine
Der-Yow, Chen
Derakhshan, Jamal
Deramond, Hervé
Derbyshire, J
Derbyshire, J.
Derbyshire, John
Derdeyn, Colin
Deriche, Rachid
Derieppe, Marc
Derrick, Matthew
Desai, Virendra
Descoteaux, Maxime
Deshpande, Gopikrishna
Deshpande, Ruta
Deshpande, Vibhas
Desjardins, Candida
Deslee, Gaetan
Desmond, John
Desmond, Kimberly
Desmond, Patricia
deSouza, N
deSouza, Nandita
Despotovic, Ivana
Desvergne, Béatrice
DETANTE, Olivier
Detko, Eva
Detre, John
Deuschle, Michael
Deutschman, Clifford
Deutschmann, Hannes
Devasahayam, Nallathamby
Devi, Memita
Devinsky, Orrin
Devon, John
Devous, Michael
Dewal, Rahul
Dewdney, Andrew
Dewey, Rebecca
Dezortová, Monika
Dezortova, Monika
Dharmadhikari, Shalmali
Dharmakumar, Rohan
Dhenain, Marc
Dhinakaran, Janani
Dhital, Bibek
Dhollander, Thijs
Dhyani, Anita
Di, Xin
Di Filippi, Roberto
di Martino, Simona
Di Pierro, Ezio Domenico
Di Primio, Gina
Diab, Chaouki
Diakite, Mahamadou
Dianaty, Ali
Diaz, Eric
Diaz, S.
Diaz, Sandra
Diaz-Arristia, Ramon
Diaz-de-Grenu, Lara
Diaz-Santana, Luis
Dibella, Edward
DiBella, Edward V. R.
Dick, Alexander
Dickinson, Robert
Dickson, Dennis
Dickson, John
Dickson, Steve
Diederich, Chris
Diedrich, Karl
Diekmann, Felix
Diepstraten, Suzanne
Dieringer, Matthias
Dierks, Thomas
Diest, Paul
Dieterich, Marianne
Dietrich, Benjamin
Dietrich, Olaf
Dietterle, Martin
Dietzel, Elisabeth
Digby, M
Digilio, Giuseppe
Dijkhuizen, Rick
Dillmann, Rüdiger
Dillon, Alexander
Dimitrov, Ivan
DINC, Ayhan
Ding, Abby
Ding, Guang
Ding, Guang Liang
Ding, Guangliang
Ding, Haiyan
Ding, Xiao-Qi
Ding, Xiaoqi
Ding, Yao
Ding, Yu
Ding, Yu-Hui
Ding, Yuchuan
Ding, Zhaohua
Ding, Zhaoping
Dinges, Daivid
Diniz, Paula
Dinkel, Julien
Dinov, Ivo
Dinter, Dietmar
Dione, Donald
Dirren, Elisabeth
Dirsch, Olaf
Distelbrinck, Jan
Distelbrink, Jan
Dittmann, Isabel
Diukova, Ana
Dive, Caroline
Divijak, Joseph
Diwadkar, Vaibhav
Diwakar, Mithun
Diwan, Mustansir
Diwoky, Clemens
Dixon, W
Dixon, William
Djalel, Meskaldji
Djamali, Arjang
Djemai, Boucif
Djemaï, Boucif
DLima, Darryl
Dlouhy, Brian
Do, Hung
Do, Kim
Do, Minh
Do, Richard
Doan, Bich-Thuy
Dobbs, Mark
Dobhal, Neha
Doblas, Sabrina
Dockstader, Colleen
Dodd, Michael
Dodd, Stephen
Dodge, George
Dodge, Jennifer
Doelschel, Dennis
Doepkens, Mailin
Doerr, Jan
Does, Mark
Doeswijk, Gabriella
Doevendans, Pieter
Dogan, Basak
Dogdas, Belma
Dohata, Masayoshi
Doherty, William
Doi, Shigehiro
Doishita, Satoshi
Dominguez-Viqueira, William
Dominietto, Marco
Domsch, Sebastian
Domschke, Katharina
Donahue, Manus
Donaldson, Jeffrey
Donati, Olivio
Donativi, Marina
Doneda, Chiara
Doneva, Mariya
Dong, Chen
Dong, Li
Dong, Xuebin
Dong, Zhengchao
Dong, Zhi
Donker, Hank
Donnan, Geoffrey
Donner, Elizabeth
Donohoe, Deborah
Doran, Simon
Doré, Vincent
Doré-Savard, Louis
Doring, Thomas
Dormont, Didier
Dorner, Stephanie
Dorniok, Torsten
Dorotka, Ronald
Dorozynski, Przemys³aw
Dorrius, Monique
Dortch, Richard
Dossick, Deborah
Dou, Weiqiang
Douaud, Gwenaelle
Douek, Michael
Dougherty, John
Dougherty, Larry
Dougherty, Lawrence
Dougherty, Robert
Douglas, Matthew
Douglas, Trevor
Dousset, Vincent
Dowd, Christopher
Dowell, Nicholas
Downey, John
Downey, Katherine
Downs, Jr., Levi
Downs Jr., Levi
Doyle, Lex
Drage, Nicholas
Dragonu, Iulius
Drakos, Stavros
Drangova, Maria
Dregely, Isabel
Dreher, Wolfgang
Dresselaers, Tom
Drevets, Wayne
Drexl, Johann
Driehuys, Bastiaan
Drier, Aurelie
Driesel, Wolfgang
Driesslein, Klaus
Driver, Ian
Drobnjak, Ivana
Drobyshevsky, Alexander
Drost, Maarten
Drulovic, J
Drzymala, Robert
Du, Fang
Du, Fei
Du, Hongyan
Du, Jiang
Du, Xianging
Du, Xiangying
Du, Yasong
Duan, Wenzhen
Duan, Yutong
Duane, Greg
Duarte, João
Duarte, Joao
Dubinsky, Janet
Dubinsky, Theodore
Dublin, Arthur
Dubowitz, David
Duchesne, Simon
Ducka, Blerina
Duckett, Simon
Duckrow, R. Bradley
Duclap, Delphine
Dueck, Amylou
Duensing, G.
Duensing, George
Duensing, Randy
Duerk, Jeffrey
Duff, Karen
Duggal, Neil
Duhamel, Guillaume
Duivenvoorden, Raphael
Dujardin, Martine
Dula, Adrienne
Dumas, Eve
Dumont, Erik
Dumoulin, Charles
Dumrongpisutikul, Netsiri
Duncan, Ian
Duncan, John
Duncker, Dirk
Dundar, Gunhan
Dung, Hoang
Dunham, Kevin
Dunkle, Eugene
Dunn, Jeff
Dunne, Ruth
Duong, Timothy
DuPlessis, Adre
Duque, Alvaro
Duque, Jon
Duran, Cassidy
Durand, Emmanuel
Durand-Dubief, Francoise
Durando, Davide
Durazzo, Timothy
Durighel, Giuliana
Durkan, Michael
Durr, Alexandra
Dutreix, Marie
Duyn, Jeff
Duyn, Josef
Dwek, Jerry R.
Dworkin, Lance
Dydak, Ulrike
Dyke, Jonathan
Dyrby, Tim
Düring, Klaus
Dürschmied, Daniel
Dyverfeldt, Petter
Dyvorne, Hadrien
Däpp, Alexander
Dönnebrink, Michael
Döpfert, Jörg
Dössel, Olaf
Eagan, Timothy
Eastham, James
Eatesam, Mamak
Eavani, Harini
Eaves, Emily
Ebbers, Tino
Ebeling Barbier, Charlotte
Eberhard, Steve
Eberly, Lynn
Ebisu, Toshihiko
Eblenkamp, Markus
Ebner, Franz
Ebner, Kathina
Eccles, Suzanne
Echternach, Matthias
Eckhardt, Gail
Eckstein, Felix
Edden, Richard
Edelman, Robert
Edelstein, William
Ederies, Ash
Edwards, A
Edwards, Beatrice
Edwin, Bjørn
Egan, Gary
Eggebrecht, Holger
Eggener, Scott
Eggenschwiler, Florent
Eggerking, Susanne
Eggers, Holger
Ehman, Richard
Ehnholm, Gösta
Ehrhardt, Carsten
Ehrmantraut, Mary
Ehses, Philipp
Ehtiati, Tina
Eid, Ibrahim
Eippert, Falk
Eisenberger, Ute
Eisner, Robert
Eissa, Amir
EKER, Omer
Ekholm, Sven
El Fakhri, Georges
El Khouli, Riham
El Mendili, Mohamed-Mounir
El Sankari, Soraya
El Tannir El Tayara, Nadine
El-Boubbou, Kheireddine
El-Hilo, Saba
El-Koussy, Marwan
El-Sharkawy, AbdelMonem
El-Tayeb, Ali
Elad, Michael
Elbayed, Karim
Elbes, Delphine
Elchalal, Uriel
Eldeniz, Cihat
Elfgren, Christina
Elgeti, Thomas
Elia, Josephine
Eliez, Stephan
Elkhaled, Adam
Ellegood, Jacob
Ellena, Silvano
Ellermann, Jutta
Ellingson, Benjamin
Elliot, Charles
Elliot, Charlie
Elliot, Emilie
Elliott, Andrew
Elliott, Dawn
Elliott, Mark
Ellis-Ward, Jennifer
Elllermann, Jutta
Ellmerich, Stephan
Elman, Lauren
Elmendili, Mohamed Mounir
Elschot, Mattijs
Elton., Terry
Elumalai, Malathy
Ely, Benjamin
Elywa, mohammed
Emami, K.
Emami, Kiarash
Emblem, Kyrre
Embleton, Karl
Emerich, Philipp
Emery, Paul
Emir, Uzay
Emond, Jean
Emory, Tim
Emoto, Miho
Emsell, Louise
Ende, Gabriele
Engebraaten, Olav
Engelbach, John
Engelmann, Jörn
Enger, Per
Englander, Sarah
Engstrom, Craig
Engström, Mathias
Enklaar, D
Ennis, Chad
Ennis, Daniel
Entezari, Alireza
Entrekin, Robert
Enzinger, Christian
Epstein, Alan
Epstein, Charles
Epstein, Frederick
Epur, Ashritha
Erbel, Raimund
ERDEM, Hakan
Erickson, Robert
Erkan, D
Ernst, Matthias
Ernst, Thomas
Erowku, Bernadette
Erricolo, Danilo
Ersoy, Mehmet
Ertl-Wagner, Birgit
Erturk, Vakur
Eryaman, Yigitcan
Esben, Petersen
Escanyé, Jean-Marie
Eschbacher, Jennifer
Escudero, Joaquin
Eskandar, Emad
Eslami, Ramin
Eslinger, Paul
Espeland, Mark
Esptein, Jonathan
Essig, Marco
Essock-Burns, Emma
Estrada, Edwin
Estrada, Marvin
Etemad-Rezai, Roya
Etesami, Maryam
Etesami, Merine
Etezadi-Amoli, Maryam
Etyngier, Patrick
Eucker, Stephanie
Eun, Choong-ki
Euringer, Wulf
Evaes, Emily
Evangelou, Iordanis
Evans, Alan
Evans, C
Evans, C John
Evans, Christopher
Evans, Colin
Evans, Ellen
Evans, Gareth
Evans, Jennifer
Evans, John
Evans, Michael
Evans, Paul
Evelhoch, Jeffrey
Everitt, B
Everling, Stefan
Ewert, Adrianna
Ewing, James
Ewing-Cobbs, Linda
Eyal, Erez
Eykyn, Thomas
Ezekowitz, Justin
Fabbri, Alessia
Faber, Cornelius
Faber, James
Fagan, Andrew
Fagan, Anna
Faggian, Nathan
Fagin, Jame
Fagiolo, Gianlorenzo
Fahlbusch, Rudolf
Fahlenkamp, Ute
Fahmy, Tarek
FAILLE, Dorothee
Fain, Sean
Fairless, Andrew
Faivre-Pierret, Matthieu
Fakri-Bouchet, Latifa
Falangola, Maria
Faldella, Giacomo
Falfán-Melgoza, Claudia
Falini, Andrea
Fallah-Rad, Mehran
Faller, Kiterie
Fallini, G
Fallone, B.
Fan, Audrey
Fan, Bing
Fan, Mingxia
Fan, Qiuyun
Fan, Shu
Fan, Shujuan
Fan, Tianning
Fan, Xiaobing
Fan, Xiaoying
Fan, Xin
Fan, Zhaoyang
Fandrey, Stephan
Fang, Jing
Fang, Raymond
Fang, Yan
Fanton, Laurent
Faranesh, Anthony
Farber, Joshua
Farhat, Walid
Faria, Andreia
Farion, Regine
Farion, Régine
Farivar, Reza
Farley, Jaime
Faro, Scott
Farquharson, Shawna
Farrar, Chris
Farrar, Christian
Farrell, Anthony
Farrell, Jonathan
Farrell, Peter
Farrher, Ezequiel
Farris, Alton
Fasano, Fabrizio
Fasol, Ulrike
Fatar, Marc
Fatemi-Ardekani, Ali
Fattor, Jill
Faucher, Luc
Fauconnier, Mathilde
Faulkner, Stuart
Faust, Sonja
Fautz, Hans-Peter
Fauvelle, Florence
Favaretto, Alice
Favilli, Brunella
Fayad, Laura
Fayad, Laura M.
Fayad, Zahi
Fazekas, Franz
Federau, Christian
Federico, Antonio
Federspiel, Andrea
Fedorov, Andriy
Fehlings, Micheal
Feinberg, David
Feindel, Kirk
Feiweier, Thorsten
Fekete, Natalie
Felder, Joerg
Felder, Jörg
Feldman, Michael
Feldman, Rebecca
Feldmann, Maria
Fell, Robert
Fellner, Claudia
Felmlee, Joel
Felson, David
Fenchel, Matthias
Feng, Dai
Feng, Hongqing
Feng, Ke
Feng, Li
Feng, Shangping
Feng, Shu
Feng, Shuo
Feng, Wei
Feng, Xue
Feng, Yanqiu
Feng, Yuan
Fennessy, Fiona
Fenning, Nick
Fenster, Aaron
Fenstermacher, Joseph
Fenty, Matthew
Ferdani, Ricardo
Ferguson, Marina
Fernandez, Brice
Fernández-Seara, María
Feron, Olivier
Ferrand, Guillaume
Ferrara, Katherine
Ferrari, Giovanni
Ferrari, Michel
Ferrari, Victor
Ferraris Araneta, Maria
Ferreira, Hugo
Ferreira, Pedro
Ferretti, Antonio
Ferriero, Donna
Feshitan, Jameel
Fessler, Jeffrey
Festa, Pierluigi
Fetics, Barry
Fettman, Shonny
Feuerstein, Burt
Fey, Michael
Feygin, Tamara
Fiazv, Rana
Fichten, anthony
Fidler, Florian
Fiebach, Jochen
Fiedler, Barbara
Fiege, Daniel
Fiehler, Jens
Field, Aaron S.
Fielden, Sameul
Fielden, Samuel
Fieremans, Els
Figueiredo, Patrícia
Figueiredo, Patricia
Figueredo, Rene
Figura, Viviana
Fijnheer, Rob
Fijnvandraat, Karin
Filipovic, Marina
Filippi, Massimo
Fillard, Pierre
Fillmer, Ariane
Filß, Christian
Findeklee, Christian
Fink, Christian
Finkenzeller, Thomas
Finn, J
Finn, J.
Finn, John
Finn, Paul
Finnerty, Matt
Finnerty, Matthew
Finsterbusch, Jürgen
Fiorentini, Carla
Firmin, David
Fischbach, Frank
Fischbein, Nanchy J.
Fischbein, Nancy
Fischer, Andre
Fischer, André
Fischer, Elmar
Fischer, Hubertus
Fischer, John
Fischer, Roland
Fischer, Stefan
Fischereder, Michael
Fischi, Elda
Fischi-Gomez, Elda
Fischl, Bruce
Fischmeister, Florian
Fisher, Amnon
Fisher, Edward
Fisher, Elizabeth
Fisher, Joseph
Fisher, Martin
Fiskum, Gary
Fite, Brett
Fiveland, Eric
Fjodorova, Marija
Flacke, Sebastian
Fladby, Tormod
Flaherty, Stephen
Flament, Julien
Flamm, Scott
Flammang, Aaaron
Flammang, Aaron
Flanigan, David
Flask, Chris
Fleischman, Debra
Fleischmann, Bernd
Flewitt, Jacqueline
Fleysher, Lazar
Flicker, Blair
Flint, Jeremy
Flodmark, Olof
Flor, Herta
Flores, David
Floyd, Robert
Floyd, Thomas
Fluckiger, Jacob
Flögel, Ulrich
Fobel, Ryan
Focke, Almut
Focke, Niels
Fodil, Redouane
Foell, Daniela
Foerster, Alex
Foerster, Bernd
Foley, Conor
Foley, Lesley
Folkerth, Rebecca
Folkesson, Jenny
Folley, Brad
Foltz, Warren
Fonari, Eleonora
Fong, Yuman
Fonseca, Carissa
Fonteijn, Hubert
Fontés, Ghislaine
Fontius, Ulrich
Foo, Thomas
Foong, Chan
Foottit, Claire
Forbes, Larry
Forbes, Sean
Ford, Andria
Ford, Eric
Forder, John
Forjaz Secca, Mario
Forkel, Stephanie
Forman, Christoph
Forman, Mark
Foroutan, Parastou
Forrest, William
Forsgren, Mikael
Forsting, Michael
Fortier, Lisa
Fortier, Lisa A.
Fortin, Marc-André
Foryt, Paul
Foster, John
Foster, Paula
Foster, W
Fox, Andrew
Fox, Gerard
Fox, Matthew
Fox, Nick
Fox, Peter
Fox, Robert
Fox, Timothy
Foxley, Sean
Frahm, Jens
Frakes, David
France, Alain
Franceschini, Maria
Francis, Susan
Franco, Aime
Franco, Alexandre
Franco, Felipe
Francois, Chris
Francois, Christopher
François, Christopher
Franconi, Jean
Franczak, Malgorzata
Franczak, Malgorzta
Franger, Dirk
Frangi, Alejandro
Frangioni, John
Frank, Eliot
Frank, Joseph
Frank, Lawrence
Frank, Rachel
Franke, Cees
Franke, Friederike
Franke, Jochen
Frankemolle, Anneke
Franklin, Tammy
Franz, Astrid
Frassineti, Frederic
Frauenfelder, Thomas
Frauenrath, Tobias
Frayne, Richard
Frederick, Blaise
Fredriksson, Sarah
Freed, Darren
Freed, Melanie
Freedman, Mark
Freeman, Mark
Freeman, Matthew
Freiberger, Manuel
Freidlin, Raisa
Freiman, Moti
Freimann, Florian
Freire, Manuel
Freitag, Paul
French, Brent
French, Louis
French, Lous
Frenkel, Dan
Frenkel, Victor
Frentz, Cindy
Frericks, Bernd
Frese, Georg
Freund, Patrick
Freund, Wolfgang
Frew, Andrew
Frey, Felix
Frey, Georgette
Frey, Scott
Frick, Michael
Fricke, Stanley
Fried, Michael
Friedlander, Anne
Friedman, Joshua
Friedman, Lori
Friedrich, Janet
Friedrich, Matthias
Fries, Peter
Friesen Waldner, Lanette
Friesen-Waldner, Lanette
Friman, Ola
Fripp, Jurgen
Frisch, Michael
Frisoni, Giovanni
Fritsche, Andreas
Fritz, Andri
Fritz, Tom
Fritzsche, Klaus
Froehlich, Johnannes
Froehlich, Juerg
Froeling, Martijn
Frollo, Ivan
Frost, Annette
Frouin, Frederique
Fruytier, Anne-Catherine
Fry, Bryan
Frydman, Lucio
Frydrychowicz, Alex
Fryer, Christopher
Fryer, Tim
Fu, Liping
Fu, Maojing
Fu, Yingli
Fu, Zongming
Fuchs, Alex
Fuchs, Alexander
Fuchs, Bryan
Fuchs, Siegried
Fuentes, David
Fujii, Hirofumi
Fujii, Hirotada
Fujimoto, Koji
Fujimoto, Kyoko
Fujimoto, Yasunori
Fujioka, Shinsuke
Fujita, Hiroyuki
Fujita, Setsuya
Fujiwara, Hideaki
Fukuda, Hiro
Fukuda, Mitsuhiro
Fukumoto, Yoshihiro
Fukunaga, Masaki
Fulci, Giulia
Funakoshi, Yasuhiro
Fung, George
Fung, K
Funk, Jürgen
Furie, Karen
Furlan, Alessandro
Furman-Haran, Edna
Furukawa, Takako
Furuta, Toshihiro
Furuya, Seiichi
Furuyama, Jon
Furuyama, Jonathan
Furuyama, Naoki
Fuss, Johannes
Fuster-Garcia, Elies
Futterer, Jurgen
Fütterer, Jurgen
Förster, Alex
G. Batchelor, Philip
G. Merkx, Maarten
Gaass, Thomas
Gaba, Ron
Gabbay, Vilma
Gaboury, Louis
Gabr, Refaat
Gabrieli, John
Gabrielli, Andrea
Gabrielson, Kathleen
Gach, H
Gaddam, Santosh
Gaddipati, Ajeetkumar
Gadian, David
Gadiya, Mayur
Gaens, Michaela
Gaffney, Patrick
Gaggl, Wolfgang
Gaglia, Jason
Gaglianese, Anna
Gagnon, Yann
Gagoski, Borjan
Gahm, Jin Kyu
Gai, Jiading
Gai, Neville
Gaida, Matthias
Gaitan, Maria
Galaburda, Albert
Galanski, Michael
Galati, Maria
Galbán, Craig
Galbán, Stefanie
Galbarz, Lisa
Gale, John
Galiana, Gigi
Galinovic, Ivana
Galizia, Maurizio
Gallagher, Ferdia
Gallagher, Lindsay
Gallea, Cécile
Gallego, Juan
Gallez, Bernard
Gallichan, Daniel
Gallinat, Jürgen
Gallinger, Anika
Gallinger, Steven
Gallis, Jean
Gallo, Paolo
Galloway, Graham
Gallucci, Massimo
Galons, Jean
Galons, Jean-Philippe
Galpoththawela, Chulani
Galpoththawela, Shashikala
Gambarota, Giulio
Gambi, Francesco
Gambrell, Jame
Gamcsik, Michael
Gan, Gabriela
Ganazzoli, Chiara
Gandevia, Simon
Gandhi, Parina
Gandhi, Sonia
Ganji, Sandeep
Ganter, Carl
Gao, Darwin
Gao, Fabao
Gao, Fenglian
Gao, Jinming
Gao, Li
Gao, Lifeng
Gao, Wei
Gao, Yan
Gao, Yurui
Garbow, Joel
Garces, Luis
Garcia, Guillaume
Garcia, Julio
Gardener, Alexander
Gardin, Tova
Gardini, Simona
Gardner, Greg
Gardner, Gregory
Gardner, Vance
Garfinkel, Alan
Garg, Priya
Gargam, Nicolas
Garnov, Nikita
Garpebring, Anders
Garrido Salmon, Carlos
Garsed, Klara
Garteiser, Philippe
Garugu, Rajesh
Garwood, Michael
Garyfallidis, Eleftherios
Garzotto, Mark
Gasparetto, Emerson
Gasparotti, Roberto
Gasper, Warren
Gass, Achim
Gass, Natlia
Gass, Peter
Gast, Klaus
Gasteiger, Rocco
Gatehouse, Peter
Gatenby, Christopher
Gatenby, James
Gatenby, Robert
Gati, Joseph
Gatti, Roberto
Gattu, Ramtilak
Gau, Shur-Fen
Gaughan, John
Gaur, Pooja
Gauthier, Claudine
Gauthier, Isabel
Gauthier, Susan
Gaya, Andrew
Gazdzinski, Lisa
Ge, Lan
Ge, Yulin
Gebhard, Harry
Gebhardt, Matthias
Gee, James
Geelen, Tessa
Geeraerts, T
Geerlings, Mirjam
Geerts, Liesbeth
Geethanath, Sairam
Geffroy, Françoise
Gehl, Hans-Björn
Gehrcke, Jan-Philip
Geier, Oliver
Geiger, Julia
Geldhof, Vincent
Gellermann, Johanna
Gelman, Neil
Gelse, Kolja
Gendelman, Howard
Genega, Elisabeth
Genega, Elizabeth
Geng, Fengji
Geng, Guangqiang
Geng, Xiujuan
Geninatti-Crich, Simonetta
Gensler, Daniel
Geopfert, Lois
George, Ashvin
George, Beena
George, Elizabeth
George, Ilena
Georgiadis, John
Georgiou, Leonidas
Geppert, Christian
Gerard, Christelle
Gerhard, Stephan
Gerigk, Lars
Germann, Jurgen
Germuska, Michael
Gern, James
Geroldi, Cristina
Geroulakos, George
Gerstner, Elizabeth
Gervai, Patricia
Gervais, Deborah
Geschewski, Frank
Gevers, Sanna
Geyer, Stefan
Ghaeminia, Mehdy
Ghajar, Jamshid
Ghanouni, Pejman
Gharibans, Armen
Ghariq, Eidrees
Ghijsen, Michael
Ghim, Min-oh
Ghim, MinOh
Gho, Sung-Min
Gholipour, Ali
Ghosh, Aurobrata
Ghosh, Rajat
Ghossein, Ronald
Ghugre, Nilesh
Giaccomini, Eric
Gianella, Anita
Giannini, Valentina
Gianolio, Eliana
Giaquinto, Randy
Gibberman, Lauren
Gibbs, Peter
Giese, Daniel
Gieseke, J.
Gieseke, Juergen
Gieseke, Jürgen
Gigandet, Xavier
Gil, Carla
Gil, Roberto
Gil-Benso, Rosario
Gil-Vernet Sedò, Jose-Maria
Gilad, Assaf
Gilani, Irtiza
Gilbert, Anna
Gilbert, Fiona
Gilbert, Fiona J.
Gilbert, Guillaume
Gilbert, Kyle
Giles, S
Giles, Sharon
Gilet, Anthony
Gili, Tommaso
Gill, Andrew
Gill, Harcharan
Gill, Jas
Gill, Jaswinder
Gill, Ritu
Gill, Simrandip
Gillard, Jonathan
Gillen, Robert
Gilles, Maria
Gilliam, Andrew
Gillies, Robert
Gilman, Andrew
Gilmore, John
Gilson, Wesley
Gimersky, Martin
Gimi, Barjor
Gini, Beatrice
Ginnerup Pedersen, Bodil
Ginosar, Yehuda
Ginsburg, Daniel
Giordano, Nick
Giorgio, Antonio
Giovanello, Kelly
Giovannetti, Giulio
Giove, Federico
Giovenzana, Giovanni
Giralt, Ernest
Girard, Olivier
Girard, Sylvie
Giraudeau, Céline
Girgis, Ragy
Girgis, Reda
Giri, Dilip
Giri, Shivraman
Girman, Peter
Giubilei, Franco
Giulietti, Giovanni
Giustetto, Pierangela
Gladden, Lynn
Gladwish, Adam
Glantenay, Anne-Sophie
Glasauer, Stefan
Glaser, Christian
Glaser, Kevin
Glaser, Steffen
Glasier, Charles
Glass, John
Gleave, Jacqueline
Glegg, Martin
Gleich, Bernhard
Glen, Daniel
Glenn, Orit
Glickson, Jerry
Glidden, Steven
Glielmi, Christopher
Gliwa, Ewa
Glockner, James
Glod, John
Gloor, monika
Glover, Gary
Glover, Paul
Glunde, Kristine
Glynne-Jones, Rob
Gnyawali, Surya
Goa, Pål
Gobbo, Oliviero
Gobetto, Roberto
Gobin, Y.
Gochberg, Daniel
Godbole, Amod
Goddard, Andrew
Goddu, Beth
Godechal, Quentin
Godefroy, Olivier
Godenschweger, Frank
Goebel, Rainer
Goel, Priya
Goel, Puneet
Goemmel, Andreas
Goense, Jozien
Goepfert, Lois
Goerger, Candice
Goerke, Ute
Goerss, Stephan
Goessler, Walter
Goethals, Ingeborg
Goga, Andrei
Goget, Thomas
Goh, Alvina
Goh, Kong-Yong
Goh, Vicky
Goitein, Orly
Gokan, Takehiko
Golan, talia
Golay, Xavier
Golay*, Xavier
Golby, Alexandra
Gold, Eric
Gold, Garry
Gold, Garry E.
Gold, Gary
Gold, Mark
Gold, Stefan
Goldbecker, Annemarie
Goldenberg, S
Goldfarb, James
Goldhahn, Dirk
Goldhawk, Donna
Goldie, Fred
Goldman, Debra
Goldring, Roberta
Goldstein, Bradley
Goldstein, Rita
Golestani, Ali Mohammad
Goloshevsky, Artem
Gombos, Eva
Gonçalves, S
Gonçalves-Pereira, Pedro
GONDIN, Julien
Gondry-Jouet, Catherine
Gonen, Mithat
Gonen, Oded
Gong, Qiyong
Gong, Yongquan
Gonzalez, Patricia
González, R.
Gonzalez, R.
Gonzalez-Castillo, Javier
Gonzalez-Darder, Jose
Gonzalez-Lara, Laura
Gonzalez-Segura, Ana
Good, Levi
Goodkin, Karl
Goodman, James
Goodman, Stuart
Goodman, Wayne
Goodrich, Craig
Goodrich, K. C.
Goodrich, Kenneth
Goodwin, Jonathan
Goodyear, Bradley
Gopinath, Anand
Gopinath, Kaundinya
Gor'kov, Petr
Góraj, Bozena
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gordon, Alexis
Gordon, Andrew
Gordon, Isky
Gordon, Jeremy
Gordy, David
Gore, John
Gorelik, Michael
Gorelik, Mike
Gorgolewski, Krzysztof
Gorman, Grainne
Gorman, III, Joseph
Gorman, Joseph
Gorman, Robert
Gorman III, Joseph
Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa
Gorny, Krzysztof
Gosselin, Frederick
Gotlib, Ian
Gotman, Jean
Goto, Takao
Goto, Testu
Gotschy, Alexander
Gotts, Steve
Gottschalk, Sven
Goulet, Daniel
Gounis, Mathew
Gounis, Matthew
Gousias, Ioannis
Goveas, Joseph
Govind, Varan
Govindan, Rajkumar
Gow, Alan
Gower-Winter, Shannon
Gowland, Penny
Goyal, Aman
Goyal, Parag
Goyal, Vinay
Goyal, Vivek
Grabenhorst, Fabian
Grabli, David
Grabner, Günter
Grabner, Günther
Grady, Leo
Graeser, Ralph
Graesslin, Ingmar
Graessner, Joachim
Graf, Hansjoerg
Graf, Hansjörg
Grafendorfer, Thomas
Graff, Christian
Graham, John
Graham, Simon
Grainger, Andrew
Granata, Anna
GRAND, Sylvie
Grande, Sveva
Grandi, Sara
Grandjean, Joanes
Graner, John
Granlund, Kristin
Granot, Dorit
Grant, Aaron
Grant, Maria
Grant, P.
Grant, P. Ellen
Grant, Patricia
Grant, Patricia Ellen
Grant, Samuel
Granziera, Cristina
Gras, Vincent
Grasley, Kalli
Grass, Michael
Gratz, Marcel
Grau, Ana
GRAU, Georges
Graveron-Demilly, Danielle
Graves, Martin
Graves, Martin J.
Gravett, Robert
Gray, Calum
Grebe, Anja
Grebenkov, Denis
Green, Jackson
Green, Jordin
Green, Michael
Greenberg, Joel
Greene, Nicholas
Greenfield, Matthew
Greenman, Robert
Greenspan, Joel
Greenspun, David
Greenwood, John
Greer, David
Gregoire, Vincent
Gregor, Jamie
Gregoraci, Antonio
Gregori, Johannes
Gregory, Deborah
Gregson, Celia
Greicius, Michael D.
Greil, Gerald
Greiser, Andreas
Gremse, Felix
Grenacher, Lars
Grenier, Renaud
Grenier, Thomas
Greve, Doug
Greve, Douglas
Greve, Douglas N.
Grgac, Ksenija
Gribbestad, Ingrid
Gribbestad, Ingrid Susanne
Griebe, Martin
Griffeth, Valerie
Griffin, Julian
Griffin, Nyree
Griffioen, Arjan
Griffith, James
Griffiths, Gary
Griffiths, John
Griffiths, Paul
Griffiths, Paul D.
Grigutsch, Maren
Grimm, Robert
Grimm, Simone
Grimm, Soeren
Grimnisdottir, Gerda
Grinberg, Farida
Grinstead, John
Grisan, Enrico
Grissom, William
Grist, Thomas
Griswold, Mark
Grobgeld, Dov
Grodzinsky, Alan
Grodzki, David
Groebner, Jens
Groenendaal, Floris
Groenendaal, Greetje
Groeschel, Samuel
Gronenschild, Ed
Gronka, Susan
Groot, Paul
Groover, Kristina
Gropler, Robert
Grosdemange, Kerstin
Gross, Christian
Gross, Patrick
Grosse, Regine
Grosse-Wortmann, Lars
Grosset, Donald
Grossman, Elan
Grossman, Rachel
Grossman, Robert
Grossman, Stuart
Grote, Deanna
Grotegerd, Dominik
Grotenhuis, Heynric
Grotz, Thimo
Grouiller, Frederic
Grover, Jarrett
Groves, Alan
Groves, Ashley
Grubbs, Robert
Gruber, Cesare E. M.
Gruber, Stephan
Grudzenski, Saskia
Grudzinski, Joseph
Gruetter, Rolf
Grundy, Richard
Gruner, Patricia
Gruschke, Oliver
Gruwel, Marco
Grüll, Holger
Grünberg, Katharina
Grässlin, Ingmar
Gröger, Adriane
Gröhn, Olli
Gröhn, Olli J.H.
Grönqvist, Anders
Gsell, Willy
Gu, Hong
Gu, Huidong
Gu, Jing
Gu, Meng
Gu, Yi-Ping
Gu, Yiping
Guang, Cao
Guang, Li
Gubhaju, Lina
Guédon, Annetje
Guehring, Jens
Gueldner, Manuela
Guenther, Matthias
Guerin, Bastien
Guerquin-Kern, Matthieu
Guest, Dolores
Guetter, Christoph
Guevara, Pamela
Guglielmetti, Caroline
Guhan, B
Gui, Dawei
Guibaud, Laurent
Guidi, Leonello
Guidon, Arnaud
Guidone, Elizabeth
Guidoni, Laura
Guiga, Angelo
Guillem, Carol
Guillermier, Martine
Guillou, Herve
Guimaraes, Alexander
Gulaka, Praveen
Gulani, Vikas
Gulanski, Barbara
Gulati, Ankur
Gulinello, Maria
Gullapalli, Rao
Gullberg, Grant
Gulsen, Gultekin
Gultekin, David
Gumbrecht, Rene
Gumus, Kazim
Gunn, Martin
Gunther, Matthias
Guo, Di
Guo, Hua
Guo, Jia
Guo, Junyu
Guo, Li
Guo, Liheng
Guo, Yan
Guo, Yang
Gupta, Arun
Gupta, Ashish
Gupta, Himanshu
Gupta, Navyash
Gupta, R
Gupta, Raj
Gupta, Rajan
Gupta, Rakesh
Gupta, Riti
Gupta, Sandeep
Gupta, Vivek
Gupte, Pradeep
Gur, Raquel
Gur, Ruben
Guskiewicz, Kevin
Gutberlet, Marcel
Gutierrez, Jorge
Gutierrez, Robert
Guttman, Mike
Guy, Aubert
Guyonnet, Denis
Guzina, Bojan
Guzzetta, Andrea
Gwinner, Wilfried
Gyacskov, Igor
Gyengesi, Erika
Gyftopoulos, Soterios
Güllmar, Daniel
Günther, Matthias
Güttler, Felix
Gönen, Mithat
H. Bosboom, E.
Ha, Seunghoon
Ha, Soohyun
Haacke, E
Haacke, E Mark
Haacke, E.
Haacke, E.M.
Haacke, Ewart
Haacke, Mark
Haan, Joost
Haas, Martin
Haas, Naomi
Haase, Axel
Habara, Hideta
Habas, Piotr
Habedank, Dirk
Habib, Joseph
Hachinski, Vladimir
Hackett, Neil
Hackney, David
Haczku, Angela
Haddad, Daniel
Haddad, Nathalie
Hadigan, Collen
Hadizadeh, Dariusch
Hadjidemetriou, Stathis
Hadley, Donald
Hadley, J.
Hadley, John
Hadley, Rock
Haeberlin, Max
Haeberlin, Maximilian
Haefner, Robert
Haenold, Ronny
Hagberg, Gisela
Hagberg, Robert
Hagmann, Cornelia
Hagmann, Patric
Hagtvedt, Henrik
Hahn, Dietbert
Hahn, Horst
Hahn, Peter
Hahn, Tobias
Haider, Masoom
Haigney, Mark
Hailes, Helen
Hain, Sharon
Haines, Kristina
Haishi, Tomoyuki
Hajari, Adam
Hajdu, Cristina
Hájek, Milan
Hajek, Milan
Hajian, Arsen
Hajnal, J
Hajnal, Jo
Hajnal, Joseph
Hak, Sjoerd
Hakkarainen, Antti
Halaweish, Ahmed
Halbach, Van
Haldar, Justin
Hale, Joanne
Hales, Patrick
Haley, Robert
Hall, Chris
Hall, Emma
Hall, John
Hall, Judith
Hall, Matt
Hall, Matthew
Hall-Craggs, Margaret
Hall-Craggs, Margaret A.
Hallac, Rami
Hallahan, Dennis
Haller, Bernd
Haller, Christoph
Haller, Julian
Haller, Ronald G.
Hallett, Mark
Hallevi, Hen
Halliday, Jane
Halligan, Steve
Hallikainen, Merja
Halperin, Henry
Halperin, Henry R.
Halpern, Elkan
Halter, Sarah
Halvorsen, Per
Hamalainen, Matti
Hamamura, Mark
Hamani, Clement
Hamann, Isabell
Hamasaki, Nozomi
Hambrock, Thomas
Hamedani, Azita
Hamedani, H.
Hamedani, Hooman
Hamer, Okka
Hamilton, Amanda
Hamilton, Craig
Hamilton, Gavin
Hamilton, J.
Hamilton, James
Hamilton, Lei
Hamm, Bernd
Hamm, Michael
Hammeke, Thomas
Hammen, Lucien
Hammer, Sebastiaan
Hammond, Colleen
Hammond, Sherri
Han, Eric
Han, Joon Koo
Han, Misung
Han, Weiping
Han, Yeji
Han, Yong-Hee
Han, Zhaoying
Hanada, Hikaru
Hanakawa, Takashi
Hancu, Ileana
Handa, Ashok
Handler, William
Haneder, Stefan
Hanes, Justin
Haney, Chad
Hankins, Jane
Hann, Bradley
Hanna, Michael
Hanna, Robert
Hannesdottir, Kristin
Hannoun, Salem
Hans, Arne
Hansen, Adam
Hansen, Brian
Hansen, Michael
Hansen, Tomas
Hansis, Eberhard
Hanson, Lars
Hanson, Nathan
Hanson MD, MPH, Eric
Hantraye, Philippe
Hanvey, Scott
Hao, Junwei
Hao, Q.
Hao, Qing
Hao, Shen
Hao, Ying
Haque, Muhammad
Hara, Masaki
Harada, Akinori
Harada, Masafumi
Haraldseth, Olav
Hardie, Andrew
Hardy, Christopher
Hardy, Philippe
Harel, Noam
Hargrave, Darren
Hargreaves, Brian
Hargreaves, Brian A.
Hargreaves, Richard
Hariharan, Hari
Hariharan, Prasanna
Haris, Mohammad
Haris, Mohammad Haris
Harisinghani, Mukesh
Harkins, Kevin
Harloff, Andreas
Harman, Amy
Harman, Susan
Harmer, Jack
Harmon, Stephanie
Harms, Lutz
Harnish, Philip
Haroon, Hamied
Harouni, Ahmed
Harper, Lorna
Harper, Ronald
Harper-Little, Cyndi
Harrington, Jamie
Harrington, K
Harris, Adrian
Harris, Ashley
Harris, Chad
Harris, Janna
Harris, Kent
Harris, Leo
Harris, Steven
Harris, Talia
Harrison, Crystal
Harsan, Laura-Adela
Harshbarger, Todd
Hart, Stephen
Harter, Kristin
Hartkamp, Nolan
Hartl, Roger
Hartmann, Christian
Hartnick, Christopher
Hartung, Dagmar
Hartung, Michael
Hartwig, Axel
Hartwig, Valentina
Harvey, Paul
Harz, Markus
Hasan, Khader
Hasebroock, Kendra
Hasegawa, Sumitaka
Haseley, Amy
Hash, Thomas W.
Hashim, Eyesha
Hashimoto, Naoya
Haslam, Thomas
Hassanein, Tarek
Hassani, Emna
Hassel, Juha
Hasso, Anton
Hassoun, Paul
Hata, Nobuhiko
Hatabu, Hiroto
Hatakenaka, Masamitsu
Hatakeyama, Hideo
Hatanpaa, Kimmo
Hatatu, Hiroto
Hatazawa, Jun
Hatsukami, Thomas
Hattingen, Elke
Hatton, Matthew
Hattori, Nobutaka
Hatunic, Mensud
Hauf, Martinus
Hauser, Thomas
Hauser, Till-Karsten
Hausmann, Daniel
Haut, Marc
Hautvast, Gilion
Havenhand, Jade
Havnes, Marianne
Haw, Dustin
Hawezi, Zana
Hawkes, David
Hawkes, Rob
Hawkins, Erskine
Hawkins, Philip
Hawryluk, Greg
Hay, Trisha
Hayabuchi, Naofumi
Hayakawa, Katsumi
Hayashi, Emiko
Hayashi, Mansuo
Hayashida, Yoshiko
Hayen, Anja
Hayes, Cecil
Hayes, Cecil E.
Hayes, Laura
Haykowsky, Mark
Haynes, Becky
Haynes, Robin
Hays, Allison
Hays, Allison G.
Hayter, Catherine
Hazelton, Julie
Hazle, John
He, Bin
He, Guojun
He, Hong-Jian
He, Hongjian
He, Jhih-Wei
He, Jianxin
He, Julian
He, Qiuhong
He, Taigang
He, Ting
He, Xiang
He, Yi
He, Zuoxiang
Head, Kevin
Healing, Guy
Heather, Lisa
Heautot, Jean-François
Heberlein, Keith
Hebrank, Andrew
Hecher, Kurt
Hecht, Elizabeth M.
Hechtl, Christine
Hectors, Stefanie
Hedjazi Moghari, Mehdi
Hedlund, Laurence
Heemskerk, Anneriet
Heeren, Ron
Heerschap, A.
Heerschap, Arend
Heese, Harald
Hehir, Sarah
Heid, Oliver
Heidari, Golanz
Heidari, Golnaz
Heideman, Robin
Heidemann, Robin
Heier, Linda
Heijman, Edwin
Heijmen, L.
Heijmen, Linda
Heijnen, Cobi
Heijtel, Dennis
Heiland, Sabine
Heiler, Patrick
Heiles, Katrina
Heilman, Jeremiah
Heilman, Kenneth
Heilmann, Melanie
Hein, Julia
Hein, Lutz
Heindel, Walter
Heindl-Erdmann, Cornelia
Heine, Angela
Heinicke, Katja
Heinke, Wolfgang
Heinrich, Andreas
Heinrichs, Angela
Heinzer, Susanne
Heinzer-Schweizer, Susanne
Heisen, Marieke
Heiserman, Joseph
Heismann, Bjoern
Heist, Kevin
Heitjian, Daniel
Hejlová, Irena
Hekmatyar, S
Helbich, Thomas
Helck, Andreas
Hell, Erich
Helle, M
Helle, Michael
Hellem, Tracy
Heller, Alexander
Heller, Samantha
Hellio Le Graverand, M-P
Hellio Le Graverand-Gastineau, Marie-Pierre
Helliwell, Philip
Helliwell, Phillip
Helluy, xavier
Helmer, Karl
Helmersson, T.
Helms, G.
Helms, Gunther
Helpern, Joseph
Hemmings, Brian A.
Hemmingson, Stephanie
Hemphill, Betsy
Henderson, Joanne
Henderson, Robert
Hendler, Talma
Hendrikse, J
Hendrikse, Jeroen
Hendriksen, Dennis
Hengstenberg, Frederik
Henkelman, Mark
Henkelman, R
Henkelman, R.
Hennel, Franciszek
Hennemuth, Anja
Hennerici, Michael
Hennig, Friedrich
Hennig, Jürgen
Hennig, Juergen
Hennig, Jürgen
Henning, Anke
Henningsson, Markus
Henry, Brian
Henry, Pierre-Gilles
Henry, Roland
Henseler, Ilona
Hentel, Keith
Hentschel, Jan
Hentze, Hannes
Henze-Bancroft, Leah
Henzler, Thomas
Heo, Hye Young
Heon-Lee, Choong
Hepburn, Susan
Hérault, yann
Herbert, Joseph
Herbert, Kenneth
Herbst, Michael
Herczak, Joseph
Herfkens, Robert
Herholz, Karl
Herigault, Gwenael
Herigault, Gwenaël
Herigstad, Mari
Herijgers, Paul
Herman, Gary
Herman, Peter
Herment, Alain
Hernandez, Daymara
Hernandez, Larry
Hernandez-Garcia, Luis
Hernando, Diego
Herold, Volker
Herrera, Diego
Herrera, Juan
Herrick, Peter
Herrington, John
Herrmann, Karin
Herrmann, Karl-Heinz
Herrmann, Tim
Herronen, Annamari
Herse, Zachary
Hersman, F
Hersman, F.
Hersman, William
Hertlein, Tobias
Hertzberg, Yoni
Hervo, Patrice
Herynek, Vít
Herynek, Vit
Herzer, Lena
Herzka, Daniel
Herzog, Hans
Hess, Aaron
Hess, Andreas
Hess, Christopher
Hess, Christopher P.
Hesselink, Matthijs
Hetherington, Hoby
Hettinger, Patrick
Hettrich, Carolyn
Hetts, Steven
Hetzer, Stefan
Heuft, Gereon
Heverhagen, Johannes
Hey, Silke
Heyman, Samuel
Hezel, Fabian
Hiba, Bassem
Hibino, Narutoshi
Hibino, Shigeru
Hicks, Carol
Hiepe, Patrick
Higaki, Atsushi
Higano, Shuichi
Higashida, Randall
Higgins, David
Higuchi, Toshihiro
Hilfert, Liane
Hill, Catherine
Hill, Deborah
Hill, Kyle
Hill, Lindsay
Hill, Sally
Hill, Virginia
Hillenbrand, Claudia
Hillenbrand, Claudia M.
Hiller, Karl-Heinz
Hillis, Argye
Hillis, Sue
Himmelreich, Uwe
Hindman, Nicole
Hines, Catherine
Hingwala, Divyata
Hinkin, Charles
Hinks, Richard
Hinks, Scott
Hinmon, Robin
Hino, Keiko
Hintz, Ellen
Hippe, Daniel
Hipwell, John
Hirai, Toshinori
Hirano, Yoshiyuki
Hirano, Yuji
Hirata, Hiroshi
Hirata, Koji
Hirata, Satoshi
Hiratsuka, Yoshiyasu
Hird, Nicholas
Hirose, Masanori
Hirota, Haruyo
Hirotani, Makoto
Hirsch, Jochen
Hirsch, Sebastian
Hirt, Lorenz
Hitchens, Kevin
Hitchens, T
Hitchens, T.
Hitchens, T. Kevin
Ho, Andrew
Ho, Calvin
Ho, Chien
Ho, Hsiang Wei
Ho, Kai-Yu
Ho, Lap
Ho, Leon
Ho, Lisa
Ho, Nancy
Ho, Shuk-yee
Ho, Vincent
Ho, Yi-Ching
Hoad, Caroline
Hoang, Dung
Hoberg, Jacob
Hock, Andreas
Hockings, Paul
Hodenius, Michel
Hodges, John
Hodgkinson, Cassandra
Hodgson, Madeleine
Hodgson, Richard
Hodkinson, Duncan
Hodnett, Philip
Hoecht, Philipp
Hoehn, Mathias
Hoeks, Caroline
Hoelscher, Uvo
Hoeppner, Tim
Hoerr, Verena
Hoerst, Mareen
Hofer, Michael
Hoff, Michael
Hoff, Uwe
Hoffman, Eric
Hoffman, William
Hoffmann, Chen
Hoffmann, Dominique
Hoffmann, Florian
Hoffmann, Jens
Hoffmann, Martin
Hoffmann, Stefan
Hoffmann, Udo
Hoffmann, Werner
Hofman, Paul
Hofmann, Chrisitan
Hofmann, W
Hofstetter, Lorne
Hofstetter, Shir
Hogan, Matthew
Hoge, Richard
Hoge, Rick
Hoge, W
Hoge, W.
Hoge, William
Hohoff, Christa
Hoisak, Jeremy
Hojjatoleslami, Ali
Hol, Per
Holahan, Marie
Holbrook, Andrew
Holcomb, Henry
Holdsworth, Samantha
Holers, V. Michael
Holland, Daniel
Holland, Dominic
Holland, Scott
Holliday, Katherine
Hollingsworth, Kieren
Hollingsworth, Neal
Hollinshead, Marisa
Hollmann, Charlene
Holly, Langston
Holm, Sverre
Holmes, James
Holmes, Martha
Holmes, Nathan
Holmes, William
Holodny, Andrei
Holter, Spring
Holthuizen, Ronald
Holtorf, Megan
Holtrop, Joseph
Holtzheimer, Paul
Holtzman, David
Homagk, Ann-Kathrin
Homann, Hanno
HOMMA, Kazuhiro
Honal, Matthias
Honda, Hiroshi
Honda, Manabu
Honda, Masatoshi
Honess, Davina
Hong, Helen
Hong, Karen
Hong, Kwan
Hong, Kwan-Soo
Hong, Sujin
Hong, Suk-Min
Hong, Susie
Hong, Xin
Hong, Yen
Hong-Zohlman, Susie
Honndorf, Valerie
Hoo, Aaron
Hood, Maureen
Hoogduin, Hans
Hoogduin, J
Hoogduin, Johannes
Hoogveld, Emily
Hope, Aaron
Hope, Michael
Hope, Thomas
Hope, Tuva
Hopfgartner, Andreas
Hopkins, William
Hor, Pei-Herng
Horan, Gail
Horch, Robert
Horenstein, Craig
Horenstein, MD, Craig
Horesh, Remington
Horger, Wilhelm
Hori, Masaaki
Hori, Masatoshi
Horie, Tomohiko
Horkay, Ferenc
Hornak, Joseph
Hornegger, Joachim
Horner, Philip
Horng, Annie
Horng, Debra
Horovitz, Silvina
Horsewill, Anthony
Horsfield, Mark
Horska, Alena
Horstmann, Annette
Hose, Rod
Hoshikawa, Atsuto
Hoshino, Tsutomu
Hossain, Jakir
Hosseinbor, Ameer Pasha
Hossu, Gabriel
HOSSU, Gabriela
Hosten, Norbert
Hotta, Masatoshi
Hou, Bob
Hou, Samuel
Houitte, Diane
House, Adrian
Houshito, Haruyoshi
Houston, Edward
Houston, Gavin
Howard, Matthew
Howard O'Connor, Anne
Howe, Franklyn
Howell, Leonard
Howison, Christine
Howison, Christy
Hricak, Hedvig
Hrovat, Mirko
Hsiang, David
Hsiao, Albert
Hsieh, Chun-Huang
Hsieh, Hsiu-Mei
Hsieh, Meng-Chi
Hsieh, Scott
Hsieh, Wen-Yuan
Hsing, Jeff
Hsu, Bi-yu
Hsu, Bill
Hsu, Daniel
Hsu, Edward
Hsu, I-Chow
Hsu, Jia-Shuo
Hsu, Jung-Jiin
Hsu, Li-Yueh
Hsu, Lin-Wei
Hsu, Tun
Hsu, Yi-Hua
Hsu, Yuan-Yu
Hsu, Yung-Chin
Hsueh, Chun-Jen
Hsueh, Huei-Jen
Hu, Bob
Hu, Cathy
Hu, Changwei
hu, daoyu
Hu, De-en
Hu, Houchun
Hu, Jian
Hu, Jiani
Hu, Kai
Hu, Leland
Hu, Lingyun
Hu, Lingzhi
Hu, Peng
Hu, Peter
Hu, Rui
Hu, Simon
Hu, Siyuan
Hu, Xiaoping
Hu, Xudong
Hu, Yang
Hu, Yue
Hu, Yuzheng
Hua, Jun
Hua, Ning
Hua, Yihe
Huan, Yi
Huang, Alan
Huang, Bin
Huang, Bingsheng
Huang, Chuan
Huang, Feng
Huang, Gang
Huang, Guo-Shu
Huang, Hao
Huang, Heng
Huang, Hong
Huang, Jie
Huang, Jo-mei
Huang, Juebin
Huang, Kun
Huang, Ming
Huang, Ming-Xiong
Huang, Mingming
Huang, Peijia
Huang, Ruiping
Huang, Shike
Huang, Shiliang
Huang, Shuning
Huang, Steven
Huang, Su-Chun
Huang, Teng-Yi
Huang, Tsung-Min
Huang, W-M.
Huang, Wei
Huang, William
Huang, Willis
Huang, Xiaoqi
Huang, Xudong
Huang, Xuefei
Huang, Yin
Huang, Yin-Cheng
Huang, Yining
Huang, Yuexi
Hubbard, Penny
Huberty, Matthew
Hubmayr, Rolf
Huckle, Danielle
Hudetz, Anthony
Hudson, Melissa
Hudson, Robert
Hue, YiK
Hue, Yik-Kiong
Huen, Isaac
Hueper, Katja
Huerta, Claudia
Huff, Sandra
Hugg, James
Hughes, Edward
Hughes, Nicholas
Hughes, Sarah
Hughes, Tim
Hughes, Timothy
Hugon, Cedric
Hui, Edward
Huisman, Henkjan
Huisman, Thierry
Hukin, Juliette
Hulet, Jordan
Hulkower, Miriam
Hulsbergen-van de Kaa, Christina
Hulshizer, Thomas
Hulshoff Pol, Hilleke
Hum, Emerson
Hummer, Thomas
Humphries, Paul
Hung, Chiwei
Hunkeler, Andreas
Hunt, Jr., John
Hunter, Louis
Hunter, Michael
Huo, Donglai
Hurd, Ralph
Hurdman, Judith
Hurlbert, R. John
Hurley, Michael
Hurley, Samuel
Hurlstone, Adam
Hurst, Stuart
Hurwit, Daniel
Husain, Masud
Husain, Nuzhat
Hussain, Hero K.
Hussain, Shahid
Hussain, Tarique
Huston, III, John
Huston, John III
Huston III, John
Huszar, Dennis
Hutchins, Gary
Hutchinson, Charles
Hutchinson, Peter
Hutchison, Kent
Hutchison, R
Hutten, Ryan
Hutter, Diane
Hutton, Chloe
Huttunen, Joanna
Huuse, Else
Hwang, Dosik
Hwang, Jinyoung
Hwang, Ken-Pin
Hwang, Min-Sig
Hwang, Moon-jung
Hwang, San-Chao
Hwang, Scott
Hwang, Sun Chul
Hwu, H-G
Hwu, Hai-Go
Hwu, Hai-Gwo
Hwu, Wen-Mei
Hyacinthe, Jean-Noël
Hyare, Harpreet
Hübner, Neele
Hyde, James
Hyder, Fahmeed
Hylton, Nola
Hynynen, Kullervo
Hyodo, Tomoko
Hüppi, Petra
Hüppi, Petra S.
Häberlin, Maximilian
Häfeli, Urs
Häkkinen, Marko
Häring, Hans-Ulrich
Häring, Lars
Hövener, Jan-Bernd
Iacono, Maria
Iadanza, Antonella
Iafisco, M
Iba, Michiyo
Ibrahim, Elsayed
Ibrahim, Tamer
Ibrahim Hashim, Arig
Ichijo, Katsutoshi
Ida, Masahiro
Idema, Albert
Idiyatullin, Djaudat
Igarashi, Hironaka
Iguchi, Satoshi
Iida, Hidehiro
Iima, Mami
Ijare, Omkar
Ikonomidou, Vasiliki
Ikonomovic, Milos
Ikuta, Shuzo
Ikuta, Toshikazu
Ilmoniemi, Risto
Iltis, Isabelle
Im, Geun-Ho
Im, Kiho
Imai, Hirohiko
Imai, Yasuharu
Imai, Yutaka
Imam, Asraf
Imamura, Yukinobu
Iman, Rahwa
Imaoka, Izumi
Imperio, Daniela
In, Myung-Ho
Inati, Souheil
Ind, Thomas
Inder, Terrie
Inder, Terrie E.
Indraccolo, Stefano
Infante-Duarte, Carmen
Ingalhalikar, Madhura
Ingle, R.
Inglese, Matilde
Inglis, Ben
Ingrisch, Michael
Ingvar, Christian
Ingvar, Martin
Innis, Robert
Inoue, Ken
Inoue, Taeko
Inoue, Takashi
Intrapiromkul, Jarunee
Intven, Martijn
Ioannou, George
Iordachita, Iulian
Iordanova, Bistra
Iorio, Egidio
Ip, Flora
Ipek, Ozlem
Ippel, Hans
Iranmahboob, Amir
Irarrazaval, Pablo
Ireland, Rob
Ireland, Robert
Irfanoglu, Mustafa
Irkens, Marco
Irrechukwu, Onyi
Isaac, John
Isabey, Daniel
Iseman, Christine
Ishigami, Kousei
Ishii, Kazunari
Ishii, M.
Ishii, Masaru
Ishizaka, Kinya
Iskander, ASM
Ismail, Saadiya
Ismail, Tevfik
Isobe, Tomonori
Isoda, Haruo
Isoda, Hiroyoshi
Isogai, Jun
Isquith, Daniel
Israel, Gary M.
Itagaki, Hiroyuki
Italiaander, Michel
Ith, Michael
Ito, Katsuyoshi
Ito, Kenji
Ito, Ryohei
Ito, Satoshi
Ito, Yoshitaka
Ito, Yukiko
Itoh, Akiyoshi
Ittermann, Bernd
Ittyerah, Ranjit
Itzchak, Yaacov
Iupati, Douglas
Ivanov, Dimo
Ivanovas, Vera
Ivkovic, Milos
Iwabuchi, Taku
Iwadate, Yuji
Iwami, Mika
Iwamoto, Yukihide
Iwamuro, H
Iwanami, Akio
Iwashita, Koya
Izadpanah, Kaywan
Izbudak, Izlem
Izquierdo, David
Izquierdo-Garcia, David
Jack, Clifford R.
Jack, Jr., Clifford
Jackowski, Marcel
Jackson, Alan
Jackson, Daniel
Jackson, Graeme
Jackson, L
Jackson, Lauren
Jacob, Mathews
Jacobs, Arthur
Jacobs, Igor
Jacobs, Lloydine
Jacobs, Michael
Jacobs, Russell
Jacobs, Russell E
Jacobson, Steven
Jacoby, Christoph
Jacques, Audrey
Jacquet, Wolfgang
Jacquier, Alexis
Jaeger, Dieter
Jafar, Maysam
Jafari-Khouzani, Kourosh
Jagadeesan, Bharathi
Jager, H
Jaggi, Hina
Jah-Kabba, Ann
Jahanian, Hesamoddin
Jahanshad, Neda
Jahng, Geon-Ho
Jahnke, Cosima
Jahns, Roland
Jahns, Valerie
Jain, Ameet
jain, amita
Jain, Gaurav
Jain, Rajan
Jain, Rakesh
Jain, Varsha
Jaïs, Pierre
Jakob, Peter
Jakob, Peter M.
Jalan, Rajiv
Jalbert, Llewellyn
Jalbert, Trey
Jalilian, Laleh
James, Andrew
James, C
James, C. David
James, Judy
Jamin, Yann
Janes, Lindsay
Janes, Sam
Jang, Dong-Pyo
Jang, Eun-Ju
Jang, Moo-Young
Jang, Taichang
Jang, ung
Jani, Piyush
Janic, Branislava
Janich, Martin
Janiczek, Robert
Janik, Rafal
Janka, Gritta
Janka, Rolf
Jankiewicz, Marcin
Jankovic, Drazenka
Jann, Kay
Jansen, Diane
Jansen, Jacobus
Jansen, Olav
Jansen, Sanaz
Jansen-van der Weide, Martine
Janssen, Barbara
Janssen, Carola
Janssens, Sharon
Jao, Terrence
Jara, Hernan
Jarai, Gabor
Jarisch, Andrea
Jarjour, Nizar
Jarnagin, William
Jarraya, Bechir
Jarraya, Béchir
Jarzyna, Peter
Jasinski, Krzysztof
Jaspan, Tim
Jaspan, Timothy
Jaspers, Karolien
Jassal, Davinder
Javad, Faiza
Javed, Ahsan
Jaw, Twei-Shiun
Jaworski, Jacek
Jayasundar, Rama
Jayatilake, Mohan
Jayawickrama, Nikhil
Jayson, Gordon
Jbabdi, Saad
Jecmenica-Lukic, Milica
Jefferson, Andrew
Jeffrey, Mark
Jegatheesan, Aravinthan
Jeha, Sima
Jehna, Margit
Jellus, Vladimir
Jelsone-Swain, Laura
Jelzow, Alexnader
Jen, Yee-Min
Jena, Rajesh
Jendelova, Pavla
Jenderka, Klaus-Vitold
Jeneson, Jeroen
Jenista, Elizabeth
Jenkins, Kimble
Jenne, Jürgen
Jennings, Dominique
Jensen, Jens
Jensen, Jens H.
Jensen, Todd
Jensen-Kondering, Ulf
Jentschke, Sebastian
Jeon, Beom
Jeon, Beom S
Jeon, Beom-Seok
Jeon, Tina
Jeon, Yong Sik
Jeong, Eun-Kee
Jeong, Eunkee
Jeong, Gwang-Woo
Jeong, Hongbae
Jeong, Hye-Jin
Jeong, Jaeseung
Jeong, Jeong-Won
Jerecic, Renate
Jerosch-Herold, Michael
Jerschow, Alexej
Jerskey, Beth
Jesberger, John
Jesmanowicz, Andre
Jesmanowicz, Andrzej
Jespersen, Bente
Jespersen, Sune
Jessen, Michael
Jeuken, Judith
Jeurissen, Ben
Jewells, Valerie
Jewett, Michael
Jezzard, Peter
Jha, Abhinav
Jhaveri, Kartik
Ji, Jim
Ji, Qing
Ji, Shuangxi
Ji, Xinhai
Ji, Yuan
Jia, Feng
Jia, Guang
Jia, Hongjun
jia, xiuqin
Jiang, Hangyi
Jiang, Lei
Jiang, Lihong
Jiang, Lu
Jiang, Qian
Jiang, Quan
Jiang, Shan
Jiang, Shiliang
Jiang, Tianzi
Jiang, Xiaohua
Jiang, Xiaoyu
Jiang, Xue-xiang
Jiang, Yin
Jiang, Yue-Ming
Jiang, Zhen
Jiangsheng, Yu
Jill, David
Jilwan-Nicolas, Manal
Jimenez-Martinez, Santiago
Jin, Brian
Jin, Hua
Jin, Jin
Jin, Lixin
Jin, Mingwu
Jin, Ning
Jin, Seong-Uk
Jin, Tao
Jindal, Ashish
Jirak, Daniel
Jo, Hang Joon
Jo, Hyun Hee
Joe, Bonnie
Joe, Eugene
Joe, Eunhae
Joel, Suresh
Joers, James
Johannesson, Haukur
Johansen-Berg, Heidi
Johansson, Adam
Johansson, Lars
Johnson, Ann
Johnson, C
Johnson, Casey
Johnson, Christopher
Johnson, Curtis
Johnson, David
Johnson, Diana
Johnson, G.
Johnson, John
Johnson, Kenneth
Johnson, Kevin
Johnson, Kimberly
Johnson, Laura
Johnson, Leisa
Johnson, Peter
Johnson, Timothy
Johnston, Leigh
Johnston, Peter
Johnstone, Edward
Johnstone, Robert
Johst, Soeren
Johst, Sören
Jokivarsi, Kimmo
Joldes, Grand
Jolesz, Ferenc
Jolly, Anna
Jolly, Marie-Pierre
Joly, Olivier
Jonczyk, Martin
Jones, Chris
Jones, Craig
Jones, Derek
Jones, Derek K.
Jones, Edward
Jones, Jennifer
Jones, Nia
Jones, Richard
Jones, Scott
Jones, Stephen
Jones, Tyler
Jonides, John
Jonker, Jacqueline
Jonkers, Richard
Jonsdottir, Kristjana
Jonsson, Joakim
Joo, Chan-Gyu
Jordan, Benedicte
Jordan, Caroline
Jordan, E. Kay
Jordan, Kay
Jorge, João
Josan, Sonal
Joseph, Gabby
Josephs, Oliver
Josephson, Mark
Joubert, Ilse
Joudiou, Nicolas
Jovanovic, Slavisa
Jovicich, Jorge
Joyner, Alexandra
Ju, Shenghong
Juan, Chun-Jung
Juan, Hermida
Juchem, Christoph
Judson, Ian
Jugé, Lauriane
Julian, Laura
Julin, Per
Jung, Bernd
Jung, Bernd A.
Jung, Ki-Hye
Jung, Kwan-Jin
Jung, Steffen
Jung, Youngkyoo
Jungnickel, Kerstin
Jungreis, Charles
Junnarkar, Sachin
Juras, Vladimir
Jurcoane, Alina
Jurkowski, Kevin
Just, Nathalie
Jutras, Jean-David
Juvvigunta, Flavia
Jüttner, Alena
Kaaks, Rudolf
Kaas, Jon
Kabasawa, Hiroyuki
Kabisch, Stefan
Kacher, Daniel
Kachramanoglou, Carolina
Kadambi, Achuta
Kadayakkara, Deepak
Kadbi, Mo
Kadem, Lyes
Kadjo, Aziz
Kadlecek, S. J.
Kadlecek, Stephen
Kadmon, Ehud
Kaeding, Christopher
Kafantaris, Vivian
Kaffanke, Joachim
Kagawa, Naoki
Kagawa, Yuki
Kaggie, Joshua
Kahle, Philipp
Kahlert, Philipp
Kahlert, Ulf
Kahn, Thomas
Kaihara, Toshiya
Kainz, Wolfgang
Kaiser, Gernot
Kaiser, Werner
Kajihara, Nao
Kakihara, Daisuke
Kakkad, Samata
Kalavagunta, Chaitanya
Kalayciyan, Raffi
Kalb, Bobby
Kalber, Tammy
Kali, Avinash
Kalin, Ned
Kalisz, Kevin
Kalodiki, Evi
Kalthoff, Daniel
Kalyanpur, Arjun
Kamagata, Koji
Kamat, Medha
Kamata, Mitsukazu
Kamel, Ihab
Kaminsky, Stephen
Kampf, Thomas
Kamphues, Carsten
Kampmeier, Jürgen
Kampondeni, Samuel
Kan, Hermien
Kan, Hirohito
Kan, Li
Kan, Shigeyuki
Kanagaki, Mitsunori
Kanao, Shotaro
Kanbara, Yoshiyuki
Kanberoglu, Berkay
Kanda, Toyoko
Kaneko, Yukio
Kang, Dae-Hoon
Kang, Dae-Hun
Kang, Heoung-Keun
Kang, Hyun
Kang, Hyunseon
Kang, James
Kang, Jongeun
Kang, Joo Hyun
Kang, Keunhyung
Kang, Min-Kyoung
Kang, Stella
Kanki, Akihiko
Kann, Benjamin
Kannengiesser, Stephan
Kanno, Iwao
Kannurpatti, Sridhar
Kanterakis, Stathis
Kantorovich, Svetlana
Kanzenbach, Jürgen
Kao, Chien-ping
Kapatai, Georgia
Kapilamoorthy, Tirur Raman
Kaplan, Stephen
Kapoor, Gurpreet
Kapoor, Raju
Kapoor, Vinay
Kappert, Peter
Kapposs, Ludwig
Kara, Firat
Karam, Lina
Karampinos, Dimitrios
Karczmar, Greg
Karczmar, Gregory
Karim, Rashed
Karimi, Hirad
Karimi, Sasan
Karis, John
Karis, John P.
Karjalainen, Pasi
Karjalainen, Tiina
Karkar, Kameel
Karki, Kishor
Karlsson, Mikael
Karlsson, Nils
Karmazyn, Boaz
Karmonik, Christof
Karpuk, Sergei
Karpuk, Sergej
Karroum, Oussama
Karthigeyan, Sudha
Karunanayaka, Prasanna
Kasahara, Seiko
Kasai, Harumasa
Kaschner, M.
Kasess, Christian
Kasper, Christine
Kasper, Lars
Kasprian, Gregor
Kassab, Ghassan
Kassahun, Helina
Kassey, Victor
Kassey, Victor Babu
Kassner, Andrea
Kataoka, Masako
Kates, Wendy
Kato, Shingo
Kato, Yoshinori
Katscher, Ulrich
Kattan, Michael
Kattel, Krishna
Katz, Patricia
Kauczor, Hans-Ulrich
Kaufman, Marc
Kaufmann, Jörn
Kaufmann, Timothy
Kaulisch, Thomas
Kauppinen, Risto
Kaur, Balveen
Kaushik, S
Kaushik, S.
Kaushik, Suryanarayanan
Kavallappa, Tejaswini
Kavelaars, Annemieke
KAWABATA, Yoshihiko
Kawaguchi, Yuko
Kawahara, Masaaki
Kawahara, Seiya
Kawai, Hisashi
Kawai, Yuko
Kawanishi, Katsuya
Kawano, Makoto
Kay, Kendrick
Kaye, Andrew
Kaye, Elena
Kaye, Philip
Kaye, Stan
Kazan, Samira
Kazaryan, Airazat
KC, Victor
Ke, Cing-Ciao
Kearney, Hugh
Keating, Brian
Kechagias, Stergios
Kecskemeti, Steven
Kedzierski, Rafal
Kedziorek, Dorota
Kee, Yun
Keefe, Stephen
Keegan, Jennifer
Keeling, Stephen
Keenan, Kathryn
Keenan, Ross
Keener, Jonathon
Keevil, Jonathan
Kegeles, Larence
Kegeles, Lawrence
Keil, Boris
Keil, Fabian
Keilberg, Petra
Keilholz, Shella
Keist, Ruth
Keith, Lauren
Kelcz, Frederick
Kelen, Dorottya
Kellenberger, Christian
Keller, Simon
Kelley, Douglas
Kelley, Mark
Kellihan, Heidi
Kellman, Peter
Kellner-Weldon, Frauke
Kelly, Clare
Kelly, PhD, Erin
Kelsch, Wolfgang
Kelso, Matthew
Kemeny, Nancy
Kemerer, Mary
Kemp, Graham
Kemp, Stephanie
Kemper, Valentin
Kempf, Ashley
Kengen, Julie
Kenna, Gerry
Kennan, Richard P.
Kennedy, Brett
Kennedy, Dominic
Kennedy, James
Kennedy, Scott
Kennerley, Aneurin
Kenning, Lawrence
Kenny, Gavin
Kent, Thomas
Keong, Terry
Keralapurath, Madhu
Kerenyi, Aron
Kern, Rolf
Kerr, Adam
Kerr, Andrew
Kerr, Douglas
Kersemans, Veerle
Kershaw, Jeff
Kershaw, Lucy
Kersten, Marie Jose
Kerwin, William
Kesavadas, Chandrasekharan
Keserci, Bilgin
Keshari, Kayvan
Kessinger, Chase
Ketel, Jeff
Ketel, Jeffrey
Ketel, Stephen
Ketel, steve
Ketkar-Atre, Ashwini
Ketterman, Mathew
Kettler, Mark
Kettunen, Mikko
Keupp, Jochen
Keutzer, Kurt
Keyak, Joyce
Kezele, Irina
Kfoury, Abdallah
Khalidov, Ildar
Khalighi, Mohammad
Khalil, Michael
Khalil, Mohamad
Khalili-Mahani, Najmeh
Khan, Aftab
Khan, Asif
Khan, Mahmood
Khan, Majid
Khan, Nadeem
Khan, Umer
Khan, Yaseen
Khanlou, Homayoon
Khanna, Savita
Khare, Kedar
Khashper, Alla
Khatib, Dalal
Khetrapal, C
Khlebnikov, Artem
Kholmovski, Eugene
Khong, Pek Lan
Khong, Pek-Lan
Khoo, Chin
Khorkhordin, Oleksandr
Khramtsov, Valery
Khrapichev, Alexandr
Khuhapinant, Archrob
Khurana, Sandeep
Khushu, Subash
Kiani, Saeed
Kickhefel, Antje
Kickler, Nils
Kidd, Christopher
Kido, Aki
Kidwell, C.
Kiefer, Berthold
Kiefer, Claus
Kiel, Jeffrey
Kiely, David
Kiessling, Fabian
Kijowski, Richard
Kijowski, Rick
Kikinis, Ron
Kikuchi, Keiichi
Kiliaan, Amanda
Killiany, Ronald
Kilroy, Emily
Kim, Byoung Soo
Kim, Charles
Kim, Dae-Jin
Kim, Daniel
Kim, Danny
Kim, Do-Young
Kim, Dong
Kim, Dong-Hyuk
Kim, Dong-Hyun
Kim, Dong-Youl
Kim, Eugene
Kim, Eui Jong
Kim, Eung-Yeop
Kim, EunJu
Kim, Grace
Kim, Gwang-Won
Kim, Hahnsung
Kim, Han
Kim, Han Gyeol
Kim, Hana
Kim, Hee-Kyung
Kim, Heechul
Kim, Heisoog
Kim, Hengjun
Kim, Hyck-Gi
Kim, Hyeon Jin
Kim, Hyeonjin
Kim, Hyun-Cheol
Kim, Hyung Joong
Kim, In Seong Kim
Kim, Inyong
Kim, Jae
Kim, Jae-Hun
Kim, Jeong
Kim, Jeong Kon
Kim, JeongKon
Kim, Ji-Hoon
Kim, Ji-Young
Kim, Jieun
Kim, Jong
Kim, Jong Hyo
Kim, Jong-Min
Kim, Joo Hee
Kim, Joo-Hyun
Kim, Joong
Kim, Jung Young
Kim, Jung-Hwan
Kim, Junghoe
Kim, Junghwan
Kim, Kang-soo
Kim, Ki Whang
Kim, Kio
Kim, Kyeong Min
Kim, Kyoung Nam
Kim, Kyoung-Nam
Kim, Kyung Ah
Kim, Kyung Won
Kim, Min Ji
Kim, Min-Ji
Kim, Mina
Kim, Myeong-Jin
Kim, Namhee
Kim, Namkug
Kim, Ok-Hee
Kim, Raymond
Kim, Sang Youn
Kim, Sang-Young
Kim, Seok-Kwun
Kim, Seong-Eun
Kim, Seong-Gi
Kim, SeongEun
Kim, Seung Hyup
Kim, Soeng-Gi
Kim, Sooah
Kim, Sun
Kim, Sun Mi
Kim, Sun-Mi
Kim, Sungheon
Kim, Tae
Kim, Tae han
Kim, Tae-Jeong
Kim, Yong-Gwon
Kim, Yong-Hwan
Kim, Yoo Na
Kim, Yoon-Chul
Kim, Young
Kim, Young Ro
Kim, Young Tae
Kim, Young-Beom
Kim, Young-Bo
Kimura, Atsuomi
Kimura, Tokunori
Kind, T.
King, Andrea
King, Andrew
King, Ann D
King, Kevin
King, Martin
King, Michael
King, Rodney
King, Scott
Kini, Lohith
Kinkel, Revere
Kinkel, Rip
Kinner, Sonja
Kinney, Hannah
Kino, Aya
Kinoshita, Manabu
Kinzler, Kenneth
Kir, Albert
Kirbas, Cemil
Kirby, Miranda
Kirchberg, Klaus
Kircher, Moritz
Kirchin, Miles
Kirchner, Thomas
Kirilina, Evgeniya
Kiriyama, Tomonari
Kirkham, Alexander
Kirkpatrick, Iain
Kirkpatrick, John
Kirov, Ivan
Kirsch, Stefan
Kiruluta, Andrew
Kiselev, Valerij
Kishima, Haruhiko
Kissinger, Kraig
Kitagawa, Kakuya
Kitagawa, Toshiro
Kitaguchi, Hitohsi
Kitajima, Hiroumi
Kitajima, Mika
Kitanaka, Akihiro
Kitzler, Hagen
Kivelitz, Dietmar
Kiviniemi, Vesa
Kivipelto, Miia
Kiviranta, Ilkka
Kiviranta, Outi
Kjellman, Pontus
Kladeck, Matthias
Klaers, Jessica
Klason, Tomas
Klassen, L
Klassen, Marty
Klassen, Martyn
Klatt, Dieter
Klauer, Peter
Klauss, Miriam
Klaver, Peter
Kleemann, Anna
Klein, Alexandra
Klein, Miriam
Klein, Rachel
Klein, Thomas
Kleinnijenhuis, Michiel
Kleppestø, Magne
Klepsch, Tobias
Klibanov, Alexander
Klifa, Catherine
Kline, Bill
Klinge, Uwe
Klingel, Karin
Klink, Ahmed
Kliper, Efrat
Klocke, Noelle
Klohs, Jan
Klomp, Anne
Klomp, Dennis
Klose, Uwe
Klug, William
Klum, Sebastian
Kluza, Ewelina
Klär, Andreas
knight, Robert
Knight, Steven
Knight-Scott, Jack
Knirsch, Walter
Knobloch, Verena
Knol, Dirk
Knoll, Florian
Knopp, Michael
Knopp, Michael V.
Knowles, Benjamin
Knox, Mark
Knutsson, Hans
Knutsson, Linda
Knösche, Thomas
Ko, Cheng-Wen
Ko, In Ok
Ko, Nerissa
Koay, Cheng
Koay, Cheng Guan
Kobayashi, Hisataka
Kobayashi, Kentaro
Kobayashi, Naoharu
Kober, Frank
Kober, Tobias
Kobus, Thiele
Kocak, Mehmet
Kocaturk, Ozgur
Koch, Christian
Koch, Giacomo
Koch, Kevin
Koch, Kevin M.
Koch, Martin
Kochanek, Patrick
Kochar, Minisha
Kocharyan, Ara
Kochunov, Peter
Kockenberger, Walter
Kocoski, Vladimir
Koda, Shunichi
Kodali, Visali
Kodibagkar, Vikram
Koegler, Carsten
Koelsch, Bertram
Koenders, Marije
Koenig, Alexander
Koenig, Maren
Koeppen, Hartmut
Koff, Matthew
Kogan, Feliks
Kogita, Sachiyo
Koh, Dow
Koh, Dow-Mu
Kohno, Shohei
Koike, Takahiko
Kok, Jan
Kok, Trina
Koken, Peter
Kokkinos, Christopher
Kokorin, Denis
Koktzoglou, Ioannis
Kokuryo, Daisuke
Kolbe, Scott
Kolbitsch, Christoph
Kolind, Shannon
Kolipaka, Arunark
Koller, Brigitte
Kollias, Spyros
Kolodziej, Andrew
Kolokythas, Orpheus
Komljenovic, Dorde
Komlosh, Michal
Komori, Yoshiaki
Komoroski, Richard
Kompan, Ina
Kondo, Douglas
Konen, Eli
Kong, Jiming
Koning, Wouter
Konofagou, Elisa
Konrad, Carsten
Konstandin, Simon
Kontson, Kimberly
Koo, Bang-Bon
Koohi, Arezou
Kooi, Eline
Kooi, M. Eline
Kooi, Marianne
Koomalsingh, Kevin
Koonen, Jos
Koopmans, Peter
Kopanoglu, Emre
Kopeinigg, Daniel
Kopell, Brian
Kopietz, Rainer
Kopp, Inga
Kopra, Outi
Korczykowski, Marc
Korczyn A, Amos
Koren, Gideon
Korenblit, Maayan
Koretski, Julia
Koretsky, Alan
Korn, Matthias
Kornecki, Anat
Korogi, Yukunori
Koropatnick, Jim
Korosec, Frank
Korosec, Frank R.
Korporaal, Johannes
Korten, Arthur
Korteweg, Mies
Kortweg, Mies
Korvink, Jan
Kosaka, Nobuyuki
Kosch, Olaf
Koscielny, Arne
Kose, Katsumi
Kosofsky, Barry
Kostic, Vladimir
Kostiuk, M
Kostovic, Ivica
Kosuge, Hisanori
Kotagama, Kasuen
Kotek, Gyula
Kotrotsou, Aikaterini
Kotter, Elmar
Kotys, Melanie
Kotz, Sonja
Kou, Bo
Kou, Zhifeng
Koutcher, Jason
Kouwenhoven, Marc
Kovacs, Zoltan
Kow, Dow-Mu
Kowalczyk, Izabela
Kowalik, Grzegorz
Kowalski, Julia
Koyama, Hisanobu
Kozawa, Satoshi
Kozerke, Sebastian
Kozlov, Mikhail
Kozlowski, Piotr
Kozora, E
Kozubenko, Nataliya
Kraehenmann, Rainer
Kraff, Oliver
Krafft, Axel
Kraft, Monica
Kraft, Robert
Krainik, Alexandre
Kraitchman, Dara
Kraitchman, Dara L.
Krajewski, Marcin
Kramer, Christopher
Kramer, Larry
Kramer, Susan
Kramer-Marek, Gabriela
Kramme, Johanna
Krasnokutsky, Svetlana
Kratt, Kai
Krebs, Michael
Krebs, Nikolaus
Kreis, Roland
Kreisel, Wolfgang
Kreitz, Silke
Krejza, Jaroslaw
Kremenchutzky, Marcelo
Krenkel, Lars
Krestin, Gabriel
Kretz, Alexandra
Krigel, Anna
Krishna, Murali
Krishnam, Mayil
Krishnamachary, Balaji
Krishnamurthy, Narayanan
Krishnamurthy, Pavan
Krishnamurthy, Ramkumar
Krishnan, Pranay
Krishnan, Sumati
Krittayaphong, Rungroj
Kriz, Jan
Kroeker, Randall
Kroenke, Christopher
Kroeze, Hugo
Kronenberger, William
Kronnerwetter, Claudia
Kroschel, Jonathan
Krssak, Martin
Kruchevsky, Natalia
Krueger, Gunnar
Krueger, Sascha
Krug, Roland
Kruger, Frank
Kruger, Stanley
Krull, Kevin
Krumbein, Ines
Krupp, Lauren
Kruse, Dustin
Kruse, Scott
Krüger, Sascha
Krämer, Nils
Krämer, Philipp
Kröger, Jan-Robert
Ktorides, Panayiotis
Kubach, Miriam
Kubicki, Marek
Kubo, Hitoshi
Kubo, Tadeu
Kubo, Takeshi
Kubo, Yuko
Kuceyeski, Amy
Kucharczyk, Walter
Kudelski, Dimitri
Kuder, Tristan
Kuder, Tristan Anselm
Kudielka, Guido
Kudo, Masatoshi
Kuehn-Hajder, Jessica
Kuehne, Andre
Kugel, Harald
Kugel, Jennifer
Kuhl, Christiane
Kuhlmann, Michael
Kukuk, Damaris
Kukuk, G.
Kukuk, Guido
Kulak, Anita
Kulesa, Jeramy
Kulik, Laura
Kulinowski, Piotr
Kullberg, Joel
Kullmann, Walter
Kumamoto, Etsuko
Kumano, Seishi
Kumar, Ajay
Kumar, Amit
Kumar, Anand
Kumar, Andreas
Kumar, Anjali
Kumar, Challa
Kumar, Dinesh
Kumar, Dushyant
Kumar, Manoj
kumar, raghuvendra
Kumar, Rajesh
Kumar, Shaleen
Kumar, Siddhant
Kumazawa, Seiji
Kumcu, Asli
Kumita, Shinichiro
Kundu, Prantik
Kung, Andrew
Kunimatsu, Akira
Kunz, Nicolas
Kunze, Claudia
Kuo, Daniel
Kuo, Li-Wei
Kuo, Phillip
Kuo, Te-Son
Kuo, Wei-Jui
Kuo, Wen-Jui
Kuo, Yu-Ting
Kuo, Yuan-Chia
Kuo, Zhi-Xuan
Kupers, Ron
Kupfer, David
Kupinski, Mathew
Kuppusamy, Periannan
Kupriyanova, Yuliya
Kurhanewicz, John
Kurland, Brenda
Kurniawan, Nyoman
Kuro-o, Makoto
Kuroda, Kagayaki
Kuroki, Yoshifumi
Kurpad, Krishna
Kurtcuoglu, Vartan
Kurth, Johannes
Kuruma, Hironobu
Kusahara, Hiroshi
Kushida, Clete
Kushmerick, Martin
Kushnir, Tammar
Kusik, Todd
Kuster, Niels
Kuwatsuru, Ryohei
Kuzma, N. N.
Kuzma, Nicholas
Kuzma, Nick
Kuzucan, Aida
Kwee, Robert
Kwee, Thomas
Kwok, Edmund
Kwon, Dae-Hyuk
Kwon, Hee-Seok
Kwon, Jane
Kwon, Kie Tae
Kwon, Oh In
Kwon, Ohin
Kwon, Seonjoo
Kwong, Dora Lai Wan
Kwong, Kenneth
Kwong, Raymond
Künnecke, Basil
Kyriazi, Stavroula
Küstermann, Ekkehard
Küsters, Benno
Kästel, Thorsten
Köbrich, Rainer
Kögler, Carsten
Köhler, Max
Köhler, Sascha
König, Kathrin
Könönen, Mervi
Köstler, Herbert
La Morgia, Chiara
Labadie, Christian
Lacey, Simon
Lackey, John
LaConte, Stephen
Ladd, Mark
Ladd, Mark E.
Ladd, Susanne
Ladebeck, Ralf
Lagae, Lieven
Lagana, Stephen
Lagemaat, Miriam
Lagendijk, Jan
Lago-Fernández, Luis
Lagore, Russell
Lagueux, Jean
Lahna, David
Lahrech, Hana
LaHue, Sara
Lai, Albert
Lai, Cheng-Hung
Lai, Chun-Yen
Lai, Hsin-Yi
Lai, Peng
Lai, Ping-Hong
Lai, Rixin
Lai, Song
Lai, Stephen
Lai, Yong Chuan
Lai, Yongchuan
Laidlaw, David
Lainez, J
Laird, Angela
Laistler, Elmar
Laitinen, Teemu
Lake, David
Lakkadi, Lavneeth
Lakkadi, Navneeth
Lal, Bachchu
Laliberte, C.
Laliberté, Christine
Lam, Adrian
Lam, Andrew
Lam, Fan
Lam, Mie Kee
Lam, Shing
Lam, Shing Chun Benny
Lam, Wilfred
Lamain, Emeline
Lamar, Melissa
Lamb, Hildo
Lambert, Simon
Lambrozo, Jacques
Lamerichs, Rolf
Lammentausta, Eveliina
Lammers, Twan
Lanagan, Michael
Lancelot, Eric
Landau, David
Landfester, Katharina
Landgraf, Ben
Landgraf, Benjamin
Landini, Luigi
Landman, Bennett
Landqvist, Maria
Landtblom, A.-M.
Landtblom, Anne-Marie
Lane, Tammy
Lanfermann, Heinrich
Lang, Donna
Langan, Camilla
Lange, Nicholas
Lange, Thomas
Langella, Bernard
Langen, Karl-Josef
Langenhuizen, Erwin
Langer, Mathias
Langer, Robert
Langereis, Sander
Langham, Michael
Langkammer, Christian
Langley, Jason
Lansberg, Maarten
Lansberg, Marteen
Lanz, Bernard
Lanz, Titus
Lanza, Gregory
Lanzenberger, Rupert
Lapere, Samuel
Laperriere, Normand
Larghat, Abdulghani
Larose, Eric
Larralde, Antoine
Larrat, Benoit
Larsen, Brian
Larson, Andrew
Larson, Paul
Larson, Peder
Larsson, Christopher
Larsson, Henrik
Lascola, Christopher
Lasic, Samo
Lassmann, Hans
Lasso, Andras
Latal, Bea
Laterra, John
Latif, Mohammad
Latour, Lawrence
Latourette, Matthew
Lattanzi, Riccardo
Lattimer, Chris
Lau, Angus
Lau, Condon
Lau, James
Lau, Justin
Laub, Gerhard
Laue, Hendrik
Lauenstein, Thomas
Lauer, Kathryn
Lauer, Lars
Laufik, Martin
Laughlin, Suzanne
Laule, Cornelia
Laumann, Anne
Laun, Frederik
Laurin, Jérôme
Lauritzen, Mette
Laustsen, Christoffer
Lauzon, M.
Lauzon, Michel
Lavery, William
Lavianlivi, Sherlin
Laviola, Giovanni
LaViolette, Peter
Law, Christine
Law, Meng
Law, Nicole
Law, Shuk-ling
Law, Tsz Kwun
LAW, Wailun
Lawford, Patricia
Lawson, Deborah
Lawson, Rebecca
Lawson, Rod
Lawton, Michael
Laxamana, Joel
Layton, Kelvin
Lazar, Mariana
Lazar, Victor
Lazariev, Andrii
Lazeron, Richard
Lazeyras, François
Lazeyras, Francois
Lazovic, Jelena
Le, Carl
Le, H
Le Bas, Jean-François
Le Bas, Jean-Francois
Le Bihan, Denis
Le Fur, Yann
Le Page, Lydia
Le Roux, Patrick
Leach, John
Leach, Lopa
Leach, M
Leach, Martin
Lebel, Catherine
Lebel, Réjean
Lebel, Robert
Leber, Klaus
LeBlanc, Sarah
Lebon, Vincent
Lecoeur, Jeremy
Lecomte, Roger
Lecomte, Sophie
Leddy, Christopher
Lederman, Robert
Lee, Agatha
Lee, Antony
Lee, Byeong-Yeul
Lee, Choong
Lee, Christine
Lee, Chu-Yu
Lee, Chul-Hyun
Lee, Daeho
Lee, Daniel
Lee, Deborah
Lee, Do-Wan
Lee, Dong- Kyun
Lee, Donghoon
Lee, Edward
Lee, Eun
Lee, Eun Jung
Lee, Fang-Yi
Lee, Frank
Lee, Gang Ho
Lee, Gary
Lee, Gregory
Lee, Hack-Young
Lee, Hana
Lee, Herng-Sheng
Lee, Hiu-kwan
Lee, Hsu-Lei
Lee, Hwayoung
Lee, Hyunyeol
Lee, Jae
Lee, Jae-Jun
Lee, Jae-Seung
Lee, Jenny
Lee, Jeong Min
Lee, Ji Hyun
Lee, Jin-Moo
Lee, Jing-Huei
Lee, John
Lee, Jong-Hwan
Lee, Jong-Min
Lee, Jongho
Lee, Joonsang
Lee, Joonsung
Lee, Jung Hee
Lee, Jung-Hoon
Lee, Karen
Lee, Kendall
Lee, Kenneth
Lee, Keumsil
Lee, Kihak
Lee, Kuan
Lee, Kun Ho
Lee, Kyum
Lee, Kyung-Bae
Lee, Miryoung
Lee, Moo-Suk
Lee, Namgyun
Lee, Nancy
Lee, Phil
Lee, Ray
Lee, Raymond
Lee, San-Kan
Lee, Sang
Lee, Sang Ho
Lee, Sang-Joon
Lee, Sang-Pil
Lee, Sangjune
Lee, Sangwoo
Lee, SeonKyu
Lee, Seung-Cheol
Lee, Seung-Koo
Lee, Seung-Kyun
Lee, Snag
Lee, Soo
Lee, Soo-Yeol
Lee, Thomas
Lee, Ting-Yim
Lee, Trevor
Lee, Tzu-Hua
Lee, Vincent
Lee, Virginia
Lee, Vivian
Lee, Wayne
Lee, William
Lee, Wonho
Lee, Young-ju
Lee, Yueh
Lee, Yung
Lee, Yunjung
Lee*, Gang
Leemans, A
Leemans, Alexander
Leeper, Deenis
Lefort, Muriel
Lefrançois, Emmanuel
LeFur, Yann
Legrain-Raspaud, Sophie
Legros, Alexandre
Lehericy, Stephane
Lehéricy, Stéphane
Lehesjoki, Anna-Elina
Lehman, Constance
Lehmann, Manja
Lehmann, Steffi
Lehmann, Volker
Lehner, Frank
Lehnhoff, Mareike
Lehr, Berengar
Lehr, Heinrich
Lehtimäki, Kimmo
Lehto, Lauri
Lei, Bing-Hsuan
Lei, Fu-Ju
Lei, Hao
Lei, Hongxia
Leibfritz, Dieter
Leiner, Tim
Leinhard, Olof
Leitao, Helena
Leite, João
Lemanske Jr., Robert
Lemasson, Benjamin
Lemdiasov, Rostislav
Lemieux, Louis
Lemkaddem, Alia
Lemke, Andreas
Lemke, Angela
Lenglet, Christophe
Lenkinski, Robert
Lenkinski, Robert E.
Lennon, Brian
Lentz, Margaret
Lentz, Pierre-Axel
Lenz, Barbara
Lenz, Claudia
Lenzen, Thomas
Leonard, Gabriel
Leonard, Mary
Leonardi, Maria
Leoni, Lara
Leoni, Renata
Leor, Jonathan
Leow, Melvin
Lepage, Martin
Lepetit-Coiffé, Matthieu
Lepine, Francois
Lepore, Natasha
Leporé, Natasha
Lepore*, Natasha
Leporq, Benjamin
Leppert, Ilana
Lepsien, Joeran
Lequin, Martin
Lerch, J.
Lerch, Jason
Lerman, Lilach
Lerner, Megan
Lerski, Richard
Lesh, Tyler
Lesnik Oberstein, Saskia
Lessick, Jonathan
Lessne, Mark
Lethimonier, Franck
Lethimonnier, Franck
Létourneau, Mathieu
Leung, Andy
Leung, Daniel-Joseph
Leung, General
Leung, Jackie
Leung, Jason
Leung, K
Leung, L
Leung, P
Leung, Ping-Chung
Leung, Steve
Leupold, Jochen
Leussler, Christoph
Leutritz, Tobias
Leuze, Christoph
LeVan, Pierre
Levchenko, Andre
Levenson, Cathy
Leveque, Philippe
Lever, Sandra
Leverenz, Larry
Levesque, Ives
Levine, Benjamin
Levine, Joshua
Levine, Mark
Levitt, Malcolm
Levy, Hilit
Levy, Joseph
Levy, Mia
Levy, Michael
Levy, Ory
Lewandowski, Robert
Lewin, Jonathan
Lewis, Bobbi
Lewis, Matthew
Leyendecker, John
Li, Alex
Li, Alvin
Li, Bin
Li, Bing
Li, BingKeong
Li, Cheng
Li, Chun-Xia
Li, Chunmei
Li, Cong
Li, David
Li, Dean
Li, Debiao
Li, Ethan
Li, Fei
Li, Feiyu
Li, Guang
Li, Guobin
Li, Guyu
Li, Jiakai
Li, Jianqi
Li, Jin
Li, Jinfeng
Li, Jing Rebecca
Li, Jing-Rebecca
Li, Ka-Loh
Li, Ke
Li, Kun
Li, Kuncheng
Li, Lian
Li, Limin
Li, Lin
Li, Linqing
Li, Longchuan
Li, Lu-Ping
Li, Meng
Li, Mingfeng
Li, Mingyi
Li, Nan
Li, Ping
Li, Qi
Li, Qing Jiang
Li, Qingjiang
Li, Rui
Li, Rupeng
Li, Saying
Li, Shi-jiang
Li, Shijiang
Li, Shizhe
Li, Sonia
Li, Tie-Qiang
Li, Tuo
Li, Wei
Li, Weiguo
Li, Wen
Li, Wenjing
Li, Wenjun
Li, Xia
Li, Xia (Lisa)
Li, Xiangrong
Li, Xiaojuan
Li, Xin
Li, Xin-Min
Li, Xiru
Li, Xiufeng
Li, Xubin
Li, Yan
Li, Ye
Li, Yi
Li, Yi-Ou
Li, Yongsheng
Li, Yu
Li, Yue
Li, Yuguo
Li, Yuhua
Li, Yunqing
Li, Yuqian
Li, Zhengjun
Li, Zhihao
Li, Zhijun
Li, Zhiqiang
Li, Zhiyong
Li, Zhu
Liachenko, Serguei
Liamlahi, Rabia
Liang, Alice
Liang, Dong
Liang, Fei
Liang, Guoyuan
Liang, Hongyu
Liang, Hsiao-Fang
Liang, Jie
liang, peipeng
Liang, Xiaoyun
Liang, Y
Liang, Yajie
Liang, Zhi-Pei
Liao, Jichun
Liao, Ronglih
Liao, Yeng-Peng
Liao, Yihua
Liasis, Alki
Liau, Linda
Lidzba, Karen
Liebenthal, Einat
Lieberman, Matthew
Liebeskind, D.
Liebeskind, David
Liem, Michael
Lienhard, Stefan
Liepold, Lars
Liess, Carsten
Lietzmann, Florian
Liguori, Rocco
Liimatainen, Timo
Lim, Andrew
Lim, Ee
Lim, Issel
Lim, Jeremy
Lim, Joon Seok
Lim, Julian
Lim, Kun-Eng
Lim, Michael
Lim, Ruth
Lim, Ruth P.
Lim, Sabina
Lim, Sang Moo
Lim, Teik
Lim, Wootaek
Lima, Anthony
Lima, Joao
Limperopoulos, Catherine
Lin, Ai-Ling
Lin, Alexander
Lin, Ben
Lin, Chao-Chun
Lin, Chen
Lin, Cheng-Ju
Lin, Chien-Yuan
Lin, Chin
Lin, Ching-Long
Lin, Ching-Po
Lin, David
Lin, F-H
Lin, F-H.
Lin, Fa Hsuan
Lin, Fa-Hsuan
Lin, FaHsuan
Lin, Fuchun
Lin, Gigin
Lin, Hung-Yu
Lin, In-Tsang
Lin, Kun-Liang
Lin, Lingchih
Lin, Ming-Huang
Lin, Muqing
Lin, Pan
Lin, Ping-Chang
Lin, S
Lin, Wei
Lin, Weili
Lin, WeyYil
Lin, Yan
Lin, Yanqin
Lin, Yaoh-Shiang
Lin, Yi Ru
Lin, Yi-Ru
Lin, Yichun
Lin, Yu-Chun
Lin, Yulan
Lin, Yuting
Lin, Zimin
Lind, Lars
Lindberg, Mattias
Lindeboom, Lucas
Lindel, Tomasz
Lindemeyer, Johannes
Lindgren, Emelie
Lindquist, Diana
Lindsay, Alistair
Line, Yen-Hung
Liney, Gary
Ling, Clifton
Ling, Wen
Lingala, Sajan Goud
Lingvay, Ildiko
Link, Thomas
Link, Thomas M.
Linnik, Inna
Linson, Elyse
Linz, Peter
Linz, Tony
Lions, Ruth
Liou, H-H.
Liou, Shr-Tai
Lipperts, Matthijs
Lips, Oliver
Lipschitz, Jeremy
Lipson, David
Lipton, Michael
Liptrot, Matthew
Lis, Eric
Lisanby, Sarah
Lisi, Daniele
Lisinski, Jonathan
Lisitza, Natalia
Lisowski, Andrew
Litinsky, A.
Litkowski, Patricia
Littin, Sebastian
Little, Benjamin
Little, Ross
Littmann, Arne
Litwiller, Daniel
Liu, C-C
Liu, C-M
Liu, Careesa
Liu, Charng-ming
Liu, Chen-Chung
Liu, Chen-Yi
Liu, Chia-Ying
Liu, Chih-Min
Liu, Christina
Liu, Chunlei
Liu, Dapeng
Liu, Fang
Liu, Feng
Liu, Frances
Liu, Franklin
Liu, Gin-Chung
Liu, Guanshu
Liu, Ho-Lin
Liu, Ho-Ling
Liu, Hui
Liu, Jie
Liu, Jing
Liu, Junjie
Liu, Junmin
Liu, Kao-Lang
Liu, Ke Cheng
Liu, Kecheng
Liu, Li
Liu, Limei
Liu, Mei
Liu, Naifeng
Liu, Ningfei
Liu, Peiying
Liu, Philip
Liu, Qi
Liu, Qingwei
Liu, Ruolan
Liu, Saifeng
Liu, Sau
Liu, Seban
Liu, Sheng
Liu, Songling
Liu, Ta-yung
Liu, Thomas
Liu, Tian
liu, ting
Liu, Tom
Liu, Victor
Liu, Wanyu
Liu, Wei
Liu, Weixia
Liu, Wenbo
Liu, Xiao
Liu, Xiaolin
Liu, Xin
Liu, Yang
Liu, Yi-Jui
Liu, Yijun
Liu, Yinan
Liu, Ying
Liu, Yu
Liu, Yuan Chang
Liu, Yutong
Liu, Zhenghua
Liu, Zhenyu
Liu, Zhongming
Livingston, Leslie
Livingstone, Margaret
Lizak, M
Lizak, Martin
Lizarbe, Blanca
Lloyd, Simon
Lloyd, Steven
Lloyd, Tom
Lo, Chun-Yi
Lo, Eng
Lo, Gladys
Lo, Kai-Ming
Lo, Yu-Chun
Loai, Yasir
Loayza, Francis
Lobo, Tricia
Locatelli, Marzia
Lochman, Dana
Lockshin, M
Loddenkemper, Tobias
Lodemann, Klaus-Peter
Lodi, Alessia
Lodi, Raffaele
Loecher, Michael
Loeffler, Bettina
Loeffler, Ralf
Loerakker, Sandra
Loevner, Laurie
Loew, Wolfgang
Logothetis, Nikos
Logue, John
LOHEZIC, Maelene
Lohezic, Maélène
Lohmann, Gabriele
Lohr, Matthias
Lomas, David
Lombaert, Herve
Lombardi, Massimo
Londy, Frank
Long, Dan
Long, Li-Ling
Long, Michael
Long, Zaiyang
Longaretti, Roberta
Longo, Dario
Longoni, Giulia
Loo, Colleen
Lope-Piedrafita, Silvia
López, Begoña
Lopez, Nibardo
Lopez Terrones, Marcos
Lopez-Gines, Concha
Lopez-Larrubia, Pilar
López-Larrubia, Pilar
Lord, Melanie
Lorenz, Christine
Lorenz, Kathrin
Lorenz, Ramona
Lorich, Dean
Lospez-Pereira, Patricia
Lote, Knut
Lother, Steffen
Lou, Min
Lou, Xin
Loubeyre, Pierre
Louie, Angelique
Louin, Gaelle
Louis, Bruno
Loureiro de Sousa, Paulo
Lourette, Sean
Love, James
Loveless, Mary
Lovering, R
Lovering, Rich
Low, Russell
Lowe, James
Lowe, Jean
Lowe, Mark
Lowry, Martin
Lu, AIming
Lu, Chao
Lu, ChinSung
Lu, Debbie
Lu, Dongsi
Lu, Dongxu
Lu, Guangming
Lu, Hanbing
Lu, Hanzhang
Lu, Jie
Lu, Lan
Lu, Mei
Lu, Ming
Lu, Minjie
Lu, Qing
Lu, Ssu-Ying
Lu, Wenmiao
Lu, Yi
Lu, Ying
Lu, YingLi
Lu, Yonggang
Lu, Zheng-Rong
Luciani, Anna
luciani, maria laura
Ludeman, Susan
Ludewig, Matthias
Ludwig, Inge
Ludwig, Ute
Luechinger, Roger
Luedeke, Kai-Michael
Luengviriya, Chaiya
Luft, Friedrich
Luftig, Dan
Luger, Anton
Luh, W-M
Luh, Wen-Ming
Luhach, Ihor
Lui, Su
Lui, Wei
Luijten, Peter
Lukas, Ronald
Lukas, Scott
Lukic, Ana
Lumata, Lloyd
Lumsden, Alan
Luna, RT, Connie
Lund, Alice
Lundberg, Christina
Lundberg, P.
Lundberg, Peter
Lundbom, Jesper
Lundbom, Nina
Lundell, Henrik
Lunderquist, Anders
Lunderville, Chantal
Lundervold, Arvid
Luo, Feng
Luo, Jie
Luo, Nan
Luo, Qingfei
Luomahaara, Juho
Luong, Michel
Lupo, Janine
Lupu, Florea
Lupu, Mihaela
Lurie, Christina
Lurie, David
Lustig, Michael
Lustig, Micheal
Luts, Jan
Lutti, Antoine
Luttje, Mariska
Lutz, Anja
Lutz, Norbert
Luxsakhum, Siriphan
Luypaert, Robert
Lv, Hao
Lv, Xing
Lüchinger, Rafael
Lüchinger, Roger
Lygate, Craig
Lyketsos, Constantine
Lykowsky, Gunthard
Lynch, John
Lynch, Joseph
Lynch, Mary
Lüscher, Thomas F.
Lythgoe, David
Lythgoe, Mark
Lythgoe*, Mark
Lätt, Jimmy
Løkka, Guro
Ma, Benjamin
Ma, Chao
Ma, Dan
Ma, Genshan
Ma, Heather
Ma, Heng
Ma, Jigfei
Ma, Jingfei
Ma, Jun
Ma, Lin
Ma, Lixin
Ma, Sau-fan
Ma, Xiangyang
Ma, Xiao Hai
Maalouf, Naim
Maas, Mario
Maas, Marnix
Mabbott, Donald
Macaluso, Emiliano
MacAskill, Michael
MacDonald, Christine
Macdonald, Jeffrey
MacDonald, Matthew
Macdonald, Rainer
Macedo, Maysa
Macedo, Thanila
Macey, Paul
MacFall, James
Macgowan, Christopher
MacGowan, Guy
MacGregor, John
Machado, Andre
Machado Segundo, Antonio
Machann, Jürgen
Machida, Yoshio
Machiraju, Raghu
MacIntosh, Bradley
Maciocco, Luca
Mack, Julie
MacKay, Alex
MacKay, Alexander
MacKenzie-Graham, Allan
Maclaren, Julian
MacLeod, Rob
MacMillan, Erin
MacMillan, Erin Leigh
Macnaught, Gillian
MacPherson, Lesley
MacRae, I.
Macrì, Simone
Macura, Katarzyna J.
Madabhushi, Anant
Madan, Gunjan
Maddage, Rajika
Madden, David
Madelin, Guillaume
Mader, Irina
Maders, Fran
Maderwald, Stefan
Madhuranthakam, Ananth
Madjar, Cécile
Madore, Bruno
Madru, Renata
Maeder, Philippe
Maeder, Ulf
Maedler, Burkhard
Maedler, Kathrin
Maehara, Keiko
Maes, Frederik
Magat, Julie
Magee, Derek
Magerkurth, Joerg
Magerkurth, Jörg
Magill, Arthur
Magill, David
Magin, Richard
Magland, Jeremey
Magland, Jeremy
Magnani, Giuseppe
Magnitsky, Sergey
Magnotta, Vincent
Magnuson, Matthew
Magnusson, Maria
Magnusson, P.
Magnusson, Peter
Maguire, Mahon
Mahajan, Ravi
Mahallati, Houman
Mahcicek, Davut
Mahdi, Abbas
Maher, Elizabeth
Maher, Suzanne
Mahieu, Isabelle
Mahmood, Asim
Mahon, Katie
Mahone, E.
Mahone, Ernest
Mahony, Sonya
Mai, Wil
Mai, Zhenhua
Maier, Florian
Maier, Joe
Maier, Karl
Maier, Stephan
Maillard, Philippe
Mainardi, Luca
Mainero, Caterina
Maintz, David
Mair, Ross
Maître, Xavier
Maitre, Xavier
Majoie, Charles
Majoie, Marian
Major, Nancy
Majumdar, Angshul
Majumdar, Sharmila
Mak, Henry
Makedon, Fillia
Makedonov, Ilia
Makhoul, Khaldoun
Maki, Jeffrey
Maki, Jeffrey H.
Makki, Malek
Makoto, Miyakoshi
Makris, Andreas
Makris, George
Makris, Nikos
Malak, Sharp
Malamateniou, Christina
Malcolm, James
Maldjian, Joseph
Maldjian, Joseph A.
Maleki, Nasim
Mali, Willem
Malik, Gyanendra
Malik, Shaihan
Malikova, Irina
Malinowski, Kathleen
Malkin, Mark
Mallik, Catherine
Mallow, Johannes
Malloy, Craig
Malloy, Craig R.
Malloy, Paul
Malone, Donald
Malone, Fiona
Malucelli, Emil
Mamata, Hatsuho
MamayyezSiahkal, Parya
Mamisch, Tallal
Mamisch, Tallas
Man, Jessica
Man, Kwan
Manaças, Rui
Manach, Yann-Guirec
Mancini, Christine
Mancini, Laura
Mancuso, Anthony
Mancuso, Lauren
Mandarino, Lawrence
Mandelli, Maria Luisa
Manders, Emmy
Mandeville, Emiri
Mandry, Damien
Manduca, Armando
Mangia, Silvia
Mangin, Jean-François
Manglberger, Michael
Mani, Haresh
Mani, Merry
Mani, Venkatesh
Maniawski, Piotr
Manivannan, Niranchana
Manka, Robert
Manktelow, A
Manley, Geoffrey
Mann, Helen
Mann, J
Mann, Ritse
Mannelli, Lorenzo
Manners, David
Mannheim, Julia
Manniesing, Rashindra
Manninen, Otto
Manning, Henry
Manning, Warren
Manning, Warren J.
Manole, Mioara
Mansell, Peter
Mansour, Marc
Manton, David
Manzke, Robert
Mao, Hui
Mao, Xiangling
Marais, Léa
Maramraju, Sri-Harsha
Maraviglia, Bruno
Maravilla, Kenneth
Marcano, Daniela
Marcario, Joanne
Marchadour, Charlotte
Marchand, Valerie
Marchand, Valérie
Marciani, Luca
Marcone, Alessandra
Marconi, Barbara
Marcus, J.
Mareci, Thomas
Mareels, Iven
Marenco, Stefano
Mareyam, Azma
Marfori, Wanda
Margalit, Raanan
Margolis, Daniel
Margulies, Daniel
Mari, Jean-Luc
Maria Das, KJ
Mariappan, Yogesh
Mariappan, Yogesh kannan
MARIE, Pierre-Yves
Marik, Radharani
Marin-Valencia, Isaac
Marinelli, Luca
Marinelli, Martina
Maritato, Patrizia
Marjanska, Malgorzata
Mark, Clarisse
Mark, Eugene
Markenroth Bloch, Karin
Markiewicz, Erica
Markl, Michael
Marko, Lajos
Markosyan, Stella
Marks, Leonard
Marlovits, Stefan
Marlow, Neil
Marmurek, Jonathan
Marot, Liliane
Marquering, Henk
Marques, José
Marques, José
Marques, Ricardo
Marqueste, Tanguy
Marra, Camillo
Marrakchi-Kacem, Linda
Marro, Kenneth
Marrouche, Nassir
Marsac, Laurent
Marshall, A
Marshall, Harry
Marshall, Helen
Marsman, Anouk
Martel, Sylvain
Martí-Bonmatí, Luis
Martin, Alastair
Martin, Alastair J.
Martin, Alex
Martin, Andrew
Martin, Bryn Andrew
Martin, Conrad
Martin, Diego
Martin, Ernst
Martin, James
Martin, Lionel
Martin, Melanie
Martin, Mickey
Martin, Nicholas
Martin, Rebecca
Martin, Richard
Martin, Rodrigo
Martin-Cook, Kristin
Martin-Durupty, Ludovic
Martin-Sitjar, Juana
Martincich, Laura
Martinelli, Vittorio
Martinelli-Boneschi, Filippo
Martinez, Gary
Martinez-Bisbal, M.
Martínez-Bisbal, MCarmen
Martínez-Granados, Beatriz
Martinez-Granados, Beatriz
Martinez-Santiesteban, Francisco
Martinez-Seantiesteban, Franco
Martini, Nicola
Martins, Mateus
Martirosian, Petros
Martuzzi, Roberto
Marty, Benjamin
Marxen, Michael
Marzo, Alberto
Masad, Ihssan
Masci, Pier
Mase, Mitsuhito
Mashhadi, Mahya
Masliah, Eliezer
Mason, Graeme
Mason, Ralph
Mason, Rob
Massacesi, Luca
Massimini, Marcello
Massler, Hermann
Massmann, Alexander
Mast, Hansjörg
Masterton, Richard
Masuda, Koichi
Masumoto, Tomohiko
Masutani, Yoshitaka
Mata, Jaime
Mata, Jamie
Mateescu, Gheorghe
Mateo, Jesus
Materka, Andrzej
Mathers, John
Mathew, Blessy
Mathew, Liby
Mathews, Joseph
Mathews, Rebeccah
Mathews, Vincent
Mathias, Jane
Mathis, C.
Mathis, Diane
Mathis, Mark
Mathur, Amit
Mathur, Sunita
Matin, A.C.
Matloub, Hani
Matos, Celso
Matson, Gerald
Matsuda, Kant
Matsuda, Toshio
Matsuda, Tsuyoshi
Matsuguchi, Tetsuya
Matsui, Osamu
Matsumoto, Alan
Matsumoto, Keiko
Matsumoto, Ken-Ichiro
Matsumoto, Riki
Matsumoto, Shingo
Matsumura, Yoshio
Matsumura, Yutaka
Matsuo, Kayako
Matsushita, Tatsuhiko
Matsuura, Eiji
Matsuzaki, Kenji
Matthews, Paul
Mattisi, Irene
Mattrey, Robert
Maturo, Stephen
Matusch, Andreas
Matysik, Jörg
Mauch, Jörg
Mauconduit, Franck
Maudsley, Andrew
Maues de Paula, André
Maunder, Adam
Maurer, Philip
Mauritz, Gert
Maxien, Daniel
Maximov, Ivan
Maxwell, Ross
Mayberg, Helen
Mayer, Dirk
Mayer, Ingrid
Mayhew, Stephen
Mayo, Kevin
Mazaheri, Yousef
Mazerolle, Erin
Mazilu, Mihai
Mazurkewitz, Peter
McAdams, H
McAdams, H.
McAllister, James
McAlonan, Grainne
McCarthy, Peter
McCarty, Stephanie
McCarville, Beth
McCarville, Mary
McCluskey, Leo
McClymont, Darryl
McColl, Roderick
McComb, Christie
McConnell, Dina
McConnell, Michael
McConville, Carmel
McCormack, David
McCrea, Michael
McCue, Karen
McCulloch, Charles
McDannold, Nathan
McDermott, Mary
McDermott, Michael
McDonald, Colm
McDonald, Jennifer
McDougal, W. Scott
McDougall, Ian
McDougall, Mary
McDuffie, Marcia
McEvoy, Andrew
McEwen, Jason
McFadden, Catherine
McFarland, Robert
McGann, Chris
McGann, Christopher
McGarragle, Olivia
McGarrity, J
McGarry, Matthew
McGee, Kiaran
McGonagle, Dennis
McGonigle, David
McGonigle, John
McGorty, Kelly
Mcgorty, Kellyanne
McGrath, Deirdre
McGrath, Louise
McGregor, Stuart
McGugin, Rankin
McGuinness, Amy
McHugh, Damien
Mcilree, Carolyn
McIlroy, William
McIntyre, Cameron
McIntyre, Dominick
McIntyre, Scott
McKay, Tyler
McKee, Ann
McKenna, Mary
McKenzie, Charles
McKenzie, David
McKenzie-Matwiy, Eilean
McKie, Shane
McKinney, Yolanda
McKinnon, Graeme
McKnight, Tracy
McKusick, Michael
McLean, Mary
McMaho, Katie
McMahon, Deborah
McMahon, Katie
McMahon, Michael
McMahon, Michael T.
McMahon, Mike
McMillan, Alan
McMillian, Alan
McNab, Jennifer
McNeal, Gary
McNutt, Todd
McPhee, Kelly
McRobbie, Donald
McVeigh, Elliot
McVicar, Nevin
McWhinney, Norman
Mead, Simon
Meadowcroft, Mark
Meairs, Stephen
Meaney, James
Means-Powell, Julie
Mears, Dorothy
Mechanic-Hamilton, Dawn
Mechlin, Michael
Medan, Yoav
Medina, Christelle
Medved, Milica
Medway, Debra
Meehan, Conor
Meems, Bé
Megibow, Alec
Mehdiani, Kaveh
Mehemed, Taha
Mehnert, Andrew
Mehta, Bhairav
Mehta, Mitul
Mehta, Rita
Mehta, Samir
Mehta, Shaveta
Mei, Chang-Sheng
Mei, Yingjie
Meier, Albert
Meier, Dirk
Meier, Martin
Meininger, Vincent
Meintjes, Ernesta
Meinzer, Hans-Peter
Meise, Florian
Meissner, Mirko
Meixner, Fabian
Mekkaoui, Choukri
Mekle, Ralf
Melanson, Maria
Melbourne, Andrew
Melendez, Alejandro
Melhem, E
Melhem, Elias
Melick, John
Melkus, Gerd
Mellon, Eric
Mellow, Tessa
Meloni, Antonella
Melzer, Tracy
Même, Sandra
Même, William
Ménard, Cynthia
Menard, Cynthia
Menchise, Valeria
Mende, Jessica
Mendes, Jason
Méndez, Oscar
Mendichovszky, Iosif
Menendez, Maria
Meng, Tongbai
Meng, Xiangjung
Meng, Yanfeng
Meng, Yuguang
Mengual, Elisa
Menichini, guendalina
Menke, Ricarda
Menne, Dieter
Menon, Bijoy
Menon, David
Menon, Girish
Menon, Nikesh
Menon, Ravi
Mens, Giel
Menys, Alex
Menzel, Cynthia
Menzel, Marion
Merboldt, Dietmar
Merchant, Milton
Merchant, Nazakat
Mercier, Jean
Merckel, Laura
Meredith, Glenn
Merhej, Dany
Mériaux, Sébastien
Merino, José
Merino, Maria
Merkel, Bernd
Merkle, Annette
Merkle, Elmar
Merkle, Elmar M.
Merkle, H.
Merkle, Hellmut
Merkle, Nico
Merkx, Maarten
Merlet, Sylvain
Merlo, E
Merrem, Andreas
Merrill, Robb
Merriman, Raphael
Merritt, Matthew
Mertins, Alfred
Mertzanidou, Thomy
Merz, Andrea
Merz, Hartmut
Merz, Maximilian
Mesaros, Sarlota
Meskaldji, Djalel
Mesquita, Rickson
Mess, Michael
Mess, Werner
Messina, Steven
Messiou, Christina
Messner, Alina
Messroghli, Daniel
Meszoely, Ingrid
Metelo, Ana
Metens, Thierry
Metsis, Vangelis
Metz, Luanne
Metzger, Greg
Metzger, Gregory
Metzger, Gregory J.
Metzger, Linda
Metzgeroth, Georgia
Meuli, Reto
Meunier, Sabine
Meyer, Anke
Meyer, Charles
Meyer, Craig
Meyer, Craig H.
Meyer, Heiko
Meyer, Marc-Etienne
Meyer, Patric
Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas
Meyerand, M.
Meyerhoff, Dieter
Meyers, Sandra
Meyerspeer, Martin
Mezer, Aviv
Mezzanzanica, Delia
Miao, Jun
Miao, Xinyuan
Miao, Yanwei
Micallef, Caroline
Michael, Boska
Michaeli, Shalom
Michaelis, Thomas
Michaely, Henrik
Michaud, Gregory
Michel, Patrik
Michels, Lars
Michiko, Narazaki
Michoux, Nicolas
Mick, Rosemarie
Mickey, Bruce
Middione, Matthew
Middleton, Devon
Middleton, Michael
Midiri, Massimo
Mie, Moritz
Mielke, Michelle
Migliaccio, Raffaella
miglio, elena
Mihai, Georgeta
Mika, Valerie
Mikheev, Andrei
Mikheev, Artem
Miki, Yukio
Mikkelsen, Tom
Mikulis, David
Mikuni, Nobuhiro
Milak, Matthew
Milanaik, Ruth
Milanesi, Matteo
Mildner, Toralf
Miles, Laura
Milham, Michael
Milla, Sarah
Miller, Bruce
Miller, David
Miller, Elka
Miller, Frank
Miller, Frank H.
Miller, G
Miller, G.
Miller, Grady
Miller, Jodi
Miller, Karla
Miller, Karla L.
Miller, Karol
Miller, Michael
Miller, Samantha
Miller, Sarah
Miller, Theodore
Miller, W.
Miller, Wilson
Milles, Julien
Millici, Anthony
Millis, Scott
Mills, Samantha
Millwald, Jason
Milman, Zohar
Milne, Mark
Milosevic, Michael
Milot, Laurent
Milstein, David
Minakawa, Masahito
Minalga, Emilee
Minami, Manabu
Minami, Takashi
Mindrinos, Michael
Ming, Joy
Minhas, Atul Singh
Minnes, Sonia
Mintzopoulos, Dionyssios
Minuk, Gerald
Miquel, Marc
Mirasol, Raymond
Mirkes, Christian
Mironchik, Yelena
Mirsadraee, Saeed
Mirsattari, Seyed
Mischel, Paul
Mishkovsky, Mor
Mishra, Virendra
Misik, Warren
Mispelter, Joel
Misra, Sarthak
Missere, Massimiliano
Mistretta, Charles
Mistry, Nilesh
Mitchell, Alex
Mitchell, Douglas G
Mitchell, Douglas G.
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, Nick
Mitchell, Sally
Mithieux, Gilles
Mitsias, Panayiotis
Mitsumori, Fumiyuki
Mitsunaga, Makoto
Mittelstaedt, Paul
Mitter, Christian
Miyabayashi, Koji
Miyagi, Hideki
Miyakoshi, Makoto
Miyata, Tomoko
Miyati, Tosiaki
Miyauchi, Satoru
Miyazaki, Keiko
Miyazaki, Mitsue
Miyazaki, Ph.D., Mitsue
Miyoshi, Mitsuharu
Mizsei, Gabor
MIZUHARA, Kazuyuki
Mlynarczyk, Anna
Mlynarik, Vladimir
Mlynárik, Vladimir
Mlynash, Michael
Mo, Lei
Mobberley, Margaret
Moccaldi, Melanie
Moche, Michael
Mocking, Steven
Modarai, Bijan
Modat, Marc
Modi, Shilpi
Modolo, Julien
Moeller, Harald
Moeller, Steen
Moens, Olivia
Moerland, Marinus
Moerman, Kevin
Moestue, Siver
Moffat, Brad
Moffat, Bradford
Moffat, Kirsten
Moghadam, Abbas
Moghaddam, Abbas
Moghari, Mehdi
Mohades, Seyede Ghazal
Mohajer, Kiyarash
Mohajeri, Sanaz
Mohamed, Feroze
Mohammadi, Siawoosh
Mohammadzadeh, Mohammad
Mohanta, Arun
Mohanty, Sujata
Mohiaddin, Raad
Mohler III, Emile
Mohsen, Laila
MOISAN, Anaïck
Mojahed, Hamed
Mok, Kelvin
Mok, Stephanie
Molina, Rafael
Molisso, Luisa
Moll, Jorge
Mollá, Enrique
Moller, Harald
Mon, Anderson
Monahan, Patrick
Monette, Derek
Mongkolwisetwara, P.
Mongkolwisetwara, Puttisarn
Monleon, Daniel
Monnet, Aurélien
Monrose, Val
Monsch, Andreas
Montagna, Pasquale
Montet, Xavier
Monu, Uchechukwuka
Moody, Alan
Moody, Katherine
Mookerjee, Raj
Moon, Chan Hong
Moon, Chan-Hong
Moon, Chanhong
Moon, Hyeyoung
Moon, James
Moon, Sung
Moon, Sung Man
Moonen, Chrit
Moonen, Rik
Moore, Aideen
Moore, Elisabeth
Moore, Gregory
Moore, Jay
Moore, Malcolm
Moosvi, Firas
Moradi, Mehdi
Morales, Jose
Moran, Bill
Moran, Catherine
Moratal, David
Morawski, Markus
Mordini, Federico
Moreau, RT , Denise
Moreira, Roger
Morel, Denis
Morelande, Mark
Morell, Denise
Moreno De Luca, Andres
Moreno-Torres, Angel
Morgan, Alexandra
Morgan, Gemma
Morgan, Glyn
Morgan, Thomas
Morgan, V
Morgan, Veronica
Morgan, Victoria
Mori, Nobuyuki
Mori, Noriko
Mori, Susumu
Mori, Susumu M.
Moriarty, John
Morigaki, Katherine
Moriguchi, Hisamoto
Morimoto, Emiko
Morita, Kosuke
Morita, Kousuke
Morocz, Istvan
Morosini, Deborah
Morrell, Glen
Morris, David
Morris, Drew
Morris, Elizabeth
Morris, Herman
Morris, Martha
Morris, Peter
Morris, Zoe
Morrison, William B.
Morriss, Michael
Morrow, Jasper
Mortamet, Bénédicte
Mortazavi, Amir
Morton, D.
Morton, Geraint
Morton, Gerard
Morton, William
Moseley, Michael
Moser, Ewald
Mossa, David
Mossahebi, Pouria
Mostardi, Petrice
Mostofsky, Stewart
Motoi, Yumiko
Mottaghy, Felix
Mouannes Srour, Jessy
Mougenot, Charles
Mougin, Olivier
Mouiha, Abderazzak
Mouli, Samdeep
Moulin, Pauline
Mountford, Carolyn
Mouridsen, Kim
Moussavi, Amir
Mousseaux, Elie
Moy, Linda
Moyle, Penelope
Mross, Klaus
mu, feng
Muccigrosso, David
Mueller, Dominik
Mueller, Edgar
Mueller, Marco
Mueller, Susanne
Mueller, Wade
Mueller-Lisse, Ulrich G.
Muelly, Emilie
Muelly, Michael
Muftuler, L.
Muftuler, Lutfi
Muftuler, Lutfu
Muftuler, Tugan
Mugikura, Shunji
Mugler, III, John
Mugler, John
Mugler III, John
Muir, Eric
Mujica-Parodi, Lilliane
Mukherjee, Pratik
Mukundan, Srinivasan
Mulcahey, MJ
Mulcahy, Mary
Mulder, Willem
Mulkern, Robert
Mulla-Osman, Samir
Muller, Robert
Mullick, Rakesh
Mullinger, Karen
Mullins, Jake
Mun, Chi
Mun, Chi -Woong
Mun, Chi-Woong
Munasinghe, Jeeva
Munechika, Jirou
Muniz, Jose
Muñoz, Monica
Munoz, Monica
Munoz Del Rio, Alejandro
Muñoz Maniega, Susana
Munter, Fletcher
Murabayashi, Mika
Muradyan, Iga
Muradyan, Naira
Murakami, Takamichi
Murano, Emi
Murase, Kenya
Muraskin, Jordan
Muratori, Filippo
Murdoch, James
Murillo, Horacio
Muro, Isao
Murphy, Kevin
Murphy, Mark
Murphy, Matthew
Murphy, O.V. Ramana
Murphy, Ross
Murphy, Timothy
Murphy-Boesch, Joseph
Murray, Catherine
Murray, Melissa
Murry, Charles
Murthy, Revathi
Mus, Roel
Muschel, Ruth
Museitif, Maram
Mussi, Thais
Mustafa, Sarah
Mutel, Elodie
Muthupillai, Raja
Muthurangu, Vivek
Mutihac, Radu
Mutlu, Gurkan
Mutlu, Senol
Muto, Mario
Muzic, Raymond
Muzina, David
Myer, Daniel
Myers, Kyle
Myers, Matthew
Mühlbauer, Frank
Myint, Valencia
Müller, Andreas
Müller, Christa
Müller, Dirk
Müller, Edgar
Müller, Jörg
Müller, Marco
Müller, Paul
Müller, Susanne
Münkel, Malte
Münnemann, Kerstin
Myrick, Craig
Mürtz, P.
Mürtz, Petra
Månsson, Sven
Mårtensson, Johanna
Mädler, Burkhard
Mælandsmo, Gunhild
Mänz, Constantin
Mätzler, Walter
Määttä, Sara
Möbius, Kristin
Möddel, Gabriel
Möllenhoff, Klaus
Möller, Harald
Møllerløkken, Andreas
Mørch, Yrr
Nabavi, Arya
Nabetani, Akira
Nabuurs, Christine
Nacewicz, Brendon
Nacif, Marcelo
Nadar, Mariappan
Naegelin, Yvonne
Nael, Kambiz
Naeyaert, Maarten
Nagala, Sidhartha
Naganawa, Shinji
Nagao, Hisako
NAGAO, Michinobu
Nagaraja, Tavarekere
Nagarajan, Rajakumar
Nagarajan, Srikantan
Nagarsekar, Gajanan
Nagasaka, Tatsuo
Nagasunder, Arabhi
Nagata, Motonori
Nagata, Shuji
Nagel, Armin
Nagel, Eike
Nagel, N
Nagesh, Vijaya
Nagle, Scott
Nagy, Eszter
Nagy, Zoltan
Nair, Govind
Nair, Tejas
Naish, Josephine
Nakada, Tsutomu
Nakagami, Ryutaro
Nakai, Asako
Nakai, Toshi
Nakai, Toshiharu
Nakaji, Peter
Nakajima, Iwao
Nakajima, Satoshi
Nakamoto, Dean
Nakamura, Kakuko
Nakamura, Kunio
Nakamura, Masanobu
Nakamura, Masnobu
Nakamura, Shinichi
Nakamura, Takashi
Nakane, Toshiki
Nakanishi, Atsushi
Nakano, Yoshihide
Nakari, Risto
Nakayama, Tomohiro
Nalcioglu, Orhan
Nam, Jackie
Nam, Seunghoon
Nam, Yoonho
Nam *, Seunghoon
Namer, Izzie
NAMER, Izzie Jacques
Namimoto, Tomohiro
nanda, Prasanta
Nandy, Rajesh
Nannery, Rory
Nanz, Daniel
Naor, Omer
Napoli, Alessandro
Napolitano, Antonio
Narain, Melissa
Naraine, Melissa
Narang, Jayant
Narasimhamurthy, Anand
Narasimhan, Srihari
Narayana, Ponnada
Narayanan, Ananth
Narayanan, Babu
Narayanan, Ram
Narayanan, Shrikanth
Narayanan, Sridar
Narayanan, Vinodh
Narbonneau, François
Nardo, Giorgia
Nardo, Lorenzo
Naresh, Nivedita
Narod, Steven
Narsude, Mayur
Naruse, Shoji
Nasr, Khaled
Nasrallah, Fatima
Nassenstein, Kai
Nasta, Sunita
Natan, Sari
Natarajan, Kal
Natarajan, Shyam
Natas, Sarah
Nath, Kavindra
Nath, Sumit
Nathoo, Fatima
Nathoo, Nabeela
Natsuaki, Yutaka
Naulet, Thibaud
Nauman, Eric
Naumova, Anna
Navarro, Jovany
Navarro, Miguel
Navia, Bradford
Navia, Jose
Navon, Gil
Nayak, Amritha
Nayak, Krishna
Nayak, Krishna S.
Nazarian, Saman
Nazem-Zadeh, Mohammad-Reza
Nazem-Zadeh, Mohammadreza
Near, Jamie
Nearchou, Dimitris
Nechyporenko, Maksym
Nederhoff, Marcel
Nederveen, Aart
Neelavalli, Jaladhar
Neeman, Michal
Nees, Frauke
Neff, K
Negahdar, Mohammadjavad
Negishi, Michiro
Negrin, Lukas
Nehen, Frauke
Nehrke, Kai
Nehrke, Kay
Neil, Jeff
Neil, Jeffrey
Neil, Jeffrey Joseph
Nejad-Davarani, Siamak
Nelissen, Koen
Nelles, Melanie
Nelson, David
Nelson, Elliot
Nelson, Flavia
Nelson, Marvin
Nelson, Michael
Nelson, Sarah
Nelson, Sarah J.
Nemati, Fariba
Nemoto, Edwin
Nencka, Andrew
Nestor, Bryan
Nestor, Peter
Nett, Elizabeth
Neu, Nicolas
Neubauer, Stefan
Neubert, Ales
Neudecker, Sabine
Neudorfer, Irene
Neumaier, Michael
Neumann, Anders
Neumann, Daniel
Neumann, Jan-Oliver
Neumayer, Bernhard
Neuner, Irene
Nevitt, Michael
Nevo, Erez
Nevo, Uri
Newbold, Kate
Newbould, Rexford
Newcombe, Virginia
Newcorn, Jeffrey
Newell, David
Newitt, David
Newman, Beverley
Newman, Edward
Newman, Tiffany
Newstead, Gillian
Newton, Allen
Nezafat, Reza
Ng, Christina
Ng, Eileen
Ng, Johnny
Ng, Shu-Hang
Ng, Thian
Ng, Thomas
Nghiemphu, Phioanh
Ngo, Long
Ngo, Tri
Ngoy, Soeun
Nguyen, Chirstopher
Nguyen, Christopher
Nguyen, Hien
Nguyen, Huyen
Nguyen, Nguyet
Nguyen, Quyen
Nguyen, Thanh
Nguyen, Tien
Nguyen, Van
Nguyen, Viviane
Ni, Xiaohui
Nichol, Helen
Nichols, Andrew
Nicolai, Jodi
Nicolay, K
Nicolay, Klaas
Nicolls, Fred
Nidecker, Anna
Nie, Ke
Nie, Shuyi
Niederstadt, Thomas
Nielles-Vallespin, Sonia
Nielsen, Allen
Nielsen, Flemming
Nielsen, Jon-Fredrik
Nielsen, Peter
Nielsen, Tim
Nieman, Brian
Nieminen, Heikki
Nieminen, Jaakko
Nieminen, Miika
Niendorf, Thoralf
Nienhaus, G Ulrich
Niespodzany, Eric
Niessen, Heiko
Niessing, Michael
Nievelstein, Rutger-Jan
Niitsu, Mamoru
Nijhuis, Emil
Nijsen, J
Nikkinen, Juha
Nikolaidis, Aki
Nikolaou, Konstantin
Nikolova, Simona
Niles, David
Nilsson, Anders
Nilsson, Christer
Nilsson, Markus
Nimkin, Katherine
Nimmagadda, Sridhar
Nimmo-Smith, Ian
Nishie, Akihiro
Nishikata, Junki
Nishikawa, Kei
Nishimatsu, Kazuhiko
Nishimura, Dwight
Nishio, Mizuho
Nishizawa, Masatoyo
Niskanen, Eini
Niskanen, Juha-Pekka
Nissenbaum, Jon
Nissi, Mikko
Nissilä, Juuso
Nissinen, Jari
Niswender, Kevin
Nitsch, Roger
NITTA, Naotaka
Nitta, Osamu
Nittka, Mathias
Niver, Benjamin
Niwa, Tetsu
Nixon, Terence
Nixon, Terrence
Nixon, Terry
Niziol, Michael
Nkansah, Michael
Nnewihe, Anderson
Noack, Frank
Noble, Jonathan
Nobrega, Jose
Noda, Yasufumi
Noël, Patricia
Noémie, Haud
Noeske, Ralph
Noetzli, Leila
Noh, Hyungjoon
Nolden, Marco
Noll, Douglas
Noma, Satoshi
Noorizadeh, Azimeh
Nordbeck, Peter
Nordin, Love
Nordmeyer-Massner, Jurek
Norquay, Graham
Norris, David
Norris, Francesca
Northam, Gemma
Noseworthy, Michael
Nossin-Manor, Revital
Notelaers, Tineke
Notohamiprodjo, Mike
Nouls, John
Nour, Sherif
Novakofski, Kira
Novikov, Dmitry
Nowinski, Christopher
Noworolski, Susam
Noworolski, Susan
Nozaki, Atsushi
Nudelman, F
NUMANO, Tomokazu
Nummenmaa, Aapo
Nunes, Patricia
Nunes, Rita
Nutile, Lauren
Nutt, Samuel
Nuzha, Hassan
Nye, Elizabeth
Nyholm, Tufve
Nyman, Jeffry
Nystrom, Michelle
Nyström, Fredrik
Nägele, Thomas
Närväinen, Johanna
Näsholm, Sven
Nöbauer-Huhmann, Iris-Melanie
Nöth, Ulrike
O'Brien, Kevin
O'Brien, Kieran
O'Brien, Michael
O'Connell, Robert
O'connor, Alan
O'Connor, James
O'Connor, Owen
O'Connor, Philip
O'Connor, Phillip
O'Connor, Rachael
O'Daly, Owen
O'Donnell, Christopher
O'Flynn, Elizabeth
O'Gorman, Ruth
O'Halloran, Rafael
O'Hara, Carl
O'Hara, Jeffrey
O'Hara, John
O'Neill, Mark
O'Rahilly, Steve
O'Reilly, Meaghan
O'Reilly, Michelle
O'Reilly, William
Oakes, Terrence
Oakes, Terry
Oaklander, Anne
Obara, Makoto
Obata, Takayuki
Obeid, Nady
Obenaus, Andre
Oberhammer, Thomas
Oberhuber, Alexander
Oberthuer, Gunilla
Obruchkov, Sergei
Ochi, Hisaaki
Ochs, Renee
Oda, Seitaro
Oda, Shogo
Oddens, Jorg
Odeen, Henrik
Odening, Katja
Odille, Freddy
Oduneye, Samuel
Oeh, Jason
Oei, Edwin
Oei, Marcel
Oesingmann, Niels
Offen, Daniel
Offerman, Erik
Ogawa, Kyohei
Ogawa, Seiji
Oger, Joel
Ogino, Tetsuo
Ogisu, Kimihiro
Ogris, Kathrin
Ogura, Junko
Oguro, Sota
Oh, Byung-Chul
Oh, Karen
Oh, S
Oh, Se-Hong
Oh, Seok-kyun
Oh, Sukhoon
Oh, Tong In
Ohayon, Joan
Ohgi, Kazuyuki
Ohgiya, Yoshimitsu
Ohliger, Michael
Ohlsen, Knut
Ohno, Naoki
Ohno, Yoshiharu
Ohrel, Stéphanie
Ohtomo, Kuni
Ohue, Shiro
Oikawa, Hiroshi
Oikawa, Minako
Oishi, Kenichi
Ojala, Risto
Ojeil, Najate
Ojha, Bal
Oka, Kuniharu
Okabe, Tetsuhiko
Okada, Masahiro
Okada, Tomohisa
Okada, Tomohissa
Okamoto, Kouichirou
Okamoto, Satoko
Okamoto, Yoshikazu
Okano, Sozo
Okazaki, Ken
Okell, Thomas
Okell, Tom
Oki, Hodaka
Okuaki, Tomoyuki
Okubo, Masaki
Okuwaki, Toru
Olafsson, Valur
Olamaei, Nina
Olavarria, Jaime
Oler, Jonathan
Olfers, Shannon
Oliván Bescós, Javier
Oliveira, George
Oliveira, Rafael
Oliver-Taylor, Aaron
Olivero, William
Oliviera, Rui
Olivot, Jean-Marc
Olsen, David
Olsen, Øystein
Olson, Jeffery
Olson, Mindy
Olsrud, Johan
Olsson, Lars
Omary, Reed
Omer, Hammad
Ong, Henry
Ongur, Dost
Onishi, Yumiko
Onuegbulem, Cybeles
Ooi, Cinly
Ooi, Melvyn
Oomens, Cees
Oorschot, Joep
Oosterlinck, Wouter
Oppenheim, Catherine
Opstad, Kirstie
Orbach, Darren
Ordidge, Roger
Ordikhani-Seyedlar, Mehdi
Orend, Karl
Orgogozo, Jean-Marc
Oros-Peusquens, Ana
Oros-Peusquens, Ana-Maria
Oros-Peusquens, Anna-Maria
Orosz, Ariane
Orr-Urtreger, Avi
Orrison Jr. MD, MBA, William
Ortiz-Nieto, Francisco
Orton, Matthew
Orukari, Inema
Orzada, S.
Orzada, Stephan
Osborne, Elizabeth
Oshinski, John
Osman, Nael
Osmanagic, Emir
Osorio Garcia, Maria
Osorio Garcia, Maria Isabel
Osterberg, Nadja
Osterhage, Jeff
Osuntokun, Tosin
Ota, Hideki
Otake, Yosuke
Otazo, Ricardo
Othman, Shadi
Oto, Aytekin
Oto, Cagdas
Ott, Derek
Otte, Willem
Otto, Jens
Otto, Josephin
Otto, S.
Ou, Xiawei
Oudkerk, Matthijs
Ouerfelli, Ouathek
Ould Ahmed Ghaly, Sidi Mohamed
Ouriadov, Alexei
Ourselin, Sebastien
Ousley, Opal
Outtrim, Joanne
Outwater, Eric
Ouwerkerk, Ronald
Ouyang, Cheng
Ouyang, Luo
Oved, Joseph
Overy, Katie
Owen, David
Owen, Julia
Owens, Christopher
Owers-Bradley, John
Oyen, W.J.G.
Oyen, Wim
Oz, Gulin
Ozaki, Osamu
Ozarslan, Evren
Ozawa, Tomoko
Ozel, Elif
Ozhinsky, Eugene
Ozturk, Cengizhan
Ozyurt, Burak
Ozyurt, Onur
O’Connor, Alan
P. Philippens, Marielle
Pacheco-Torres, Jesus
Padala, Muralidhar
Padera, Robert
Padgett, Douglas
Padhani, Anwar
Padma, M
Padormo, Francesco
Padovani, Alessandro
Paetsch, Ingo
Pagani, Elisabetta
Page, Kathleen
Pagel, Mark
Pai, Akshay
Pai, Ramdas
Pai, Vinay
Paine, Thomas
Pais, Adi
Paiva, Fernando
Pajevic, Sinisa
Pal, Sunil
Paldino, Michael
Paley, Martyn
Paling, David
Paliwal, Vimal
Paljug, William
Palko, Heather
Palma, Alessandra
Palombo, Marco
Palowski, Jakub
Pampel, Andre
Pampel, André
Pan, Dipanjan
Pan, Hai
Pan, Hong
Pan, Hua
Pan, Jullie
Pan, Li
Pan, Wen-ju
Pan, Xiaoyan
Panagiotaki, Eleftheria
Panchal, Neeraj
Panda, Anshuman
Panda, Sawyam
Pandey, Chandra
Pandit, Prachi
Panebianco, Valeria
Panesar, Kuldeep
Pang, Yong
Pang, Yuxi
Panicek, David M.
Panigrahy, Ashok
Panizza, Pietro
Pankhurst, Quentin
Pannek, Kerstin
Pannetier, Nicolas
Pannicke, Enrico
Panych, Lawrence
Panzer, Aviva
Papa, Moshe
Papadatospastos, Dionysis
Papademetris, Xenophon
Papadopulou-Rosenzweig, Maria
Papaevangelou, Efthymia
Papagiannaros, Aristarchos
Papariello, Nicole
Papazoglou, Sebastian
Papoti, Daniel
Pappas, George
Paquette, Lisa
Paradis, Valérie
Parasoglou, Prodromos
Paratala, Bhavna
Parazzini, Cecilia
Parcell, Katherine
Parcell, Katy
Parchi, Piero
Pardoe, Heath
Parekh, Mansi
Parikh, Jyoti
Parikh, Nehal
Parimal, Sarayu
Paris, Luisa
Parizel, Paul
Park, Bu
Park, Bum-Woo
Park, Bumwoo
Park, Byung
Park, Catherine
Park, Chan-Woong
Park, Daniel
Park, Danny
Park, Denise
Park, Hyo
Park, HyunWook
Park, Ilwoo
Park, Ja Young
Park, Jae Mo
Park, Jaeseok
Park, Jane
Park, Jang-Yeon
Park, Ji
Park, Ji Suk
Park, Ji-Ae
Park, Joshua
Park, Joshua H.
Park, Keith
Park, Mi-Suk
Park, Se Rim
Park, So-Hee
Park, Suhyung
Park, Sung Bin
Park, Sung-hong
Park, Sung-Yeon
Park, Tae-Jin
Park, Young
Parker, Dennis
Parker, Dennis L.
Parker, Drew
Parker, Geoff
Parker, Geoffrey
Parker, Greg
Parker, Jason
Parker, John
Parker, Michele
Parkes, Harold
Parkes, Laura
Parlog, Alexandru
Parnell, Steve
Parnell, Steven
Parohl, Nina
Parot, Vicente
Parra Robles, Juan
Parra-Robles, Juan
Parraga, Grace
Parrish, Todd
Parry-Jones, Catherine
Partanen, Ari
Partridge, Savannah
Parvizi, Josef
Pascual, Juan
Pasin, Moreno
Pasinetti, Giulio
Paska, Jan
Pasko, Bryce
Paslakis, Georgios
Pasquier, Cédric
Passariello, Roberto
Pasterkamp, Gerard
Pasternak, Ofer
Pasternak, Stephen
Pastor, Maria
Pastor, María
Pastore, Gabriella
Patay, Zoltan
Patel, Anant
Patel, Ashish
Patel, Brijesh
Patel, Gopesh
Patel, Megha
Patel, Mitva
Patel, Nishant
Patel, Pratik
Patel, Roshani
Patel, Snehal
Patel, Sudeep
Paterson, D
Paterson, Nigel
Pathak, Arvind
Patil, Sunil
Patil, Uday
Patrick, John
Patrick, Venessa
Patt, Bradley
Patterson, Andrew
Patterson, Daniel
Patterson, Karalyn
Patterson, Steven
Pattinson, Kyle
Pattison, Adam
Pattison, Sophie
Patz, Samuel
Paudyal, Ramesh
Paul, Dominik
Paul, Friedemann
Paul, Lynn
Paul, Tofts
Pauli, Chantal
Pauliah, Mohan
Paulis, Leonie
Pauls, Astrid
Paulsen, Keith
Paulson, Olaf
Pauly, John
Paus, Tomas
Pausova, Zdenka
Pautler, Robia
Pavan, Matteo
Pavlosky, William
Pawela, Christopher
Pawlak, Anna
PAY, Salih
Payen, Jean-François
Payne, Allison
Payne, Gene
Payne, Geoffrey
Payne, Kevin
Payne, Stephen
Peacock, Sue
Pearce, John
Pecchioli, Cristiano
Peces-Barba, German
Pechman, Kimberly
Peck, Konan
Peck, Kyung
Peck, Suzanne
Pedersen, Douglas
Pedersen, Henrik
Pedersen, Michael
Pediconi, Federica
Pedley, Barbara
Pedley*, Barbara
Pednekar, Amol
Pedrosa, Ivan
Peel, Sarah
Peet, Andrew
Peeters, Frank
Peeters, Ron
Peeters, Ronald
Pei, Mengchao
pei, yigang
Peitgen, Heinz-Otto
Pekar, James
Pekar, Jim
Pelak, Victoria
Peled, Sharon
Pelizzari, Charles
Pelled, Galit
Pellegretti, Paolo
Peller, Michael
Pellerin, Luc
Pelletier, Daniel
Pelletier, Delphine
Pelletier, Jean
Pelletier, Kay
Pelletier, Laurent
Pellot-Barakat, Claire
Pelot, Nicole
Peltier, Scott
Peltz, Matthias
Pendse, Gautam
Penet, Marie-France
Peng, Haidong
Peng, Hsiao-Wei
Peng, Hsu-Hsia
Peng, Qi
Peng, Shin-Lei
Peng, Wei-Jun
Peng, Xi
Peng, Xin-Gui
Peng, Yi-Wen
Pengas, George
Pennell, Dudley
Penner, Jacob
Penney, Graeme
Penninger, Josef
Penttilä, Jari
Pepe, Alessia
Pepe, Pasquale
Pepys, Mark
Percy, Dean
Peregrin, Jan
Pereira, Joao
Pereson, Sandra
Perez Linde, Angel
Perez-Balderas, Francisco
Pérez-Carro, Rocio
Perez-Sanchez, Jose Manuel
Pérez-Torres, Carlos
Périé, Delphine
Perino, Giorgio
Perju-Dumbrava, Laura
Perka, Carsten
Perkins, Alan
Perkins, Thomas
Perkins, Thomas G.
Perlbarg, Vincent
Perles-Barbacaru, Teodora-Adriana
Perlewitz, Kelly
Perman, William
Pernet, Cyril
Pernot, Mathieu
Peron, Michel
Perperidis, Dimitrios
Perreard, Irina
Perri, Roberta
Perrin, Aline
Perrinez, Phillip
Perrucci, Gianni
Perry, Lee
Perry, Nissa
Perryman, Lara
Persigehl, Thorsten
Persohn, Scott
Peruzzo, Denis
Peter, Andreas
Peters, Dana
Peters, Nicky
Peters, Thomas
Petersen, Carl
Petersen, Dirk
Petersen, Esben
Petersen, Kitt
Peterson, Bradley
Peterson, Eric
Peterson, Pernilla
Peterson, Todd
Petiet, Alexandra
Petrakis, Ismene
Petralia, Giuseppe
Petridou, Natalia
Petrillo, Antonella
Petropoulos, Labros
Petrovic, Andreas
Petrovich Brennan, Nicole
Petrusca, Lorena
Petryakov, Sergey
Pettenati, Carla
Petzold, Axel
Peyrat, Jean-Marc
Pfeffer, Joachim
Pfefferbaum, Adolf
Pfeiffer, Harald
Pfeuffer, J.
Pfeuffer, Josef
Pfister, Thomas
Pfleiderer, Bettina
Pfueller, Caspar
Phal, Pramit
Pham, Mirko
Pham, Tuan
Philips, Wilfried
Philipsen, Rick
Phillippens, Marielle
Phillips, Eual
Phillips, Joanna
Phillips, John
Phillips, Mary
Phillips, Michael
Phillips, Michael D.
Phillips, Micheal
Phillips, Raquel
Phillips, Robin
Phinikaridou, Alkystis
Phrommintikul, Arintaya
Pibarot, Philippe
Piccini, Davide
Pichler, Bernd
Picker, Wayne
Pickles, David
Pickles, Martin
Pickup, Stephen
Picquot, Aurelie
Piechnik, Stefan
Piel, Joseph
Pienaar, Rudolph
Pienta, Kenneth
Pieper, Russel
Pieper, Russell
Pierangeli, Giulia
Pierce, Erica
Pierce, Iain
Pierce, Richard
Pierpaoli, Carlo
Pierre, Eric
Pietrini, Pietro
Pievani, Michela
Piferi, Peter
Pijnappel, Ruud
Pike, G
Pike, G.
Pike, Gilbert
Pilatus, Ulrich
Pileio, Giuseppe
Pilhatsch, Maximilian
Pilkinton, David
Pilla, James
Pillarsetty, Nagavarakishore
Pilleul, Frank
Pilloud, Yves
Pilutti, David
Pinciroli, Patrizia
Pinder, Sarah
Pine, Kerrin
Pineda, Carlos
Pineda, Jose
Pineda Alonso, Nashiely
Pines, Alexander
Pinker, Katja
Pinochet, Natalia
Pintilie, Stefan
Pinto, Peter
Pioch, Regina
Piotto, Martial
Pipe, James
Pipe, James G
Pipe, Jim
Pirovano, Gianpaolo
Pisanu, Maria Elena
Pitceathly, Robert
Pitiot, Alain
Pitkänen, Asla
Pitoit, Alain
Pitt, David
Pitts, Todd
Pizurica, Aleksandra
Placidi, Elisa
Plante, Elena
Plante, Michel
Plasencia, Jonathan
Platisa, Ljiljana
Pleger, Burkhard
Plein, Sven
Plewes, Donald
Plewes, Donald B.
Pluta, John
Po, Chrystelle
Poddar, Ankur
Podo, Franca
Poduri, Annapurna
Poduslo, Joseph
Pohar, Kamal
Pohida, Thomas
Pohlmann, Andreas
Pohmann, Rolf
Poirier-Quinot, Marie
Poitout, Vincent
Poitry-Yamate, Carol
Poitzsch, Alec
Pola, Arunima
Polak, Martin
Polak, Paul
Polasek, Miloslav
Polaskova, Pavlina
Polders, Daniel
Poli, Aurelie
Polimeni, Johnathan
Polimeni, Jonathan
Polimeni, Jonathan R.
Pollack, Simcha
Pollaro, James
Polley, Thomas
Polli, James
Poloni, Guy
Poloniato, Antonella
Poluektova, Larisa
Pomper, Martin
Ponce Garcia, Irene
Pontesilli, Silvia
Poole, Dana
Poole, Michael
Poon, Fat-Wui
Poonawalla, Aziz
Poot, Dirk H. J.
Pop, Mihaela
Popa, Traian
Pope, Whitney
Popescu, Andrada
Poppe, Martin
Poptani, Harish
Porcari, Paola
Port, John D.
Port, Marc
Portella, Luigi
Porter, David
Porter, Walter
Portnoy, Sharon
Posavec, Diane
Poser, Benedikt
Positano, Vincenzo
Posnansky*, Oleg
Possanzini, Cecilia
Posse, Stefan
Post, Hans
Postolov, Inna
Potchen, Michael
Potter, Hollis
Potter, Hollis G.
Potthast, Andreas
Pottie, Olivier
Potts, Erin
Pouget, E
Poulikakos, Dimos
Poulin, Éric
Pouliot, Jean
Poulo, Lou
Poupon, Cyril
Poupon, Fabrice
Pourabdollah Nejad D., Siamak
Pourdeyhimi, Roxana
Pouwels, Petra J. W.
Pouyssegur, Jacques
Pouzin, Audrey
Powell, Ceri
Powell, Elizabeth
Powell, Kimerly
Powell, Nathan
Powers, Christopher
Powers, William
Powles, Thomas
Pownder, Sarah
Poyer, Florent
Poynton, Clare
Pracht, Eberhard
Pradat, Pierre-François
Pradat, Pierre-Francois
Prades, Roger
Pradhan, Subechhya
Prados, Michael
Prakash, Punit
Prasad, Kashi
Prasad, Pottumarthi
Prastawa, Marcelinus
Prato, Frank
Prato, Sabina
Pratt, Ronald
Prayer, Daniela
Preda, Lorenzo
Preiswerk, Frank
Preitner, Frederic
Prelle, Alessandro
Premi, Enrico
Prescot, Andrew
Pressacco, Josephine
Presti, Michael
Preuss, Todd
Prevelige Jr., Peter
Priatna, Agus
Price, Anthony
Price, Darren
Price, David
Price, Stephen
Priest, Andew
Priest, Andrew
Priest, Ryan
Prieto, Claudia
Prieto, Thomas
Prince, Jerry
Prince, Martin
Prins, Martin
Prins, Robert
Prior, Malcolm
Pritchard, Susan
Pritchett, Alexandra
Priya, Anitha
Procissi, Daniel
Proctor, Evelyn
Proctor, Michael
Prodi, Elena
Profka, Harilla
Profka, Harrila
Prokop, Mathias
Prompers, Jeanine
Proper, Caitlin
Prost, Rémy
Protti, Andrea
Protti, Nicoletta
Prozorovskiy, Timur
Pruessmann, Klaas
Pruessmann, Klaas P.
Pruitt, Patrick
Prüssmann, Klaas
Psychogios, Nikolaos
Psychogios, Nikos
Ptito, Maurice
Pu, Y-S
Publicover, Julia
Puckhaber, Scott
Puderbach, Michael
Pulkkinen, Hertta
Pullens, Pim
Pullinger, Benjamin
Punt, C.J.A.
Punt, Cees
Punwani, Shonit
Purdy, David
Puri, Tipu
Purschke, Martin
Puts, Nick
Putz, Reinhard
Puy, Gilles
Pyka, Martin
Qayyum, Aliya
Qi, Jing
qi, shun
Qi, Yang
Qi, Yi
Qian, Chunqi
Qian, Di
Qian, J.
Qian, Michael
Qian, Weiping
Qian, Wenshu
Qian, Yongxian
Qiang, Beiping
Qiao, Hui
Qiao, Joe
Qiao, Ye
Qiao, Zhongwei
Qin, Eric
Qin, Lei
Qin, Lindi
Qin, Nai-shan
Qin, Qin
Qin, Wen
Qing, Kun
Qing-San, Xiang
Qiu, Bensheng
Qiu, Deqiang
Qiu, Lihua
Qiu, Maolin
Qiu, Peihua
Qu, Chang Sheng
Qu, Changsheng
Qu, Xiaobo
Quarles, Christopher
Quattrocki Knight, Elizabeth
Quercy-Jouvet, T
Quesniaux, Valérie
Quesson, Bruno
Quick, Harald
Quigley, Cara
Quignodon, Laure
Quinn, James V.
Quinn, Shauna
Quinones-Hinojosa, Alfredo
Quon, Harry
Qureshi, Salman
R. Williams, Steve
Raab, Frederick
Raab, Peter
Raaijmakers, Alexander
Raaymakers, Bas
Rabbani, Zahid
Rabe, Eberhard
Rack-Gomer, Anna
Rad, Hamidreza
Radaelli, Marta
Radau, Perry
Radbruch, Alexander
Radda, George
Radhakrishnan, Ashalatha
Radhakrishnan, Harsha
Radhakrishnan, Kurupath
Radhakrishnan, V V
Radhakrishnan, Vishnupuri
Radjenovic, Aleksandra
Radwan, Jacqueline
Rae, Caroline
Rafard, G
Raffelt, David
Ragan, Dustin
Raghavan, Srinivasa
Ragheb, Ragy
Raghuraman, Sai
Raghuraman, Sairamesh
Ragin, Ann
Rahal, Kinan
Rahbar, Habib
Rahme, Laurence
Rahmer, Jürgen
Raichle, Marcus
Raivich, Gennadij
Raj, Ashish
Rajaei, Jennia
Rajagopalan, Sanjay
Rajagopalan, Vidya
Rajakutty, Sushmitha
Rajamohamed Sait, Hameetha
Rajapakse, Chamith
Rajaram, Smitha
Rajas, Fabienne
Rajendran, Reshmi
Rajkumar, Vineeth
Rakela, Jorge
Ramachandran, Sarayu
Ramadan, Saadallah
Ramadge, Peter
Ramage, Amy
Ramamonjisoa, Nirilanto
Ramamurthy, Senthil
Raman, Steven
Raman, Subha
Raman, Venkatish
Raman, Venu
Ramana, S
Ramanan, Venkat
Ramani, Ramachandran
Ramani, Sathish
Ramen, Subha
Ramgolam, Anoop
Ramirez, Marc
Ramirez, Rey
Ramirez, Richard
Ramirez, Rose
Ramon, G
Ramsay, Elizabeth
Ramsey, Nick
Ramu, Jaivijay
Ranade, Mona
Ranaweera, Ruwan
Rand, Scott
Rane, Swati
Rangan, M
Rangarajan, Janaki
Rangwala, Novena
Raniga, Parnesh
Ranjan, Ravi
Ranjeva, Jean-Philippe
Rao, Anil
Rao, Hengyi
Rao, Praveen
Rao, Shengxiang
Rao, Stephen
Rao, Uma
Rapacchi, Stanislas
Rasche, Volker
Raschke, Felix
Raschpichler, Matthias
Rasheed, Sarbast
Rashid, Shams
Rasmussen, Inge
Rasmussen, Tim
Rasmusson, Douglas
Rassner, Ulrich
Rastinehad, Ardeshir
Ratai, Eva-Maria
Rathi, Yogesh
Rathore, divya
Rathore, R
Rathore, Ram
Rathore, RKS
Ratib, Osman
Ratiney, Helene
Ratnakar, S
Ratnarajah, Nagulan
Ratnayaka, Kanishka
Rattigan, Yanique
Raufman, Jean-Pierre
Raunig, David
Rauschenberg, Jaane
Rauscher, Alexander
Rautiainen, Jari
Ravaee, David
Ravindranath, Bosky
Ravishankar, Saiprasad
Raviv-zilka, Lisa
Ray, Sangeeta
Raya, Jose
Raymond-Barker, Philippa
Raynal, Isabelle
Raynaud, Jean
Raynaud, Jean-Sebastien
Raynaud, Jean-Sébastien
Rayz, Vitaliy
Raz, Tal
Raza, Waqar
Razavi, Reza
Re, Thomas
Rea, William
Reaume, Joseph
Rebsch, Christine
Recht, Lawrence
Recht, Michael
Recuerda, Maximilien
Reddick, Wilburn
Reddy, Adarsh
Reddy, Damodar
Reddy, Kallam
Reddy, Ravinder
Reddy, Srinivas
Redmond, Anthony
Redolfi, Alberto
Reed, Galen
Reed, Thomas
Reeder, Scott
Reeder, Scott B.
Reerink, Onne
Reese, Timothy
Reese, Torsten
Regan, Christopher
Regatte, Ravinder
Rehemtulla, Alnawaz
Rehm, Jennifer
Rehner, Robert
Rehwald, Wolfgang
Reiber, Johan
Reich, Daniel
Reichardt, Wilfried
Reichek, Nathaniel
Reichenbach, Jürgen
Reid, Gregor
Reijnierse, Monique
Reilly, J
Reilly, Mary
Reimann, Katja
Reimer, Corinne
Reimer, Enrico
Reinecke, Hans
Reineri, Francesca
Reingold, Laura
Reinhold, Caroline
Reinsberg, Stefan
Reischauer, Carolin
Reischl, Gerald
Reiser, Maximilian
Reisert, Marco
Reishofer, Gernot
Reiss-Zimmermann, Martin
Reite, Martin
Reiter, Andreas
Reiter, David
Reiter, Gert
Reiter, Theresa
Remes, Jukka
Remmele, Stefanie
REMY, Chantal
Rémy, Chantal
Ren, Jia
Ren, Jimin
Ren, Jing
Renate, Jerecic
Renella, Pierangello
Renella, Pierangelo
Reneman, Liesbeth
Rengan, Ramesh
Rengle, Adrian
Renjifo, Carlos
Renne, Stefania
Renner, Brandon
Rennings, Andre
Rennings, Andreas
Reno, Austin
Renshaw, Perry
Rentería, Rene
Rentería, René
Renz, Diane
Renz, Wolfgang
Repplinger, Michael
Rescia, Sergio
Reske, Martina
Resmer, Frank
Restaino, Gennaro
Rettmann, Dan
Reuben Seuss, Caludia
Reutens, David
Reuter, Martin
Reuter, Victor
Reyhan, Meral
Reykowski, Arne
Reymond, Philippe
Reynaud, Olivier
Reyngoudt, Harmen
Reynolds, Heather
Reynolds, Richard
Reynolds, Steven
Reznek, Rodney
Rho, Jong
Rhode, Kawal
Rhodes, Emma
Rial, Belen
Riaz, Ahsun
Ribe, Lars
Ribes, Delphine
Ribot, Emeline
Riccabona, Michael
Ricceri, Laura
Ricci, Alessandro
Ricci Vitiani, Lucia
Ricciardi, Emiliano
Riccitelli, Gianna
Richards, Hugh
Richards, Todd
Richards, William
Richardson, Arlan
Richardson, Owen
Richdale, Kathryn
Richer, Edmond
Richer, Louis
Riches, S
Riches, Sophie
Richmond, Stephen
Richter, Bernhard
Richter, Ernst
Rick, Jochen
Rick, Manuela
Ricke, Jens
Ricketts, Sally-Ann
Rico, Audrey
Riddell, Angela
Ridgway, Gerard
Ridgway, John
Ridha, Basil
Riedel, Tim
Riederer, Stephen
Riedy, Gerard
Rieger, Benedikt
Rieger, Jan
Riegler, Johannes
Riek, Kerstin
Rieke, Viola
Ries, Mario
Ries, Michael
Riff, Olivier
Riffe, Matthew
Riffel, Philipp
Righi, Valeria
Righini, Andrea
Rigolo, Laura
Rigotti, Daniel
Rigual, Nestor
Rilling, James
Rinaldi, Aldo
Rinaldi, Filippo
Rinaldi, Francesca
Rincon, Mariano
Rinek, Gilda
Riney, Kate
Ring, Janine
Ringaard, Steffen
Ringe, Wendy
Ringelstein, E
Ringgaard, Steffen
Rioux, James
Riske, Sarah
Rispoli, Joseph
Ritter, Christian
Ritter, Dieter
Ritter, johannes
Ritter, Oliver
Rittweger, Joern
Riva, Marco
Riva, Nilo
River, Jonathan
Rivera, Debra
Rivera, Rafael
Rivière, Denis
Rivoire, Julien
Rizi, R.
Rizi, Rahim
Rizwan, Asif
Rizzo, Giovanni
Roach, Cayce
Robb, Fraser
Robbins, Robert
Robbins, T
Robe, Pierre
Robert, Benjamin
Robert, Philippe
Robert, Phlippe
Roberton, Victoria
Roberts, Brodi
Roberts, Caleb
Roberts, Darren
Roberts, David
Roberts, Gehan
Roberts, Neil
Roberts, Timothy
Roberts, Timothy P.L.
Robertson, Claudia
Robertson, Larry
Robertson, Nicola
Robic, Caroline
Robin, Arthur
Robinson, Logan
Robinson, Meghan
Robinson, Simon
Robitaille, Nicolas
Robledo, Brenda
Robson, Mathew
Robson, Mattew
Robson, Matthew
Roca, Pauline
Rocca, Maria
Roche, Alexis
Rock, Jack
Rockall, Andrea
Rockall, Andrea G.
Rockel, Conrad
Roda, Manohar
Rodegher, Maria
Roden, Michael
Rodeo, Scott
Rodeo, Scott A.
RODESCH, Georges
Rodgers, Christopher
Rodgers, Zachary
Rodionov, Roman
Rodrigo, Jose
Rodrigues, Katyucia
Rodriguez, Alfredo
Rodríguez, Alfredo
Rodriguez, Ignacio
Rodriguez, Joe
Rodriquez, Jeff
Roe, Denise
Roebroeck, Alard
Roeck, Werner
Roelandt, Philip
Roell, Wilhelm
Roemer, Robert
Roen, Calista
Roetzer, Lynne
Roeven, Hans
Rofsky, Neil
Rogers, Christopher
Rohani, Roja
Roiser, Jonathan
Rojas, Dario
Rojas, Don
Rojas-Quijano, Federico
Roland, Joerg
Roland, Jörg
Rolandelli, Susan
Roldan, Alejandro
Roldán-Alzate, Alejandro
Rollins, Nancy
Roman, Brian
Romani, Gian Luca
Romano, Anthony
Romanzetti, Sandro
Rombouts, Serge
Rommel, Denis
Rommel, Eberhard
Rommel, Nathalie
Romu, Thobias
Ronen, Itamar
Ronen, Sabrina
Roon, Rudy
Rooney, William
Roopchansingh, Vinai
Roos, Raymund
Ropele, Stefan
Ros, Christia
Ros, Christian
Rosas, H.
Rosas, Humberto
Rose, Chris
Rose, John
Rose, Samuel
Rose, Stephen
Rose, Wyatt
Rosen, Bruce
Rosen, Howard
Rosen, Mark
Rosenberg, Christian
Rosenberg, David
Rosenberg, Jarrett
Rosenberg, Jens
Rosenbluth, Kathryn
Rosenbrock, Holger
Rosende, Carlos
Rosene, Douglas
Rosenfeld, Eric
Rosenkrantz, Andrew
Rosenkranz, Karin
Rosi, Antonella
Rosin, Paul
Ross, Brian
Ross, Thomas
Rossi, Francesca
Rossi, Michael
Rossi, Paolo
Rossignol, Serge
Rossman, M. D.
Rossman, Milton
Rossman, Phillip
Rossmanith, Christina
Rosso, Charlotte
Rostomily, Robert
Rota Kops, Elena
Rothenmund, Heidi
Rothgang, Eva
Rothman, Douglas
Rothmund, Daniel
Rottbauer, Wolfgang
Rottner, Kurt
Roujol, Sébastien
Rourke, Donald
Rousselet, Laure
Routtenberg, Aryeh
Rowe, Matthew
Rowland, Ian
Rowland, Laura
Rowley, Howard
Roy, Anindya
Roy, Bhashwati
Roy, Bhaswati
Roy, Christopher
Roy, Michelle
Roy, Raja
Roy, Sashwati
Royce, Melanie
Royle, Natalie
Roys, Steve
Roys, Steven
Royston, Thomas
Roze, Emmanuel
Rozel, Stefan
Rubertsson, Sten
Rubin, David
Rudà, Roberta
Rudd, Brent
Ruddy, Marcella
Rudge, Peter
Rudin, Markus
Rudko, David
Rudrapatna, Umesh
Rueckert, Daniel
Ruehm, Stefan
Ruff, Christian
Ruff, Jan
Ruggieri, Paul M.
Ruh, Alexander
Ruhm, Wolfgang
Ruiter, Dirk
Ruiz, Carlos
Ruiz-Cabello, Jesus
Rump, Jens
Rundell, Veronica
Runge, Val M.
Runquist, Matthew
Ruppert, Kai
Ruset, Iulian
Rusinek, Henry
Russe, Max
Russel, Greg
Russell, Greg
Russell-Schulz, Bretta
Rusted, Jenny
Rustin, Gordon
Rutherford, Mary
Rutt, Brian
Rutten, Marcel
Ryan, Christopher
Rückert, Martin
Ryder, Timothy
Rüfer, Susanne
Ryffel, Bernard
Rygh, Cecilie
Rypma, Bart
Ryu, Chang-Woo
Ryu, Robert
Ryu, Yeun
Ryu, Yeun Chul
Röttgen, Rainer
S Velan, S
S Velan, Sambasivam
S. K. Terry, Yew
Saad, Ziad
Saad, Ziauddin
Saatchi, Katayoun
Sabate, Juan
Sabati, Mohammad
Sabati, Mohammed
Sabin, Noah
Sablong, Raphaël
Sacchetti, Emilio
Sachdev, Vibhu
Sack, Ingolf
Sack, Markus
Sacolick, Laura
Sadan, Ofer
Sadananthan, Suresh
Sadat, Umar
Saddleton, Elise
Sadikot, Abbas
Sadowski, Elizabeth
Saekho, Suwit
Safran, Marc
Saga, Tsuneo
Sagar, Pallavi
Sage, Caroline
SAGGU, Raman
Saghafi, Maryam
Sah, Robert
Saha, Indrajit
Saha, Prakash
Saha, Punam
Sahakian, Alan
Sahdev, Anju
Sahebjavaher, Ramin
Sahlein, Daniel
sahoo, PRATIVA
Sai, Syouei
Saigal, Gaurav
Saiki, Makoto
Saikus, Christina
Sailasuta, Napapon
Sailer, Leif-Konradin
Saillen, Pierre
Saini, Namita
Saint-Amant, Etienne
Saint-Jalmes, Hervé
Saint-Mezard, Pierre
Saito, Ashley
Saito, Kazuyoshi
Saito, Keita
Saito, Kensuke
Saito, Shigeyoshi
Saitoh, Yoichi
Saiviroonporn, Pairash
Sajisevi, Mirabelle
Sajja, Balasrinivasa
Sakahara, Harumi
Sakai, Hidetsugu
Sakai, Koji
Sakai, Osamu
Sakaie, Ken
Sakamoto, Americo
Sakamoto, Ryo
Sakellariou, Dimitrios
Sakhaee, Khashayar
Saksena, Sona
Sakuma, Hajime
Sala, Evis
Sala, Stefania
Salameh, Najat
Salamon, N.
Salamon, Noriko
Salat, David
Salcudean, Septimiu
Saleh, Omar
Saleh, Roya
Salem, Riad
Salem, Yishay
Salerno, Michael
Salgaonkar, Vasant
Salhi, Zahir
Salloway, Stephen
Salo, Elli-Noora
Salo, Raimo
Salomir, Rares
Salomoni, Paolo
Saloner, David
Salt, Alison
Salton, Carol
Saltz, Leonard
Salvado, Olivier
Samartzis, Dino
Samavati, Navid
Sambataro, Fabio
Samdani, Amer
Samiee, Ahsan
Samiotaki, Gesthimani
Sammet, Steffen
Sammi, Manoj
Samouilov, Alex
Samouilov, Alexandre
Sampat, Mehul
Sampath, Deepak
Sampath, Smita
Samson, Rebecca
Samson, Yves
Samsonov, Alexey
San Emeterio Nateras, Oscar
SANAL, Hatice
Sanches, João
Sanchez Gonzalez, Javier
Sanchez Lopez, Hector
Sanchez Panchuelo, Rosa
Sanchez-Lopez, Hector
Sánchez-Montañés, Manuel
Sandaite, Inga
Sandalcioglu, Ibrahim
Sandberg, Jason
Sander, Christin
Sander, Thomas
Sanders, Honorius
Sanders, Howard
Sanders, Joseph
Sandman, Curt
Sands, Mark
Sandusky, George
Sandvig, Yanna
Sang, Li
Sanganahalli, Basavaraju
Sangild Sørensen, Thomas
Sani, Lorenzo
Sanjuan, Julio
Sankar, Adithya
Sansom, Sarah
Santarelli, Maria
Santarelli, Maria Filomena
Santillan, Alejandro
Santini, Francesco
Santoro, Davide
Santos, Antonio
Santos, Juan
Santos, Nuno
Santos, Raquel
Santus, Robin
Santyr, Giles
Sanz-Blasco, Mireia
Sapiro, Guillermo
Sappey-Marinier, Dominique
Saradhi, Vijaya
Saranathan, Manojkumar
Saraswat, V
Sardanelli, Francesco
Sargsyan, Siranush
Sarioglu, Baykal
Saris, Anne
Saritas, Emine
Sarkka, Simo
Sarma, Manoj
Sarmiento, Juan
Sarntinoranont, Malisa
Sarracanie, Mathieu
Sarro, Lidia
Sartorius, Alexander
Sasai, Keisuke
Saska, Ryan
Sathian, K
Sati, Pascal
Sato, João
Sato, Kent
Sato, Ryo
Sato-Akaba, Hideo
Satou, Gary
Satou, Shuji
Saudek, Frantisek
Sauer, Tamara
Saueressig, Ulrich
Saunders, Dawn
Saunders, Debra
Saunders, John
Saur, Amy
Sauter, Fabian
Sauter, Martina
Sauter, Matthias
Savadjiev, Peter
Savage, David
Savard, Geneviève
Savariar, Elamprakash
Saver, J.
Saver, Jeffrey
Savitz, Jonathan
Savvopoulos, Fotios
Sawas, Ahmed
Sawiak, Stephen
Sawiak, Steve
Saxena, Mohit
Saxena, Neeraj
Saybasili, Haris
Sayin, Ozan
Saykin, Andrew
Saylor, Charles
Saylor, Charlie
Sbravati, Francesca
Sbrizzi, Alessandro
Scadeng, Miriam
Scala, Stefania
Scalera, Jonathan
Scambler, Peter
Scarale, Antonio
Scardino, Peter
Scarpace, Lisa
Scarpatetti, Michael
Scattergood, Theresa
Schabel, Matthias
Schad, L
Schad, Lothar
Schaefer, Daniel
Schaefers, Gregor
Schaeffter, Tobias
Schaer, Marie
Schaewe, T
Schaewe, T.
Schaible, Thomas
Schakel, Tim
Schaller, Benoit
Scharre, Doug
Scheel, Michael
Scheenen, Tom
Scheer, Ianina
Scheffler, Klaus
Scheiber, Laura
Scheidegger, Milan
Scheidegger, Olivier
Scheidegger, Rachel
Scheinemann, Katrin
Scheins, Juergen
Schelbert, EriK
Schell, Heinrich
Schellekens, Wayne
Schellenberger, Frank
Schenck, John F.
Schepkin, Victor
Scherman, Daniel
Schernthaner, Melanie
Scherrer, Benoit
Schett, Georg
Scheuermann, Gerik
Scheurer, E
Scheurer, Eva
Schewzow, Kiril
Schick, Fritz
Schiebler, Mark
Schiffelers, Raymond
Schifitto, Giovanni
Schild, Christian
Schild, H.
Schild, Hans
Schilli, Elfriede
Schirda, Claudiu
Schirmer, Timo
Schiros, Chun
Schlamann, Marc
Schlemmer, Heinz-Peter
Schlensak, Christian
Schliebs, Reinhard
Schloegl, Haiko
Schlupp, Peggy
Schluppeck, Denis
Schlyer, David
Schmainda, Kathleen
Schmalbrock, Petra
Schmale, Ingo
Schmid, Albrecht
Schmid, Florian
Schmid, Sophie
Schmid Daners, Marianne
Schmid-Tannwald, Christine
Schmidt, Ehud
Schmidt, Gerwin
Schmidt, Joachim
Schmidt, Maria
Schmidt, Michaela
Schmidtke-Schrezenmeier, Gerlinde
Schmieder, Anne
Schmiedeskamp, Heiko
Schmiedlin-Ren, Phyllissa
Schmierer, Klaus
Schmithorst, Vincent
Schmitt, Benjamin
Schmitt, Benoit
Schmitt, Franz
Schmitt, Melanie
Schmitt, Peter
Schmitter, Sebastian
Schmitz, Achim
Schmitz, Brenda
Schnackenburg, Bernhard
Schnall, Mitchell
Schneider, Bernard
Schneider, Florian
Schneider, Günther
Schneider, Johannes
Schneider, Julie
Schneider, Jurgen
Schneider, Jürgen
Schneider, P.
Schneider, Robert
Schneider, Stephan
Schneider, Torben
Schneiders, Joppe
Schoder, Heiko
Schoenberg, Stefan
Schoepf, Veronika
Scholl, Timothy
Scholz, Alexander
Scholz, Jan
Schonberger, Michael
Schooler, Joe
Schooler, Joseph
Schouten, Martijn
Schouw, Marieke
Schrader, Jürgen
Schraml, Christina
Schrauben, Eric
Schrauth, Joachim
Schrauwen, Patrick
Schrauwen-Hinderling, Vera
Schregel, Katharina
Schreiber, Laura
Schreibmann, Eduard
Schreurs, Tom
Schreyer, Edward
Schrezenmeier, Hubert
Schroeder, Marie
Schroeder, Michael
Schroth, Gerhard
Schubert, Florian
Schubert, Mirjam
Schuff, Norbert
Schuhmann, Martin
Schuler, Beat
Schulte, Frank
Schulte, Rolf
Schultz, Cindy
Schultz, Gerrit
Schultz, Lonni
Schultz, Robert
Schulz, Daniela
Schulz, Ursula
Schulz, Volkmar
Schulz-Menger, Jeanette
Schulz-Menger, Jeannette
Schulz-Schaeffer, Walter
Schurink, Geert-Willem
Schuster, Lydia
Schuster, Stephen
Schwaiger, Markus
Schwartz, Benjamin
Schwartz, Daniel
Schwartz, Lawrence
Schwarz, Adam
Schwarz, Erwin
Schwarz, Johannes
Schwarz, Raphael
Schwarz, Stefan
Schwarzbauer, Christian
Schweitzer, Katherine
Schweitzer, Mark
Schwenzer, Nina
Schweser, Ferdinand
Schwindt, Wolfram
Schwitter, Juerg
Schwizer, Werner
Schühle, Daniel
Schütz, Uwe
Schäfer, Andreas
Schäfer, Christian
Schäfer, Lena
Schär, Michael
Schönberg, Stefan
Schönberg, Stefan O.
Schönfeldt-Lecuona, Carlos
Schöpf, Veronika
Scifo, Paola
Scoffings, Daniel
Scola, Elisa
Scott, Andrew
Scott, Greig
Scott, James
Scott, Julia
Scott, Kristen
Scott, Marietta
Scott, Serena
Scotti, Giuseppe
Scotti, Roberta
Scurr, Erica
Sdika, Michaël
Seal, Marc
Seaquist, Elizabeth
Sebire, Guillaume
Sederman, Andy
Sedlacik, Jan
Sedmak, Goran
Seebauer, Christian
Seeck, Magritta
Seeck, Margitta
Seed, Mike
Seeliger, Erdmann
Seemann, Reiner
Seethamraju, Ravi
Seevinck, Peter
Segal, Benjamin
Segebarth, Christoph
Segerdahl, Andy
Segers, Ief
Segev-Amzaleg, Niva
Seguin, Johanne
Seiberlich, Nicole
Seiberlich, Nicole E.
Seidel, Jurgen
Seidel, Roland
Seifert, Alan
Seifert, Frank
Seifritz, Erich
Seino, Noritaka
Seiwerts, Matthias
Seki, Junji
Sekine, Tetsuro
Sekula, Raymond
Seldin, David
Selnes, Per
Selnæs, Kirsten Margrete
Selvarajah, Dinesh
Selwyn, Reed
Selzman, Craig
Semanchuk, Philip
Semba, Kazue
Semmineh, Natenael
Semmler, Woflhard
Semmler, Wolfhard
Semple, Rob
Sen, Chandan
Sena-Weltin, Valeria
Senczenko, Waldemar
Sénégas, Julien
Sengupta, Saikat
Senn, Andreas
Senpan, Angana
Senthil Kumaran, S
Seo, Jai
Seo, Jeehye
Seo, Jin Keun
Seo, Jin-Seok
Seo, Youngseob
Seong, Joon-Kyung
Sepede, Gianna
Seppi, Dario
Sepponen, Raimo
Serag, Ahmed
Serduc, Raphael
Sereno, Martin
Serganova, Inna
Serkova, Natalie
Serkova, Natalie J.
Serna, Eva
Serot, Jean-Marie
Serra, Andreas
Serra, Laura
Serres, Sebastien
Seshadri, Mukund
Sestan, Nenad
Seth, Pankaj
Setser, Randolph
Setsompop, Kawin
Settles, Marcus
Seunarine, Kiran
Seuwen, Aline
Sewonu, Anou
Sexton, John
Seydel, Karl
Sgroi, Dennis
Shaffer, Jean
Shaffer, Michele
Shah, Ajay M
Shah, Dipan
Shah, Jatin
Shah, Manisha
Shah, N
Shah, N.
Shah, N. Jon
Shah, Nadim
Shah, Nadim Jon
Shah, Omer
Shah, Parina
Shah, Prithvi
Shah, R
Shah, Sanjiv
Shah, Saurabh
Shah, Tariq
Shah, Vijay
Shah, Yash
Shah, Zarine
Shajan, G
Shajan, G.
Shajan, Gunamony
Shalhoub, Joseph
Shamdasani, Vijay
Shameem, Mohammad
Shamsie, Mesha
Shanbhag, Dattesh
Shanbhag, Sujata
Shankar, Adarsh
Shankar, Ananth
Shankar, J
Shankaran, S
Shankaranarayan, Ajit
Shankaranarayanan, Ajit
Shankland, Eric
Shanmuganathan, Kathirkamanthan
Shannon, Steven
Shao, Kuo-Fang
Shao, Tingting
Shao, Yongcong
Shapiro, Erik
Shapiro, Lauren
Shapiro, William
Shapiro-Feinberg, Myra
Sharif, Behzad
Sharkey-Toppen, Travis
Sharma, Harish
Sharma, Khema
Sharma, Puneet
Sharma, Rakesh
Sharma, Samir
Sharp, Jonathan
Shaw, Dennis
Shaw, Jaime
Shayegan, Robert
Shazeeb, Mohammed
Shea, Colin
Shea, Steven
Shefchik, Daniel
Shehada, Ramez
Shehata, Monda
Sheikh, Adnan
Sheikhzadeh, Fahime
Shelton, Steve
Shelton, Steven
Shemesh, Noam
Shen, Dinggang
Shen, Hao
Shen, Hsin-Hsin
Shen, J
Shen, Jun
Shen, Kaikai
Shen, Lianfang
Shen, Peter
Shen, Qiang
Shen, Yimin
Shen, Yuji
Sheng, Guiping
Sheng, Jinhua
Shenhar-Tsarfaty, Shani
Shenoy, Nalini
Shenton, Martha
Shepherd, John
Sherbondy, Anthony
Sheriff, Sulaiman
Sherr, Elliott
Sherry, A
Sherry, A.
Sherry, Allan
Sherwin, Robert
Sherwood Brown, E.
Shestov, Alexander
Shet, Keerthi
Shet Vishnudas, Keerthi
Sheth, Vipul
Shetty, Anoop
Shetty, Charvi
Shi, Da
Shi, Feng
Shi, Fu-Dong
Shi, Guey-Yueh
Shi, Jianrong
Shi, Veronica
Shi, Wei-Xing
Shi, Xianfeng
Shi, Xianfeung
Shi, Yongmei
Shi, Yubing
Shia, Jinru
Shibamoto, Yuta
Shibasaki, Jun
Shic, Frederick
Shidahara, Miho
Shieh, Charng-Chyi
Shigematsu, Yoshinori
Shih, Joanna
Shih, Ting-Fang
Shih, Tzu-Ching
Shih, Y-C.
Shih, Yen-Yu
Shih, Yi-Yu
Shim, Jae Ho
Shim, Woo Hyun
Shimada, Kazuki
Shimada, Kotaro
Shimada, Takeshi
Shimakawa, Ann
Shimizu, Hironori
Shimizu, Toshiyuki
Shimohata, Takayoshi
Shimoji, Keigo
Shimokawa, Hiroaki
Shimony, Joshua
Shin, David
Shin, Hae-Sook
Shin, Jaemin
Shin, Jung
Shin, Jung-woog
Shin, Lewis
Shin, Peter
Shin, Taehoon
Shin, Wanyong
Shin, Won-Chul
Shinoka, Toshiharu
Shiomi, Takayuki
Shirai, Toru
Shirato, Hiroki
Shmuel, Amir
Shmueli, Karin
Shmuilovich, Olga
Shnier, Ronald C.
Shoemaker, J
Shoham, Shy
Shojinaga, Aaron
Shokeen, Monica
Shopin, Lodmila
Shore, Adam
Shortland, Adam
Shou, Guofa
Shrauwen, Patrick
shrivastav, shatakshi
Shrivastava, Devashish
Shroff, Manohar
Shroyer, Kenneth
Shu, Yunhong
Shukla-Dave, Amita
Shulman, Gerald
Shultz, Kim
Shumaker, Sally
Shungu, Dikoma
Shuto, Takashi
Shvartsman, Shmaryu
Shyti, Reinald
Shyu, Bai-Chuang
Shyu, Ling-Yuh
Sibley, Colin
Sibon, Igor
Sibson, Nicola
Sica, Chris
Sica, Christopher
Siddiqi, Kaleem
Siddiqui, Faisal
Siddle, Heidi
Sideso, Ediri
Sidharthan, Shawn
Siebert, James
Siebner, Hartwig
Siedentopf, Oliver
Siegmann, Kat
Siero, Jeroen
Sierra, Alejandra
Sigal, Samuel
Sigfridsson, Andreas
Sigmund, Eric
Signoretti, Sabina
Sigovan, Monica
Sigurdsson, Einar
Siiya, Norihiko
Sijbers, Jan
Sijens, Paul
Sikkema, Johannes
Sikma, Kees
Silasi-Mansat, Robert
Silavi, Ally
Silva, Afonso
Silver, Amanda
Silver, Frank
Silver, Heidi
Sim, Y-T
Sima, Diana
Simard, Alain
Simcock, Ian
Simedrea, Carmen
Simen, Arthur
Simeonov, Anna
Simmons, Andy Simmons
Simmons, W
Simms, Ciaran
Simões, José
Simoes, Rui
Simões, Rui V.
Simola, Juha
Simon, Dirk
Simon, Jonathan
Simonelli, Federica
Simonetti, Arjan
Simonetti, Orlando
Simonetti, Orlando P.
Simonis, Frank
Simonotto, Enrico
Simons, Paul
Simonson, Donald
Simontetti, Orlando
Simpkin, C
Simpkin, Catherine
Simpson, Nicholas
Sims, Robert
SIMSEK, Ismail
Sin, Sanghun
Sinclair, Benjamin
Sinclair, Christopher
Sinclair, John
Sing-Long, Carlos
Singel, Debra
Singer, Elyse
Singer, Lisa
Singer, Lynn
Singer, Samuel
Singh, Anup
Singh, Dave
Singh, David
Singh, Jitesh
Singh, Krish
Singh, Manbir
Singh, Rohit
Sinha, Ashish
Sinha, Tuhin
Sinkus, Ralph
Sinnecker, Tim
Sinusas, Albert
Siow, Bernard
Siow*, Bernard
Siqueira, Luiz
Sirlin, Claude
Sirlin, Claude B.
Sitartchouk, Igor
Sitharaman, Balaji
Sitoh, Yih-Yian
Siversson, Carl
Sizonenko, Stéphane
Sjoberg, Brett
Sjögren, Niclas
Skare, Stefan
Skeffington, Wesley
Skidmore, Frank
Skinner, Jack
Skinner, Rachel
Skipper, Nicholas
Skoch, Antonin
Skolnik, Edward
Skowasch, D.
Skrok, Jan
Slabu, Ioana
Slade, Joshua
Slavin, Glenn
Sled, John
Sleeper, Meg
Sleigh, Alison
Sleijpen, Gerard
Slotboom, Johannes
Slump, Cornelis
Smalla, Karl-Heinz
Smart, Sean
Smedby, Örjan
Smeets, Ann
Smink, Jouke
Smirniotopoulos, James
Smirnova, Irina
Smit, Kimmy
Smith, Albert
Smith, Alberto
Smith, Alex
Smith, Alison
Smith, Barbara
Smith, Barry
Smith, Charles
Smith, Daniel
Smith, David
Smith, Fiona
Smith, Ian
Smith, J.
Smith, Jason
Smith, Jeffrey
Smith, Jeremy
Smith, Jolinda
Smith, Ken
smith, kenneth
Smith, Kris
Smith, Linsley
Smith, Mary Lou
Smith, Matthew
Smith, Maximilian
Smith, Micheal
Smith, Mike
Smith, Monica
Smith, Nadine
Smith, Nataliya
Smith, R
Smith, R. Scott
Smith, Rachel
Smith, Ralph
Smith, Robert
Smith, S-David
Smith, Seth
Smith, Stephen
Smith, Travis
Smith, Wade
Smith, Zachary
Smithline, Howard
Smits, Geert
Smolka, Michael
Smyser, Christopher D.
Snead, O. Carter
Snow, Jeffrey
Snowden, John
Snowden, Julie
Snyder, Abraham
Snyder, Angela
Snyder, Carl
Snyder, Jeff
Snyder, Peter
So, K
So, Kwok
So, Yuen
Sobesky, Jan
Soderberg, Lindsay
Sodickson, Aaron
Sodickson, Daniel
Sodickson, Daniel K.
Soellinger, Michaela
Soenen, Stefaan
Soenen, Stefaan Soenen
Soesbe, Todd
Soffietti, Riccardo
Soher, Brian
Sohi, Hargun
Sohn, Chul-Ho
Sohn, Sung-Min
Soini, Jouko
Soininen, Hilkka
Sokka, Sham
Sokka, Shunmugavelu
Sokol, Neil
Sola, Srikanth
Solaiyappan, Meiyappan
Solander, Sten
Solano-Castiella, Eugenia
Solbach, Klaus
Soldatos, Theodoros
Soleiman, H.
Soleimanifard, Sahar
Solin, Arno
Solis, Sergio
Sollberger, Marc
Solomon, Richard
Soltanian-Zadeh, Hamid
Soman, Salil
Somayajula, Sangeetha
Somford, Diederik
Sommer, Graham
Sommer, Jens
Sommer, Karsten
Sommer, Wieland
Sommerdijk, N
Son, Do-beom
Son, Young-Don
Sondhi, Dolan
Song, Allen
Song, Hee
Song, Hee Kwon
Song, Hui-jin
Song, In Chan
Song, In Young
Song, Junho
Song, Ming
Song, Pengfei
Song, Ruitian
Song, Sam
Song, Sang-Eun
Song, Sheng-Kwei
Song, Ting
Song, Xiaolei
Song, Yan
Song, Yanli
Song, Yi-Qiao
Song, Youngkyu
Soni, Priyanka
Sonik, Arvind
sonkar, abhinav
Sonmez, Merdim
Sonmezturk, Hasan
Sonner, Daniel
Sonveaux, Pierre
Sorensen, A
Sorensen, A.
Sorensen, A. Gregory
Sorensen, Alma
Sorensen, Greg
Sorensen, Gregory
Soriano, Benjamin
Soriano, Stephanie
Sorkness, Ronald
Sosnovik, David
Sosnovik, David E.
Sotak, Christopher
Sotgiu, Antonello
Soto, Jorge
Soul, Janet
Soulez, Gilles
Soulier, Elisabeth
Souques, Martine
Sourbon, Steven P.
Sourbron, Steven
Souris, Line
Sours, Chandler
Sousa, Inês
Southern, Paul
Soutome, Yoshihisa
Souza, Richard
Sowell, Elizabeth
Sowers, Anastasia
Spano', Barbara
Sparks, Rachel
Sparrer, Helmut
Spatz, Deneen
Speciale, Josh
Speck, Oliver
Speckbacher, Hadwig
Spees, William
Speier, Peter
Spellerberg, Stefan
Spence, Jeffrey
Spencer, Dennis
Spencer, Richard
Sperl, Jonathan
Spieker, Elena
Spiekerkoetter, Ute
Spieler, Bradley
Spielman, Dan
Spielman, Daniel
Spiess, Hans
Spiller, Robin
Spinazzi, Alberto
Spincemaille, Pascal
Spinelli, Simona
Splitthoff, Daniel
Sporns, Olaf
Spottiswoode, Bruce
Sprague, Stuart
Sprengers, Andre
Spring, S.
Springer, Charles
Springer, Fabian
Springer, James
Springer, Jr., Charles
Sprinkhuizen, Sara
Sprung, Christian
Spunt, Robert
Spunt, Sheri
Squire, Scott
Srichai, Monvadi
Srinivasakumar, Preethi
Srinivasan, Girish
Srinivasan, Priti
Srinivasan, Radhika
Srinivasan, Subashini
Sriram, Renuka
Srisaranard, Dara
Sritanyaratana, Nade
Srivastava, A
Srivastava, Anand
Srivastava, Shatakshi
Srulijes, Karin
St Lawrence, K
St. Lawrence, Keith
Stabile, Alexandra
Stadler, Joerg
Staehle, Felix
Stafford, R
Stafford, R.
Stafford, Randall
Stafford, Roger
Stagg, Charlotte
Stahl, Simone
Staicu, Cristina
Stainsby, Jeffrey
Stalder, Aurelien
Stambuk, Hilda
Stampanoni, Marco
Stanford, Arielle
Stang, Pascal
Stange, Richard
Stanisz, Greg
Stankovic, Zoran
Stanley, Jeffrey
Stanton, Doug
Stanwell, Peter
Starck, Tuomo
Starcuk, Zenon
Starcuk jr., Zenon
Starcukova, Jana
Stare, Janez
Starewicz, Piotr
Stark, Helmut
Starkey, Melissa
Staron, Ronale
Staroswiecki, Ernesto
Starr, Philip
Staruch, Robert
Stasinopoulos, Ioannis
Statum, Sheronda
Staufenbiel, Matthias
Stausbøl-Grøn, Brian
Steadman, P
Steadman, P.
Steckner, Michael
Steeden, Jennifer
Steeg, Patricia
Steel, Sue
Stefan, Dan
Stefan, Norbert
Stefan, Posse
Stefanova, Elka
Stefanovic, Bojana
Stehlik, Josef
Stehling, Christoph
Stehning, Christian
Stehouwer, Bertine
Stein, Elliot
Stein, Elliott A.
Steinbach, Joachim
Steinbach, Lynne S.
Steinberg, Jeffrey
Steingoetter, Andreas
Steinman, David
Steinseifer, Isabell
Stelzeneder, David
Stelzer, Julian
Stemmer, Alto
Stenger, Andy
Stenger, V
Stenger, V.
Stenger, Victor
Stenzel, Gregg
Stepanov, Pavel
Stephan, Klaas
Stephan-Güldner, Markus
Stephant, Alan
Stephen, Renu
Stephen, Smith
Stephenson, IV, Jack
Stephenson, Mary
Stephenson IV, J,B,
Stepniewska, Iwona
Stergiopulos, Nikos
Stern, Emily
Stern, Robert
Sterner, Christopher
Stevens, Alexander
Stevens, Allison
Stevens, Brian
Stevens, Karthryn
Stevens, Kathryn
Stevens, Todd
Stevenson, Claire
Stevenson, Jeff
Stevenson, William
Stevick, Joe
Steward, Michael
Stieltjes, Bram
Stifelman, Michael
Stikov, Nikola
Stilla, Randall
Stiller, Brigitte
Stiller, Detlef
Stine, Annette
Stinson, Eric
Stirling, J.
Stirling, James
Stobbe, Rob
Stobbe, Robb
Stobbe, Robert
Stockmann, Jason
Stodilka, Robert
Stoeck, Christian
Stoeckel, Bernd
Stoecker, Tony
Stoesz, Mark
Stoffel, David
Stoffels, Gabriele
Stoicea, Nicoleta
Stoker, Jaap
Stoldt, Conrad
Stoll, Guido
Stoll, Sean
Stollberger, Rudolf
Stone, Alan
Stone, Lael
Stoneburgh, Jennifer
Stopeck, Alison
Storch, Gregory A.
Storey, Pippa
Stork, L
Stork, Lee-Anne
Storkey, Amos
Storm, Gert
Storrs, Judd
Stosic-Opincal, T
Stouffer, Richard
Stout, Jeroen
Straka, Matus
Strammiello, Rosaria
Strand, Sven-Erik
Strauss, Bradley
Strauss, Kevin
Streicher, Markus
Streitberger, Kaspar
Streitmatter, Seth
Stretton, Jason
Strijkers, G
Strijkers, Gustav
Strittmatter, Nathalie
Strobel, Klaus
Stroes, Eric
Stroes, Erik
Stroh, Anna
Stroman, Patrick
Stromillo, Maria
Stroszczynski, Christian
Strother, Douglas
Strother, Stephen
Strotmann, Barbara
Struys, Esli
Stuber, Matthias
Stucht, Daniel
Stuckey, Daniel
Studholme, Colin
Stueber, Carsten
Stuker, Florian
Stumvoll, Michael
Sturm, Volker
Styczynski Snyder, Angela
Styner, Martin
Ståhlberg, Freddy
Stäb, Daniel
Stöcker, Tony
Su, Edwin
Su, Jason
Su, Li
Su, Mao-Yuan
Su, Min-Ying
Su, Tanja
Su, Yi
Suan, Edgar
Subburaj, Karupppasamy
Subramanian, Raman
Subramanian, Sankaran
Suchy, Mojmir
Suckling, John
Suddarth, Steven
Suedkamp, Norbert
Suehiro, Makiko
Suero Abreu, Giselle
Suetens, Paul
Suever, Jonathan
Sugarbaker, David
Sugawara, Shunsuke
Sugimura, Kazuro
Sugiura, Satoshi
Suh, Ji-Yeon
Suh, Jin-Suck
Suh, Jung
Suh, Jung Wook
Sui, Dabang
Sui, Jing
Sui, Yi
Sukenick, George
Sukhatme, Vikas
Sukno, Federico
Sukstanskii, Alex
Sukstanskii, Alexander
Sukumar, Subramaniam
Sukumar, Subramanian
Sullivan, Edith
Sultan, Khaleel
Sumiyoshi, Tomomi
Summers, Paul
Sumner, James
Sumner, Petroc
Sumpf, Tilman
Sun, Binjian
Sun, Fei
Sun, Hui
Sun, Jian-Sheng
Sun, Jianzhong
Sun, Jie
Sun, Jihong
Sun, Nan
Sun, Peng
SUN, Phillip
Sun, Shu-Wei
Sun, Wenli
Sun, Xiankai
Sun, Xiaojun
Sun, Xiaoyu
Sun, Yanjie
Sun, Yanping
Sun, Yi
Sun, Yu
Sun, Ziqi
Sun-Reimer, Lili
Sunaert, Stefan
Sundaram, Padmavathi
Sundaram, Senthil
Sundaresan, Rajagopalan
Sundberg, Laura
Sundgren, Pia C.
Sung, K
Sung, Kyung
Sung, Kyunghyun
Sung, Young-Hoon
Sunshine, Jeffrey
Suntharalingam, Mohan
Suput, Dusan
Surapaneni, Krishna
Surapaneni, MD, MPH, Krishna
Sure, Ulrich
Surrentino, Emiliano
Suskin, N
Suslow, Thomas
Sussman, Marshall
Sutherland, Garnette
Suttie, Joseph
Sutton, Brad
Sutton, Bradley
Sutton, Bradley P.
Suyama, Jumpei
Suzuki, Daisuke
Suzuki, Sachiko
Suzuki, Tomohiro
Suzuki, Yuichi
Suzuki, Yuriko
Sved, Paul
Svenmarker, Pontus
Svenningsen, Sarah
Svensson, Jonas
Svoboda, Jakub
Swanson, Scott
Swartz, Harold
Sweeney, H
Swift, Andrew
Swift, Andy
Swinscoe, James
Swisher, Jascha
Sylvester, Peter
Symms, Mark
Syre, Peter
Syrjä, Antti
Syversen, Tore
Szabo, Ibolya
Szabo, Kristina
Szary, Ania
Szczepaniak, Edward
Szczepaniak, Lidia
Szczesny, Paul
Szeszko, Philip
Szeto, Hazel
Szeverenyi, Nikolaus
Szomolanyi, Pavol
Szostek, Anne
Szulc, Kamila
Szumowski, Jerzy
Szymkowicz, Sarah
Söderlund, Sanni
Söderman, Olle
Søgaard, L. V.
Søgaard, Lise
Sørensen, Thomas
Ta, Robert
Taber, Erin
Tabesh, Ali
Tabor, Alethea
Tabori, Uri
Tabuchi, Takashi
Tachi, Masaki
Tachibana, Miki
Tachibana, Yasuhiko
Tachrount, Mohamed
Tachtsidis, Ilias
Tack, Cees
Tadano, Kiichi
Taeger, Steffen
Tagalakis, Aristides
Tagge, Ian
Tai, Dean
Tai, E
Taimen, Kirsi
Takado, Yuhei
Takahara, Taro
Takahashi, Atsushi
Takahashi, Emi
Takahashi, Hideyuki
Takahashi, Hiroyuki
Takahashi, Jun
Takahashi, Mamoru
Takahashi, Masaya
Takahashi, Naoki
Takahashi, Shoki
Takahashi, Tetsuhiko
Takala, Timo
Takanashi, Jun-ichi
Takano, Hayato
Takao, Yoshie
Takase, Shinichi
Takashima, Masaru
Takaya, Nobuhiro
Takayama, Yukihisa
Takeda, Hiroyasu
Takeda, Kazuna
Takeda, Morihiko
Takehara, Yasuo
Takei, Naoyoki
Takemura, Atsushi
Takenaka, Daisuke
Takeuchi, Hiroyuki
Takeuchi, Mayumi
Takizawa, Masahiro
Tal, Assaf
Tal, Omer
Talagala, S
Talagala, S.
Talathi, Sachin
Talavage, Thomas
Talbot, Kevin
Talelli, Marina
Taljan, Kyle
Taljanovic, Mihra
Talwalkar, Jayant
Tam, Leo
Tam, Roger
Tam, Tusey
Tamada, Daiki
Tamada, Tsutomu
Tamez-Pena, Jose
Tammer, Roland
Tamminga, Carol
Tamura, Hajime
Tamura, Naoyuki
Tan, Ek
Tan, Ek Tsoon
Tan, Fengshun
Tan, Hao
Tan, Huan
Tan, Li Tee
Tan, Mingqian
Tan, Ru
Tan, Sandra
Tan, Sidhartha
Tanabe, Kenneth
Tanaka, Chuzo
TANAKA, Hiroaki
Tanaka, Norimitu
Tanaka, Shiro
Tanaka, Terry
Tanaka, Yoshiya
Tanase, Costin
Tancredi, Felipe
Tandetzky, Ralph
Tandri, Harikrishna
Tang, An
Tang, Cheuk
Tang, Cheuk Ying
Tang, Dalin
Tang, Elizabeth
Tang, Haiying
Tang, Jin
Tang, Jun
Tang, Kevin
Tang, Kwok-wing
Tang, Lin
Tang, Richard
Tang, Xiaoying
Tang, Yi
Tang, Yu-Wei
Tani, Naoki
Taniguchi, Yo
Tannazi, Firouzeh
Tanner, Christine
Tanner, Mark
Tanner, Steven
Tannús, Alberto
Tanter, Mickael
Tantillo, Kristopher
Tao, Xiaodong
Taouli, Bachir
Taracila, Victor
Tardif, Christine
Tardif, Nicolas
Tarokh, Vahid
Tarshish, Brocha
Tartaglia, Maria Carmela
Tartaro, Armando
Taschner, Christian
Taskinen, Marja-Riitta
Tateishi, Narito
Taupitz, Matthias
Tavare, Jane
Taves, Don
Taviani, Valentina
Tavor, Ido
Tawara, Noriyuki
Taylor, Andrew
Taylor, Brian
Taylor, David
Taylor, Hallie
Taylor, Jamie
Taylor, M
Taylor, Margot
Taylor, Matthew
Taylor, Michael
Taylor, N.
Taylor, Peter
Taylor, Reggie
Taylor, Robert
Taylor, Roy
Taylor, Ryan
Taylor, Stuart
Taylor, Terrie
Taylor Sutton, Megan
Tchernin, David
Teale, Peter
Techawiboonwong, Aranee
Tee, Yee Kai
Teesson, Maree
Teeter, Stephanie
Teeuwisse, Wouter
Tefera, Getaneh
Teh, Irvin
Tehrani-Mazaheri, Yousef
Teichgräber, Ulf
Teismann, Peter
Tejos, Cristian
Tejos, Cristián
Tekes, Aylin
Telang, Frank
Teles, Magda
telesca, marianna
Telfer, Adam
Tellmann, Lutz
Tempany, Clare
Tempany-Afdhal, Clare
Tempelmann, Claus
Teng, Ching-Ling
Teng, Zhongzhao
Teperman, Lewis
ter Beek, Leon
ter Berg, Johannes
ter Haar Romeny, Bart
ter Voert, E.G.W.
ter Voert, Edwin
Terada, Hitoshi
Terada, Masaki
Terada, Yasuhiko
Terae, Satoshi
Terajima, Kenshi
Terekhov, Maxim
Terraz, Sylvain
Terreno, Enzo
Tervonen, Osmo
Tesfaye, Nolawit
Tesfaye, Solomon
Tessem, May-Britt
Tessier, Jean
Testa, Claudia
Testud, Frederik
Tetsuya, Matsuda
Tetzlaff, Wolfram
Tewes, Frederic
Tha, Khin
Thackray, Kerrie
Thai, Demi
Thakor, Nitish
Thakur, Sunitha
Thalhammer, Christof
Thames, April
Thangasamy, Senthur
Thapa-Chhetry, Binod
Thayyil, Sudhin
Thayyil, Suhdin
the Brain Development Cooperative Group, .
Théberge, Jean
Thedens, Daniel
Theilmann, Rebecca
Thelen, Darryl
Thelwall, Peter
Theobald, D
Theze, Benoit
Thézé, Benoît
Thibaud, Jean-Laurent
Thiebaut de Schotten, Michel
Thiel, Florian
Thieme, Sven
Thiessen, Jonathan
Thijssen, Victor
Thiran, Jean-Philippe
Thoeny, Harriet
Thomas, Albert
Thomas, Alex
Thomas, Bejoy
Thomas, Binu
Thomas, Carole
Thomas, Dave
Thomas, David
Thomas, Huw
Thomas, Ku
Thomas, M
Thomas, M.
Thomas, M. Albert
Thomas, Michael
Thomas, Sébastien
Thomas Vaughan, J.
Thomasson, David
Thompson, Alan
Thompson, Alastair
Thompson, Andrew
Thompson, Carol
Thompson, Craig
Thompson, Deanne
Thompson, Floyd
Thompson, Garth
Thompson, Gerard
Thompson, Gerry
Thompson, Paul
Thompson, R
Thompson, Richard
Thompson *equal contribution, Paul
Thomson, Alan
Thorens, Bernard
Thornhill, Rebecca
Thornton, John
Thorsen, Frits
Thotala, Dinesh
Thourani, Vinod
Thuen, Marte
Thulborn, Keith
Thulborn, Keith R.
Thulborne, Keith
Thurman, Joshua
Thurnher, Majda
Thurnher, Majda M.
Thörmer, Gregor
Tian, Ganghong
Tian, J.
Tian, Jinfeng
Tian, Jingeng
Tian, Nan
Tiar, Feriel
Tiddens, Harm
Tiderius, Carl
Tiebosch, Ivo
Tien, Phyllis
Tiet, Pamela
Tiggemann, Hannah
Tiitu, Virpi
Tijssen, Rob
Tillander, Matti
Tilleman, Tamara
Timonen, Markku
Tinelli, Emanuele
Ting, Samuel
Tipirneni, Aaryani
Tirosh, Nitzan
Tisdall, M.
Tisdall, Matthew
Tisell, Anders
Titus, Thomas
Titze, Jens
Tiwari, Ashish
Tiwari, Pallavi
Tiwari, Vijay
Tjan, Bosco
Tkac, Ivan
Tkach, Jean
Tkachenko, Valeriy
Tobalem, Frank
Tobias, Jonathan
Tobias, William
Tobon-Gomez, Catalina
Todd, David
Todd, Nick
Todd-Pokropek, Andrew
Toddes, Steven
Todorova, Pavlina
Tofts, Paul
Toga, Arthur
Togao, Osamu
Togashi, Kaori
Tognolini, Alessia
Togtema, Melissa
Tokuda, Junichi
Toma, Ildiko
Tomanek, Boguslaw
Tomar, Vaishali
Tomasetti, Antonella
Tomasi, Dardo
Tomaszewski, John
Tomczak, Corey
Tompkins, Ronald
Tong, Serene
Tong, Tangji
Tonon, Caterina
Tonson, Anne
Tonyushkin, Alexey
Tooyama, Norihiro
Topgaard, Daniel
Toppino, Antonio
Torchon, Geralda
torigoe, teruyuki
Tortorelli, Rossana
Tosetti, Michela
Totenhagen, John
Toth, Robert
Totman, John
Totterman, Saara
Tountcheva, Veneta
Tour, James
Tourdias, Thomas
Tournier, J-Donald
Tournier, J.-Donald
Tournier, Jacques-Donald
Tournier, Jaques-Donald
Toussaint, Nicolas
Tovar-Moll, Fernanda
Towner, Rheal
Toyofuku, Fukai
Tozer, Dan
Tozer, Daniel
Tozer, Gillian
Traboulsee, Anthony
Tracey, Irene
Trakic, Adnan
Trampel, Robert
Tran, Hoang-Vu
Tran, Thao
Tran-Gia, Johannes
Trantzschel, Thomas
Traser, Louisa
Trattnig, Siegfried
Travaini, Laura
Treier, Markus
Treiman, Gerald
Tremblay, Luc
Tremblay, Mélanie
Tremoleda, Jordi
Trenell, Michael
Trevino, Victor
Triantafyllou, Christina
Triggs, Tyler
Tripathi, Deepak
Tripathi, Rajendra
Tripathi, Sandeep
Triphan, Simon
Triplett, William
Tristan-Vega, Antonio
Tritschler, Laurant
Triulzi, Fabio
Trivedi, Richa
Tropp, James
Tropres, Irène
Tropres, Irene
Trouard, Ted
Trouard, Theodore
Troy, Helen
Truhn, Daniel
Truica, Loredana
Trujillo, Juan
Trumpp, Stephan
Truong, Jonathan
Truong, Trong-Kha
Tryc, Anita
Tryggestad, Erik
Trzasko, Joshua
Träber, F.
Träber, Frank
Tsaftaris, Sotirios
Tsai, Eve
Tsai, Hao-Hung
Tsai, Kevin
Tsai, Ping-Huei
Tsai, Shang Yueh
Tsai, Shang-Yueh
Tsai, Wen-Kai
Tsang, Adrian
Tsao, Jeffrey
Tsapkini, Kyrana
Tsarfaty, Galia
Tsarfaty, Ilan
Tschampa, Henriette
Tse, Zion Tsz Ho
Tseng, Benjamin
Tseng, Chieh-En
Tseng, Isaac
Tseng, W-Y
Tseng, W-Y.
Tseng, Wei-Min
Tseng, Wen-Yieh
Tseng, Wen-Yih
Tseng, Wen-Yih Isaac
Tshering Vogel, Dechen
Tsien, Christina
Tsien, Roger
Tsuda, Natsuko
TSUDA, Takaharu
Tsui, Benjamin
Tsui, Wai
Tsukabe, Akio
Tsukuda, Shunji
Tsunetomi, Chiaki
Tsushima, Hidetoshi
Tsutsumi, Satoshi
Tu, Chuqiao
Tu, Tsang-Wei
Tucci, Sara
Tucholka, Alan
Tuchscherr, Lorena
Tudisca, Chiara
Tudorica, Luminita
Tueting, Jonathan
Tugnoli, Vitaliano
Tuite, Paul
Tunariu, Nina
Tunc-Skarka, Nuran
Tuncali, Kemal
Tung, Kuang-Chi
Tung, Kwong-Chung
Tung, Yao-Sheng
Tunnicliffe, Elizabeth
Turkbey, Baris
Turkbey, Evrim
Turla, Marina
Turnbull, Daniel
Turnbull, Douglass
Turnbull, Lindsay
Turner, Gregory
Turner, Jessica
Turner, Martin
Turner, Robert
Turner, Walker
Turnovcova, Karolina
Turski, Patrick
Turtzo, L
Turtzo, L. Christine
Tusor, Nora
Tustison, Nicholas
Tuveson, David
Tybulewicz, Victor
Tyler, Betty
Tyler, Damian
Tymofiyeva, Olga
Türke, Erik
Tyszka, Julian
Tzagarakis, Vasilios
Tzifa, Aphrodite
Tzika, Aria
Tzschätzsch, Heiko
Uchida, Masafumi
Uchida, Masaki
Uchiyama, Yusuke
UCLA Stroke Investigators, .
Uder, Michael
Ueberberg, Sandra
Uecker, Martin
Uetani, Hiroyuki
Ugander, Martin
Ugurbil, Kâmil
Ugurbil, Kamil
Uh, Jinsoo
Uhlemann, Falk
Uhrig, Lynn
Ullisch, Marcus
Ullmann, Jeremy
Ullmann, Peter
Ulloa, Jose
Ulrici, Johannes
Ulucay, Deniz
Uludag, Kamil
Ulug, Aziz
Umathum, Reiner
Umeda, Elizabeth
Umeda, Masahiro
Umeoka, Shigeaki
Umezawa, Eizou
Umutlu, Lale
Unal, Orhan
Underhill, Hunter
Ungerleider, Leslie
Ungersma, Sharon
Upadhyay, Jaymin
Urayama, Shin-ichi
Urbach, Carsten
Urban, Mark
Urban, Martin
Uribe, Sergio
Uriel, Eitan
Urschler, Martin
Uslaner, Jason
Usman, Asad
Usman, Muhammad
Utsunomiya, Daisuke
Utzschneider, Sandra
v. Elverfeldt, Dominik
Vaara, Teuvo
Vaessen, Maarten
Vahala, Erkki
Vahedipour, Kaveh
Vaidya, Saurabh
Vaidya, Vivek
Vaillant, Ghislain
Vakil, Parmede
Valabregue, Romain
Valaparla, Sunil
Valdeig, Steffi
Valdés Hernández, Maria
Valentine, William
Valentino, Maria
Valeri, Gianluca
Valett, Klaus
Valette, Julien
Valkovic, Ladislav
Vallée, Jean-Paul
Valsasina, Paola
Valsecchi, Paolo
Valsecchi, Pietro
Valverde, Israel
Valverde Salzmann, Matthias
Van, Anh
van Amerom, Joshua
Van Assche, Gert
van Assen, H
van Assen, Hans
van Bavel, Ed
van Beek, Edwin
Van Beers, Bernard
van Bloois, Louis
van Boxtel, Susan
Van Broeckhoven, Christine
van Buchem, Mark
van Cappellen van Walsum, Anne-Marie
Van Cauter, Sofie
van Cauteren, Marc
Van Criekinge, Mark
van de Bank, Bart
van de Bosch, Maurice
van de Kolk, Cees
van de Kouwe, Andre
van de Looij, Yohan
van de Maat, Gerrit
Van de Moortele, P-F.
van de Moortele, Pierre-Francois
van de Veerdonk, Marielle
van de Ven, Kim
Van De Ville, Dimitri
van de Vosse, F.
van de Weijer, Tineke
van Deel, Elza
van den Akker, Nynke
van den Berg, Cornelis
van den Berg, Sandra
van den Berg, Wim
van den Bergen, Janneke
van den Bergh, Roderick
van den Bogaard, Simon
van den Boogaard, Pieter
van den Bosch, Maurice
van den Brink, Johan
Van den Heuvel, Martijn
van den Maagdenberg, Arnoldus
van der Geest, Rob
van der Graaf, Marinette
van der Grond, J.
van der Grond, Jeroen
van der Heide, Uulke
van der Heijde, Desiree
van der Kemp, Wybe
van der Kolk, Anja
van der Kouwe, Andre
van der Kouwe, André
van der Kruijs, Sylvie
van der Kwast, Theodorus
Van der Linden, Anne-Marie
Van der Linden, Annemie
van der Marel, Kajo
van der Meer, Rutger
van der Nagel, Roel
van der Paardt, Marije
van der Pol, Susanne
Van Der Putten, Wil
van der Schaft, Daisy
Van der Toorn, Annette
van der Weerd, Louise
van der Worp, H
van der Zwaag, Wietske
van Dijk, Bob
van Doormaal, Mark
van Echteld, Cees
van Eede, Matthijs
van Eggermond, Jan
van Engelen, Baziel
van Engelshoven, Jos
van Essen, David
Van Eyk, Jennifer
van Gelderen, Peter
Van Gool, Stefaan
Van Hecke, Wim
van Heeswijk, Ruud
van het Schip, A
Van Huffel, Sabine
van Kalleveen, Irene
van Kooij, Britt
Van Kove, Filip
van Laarhoven, H.W.M.
van Laarhoven, Hanneke
van Lent, Peter
Van Leuven, Fred
van Lier, Astrid
van Liere, Phil
van Loon, Luc
van Meer, Maurits
Van Meter, Joy
van Nierop, B
van Nierop, Bastiaan
van Ooij, Pim
Van Ooijen, Jan
van Oort, Erik
Van Oort, Inge
van Oostenbrugge, Robert
van Ormondt, Dirk
van Osch, M
Van Osch, Mathiass
van Osch, Matthias
van Oterendorp, Christian
Van Remmen, Holly
van Rijen, Harold
van Rooden, Sanneke
van Rooij, Daan
Van Sas, Frank
van Schijndel, Ronald
van Schinkel, Linda
van Tiel, Jasper
Van Tilborg, Geralda
van Uden, Mark
van Velthoven, Cindy
van Vliet, Gerard
van Vulpen, Marco
van Walderveen, Marianne
van Weeren, Rene
van Westen, Danielle
van Western, Danielle
van Wijk, Diederik
van Zijl, Perer
Van Zijl, Peter
Van-Beers, Bernard E.
vanBavel, Ed
vanBeek, Edwin
VanBeers, Bernard
Vande Velde, Greetje
Vandenberg, Katherine
Vandenberghe, Joris
Vandenborne, Krista
Vandenbulcke, Mathieu
Vandergheynst, Pierre
Vandoorne, Katrien
Vandsburger, Moriel
Vanduffel, Wim
Vanello, Nicola
Vanhoutte, Greet
Vanhoutte, Greetje
vanKasteren, Sander
Vanko, Amy
Vannesjö, Johanna
Vannesjö, Signe
Vanni, Simo
Vanninen, Ritva
Vansteenkiste, Ewout
vanZijl, Peter
Varadarajan, Padmini
Varentsova, Anna
Vareth, Maryam
Vargas, Alvarez
Vargas, Sergio
Vargha-Khadem, Faraneh
Varma, Gopal
Varma, Nadimpalli
Vartanian, Tim
Vasalatiy, Olga
Vasanawala, Shreyas
Vasile, Julie
Vaska, Paul
Vass, Karl
vasselli, federica
Vasu, Sujethra
Vats, Divya
Vaughan, J
Vaughan, J.
Vaughan, J. Thomas
Vaughan, John
Vaughan, Lynsey
Vaughan, Tommy
Vautier, Julien
Vavasour, Irene
Vazquez, Alberto
Vazquez, Fabian
Veeramani, Senthil
Vega, J
Vehtari, Aki
Veillet, Suzanne
Velan, Sambasivam
Velan, Sendhil
Velasco, Maria
Velasco, Tonicarlo
Velazquez-Ahumada, Maria
Veldhuis, Wouter
Velikina, Julia
Velikina, Julia V.
Vellodi, Ashok
Veltien, Andor
Vemuri, Baba
Venkataraman, Rajesh
Venkatasubramanian, Palamadai
Venkatesan, Ramesh
Venkatesh, Sudhakar
Venkateswaran, Madhav
Venkatraman, Talaignair
Ventura, Nina
Venturello, Paolo
Venugopal, Sandya
Veraart, Jelle
Verfaillie, Catherine
Vergara, Gaston
Verghese, Philip
Vergunst, Henk
Verhoeven, Judith
Verhoye, Marleen
Verleden, Stijn
Verma, Ajay
Verma, Avantika
Verma, Divya
Verma, Ragini
Verma, Rakhee
verma, SANJAY
Vermathen, Peter
Vernickel, Peter
Vernikouskaya, Ina
Veronese, Elisa
Verrax, Julien
Verrel, Frauke
Verschuuren, Jan
Versluis, Maarten
Vesanen, Panu
Vesek, Jeff
Vesek, Jeffrey
Vestbo, Jorgen
Vestbo, Jørgen
Vestergaard-Poulsen, Peter
Vial, Jean
Viale, Alessandra
Viale, andrea
Viallon, Magalie
Viano, Anne
Vicari, Marco
Vicentini, Carlo
Vidailhet, Marie
Vidorreta, Marta
Vidoto, Edson
Vieira, Renata
Viergever, Max
Vieth, Volker
Vigen, Karl
Vignaud, Alexandre
Vigneron, Daniel
Vignon, Eric
Vij, Kamal
Vijayakumar, Sathya
Vijayanathan, Sanjay
Vikram, Deepti
Vilela, Pedro
Vilgrain, Valerie
Vilgrain, Valérie
Villafuerte, Rosemond
Villagra, Federico
Villeneuve, Edith
Villien, Marjorie
Villringer, Arno
VILMEN, Christophe
Vincent, Franck
Vincent, Pamela
Vinogradov, Elena
VIOLA, Angele
Violas, Xavier
Viotti, Stefano
Viout, Patrick
Viprakasit, Vip
Virayavanich, Warapat
Viseur, Sophie
Visser, Eelke
Visser, Frederik
Visser, Fredi
Visser, Fredy
Viswanath, Satish
Viswanathan, Raju
Viswanathan, S
Vitacolonna, Assunta
Viti, Vincenza
Vivier, Pierre
Vlachos, Fotios
Vlerick, Leslie
Vlooswijk, Marielle
Vo, An
Vo, Katie
Voelker, Maximilian
Voet, Nicoline
Vogel, Hannes
Vogel, Mika
Vogel, Patrick
Vogel-Claussen, Jens
Vogelsong, Melissa
Vogelstein, Bert
Vogt, Julia
Vohra, Ravneet
Voigt, Tobias
Volk, Andreas
Volkow, Nora
Volland, Nelly
Vollmann, Robert
Vollmar, Friederike
Vollmer, Brigitte
Volotovskyy, Vyacheslav
Volovick, Alex
Volz, Steffen
von Deneen, Karen
von Deuster, Constantin
von Elverfeld, Dominik
von Elverfeldt, Dominik
von Kienlin, Markus
von Kummer, Ruediger
von Lehe, Marec
von Morze, Cornelius
von Rhein, Michael
von Samson-Himmelstjerna, Federico
von zur Mühlen, Constantin
von-Thaer, Sarah
Vonck, Kristl
Vonk-Noordegraaf, Anton
Voogt, Ingmar
Vorbuchner, Marianne
Vorburger, Robert
Vos, Marc
Vos, Miriam
Vos, Pieter
Vos, Sjoerd
Voskuhl, Rhonda
Voss, Henning
Voss, Stephan
Vossen, Maartje
Vossough, Arastoo
Vousden, D.
Vovk, Andrej
Vrabec, Matej
Vrenken, Hugo
Vresilovic, Edward
Vreys, Ruth
Vrtiska, Terri
Vu, Anthony
Vuissoz, Pierre-André
Vulliémoz, Serge
Vulliemoz, Serge
Vyas, Urvi
Vykhodtseva, Natalia
Väterlein, Ole
Völker, Michael
W. Deakin, John
W. Tsui, Benjamin
Wabnitz, Heidrun
Wachowicz, Keith
Wachsmuth, Lydia
Wacker, Frank
Wackerhage, Henning
Waddell, Kevin
Wade, Trevor
Wadghiri, Youssef
Waeldin, Sandra
Wagenaar, Douglas
Wagenhaus, Babette
Waghray, Prianka
Wagner, Benjamin
Wagner, Claus
Wagner, John
Wagner, Marlies
Wagner, Mathilde
Wagner, Moritz
Wagner, Philipp
Wagner, Shawn
Wagnerová, Dita
Wagshul, Mark
Wahl, Mathias
Wai, Yau-Yau
Wai, YauYau
Waiczies, Helmar
Wakahiro, Mari
Wakayama, Tetsuya
Wake, Amanda
Wakefield, Richard
Wakhloo, Ajay
Walaszek, Bernadeta
Walcarius, Rhonda
Walczak, Christine
Walczak, Piotr
Wald, Diana
Wald, Lawrence
Wald, Lawrence L.
Wald, Michael
Walimuni, Indika
Walker, Lindsay
Walker, Margaret
Walker, Matthew
Walker-Samuel, Simon
Wallace, Toni
Wallner-Blazek, Mirja
Wallrabe, Ulrike
Walter, Benjamin
Walter, Glenn
Walter, Martin
Walters, Blake
Walters, Judith
Waltham, Matthew
Walther, Manuel
Walton, Zandra
Walvick, Ronn
Wandell, Brian
Wang, Binquan
Wang, Chengbo
Wang, Chung-Hsin
Wang, Chunsheng
Wang, Cong
Wang, D
Wang, Da
Wang, Dah
Wang, Dah-Jyuu
Wang, Danny
Wang, Dingxin
Wang, Enfeng
Wang, Fan
Wang, Fei
Wang, Feng
Wang, Frank
Wang, Fu-Hua
Wang, Fu-Nien
Wang, Gene-Jack
Wang, Guan
Wang, Guangzhi
Wang, H
Wang, Haichen
Wang, Haifeng
Wang, Hao
Wang, Haoyu
Wang, He
Wang, Hongzhi
Wang, Hua
Wang, Huali
Wang, Hui
Wang, Huifang
Wang, J
Wang, Jianli
Wang, Jiaping
Wang, Jien
Wang, Jinhua
Wang, Jinnan
Wang, JiongJiong
Wang, Jiun-Jie
Wang, JiunJie
Wang, Joann
Wang, Juan
Wang, Jue
Wang, Kang
Wang, Li
Wang, Liang
Wang, Ligong
Wang, Lihong
Wang, Lijia
Wang, Lingyan
Wang, Liya
Wang, Lu
Wang, Luning
Wang, Meihan
Wang, Pin
Wang, Qianfeng
Wang, Qing
Wang, Ren
Wang, Rui
Wang, Ruiliang
Wang, Ruopeng
Wang, Shaonan
Wang, Shi Yang
Wang, Shian-Jy
Wang, Shiyang
Wang, Shubing
Wang, Shumin
Wang, Silun
Wang, Sumei
Wang, Wei
Wang, Wei-An
Wang, Wen-Tung
Wang, Xiao
Wang, Xiao Ying
Wang, Xiao-ying
Wang, Xiaoen
Wang, Xiaohai
Wang, Xiaoqi
Wang, Xiaoying
Wang, Xin
Wang, Xiuhe
Wang, Xue
Wang, Xuxia
Wang, Yalin
Wang, Yang
Wang, Yi
Wang, Yi-Xiang
Wang, Yibin
Wang, Ying
Wang, Ying Min
Wang, Yong
Wang, Yun-Ming
Wang, Yunqi
Wang, Ze
Wang, Zhangwei
Wang, Zhaoxin
Wang, Zhe
Wang, Zhen
Wang, Zhi
Wang, Zhiheng
wang, zhiqun
Wang, Zhiyue
Wanten, Geert
Wanyo, Christy
Warach, Steven
Warbrick, Tracy
Ward, B. Douglas
Ward, Barney
Ward, Christie
Ward, Deirdre
Ward, Emily
Ward, Rabab
Ward, Timothy
Warde, Padraig
Wardlaw, Joanna
Warfield, Simon
Wargo, Christopher
Warmuth, Marcus
Warner, Lizette
Warnking, Jan
Warnow, Daniel
Warntjes, J.
Warntjes, J.B.M.
Warntjes, Marcel
Warren, Dan
Warren, Jason
Warren, Warren
Wary, Claire
Waschkies, Conny
WASHIO, Toshikatsu
Wasielewski, Marie
Waspe, Adam
Wassenaar, Peter
Wasserman, Bruce
Wasserman, Bruce A.
Wassermann, Demian
Wastling, Stephen
Watanabe, Hideaki
Watanabe, Hidehiro
Watanabe, Memi
Watanabe, Reiko
Watanabe, Takashi
Watanabe, Yasuharu
Waterton, John
Waterton, John C.
Watkins, Amy
Watkins, Hugh
Watkins, Ron
Watkins, Ronald
Watson, Geoff
Watson, Pierre
Watson, William
Watson, Yvon
Watson, Yvonne
Watt, David
Watterson, Martin
Watts, Ander
Watts, Richard
Wauchope, Mervin
Waugh, Shelley
Weale, Peter
Weatherall, Paul
Weaver, John
Weavers, Paul
Webb, Andrew
Webb, Emma
Webber, Hannah
Weber, Bernd
Weber, Daniel
Weber, David
Weber, Ewald
Weber, Hans
Weber, Holger
Weber, Jürgen
Weber, Marc-André
Weber, Oliver
Weber-Fahr, Wolfgang
Weber-Fahr, Wolgang
Wech, Tobia
Wech, Tobias
Weckbach, Sabine
Wedan, Steve
Wedeen, Van
Wedegaertner, Ulrike
Wee, Aileen
Wee, Chong-Yaw
Wee Yong, Voon
Weglarz, Wladyslaw
Wehrl, Hans
Wehrli, Felix
Wehrli, Felix W.
Wehrli, Suzanne
Wei, Juan
Wei, Lai
Wei, Ma
Wei, Meng
Wei, Mengqi
Wei, Wenbo
Wei, Xiaocheng
Weick, Stefan
Weidensteiner, Claudia
Weidl, Eliane
Weidner, Anja
Weiduschat, Nora
Weigand, Stephen
Weigel, Matthias
Weiger, Markus
Weih, Falk
Weimer, Jonathan
Weinberg, Irving
Weiner, Howard
Weiner, Michael
Weiner, Myron
Weinsaft, Jonathan
Weinzimer, Stuart
Weir, Genevieve
Weirich, Christoph
Weis, Jan
Weisbrode, Steven
Weise, David
Weise, Gesa
Weisenfeld, Neil
Weiser, Brian
Weiskopf, Nikolaus
Weiss, Clifford
Weiss, Jane
Weiss, Kenneth
Weiss, Kilian
Weiss, Marcel
Weiss, Robert
Weiss, Steffen
Weissleder, Ralph
Weitekamp, Christopher
Weitzel, Elisabeth
Weizenecker, Jürgen
Weißenborn, Karin
Welch, E. Brian
Welch, Edward
Welch, Robert
Welker, Kirk
Wellen, Kathryn
Weller, Daniel
Wells, Jack
Wells, Kevin
Wells, William
Wells III, William
Welsch, Goetz
Welser, Katharina
Welsh, Christopher
Welsh, Denise
Welsh, Robert
Welz, Anna
Wemmer, David
Wemmie, John
Wen, Han
Wen, Zhibo
Weng, Dehe
Weng, Jun-Cheng
Weng, YiHsin
Wengenack, Thomas
Wengenmayer, Tobias
Wenkel, Evelyn
Wenningmann, Ingobert
Wentland, Andrew
Werier, Joel
Werner, Beat
Werner, Nicole
Werres, Anna
Wessa, Michèle
Wessels, Bart
Wessig, Carsten
West, Dennis
West, J.
West, Jef
West, LaShondra
Westen, Danielle
Westenberg, Jos
Westerbacka, Jukka
Westerhof, Nico
Westin, Carl-Frederik
Westin, Carl-Fredrik
Westlake, Kelly
Westmoreland, Susan
Wetscherek, Andreas
Wetterling, Friedrich
Wey, Hsiao-Ying
Weyerbrock, Astrid
Weyers, Daniel
Wharam, Moody
Wharton, Sam
Wharton, Samuel
Wheatley, Andrew
Wheaton, Andrew
Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia
While, Peter
Whisenant, Jennifer
Whitcher, Brandon
White, Barbra
White, Keith
White, Lawrence M.
White, Richard
Whiteaker, Paul
Whitfield-Gabrieli, Susan
Whitlow, Christopher
Whitman, Gary
Whitney, Michael
Whitton, Polly
Whyte, Hilary
Wiart, Marlene
Wiaux, Yves
Wichmann, Tobias
Wick, Wolfgang
Wickline, Samuel
Widerøe, Marius
Widjaja, Elysa
Widya, Ralph
Wiebel, Anna
Wieben, Oliver
Wiehr, Stefan
Wielopolski, Piotr
Wiens, Curtis
Wierenga, Christina
Wiesinger, Florian
Wieskötter, Britta
Wiesmann, Martin
Wiesner, Hannes
Wiesspeiner, Ulrike
Wiest, Roland
Wiest-Daesslé, Nicolas
Wiethoff, Andrea
Wiggins, Chris
Wiggins, Christopher
Wiggins, Graham
Wiggins, Graham C.
Wigström, Lars
Wijman, Christine
Wijnen, Jannie
Wijtenburg, Sarah
Wilbur, Timothy
Wild, Jim
Wild, Judith
Wildberger, Joachim
Wildermoth, Michael
Wildes, Flonne
Wilfling, Domenica
Wilhelm, Michael
Wilke, Marko
Wilkins, Bryce
Wilkinson, Iain
Wilkinson, Jared
Willats, Lisa
Willi, Jean-pierre
Williams, Ashley
Williams, Donald
Williams, Guy
Williams, Joanna
Williams, Kenneth
Williams, Leigh
Williams, Mangay
Williams, Phil
Williams, Sarah
Williams, Simone
Williams, Steve
Williams, Steven
Williams, Suzan
Williams, Todd
Williamson, Douglas
Williamson, Jeff
Williamson, Peter
Willians, Terence
Willinek, W.
Willinek, Winfried
Willis, Patrick
Wilm, Bertram
Wilman, Alan
Wilmes, Lisa
Wilson, Daniel
Wilson, David
Wilson, Greg
Wilson, Gregory
Wilson, Ian
Wilson, Joel
Wilson, Kevin
Wilson, Martin
Wilson, Nagwa
Wilson, Neil
Wilson, Stephanie
Winalski, Carl S.
Winchell, Adam
Winchester, Priscilla
Windfuhr-Blum, Marisa
Windischberger, Christian
Wingårdh, Karin
Winhofer, Yvonne
Winnard Jr., Paul
Winslow, Emily
Winston, Gavin
Winter, Jeff
Winter, Lukas
Winter, Patrick M.
Winterer, Jan
Wintermantel, Erich
Wintermark, Max
Wintersperger, Bernd, J.
Wion, Didier
Wirestam, Ronnie
Wirth, Christoph
Wirtz, Daniel
Wise, Richard
Wiseman, Frances
Wiskin, James
Wisner, Dorota
Wisnieff, Cynthia
Wisniewski, Nicholas
Wisniewski, Thomas
Wisnowski, Jessica
Wissmann, Lukas
Wissmeyer, Michael
With, Oliver
Witherow, John
Witjes, Fred
Witkamp, Theo
Witney, Timothy
Witoszynskyj, Stephan
Witschey, Walter
Witschey, Walter RT
Witte, Otto
Wittek, Adam
Witzel, Thomas
Woerdeman, Peter
Wohler, Jillian
Wohlfarth, Kathrin
Wojtczyk, Hanne
Wokke, Beatrijs
Wolber, Jan
Wolf, Robert
Wolf, Sebastian
Wolf, Ursula
Wolf, Uschi
Wolfram, Uwe
Wolinsky, Jerry
Wolk, David
Wolzt, Michael
Won, Eric
Wong, Betty
Wong, Chi
Wong, Chung-sing
Wong, Englin
Wong, Eric
Wong, Kwok-Kin
Wong, Michael
Wong Te Fong, Anne-Christine
Wonneberger, Uta
Woo, Eung Je
Woo, John
Woo, Mary
Woo, Myoung-Kyun
Woo, Myung-Kyun
Woo, Seung-Tae
Wood, Abbie
Wood, John
Wood, Stephen
Woodhouse, Neil
Woodrum, David
Woods, Jason
Woods, Mark
Woods, Sarah
Woodward, William
Woody, Craig
Woolrich, Mark
Worgall, Stefan
Worters, Pauline
Worters, Pauline Wong
Wosik, Jarek
Woulfe, John
Woywode, Oliver
Wrede, Arne
Wrede, Karsten
Wright, Alan
Wright, Alexander
Wright, Caroline
Wright, Clinton
Wright, David
Wright, Graham
Wright, Katherine
Wright, Margaret
Wright, Margie
Wright, Peter
Wright, Steve
Wright, Steven
Wszolek, Zbigniew
Wu, Anbo
Wu, Bing
Wu, Can
WU, Carolyn
Wu, Changwei
Wu, Chin-Lee
Wu, Ed
Wu, Ed X.
Wu, Ed Xuekui
Wu, Edward
Wu, Edzer L.
Wu, Gang
Wu, Gaohong
Wu, Guorong
Wu, Holden
Wu, Hua-Lin
Wu, Huimin
Wu, Jenny
Wu, Jia-Pei
Wu, Jianlin
Wu, Jie
Wu, Jing
Wu, Jue
Wu, Leo
Wu, Miaoping
Wu, Ming-Ting
Wu, Minjie
Wu, Ona
Wu, Pei-Hsin
Wu, Qizhu
Wu, Shulin
Wu, Sien
Wu, Tao
Wu, Teresa
Wu, Vin-cent
Wu, Wen-Chau
Wu, Wenchuan
Wu, William
Wu, Xiao-Long
Wu, Xiaoping
Wu, Xueming
Wu, Yaotang
Wu, Yi-Chun
Wu, Yi-Huan
Wu, Yi-Jen
Wu, Yi-Ling
Wu, Yijen
Wu, Yijing
Wu, Yin
Wu, Ying
Wu, Yong
Wu, Yu-Chien
Wu, Zhi
Wu, Zhi Qing
Wuelbern, Jan
Wuerfel, Eva
Wuerfel, Jens
Wun, Yong-Jheng
Wunder, Christian
Wunderlich, Arthur
Wuu, Joanne
Wyatt, Cory
Wyatt, John
Wyatt, Shelby
Wylezinska, Marzena
Wyman, Brad
Wyman, Bradley
Würslin, Christian
Wyrwicz, Alice
Wyss, Michael
Xi, Yongxin
Xia, Ding
Xia, Ling
Xia, Rui
Xia, Zhengrong
Xiang, Bo
Xiang, Qing-San
Xiang, Y
Xiang, Yun
Xiao, Gaoyu
Xiao, Guanghua
Xiao, Li
Xiao, Xhikui
Xiao, Zhikui
Xiaoguang, Lu
Xie, Chunming
xie, Guoxi
Xie, Jingping
Xie, Jingsi
Xie, Jingyi
Xie, Leiming
Xie, Yang
Xie, Yi
Xie, Zhiyong
Xin, Lijing
Xin, Lou
Xin, Xuegang
Xin, Y.
Xin, Yi
Xing, Haoyang
Xing, Kyle
Xing, Yixun
Xu, Alan
Xu, Bo
Xu, Chao
Xu, Chun
Xu, Dan
Xu, Di
Xu, Dongxiang
Xu, Duan
Xu, Feng
Xu, Hao
Xu, Jian
Xu, Jianrong
Xu, Jun
Xu, Junzhong
Xu, Lei
Xu, Li
Xu, Shun
Xu, Shuoyu
Xu, Su
Xu, Weiyu
Xu, Wenlong
Xu, X
Xu, Xiang
Xu, Xiaojun
Xu, Xiaoyun
Xu, Y.
Xu, Yaqin
Xu, Yinan
Xuan, Liang
Xue, Hui
Xue, Lian
Xue, Rong
Xue, Yiqun
Xue, Yunjing
Yablonskiy, Dmitriy
Yachha, S
Yacoub, Essa
Yacoub, Joseph
Yadav, A
Yadav, Abhishek
Yadav, Archana
Yadav, Nirbhay
Yadav, S
Yadav, Santosh
Yahya, Atiyah
Yakar, Derya
Yalcinkaya, Arda
Yam, Antonia
Yamada, Kazuo
Yamada, Masayuki
Yamada, Tetsuhisa
Yamada, Yoshifumi
Yamada, Yoshiya
Yamaguchi, Masayuki
Yamamoto, Adam
Yamamoto, Akira
Yamamoto, Toru
Yamamura, Jin
Yamashita, Akiyoshi
Yamashita, Yasuyuki
Yamashita, Yoshiko
Yamashita, Yuichi
Yamazaki, Masahiro
Yamori, Yuriko
Yan, Feng-Xian
Yan, Ji
Yan, Ji-Geng
Yan, Kun
Yan, Lirong
Yang, Aimei
Yang, Chao
Yang, Chendong
Yang, Chenying
Yang, Ching-Wen
Yang, Cungeng
Yang, Dal-Mo
Yang, Dewen
Yang, Donghan
Yang, Fan-Pei
Yang, Guang-Yu
Yang, Guangbin
Yang, Hong
Yang, Hong -Chang
Yang, Huijan
Yang, Hyun Kyung
Yang, Issac
Yang, Jehoon
Yang, Jian
Yang, Jie
Yang, Jing
Yang, Jinsheng
Yang, Jong-Chul
Yang, Lily
Yang, Ling
Yang, Lucie L.
Yang, Mark
Yang, Ming
Yang, Phillip
Yang, Qi
Yang, Qing
Yang, Seungwook
Yang, Shaolin
Yang, Xiaoming
Yang, Xiaoyu
Yang, Xing
Yang, Xue
Yang, Xue Dong
Yang, Yan
Yang, Yanchun
Yang, Yang
Yang, Yihong
Yang, Yuesong
Yang, Zheng
Yang, Zhengyi
Yang, Zhihong
Yankeelov, Thomas
Yankeelov, Tom
Yao, Bing
Yao, Nai-Wei
Yao, Xiuzhong
Yao, Zhen
Yap, Paran
Yap, Pew-Thian
Yap, Samuel
Yap, Timothy
Yarach, Uten
Yarnykh, Vasily
Yarowsky, Paul
Yasar, Temel
Yasuda, Satoshi
Yasuda, Yuko
Yau, Kai Wing
Yazdanbakhsh, Pedram
Ye, Enmao
Ye, Fan
Ye, Qing
Ye, Qiong
Ye, Weilan
Ye, Wenxing
Ye, Yongquan
Ye, Yu-xiang
Ye, Zhen
Yeatman, Jason
Yee, Yan Fung
Yeh, Chih-Kuang
Yeh, Chun-Hung
Yeh, Dah-Cherng
Yeh, Fang-Cheng
Yeh, Frank
Yeh, Hung-Wen
Yeh, Ping-Hong
Yeh, Pinghong
Yeh, Tzu-chen
Yellin, RN, Nancy
Yelnik, Jerome
Yen, Cecil
Yen, K
Yen, Kathrin
Yen, Tzu-Chen
Yen, Yi-Fen
Yeo, Desmond
Yeo, Desmond T.B.
Yeo, Desmond Teck Beng
Yeo, Sin
Yeo, Teck Beng Desmond
Yeom, Kristen
Yeotsas, Mary
Yerly, Jerome
Yeung, David
Yeung, David Ka Wai
Yezhuvath, Uma
Yi, Chin A
Yi, Hongxiang
Yiannakas, Marios
Yiannoutsos, Constantin
Yilmaz, Ali
Yin, Fang-Fang
Yin, Hong
Yin, Meng
Yin, Youbing
Ying, Jun
Ying, Kui
Ying, Leslie
Ylihautala, Mika
Yoder, Jon
Yodo, Kenji
Yodth, Arjun .G.Yodth
Yoganathan, SA
Yohay, Kaleb
Yokoo, Takeshi
Yokosawa, Suguru
Yokote, Hiroyuki
Yoneyama, Masami
Yong, Cai Xian
Yong, V. Wee
Yoo, Byunghee
Yoo, Hyoungsuk
Yoo, Ji
Yoo, Shi-Joon
Yoon, Daehyun
Yoon, Grace
Yoon, Yeonyee
Yoon, Young Cheol
Yorimitsu, Risa
Yorozu, Naoya
Yoshida, Kouji
Yoshida, Naoko
Yoshida, Shoko
Yoshihara, Hikari
Yoshikawa, Kohki
Yoshikawa, Takeshi
Yoshimaru, Eriko
Yoshimine, Toshiki
Yoshimoto, Akio
Yoshioka, Yoshichika
Yoshiura, Takashi
Young, Alistair
Young, Helen
Young, Karl
Young, Phillip
Young, Robert
Young, Simon
Young, Victoria
Young, W.
Young, William
Youngpeter, Katie
Yousfi, Nadir
Yousry, Tarek
Yrjänheikki, Juha
Yu, Bin
Yu, Changhong
Yu, Ding
Yu, Hanry
Yu, Hon
Yu, Hsi-Yu
Yu, Huanzhou
Yu, Hui
Yu, Hui Jing
Yu, Jeong-Sik
Yu, Jiangsheng
Yu, Jing
Yu, Kevin
Yu, Lei
Yu, Siu
Yu, Wei
Yu, Xiao-Jing
Yu, Xin
Yu, Yanming
Yu, Yeyang
Yu, Yong-Ming
Yuan, Chun
Yuan, Cuiping
Yuan, Hong
Yuan, Hong Yang
Yuan, Hongmei
Yuan, Jing
Yuan, Qing
Yuan, Yonggui
Yung, Andrew
Yung, Joshua
Yushkevich, Paul
Yushkevich, Paul A.
Yusuf, Erlangga
Yutzy, Stephen
Zaaraoui, Wafaa
Zabow, Gary
Zabriskie, Kerry
Zachariah, Cherian
Zacharias, Niki
Zacharoff, Lori
Zacharovova, Klara
Zagorodnov, Vitali
Zaharchuk, Greg
Zahn, Katrin
Zahneisen, Benjamin
Zaho, Tiejun
Zahr, Natalie
Zaidi, Habib
Zaiss, Moritz
Zaitsev, Maxim
Zakian, Kristen
Zakszewski, Elizabeth
Zalusky, Eric
Zamecnik, Patrik
Zamora, Marta
Zampa, Virna
Zampino, Maria
Zanchi, Marta
Zang, Yufeng
Zani, Michele
Zanzonico, Pat
Zarei Mahmoodabadi, Sina
Zarinabad nooralipour, niloufar
Zbyn, Stefan
Zech, Christoph
Zeffiro, Thomas
Zeidan Shwiri, Tawfiq
Zeineh, Michael
Zelaya, Fernando
Zeltner, Lena
Zemskov, Aleksey
Zeng, Huadong
Zeng, Mengsu
Zenge, Michael
Zerbi, Valerio
Zetterlund, MD, Patrik
Zevenhoven, Koos
Zha, Leping
Zha, Wei
Zhai, Huifang
Zhan, James
Zhan, Wang
Zhang, Aifeng
Zhang, Ailian
Zhang, Bei
Zhang, Boyang
Zhang, Chao
Zhang, Chen
Zhang, Feng
Zhang, Handi
Zhang, Haosen
Zhang, Honglei
Zhang, Hua-Lei
Zhang, Hui
Zhang, J
Zhang, Jeff
Zhang, Jevin
Zhang, Jian
Zhang, Jiangyang
Zhang, Jiawen
Zhang, Jiming
Zhang, Jin
Zhang, Jing
Zhang, Jingbo
Zhang, Jingjing
Zhang, John
Zhang, Jue
Zhang, Kaiyuan
Zhang, Ke
Zhang, Lei
Zhang, Li
Zhang, Liang
Zhang, Lijuan
Zhang, Min
Zhang, Min-ming
Zhang, Ming
Zhang, Minming
Zhang, Mo
Zhang, Na
Zhang, Ning
Zhang, Quan
Zhang, Ran
Zhang, Rong
Zhang, Rui
Zhang, Shengwei
Zhang, Shi-Zheng
Zhang, Shizheng
Zhang, Tao
Zhang, Vickie
Zhang, Wei Jun
Zhang, Weijun
Zhang, Weiwei
Zhang, XiaoAn
Zhang, Xiaobin
Zhang, Xiaodong
Zhang, Xiaohui
Zhang, Xiaojie
Zhang, Xiaoli
Zhang, Xiaoliang
Zhang, Xiaotong
Zhang, Xiaowei
Zhang, Xiaoyong
Zhang, Xu
Zhang, Yajie
Zhang, Yajing
Zhang, Yan
Zhang, Yanbo
Zhang, Yang
Zhang, Yanwei
Zhang, Yi
Zhang, Yong
Zhang, Yudong
Zhang, Yue
Zhang, Yunting
Zhang, Yunyan
Zhang, Zhao Qi
Zhang, Zhaoda
Zhang, Zhaoqi
Zhang, Zhenggang
Zhang, Zhigang
Zhang, Zhijun
Zhang, Zhiqiang
Zhang, Zhiyong
Zhang, Zhongping
Zhang, Zhongwei
Zhang, Zhuoli
Zhang, Ziheng
Zhao, Bo
Zhao, Chenguang
Zhao, Cong
Zhao, Feng
Zhao, Fuqiang
Zhao, Huilin
Zhao, Lei
Zhao, Li
Zhao, Lingyun
Zhao, Ping
Zhao, Piyu
Zhao, Qun
Zhao, Sha
Zhao, Shawlee
Zhao, Shihua
Zhao, Tiejun
Zhao, Xiaoli
Zhao, Xihai
Zhao, Xue-Qiao
Zhao, Xuna
Zhao, Yan
Zhao, Yi-lei
Zhao, Zhimin
Zheng, Bing
Zheng, Dandan
Zheng, Hai
Zheng, Hairong
Zheng, Jie
Zheng, Lei
Zheng, Tsinghua
Zheng, Wei
Zheng, Weili
Zheng, Weiliang
Zheng, Xu-ning
Zhigalin, Andrew
Zhitong, Zou
Zho, Sang-Young
Zhong, Jianhui
Zhong, Kai
Zhong, Liang
Zhong, Xiaodong
Zhou, Anqi
Zhou, Cheng
Zhou, Haiju
Zhou, Iris
Zhou, Jinyuan
Zhou, Ke
Zhou, Rong
Zhou, Shibin
Zhou, Tingting
Zhou, Wenjin
Zhou, Xiangzhi
Zhou, Xiaohong
Zhou, Xiaopeng
Zhou, Yan
Zhou, Yongxia
Zhou, Yu
Zhou, Yuxiang
Zhou, Zhihong
Zhu, Bo
Zhu, Chengcheng
Zhu, David
Zhu, Guanjun
Zhu, Haoqin
Zhu, He
Zhu, Hongtu
Zhu, Jian
Zhu, Jianfeng
Zhu, Minhua
Zhu, Senhua
Zhu, Tong
Zhu, Wenlian
Zhu, Wenzhen
Zhu, Xiao-hong
Zhu, Xiaolu
Zhu, Xiaoping
Zhu, Yan
Zhu, Yanchun
Zhu, Yinghua
Zhu, Yingxuan
Zhu, Yudong
Zhuo, Jiachen
Zhuo, Yan
Zhuo, Yue
Ziadloo, Ali
Ziemann, Ulf
Ziener, Christian
Zietkowski, Dominik
Zijta, Frank
Zimmerman, Earl
Zimmerman, R
Zimmerman, Robert
Zimmermann, Christine
Zimmermann, Ellen
Zimmermann, Jan
Zimmermann, Ulrich
Zink, Walter
Zinnanti, William
Zinnhardt, Bastian
Zivadinov, Robert
Znamirowski, Richard
Zoelch, Niklaus
Zoellner, Frank
Zohsel, Kathrin
Zong, Xiaopeng
Zotev, Vadim
Zou, Chao
Zou, Qihong
Zou, Xiaowei
Zou, Zhitong
Zsido, Gerald
Zsiros, Joseph
Zu, Zhongliang
Zuccarelli, Angelo
Zucker, Evan
Zuehlsdorff, Sven
Zumer, Johanna
Zun, Zungho
Zuo, Chun
Zuo, Jin
Zuo, Xinian
Zuo, Zhentao
Zur, Yuval
Zurek, Magdalena
Zviman, M
Zwanenburg, Jaco
Zwanzger, Peter
Zwart, Nicholas
Zwartbol, Rene
Zweier, Jay
Zweifel, Martin
Zwerina, Jochen
Zwick, Stefan
Zwiers, Marcel
Zühlsdorff, Sven
Zylka, Waldemar
Zynger, Debra
Zölch, Niklaus
Zöllei, Lilla
Åkeson, P.
Åkeson, Per
Åkesson, Per
Örbom, Anders
Östman, Arne
Özerdem, Celal
Šuput, Dušan
Østergaard, Leif
Absolute Beginners' Guide to Anatomical & Functional MRI of the Brain
Acquisition Strategies: From 3D to Spectroscopy
Acquisition Strategies: Improving the Old & Exploring the New
ADC & DTI Methods
Advanced Topics in Image Reconstruction
Advances in Image Analysis
Analysis of Breast Images
Analysis of Prostate Images
Animal fMRI
Animal Models in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Animal Models of Brain Disease Other than Stroke
Animal Models of Stroke
Application of Diffusion Sensitive MR
Applications & Evaluations of State-of-the-Art Sequences
Array Coil Applications
Arterial Spin Labeling
Arterial Spin Labeling - Applications
Arterial Spin Labeling - Methods
Articular Cartilage: Quantitative & MRI Analysis
Artifacts & Correction - Eddy Currents & Bo Homogeneity
Artifacts & Correction: Motion I
Artifacts & Correction: Non-Motion
Artifacts & Correction: B0 Estimation & Distortion Correction
Artifacts & Correction: Motion II
Artifacts & Correction: Phase Processing & SWI
Artifacts & Corrections: Imaging Near Metal
Artifacts & Motion Correction
Artifacts & Motion: Correction
Artifacts in Body MRI: Case-Based Teaching
B0 & B1: Quantification & Correction
B1 & Mapping
Body - Animal Models
Body - Non-Cancer
Body Applications of Contrast Media & Bowel MRI
Body Diffusion: Technique & Clinical Applications
Body Diffusion: Beyond ADC?
Body Fat & Body MRS
Body MRI: Applications & Evaluations
Bone: Assessment of Traveculae & Structural Analysis
Bowel Motion & Gas
Brain Across Species
Brain Microstructure & Diffusion Imaging
Breast I
Breast II
Breast MRI
Breast MRI - Clinical & Technical
Bridging the Gap between MR & ER
Brittle Bones & Stiff Disks
bSSFP: Improvements & Applications
Cancer - Animal Models
Cancer - Cells, Biopsies & Biofluids
Cancer Animal Models
Cancer Animal Models - Characterization & Response
Cancer Cells
Cancer Cells - Biopsies, Biofluids
Cancer: Multi Modal Imaging Including PRI/MRI
Cardiac Sequences: Applications & Evaluations
Cardiovascular Image Processing
Cardiovascular Image Processing & Flow Quantification
Cardiovascular MR Imaging: Bridging the Gap Between Research & Clinical Problems
Cardiovascular MRI - Exploring the Boundaries Part 1: Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging
Cardiovascular MRI - Exploring the Boundaries Part 2: Ultra-High Field Cardiovascular MRI
Cardiovascular MRI - Exploring the Boundaries Part 3: Case-Based Studies in CMR
Cartilage - Contrast Enhanced Imaging
Cell Tracking & Gene Expression
Cell Tracking & Gene Reporters
Cell Tracking & Gene Responders
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer
Clinical Application of Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Clinical Application of Diffusion Tensor Imaging I
Clinical Application of Diffusion Tensor Imaging II
Clinical Application of Diffusion Tensor Imaging III
Clinical Applications of 7T Including Neurodegenerative Diseases
Clinical Applications of Ultra-High Field 7T MR - Moving to FDA/EU Approval
Clinical Decision Making with Advanced Techniques
Clinical Protocol Challenges in MSK
Coils & Arrays for UHF MRI
Combined MRI
Commonly Missed Diagnoses in Shoulder & Knee MR
Compressed Sensing & Receive Arrays
Compressed Sensing & Sparsity
Contrast Enhanced MRA (Non Coronary)
Contrast Enhanced MRA (Non-Coronary)
Contrast-free MRA
Coronary Artery & Vessel Wall Imaging
Cortical Cartography: Case-Based Teaching
Dementia Diagnosis - What Can We Learn from Structural Analysis
Dental MRI
Developing Brain
Developing Brain I
Developing Brain II
Diabetes & Obesity
Diffusion + Perfusion - Neuro
Diffusion Acquisition & Pulse Sequences
Diffusion Acquisition & Pulse Sequences Methods
Diffusion Applications, Non-Gaussian Diffusion & Diffusion Related Contrasts
Diffusion MR: Advanced Signal Models & Reconstruction
Diffusion Phantoms
Diffusion Tensor & Beyond
Diffusion: DTI & ADC
Drug Discovery
Dynamic Contrast Enhancement Methods (DCE-MRI)
Dynamic Imaging & Compressed Sensing
Electromagnetic Tissue Property Mapping
Endogenons Contrast Relaxometry
Endogenons Contrast: Relaxation, CEST & MT
Endogenous Contrast Mechanisms: CEST & Relaxation
Endogenous Contrast Mechanisms: MT & Relaxometry
Experimental Myocardial Imaging & Flow Imaging
Experimental Myocardial Imaging & Spectroscopy
Fast & Furious: The New Era of Rapid Imaging
Fat & Water
Fat-Water MRI
Female Pelvis & Bladder: Case-Based Teaching
Fetal & Female Pelvis
Fetal & Pediatric Neuro Studies
Flow Quantification & Cardiovascular Image Processing
Flow Quantification & Venal Function
Flow Quantification & Vessel Function
fMRI & Functional Connectivity Analysis
fMRI Acquisition & Artifacts
fMRI Analysis
fMRI Characteristics
fMRI Fluctuations: Artifacts & Information
fMRI in Brain Disorders I
fMRI in Brain Disorders II
fMRI in Brain Disorders III
fMRI Neuroscience Methods & Applications I
fMRI Neuroscience Methods & Applications II
fMRI Signal Contributions
fMRI: High Temporal & Spatial Resolution
fMRI: Respiratory Challenges
Function Connectivity: Physiology & Application
Functional & Structural MRI in Neurodegeneration
Functional Connectivity Analysis
Functional Connectivity Studies
Functional Connectivity: Mechanisms & Applications
Functional MRI
Functional MRI in Dementia
G Pulse, Algorithms & Software Tools
Gastrointestinal & Hepatobiliary Cancer (Clinical Studies)
Gastrointestinal & Hepatobiliary Cancers (Clinical Studies)
Gradient & Shim Coil Design
Gradients & Shims
Gradients, Shims & Magnets: Design, Construction & Characterization
Hardware for Animal MRI
Head & Neck MRI (including Cancer)
High Resolution Brain Imaging
Hip Bone & Soft Tissue Pathology: Case-Based Teaching
Hot Topics in Body MRI
Hot Topics in RF
Human Brain Tumors
Human Brain Tumors: Advances in Diagnosis & Prognosis
Human Brain Tumors: Response To Therapy
Human fMRI
Hyperpolarized C13
Hyperpolarized C13 I
Hyperpolarized C13 II
Hyperpolarized Gas: Techniques & Applications
Image Analysis
Image Analysis Advances
Image Analysis: Noise, Artifact & Parameter Maps
Image Reconstruction
Imaging in Psychiatric Disorders
Imaging of Psychiatric Disorders
Improving fMRI Acquisition
Integrated Software Packages
Interventional MRI: Cardiovascular Applications
Interventional MRI: Instrument Visualization, Guidance & Interfaces
Interventional MRI: MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound
Interventional MRI: Preclinical Drug Delivery & Clinical Applications
Interventional MRI: Thermotherapy & Thermometry
Interventional MRI: Technical Developments & Clinical Applications
Intervertebral Disk: Quantitative Analysis
Intracranial & Spine Infections
Iron Detection & Quantification
ISMRM/SMRT Forum: DTI: Is It Ready for the Clinic?
Kidney: Functional
Kinematic MR in the Knee & Small Joints/Inflammatory
Liver - Pancreas
Liver Fibrosis
Liver MRI: How I Do It
Lung MRI
Magnetization Transfer
Manganese Enhanced MRI
Manganese Enhanced MRI - Advances & Applications
Mapping Structural Anisotropy : Acquisition & Pipeline
Mapping Structural Anisotropy : Kurtosis
Mapping Structural Anisotropy : Novel Contrast
Mapping Structural Anisotropy : Reconstruction & Morphometry
Microscopy & Elastography
Molecular Imaging & Contrast Agents
Mouse Imaging: How to Do It Faster, Cheaper & Better
Mouse MRI
MR Angiography - Cranial
MR Engineering: Other
MR Guided Focused Ultrasound, Thermotherapy & Thermometry
MR Imaging in Brain Tumors - ISMRM/ASNR Joint Session
MR Imaging of the Post-Operative Joint
MR Physics & Techniques for Clinicians
MR Safety: Risk-Benefit Approach: Case-Based Teaching
MR Spectroscopy in Clinical Use
MR+: Multimodality Systems & Methods
MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound, Thermotheraphy & Thermometry
MRI in Drug Abuse
MRI of Articular Cartilage - New Methods
MRI of Articular Cartilage - Osteoarthritis
MRI of Elbow, Wrist & Hand
MRI of the Foot & Ankle
MRS - Metabolite Profiling & Metabolism
MRS Applied Methodology
MRS of Animal Brain (except Cancer)
MRS of Cells, Body Fluids & Others
MSK - New Sequences, Interesting Applications
MSK Tumors & Marrow Evaluation
MSK: 7T & Beyond MRI
Multichannel Transmit Monitoring & Simulation
Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis Human Studies Neuro
Muscle: Diabetes, Muscular Dystrophy, Diffusion Tensor
Myocardial Function: Experimental Models & Human Studies I
Myocardial Function: Experimental Models & Human Studies II
Myocardial Function: Experimental Models & Human Studies
Myocardial Imaging & Spectroscopy
Myocardial Perfusion: Experimental Models & Human Studies
Myocardial Tissue Characteristics & Spectroscopy: Human Studies
Myocardial Tissue Characterization: Human Studies
Neuro MRI from Start to Finish
Neuro MRI: Applicatious & Evaluations
Neurodegenerative Diseases: Miscellaneous
Neurophysiological Basis of fMRI
Neurovascular Angiography Techniques - Clinical Studies
New Contrast
New Methods for Generating Contrast
Non-Contrast & Contrast-Enhanced MRA
Non-Gaussian Diffusion
Non-Human fMRI
Non-Proton Coils & Hardware
Non-Proton MRI
Normal Aging Brain
Nouvelle Techniques in Current Clinical Use
Novel Coils & Arrays
Novel Contrast Agents & Labels
Novel RF & Other Systems
Novel Techniques for Image Analysis
Novel Tissue Contrast
NSF & Contrast Media
Oncologic Body Imaging
Optimization of 3D Fast Spin Echo
Other Cancers (Clinical Studies)
Parallel Imaging
Parallel Transmission & RF Pulse Design
Parallel Transmission in Three Dimensions
Perfusion & Diffusion Animal Models
Perfusion & Permeability Methodology
Perfusion & Permeability: DSC - Methods
Perfusion & Permeability: Preclinical & Clinical I
Perfusion & Permeability: Preclinical & Clinical II
Perfusion MRI: Applications in Humans & Animals
Perfusion MRI: DSC & DCE MRI
Perfusion/Permeability: DSC Methods
Placenta, Fetus & Gynecologic Malignancy
Preclinical MR of Cancer: Addressing Clinical Needs
Prostate Cancer (Clinical Studies)
Prostate Cancer (Clinical Studies) I
Prostate Cancer (Clinical Studies) II
Proton vs Hyperpolarized-Gas MRI for Evaluating the Lung
Pulmonary Structure & Function with Hyperpolarized Gas & Proton MRI
Pulse Sequences - Contrast Mechanisms
Pulse Sequences - Corrections
Pulse Sequences - Methods
Pulse Sequences - RF
Pulse Sequences - Water & Fat
Pulse Sequences & Applications
Pulse Sequences, Reconstruction + Analysis
Pushing the Bounds of fMRI Resolution
Quantitative & Calibrated fMRI
Quantitative MRI
Quantitative MRI: Link to Material Properties
Radial Imaging & Projections
Receive Coils & Arrays
Recent Advances in Image Analysis: Applications
Recent Advances in Image Analysis: Techniques
Reconstruction in Parallel Imaging
Reduction of Susceptibility Artifact: Imaging Around Metallic Implants
Relaxometry I
Relaxometry II
Renal Function - BOLD
RF Circuits & Systems
RF Modeling
RF Safety at High Field: SAR
Safety: Implants & Devices
Safety: Non-RF
Spectroscopic Imaging & Compressed Sensing
Spectroscopic Quantification
Spectroscopic Quantitation
Spectroscopy - Other
Spectroscopy Localization
Spectroscopy Quantification & Metabolism
Spinal Cord
Spinal Cord Imaging & Injury
Spine & Spinal Cord Imaging - ISMRM/ASNR Joint Session
Spine, Intervertebral Disc, Bone
Spine/Spinal Cord
Static & Dynamic B
Stress MRI for Evaluation of CAD
Stroke - Clinical Studies
Stroke: Clinical Studies
Structural & Functional MRI in Parkinson Disease
Susceptibility MRI: Applications & Evaluations
Tailoring Excitation with Parallel Transmission & Advanced Pulse Design
Targeted Molecular Imaging
The Many Faces of Image Reconstruction
The Short of It
Therapy Response
Toward Clinical 7T from Toe to Head
Trajectories & Novel Encoding Methods
Translational Imaging: Animal Models in MSK
Transmit Arrays: Coil Design
Transmit RF Arrays
Traveling Waves in MRI
Tumor Perfusion & Permeability
Tumor Therapy Response - Preclinical & Clinical
Ultrashort TE: MSK Applications
Ultrashort TE: MSK Applications
Undersampling & Compressed Sensing
Unenhanced MRA
Vessel Wall Imaging & Coronary MRA
Vessel Wall Imaging (Non Coronary)
Vessel Wall Imaging (Non-Coronary)
Weak in the Knees
White Matter Diseases
You Are what You Eat
Young Investigator Award Oral Presentations
Your Coils & You: A Primer for the Busy Clinician & the Curious Scientist
Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Conventional Contrast Agents
Val M. Runge
Molecular Imaging & Contrast Agents
View Submission
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