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Higher Lumbar Bone Mineral Density Is Associated with Narrowed Intervertebral Disc Space, But Not Higher Hip Bone Mineral Density: A Study in 359 Elderly Subjects Using an 8-Level MRI Based Disc Degeneration Grading System.

High-Resolution MRI at 7 T of Local Strains in the Intervertebral Disc

HR-MAS Spectroscopy of Human Intervertebral Disc Tissue Demonstrates the Lactate/N-Acetyl Ratio as a Potential Marker for Painful Degenerative Disc Disease

In Vivo Measurement of Relaxation Time of Water and N-Acetyl in Intervertebral Disc Using MR Spectroscopy

Iterative Decomposition of Water and Fat with Echo Asymmetry and Least-Squares Estimation (IDEAL) Imaging of the Cervical Spine: Clinical Efficiency Compared with Conventional MR