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High-Resolution GABA Detection With/without J Decoupling Using 2D Multiple-Quantum Coherence Spectroscopy

Investigation of Tissue Plasticity Following Low-Dose Amphetamine Treatment in Transient Ischemic Rat Stroke Model Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Metabolite Abnormalities in Rhesus Monkeys During Withdrawal of Methamphetamine: A 1H MR Spectroscopy Study at 3T

Reproducibility of T1 and Tissue Fractional Volume Mapping Using FRASIER: An Application to FMRI Settings

Author:Wanyong Shin  Hong Gu  Yihong Yang  

Session:fMRI Acquisition  

Spatial Variation of BOLD Contrast in the Activated ROI Is Correlated with Voxel-Wise Gray Matter Volume Fraction