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Steady-State Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with Trajectory Using Radially Batched Internal Navigator Echoes (TURBINE)

A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Vascular-Space-Occupancy (VASO) Blood Nulling Times: Influence of Hematocrit and Oxygenation on Null Times and CBV Quantification

TREMR: Table-Resonance Elastography with MR

Voxel-Wise Regressor Selection for Physiological Noise Correction with RETROICOR

Whole-Brain Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Imaging, Enabled by a Novel CBV-Weighted Single-Shot 3D VASO-FLAIR GRASE Sequence Combined with CBF-Weighted ASL and BOLD FMRI, Identifies Regional Hemodynamic and Metabolic Discrepancies