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Improved R2* Measurement Accuracy with Absolute SNR Truncation and Optimal Coil Combination

In Vivo Cardiac NMR Diffusion Weighted Imaging(DWI) for the Human Heart: Tackling Motion Issue with Temporal Maximum Intensity Projection(TMIP)-DWI and First Results in Humans

Myocardial Fibro-Fatty Infiltration in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Canine Model Detected Using Multi-Echo Dixon Method of Water and Fat Separation Imaging

Observer Performance with State-Of-The-Art T2 Weighted Sequences (T2p SsSSFP, T2w ACUTE, T2 DB TIRM, T2 DB BLADE) for the Detection of Area-At-Risk (AAR) in Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS).

A Parametric Model for Quantitative Analysis of Contrast-Enhanced First-Pass MR Myocardial Perfusion That Accounts for Gd-DTPA Interstitial Loading