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Correlation of MR Imaging Guided Prostate Biopsy Determined Gleason Grade and True Gleason Grade in Radical Prostatectomy Specimens

Correlation of Phospholipid Metabolites with the Proliferation Marker Ki-67 in Prostate Cancer Tissues

Correlation of Potential Myelin Measures from Quantitative Magnetisation Transfer (QMT) and Multi-Component Driven Equilibrium Single Pulse Observation of T1 and T2 (McDESPOT)

Correlation of T1 and T2* Corrected Dual-Echo MRI Vs. MRS for Hepatic Fat Determination in a Multicenter Clinical Trial: Results of the Phase II Study of the MTP Inhibitor AEGR-733

The Cortical Representation of Taster Status: Reducing the Heterogeneity of Group FMRI