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Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Dose-Response FMRI Trial of Buprenorphine: Differential Valence of BOLD Response Modulation to Innocuous and Noxious Stimuli in Sensory and Striatal Regions

Effect of Isoflurane Anesthesia on BOLD Response to Somatosensory Stimulation: Results from FMRI Experiments in Conscious Rats

functional MRI Correlates with Self-Assessment of Pain Intensity and Reveals Effect of the Opioid Analgesic Buprenorphine on Brain Processing of Noxious Stimulation

Pharmacological Challenge with the Opioid Analgesic Buprenorphine, But Not Placebo, Enhances Resting-State Functional Connectivity in the Pain Processing Network

Robust, Unbiased General Linear Model Estimation of PhMRI Data in the Presence of Variance in the Temporal Response Profile