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3D GRE Sequence with Two Different Flip Angle Excitation Pulses for Zonal T1- Mapping of Articular Cartilage at 3T: One-Year Follow-Up in Patients After Matrix-Associated Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation (MACT) of the Knee Joint

7 Tesla MR - Initial Results on T2 and T2* Mapping of Healthy Articular Cartilage and Cartilage Repair Tissue

Comparison of Delayed Gadolinium Enhanced MRI of Cartilage (DGEMRIC) Using Inversion Recovery and Fast T1 Mapping Sequences

High-Resolution Morphological and Biochemical Imaging of Articular Cartilage of the Ankle Joint at 3.0 T Using a New Dedicated Phased Array Coil: In-Vivo Reproducibility Study