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Displaying 1 - 5 of 11
Author:Garry E. Gold Neal K. Bangerter Ernesto K. Staroswiecki Eric Han Paul K. Gurney Graham A. Wright Brian A. Hargreaves
Author:Warren D. Foltz Venkat Ramanan Charles H. Cunningham Duncan J. Stewart Graham A. Wright Alexander J. Dick
Session:Relaxation Time Mapping & Relaxometry
Author:Kevan James Thompson Anderson Labonny Biswas Desmond Chung Jingyuan Huang Graham A. Wright
Session:Interventional MR
Author:Janakan Satkunasingham Desmond Chung Graham A. Wright Perry Radau
Session:MR Guided Interventions II (devices, sequences, applications)
Author:Jay S. Detsky Jeff A. Stainsby Ram Vijayaraghavan Alexander J. Dick Graham A. Wright
Session:Cardiac Viability and Contractility