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Daidzein-BSA-GdDTPA/CyTE777 a Novel Contrast Material for Functional and Molecular Targeting of Ovarian Carcinoma Tumors

Detection of MRI Contrast Based on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) in the Presence of the T2/T2* Contrast Agent Feridex

In Vivo Measurements of Tissue Transglutaminase Activity Using New Contrast Material for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI of Placental Angiogenesis in ‘Tetraploid Embryo Rescue’ of PKBalpha/Akt1- Deficient Mice Using Biotin-BSA-GdDTPA Enhanced 3D-MRI

Stroma Fibroblasts are Recruited Systemically to Contribute to the Tumor Angiogenic Rim: Cell Tracking by MRI and Two Photon Microscopy