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Displaying 106 - 110 of 509
Author:Karla L. Miller
Session:Improving Bold fMRI
Author:Jingbo Zhang Yousef Mazaheri Liang Wang Lawrence Schwartz Paul Russo Nicole Ishill Hedvig Hricak
Session:Cancer Detection & Diagnosis
Author:Chih-Liang Chin Terese R. Seifert Ann E. Tovcimak Vincent P. Hradil Michael J. Dart Gin C. Hsieh Michael D. Meyer Betty B. Yao Bryan F. Cox Gerard B. Fox
Session:fMRI: Animal Models
Author:Mark Bydder Jiang Du Atsushi Takahashi Ann Shimakawa Gavin Hamilton Shantanu Sinha Graeme M. Bydder
Session:Artifacts and Correction
Author:Muhammed Yildirim Jochen Keupp Klaas Nicolay Rolf Lamerichs
Session:Chemical Shift Imaging