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A Novel Methodology for Non-Invasive and In Vivo Characterization of Soft Tissue Mechanical Properties Using Phase Contrast MRI and MR-Compatible Dynamometer

Automated Characterization of Normal and Diseased Regions of Calcified Layers in Human Patella from Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) Imaging on a 3T Clinical System

Dual-Echo Gradient Echo (DEGE) Phase Contrast (PC) Imaging for High Temporal Resolution Flow Studies in Flow Phantom, Aneurysm Models and In Vivo Human Carotid Artery

Finite Element Modeling of the Human Triceps Surae Aponeurosis Based on Force-Diplacement Data from In Vivo Motion Tracking with Phase Contrast MRI

Multidimensional Displacement Analysis of the Triceps Surae Muscle Tendon Complex During Isometric Contraction - A Velocity-Encoded MRI Study at 3T