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Arterial-Phase Bolus-Track Liver Examination (ABLE): Optimization of Liver Arterial Phase Gadolinium Enhanced MRI Using Centric Re-Ordered 3D Gradient Echo and Bolus Track Real-Time Imaging

Articular Cartilage Under Static Load: A Quantitative Polarized Light Microscopic Imaging Study Correlated with Micro-MRI (µMRI) Findings

Artifact Reduction in Undersampled BLADE/PROPELLER MRI by K-Space Extrapolation Using Parallel Imaging

Artifact Simulating Subarachnoid and Intraventricular Hemorrhage on Single Shot Fast Spin Echo Flair Images: A Trap for the Unwary

Artificial Neuronal Network Analysis of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response Using Quantitative Morphological, Texture and Enhancement Kinetic Parameters