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Fast Low-Angle Dual Spin-Echo (FLADE): A New Pulse Sequence for Micro-Imaging of Trabecular Bone

Fast Spatially Resolved Measurement of R2’ and R2 of Each Component of Cancellous Bone Marrow and Correlation of R2’ with Trabecular Bone Volume Fraction (BVF)

Labeling Transected Axons with Intracellular Gd-DTPA for Micro-MRI of Lamprey Spinal Cord Injury

Measurement of Phosphorus Content in Normal and Osteo-Malacic Rabbit Bone by Solid-State 3D Radial Imaging

Performance Comparison of the Spatial Autocorrelation Function and the Mean Intercept-Length in the Determination of Trabecular Bone Anisotropy in the In Vivo Environment