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Black-blood T2-weighted Spin-echo Echo Planar Imaging of the Liver with SENSE: A Optimization and Feasibility Study

Breath-hold T2-weighted MR imaging of the liver: Comparison of true FISP, true FISP with driven equilibrium preparation pulse, and breath-hold fast spine-echo with or without fat suppression.

Characterization of focal hepatic lesions on diffusion-weighted MR imaging: Comparison between single-shot echo-planar imaging and single shot fast spine echo sequence.

Comarison of respiratory triggered and breath hold MRCP using 3D FR FSE with an 8 channel phased array coil in combined use of ASSET

Detection of hepatic metastases in diffusion-weighted single-shot echoplanar imaging with sensitivity encoding (SENSE-DWI): a comparison with superparamagnetic iron oxide-enhanced MRI (SPIO-MRI) based