To investigate APT-CEST feasibility as pH-sensitive contrast, a multislice CEST EPI sequence was evaluated. The proposed sequence allows continuous saturation during EPI measurement, leaving sufficient time to capture robust CEST data by multiple repetitions. The saturation scheme was optimized in a phantom study and with healthy volunteers. With the availability of 3D CEST data a subsequent registration of APT-CEST contrast images to 31P-MRSI can be achieved for evaluating pH-related changes in APT-CEST contrast. This is demonstrated in a study of a patient with glioblastoma.
APT-CEST (Amid Proton Transfer - Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer) is a 1H-based method that provides information on pH via the chemical exchange of saturated amide protons with water protons. Due to the higher spatial resolution and by not requiring the use of specific hardware, this method offers advantages for intracellular pH imaging compared to 31P-MRS, which exploits the pH dependent chemical shift of inorganic phosphate (Pi). However, APT-CEST is challenging since contrasts depend on multiple factors such as sequence parameters and magnetization transfer effects arising from dissolved proteins, peptides, amino acids and metabolites 1 .
To assess the suitability of APT-CEST for pH evaluation, data were acquired with a multislice CEST-EPI sequence. A phantom and volunteer studies were used to optimize the saturation scheme, while the feasibility of monitoring local pH-changes was confirmed in a glioblastoma patient based on 31P-MRSI data.
Based on the phantom data, it could be shown that the number of saturation pulses between acquisitions of a single slice has no influence on the APT-CEST contrast. Figure 1 shows the results for a slab with 8 slices at a TR of 4000/8000/12000/16000ms (1 pulse/2pulse/3pulse/4pulse, 1 slice).
Figure 2 shows the APT-CEST contrast for a healthy subject obtained either from MTRasym (top) or from the residual signal of the amides after LDA (bottom). To improve the SNR, APT-CEST data were averaged 6 times (duration: 20min for a total of 175 offsets over the whole volume).
Figure 3 shows data from a patient with glioblastoma in the frontal medullary bed: pH map obtained via 31P-MRS (top) and the co-registered APT-CEST data (bottom). The spectroscopic data show that pH is increased in the glioblastoma and decreases with increasing distance from the focal point. Similarly, MTRasym shows an increased contrast in the area of the glioblastoma.
The presented multislice sequence provides robust data. With the availability of 3D CEST data a subsequent registration to the spectroscopic data allows a direct comparison of pathological pH-changes for both methods over the entire tumor offering the feasibility to study pH-related changes in the APT-CEST contrast.
1. van Zijl Peter C.M. ,et al. Magnetization Transfer Contrast and Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI. Features and analysis of the field-dependent saturation spectrum.Neuroimage 2017
2. Schüre Jan-Rüdiger ,et al. Correlation of tissue pH via 31P-MRSI with MTRasym derived from APT CEST-MRI in glioblastoma and normal appearing white matter.ISMRM 2018
3. Petroff OA,et al. Cerebral Intracellular pH by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Neurology 1985;35(6)781-8