Suzanne L. Franklin1,2, Sophie Schmid1, Clemens Bos2, and Matthias J.P. Van Osch1
1C.J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI, Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Center of Imaging Sciences, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
In this study, the
influence of the cardiac cycle on the amount of label produced by velocity-selective (VSASL) and
acceleration-selective arterial spin labeling (AccASL) was investigated. A
sequence combining pCASL and VSASL(AccASL) was developed to isolate the arterial
blood pool. Results showed significant arterial signal fluctuations
in the amount of label produced by VSASL, AccASL and pCASL over the cardiac
cycle. Hence, in order to become independent of the cardiac cycle, sufficient
averages need to be taken when applying these techniques. Alternatively, these
findings could be highly interesting
for the purpose of quantifying pulsatility higher up in the
vascular tree.
Velocity-selective1 (VSASL) and acceleration-selective arterial
spin labeling2 (AccASL) are two ASL methods, that reduce the influence of transit-time by labeling spins based on velocity or
acceleration, thereby also labeling
within the imaging region. Because of pulsatility of blood flow, variations
can be expected in the amount of label created, depending on the cardiac phase during which the VSASL- or AccASL-module is performed. It is important to know
whether this effect is significant to allow
correct interpretation of these techniques, as well as to maximize temporal SNR, especially when performing
fMRI3. In this study, effects of the cardiac cycle on the amount of label produced is investigated for both VSASL and
AccASL. Methods
A sequence was
developed where pCASL was followed by a single VSASL- or AccASL module to
isolate the cardiac effect of these modules on the arterial blood pool,
and thereby eliminate potential venous and/or diffusion contributions (Figure 1A). A pulse-oximeter (PPU) was used to register the
cardiac phase.
volunteers were scanned (3T-MRI, Philips), seven for pCASL-VSASL (22–56 years) and seven for pCASL-AccASL (19–59 years), see Figure 1B for scan parameters. All volunteers were
screened for MRI contra-indications and provided
written informed consent. Furthermore, a cine phase-contrast scan with
PPU-triggering, as well as a 3D-T1w-image (for gray-matter mask) and a whole-brain
phase-contrast angiography (arterial mask) were acquired.
All images were realigned
(SPM12) and data analysis was conducted in Matlab. The data yielded four label/control conditions. For subtraction, pairs
of label/control conditions needed to be found with similar times of
measurement (to correct for scanner-drift) and heart phases, see Figure 2. Subtractions were
obtaining four different ASL images;
single-VSASL(AccASL), pCASL, a crushed pCASL-image (pCASL followed
by VSASL(AccASL) crushing) and VSArt(AccArt) that isolates the effect of VSASL(AccASL)-crushing on the pCASL label (Figure 1C). All
ASL-images were binned into
ten cardiac phase bins.
The percentage signal
change was calculated and plotted for each cardiac phase. A permutation test
was performed to test whether the observed signal variance over the cardiac
cycle is significantly higher than expected from noise. The heart phase of each
datapoint was randomly permuted and the resulting variance over the cardiac
cycle was calculated. This was repeated 250 times to build a volunteer-specific
distribution, in order to test whether the observed variance lay within this
distribution (α
Images of two
representative volunteers are shown in Figure 3. Both the VSASL and the AccASL
dataset show arterial signal fluctuations over the cardiac cycle, and to a
lesser extent also gray matter fluctuations. Averaged for all volunteers, VSArt
shows significant arterial signal fluctuations over the cardiac cycle of up to
35%, just as AccArt (63%) and pCASL (25%, both datasets), see Figure 4.
Single-VSASL (9%) and
single-AccASL (28%) both showed significant fluctuations over the cardiac cycle
for 6 out of 7 volunteers. Gray matter signal fluctuations were not
consistently significant for any of the ASL-images. Looking at the
label/control conditions a clear pattern emerges (Figure 5), averaged over all
volunteers, the [pCASL-control VSASL(AccASL)-control] and [pCASL-label VSASL(AccASL)-label] images show less
fluctuations than [pCASL-label VSASL(AccASL)-control] and [pCASL-label VSASL(AccASL)-control]
images, most prominently for AccASL.Discussion & conclusion
The results showed that the arterial part of the label
generated by a single VSASL- and AccASL-module (VSArt and AccArt) fluctuates significantly
over the cardiac cycle. pCASL, single-VSASL and single-AccASL images also show
significant arterial fluctuations over the cardiac cycle. Single-VSASL showed
less fluctuations than VSArt, which could be explained by the fact that
single-VSASL also labels venous blood, which will be less dependent on the
cardiac cycle. This agrees with the observation that single-AccASL showed
similar fluctuations as AccArt, since AccASL has minimal venous blood labeling2.
Signal intensity plots of the label/control conditions suggest that the fluctuations
over the cardiac cycle are not caused by fresh inflow, which would impact all
four images equally. This supports the idea that the fluctuations are indeed
caused by the amount of label produced. In previous work, we used a triggered
sequence which gave promising, albeit inconclusive results, because the cardiac
cycle was sampled in only five phases and less samples could be acquired4.
This study has shown that
VSASL, AccASL, and pCASL fluctuate significantly over the cardiac cycle. Sufficient averages need
to be taken when applying these techniques, in order to become independent of the
cardiac cycle. In addition, this shows the potential of VSASL and AccASL to
measure pulsatility higher up in the vascular tree.Acknowledgements
work is part of the research programme Drag ‘n Drop ASL with project number 14951, which is (partly) financed by the Netherlands
Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).References
1. Wong EC, Cronin M, Wu WC, Inglis B,
Frank LR, and Liu TT. Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling. Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine 2006; 55:1334-1341.
2. Schmid S, Ghariq E, Teeuwisse WM, Webb
A, and Van Osch MJP. Acceleration-selective Arterial Spin Labeling. Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine 2014; 71:191-199.
3. Hernandez-Garcia L, Nielson J-F, Noll
DC. Improved sensitivity and temporal resolution in perfusion fMRI using
velocity selective inversion ASL. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2018; 00:1–12.
4. Franklin SL, Schmid S, Bos C, Van Osch MJP. The influence of the cardiac cycle on
velocity-selective and acceleration-selective Arterial Spin Labeling. Presented
at ISMRM Conference 2018, Paris, France.