Functional Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (fQSM) has two very appealing and promising features: it is a quantitative way of mapping brain function and it is considerably less affected by the non-local effects typical of the Blood Oxygenation Level-Dependent (BOLD) signal. Here, the response of the auditory cortex to the presentation of relatively short acoustic stimuli has been studied. The majority of voxels with positive BOLD responses exhibited negative fQSM responses, while some other voxels exhibited positive fQSM repsonses, which might reflect different interplays among changes in fractional oxygen saturation, cerebral blood flow and volume.
The data of four healthy subjects were acquired with a GE MR950 7T scanner. For each subject, the acquisition protocol included two 2D gradient-recalled Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) sequences with TR=2.5s, TE=21.3ms, and isotropic voxels of size 1.8×1.8×1.8mm3. Both the magnitude and the phase of the data were saved. During scanning, MRI-compatible earbuds delivered acoustic stimuli to the subject according to the paradigm shown in Figure 1.
Each individual volume of the phase timeseries underwent a well-established pre-processing pipeline that included phase unwrapping14 and background phase removal15. Quantitative values of magnetic susceptibility χ (fQSM) were obtained from the phase data16 by using the iLSQR algorithm7. The magnitude images were coregistered to the first time frame of the first acquisition of each subject17 and the transformation matrices were applied also to the timeseries of fQSM data. Slow temporal drifts in the timeseries were removed by a high-pass filter (retaining the DC component) with a cutoff frequency of 0.02Hz. To avoid any assumption on the shape of fQSM responses, the mean responses to the stimuli were computed by using a data-driven approach based on signal deconvolution on each voxel18-20 with goodness-of-deconvolution evaluated in terms of r2, with 0≤r2≤119. Statistics (P-values) for the r2 values were obtained by using a permutation analysis method: by taking the r2 value that ranked as the 99% highest value in the chance distribution, a cutoff r2 value to select volxels with P<0.01 was identified19. A value of r2=0.1 was obtained for both BOLD and fQSM. Regions of interest (ROIs) were manually drawn in the BOLD maps thresholded at P<0.01, around the clusters of active voxels in the auditory cortex21. For each voxel that exhibited statistically significant activations in both BOLD and fQSM, the following items describing the stimulus responses were considered: r2, timecourse of the stimulus response, mean of the voxel timecourse, peak of the response. The relationships among these items were assessed with scatter plots, linear fits and Pearson’s coefficients of linear correlation.
Figure 2 shows that activated voxels in fQSM were fewer than in BOLD fMRI (17% on average across subjects, for the same threshold of r2>0.1). The 82% of activated voxels had responses with opposite sign in fQSM with respect to BOLD, while the remaining voxels exhibited BOLD and fQSM responses of the same sign.
The shapes of the fQSM responses were very similar to that of the average BOLD response, with peak values that occurred about 6s after the end of the stimulation event (Figure 3).
Figure 4 shows the relationship among fQSM r2 values, the mean T2*-weighted signal of the EPI images, and the fQSM peak responses. The highest r2 values in fQSM correspond to T2*-hypointense voxels which represent veins, where negative fQSM responses beyond -10ppb occur. However, high fQSM r2 values (r2>0.3) were observed also in non-vein voxels that had, for the most part, small negative fQSM responses -5<χ<0 ppb (green and yellow dots in Figures 4A and 5) and moderately positive (0<χ<50ppb) QSM mean values (Figure 5), typical of cortical gray matter9,22,23, as confirmed by retrospective manual inspection of the data. The majority of voxels with positive fQSM responses had moderately negative QSM mean values (Figure 5, red dots) that are typically associated to white matter24.
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