This study presents the creation of 2D white matter models, based on real histologically derived axon shapes, with
The gradient echo (GRE) MRI signal evolution is affected both in the magnitude and phase depending on the magnetic susceptibility of its various compartments with respect to the main static field B0. These effects have been successfully simulated with the hollow cylinder model [1]. However, recent work using realistic models of white matter has shown that this simple representation is not accurate enough to simulate the complex GRE signal [2]. In this study, we extend that work and present methods to: (i) generate models of white matter microstructure with different fiber volume fraction (FVF) and g-ratio based on real axon shapes; (ii) use these models to simulate GRE signal; (iii) train a deep learning network and demonstrate its ability to recover relevant microstructure specific parameters.[1] Wharton, Samuel, and Richard Bowtell. "Gradient echo based fiber orientation mapping using R2* and frequency difference measurements." Neuroimage 83 (2013): 1011-1023.
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Fig 1. Left: Axon packing illustration. 400 axons randomly picked are regularly placed on a 1000x1000 grid, the extra-axonal space is represented in blue and the green axons are surrounded by their yellow myelin sheaths. The axons are attracted to the center of the image and repulse each other to avoid overlap. The packing process occurs to achieve a high FVF value (0,85).
Right: WM Models. Axons are randomly removed from the packed area to reach an expected FVF. Then, keeping the same myelinated axon shapes,the mean g-ratio is modified by dilatation/erosion of the myelin to obtain a model with expected FVF and g-ratio
Fig 2. Left panel: Top left figure represent myelin phospholipid orientation of one axon. The 3 other images represent the simulated field with various B0 orientation (polar angle θ and the azimuthal angle Ф) and fixed susceptibility values (Xi = - 0,1 ppm, Xa = -0,1 ppm).
Right panel: Corresponding magnitude and phase of the signal with different θ and Ф values. As expected, there is an important signal variation as a function of θ, while the Ф has a smaller but non-negligible effect. This observation leads us to take the entire orientation of the B0 magnetic field (θ and Ф) into our model.