We describe a method for automated fetal brain reconstruction from stacks of 2D single-shot slices. Brain localization is performed by a deep distance regression network. Slice alignment is accomplished by a global search in the rigid transform space followed by registration using a fractional derivative metric. An outlier robust hybrid $$$1,2$$$-norm and linear high order regularization are used for reconstruction. Brain localization has achieved competitive results without requiring annotated segmentations. The method has produced acceptable reconstructions in 129 out of 133 3T fetal examinations tested so far.
Localization is performed on each acquired stack by training a deep V-net with the cost in Fig. 1(1), where $$$p$$$ at voxel $$$n$$$ is given in Fig. 1(2). $$$3$$$x$$$3$$$x$$$1$$$ within-slice convolutions are stacked with $$$1$$$x$$$1$$$x$$$3$$$ through-plane convolutions. Two encoding, one connection and one decoding level are used, each of them comprised of residual blocks8. Joint max-average pooling doubles the channel number at coarser scales. Stack reconstructions are preprocessed by $$$2$$$x in-plane downsampling, largest average intensity slice selection from $$$4$$$-slice neighborhoods, and channel concatenation of blocks of $$$2$$$x$$$2$$$ neighboring in-plane pixels. Brain BB were marked in $$$256$$$ stacks from $$$45$$$ participants from which two $$$128$$$/$$$128$$$ training/testing sets are generated for two independent performance experiments and later combined to train the network for reconstruction. Each stack is $$$50$$$x augmented by applying both global and per-slice random translations, rotations and multiplicative biases. Ellipsoidal distance transforms are used to train the network ($$$30$$$min/$$$128$$$ stacks), from which regressed distances can fit per-stack brain localization ellipsoids.
Stack information is modelled by the encoding operator $$$\mathbf{E}$$$ in Fig. 1(3). Soft masks and stack data $$$\mathbf{y}$$$ are back transformed by $$$\mathbf{E}_v^H$$$, with $$$v$$$ the stack index and centroid-aligned to perform wide range translational and rotational tracking by brute-force search in a discretized rigid transform space. Reconstructions are obtained at $$$2$$$mm and $$$1$$$mm by solving Fig. 1(4) using iteratively re-weighted conjugate gradient. Masks are propagated backwards and forwards following Fig. 1(5). Reconstruction is interleaved with alignment refinement by a Levenberg-Marquardt optimization of Fig. 1(6) operating successively at the stack, package and excitation levels with most steps at $$$2$$$mm. Rotation to a standard pose employs a spatial transformer network9.
Supine scans on a a Philips 3T Achieva with a $$$32$$$-channel cardiac coil from a cohort of $$$141$$$ fetuses ($$$21$$$-$$$38$$$ weeks GA) with full examination (minimum of $$$6$$$ stacks) in $$$133$$$ of them are used for testing. The protocol uses the MB tip-back prepared zoom TSE technique10. Data is acquired at $$$1.1$$$x$$$1.1$$$x$$$2.2$$$mm with $$$TR=2.2$$$s, $$$TE=250$$$ms, MB $$$2$$$, SENSE $$$2$$$ half-scan $$$0.65$$$ (approximately $$$2$$$min per stack), reconstructed using hybrid-space SENSE11, and inhomogeneity-corrected using $$$B_1$$$ calibrations.
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